Download the presentation on the topic of yurt art. The yurt is the national dwelling of the Mongolian people. Men's weapons, horse harness, and talismans are hung here

Educational objectives:

  • Educational: introduce students to the structure and decoration of the yurt as one of the oldest types of mobile housing for the Kazakhs, adapted to the nomadic lifestyle; practice practical skills in depicting a hanging bag using knowledge of linear perspective.
  • Educational: moral, patriotic and aesthetic education using the example of studying the structure and decoration of the Kazakh national home - the yurt; fostering respect for the culture of other peoples.
  • Developmental: expand your intellectual horizons; develop skills in compositional construction and working with gouache paints; to develop interest in the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people; develop students' observation, visual memory and creative abilities.

Lesson type: lesson of studying and primary consolidation of knowledge.

Methods: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, discussions for the purpose of generalization, systematization of received educational information, independent work.

Visual range:

  • Illustrations of national types of housing.
  • Illustrations depicting yurt decoration items.
  • Illustrations with images of a hanging bag for storing dishes - ayak cap.
  • Stages of depicting a hanging bag.
  • Samples of student drawings.

Video sequence:

  • Presentation “Yurt”.

Materials: white paper, pencil.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage.

Preparing students for work in the classroom.
Organization of attention.
Familiarize students with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Updating basic knowledge and skills, forming cognitive motives.

1. Introductory conversation.

Different peoples lived and live in different parts of our planet. For a representative of any nation, there is no more revered place than their home or home. The type and shape of housing varies greatly among different peoples.

– What national dwellings do you know, and what peoples live in them? (Yurt - nomads of Central Asia, hut - residents of Russia, wigwam - American Indians, yaranga - the dwelling of the Eskimos...)

2. An overview of the national dwellings of the peoples of the world. View slides on the interactive whiteboard with conversation elements and teacher comments.

Now we will look at the slides and answer the question of what other national dwellings exist in the world.

Izba is a wooden frame (log) residential building in rural wooded areas of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. In steppe regions rich in clay, huts (huts) were built instead of huts.

Yaranga is a portable dwelling of some nomadic peoples (Chukchi, Koryaks, Evens, Yukaghirs) of the North of Russia. In plan it is usually a circle. The frame and conical dome of the yaranga are assembled from light wooden poles, after which they are covered with reindeer skins.

The wigwam is the home of the forest Indians of North America and has a dome shape. When building a wigwam, the Indians stick flexible tree trunks into the ground in a circle or oval, bending their ends into a vault. The frame of the wigwam is covered with branches, bark, mats or skins.

A tipi is a more mobile than a wigwam, a portable dwelling of the nomadic Indians of the Great Plains and Central America. It is a cone-shaped hut - the frame of poles is covered with bison or deer skins.

An igloo is a house made of snow blocks, usually domed, which is built by the Eskimos of Canada and Greenland during their winter camps. The entrance to the igloo is through a hole in the floor, to which a corridor leads, dug in the snow below floor level. If the snow is shallow, the entrance is made in the wall, and a corridor of snow slabs is also built in front of it.

A hut is a dwelling in the jungle of the Brazilian Amazon, made of straw and placed on posts.

Hogan is the main traditional dwelling of the Navajo people (North America). The traditional hogan is round and conical in shape, but square hogans are becoming more common these days. The door usually faces east - it is believed that the sun entering through it brings good luck.

Palosa (Spain) - a house made of stone, 4–5 meters high, round or oval in cross-section, with a conical thatched roof on a wooden frame, one entrance door, no windows at all or only a small window opening.

3. Generalization.

– Draw a conclusion: what determines the shape and type of home? (This is due to natural conditions, landscape features, the availability of building materials, as well as national customs and traditions of the people.)

III. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Today we will get acquainted in more detail with the structure and interior decoration of the portable dwelling of Asian nomads - the yurt.

View the presentation “Yurt”<Презентация. ppt>

IV. Initial check of students' understanding of new material.

Conversation on questions:

1. What is a yurt? (Portable housing among Asian nomads.)

2. What are the features of the Kazakh national home? (The yurt is easy to assemble and disassemble, it is conveniently transported by wheeled vehicles and packs, it keeps cool on hot days, and reliably protects from piercing winds. The yurt can usually be installed by 2-3 people within one hour. All this makes the yurt a unique type of home.)

3. Name the main materials used to make a yurt. (Wood, felt.)

4. Name the elements that make up the skeleton of the yurt. (Sykyrlauk, shanyrak, kerege, uyk.)

5. Which element of the yurt frame is depicted on the Coat of Arms of Kazakhstan? (Shanyrak.)

6. List the details of the yurt decoration. (Wooden furniture: bed (tosekagash), food storage (kebezhe), chests for things (sandyk); a set of leather and wooden utensils: for kumiss - saba, torsyk, for drinking it - ozhau, shara; felt carpets: syrmaki, tekemy, tuskiiz ; bags for storing things - kerme, dishes - ayak cap.)

7. What materials were the yurt furnishings made from? (Wood, leather, felt.)

V. Doing practical work. Picture of a hanging bag - ayak cap.

1. View a picture of a hanging bag with teacher comments.

Among the many items of interior decoration of the yurt, ayak-kap bags stand out <Рисунок 9> . The ayak kap was usually located in the utility part of the yurt - to the right of the entrance. This felt or carpet utensil bag often has a rounded bottom trimmed with fringe and hand-woven lace. The decorations on the bag are appliqués made of red or black velvet and multi-colored embroideries with national ornaments. The top of the bag is equipped with a triangular flap with a pattern consisting of similar elements that do not repeat, but develop the theme of the main composition. The construction of a pattern always emphasizes the shape of a thing.

2. Work according to the table “Stages of depicting a hanging bag” (textbook for 5th grade of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan, publishing house “Atamura”, p. 91).

3. Doing practical work. Constructing an image of a hanging bag (steps 1,2).

VI. View and analyze student work. Summing up the lesson.

VII. Homework instructions.

1. Work from the textbook (textbook for 5th grade of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan, publishing house “Atamura”, pp. 85–88).

2. Completion of work in color (textbook for grade 5 of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan, publishing house “Atamura”, p. 91, stages 3, 4).

“Smart Home System” - Home automation market. Why are we doomed to success? Join us. Cost estimation. Risks. How can you automate? Where's the money. Organizational structure. What will we do? Payback. What can be automated? What and how can be automated. Development plan. Hardware and software system.

“The History of Human Dwelling” - Roofing. Residential buildings. Huts. Multi-story houses. Caves walls. Roofing diagram. Garden. Residential buildings. Openwork platbands. Housing. Internal walls. Furnaces with pipes. Dugout. Bake. Moderate cold. Place. House. A house is a person's dwelling. Insula. Chum. Yaranga. The house must be ventilated from below. Construction of a traditional Japanese house.

“House of the Future” - Exterior view of the house. The house is very cozy. The house of the future is the ideal of a harmoniously developed society. Materials, features of architecture and interior. House of the future by J.Mayer H.Architects. House of the Future. The decorative elements of this home of the future are bright and festive. House. The house of the future from Senosiain Arquitectos is shaped like a shell.

"Smart Home" - Home automation systems and components. Available devices. Approaches to home automation. Comfort. Stand. Home automation. Ability to use systems. Available sensors. Multimedia content management. Energy saving. Smart House. The stand is operational. Do you need to think about energy saving?

“Human Dwelling” - The first decorations are rock paintings. Conversion, and therefore communion with the powerful forces of nature, is a spiritual act. What skills did you acquire after completing practical assignments? Let's summarize. What is a house? Blitz - survey. A house is a person’s dwelling. The originality of housing buildings of different peoples of the world.

"Home" - Pompeii frescoes. A type of yaranga is a chum - a conical hut made of poles. On Lake Chad. The talent and ingenuity of folk architects. Most peoples of the world have developed their own certain traditions. Dwellings of the peoples of the North. Dwellings of the peoples of Africa. The height inside the room reaches 2 m, the diameter is 3-4 m.

There are 10 presentations in total

Practical methods Method of educational games - collective and individual game tasks. Role-playing game: “You are the owner or hostess of the yurt, and you need to greet guests. According to the custom of the Altai people, how would you greet a guest?” The method of immersion in the past - travels into the past. How did people live in a yurt? This method helps to better experience the past.

The mini-museum “Yurt – the dwelling of nomads” was organized in 2005. The model is made of wooden and felt covering with furnishings of Altai household items (interior decoration: bed, diastyk pillow, taguur, ochok, odealo-turkan, tazhuur and arkyt - a leather vessel for airak, tuulak - palace, homemade bowls, folk costumes, original dolls). Its premises are divided into several zones. Zone I – Interior decoration. Goal: to introduce children to everyday life, traditions and fiction (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, legends, epics, etc.) Tasks: to participate in speech development classes, listen to music, kai. Expected result: children acquire new information about the decoration of the yurt, use the acquired knowledge in classes, have an interest in beauty, and a desire to return to those works that they liked. Exchange impressions.

Zone II - Exhibition area of ​​decorative and applied arts (painted bones of domestic animals, toys). Goal: formation of artistic abilities, children's creativity. Objectives: to introduce children to various types and genres of fine art. Expected result: children should perceive and react emotionally to an artistic image.

The mini-museum is the pride of our team. Children and teachers love working there. Together we discuss the topics of upcoming exhibitions, come up with surprises, and conduct integrated classes. Such work activates the ability of educators to acquire new knowledge and skills; it leads to positive changes in a number of areas: - integration of children's activities through the production of fairy tales; - broadening the horizons of children; - enrichment of vocabulary through the study of nursery rhymes, songs, poems; - activates joint activities of children and their parents

The mini-museum promotes the development of children, their aesthetic perception of figurative ideas, imagination, and creativity. Our team fosters a sense of patriotism by teaching the traditions and customs of the Altai people. Teaches children to treat themselves and the environment with love, to see the unusual, amazing in the world, giving kindness, joy, and beauty to others through the techniques of traditional education.

Mini-museum work plan Forms of work Work with participants Responsible Production meeting Interactions with participating organizations Seminar - workshop for educators Work with parents Report on the work done Approval of the mini-museum plan Conducting round tables, attending open classes Conducting classes Give birth. Meeting, open viewings of classes, visit to the museum Production meeting Senior edu. will educate Will give birth. Committee All teachers

Zone III - Folk costume zone (from preschool to old age) Goal: developing children's abilities to see, love and understand art. Objectives: enrich and expand children’s artistic experience, develop imagination and creativity. Expected result: children awaken the need for creative activity, respect for cultural and artistic figures.

“Fergana Valley” - Broad-leaved and spruce forests of Sary-Chelek, Kyrgyzstan Photo: UNEP/GRID-Arendal (V. Novikov). Mountain lake and reserve Sary-Chelek, Kyrgyzstan Photo: UNEP/GRID-Arendal (V. Novikov). Biological diversity. Ecological state of the Fergana Valley region. Mountain flowers in the vicinity of Iskanderkul, Tajikistan Photo: UNEP/GRID-Arendal (V. Novikov).

“Region Foreign Asia” - The peoples of Asia belong to approximately 15 language families. Such linguistic diversity is not found in any other major region on the planet. The four peoples of the region (Chinese, Hindustani, Bengalis and Japanese) number more than 100 million each. Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all major religions; all three world religions originated here: Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.

“Regions of Foreign Asia” - Natural conditions and resources. Three main features. Population 3.75 billion people. From west to east 10 thousand km. The deep situation of some countries. Foreign Asia. From north to south 7 thousand km. Area 27.7 million km 38 sovereign states. General characteristics of the region. Boundaries. The coastal position of most countries.

"Countries in Asia" - Population. Inland water resources. World Heritage Sites – The Great Wall of China, the Gugong Imperial Palace, the complex of palaces and temples in Kyoto. The north of China and Mongolia - taiga (even areas of permafrost) In the south, in Indonesia and Malaysia - equatorial climate, jungle. Political-geographical situation.

“Türkiye” - Such wide short pants were worn by Janissary warriors. In terms of taste and richness, Turkish cuisine is one of the three best in the world. Turkish cuisine. National Costume. Both caftans had a deep neckline. Four major national holidays are accompanied by military parades and dances. Big cities in Turkey are relatively safe compared to other countries.

“Characteristics of Asia” - Population. There are about 40 states on the political map. The political map of Overseas Asia has recently undergone great changes. 3.6 billion people live here. Before World War II, 90% of the region's population lived in colonies. Geographical position. The average population density reaches 100 people per 1 sq. km.

There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic