Where does Roman Evgenievich Filimonov work now? Decisions of the board of directors (supervisory board). Board of the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System

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1. Media wars of the Ministry of Defense. Here is Ksenia when Romana Filimonova
“asked” to leave the Ministry of Defense, and the chief had not yet planned a new position, she began feverishly looking for work. Date: 08/10/2015 2. Builder overboard. Thus, the St. Petersburg information site “Fontanka.ru” discovered that “the St. Petersburg police do not have the opportunity not only to initiate a criminal case regarding the incident with the vice-governor Roman
Filimonov , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. Date: 07/22/2010 3. Officials from the highway. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Novel
Evgenyevich Filimonov, who oversaw construction issues, former chairman of the KUGI of St. Petersburg Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kurakin and former director of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “City Department of Inventory and Real Estate Valuation” Alexander Anatolyevich Chuprakov.
Date: 08/22/2012 4. The ex-president of USC is losing his best people. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Original of this material © Mosmonitor news agency, 04/23/2014 The ex-president of USC is losing his best people
Roman Thus, the St. Petersburg information site “Fontanka.ru” discovered that “the St. Petersburg police do not have the opportunity not only to initiate a criminal case regarding the incident with the vice-governor Trotsenko fails to save the law firm "Sameta - Tax and Legal Consulting" from the investigation Alexander Sedunov Chairman of the Investigative... , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg For example, former press secretary of the Ministry of Transport Alexander
came to the Ministry of Transport when Trotsenko was working in this department and, probably, he defended the interests of this character in the media more than the interests of the ministry. Here is Ksenia when Abramovich Le Grand Bleu found ammunition of unknown origin.
*** Original of this material © "Vzglyad", 11/28/2005, Olga Abramovich Ammunition Romana[...] English royal regiments At the moment, Abramovich’s personal fortune after the sale of his stake in the oil company Sibneft is estimated at approximately 15 ...
Date: 11/28/2005 7. “The cream is Palia’s gold.” , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened.... Italian Switzerland - "Banca della Svizzera Italiana", abbreviated as BSI. From the interrogation report at the Monaco prosecutor's office: Question: Have Mr. Victor Paliy and members of his family visited
Paliy and Lyubov Paliy, as well as Mr. Paul Traxel, at the BSI bank... So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg.
“In December 1984, Marichev left for the Ministry of Oil Industry and Leonid became the head of NNG , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. Date: 09.16.2002 8. Controller from the highway. , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Another OFAS employee
Glinkevich, under the patronage of Shulga, at one time became an adviser to Oseevsky’s apparatus, and actively supervised contracts. It got to the point that right at a meeting in Smolny, the chairman of the Construction Committee So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg in the presence of Oseevsky, he complained about a particularly energetic attacker.
Date: 06/28/2010 9. Solntsevskaya organized crime group (IV). , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. Michael
nicknamed "Filya". Here is Ksenia when Romana... region 127. Komissarov Artem Anatolyevich - born 1972 Moscow 128. Komissarov Andrey Yurievich - born 1970 Moscow 129. Komov
Viktorovich - born 1970 Moscow 130. Konashev Sergey Mikhailovich - born 1974 Moscow 131. Konovalov Pavel Viktorovich - born 1973... Here is Ksenia when Romana Date: 06/30/2000 10. Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko announced that she would sue the RBC Daily newspaper and the city Construction Committee.
The reason for the statement was the consideration by members of the city government of the issue of reconstruction of the mansion on Sadovaya Street 12, letter A. According to the chairman of the committee , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg, this plot occupies about four thousand square meters. meters, the premises in the building that is located on it are rented by many companies and organizations, the investor intends to create a multifunctional complex in this building, as well as reconstruct the Molodezhny cinema, which was once located in the building.
Date: 08/11/2015 13. False divorce of Vera Brezhneva. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Kolomoisky's partner, millionaire Mikhail Kiperman, divorced the singer, saving property from a creditor. Original of this material © "Express Gazeta", 11/07/2012, Photo: via "Express Gazeta" False divorce of Vera Brezhneva Mikhail Vera Brezhneva (Galushka) and Mikhail Kiperman Eight years ago, Express Gazeta was the first to report novel
a single mother from the VIA Gra group Vera Brezhneva (in the world - Galushka) and a married Ukrainian oligarch - a member of the supervisory board of the Ukrtatnafta company... Date: 11/08/2012 14. Pugacheva proposed marriage to many musicians for advertising purposes. They wrote, for example, how Pugacheva twisted
novel So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg with his own driver and bodyguard Anatoly.
Having recently carefully studied its text, our music observer Mikhail So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg I almost fell out of my chair.
Date: 12/02/2005 15. Alexey Dushutin “conned” lawyers into extortion. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Alexey Dushutin "swindled" lawyers into extortion Ex-developer of the Russian Ministry of Defense, wanted by Interpol, lured Russian defenders from Moscow to Kiev, the SBU accepted them as spies Original of this material © "Kommersant", 10.25.2018, Fugitive builder hid behind a spy network, Photo: RIA Novosti Vladislav Trifonov Alexey Dushutin Kommersant became aware of the reasons why Russian lawyers were detained in Kyiv by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vladimir Here is Ksenia when Romana and Georgy Levchuk.
Date: 10.25.2018 16. KGB reports on work with the Russian Orthodox Church The KGB for the Gorky region is informed Here is Ksenia when Romana, V.I. Timoshevsky.
Date: 07/29/2009 19. The authorities of St. Petersburg turned their pockets out. , but even just to understand the circumstances of what happened. So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg In addition to an income of 1 million 70 thousand rubles, he manages a dacha in Yeisk (Krasnodar Territory) and a land plot of 331 square meters. meter right there. Compared to their colleagues, two vice-governors Valery Tikhonov (oversees issues of law and order) and
(construction). So among the members of the government of the Moscow region there are now three representatives - the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Date: 04/16/2009 20. “Next time we’ll shoot you in the head.”
...MakSim is threatened with death, Photo: via "Express Gazeta", via dp.ru, Heat.ru, Illustration: via "Express Gazeta" Mikhail Date: 11/08/2012 14. Pugacheva proposed marriage to many musicians for advertising purposes. Yuri Alekseev and Marina Maksimova (MakSim) Anton Petrov Last week, at the center of a high-profile criminal scandal...
And for some reason she immediately began to deny her previous boyfriend - the lead singer of the rock group "Animal Jazz" Alexander Krasovitsky - and claim that they

was just PR.

Date: 05/15/2014
Latest requests
. Conversbank
. . Strizhko Vitaly
. . Alexey Peshkov
Marchenko Vladimir
. Bogdanov Vladimir Alekseevich
. . FSB 2018
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. Lebedev Alexander Evgenievich
"2 2\"||SLeeP(3)" and "x"="x && SLEEP(3))) oRDeR BY 16 --
Tatarenkov Dmitry Vladimirovich
. . Gregoris kars
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Nazarov Oleg Viktorovich
. Amirov Magomed
. . Russian Railways system
. Putin"
Andreev Mikhail Anatolyevich State Counselor of Justice
. Solvers
. Goga Tbilisi
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Efimov Alexander Evgenievich
. Thieves in law St. Petersburg
01.11.2016 09:55

. Ignatov

Public Joint Stock Company "Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System"

Statement of material fact “On certain decisions adopted by the issuer’s board of directors”

1. General information

1.1 Full corporate name of the issuer Public Joint Stock Company “Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System”

1.2 Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer PJSC FGC UES

1.3 Location of the issuer 117630, Moscow, st. Academician Chelomeya, 5 A

1.4 OGRN of the issuer 1024701893336

1.5 INN of the issuer 4716016979

1.6 Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority 65018-D

1.7 Internet page address used by the issuer to disclose information http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=379;


In accordance with clause 18.12 of Art. 18 of the Charter of PJSC FGC UES, the quorum for holding a meeting of the Board of Directors is at least half of the members of the Board of Directors of the total number of elected members of the Board of Directors of PJSC FGC UES. There is a quorum.

QUESTION No. 1: About the project for adjusting the investment program of PJSC FGC UES for the period 2016-2020.

1.1. Postpone consideration of the issue to a later date.

1.2. To the Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES:

1.2.1. Pay attention to the proposals of members of the Board of Directors of PJSC FGC UES made during the face-to-face discussion in accordance with Appendix 1 to this protocol.

1.2.2. Ensure the finalization of the draft adjustment of the investment program

PJSC FGC UES for the period 2016-2020, taking into account the proposals specified in clause 1.2.1. of this protocol and consideration at a meeting of the Investment Committee of the Board of Directors for subsequent submission to the Board of Directors for consideration.

Deadline – November 10, 2016

1.2.3. Ensure approval of the revised draft of the Company's investment program for the period 2016-2020 by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 No. 977.

1.2.4. Submit a report on the implementation of clause 1.2.3. of this protocol to the Board of Directors of the Company within 30 calendar days after approval of the revised draft of the Company’s investment program for the period 2016-2020 in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 No. 977.

Decision is made.

QUESTION No. 2: On the organization of work to monitor the fulfillment of obligations and the status of settlements under contracts concluded as part of the implementation of the Investment Program of PJSC FGC UES (including in terms of control over the provision of collateral under contracts, as well as the fulfillment by the Guarantors of obligations upon presentation of bank guarantees ).

2.1. Take note of the report on the organization of work to monitor the fulfillment of obligations and the status of settlements under contracts concluded as part of the implementation of the Investment program of PJSC FGC UES (including in terms of control over the provision of collateral under contracts, as well as the fulfillment by guarantors of obligations upon presentation of bank statements) guarantees) in accordance with Appendix 2 to this protocol.

Decision is made.

QUESTION No. 3: About the scenario conditions for the formation of the business plan of PJSC FGC UES for 2017 and forecast indicators for 2018 - 2021.

3.1. Postpone consideration of the issue to a later date.

3.2. The Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of PJSC FGC UES should reconsider the Scenario conditions for the formation of the business plan of PJSC FGC UES for 2017 and forecast indicators for 2018 - 2021, taking into account clause 2 of Appendix 3 to this protocol.

Deadline: November 15, 2016.

Decision is made.

QUESTION No. 4: About the Scenario conditions for the formation of the investment program of PJSC FGC UES (informational).

4.1. Take into account the information on the consideration of the Scenario conditions for the formation of investment programs of PJSC FGC UES.

4.2. Instruct the Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES to ensure that the Scenario conditions for the formation of investment programs of PJSC FGC UES are submitted for approval by the Board of Directors of PJSC FGC UES by December 31, 2016 after determining the position of PJSC Rosseti on the issue “On approval of standard Scenario conditions formation of investment programs of subsidiaries and affiliates of PJSC Rosseti.

Decision is made.

QUESTION No. 5: Report on the strategy for the development of investment activities of PJSC FGC UES.

5.1. Take into account the information on the main activities for the development of investment activities of PJSC FGC UES in accordance with Appendix 3 to this protocol.

5.2. The Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES should prepare and submit for consideration of the Board of Directors of the Company:

5.2.1. proposals for improving the process of formation, coordination, approval and adjustment of the investment program.

Deadline: December 15, 2016.

5.2.2. Investment policy of PJSC FGC UES in the new edition.

Deadline: 03/15/2017.

Decision is made.

QUESTION No. 6: About the Management Board of the Company, approval of candidates for positions in the executive office of the Company and the combination of positions in the management bodies of other organizations by the Chairman of the Management Board and members of the Management Board of the Company.

6.1. Elect Roman Evgenievich Filimonov and Alexey Valerievich Molsky as members of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES.

6.2. To authorize the Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, Andrey Evgenievich Murov, to determine, on behalf of PJSC FGC UES, the terms of employment contracts with members of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, Roman Evgenievich Filimonov, Alexey Valerievich Molsky, and to sign employment contracts, as well as amendments and additions to employment contracts .

6.3. Instruct the Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, Andrey Evgenievich Murov, to conclude an employment contract from November 29, 2016 for a new term with a member of the Management Board

PJSC FGC UES Tikhonova Maria Gennadievna.

6.4. To agree on the candidacies of Roman Evgenievich Filimonov and Alexander Arkadyevich Zaragatsky for the positions of First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES.

6.5. Agree on combining positions:

Murov Andrey Evgenievich positions of a member of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, Chairman of the Board of PJSC FGC UES with positions of a member of the Boards of Directors of PJSC Inter RAO, PJSC Rosseti, JSC SO UES;

Dikiy Vladimir Petrovich positions of a member of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, Deputy Chairman of the Board - Chief Engineer of PJSC FGC UES with the positions of a member of the Board of Directors of JSC Mobile GTES,

JSC "Electrosetservice UNEG";

Pozdnyakov Nikolay Igorevich positions of a member of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES with the position of a member of the Board of Directors of JSC CIUS UES;

Filimonov Roman Evgenievich positions of a member of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC FGC UES with the positions of a member of the Boards of Directors of JSC ESSK UES and JSC CIUS UES.

Molsky Alexey Valerievich positions of a member of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES, Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC FGC UES with the positions of a member of the Boards of Directors of JSC CIUS UES, JSC Tomsk Backbone Grids, JSC Kuban Backbone Grids, JSC APBE, JSC "TaigaEnergoStroy", NP Union "ENERGOSTROY" and the Supervisory Board of JSC UES "SakRusenergo", Association "NP Market Council".

6.6. To approve Roman Evgenievich Filimonov as Chairman of the Central Tender Commission of PJSC FGC UES.

Decision is made.


Filimonov Roman Evgenievich:

Additional information about the person appointed to the position of member of the Management Board


Molsky Alexey Valerievich:

The share of participation of this person in the authorized capital of the issuer: 0.00%;

The share of the issuer's ordinary shares owned by this person: 0.00%.

QUESTION #7: Miscellaneous.

7.1. Take into account the results of the activities of the Working Group to improve the efficiency of the electrical grid complex, created in accordance with the protocol of PJSC Rosseti dated July 12, 2016 No. 43.

7.2. Member of the Board of Directors of PJSC FGC UES A.A. Demin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board A.A. Zaragatsky to inform the Board of Directors about the results of the activities of the Working Group to improve the efficiency of the electrical grid complex, created in accordance with the protocol of PJSC Rosseti dated 12.07. 2016 No. 43.

Deadline: 12/15/2016

Decision is made.

2.3. Date of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors at which decisions were made: October 27, 2016.

2.4. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the meeting of the board of directors: minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC FGC UES dated October 31, 2016 No. 344.

3. Signature

3.1. Deputy Chairman of the Board

PJSC FGC UES (based on power of attorney

dated November 14, 2014 No. 500-14)

M.G. Tikhonova


This message was provided directly by the Subject of Information Disclosure and published in accordance with the “Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of equity securities” (approved by the Bank of Russia on December 30, 2014 N 454-P). The PRIME news agency is not responsible for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.

07/22/2015, Media wars of the Ministry of Defense, Photo: IA "Arms of Russia", Illustrations: via b0ltay

Dear friends!

We publish some materials from the secretary's array Romana Filimonova. Filimonov at one time held the posts of vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Moscow region, head of the Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and now this respectable gentleman heads one of the structures of Russian Railways - the Central Directorate for Track Repair. Let's wish him prosperity in the field of developing funds for the repair of railway tracks :), and let's return to the array of his secretary - Ksenia Bolshakova. After studying Ksenia’s email array and devices that fell into our hands (by chance, of course), we came to the conclusion that Mr. Filimonov extremely rarely used the computer and the Internet, and most of the communications in this area fell on Ksenia’s fragile but reliable shoulders. Ksenia has accompanied Mr. Filimonov throughout almost his entire career and is his confidant in various non-public matters. Starting from unofficial PR of structures headed by Filimonov, distribution of funds between attracted trolls, organization of paid materials in the media (hello to the Kommersant newspaper and top bloggers!), etc. and so on. This is just a small part of what Mr. Filimonov has in his array. The array itself is still sold on the Information Exchange using the link.

We decided that it would help future buyers if we published a tiny part of the materials from this array...

Department of Defense media wars

It’s probably no longer a secret that not only private companies use paid publications in the media and armies of “trolls” in competition, but reputable government departments, even such as the Ministry of Defense, are actively involved in this. We bring to your attention several examples from the correspondence of Ksenia Bolshakova, assistant to the former head of the Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense:

The Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense has been waging a protracted media war with Spetsstroy for a long time. This letter discusses the topics of custom publications. Quoting Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria also looks funny.

Another example, at the beginning of November 2014, a certain Anna Gryazeva sent Ksenia Bolshakova to edit an article on the topic “Spetsstroy is disrupting the deadlines for the rearmament of a group of Russian troops in the Southern Kuril Islands” authored by Kommersant journalist Ivan Safronov, who, by the way, distinguished himself with a number of articles exposing Spetsstroy.

The article is then promoted on social networks.

It is likely that all these custom publications are paid for from the budget of the Ministry of Defense, or rather from the pockets of taxpayers.

In addition to “working with the media and bloggers,” Bolshakova’s correspondence is full of examples of tasks for “trolls.” And reports on the work performed on posting paid comments on forums and media sites. I am especially pleased with the sincerity of the employees of the Ministry of Defense. From the “instructions” - “..we finally finished with this Olympics and decided to get down to business..”

An interesting clarification on the specifics of the work of “trolls” in various social networks:


Having been working for a long time on various “trolls” and their “organizers,” we continue to be amazed at the moral “flexibility” and “comprehensiveness” of these people. So Ksenia, when Roman Filimonov was “asked” to leave the Ministry of Defense, and a new position was not yet planned for the chief, began feverishly looking for work. Here is a job posting from the Headhunter site based on her request, obviously based on her skills. Ksenia, agree!

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Roman Filimonov was hospitalized in one of the city hospitals on the evening of July 6. According to media reports, he was injured while riding a boat.

According to the website dp.ru, the incident happened on Tuesday evening. After work, the vice-governor went for a ride on a rented boat, a source familiar with the situation told reporters. According to preliminary information, the boat was rented for some kind of holiday.

For reasons still unknown, the ride ended with the vice-governor's legs being injured by a boat propeller. Now he is at the Military Medical Academy in the department of military field surgery.

“He has been hospitalized, his condition is normal,” the official’s press service told Interfax earlier on Wednesday, without specifying the nature of his illness.

As Fontanka.ru previously reported, Filimonov was hospitalized after an accident while riding a jet ski. The official's press service stated that "this is all speculation, we do not know why he was admitted to the hospital."

Meanwhile, according to property information published by Roman Filimonov, the official owns a jet ski.

As reported, according to the declaration, the family of Vice-Governor Roman Filimonov generally has the most vehicles compared to other officials. So, he himself has an all-terrain vehicle, a snowmobile, a jet ski and two boat trailers, and his wife has a Mercedes-Benz GL500 4matic and Cadillac Escalade AWD, a motorcycle and an all-terrain vehicle.

Roman Filimonov is responsible in the government of St. Petersburg for resolving issues of capital construction and reconstruction of real estate, road construction in terms of the development of new territories, architecture and urban planning, and land policy. Filimonov's duties are currently performed by Vice-Governor Alexey Sergeev.

Let us recall that last year the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko herself came to a joint meeting of the Supreme and General Councils of the United Russia party wearing a cast. As the official explained, she was injured while playing tennis.

“A sports injury. I was playing tennis on Sunday. I’ve been playing tennis for thirty years, and I’ve never had a single sports injury. And then I reached for someone else’s ball, took it out, won a set, then it turned out that I had a fracture,” Matvienko said.

Roman Filimonov (Help)

Roman Evgenievich Filimonov was born on July 31, 1968 in Kolomna, Moscow Region. In 1990, in St. Petersburg, he graduated from the Red Banner Military Engineering Institute. A.F.Mozhaisky with a degree in electrical engineer. In 1998 - Intersectoral Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Managerial Personnel at St. Petersburg State University under the Management program. In 2007, he received a second higher education in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” at the North-Western Academy of Public Administration.

From 1985 to 1994 he served in the military space forces. After serving in the army, he worked at REAL LLC, specializing in construction work, as deputy director, financial director, and general director. He worked at the State Unitary Enterprise "Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg" as the head of the heat supply systems development service. From 2002 to 2004 - commercial director of the Profile company, engaged in engineering preparation of territories. In March 2004, he began working on the Construction Committee as deputy chairman.

From February 2005 to 2009, he was Chairman of the Construction Committee. Since February 2009 – Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg. Honorary builder of Russia, awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Married, has three children.

Filimonov will oversee key issues of implementation of the investment program, procurement and connection to networks. According to some reports, the personnel appointment was initiated by Rosseti and should increase control over FSK expenses on the part of the parent company.

MOSCOW, July 25 (BigpowerNews) Roman Filimonov was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Federal Grid Company (FSK, part of Rosseti), sources familiar with the situation told Kommersant. The FSK press service confirmed that the new top manager took up his duties on July 11.

According to the newspaper, Roman Filimonov will be responsible for the implementation of the FSK investment program, procurement, and connection to networks. His area of ​​responsibility also includes IT and science issues. Valery Goncharov, who has held the post of first deputy chairman of the board of FSK since 2013 and was responsible for procurement, has not yet left the company and remains a member of the board. Before joining FSK, Mr. Goncharov worked in senior positions in Lenenergo and TGK-1 in St. Petersburg, and until 2004 he headed the regional energy commission of St. Petersburg.

According to Kommersant, a proposal to reshuffle personnel at FGC was made by the management of Rosseti, whose relations with a large and strong subsidiary do not always go smoothly.

In the spring, Rosseti gained the opportunity to directly influence the formation of the composition of the board of directors of the Federal Grid Company, as happens in other subsidiaries of the holding, for example, in IDGC. This idea was supported by President Vladimir Putin. Also, Rosseti can now increase the number of representatives of the holding on the board of directors of its subsidiary from two to six (there are 11 seats on the board in total). The state-owned company has already exercised this right, doubling the number of its representatives on the council at the end of June. In addition to the re-elected head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin, and board member of Rosseti, Andrei Demin, Mr. Budargin’s deputies for finance and construction, Egor Prokhorov and Sergei Sergeev, were elected to the council, Kommersant recalls. Rosseti on Friday, the newspaper notes, only clarified that the decision to appoint Mr. Filimonov was made by the board of directors of FSK.

Roman Filimonov comes from the team of the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko. From 2009 to 2012, as vice-governor, he oversaw the construction block of Smolny, and from May 2012 he moved to a similar position in the government of the Moscow region, which at that time was headed by Sergei Shoigu. In January 2013, following Mr. Shoigu, he ended up in the Ministry of Defense, heading the construction department there. In March 2015, Mr. Filimonov headed the central directorate for track repair (CDRP, part of the structure of Russian Railways), where he worked until recently. On July 2, Vladimir Antonets became the head of the CDRP, the press service of the railway monopoly reported.

The main task of Roman Filimonov will apparently be to increase the efficiency of FSK's expenses. Despite the fact that in 2015 FSK made a significant profit (44.1 billion rubles according to IFRS versus a loss of 20.6 billion rubles a year earlier), the company’s investment program over the past few years has decreased almost threefold, to 55 billion rubles. , from 153 billion rubles. in 2012, writes Kommersant. Natalya Porokhova from ACRA, quoted by the newspaper, explains the reduction in the investment program by the high debt burden and the tightening of tariff policy. “In the next three years, investments will remain at the level of 2014–2015, the main strategic direction of the company will be a significant reduction in unit capital costs,” she believes. Additional pressure on the investment program, adds FG BCS analyst Igor Goncharov, is exerted by the fact that the state began to demand significant dividends from the company: at the end of 2015, FSK increased dividends by almost an order of magnitude, to 17 billion rubles, Kommersant concludes.