Vectors of promising development of MTZ: innovative ideas and ways of their implementation. Working for the future - preserving the enterprise and the workforce Not by tractor alone

General Director Fedor Domotenko reported to the President of the Republic of Belarus on the results of financial and economic activities of OJSC MTZ.

The head of state held a number of meetings with the heads of the Minsk City Executive Committee, ministries and departments on the situation in the economy and the labor market. A logical continuation was Alexander Lukashenko’s promised visit to the largest enterprises in Minsk in order to see on the ground how things were going in the teams. On May 15, the President of the Republic of Belarus visited the Minsk Tractor Plant.

Our enterprise is iconic in all respects. City-forming, shaft-forming, one of the largest suppliers of products for export (today every tenth tractor in the world is of the Belarus brand). MTZ is a kind of platform where you can study in miniature the trends and situation that is developing in particular at industrial enterprises and in the country’s economy in general. The structure of MTZ-Holding includes ten enterprises, the head one being Minsk Tractor Plant OJSC, which employs about 18 thousand people, and in the holding as a whole - about 30 thousand. As the head of state noted, if we multiply this figure by four (the average Belarusian family), we get an impressive number of people who are fed by this impressive colossus. And by “feeds” we must understand not only wages, but also the social package that provides certain conditions of comfort, work and life. Therefore, the head of state set one of the most important tasks for today to the government and enterprise leaders - the preservation of labor collectives.

The head of state visited the tractor assembly building, where he saw how the main conveyor worked and met with factory workers.

“The situation in the world is not easy,” Alexander Lukashenko said at a meeting with factory workers. – Hold on to your jobs. Listen less to chatterboxes. Fierce competition ensued. Oil, natural gas, metals, final sales of goods - these are the interests and the main money. There is a struggle going on, even to the point of a hot war. In this difficult time, we need to withstand, endure, save the country. We will preserve labor collectives, but we will only support those who want to work. There is even more powerful competition ahead. Therefore, slobs, parasites, alcoholics and crooks have nothing to do in work collectives.

The Minsk Tractor Plant, like other enterprises in our country, has already gone through difficult times. Salaries were delayed, there were arrears in payments to the budget. And then there were those who wanted to destabilize the situation, arguing that the enterprise should be sold, that it had no future. But thanks to the reasonable policy of the country’s leadership and state support, thanks to the balanced decision of the President of Belarus, the team was supported. And the team proved that it can, wants and will work so that the Belarus brand remains known throughout the world.

The objective reality of the present time - the global financial and economic crisis, the change in the political balance of power in the post-Soviet space - have influenced the development of the economy of our country in general and enterprises in particular. The quality of goods, the creation of innovative products, a strict marketing policy, plus informed management decisions are the basis for the stable operation of any business entity, especially an industrial enterprise. Objectively, we must admit that MTZ has its own difficulties, but it also has its own positive developments, there is experience in solving problems, and most importantly, there are those who are able to overcome these problems.

At MC-5, the head of state was told by General Director of MTZ OJSC Fyodor Domotenko (right) and Chief Technologist of MTZ OJSC Alexander Lebedev (left) about modern German and Italian equipment with high-quality processing of parts.

Speaking about the state of affairs at the Minsk Tractor Plant following a visit to the enterprise, Alexander Lukashenko noted that he expected the worst. But, having examined the model range of tractors exhibited on the factory square, having visited mechanical shop No. 5, the tractor assembly building, having assessed the information on financial and economic activities reported by the General Director of MTZ OJSC Fedor Domotenko, the head of state concluded that the plant has perspective.

– The main thing is that you – your managers from technologists to the general director – follow the development prospects of the plant for the next five years. And I am sure that you will find the money you need for modernization in your own production,” noted Alexander Grigorievich at a meeting with representatives of the enterprise’s workforce.

In his report, the general director did not hide any “problematic” figures and clearly reported the development strategy for the near future. It concerned the transfer of part of production to enterprises included in the holding to free up sites for the assembly of energy-rich, powerful tractors. At the same time, Fyodor Aleksandrovich assured the head of state that not a single centimeter of production space would be rented out. Close attention will be paid to all enterprises included in the holding, but special emphasis will be placed on enterprises that produce the finished product (Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Assemblies OJSC and Mozyr Machine-Building Plant OJSC). The head spoke about plans to modernize production (more than two hundred million euros will be invested in it by 2020), about promising new models and modifications of manufactured equipment, about its promotion to foreign markets and tactics to reduce existing stock levels. The President got acquainted with samples of equipment produced at the enterprise, including promising developments, and also examined the line of attachments produced by Amkodor OJSC. Alexander Grigorievich noted with satisfaction how the internal and external design and comfort of the cabin of small-sized tractors have changed. The head of state drew attention to the inadmissibility of unjustified import of products produced at Belarusian enterprises. The President demanded that the government take all necessary measures to protect the domestic market:

– God forbid if our enterprises this year buy (import) tractors and other equipment that we produce. We can do everything ourselves. And we must first protect, support and promote our own manufacturer.

According to the head of state, a special meeting on this topic is planned in the near future, where the government will report on the measures taken and report on the feasibility of this or that import.

On the main conveyor, Alexander Lukashenko got involved in the production process and helped install the tractor cabin.

Of course, breaking into Europe or any other market is not so easy. Competitors do not even think about selling our products or do so very reluctantly. But if they put up barriers for our producers, then our country has the right to respond in kind.

As the head of state said:

– We warned: you closed yourself off from us, we will close you off and see how you trade through the Baltic or Ukraine.

Alexander Lukashenko recalled that even in the context of Russia’s imposition of retaliatory sanctions against a number of Western goods, Belarus did not stop cooperating with suppliers in the West.

According to the President, there are several reasons that caused the processes that are taking place in the Belarusian economy today. First of all, external ones, given how slow and difficult the processes of recovery of the global economy are. For example, the situation in the Russian market is difficult now. For our enterprises, this is the main consumer of products (about half of them are supplied there).

– MTZ is lucky because you produce goods that people need. Without your equipment it is impossible to feed and clothe a person,” the President noted.

Information from MTZ General Director Fedor Domotenko about strategic directions for developing new sales markets and consolidating existing ones became the subject of discussion both at the exhibition of finished equipment and in a conversation with the team. The company's marketing policy places emphasis on diversifying sales markets and promoting new models of energy-rich tractors. If the supply of tractors to the traditional Russian market has decreased, new ones are being intensively developed. According to the general director, negotiations have been held with representatives of Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa, official invitations have already been received and contracts are planned to be signed in the near future. An assembly plant is being created in Pakistan and has already been created in Lithuania. Currently, products are being certified to meet the requirements of European environmental legislation and so on. A certain part of the products will go to the European market. After the recent visit to our country by the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, among others, the issue of creating another assembly plant in China was considered.

Two operating assembly plants of MTZ tractors in this country have shown that this market is huge and must be held on to.

The head of state was shown a tractor in the range of equipment, which is assembled in China. Another new product from Minsk tractor manufacturers is Belarus, which runs on gas engine fuel. As MTZ General Designer Andrey Stasilevich reported, the use of this type of fuel allows for significant savings on operation. This indicator becomes the third and integral link in the already known “price – quality” chain and plays an important role in the consumer’s decision to purchase equipment or not. So, switching even 10 percent of municipal equipment and transport to gas will save tens of millions of dollars. Trial batches of such equipment are already in use in Minsk. The road map for the development of the gas motor fuel market in Belarus, signed at the end of 2014 by Gazprom Gas Engine Fuel and Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, provides for active interaction with the authorities to introduce incentive mechanisms for the purchase of equipment running on natural gas, and cooperation with vehicle manufacturers on development of production of gas cylinder equipment. Having released a new tractor model, MTZ became one of such enterprises.

Alexander Lukashenko has repeatedly said that one can only count on receiving budget support for specific business plans, contracts and projects:

“They won’t just give money to anyone.” We need a result, a real plan.

The President noted that Belarusian enterprises, including MTZ, receive natural gas at a price almost two times cheaper than in the West. This is an important competitive advantage in setting the price for a finished product.

– This probably won’t last forever. Although we will try to keep this cost component as low as possible. For the rest, if you want to earn more, look at the cost of an on or off light bulb to modern machines. We cannot do without modernization,” said the head of state.

The factory workers showed how they are implementing the plan for technical re-equipment and modernization of their production. The President visited mechanical workshop No. 5, where modern German and Italian equipment with high-quality processing of parts was installed.

The line of equipment also included a caterpillar tractor. The President advised us to think about expanded production of such a machine. Among the new products, the factory workers demonstrated a tractor with an electromechanical transmission, capable of providing electricity to a small farm in case of urgent need during an accident. Particular attention was paid to the energy-rich Belarus cars. At the exhibition, the 450-horsepower tractor stood out for its dimensions and, of course, functionality and technical characteristics. Moreover, the factory designers did not stop there - a tractor with a capacity of 500 horsepower is next in line.

Raising the issue of product quality, Alexander Lukashenko said that new models of modern technology may have certain shortcomings.

– But we must understand that we created all this on the march. We didn't have that. We have created all this in recent years. Naturally, it takes time to perfect the technology,” the President said. – Therefore, if there are any disadvantages somewhere... Minsk residents, I know, purchased imported tractors for public utilities. For what? The plant (where domestic tractors are produced) is nearby. Well, if some component fails, it will be repaired instantly.

At a meeting with the workforce, the head of state added that, God forbid, a quality claim comes from anywhere in the world - there will be no mercy for defectors.

Alexander Lukashenko also emphasized that “one more reason for the existing problems cannot be discounted: our carelessness, mismanagement and disorganization.” Task number one is the need to reduce the cost of production.

As for the possibility of increasing wages, according to the head of state, if the financial situation allows, there is always an opportunity to further materially stimulate the work of specific specialists, who are important to retain for the further development of the enterprise.

- If you get a good advantage, pay extra. But we need to explain to people that today we need to invest money in modernization in order to implement these plans by 2020,” the President of Belarus concluded, addressing MTZ General Director Fyodor Domotenko.

And he added that it is necessary to look at these things soberly. No one will “drive” wages; it is important to keep them at last year’s level. At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko added that with limited opportunities to raise wages in Belarus, control over pricing will remain.

“We will try to balance in the absence of wage growth so that the price does not overwhelm wages,” said the head of state.
At the same time, Alexander Grigorievich emphasized that for a number of goods, price containment is unacceptable, as this will lead to their leaching from retail. But we will not move around the communal apartments as before, the head of state added.

At the meeting with factory workers, the President answered questions and assessed the work of the enterprise.

When communicating with the team, humor, serious assessments, and everyday wishes were heard. Traktorozavod workers asked a number of questions related to the development of social infrastructure, youth policy, sports, job evaluation and the role of trade unions in social processes.

When asked about the development of the retail network, in particular the construction of a large supermarket in Drazne, the head of state said that he would sort it out. And he immediately added that large supermarkets are not always a good thing, a decision on their construction must be made carefully, and there are plenty of people who want to build such retail facilities. When asked whether facilities for youth sports will be built in the country, Alexander Lukashenko answered in the affirmative.

Answering a question about the role of trade unions in social processes, the head of state noted that public organizations such as trade unions, veterans, youth and women's organizations are the basis of civil society.

As mentioned above, the President of Belarus, assessing what he saw at the plant, said that he expected the worst. Of course, the situation today is not easy. But the factory workers do not stand still, they produce new products and promote them to world markets. And most importantly, what the factory workers wanted to hear, they heard. The state, having once saved the plant, will support it now. But a dependent approach in this matter is not appropriate. Otherwise, as the Belarusian leader said, it would have been necessary to sell it to a private owner in those distant times. It’s hard to say what would have happened to the enterprise, and whether the famous Belarus tractor would have been on the market is unknown. The factory workers felt this well. And they thanked them for their attention to their work team. And the head of state once again emphasized that despite difficult times, the plant has a future.

– The main thing is that your management sees the prospects for the development of the enterprise. Your plant was, is and will always be. This is a brand, the face of the country,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

– Take care of yourself, your children and family. Everything else will form. Do not worry. At the very least, we will organize ourselves, group ourselves and endure. This is not what the Belarusians could stand. This is not a war. Therefore, everything is in our hands. We are able not only to survive, but to provide for ourselves as we need to. You just need to move. And take care of your health. You can’t buy it for any money,” President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko wished the factory workers at the end of the conversation.

There is something that depends on the state, and it promised to help and support the factory workers. But there are things that the workforce can decide on their own. Quality and quantity are not interchangeable concepts, but mutually absorbing ones. The promotion of products in markets, production efficiency, and the well-being of the country, the team, and each employee depend on how we consider these concepts. And here, at the enterprise, there are no major and minor roles. It has its place in the production, technological and management chain, united by the main task. The priorities for the MTZ team have been set. Will be working.

Alicia Pinyuta.
Photo by BELTA.

During a meeting with representatives of the workforce

Preserving workforces in difficult economic conditions is one of the main tasks of enterprise management. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko announced this on May 15 when visiting the Minsk Tractor Plant OJSC.

“We will preserve labor collectives, but we will support only those who want to work,” said the Head of State. “There is even more powerful competition ahead. Therefore, slobs, parasites, alcoholics and crooks have nothing to do in labor collectives.”

Alexander Lukashenko stated that the situation in the world is difficult, and the global economy is recovering slowly and with difficulty. According to him, the main reason for what is happening in the Belarusian economy lies in external factors, including the situation on the Russian market, where about half of the products produced in Belarus are supplied. “MTZ is lucky because you produce goods that people need. Without your equipment it is impossible to feed and clothe a person,” the President noted.

At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that “one more reason for the existing problems cannot be discounted: our carelessness, mismanagement and disorganization.” In this regard, the Head of State pointed out the need to reduce the cost of products. He called this task number one. “If we don’t cut costs and lower the price of goods, we will never be rich,” said the Belarusian leader.

During the visit to OJSC MTZ, the President was reported on financial and economic activities and development prospects. In particular, the plant’s management has a clear plan for the further development of the enterprises included in MTZ-Holding, plans to modernize the equipment produced and develop new promising product lines, a vision of prospects for its promotion to foreign markets, and tactics to reduce the existing volumes of warehouse stocks. The President got acquainted with samples of equipment produced at the enterprise, including promising developments, and also examined the line of attachments produced by Amkodor OJSC. In addition, Alexander Lukashenko visited the production premises of the tractor plant and got acquainted with modern technological processes.

Speaking about the state of affairs at the Minsk Tractor Plant following a visit to the enterprise, Alexander Lukashenko noted that he expected the worst. However, the reality turned out to be somewhat different. Despite the presence of a number of serious difficulties, the plant has prospects. “The main thing is that you - your leaders from technologists to the general director - see the prospects for the development of the plant for the next five years. And I am sure that you will find the money that is needed for modernization in your own production,” the Head of State noted at a meeting with representatives workforce of the enterprise.

The President also recalled that both MTZ and other enterprises receive natural gas at a price almost two times cheaper than in the West, and this is also an important competitive advantage. “This probably won’t last forever. Although we will try to make sure that this component of the cost is as low as possible. Otherwise, if you want to earn more, look at the cost of turning on or off a light bulb to modern machines. Without modernization, you won’t get by," the Belarusian leader said.

“There will be no populism. But your plant was, is and will always be in Belarus. This is a brand, the face of the country,” the President emphasized.

Alexander Lukashenko also confirmed his previous statements that one can only count on receiving budget support for specific business plans, contracts and projects. “They won’t just give money to anyone. We need a result, a real plan,” he added. In the same vein, the task is set to diversify foreign markets and reduce dependence on supplies to the markets of traditional partners.

Along with this, the President demanded that the government take all necessary measures to protect the domestic market from unjustified imports of those types of products that are produced in Belarus. “God forbid if our enterprises this year buy (import) tractors and other equipment that we produce,” the President said.

Alexander Lukashenko did not rule out that new modern models of equipment may have certain shortcomings. “But we must understand that we created all this on the march. We didn’t have this. We have created all this in recent years. Naturally, it takes time to perfect the equipment,” said the President. “Therefore, if there is somewhere- "then there are disadvantages... Minsk residents, I know, bought imported tractors for public utilities. Why? The plant (where domestic tractors are produced) is nearby. Well, if some component fails, it will be repaired instantly."

Addressing the government leadership, Alexander Lukashenko emphasized: “We are not members of the WTO, we do not owe anything to anyone. Let’s protect our domestic market, we won’t give it to anyone. From an iron to a tractor and a car.”

According to the Head of State, a special meeting on this topic is planned in the near future, where the government will report on the measures taken and report on the feasibility of this or that import.

“Otherwise we have now opened the country: do with us what you want. This should not happen. We must protect, support and promote our own producers. This is the only way we will diversify markets,” added the Head of State.

Alexander Lukashenko also instructed the government to take retaliatory measures if barriers are created to the export of Belarusian products to the West. "Regarding the West: they (representatives of Western countries) visit me, and I warned them. I want the government to implement this. We warned them: you closed yourself off from us, we will close you off from you and see how you get through the Baltic or Ukraine trade," the President noted.

Alexander Lukashenko recalled that even in the context of Russia’s imposition of retaliatory sanctions against a number of Western goods, Belarus did not stop cooperating with suppliers in the West.

During the visit to MTZ, we also talked about cooperation with China. As the Head of State was informed, the recent state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Belarus, among other things, made it possible to resolve a number of issues in the cooperation of MTZ with Chinese partners. “If after this you cannot enter the Chinese market and work there, then we are worthless,” the President noted.

Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that Xi Jinping is a friend of Belarus and during the visit he showed genuine interest in finding new areas for developing cooperation. “He gathered his people, gave specific tasks. There was one goal - the Belarusians need to lend a shoulder, because they never let you down. This was a landmark visit,” said the Head of State. “He left here and said: I never thought that Belarus such and that the visit will be so productive. The Chinese never just say anything."

According to the President, a big step has also been made in the development of interregional ties between Belarus and China.

The head of state noted that the allocated preferential and commercial credit resources of the PRC will be directed not only to large projects across the country, but it is also planned to provide access to some of them to small businesses. “I want to give these loans to small businesses, to private owners. Let them take it, but so that there are ironclad guarantees of return. Today we need to quickly create an alternative economy, so that private owners can come and work. Let them develop,” said the Belarusian leader.

In general, Alexander Lukashenko noted that as a result of the visit, serious progress had occurred in Belarusian-Chinese relations, which would, among other things, make it possible to correct some problem areas in the Belarusian economy.

Speaking about social issues, the President said that with limited opportunities for wage growth in Belarus, control over pricing will remain. “We will try to balance in the absence of wage growth so that the price does not overwhelm wages,” the Belarusian leader said.

“The main task for the country before the elections: under no circumstances should we engage in populism and catch up on wages,” the Head of State emphasized. “We need to maintain the level that remained from last year.”

“We will control pricing. Almost all prices depend on us. We see where they fall and where they rise. If import prices rise, then God bless them. The main thing is that prices for Belarusian-made goods do not rise,” noted Alexander Lukashenko.

At the same time, the Head of State emphasized that in a number of cases, holding back prices is unacceptable, as this will lead to the leaching of goods from retail. “But for many types we see and control prices,” he said.

Communicating with representatives of the enterprise’s workforce, the President, in particular, stated that “we will not move forward with communal services as before.”

Regarding the possibility of wage growth, Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that ultimately it depends on the management of a particular enterprise. According to him, if financial possibilities allow, then it is always possible to further financially stimulate the work of specific specialists, whom it is important to retain for the further development of the enterprise. “If you’re in a good position, pay extra. But we need to explain to people that today we need to invest money in modernization in order to implement these plans by 2020,” the Belarusian leader said, addressing MTZ General Director Fyodor Domotenko.

The head of state urged citizens not to listen to talkers who promise an easy and happy life, but to hold on to their jobs and create material well-being with their own hands. “You must understand the situation that is developing today. Hold on to your jobs. Listen less to talkers,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

According to the President, today there is fierce competition in the world; accordingly, Belarusian enterprises need to produce competitive products, primarily in terms of design and quality. “In terms of price, we win almost twice as much on some samples. This is already good. But don’t think that this will always be the case,” the Belarusian leader noted.

Most of the conflicts and wars taking place in the world have an economic basis, the President of Belarus believes. "Oil, natural gas, metals, the final sale of goods - there are interests and the main money. There is a struggle right up to a hot war. In this difficult time, we, a medium-sized state, need to withstand, endure, preserve the country, production and labor collectives," - Alexander Lukashenko emphasized.

The head of state noted that the upcoming presidential elections this year are a test for the government as a whole. “And we must adequately prepare for this exam without any populism, so that after the elections you don’t reproach us for promising something, but forgetting it after the elections,” noted Alexander Lukashenko.

Representatives of the MTZ labor collective asked the President a number of questions regarding support for families with children, the development of trade infrastructure, the development of venues for youth sports, and the role of the trade union movement.

"Take care of yourself, your children and family. Everything else will work out. Don't worry. At the very least, we will organize, group and endure. The Belarusians did not withstand this. This is not a war. Therefore, everything is in our hands. We are able not only to survive, but to provide behave as you should. You just need to move. And take care of your health. No amount of money can buy it,” Alexander Lukashenko admonished in conclusion.

RUE "MTZ" is one of the ten largest manufacturers of tractor equipment in the world. The company specializes in the production of wheeled tractors. RUE "MTZ" produces tractors with power from 50 to 355 hp. Among the manufacturing plants of wheeled tractors in the CIS countries, RUE "MTZ" takes 1st place, its share is 90%.


The main role in the global agricultural machinery industry is played by international transnational corporations: John Deere, CNH, AGCO, CLAAS. It is with these manufacturers that MTZ competes in the global market.

Along with the production of tractor equipment, companies offer agricultural machines for cultivating crops and harvesting: tillage machines, combine harvesters, balers, forage harvesters, telescopic loaders, etc. In addition, John Deere and CNH produce construction machines. John Deere also offers forestry machines. John Deere and CNH receive up to 25% of their revenue from the sale of non-agricultural equipment.

In addition, there are more than 20 manufacturers of medium and larger power tractors in China. The largest of them are Zhong guo yituojituan (produces more than 6 thousand tractors with power from 70 to 185 hp, over 150 thousand tractors with power 17-65 hp, about 25 thousand crawler tractors per year), Futian zhonh gong gongsi (produces about 50 thousand tractors with a power of 25-125 hp, over 150 thousand tractors with a power of up to 25 hp, also produces crawler tractors with a power of 15-180 hp).


RUE "MTZ" is an export-oriented enterprise. The geography of deliveries of Belarus tractors is very wide. Since the establishment of the plant, it has reached more than 125 countries. In 2012, the company exported products to 62 countries. The growth rate of product exports was 102.0%.

RUE "MTZ" pursues a multi-vector marketing strategy.

The regional structure of product exports in 2012 is as follows:

To foreign countries - 24.6%;

To the CIS countries (without the Russian Federation) - 23.6%;

To the Russian Federation - 51.8%.

Over the past 3 years, negative dynamics in market development have been observed. The global agricultural machinery market was in a stage of recession and stagnation. The exception is the rapidly developing markets of Southeast Asia and Latin America. These markets for the period 2013-2015. are the most promising for increasing sales of Belarus brand equipment. In 2012, 5,101 units were exported to the countries of South Asia and the Middle East. tractors. In the countries of North and Latin America last year, 2,287 units were sold. technology.

RUE "MTZ" is strengthening its efforts to develop the market in African countries. Along with increasing supplies of tractors, it is also consolidating its position in this market by organizing assembly plants. Currently there are assembly plants in Algeria, two in Egypt and Ethiopia. In 2013, it is planned to create assembly plants in the markets of South Africa and Nigeria. Thus, MTZ seeks to bring its equipment closer to the end consumer, covering almost the entire territory of Africa. In 2012, RUE "MTZ" exported 1,793 units. tractors to African countries.

The markets of the above countries are characterized by low requirements for tractor equipment, as well as the presence on the market of a large number of tractors made in China and India.

The European markets place high demands on the design and ergonomics of tractors. Buyers are requesting improved interior trim and sound insulation of the tractor cabin, air conditioning, remote drives, a reversible control station, as well as tractors with engines that meet environmentally friendly TIER-3B requirements. In 2012, 4,112 units were shipped to European countries. tractor equipment.

The use of advanced technologies is especially important for the markets of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries, where there is every opportunity for growth in this particular market segment. Therefore, the implementation of energy-intensive technology is one of the most important tasks for the near future in these regions. The Russian Federation has been and remains a large and promising market for the products of RUE MTZ.

In 2012, tractor exports to Russia amounted to 26,100 units. Over the past 2-3 years, the Minsk Tractor Plant has begun to actively promote tractors with a power of over 100,000 on the market of the Russian Federation. 200 hp For this purpose, in 2012, 2 assembly plants were created for the production of Belarus-3522 tractors:

JSC ShMZ "Kranspetsburmash" (Amur region, Shimanovsk);

CJSC PMTO SHT "AgroTechSnab" (Saratov).

The issue of organizing assembly production of energy-rich Belarus-3522 tractors in other regions of the Russian Federation (Rostov region) is being considered. 11,604 units were exported to the CIS countries in 2012. tractor equipment.


Market of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries. The main markets for MTZ products traditionally remain Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other CIS countries. More than 75% of RUE MTZ's product exports come from the supply of products under contracts in Russian rubles. Since when calculating the “export growth rate” indicator, the statistical value in US dollars is used, the export volumes, along with the product range, quantity and price, are also significantly influenced by the ratio of the Russian ruble to the US dollar. The change in the ratio of the Russian ruble and euro to the US dollar led to a decrease in export volumes for 10 months of 2012.

Russian Federation. On August 22, 2012, Russia joined the WTO. In this regard, agricultural producers expect a reduction in the rate of import customs duties on tractors and, as a result, a reduction in prices for agricultural machinery and an expansion in the supply of goods supplied from WTO member countries. Since the beginning of 2012 the volume of lending to Russian agricultural producers fell by 20-25% compared to the same period in 2011, the increase in lending rates on loans issued for spring field work amounted to 2 percentage points, which also negatively affected the ability of agricultural producers to purchasing new equipment. It should be noted that in 2012, the death of agricultural crops due to drought was noted in 20 regions of Russia. A state of emergency was introduced in 20 regions.

Other CIS countries. Negative trends are also observed in some markets of the CIS countries, which have led to a decrease in the growth rate of exports of RUE “MTZ” products. The issue of state financing for the purchase of tractors in Azerbaijan has not been resolved; there are no state support programs for the purchase of agricultural machinery, including energy-rich tractors, in Ukraine; The Ukrainian market has not recovered from the negative consequences on the agricultural machinery market associated with the grain price crisis at the end of 2011.

Countries of Europe. The recession in the EU countries has led to a decrease in the volume of supplies of equipment to RUE "MTZ". It should be noted that Western manufacturers are also experiencing a decrease in equipment sales in the EU. Besides:

the five-year program for subsidizing agricultural producers has expired (the start of the next programs and the allocation of funds is expected in 2013-2014);

unfavorable weather conditions throughout the year - severe frosts in winter and drought in summer seriously affected the harvest (winter crops had to be replanted). As a result of drought in Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary, crop losses amounted to 60-80%;

change in the economic situation in Serbia due to the change of government (benefits and loans have been cancelled, both for individuals and legal entities);

oversaturation of the used equipment market;

depreciation of the euro against the US dollar in the Eurozone countries;

the debt crisis in Europe and the economically unfavorable situation in individual countries;

significant financial losses associated with rising feed and energy tariffs in European countries;

Consumer business activity has decreased due to crisis expectations in the economy; buyers are taking a wait-and-see approach in order to minimize financial losses.


Regional structure of exports of tractors and tractor sets “Belarus” in 2012-2015. presented in table 5.4.1

Table 5.4.1

2012 estimate (BP)

Forecast 2013

Forecast 2014

Forecast 2015

Southeast Asia and the Middle East

Total non-CIS countries

CIS countries

Export of tractors


Total product exports

(tempo 102.0%)

(tempo 116.5%)

(rate 109.3%)

(tempo 111.5%)

In 2013-2015 exports of RUE "MTZ" products will tend to increase in all regions of sales of MTZ products, both in value and in kind.

In 2013, RUE "MTZ" plans to export products worth 1,168,376 thousand US dollars. The growth rate will be 116.5%. By 2015, export supplies will increase to 1,424,090 thousand US dollars.

In 2013-2015 The structure of export supplies of tractors from RUE "MTZ" in value terms will change towards an increase in the share of non-CIS countries (from 24.6% in 2012 to 32.5% in 2015) with a simultaneous decrease in the share of Russia (from 51.8 % in 2012 to 46.8% in 2015) and CIS countries (from 23.6% in 2012 to 20.7% in 2015). The market of Southeast Asian countries and Latin America will become the most promising for increasing sales of Belarus equipment for the period 2013-2015.

Exports of tractor equipment in 2013 are projected at $1,107,190 thousand. By 2015 it will increase to 1,352,090 thousand US dollars. In physical terms, the export of tractors from RUE "MTZ" in 2013 will amount to 55,650 units, which is 9.1% higher than the level of 2012. By 2015, it will increase to 70,000 units.

Main goals (see below), tasks and directions for promoting RUE “MTZ” products to foreign markets for 2013-2015. determined in accordance with the National Export Development Program of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015. (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 656 of May 23, 2011).

The main objective of the strategy for promoting RUE “MTZ” products to foreign markets for 2013-2015. - consolidating positions in traditional markets and expanding the geographic presence of RUE “MTZ” equipment in promising foreign markets, including through the creation of assembly plants, development of a distribution network (CPN), servicing equipment and ensuring the supply of spare parts.

The main goals of the marketing strategy of RUE "MTZ" for 2013-2015:

ensuring growth in export volumes of MTZ PA products to strategic product and geographic markets;

increasing the efficiency of foreign economic activity of enterprises that are part of RUE "MTZ".

In the process of implementing the foreign economic strategy, it is expected:

ensuring forecast parameters of foreign economic activity: the volume of exports of goods in 2015 will amount to 1,424.1 million US dollars or 111.5% of the level of 2014;

increasing the efficiency of foreign economic activity of enterprises of RUE "MTZ" through the development of new export goods, improving the quality and technical level of exported products, rationalizing imports, reducing unit costs of production, and pursuing a balanced pricing policy;

improving information support for exports;

diversification of the geographical structure of exports, development of new markets in non-CIS countries;

development and improvement of the efficiency of commodity distribution networks and export infrastructure of enterprises that are part of RUE “MTZ”.

Directions of the strategy of foreign economic activity of enterprises that are part of RUE "MTZ" in 2013-2015:

1. Improving the export infrastructure (development and rationalization of the distribution network) and diversifying the geographical structure of exports.

While maintaining its position in traditional markets, primarily Russia, the CIS and EU countries, RUE "MTZ" intends to search for new markets in non-CIS countries, especially in regions characterized by a stable economic situation and prospects for increasing demand for agricultural machinery.

The strategic direction will be the development of the commodity distribution network of RUE "MTZ", which includes:

creation of own subjects of the commodity distribution network in the most promising countries (from the point of view of the implementation of RUE “MTZ” equipment) countries;

searching for local dealers to establish cooperation in selling RUE “MTZ” equipment in new markets;

analysis of the work and optimization of the composition of the existing dealer network of RUE "MTZ" in the developed markets in order to create equal working conditions for RUE "MTZ" dealers in the markets and increase the efficiency of their activities in selling the company's equipment.

Promising regions for exporting products from RUE MTZ enterprises are the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, and Africa. Due to their geographical remoteness, the strategic direction in these regions is to work in individual countries through local dealers and create their own TPS entities in the most promising countries.

The distribution network diagram of RUE "MTZ" for 2013 is presented in APPENDIX 4.

2. Organization of assembly production of RUE "MTZ" abroad.

The sale of RUE "MTZ" equipment by supplying tractor kits to the enterprise's assembly plants abroad is currently one of the main forms of promoting products with the "Belarus" brand to foreign markets. And in 2013-2015. RUE "MTZ" intends to continue developing the network of assembly plants while simultaneously increasing the supply of tractor kits to already established assembly plants. In 2013-2015 it is planned to continue work on organizing assembly plants in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Cambodia, Iraq, etc.

Operating and planned enterprises for assembling Belarus tractors abroad for 2013 are presented in APPENDIX 6.

3. Mastering the production of new types of products.

The most important objectives of the scientific and technical policy of RUE "MTZ" in the field of tractor manufacturing in 2013 are the creation of reliable and economical machines equipped with engines not lower than Tier 3a level with progressive energy-saving, including continuously variable power transmissions, capable of being combined with a wide range of equipment. x tools that ensure safety, comfortable working conditions, as well as competitiveness in the foreign market. Since 2013, it is planned to release new products to promote the plant’s products to foreign markets in the countries of the European Union of tractors “Belarus”-922.5/952.5/1021.5/1025.5/1220.5/1221.5/1523.5/2022.5/3522.5.

As part of the tasks of innovative development until 2015, it is planned that RUE “MTZ” will participate in the implementation of the following tasks of the State Scientific and Technical Production Program “Mechanical Engineering”:

1) modernization of a family of high-energy tractors of the 2.0-3.0 class with a power of 130, 150, 210 hp. through the development of design documentation for the installation of environmentally friendly engines (IIIb stage), semi-automatic transmissions and electronic control systems.

Upon completion of R&D in 2013, it is planned to master the production of Belarus-1221.5, Belarus-1523.5, Belarus-2022.5 tractors with the installation of modern power units that meet modern environmental requirements, modern design and comfort of the upper structure and cabin, improved performance and characteristics of semi-automatic transmissions with increased resource and reliability, microprocessor control systems for tractor components and assemblies, modern monitoring and diagnostic systems for the condition of components and systems, methods for protecting vibro-acoustic effects on the operator.

2) development, production and testing of a prototype of a promising general-purpose wheeled tractor with a power of 300-360 hp. with electromechanical transmission, in the future up to 500 hp.

3) development and mastery of production of highly energy-saturated tractors with a power of 300-355 hp. traction class 5-6 with engines not lower than Tier 3B with progressive energy-saving power transmissions, ensuring safety, comfortable working conditions and competitiveness in the world market. Upon completion of R&D in 2015, it is planned to master the production of these high-energy tractors with a capacity of 300-355 hp.

4) development and production of a mobile rope skidding machine for harvesting wood from hard-to-reach places during clear-cutting and thinning.

5) development, production and testing of a prototype of a promising general purpose crawler tractor of traction class 5.0 with an electromechanical transmission.

6) development and development of production of a chipper driven by an autonomous engine with a power of 280-300 hp, with a capacity of at least 100 bulk m3 of chips per hour.

As part of the tasks of innovative development until 2015, with the aim of expanding the new line of tractors in the range from 52 to 80 hp. a project task of the State Scientific and Technical Production Enterprise “Machine Building” has been planned since 2013 “To modernize the family of small-sized tractors of class 0.9 with a power of 50-60 hp. by installing environmentally friendly engines (Tier IIIB), continuously variable full-flow hydrostatic transmissions and comfortable cabins in order to improve technical, economic and operational qualities, and improve the operator’s working conditions.”

In pursuance of the 2nd section of the Action Program of the Ministry of Industry for import substitution of RUE "MTZ" in 2011-2013. is mastering the production of general purpose tractors Belarus-2422, Belarus-2022.5 of traction class 4, general purpose tractors Belarus-3522 of traction class 6.

As part of the industry scientific and technical program “Import-substituting products,” a self-propelled machine “Belarus-300S” with a set of equipment for pruning trees is being developed until 2014.

4. Exhibition activities.

One of the important elements of export marketing and promotion of sales of RUE “MTZ” products is the expansion of participation of enterprises that are part of the association in international and foreign exhibitions, which ensures the creation and maintenance of the image of these enterprises, allows them to create demand for their products and ensure the search for potential partners . Using the accumulated professional and organizational experience of participating in international scientific and technical exhibitions and other events, new forms of presenting exhibited products are necessary tools for promoting RUE “MTZ” products to foreign markets.

In 2013, RUE Minsk Tractor Plant will carry out active advertising and information activities in the following areas:

participation in republican and international exhibition events;

updating and production of various types of printed advertising and information products;

improvement and development of the Internet portal of RUE "MTZ";

purchase of products with the branding of RUE "MTZ"

5. Monitoring of global sales markets and close interaction with foreign institutions of the Republic of Belarus abroad.

Marketing market research is an integral part of sales strategies implemented by enterprises and is implemented by the relevant services. Thanks to this, the situation with sales activities in the past becomes clear and current trends and problems in the market are identified. The goal is to develop a sales policy for the coming period. To organize in-depth research, as well as for the purpose of regular monitoring of sales markets, it is necessary to constantly receive current information about the situation on the market, the actions of competitors, new trends emerging in the markets, etc.

In this regard, RUE "MTZ" works closely with Belarusian foreign institutions in order to obtain operational information about the conditions of markets of interest, search for new reliable solvent partners in foreign trade operations, information support for export support, assistance in organizing national exhibitions of the Republic of Belarus, as well as if necessary, assistance in organizing meetings in government agencies of the host country.

6. Increasing the price competitiveness of products.

The pricing policy of RUE "MTZ" is based on the strategy of accessibility of supplied products to consumers while simultaneously covering the costs of production and sales of products and ensuring the required level of profitability. In this case, it is mandatory to compare the prices of supplied products with the price level for similar products on the world market.

In modern conditions, price competition requires minimizing the costs of manufacturing, handling and operating products.

To save material costs, RUE "MTZ" plans to continue implementation in 2013-2015. following events:

improvement of applied equipment and production technology;

introduction of new progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production processes;

improving the use and application of new types of raw materials and materials;

improvement of labor organization;

improving logistics and use of material resources;

reduction of transport costs,

implementation of the Energy Saving program.

Fulfilling the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 14, 2007 No. 3 “Economy and frugality are the main factors of economic security of the state,” the economic and commercial services of the enterprise carry out targeted and effective work to forecast production and circulation costs, reduce cost and material intensity.

Increasing the production of energy-rich tractor equipment and expanding its sales markets is impossible without organizing high-quality service for the products sold. Taking this into account, RUE "MTZ" is carrying out targeted work to develop the existing technical service network and create new service centers both in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

MTZ PA is constantly working to improve the quality of its products and achieve success in increasing the prestige and attractiveness of tractors bearing the Belarus brand. The main documents defining the directions of work to improve product quality are the “Set of measures to increase the competitiveness, technical level, reliability, quality and service of MTZ products”, R&D plans for the creation of new tractor models, the Automotive Tractor and Combine Harvester Engineering program, targeted programs to improve the quality and reliability of equipment PA "MTZ" and other directive documents.

Based on the results of assessing the technical level of the developed tractors, their main indicators correspond to or exceed those of foreign analogues. An assessment of the technical level of Belarus tractors (according to technical level maps) is presented in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1

Understanding the importance of the task of providing agriculture with high-quality competitive tractors, RUE “MTZ” strives to improve their quality by improving the design of tractors, using higher-quality components, introducing new technologies and equipment that make it possible to produce high-quality products.

The main consumers of the association's products are agricultural enterprises in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. Tractors of the Belarus brand today, like 65 years ago, work in the fields of Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Central and Latin America.

The enterprise has created a powerful distribution network that ensures the sale of MTZ products, their warranty and post-warranty service, advertising activities, marketing research, training of specialists and performance of other functions of the plant’s representative on the market. The two-level distribution network consists of organizations under the full or parity management of RUE "MTZ" and official representatives (dealers and technical centers). 18 of its own subjects of the MTZ commodity distribution network today represent the interests of the association abroad. In addition, RUE "MTZ" is actively using such an option for the development of the commodity distribution network (CDN) as the creation of assembly plants.

The enterprise's innovative plan provides for the implementation of an export-oriented sales strategy. The main objectives of innovation policy in the field of product sales are avoiding intermediaries, creating your own sales network, establishing and maintaining a balance between internal and external sales.

Currently, more than 80% of manufactured products are exported and supplied to more than 60 countries.

In recent years, PA "MTZ" has acted as an independent exporter. The company's products are sold through a well-established sales network, which consists of:

joint stock companies under full or parity management of PA "MTZ";

foreign agent firms that sell and service MTZ PA products in accordance with agency agreements;

agents and permanent partners for working with spare parts;

service centers for warranty service of tractors.

7. Improving the mechanism of product distribution, sales and service.

In order to improve the qualifications of specialists representing the interests of the enterprise abroad, it is planned to continue work on training management personnel and selecting candidates for the reserve of workers to work abroad from among the enterprise’s specialists.

With employees enrolled in the reserve for work abroad, in accordance with the STP RUE "MTZ" "Working with the reserve of management personnel at the enterprise" and STP RUE "MTZ" "Commodity distribution network of the Minsk Tractor Plant", training is carried out in order to improve knowledge in economics, product range, management skills.

One of the main aspects of promoting products to foreign markets is improving the system of maintenance and repair of MTZ products in foreign countries.

Currently, warranty and post-warranty service for Belarus equipment sold abroad is provided by subjects of the enterprise's distribution network.

The main directions for improving the service system in 2013-2015 are: are:

improving interaction between the enterprise and suppliers of components (including foreign ones) for more prompt delivery of spare parts for the restoration of warranty equipment;

increasing the efficiency of travel by representatives of the manufacturer together with representatives of supplier companies to restore warranty equipment;

organizing the training of technical specialists, including those who speak foreign languages, to ensure high-quality service for Belarus tractors sold abroad;

systematic and advanced supply of equipment, training of specialists of MTZ TPS subjects abroad in the rules of operation, qualified technical maintenance and repair of MTZ equipment both on the basis of the Training Center of RUE "MTZ" and on-site.

Among the main tasks of 2013 are the development of new and improvement of existing models and modifications, their launch into production, and other activities that will allow the enterprise to operate and develop sustainably, as well as to adequately represent the Belarus tractor on world markets.

Every tenth wheeled tractor in the world is made in Belarus

General Director of PA MTZ - General Director of RUE MTZ Alexander Pukhovoy answers questions from the magazine "Union State"

- Alexander Alekseevich, immediately after March 20, 2002, when by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus you were appointed general director of PA MTZ, you stated that the Minsk Tractor Plant should remain the center of world tractor manufacturing. More than a bold statement, because by that time, over 3.2 thousand unsold tractors had accumulated in the plant’s warehouses - more than three months’ production volume, and barter transactions accounted for over 90% of sales volumes. However, only a few years have passed, and the situation has changed radically: production volumes, as well as sales, have grown rapidly, and in recent years, every tenth wheeled tractor produced in the world is Belarusian. In conditions of increasingly fierce competition, the Minsk Tractor Plant is not only not inferior to its segment of the world market, but is also quite confidently expanding the volumes and directions of exports.
How did the team you led manage to accomplish such a miracle?

- There was no miracle - it was hard work. First of all, we immediately identified the main priorities and developed a program for 2002–2010 to get the plant out of the crisis situation. Focusing on global trends in tractor manufacturing, we have set a goal to increase the share of production of expensive, but efficient and quickly payback energy-rich tractors in agriculture, without intending to discontinue old but proven models if there is a demand for them. Marketing was tasked with learning how to sell its products by building a clear scheme for promoting goods in foreign markets and eliminating unnecessary links of intermediary services. As a result, in the near future there has been a steady trend towards a decrease in stocks of finished products in warehouses, and the percentage of barter transactions has noticeably decreased.

Signing a decree on measures to support MTZ, designed to give the enterprise a “second wind,” President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko noted that “agricultural engineering is one of the state priorities, which helps ensure food security, and therefore state security.” In supporting their largest enterprise, the republic’s leadership focused not only on financial assistance, expressed in the restructuring of the plant’s debts. The need to make the largest production in Belarus efficient, advanced in terms of labor organization and the use of the latest technologies was initially put at the forefront.

As a result, already in 2004 we were two years ahead of the forecasts of our own anti-crisis program, and in December of the following year the Head of the Belarusian State congratulated the team of workers of the Minsk Tractor Plant on a real labor victory - the production of the forty thousandth Belarus tractor in 2005 and noted that the products of the production association are rightfully in deserved demand on the world market, and this is the result of high professionalism, responsible, creative, proactive work of the entire team.

Over the past two years, the volume of MTZ's commercial output has exceeded a billion US dollars. About 250 tractors leave the plant's assembly line every day, and more than 60 models and modifications of machines are simultaneously being assembled.

The production association "Minsk Tractor Plant" today is an industrial giant that includes eleven enterprises of the republic. The main plant employs more than 24 thousand people, compared to 18 thousand in 2002, while output per employee has almost doubled compared to that period. MTZ is one of the largest manufacturers of tractor equipment in the world and the absolute leader in the production of tractors among the CIS countries, the only enterprise in the post-Soviet space that has retained its production potential. The share of Belarus tractors in the total production of wheeled tractors by CIS factories in 2007 was 87%.

According to our plans, the radical modernization of production for 2005–2011 provides for an investment volume of 680 million dollars, of which only 70 million are borrowed. At the same time, we abandoned point-by-point reconstruction: a serious effect can only be achieved by a complete update of the technology. Last year we signed a contract for 65 million euros for the supply of a set of equipment for the production of shafts and gears - the production equipped with it will be no worse in all respects than, say, John Deere.

Does the Minsk Tractor Plant seriously intend to compete and even fight for leadership with the world's leading manufacturers of tractor equipment?
- The huge production and export potential allows the enterprise to compete on equal terms with all the famous giants of the world tractor industry - AGKO, John Deere, Klaas, New Holland. Skeptics may take this with a smile, however, we are successfully catching up with John Deere not only in sales volumes, but also in the technical level of cars. Already today there are Belarus tractor models, the prices of which are almost equal to the John Deere analogues, although, if we take the average line of energy-rich tractors, our prices are still 10–15 % lower.

If we talk about the design component, one of the most promising trends in the global tractor industry has become the transition to continuously variable transmissions. John Deere is still in the lead here, but in the near future we intend to introduce a tractor model that may become an unpleasant surprise for our competitors. I won’t talk about the details for now, but I will say one thing: in our development we completely abandoned both mechanics and hydraulics.

Scientific support is of particular importance in new developments. Together with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, MTZ is implementing the State Program “Belarusian Automotive and Tractor Manufacturing”. The company has four university departments where young specialists are trained.

Well, the prospects are tempting. And what world-class products can MTZ offer the buyer today?
- The production program of MTZ includes walk-behind tractors and small-sized tractors with a power of up to 60 hp. With. to ensure mechanization of work in small and individual farms, universal row-crop tractors and special-purpose tractors with a power of 60–130 hp. pp., high power general purpose tractors from 150 to 300 l. villages, forestry, municipal vehicles, loaders.

The wide versatility of Belarus tractors allows them to be used effectively all year round in various climatic zones. The main share in the production volume is occupied by tractors designed to perform the entire range of work in agricultural production: plowing, cultivation, pre-sowing treatment, sowing, fertilizing, inter-row cultivation, mowing grass, harvesting, and so on.

Models of tractors with a power of 80 hp are in steady demand. With. “Belarus-80.1 / 82.1”, hundreds of thousands of them were distributed all over the world. They have been modernized with the installation of a front drive axle of increased load-bearing capacity, hydrostatic steering, and their design has been updated with the use of fiberglass hood, wings and cab roof.
For the countries of Africa and Southeast Asia, a simplified and cheaper tractor design with a capacity of 50–90 hp is proposed. With. The requirements for the design and ergonomics of tractors have increased significantly in the European market. Buyers request improved cabin interior trim, air conditioning, remote drives, and the presence of a reversible control station. All this led to the development and introduction into production in the shortest possible time of the new generation Belarus-923/922/1222 tractors. The production of the Belarus-1221 tractor-worker with a capacity of 130 hp is also being increased. With. This model has earned popularity due to its power and simplicity. In terms of efficiency when performing agricultural work, it has no analogues in its class.

Our main priorities today in the development and production of wheeled tractors are the production of products of a higher technical level with an updated interior and external cladding, with an engine power of 65–105 hp. With. Another important task is to install engines on tractors that meet the environmental requirements of TIER-2 and TIER-3A.
Belarus tractors with engines that meet TIER-3A requirements have already been certified
power over 130 hp. pp., - “Belarus-1221.4 / 1222.4 / 1523.4 / 2022.4”, and tractors with a capacity of 30 hp. With. - “Belarus-320.3”, and in June of this year it is planned to certify tractors in the power range of 80–105 l. pp., meeting the requirements of TIER-3A.

How confident is MTZ in holding its most capacious market - Russian? Is there a danger in the future that Belarus might be replaced by imported, including used, tractors on the Russian market?
- Today, our products are supplied in three main directions: to the Russian Federation, to other CIS countries and to non-CIS countries. For the Minsk Tractor Plant, the Russian Federation has been and remains the main strategic partner. Russia's share in the export of MTZ tractors in 2007 was about 38%, with an increase in the volume of supplies compared to last year by more than 30%.

To stabilize the market, increase sales volumes and promote the company’s products, a Representative Office of the Minsk Tractor Plant in the Russian Federation is open and operating in Moscow. In Russia, in each federal district, Trading houses have been created - joint ventures with controlling shares of the authorized capital owned by MTZ, and today the supply of its products to the Russian market is carried out exclusively through them. Each trading house that sells tractors provides warranty and post-warranty service. The dealer network of Trading Houses in the Russian Federation includes about one hundred organizations in almost all regions.

There are two assembly plants operating on the territory of Russia - OJSC PO ElAZ (Elabuga) and OJSC Sarex (Saransk).
In order to develop a unified mechanism for providing spare parts to Russian consumers, the Minsk Tractor Plant created ZAO TsASK MTZ-Zapchast-Service in the Moscow region to supply spare parts to the Russian Federation.

As for the prospects, according to our analytical studies, the Russian market is characterized by positive dynamics in such indicators as “production”, “capacity”, and at the same time - negative dynamics in the “park” indicator. If in 1990 the tractor fleet in Russia amounted to more than a million units, today it is half a million, despite the fact that the service life of two-thirds of the fleet is more than 20 years, while the norm is 10 years. The provision of sowing work with serviceable tractors is 5–6 machines per 1000 hectares of arable land - this is 65 % of the norm. Imagine the pace at which we need to increase production in order to satisfy the needs of the Russian market only. And in Ukraine and other CIS countries the situation is even worse. And we are not going to cede these markets to anyone. By the way, all Western manufacturers sold about 1.5 thousand tractors (including used ones) in Russia last year, we sold more than 16 thousand.

Minsk tractors are produced with the participation of Russian subcontractors. Please tell us how and how effectively you cooperate with your Russian colleagues?
- The share of Russian products in serial Belarus tractors is about 10%. RUE "MTZ" has long-standing partnerships with Russian factories. The general rise of Russian industry that has begun in recent years allows us to cooperate fruitfully both economically and technically.

The main Russian suppliers of RUE "MTZ" are Orenburg OJSC "Radiator" (annual volume 258.1 million Russian rubles), Elets OJSC "Eletsgidroagregat" (101.9 million), Volgograd VZTDiN (88.8 million).

We closely cooperate in cooperation, receiving high-tech assembly units for our tractors, with the Elabuga Automobile Plant and SAAZ AMO ZIL in Smolensk. In 2007, the volume of supplies of components from these enterprises amounted to more than 290 million Russian rubles, and in 2008 we plan to increase it to 1.2 billion Russian rubles.

Apparently, it is not easy to lead a team of more than twenty thousand. Moreover, in any production the human factor has been and remains the main one. What are the main criteria of your personnel policy? And how prestigious and profitable is it to work at the Minsk Tractor Plant?
- Taking into account the modern reality of our enterprise - the constant increase in production volumes, the development and production of a new model range of machines, the improvement of technological processes of production, the high pace of computerization - the issue of training, retaining highly qualified workers and attracting young personnel is not just the basis of the personnel policy at RUE "MTZ" , this is one of the most important components of all our work.
The parent company alone employs about 24.6 thousand people today, of which more than 19 thousand are workers, about 5.5 thousand are employees (of which, in turn, 2 thousand are managers at all levels). At RUE “MTZ”, 15.7% of the total number of employees have higher education, 19.8% have specialized secondary education, 58.6% have secondary and vocational education. The plant employs 10 candidates and 2 doctors of science.

The company is constantly updating personnel, replacing workers of retirement age with young personnel with a higher level of qualifications. Due to the admission of young workers and specialists, the number of young people aged 16–30 years old increased by 6.2% in 2007 alone, and the average age of tractor factory workers was 38.7 years (in 2000 - 44.5 years).

What, figuratively speaking, is our “social package” for retaining highly qualified personnel? This is, first of all, the selection of workers, specialists, managers and other employees, taking into account their professional qualities using the method of professional testing, rational use of personnel and decent motivation for their work, moral and material incentives for personnel and a clear system for their career growth and, of course, constant improvement of the system training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

Successful and stable work allowed MTZ to take the leading position in terms of wages among industrial enterprises in Belarus. Today in the Minsk labor market it is considered prestigious to get a job at MTZ, so we have a real opportunity to select the best workers and specialists.

- For many large enterprises, which through hard work have won the high prestige of their products, the problem of counterfeiting is quite painful, when small firms that do not have the necessary production base “stamp” obviously low-quality spare parts and, without a twinge of conscience, put a well-known brand on them. But as a result, the enterprise not only suffers losses, but consumers’ credibility of its trademark is completely undeservedly diminished.
How relevant is this problem for MTZ, how quickly can the replacement of original spare parts with counterfeit ones be detected, and how does the plant management intend to combat this scourge?

- Indeed, there is such a problem. Meanwhile, it will not be difficult for our specialists, as well as sales representatives, to recognize counterfeit goods almost immediately. RUE "MTZ" has developed and operates the instruction "Marking of parts and assembly units of tractors "Belarus" - for marking parts and assemblies with a combination of numbers, made in a special font and on special equipment of our own manufacture. Information on marking is entered into the factory database, and the numbers of all major components and the most valuable purchased components are entered into the tractor assembly passport, which makes it possible to accurately determine the fact of substitution right on the spot. For example, MTs-5 produces shafts for the front drive axle (FDR), which are in high demand. When problems arose with the quality of these products, it turned out that the products were not manufactured at RUE “MTZ” - this was shown by special markings. The situation is similar with other parts and assemblies.

Of course, the plant management is not going to leave any such fact unanswered. And yet, the most effective counteraction to this is seen, on the one hand, in the timely saturation of the market with original spare parts, and on the other, in the preventive work carried out by our marketing service and our sales representatives. It can be clearly explained to the buyer that by purchasing a counterfeit part and, for example, gaining somewhere in price and time, he loses much more, because a low-quality spare part accelerates the wear and tear of the entire tractor. That is, here for the consumer to chase after cheapness - in the end it will be more expensive for himself.

Alexander Alekseevich, how ambitious, in a good sense, are the immediate plans of the Minsk Tractor Plant? In other words, how do you intend to produce better and sell more?
- Despite increased competition, the Minsk Tractor Plant PA has identified a further increase in the share of Belarus tractors in sales on the world market and improvement of the distribution network as its priority tasks for 2008. At the same time, Russia remains the main direction of our exports.
We intend to produce about 66 thousand tractors and machines in 2008, including more than 59 thousand units for export, or 89.5 % of the total quantity. The structure of supplied tractors and machines will also change in 2008 compared to 2007 - towards an increase in the share of energy-rich tractors (1200, 1500, 2000, 3000 series, more than 9 thousand of them are planned to be produced), tractors that meet Euro-3A environmental standards, and also new models and tractors produced using new technologies.

It is necessary to make more use of the possibilities of assembly production of Belarus tractors abroad, to increase the supply of tractor kits to the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. In countries where MTZ has its own distribution network, it is especially important, along with increasing sales, to improve warranty and post-warranty service for sold equipment - certification of technical centers involved in the sale and service of Belarus tractors, and the creation of a branded service center on their basis. networks.

But the main guarantee of new achievements, of course, should be the quality of our tractors, their compliance with the highest world requirements. MTZ cannot lag behind even a day in the development of the latest production technologies.

15.05.2015 - 20:20

News of Belarus. The President demands that the government take all necessary measures to protect the domestic market from unjustified imports. Alexander Lukashenko announced this on May 15 during a visit to the Minsk Tractor Plant. The head of state was informed about the financial and economic activities and prospects for the development of the enterprise, as reported in the “24 Hours” News program on STV.

More than 20 years at work. Alexander Zhavrid does not call his plant anything other than family. Literally before the eyes of the foreman of the tractor assembly shop, low-power machines began to be assembled, and now those models that the developers call “exclusive”. He says that modernized lines also help to assemble such products. And, of course, competent specialists. This is the secret of competitive products.

Anastasia Ivannikova, STV:
Every tenth tractor in the world is from Belarus. Today MTZ, without exaggeration, is the face of the country. Over almost 70 years of existence, the plant’s products have been supplied to 125 countries around the world.

MTZ produces tractors with power starting from 20 horsepower. This year, the modern “Belarus” was released into mass production. It will replace two tractors with 200 horsepower. This “premiere” will be sent to Southeast Asia. And not only her.

Andrey Stasilevich, chief designer of Minsk Tractor Plant OJSC:
We are working on a new line of tractors for Africa and Southeast Asia.On On tractors with a power of up to 200 horsepower, almost everything is domestic. But 300-350 and above – the engine is still imported.

Now the company has problems. Supplies to major markets fell slightly. Other mechanical engineering giants also have weaknesses. Nevertheless, the state is doing everything to ensure that production is preserved and acceptable working conditions are created. This is under constant control.

At the end of April, Alexander Lukashenko announced his visit to large industrial enterprises.

Fedor Domotenko has served as CEO since August last year. The company is trying to develop and increase economic performance. After all, among the main tasks are volumes, profitability and efficiency.

Particular attention is paid to wages. This question is always relevant. Alexander Lukashenko notes: it is necessary to maintain the level that remained from last year. At the same time, the state, for its part, guarantees that control over pricing will remain.

The main task now for the country, for everyone, before the elections, is that we must under no circumstances engage in populism. I already said this. And to catch up on wages, so that later we can choke, after the elections, so that people will fuck us up. We need to maintain the level that we achieved from last year. Save level. We will control pricing here; prices almost all depend on us. We see where prices fall and where they rise a little. If import prices rise, God bless them. The main thing is that prices for goods produced in Belarus do not rise. We control it, we see it, we help enterprises. Somewhere, yes, indeed, prices should be raised. They are moving. But the main thing is to keep wages at last year’s level. If you are in a good position, pay extra, but we need to explain to people that today we need to invest money in modernization in order to implement these plans by 2020.

According to the results of last year, the company's products were supplied to almost 60 countries around the world. More than 40% of the equipment was exported to Russia, about a quarter - to non-CIS countries, a little less - to the CIS, 9% was supplied to the domestic market. According to plant management forecasts, by 2020 the export map will change slightly in percentage terms. Nevertheless, the president notes: the sale of products outside the country must be approached in an economically verified manner.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:
Kobyakov’s government throws a question at me: Alexander Grigorievich, allow me to sell it outside the country below cost. Listen, implement it if you are so brave. And then, if the directors see that they need to sell it below cost, then let’s sell it domestically. Because, having sold outside the country, it is difficult to control it later. And, most importantly, we have a quality problem today. There is a problem. And there are punctures. And for MTZ, but here it is less, for MAZ, for other enterprises. Even if we gave this tractor away inside, and something happens there, we will service it instantly.

In most cases, industrial enterprises are focused on Russia. Finding new markets is not easy or quick.

Fedor Domotenko, General Director of Minsk Tractor Plant OJSC:
We recently held negotiations with representatives of Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa, and received an official invitation. We are creating an assembly plant in Pakistan. Contracts have been signed. The work there is going well.

Few people remember that the plant proceeded in stages towards the production of world-famous tractors. As a result, Belarusian equipment can now operate in a variety of conditions. Of course, there is competition. Take, for example, the famous German analogues. Gradual modernization and new approaches can help you get ahead of your competitors. For starters, in design.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:
If you look at it from the outside it’s beautiful, but on the inside you have to look at these details somehow. The paneling is more delicate so that it is narrower, closer to foreigners. But this is already an order of magnitude higher.

In 1994, the Minsk Tractor Plant became one of the first enterprises visited by Alexander Lukashenko after his election as president. Then, in the mid-90s, persistent proposals were made to close the industrial giants of Belarus. It was proposed to place a bet on small mobile production. Our country took a different path, and, as practice has shown, the decision was correct. And today, domestic equipment can completely replace imported analogues.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:
They tell me: “Quality, quality.” Yes, we will ask for this, but we must understand that we did not have this. We have created all this in recent years and created it under severe pressure: “Come on, come on.” Naturally, it takes years to perfect the technology. Also? Therefore, if there are any disadvantages somewhere... Minsk residents, I know, bought imported tractors for their communal apartments - why? The factory is nearby. If some part is out of order, he will immediately come and repair it. I constantly warn the government: we are not members of the WTO, we do not owe anything to anyone, we should not. Let's protect our domestic market and not give it to anyone. From iron to tractor and car.
In the near future (it should be scheduled, I already said yesterday) we will hold a special meeting with the president, where the government will report. Let's look at nine months, let's say, how it was done, what was imported, why it was imported, and what the government did this year to protect its own producers, as is done all over the world.

By the way, MTZ now has the opportunity to cooperate with Chinese partners. The visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Belarus recently ended. There is interest in the Celestial Empire in Sineokaya’s products.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:
This is our friend. And right there, which very rarely happens during a visit, he gathered his people and gave them specific instructions. There was only one goal: the Belarusians need to be supported, they need to be helped, because they have never let us down. The governors reached direct agreements with the provinces. 50% of countries' GDP - and this is a huge GDP! – these eight provinces provide. We are a drop in the bucket for them. One province would be enough for us. He brought eight. We need to develop this now.