Ecological trail in kindergarten. Presentation on the topic: "Ecological trail in kindergarten" Presentation on the topic ecological trail senior group

"Ecological trail" MDOU d\s "Forest Fairy Tale"

Educator Bogatko N. M. .

Relevance of the project.

Familiarizing children with the outside world is closely related to issues of environmental education. The most important means of environmental education is the organization of various types of activities for preschool children directly in the natural environment. In the natural world, an ecological trail is a natural area specially equipped for educational purposes, in which conditions are created for completing a system of tasks that organize and guide the activities of preschool children in the natural environment. Tasks are completed during excursions.

The purpose of creating the trail :

expansion of information about objects, processes and natural phenomena .


  • Teach children to observe objects of living and inanimate nature,
  • Teach specific ways of experimenting and exploring natural objects;
  • Develop the ability to draw conclusions, establish cause and effect relationships between natural objects .

Project type

Project participants .

Children of senior, preparatory groups, teachers, methodologists, parents.

Objective of the project .

Creating conditions for the formation of an environmental culture in children.

Project objectives .

  • To develop children's cognitive activity through experiments and experiments with natural objects.
  • Show children the diversity of flora in the environment
  • Raise children in the spirit of respect for nature.
  • Intensify the participation of parents in the environmental education of the child

Project implementation hypothesis.

The implementation of the project will improve the environmental awareness of children, expand their horizons, and instill skills in working in nature.

Expected results .


  • Expanding children's knowledge and ideas about a caring, creative attitude towards nature. Formation of humanistic behavior in children in surrounding natural conditions. To promote the development of ideas about the plant world.
  • Expanding children's knowledge and ideas about a caring, creative attitude towards nature.
  • Formation of humanistic behavior in children in surrounding natural conditions.
  • To promote the development of ideas about the plant world.


  • Active inclusion in joint activities with children of an experimental - educational, labor and excursion nature.


  • Enrichment of the methodological base of preschool educational institutions with didactic materials of an environmental direction. Presentation of the project at the methodological association Increasing the pedagogical competence of educators to expand environmental knowledge in children.
  • Enrichment of the methodological base of preschool educational institutions with didactic materials of an environmental direction.
  • Presentation of the project at the methodological association
  • Increasing the pedagogical competence of educators to expand environmental knowledge in children.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1. Preparatory: setting goals and objectives, choosing a route,

Determination of objects and methods for research.

2. stage. Actually - research. Finding answers to the questions posed in different ways.

3. stage. Generalizing.

a) diagnosing the level of environmental development of children;

b) viewing presentations of children's research papers.

c) generalization of the level of enrichment of the subject-development environment

Preparatory stage of project implementation.

Target: 1. Study the features of the environment

natural environment.

2. Formulate the goals and objectives of the project

3. Analysis of pedagogical literature on the problem of environmental development of preschool children.

4. Development of a long-term environmental action plan

  • Inspection of objects of the natural environment of the preschool educational institution

2. Processing of advisory and methodological literature

on the problem of environmental education of children

Inspection of natural objects of preschool educational institutions, compilation

maps and passports of the ecological trail

Ecological trail route

Coniferous trees


"Forest Tale"

"Green Pharmacy"

Bird city

White bells.

"Birch Grove"

"Flower Flowers" and "White Bells" »

We have formulated “Rules of conduct on the ecological trail”

Actually – the research stage :

Target: 1. Description of excursion sites along the routes of the ecological trail.

2. Organization of search activities for children and adults on the topic “Ecological trail”.

  • Excursion to a birch grove.
  • Targeted walk “Reconnaissance of spring signs”
  • Cognitive educational activities “Green Pharmacy or Medicinal Plants”, “Forest Teremok”.
  • Labor landing “Vegetable garden on the window”.

"Green friends in our group"

Forms of working with children

  • Ecological conversations
  • Observations in nature
  • Targeted walks
  • Solving environmental situational problems
  • Labor landing
  • Green pharmacy
  • Ecological entertainment
  • Ecological tales
  • Environmental competitions
  • Research activities
  • Reading fiction
  • Creative artistic activity.

Various forms of working with children in a group.

educational lesson "Teremok" (based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi)

Celebrations and re-enactments

Dramatizing a fairy tale

"Forest Teremok"

“On that oak tree...”

"Earth Day"

Drawing on the topic "Forest Teremok"

Generalization stage:

Target: Project presentation

  • Creating an album by children together with their parents

“Ecological trail in the garden “Forest Fairy Tale”.”

2. Earth Day holiday

3. Presentation of the project “Ecological trail”

One man leaves a trail in the forest; two people - a path,

a thousand people - the desert .

Let's love nature!!!

She asks us for help!!!

Thank you for your attention !

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Teacher of MBDOU No. 15 “Chamomile”: Volynkina R.Sh. Topic: “Formation of environmental literacy and culture of children through an ecological trail”

Relevance Love for the Motherland begins with love for nature.” It is under this slogan that the country’s children’s environmental movement carries out all activities that are aimed at ensuring that our children learn to love their Motherland through love for the world around them. It is more effective to develop love for the Motherland, for the native land, for the native nature in preschool age. Environmental literacy is a system of knowledge about the surrounding world, about the rules of behavior in nature, caring attitude towards objects of living and inanimate nature and people. Ecological culture is a system of social relations, public and individual moral and ethical norms, views, attitudes and values ​​concerning the relationship between man and nature. One of the interesting innovative forms of environmental education is the creation of an ecological trail. An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural conditions where there are environmentally significant natural objects. On these routes, children become acquainted with natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, the connections that exist between them, and introduce environmental protection activities in practice. The ecological trail plays an important role in the system of accumulation of personal experience for each child.

Diagnosis of children's development of environmental literacy and culture 51% of children have an average level 49% of children have a low level A survey of parents showed: 65% of parents are often in nature, but the basic rules of behavior in nature are not always followed for various reasons - this corresponds to an average level of development environmental competence, 35% of parents are in nature extremely rarely and do not always follow the basic rules of behavior in nature, do not have sufficient information about the nature of our area, region - this corresponds to a low level. Results of diagnostics and surveys

Problem: Insufficient development of environmental literacy and culture in children. Lack of interaction between children and their parents with nature. Not all parents have developed environmental competence

Goal: developing environmental literacy and culture in children. Objectives: Study scientific and methodological literature on the methodological topic. Draw up a long-term plan for working with children and parents. Make a map of the ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten, select the most interesting viewpoints for study. To develop environmental literacy and culture in children. To increase the level of environmental competence of parents. Monitor the level of development of environmental literacy and culture in children and parents of environmental competence.

Expected results: Increasing the quality indicators of environmental literacy and culture in children by 20% or more. Increasing the level of environmental competence of parents by 20% or more.

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature In our work we relied on the following programs: S. Nikolaeva’s “Young Ecologist” program, which addresses the issue of establishing the beginnings of environmental literacy and culture in children and their development in the adults raising them. N. A. Ryzhova’s program “Nature is Our Home” involves developing in children the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature. Program “From birth to school”, ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

For the purpose of systematic work, we have drawn up a long-term plan for working with children by parents, aimed at developing children’s knowledge about objects of living nature (conversations, quizzes, entertainment, environmental games)

Organization of an ecological trail To organize an ecological trail, we examined the territory and selected the most interesting objects for research - viewpoints: “Mini-vegetable garden”, “Field”, “Garden”, “Vegetable garden”, “Forest”, “Dining room for birds”, “ Anthill". Together with my parents, I made a map of the trail.

Work at viewpoints We organized a variety of work activities along the ecological trail. The children not only observed the plants, but also made beds, sowed seeds of carrots, beets, radishes, and planted seedlings of cabbage and cucumbers. The pupils enjoyed caring for the beds, watering and weeding them. At the “Forest” and “Garden” viewpoints, currant, serviceberry, strawberry, oak, larch, and cedar seedlings were planted. The children looked after the seedlings: they cut dry branches and whitened the trunks. At the “Dining for Birds” viewpoint, in winter, children and their parents made and hung feeders, and in the spring, birdhouses. \

Subject-developing environment An experimentation corner equipped with a microscope and magnifying glasses, with the help of which we, together with the children, looked at stones, twigs, leaves and cones, and the bark of various trees. “Vegetable garden on the window”, where vegetables were grown in winter. A corner of nature. Library. It presents children's fiction about nature. These are books by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Maykov, K. Ushinsky, M. Prishvin, S. Yesenin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov, N. Pavlova, K. Paustovsky, G. Snegirev and others. Parents and children have the opportunity to use this literature.

On the ecological trail we played outdoor games “Fox and Hares”, “Garden Round Dance”, “Owl”. We solved problem situations: “Why do trees need leaves?”, “Who is in charge in the anthill?”; they painted “Letters for the owner of the trail” and “Gifts of Nature” on the asphalt. When winter came, we continued to monitor the weather and snow.

We based our work on children’s assimilation of a system of knowledge about nature. They contributed to the formation of labor skills, fostered emotional responsiveness, love for nature, and the desire to protect and increase its wealth. We consolidated the knowledge gained on the ecological trail in the group. We carried out direct educational activities, which gave children the opportunity to compare, analyze, use existing knowledge, and also introduced children to new material that was used on the ecological trail. We widely used riddles, proverbs, literary works, as well as visual aids (pictures, illustrations, photographs).

Work with parents Organized a family club “Spikelet” Together with parents we organized weekend trips to a camp site, to a birch grove (Severny microdistrict); route excursions along the ecological trail in kindergarten; Parents together with their children participated in the “Garbage does not suit the earth” campaign. They made crafts from bottles and bags.

For independent activities of children, we offered to look at illustrations on the environmental theme “Plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, “Animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. We prepared stencils (leaves, fruits, vegetables, domestic and wild animals); lacing silhouettes of wild animals; painting stones and seeds; making crafts from natural and waste materials; collecting leaves and making collages, herbariums

Results of diagnostics of environmental literacy and culture in children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten No. 15 “Romashka” Results of monitoring the environmental competence of parents

Conclusions Thus, with the help of the ecological trail, we managed to increase the environmental literacy and culture of children, and to develop the environmental competence of parents. We can recommend our work experience to preschool teachers to develop environmental literacy and culture among preschoolers.

*An important place in the system of each child’s accumulation of personal experience, environmentally correct interaction with the nature of the immediate environment, safe both for the child and for nature itself, in accordance with their interests, inclinations, level of cognitive development, is given to the creation of an ecological path on the territory of the kindergarten and organizing work with children there. *The objects of the ecological path can be: various types of tree species, including rare ones (alleys, separately growing rare species, garden, corner of the forest; shrubs; flower beds of various shapes and selection of plants; rock gardens; small ponds (artificial or natural ); a corner of a meadow; a corner of untouched nature; anthills; bird nests; a garden bed with medicinal plants;

An ecological trail is one of the modern forms of upbringing and education of children - this is work in an ecologically significant space, on an educational route passing through various natural objects. By getting to know plants and animals, their habitats, features of natural landscapes, etc., children and adults broaden their horizons and practice orienteering.

*Taking into account the characteristics of age, as well as the specifics of the developing environment, when organizing work on an ecological trail, you can use a variety of forms: excursions, experimental classes, observation classes, environmental games, competitions, quizzes, holidays. *An ecological trail is a means of moral, aesthetic and labor education.

*The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Teaching children to see the beauty of their native nature, cultivating interest and respect for it is one of the main tasks of educators and parents. To protect and love your native nature, you need to know it. Ignorance of nature often causes indifference, and sometimes even cruelty towards all living things. We cultivate love for nature, a conscious, careful and interested attitude towards it in every person from early childhood in the family and in kindergarten

In our kindergarten, teachers have developed and created a unique ecological trail. Before she appeared, the teachers did a lot of preliminary work. We carefully studied literary sources, communicated with teachers from other institutions, and consulted with the students’ parents.

Where did we start? Stages of creating and designing a path: 1. We examined the territory of the kindergarten in detail and identified the most interesting objects. 2. We made maps of the path with the route and all its objects; the map is located on the stand, which is located at the beginning of the ecological trail. 3. Together with the children, we chose the owner of the trail (any fairy-tale character at the request of the children) 4. We compiled passports of all the viewpoints of the trail. 5. We made remote signs that indicate each point. 6. We made recommendations for working with children at each viewpoint.

How we use the ecological trail. – We use it during walks, to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and to improve children’s health in the fresh air. – We use it during observations of wildlife, to develop the sensory qualities of each child. – We introduce different objects of living nature and show its relationship with the outside world. – We try to make the child’s communication with nature safe for the child and nature itself. – We form a feeling of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, we teach to care and treat nature with care. – We develop the ability to convey our impressions of communication with nature in drawings, crafts, stories and other creative works.

Our doll Flora is the owner of the ecological trail. Flora suggests going to a certain view point. - asks riddles to find out what exactly we will be watching; - asks questions related to the object of observation; - introduces children to these objects; - proposes to find an object according to the scheme - plan, to which he invites children; - conducts games such as: “Recognize the flower”, “Say a word”, “Summarizing words”, “What is extra?”, “When does this happen?” etc. - writes letters to children, in which he offers to answer questions, tasks, and fantasize on various topics. -introduces children to poems and proverbs about nature (animals, plants, natural phenomena, seasons) and helps them memorize them. - in direct educational activities it is used as a surprise moment, helping the teacher set children up for productive work.

Children in our kindergarten enjoy spending time on the ecological trail with the fairy Flora. They are attracted by the appearance of the ecological trail, reminiscent of fairy-tale magic around each viewpoint. Also the content, means and methods of work for the implementation of the educational process. We have developed a series of classes on the “Ecological Trail”, a plan-model of an ecological week, observational excursions, excursions, walks, environmental tournaments, KVNs, matinees, passports of species points of the ecological trail, card indexes of experiences and experiments

This year our ecological trail has been replenished with insects, animals and birds listed in the red book of the Utrish State Reserve. “The State Reserve “Utrish” is a unique relict juniper-pistachio forest on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. It has the status of a regional reserve. Poaching, logging, attempts to illegally seize forest lands, and illegal construction have become almost the norm here. Caring people throughout our country of different professions, beliefs, ages, united by their love for Utrish and the desire to help him, stood up in his defense. The staff of our kindergarten, children, parents, we all want to take part in the protection and protection of the “house” in which we live! Our kindergarten is actively working in this direction. The main objectives of our work are: 1) expanding children's ideas about the nature of Utrish; 2) deepening knowledge about plants and animals of Utrish; 3) instilling in children love and respect for their native nature; 4) development of skills to recognize representatives of the living world by their description, habits, habitat, seasonal changes, way of life; 5) the formation in children of a nature-oriented picture of the world.

Our employees put a lot of effort into solving the assigned tasks. We carefully studied literary sources and went on an excursion to the Utrish State Nature Reserve. We talked with local experts, learned the history of the origin of the reserve, its purpose, value and uniqueness. Productive work is also being carried out to familiarize ourselves with the extraordinary flora and fauna, instilling love and respect for our native nature among our students. Last year, children from the preparatory group and teachers made a model of the Utrish conservation area, which participated in the competition and took 3rd place.

This year, kindergarten teachers, students, and parents made a didactic rug for the Utrish conservation area. Which depicts the flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Utrish Nature Reserve. We hope that this year we will be among the leaders. Now let’s walk through the viewpoints of the ecological trail.

MADO kindergarten No. 210 Project “Ecological trail” group “Gnomes”


Banikevich O.V.

Popova E.V.

Expected result Formed knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

  • Expanding children's knowledge and ideas about a caring, creative attitude towards nature.
  • Formation of humanistic behavior in children in surrounding natural conditions.
  • Assessment methods: observation, conversations, analysis of children's creative products.
  • Implementation period: 3 years: 2014-2017.
  • Plan – map of the Ecological Trail (Located on the group site) (
Flower garden.


City of masters.


Bird town.

STATION 1: "Flower Garden"

5. Games, conversations (If you were a flower).

6. Writing stories about flowers,

writing poems and riddles.

7. Word games (describe

plants, plant parts).

8. Finger games (“Our scarlet flowers”


1. Watering the flower bed.

2. Planting flower seedlings.

3. Observing the flowers in the flowerbed (shades of flowers in greenery, etc.).

4. Seed collection.

9. Observation of the behavior of plants and insects (at different times of the day and depending on the weather).

STATION 2: “trees” Objects for observation: birch, rowan, spruce.

1. Examination and observation of a tree at different times of the year.

2. Human care for trees.

3. Using magnifying glasses for observations.

4. Conducting research (measuring height, thickness).

5. Sensory development of children during walks and observations.

6. Connection with animals.

7. Conversations (about coniferous and deciduous trees, etc.).

STATION 3: “City of Masters”

1. Consolidating knowledge about objects of living and inanimate nature (conversations, observations, etc.). Objects for observation: feeders and birdhouses on the site.

1. Bird watching (structure, wintering and migratory birds, etc.).

2. Listening to the voices of birds; listening to chicks squeak.