What is the budget of an advertising campaign in Yandexdirect and how to calculate it. Cost of advertising on Yandex Direct How to calculate the advertising budget for Direct

It's no secret that in order to be successful in any field of activity, you need to have an action plan, an idea of ​​what awaits us. This also applies to contextual advertising. In our case, such a plan is Budget Forecast or Media Planning.

Our goal:

    Determine whether it is worth going into a niche in a given region;

    Find out your budget and possible cost per click.

But you should not assume that you can find out the exact numbers from the forecast result.

In this article, for clarity, I used the “Decomposition 5.rf” service. It is a convenient tool for understanding what you can influence (both at the level of your advertising company and at the level of the sales department) to more successfully promote your business or business, what you should focus on to increase your net profit.

So let's get started.

Why do you need media planning?

First, let's understand what Media Planning is.

Media planning - drawing up media plans (schedules for displaying advertising materials), planning advertising campaigns, the basis of which is the selection of media carriers (TV, press, radio, outdoor advertising, Internet) for delivering an advertising message, as well as optimizing placement according to coverage, cost and other characteristics.

To draw up a media plan or budget forecast in contextual advertising (let’s agree that a media plan and budget forecast are the same thing), the following inputs are required:

    Website address or niche description (if there is no website).

    Website conversion (an indicator of how effectively your website converts transitions into applications, calls or other targeted actions for you). If you don’t know the site conversion rate, then the average value for landing (one-page) sites is conditionally equal to 5%, for an online store we take 1-1.5%.

So why make a media plan before launching advertising? I want to set it up faster and get some traffic to the site. I agree, but if we consider working on a thread, then this is necessary at a minimum:

    Prepare expectations so that you understand that when you launch advertising in Yandex or Google, you will be able to get the following figures (cost per click, number of applications, cost of application).

Budget forecast

We go to Yandex Direct and go to the Budget Forecast tab.

For Budget Forecast you need to complete three steps (select 3 settings).

The first step is to select the region where our advertisement will be displayed.

The second step is that we need to specify the calculation parameters.

    The time for which the calculation will be made (week, month, quarter or year);

    Platform (in this case on everyone or on mobile);

I also want to clarify that the budget forecast is based on accumulated statistics; if it says 30 days, then these are not the future 30 days, but the past. It doesn't try to predict, it produces a 30-day average in a given region based on the phrases we give it. If we choose not the number of days, but a specific month, it will not be the future month, but the one that has passed.

The third step is we put a list of key phrases for the budget forecast.

To collect a list of key phrases and negative phrases is used

Processing forecast results

So, the system offers us predicted numbers that we can count on if we run ads using this list of key phrases.

In our case, a special placement position with a traffic volume of -100% was selected.

It must be said right away that these are those positions for placing an advertisement on the search that are placed at the top, and those at the bottom.

I would like to emphasize that in fact the system does not see our ads, since they do not exist yet, because of this, the program cannot predict the quality score of our ads, and it does not know what theirs are. It simply gives us some average numbers for the system in a given region over the last 30 days for these key phrases.

So keep in mind that in reality, when we launch a real company, the result is almost always better.

We need to decide in what position we will try to show our ad.

Let's say we don't have 82,296.40 rubles, let's say we have 66,112.70 rubles. per month, then we choose the second special placement with a traffic volume of -85%.

From this report we need the following indicators:

    Forecast impressions - 27,792;

    Clicks forecast - 3,748.

We will also need a third indicator, CPC (cost per click). It is calculated as follows:

CPC = Budget Forecast / Click Forecast

CPC = 66,112.70 / 3,748 = 17.64 rub.

So we have received our indicators for further media planning in “Decomposition 5.rf”

Decomposition 5.rf is a calculator for calculating your sales funnel. Shows the paths that all your customers take, starting with their first acquaintance with your business. For example, from viewing your ad in Yandex until the moment the client pays you money.

Selecting the "Pay per click" section

We can go (fill in the values) from left to right, make a forecast when we need to understand how much the investment in a new project in a new niche will pay off. Or you have an existing business, and you can understand what results you will get by changing a specific conversion at each stage of your funnel.

Or we can go from the opposite. Set the final goal in money, how much we want to get net per month and see accordingly what values ​​we must achieve at each stage of the funnel, how many clients, applications and traffic flow to the site we must receive in order to achieve our goal.


Let's look at the example of wholesale sales of suits for men. To do this, we previously received the required indicators from the Budget Forecaster.

Our product or service is requested approximately 28,000 times a month (in Yandex). We looked at this indicator from the Budget Forecaster from Yandex, where we took the average cost per click of 17 rubles, set the click-through rate of the ad to 5%, we hope that the advertising campaign will be good.

Let me make a reservation right away: if you have a question about what this or that column means, you simply hover your cursor over the question mark and you will see a tooltip.

So, once we set the CTR, the service showed us the number of clicks we would receive monthly from our impressions. Having set the price per click, we received an advertising budget accordingly, which was obtained by simply multiplying the number of clicks by the average cost per click.

As we can see, the advertising budget is very different from the one we received in the Budget Forecaster, this is due to the fact that many factors are not taken into account in the forecast. Don’t worry, in the future we will understand that by changing the values, we can achieve the indicators we require.

Visitors land on our website or landing page, for example, its conversion is 2% (purchase application, consultation, any target action that you set). We set the conversion (to sales), that is, the efficiency of work (your own or your sales department). Let them close 25% of transactions in this example, set the average check to 25,000 rubles and profitability (what percentage of these 25,000 rubles do you take out for yourself net, after deducting all expenses). For example, if 11,200 rubles remain net, then the profitability will be 20%. We see that a business process with such indicators gives us 11,200 rubles in monthly profit.

It’s not enough, the question arises what needs to be done to make it more, and here you start playing with numbers. You look at what stage you can influence, what you can change.

    Find a better offer from suppliers, thereby increasing your profitability to 35%. Notice how net profit has changed.

  • Search – the ad is displayed in Yandex search when the user enters a corresponding query;
  • Thematic is advertising shown in the Yandex advertising network, on its partner sites.
  • Special placement (up to 3 ads ABOVE search results)
  • Guaranteed impressions (up to 4 ads BELOW or TO THE RIGHT of search results)
  • Dynamic displays (up to 5 ads under the search results or on the right on 2 and subsequent search pages; ads are not always shown, but alternate with competing ads)

Calculation of advertising costs in Yandex Direct

The placement price for each position depends on the competition for that keyword phrase. To determine the rate of getting to the desired position, Yandex Direct takes into account:

  • your ad metrics: CTR (click-through rate), quality score, and finally your bid
  • the same performance of competing ads

With equal bids, the best position goes to ads that have a high quality score and are frequently clicked on.

Yandex claims that the Productivity indicator does not affect the selection of ads for display in a specific position. However, Ad Quality Score uses the same parameters to evaluate the competitiveness of your ads:

  • ad relevance to the keyword phrase
  • compliance of the landing page with queries and ad text
  • ad statistics

Since Direct system users cannot see the quality indicators of their ads, they can focus on the “Productivity” indicator.

If your ad is new and has not yet been shown for the selected keyword, its CTR = 0. At the same time, competitors’ ads have already received clicks and, by default, have a higher CTR. This means that in order to get to the desired position (for example, 1st or 2nd place in a Special Placement), your ad must have a very high quality score, and you must set a high conversion bid.

The higher this price, the higher your ad will be shown. In the settings, Yandex suggests a minimum cost per click to ensure that you are included in the search results for different positions.

The minimum cost of the campaign is 300 rubles, which you must deposit into your account to launch it. (This is the minimum budget for 1 campaign, not the cost per conversion).

Yandex Direct has an advance payment system: you top up your account, and for each click the system automatically debits money.

How accurate is the budget forecast for Yandex Direct?

The forecast results should be used only as a guide, but they are not accurate. Yandex Direct is constantly changing:

  • demand for a product or service (number of requests with a key phrase)
  • number of competitors and their advertisements
  • conversion rates

Therefore, the actual cost of a campaign always differs from the predicted one, and most often to a greater extent.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

It's time to bring clarity and light to the money issue, which is usually talked about in vague terms. In this article we will tell you what the minimum depends on, how to calculate and save it, and how much you will ultimately have to pay for the Republic of Kazakhstan.

What determines the cost of advertising in Yandex.Direct

On fingers:

You have set up an advertising campaign, written ads and launched a campaign. Every time a user clicks on your offer, the system deducts a certain amount from your account. The amount of the charge depends on the auction and does not exceed the maximum cost per click that you have set.

For beginners who have still mastered the intricacies of purpose, automatic strategies are suitable. They will help save time on placing and determining bets.

  • “Weekly click package” allows you to receive a certain number of clicks for a set budget. When setting up your strategy, indicate the number of clicks you would like to receive within a week. Direct will extend the display of your ads over 7 days and will try to provide you with the desired number of clicks at the minimum cost.
  • “Weekly budget” will help you get the maximum number of clicks for your set budget. You will need to set a certain amount of expenses for the week and indicate what result you would like to achieve in 7 days. The strategy will automatically select the most profitable ones for achieving your goal and display them in the Direct interface every 15 minutes.
  • “Average cost per click” will allow you to get the maximum number of clicks per week. But the cost of the transition will not exceed the price you set. This strategy is suitable for advertisers who know how much they are willing to pay for a conversion. The average cost per click is expressed in relation to the weekly spend in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the cost per click, which is charged for clicking on the ad. The minimum average price for a transition in Direct is 0.3 rubles. It will not be possible to set less in the interface. After launching the campaign, the system itself will begin to place bids on key queries so as to attract as many visitors as possible.

The cost of advertising is calculated based on the average cost per click and the total number of clicks. If you use several keywords, you must first calculate the cost of each of them, and then summarize the results.

Let's derive the simplest formula for calculating the cost of a campaign in Direct.


  • SC – campaign cost.
  • CCC – average cost per click.
  • CC – number of clicks.

Conventionally, this formula can be represented as follows.

I launch an advertising campaign and get 1000 clicks at an average price of 20 rubles. The cost of my campaign is: 1000*20 = 20,000 rubles.

On fingers:

We take the average cost per click for one key phrase from the campaign. Multiply by the number of clicks on this key phrase. We get a budget for the key phrase.

We add up the budget for all key phrases. We receive the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Let's summarize

The minimum budget in Yandex.Direct consists of three components:

  • cost per click;
  • number of clicks;
  • keys.

What is cost per click

Cost per click is the amount of money you pay Yandex for someone clicking on your ad.

The cost of clicks in Direct is not fixed. It is determined as a result of bidding between advertisers, which is called an auction. You can independently set the maximum amount you are willing to pay per click.

Ad positions are calculated based on bidding - whoever offers more, who has a higher CTR and quality coefficient, will get to the more attractive one.

The cost per click is affected by:

Seasonality of supply

The request “Buy a scooter” is popular in late winter and early summer. The competitive cost per click during this peak is higher than in winter and fall. Read, and you will always be aware of user preferences.


One of the most popular misconceptions is that places in special accommodation are more expensive than guaranteed ones. Actually this is not true. Sometimes impressions in the 1st place of the guarantee (1st result after organic results) cost 2 and 3 times more than an impression in the 1st place of special placement (the very first line).

The final campaign budget depends not only on the cost per click, but also on the number of clicks. And the CTR for ads at the beginning and end of search results differs. Not all users scroll through the page; many do not reach the offers in the guarantee, so they click on the special placement.

It is definitely impossible to say that ads at the beginning of the search results are constantly clicked on, while those located at the end are not paid attention to. All users have their own characteristics. To some, special placements seem like spam or viral links. Such users purposefully scroll to the guarantee, considering such offers to be more reliable.

You can read about what other pros and cons of different placements in our previous articles:

Advertising effectiveness

The higher the click-through rate of your ad, the lower the cost of displaying it.

You can adjust the budget during the campaign depending on performance indicators. To manage the cost of a click and control expenses, you need to study Direct reports. And to track conversion – Metrica reports. About how to work with Yandex.Metrica reports,

Quality indicators

These indicators are determined by Yandex itself. For advertisers, their nature, although largely mythical, is very important. They influence the increase or decrease in the cost per click.

Let's talk about some of them:

Domain Karma

Key Relevance

The keyword you use must match the title of your ad. You don't have to cram your entire keyword phrase into the title. A match of 2-3 words out of 5 is already good. Let's look at two examples of one ad for the request “Buy an air conditioner with delivery.”

The title must satisfy not only the system, but also the users. Make announcements clear, replace abstractions and amplifiers with facts and figures.

People for whom 15 thousand is expensive may click on an ad with the heading “Inexpensive air conditioners.” They will see the price, they will leave, we will lose money. Facts and figures help to make a cross-section of the desired target audience and formulate user expectations.

Page relevance

The key query should lead the user to a page with the service or product that you advertised. If a person clicks on an ad that sells porcelain sets, then he should be taken to a page with tea sets, and not with dining rooms.

Remember to match the search intent to the content of the page.

Intent is the user's need. The task that he implies by entering this or that phrase into the search bar.

Sometimes the intent is unclear. Even if the phrase with which the user is trying to express his task is part of your SL.

How can this be:

We launched a campaign to sell sets. The semantic core of the campaign contains the phrase “Buy services.”

Here the user enters the request “Buy tableware”, sees our ad and goes to the page with tableware. And he needed tea shops. Few guys will explore the site to find tea shops; usually users close the page and return to the search results, but we get a refusal.

To reduce the number of refusals for such unclear requests, use quick links and cross-follow campaigns.

How to calculate the minimum campaign budget in Yandex.Direct

The easiest way to determine how much money you will need at the beginning of your journey is to use Direct's budget forecast.

In the windows that appear, you will be asked to decide on the region of impressions (1) and download a list of approximate key queries (2).

But to launch a campaign, you will need to collect a lot of keys. Read about that in one of our articles.

The final result of working with budget calculations will be approximate, but sufficient to get an idea of ​​the possible cost of the campaign, click-through rate and the size of bets on a particular site. Read ours to understand all the intricacies.

But the useful tools don't end there.

Weekly budget in Yandex.Direct

The Weekly Budget strategy allows you to set a spending limit for the week and calculate your budget for the month ahead. This is convenient because you can immediately set certain cost limits.

The system will allow you to set the maximum cost per click manually and will offer to use the “Maximum conversion by goal” technology. To do this, you will have to install a metric on the site, set up goals for visitors in it and link it to the campaign.

Daily budget and total account in Direct

What is a general account and why is it needed?

This feature is enabled automatically for all new Direct users. As soon as you register an account, the following message will appear next to the tab with your campaigns.

Connecting a joint account is convenient for managing finances. You don’t have to pay for individual campaigns, top up your balance, or track the amount of funds for each advertising campaign. Ads will continue to run as long as there are funds in the shared account.

It’s very easy to replenish a single account yourself using the same methods as a regular account: by bank receipt, via card, in cash using a payment code, Yandex.Money, using PayPal.

You can also enable automatic payment. With automatic replenishment, the account will be topped up either from your Yandex.Money wallet or from a bank card. But this option is available only to advertisers from Russia who pay for advertising in rubles.

Daily budget: why limit yourself

Limiting the daily budget is a Direct function. It allows you to spend a fixed amount per day on displaying your ads. Yandex has set the minimum threshold for possible expenses at 300 rubles.

You can use the daily budget if you select “Manual bet management” from the list of strategies.

In the windows you will need to indicate the number of expenses per day and select a spending mode from two possible ones.

  • Standard. Set by default. If you choose it, your ads will be shown until the limit is exhausted.
  • Distributed. This mode will allow you to stretch the specified funds limit over the entire day or for the period that you specify in time targeting.

Calculations are made according to Moscow time, and the limit can be changed no more than three times in 24 hours. Please take this into account if you are running a campaign in a different time zone.

Savings should also be reasonable, and if you set the budget for one day in Direct too low, you risk not receiving enough impressions, and therefore target visitors. Start with the minimum amount that Direct can offer, and then adjust its size as the advertising campaign works.

Proper use of strategies for working with funds in Direct allows you to save money while receiving a considerable response from the audience.

Availability deprives your ads of untargeted impressions and clicks, reduces the bounce rate and has a positive effect on CTR.

They work as follows.

We sell car tires and handle the search for “Buy tires”. We are not interested in showing ads to people who are looking for bicycle tires or medical tires. To only show your ads to your target audience, add “bicycle” and “medical” to your stop words list.

To better understand these things, check out our red button article on using negative keywords, collecting them, and setting them up.

Minimum budget in Yandex.Direct: summing up

The RK price in Yandex is a variable and individual value. The cost of RK depends on the goals. For some, 2,000 clicks a day is not enough, but for others, 200 will suit them.

The minimum budget is influenced by the region, demand for a product or service, competition in the niche and other factors that we have already discussed. Each of them either increases the cost of the campaign or decreases it.

To name the exact amount that it will cost you to launch a campaign in Direct, you need to find out the needs of the advertiser, conduct a preliminary market analysis, determine the audience reach, create KPIs and test the advertising campaign. You can also contact Semantics. Our online advertising specialists will help you create KPIs, calculate your budget and achieve profit.

Today we will look at how, using the Yandex Direct budget forecast tool, we can predict expenses for contextual advertising and determine the result that we will get from using the system itself.

So, to get started, go to Yandex Direct home page and click on the big button " Place an advertisment» (you must be logged in to Yandex in advance). There is a special link at the top “ Budget forecast«.

Click on it, after which a new tool opens “ ". I want to say right away that all data from this tool is for informational purposes only.

They do not talk about exact numbers, but they help to get some kind of budget forecast that you can focus on when planning and creating advertising campaigns in.

Selecting a region to display contextual advertising

So, first we need to select the region in which we plan to display. Press the button " Specify» (1) and how in the keyword selection tool we select the geographic area we need.

For example, let's choose Moscow and the Moscow region. After that, click “ OK» (click on the picture to enlarge).

We see that we have already begun to display the item “ Display regions» (2) . Please note that there is an additional link on the right " Which regions to choose?» (3) . If you are interested, then by clicking on it, you can read useful information for yourself.

Selection of keywords Yandex Direct

Now we come to the second step. You need to insert key phrases into Yandex Direct. We already know how to select. So you just need to insert the words here (4) from a pre-prepared list.

It is better to insert phrases as a list. If you press the button next to it Pick up» (5) , a new pop-up window will open. In it we can select the necessary keywords for Yandex Direct contextual advertising.

Please note that there is an additional field on the right " Hints» (6) . In it, the Yandex Direct system tells us keywords that for some reason we did not include in our list. We can add them here too.

For the sake of example, I'll add a couple of keywords. If you want to add absolutely all the phrases from this window, you can do this faster using the “ Everyone fits". If the tips don’t suit you, you can click on the “ More» and see additional hint options.

Below you can clear or rearrange the list. If you inserted the words in the form of a sentence, then for greatest convenience I recommend that you organize the list. When we have selected the keywords, you need to click on the “ Calculate«.

Budget forecast Yandex Direct online

Now we have calculated the parameters and some kind of online Yandex Direct budget forecast has appeared. Now I will explain what is here and how. Let's start with the first word " hammer drill". It seems to be inactive for me (slightly darkened) and next to it there is a question mark.

The question arises: " Why does this word stand out so much?"When you hover over the icon, a hint appears: " The phrase is predicted to have a low CTR". Let's look at this low click-through rate on the right.

There is a column " Position". Click on the question mark and see the ad placement in the first place in the search result. If you forgot, you can look at this hint from Yandex Direct.

So, in the column " Position" we see :

  • special accommodation
  • 1st place
  • guaranteed impressions

If you have forgotten what this is, then I recommend clicking on the question mark in the table header to display a tooltip.

A little to the right of these three positions for the keyword are the budget forecast parameters (picture below). First comes the forecast of the average cost per click. That is, Yandex Direct gives us budget forecasting.

Conventional unit- that's 30 rubles. That is, to get it in rubles, we need to multiply each number by 30.

In the keyword " hammer drill» The click-through rate of guaranteed impressions is 0.33. That is, she is the smallest (less than 0.50). That is why ours is darkened and shown in such an inactive style.

If you click on the hint (question mark), then you can see that YAN does not recommend using this keyword. Statistically, such a request will collect very few clicks.

Let's take the following query. For example, " Bosch rotary hammer". It is also darkened, since Yandex Direct does not recommend using such a request in an advertising campaign. Here the click-through rate of the first place and guaranteed impressions is less than 0.50%.

In principle, such a Yandex Direct budget forecast can be called a kind of media plan. After selecting keywords, you will be able to estimate how many clicks and budget you need to count on to get good results from contextual advertising.

Let's now look at how the free Yandex Direct budget calculation works. Now we have all the data. Now you need to get a special table that will collect data on the cost and budget of advertising on the Internet.

Accordingly, you can choose “ " or " select entry position for guaranteed impressions«.

When you select these items, you can see that the budget amount is recalculated at the bottom of the report (8) . If I click on " “, then it will be almost 41,910 rubles per month.

If you click on " select the entry position to the 1st place"will be more than 7,000 rubles. And for guaranteed impressions it will be 3,406 rubles. This will be our Yandex budget forecast for the month.

Below is additional information from YAN. It says that the actual budget may differ and here we simply show Yandex Direct statistics for those campaigns that are already running in the system for these keywords.

Accordingly, with such a report we can do the following. For example, I click on " Select entry position to special accommodation". Then you can either print this report or export it to xls.

Let's export to an Excel spreadsheet and see how everything will look there (click to enlarge).

So let's see. There is a media plan here that contains information:

  • campaign timing and regions
  • suggested phrases with special placement positions
  • impressions per month
  • number of transitions (for each keyword we see the approximate number of clicks)
  • click-through rate forecast
  • average cost per click forecast
  • total budget

Not only that, at the top we can select different positions for all keywords at the same time. This way we can still select our own individual position for each request.

Let's say I want to show up everywhere in guaranteed impressions (click on “select entry position for guaranteed impressions”).

At the same time, I see that at the request “ buy a hammer drill» special accommodation (10) costs less than guaranteed impressions (9) . So I need to select the top item (10) .

Accordingly, this method can be done for other key phrases. You can choose a profitable advertising space for each keyword.

So, we have made a free online budget forecast for Yandex Direct, which predicts the number of clicks and expenses on an advertising campaign for a month by keywords and regions.

This calculation is approximate, but allows you to navigate the cost of advertising campaigns, cost per click, and the like.

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Unlike most other channels (television, newspapers, magazines), in Yandex.Direct the budget is not fixed, it can be managed, it can be changed and adjusted during the campaign.

Estimating the budget of an advertising campaign in Direct

That is, if the cost of an advertising block in a magazine is 1,500 rubles per ad, then you will pay that much, regardless of the text of the ad, the presence of competitors and other factors. In Yandex.Direct, the situation is different - in this system you pay for clicks on your ad, that is, for clicks, but how many clicks there will be and what the price for each click will be is difficult to predict.

On the one hand, this approach is convenient - by changing the rate per click, you can reduce or increase advertising costs at any time. However, it is difficult to determine how much money you will need with this approach. For example, you want to save money and reduce the cost per click. At the same time, you automatically give way to your competitors who are willing to pay more per click. Or, on the contrary, you set a high cost per click, but your ad turns out to be extremely attractive, and as a result you pay more because it is ahead of the competition without additional costs.

To help advertisers resolve this issue, Yandex has introduced an advertising budget forecaster. This is a tool that allows you to understand how much money you should spend on a campaign. The forecast algorithm makes calculations based on data collected by the system over the last 30 days, so you will get different results at different times.

How does advertising budget forecast work?

Your first step in forecasting advertising costs will be to log into Yandex.Direct, where you will find the “Budget Forecast” option:

By clicking on the budget forecast, you will be taken to the page for estimating the budget of the advertising campaign, where you will have to enter the name of the region in which your potential customers live, the period during which you are going to display the ad and a list of key phrases.

Keywords are the words that a user types into the search bar when searching for your product. If you are selling jewelry, then this could be “buy a gold ring”, “cheap gold ring”, etc.

If you wish, you can change the display period; to do this, just click on the word “change”:

After this, a window will appear in which you can select the period, sites and currency in which you pay for advertising.

Display regions and keywords should be selected in advance - searching and selecting keywords takes a lot of time. After entering the necessary data, all you have to do is click the “Calculate” button and get the approximate amount of costs.

Specifics of the resulting forecast

Keep in mind that the amount you receive as a result of the forecast is not the final result, but only a guideline. There are several reasons for this:

  • Seasonality of search queries. Considering that the forecast is based on information for the last 30 days, seasonality is a serious distorting factor.
  • When making forecasts, average campaign performance figures are taken. Because some advertisers run successful campaigns and some do not, the average is not particularly accurate.
  • The advertising budget forecast does not take into account impressions through the Yandex advertising network (YAN).

Taking into account all of the above, it is not worth spending effort and money on eliminating errors and obtaining an ideal forecast. It is better to take its result into account as a guideline and clarify everything in practice by conducting a little testing. If you keep this in mind, forecasting the budget for an advertising campaign in Yandex will become a useful and effective tool.