Standard time standards for developing design documentation. Integrated time standards for the development of technological documentation Time standards for the development of a technical solution

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Integrated time standards (standard time) for the development of technological documentation are intended for regulating the work of technologists, technicians, determining their number, issuing standardized tasks, preparing job descriptions and staffing schedules and are recommended for use in design, technological and other scientific and scientific service organizations, in scientific -production associations, plants and enterprises in the design of machines, equipment, fixtures and technological equipment, etc., as well as for technological preparation of production.

2 Labor organization

3 Regulatory part

3.1. Process development stages

3.3. Development of technical control documents

3.4. Monitoring compliance with technological discipline in workshops (sites) and proper operation of equipment

3.5. Development of methods for technical control and testing of products in order to improve quality and prevent defects

3.6. Introducing changes to technological documentation in connection with adjustments to developed technological processes

3.7. Participation in drawing up requests for technical equipment

3.8. Participation in calculating the economic efficiency of designed technological processes

3.9. Participation in the implementation of measures to improve production efficiency

3.10. Consideration of rationalization proposals for improving technological processes

Appendix 1 Illustrated classifier of castings made in conventional sand-earth molds, molds, under pressure and using lost wax models according to soil complexity. Description of design and technological features of castings by complexity groups

Appendix 2. Example of standardization for the development of technological documentation

Appendix 3. Example of conditional distribution of types of technological work among performers

Appendix 4. Approximate list of equipment for the technologist’s workplace

Appendix 5. Example of calculating the number of technologists in a technical department

Appendix 6. Example of a Product Classifier

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Moscow 1995



Stages of technology development 1 Problems solved at the stage of technical processes in I


5. Drawing up a technological processing route

6. Development of technological operations

Determining the sequence of technological operations (or clarifying the sequence of operations according to a standard or group technological process).

Determination of the remainder of technological equipment.

Development (or clarification) of the sequence of transitions in operations"

Selection of technological equipment (STO) for the operation (or their clarification).

Determining the need for service stations, ordering new service stations, including the number of control and testing equipment, taking into account metrological support and GSI requirements.

Selection of Mediums M0X8NI88TSII"

automation of process elements and intra-shop transportation means.

Purpose and calculation of processing modes

Standardization of the technological process

Preparation of initial data necessary for calculating time and material consumption standards. Calculation and rationing of labor costs is not a process. Calculation of material consumption rates necessary for the implementation of the process"

Determination of the scope of work and justification of the professions of performers for performing operations, depending on the complexity of these works.

8. Definition of safety requirements

Reconstruction or selection of existing safety and industrial sanitation requirements for production conditions (noise, vibration, work

Stages of technology development; Tasks that are solved at the stages of certain processes)

radiation, gas contamination, dangerous and harmful substances in the air of the working area, etc.).

Development of requirements, selection of methods and means to ensure environmental sustainability

9. Calculation of economic efficiency of the technological process

Selection of the optimal technological process option

10. Design of technological processes

Standard control of technological documentation.

Coordination of documentation of technological processes by all interested services and its approval.


3.2. Development of special documentation for technological processes

preparation for the task; receiving a task for the development of a technological process; familiarization with the documentation on technological processes, instructions and other documents available in the archive; familiarization with the scientific and technical documentation necessary for the design of the technological process;

determining whether a part belongs to an existing standard technological process; selection of a range of parts when developing a standard technological process;

development of the design of the part for technological compliance with the requirements of GOST 14.201-83;

determination of the optimal variant of the technological process and sequence of operations; selection of technological bases and method of fastening the resulting part; development of technological process options for technological equipment; selection of technological equipment, design and tools; identification, selection and ordering of new technological equipment;

drawing up and issuing assignments to the designer for the design of missing equipment; checking the designed equipment;

filling out all sections and columns of technological documentation, including performing the necessary calculations; drawing sketches of compliance with the requirements of guidelines, standards and norms using auxiliary and other materials;

compilation and execution of technological documentation; presentation of documentation for regulatory control; approval of the technological process (see tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ?, 8, 9, 10).

3.2.1. Time standards do not develop documents for technological casting processes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1401-85

table 2

Type of work

Form designation


Casting complexity group

Standard time

Testing part designs for manufacturability with making proposals for improving designs

Application of elements of casting molds with a copy of the drawing of the part

Development of a technological process map (TPM) for VP1 (TP1, GTP) sand casting

Forms I. 18, 2




Development of a list of bars


Development of KTP for ETP (TTL, GTP) for casting steel and non-ferrous castings into stone molds

alloys, as well as the production of casting cores

Development of KTP for ETP (TTL, GTP) for the manufacturing process with term I


Development of KTP for Sh (TTL, GTP) casting in shell molds


Development of KTP for ETP (TTD, GTP) for the chill casting process

Development of KTP for KTP (TTL, GTP) for investment casting

Development of KTP for ETP (TTL, GTP) injection molding

Development of package transformer substations for VTP (TTL, GTP) evil for varnish casting cable

Development of KTP for VTP (TTL, GTP) for processing castings




Development of an operating card (universal)

4 1 5 ! 6 1 7 G 8 1 9 1 10

Notes; I. When developing a technological process map for casting steel castings, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to standards 3 and 14.

2. When developing a map of the technological process of casting using machine molding, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to standards 5 and 14.

The enlarged standards for the development of a technological document of the Central Labor Code were developed by the Center for the Bureau of Labor Standards with the participation of scientific and industrial organizations and enterprises engaged in the creation and manufacture of equipment, devices and technological development, etc.

Integrated time standards are established for the development of technological documents for the processes of manufacturing, processing and cutting of workpieces, forging and stamping, mechanical processing, heat treatment, welding, mechanical and electrical work, any protective and decorative coatings, electrophysical and electrochemical methods processing, manufacturing of parts from plastic materials, friction welding, soldering and for the development of general-purpose technological documents developed in accordance with the Unified Technological Documentation and are recommended for use in design, technological and other scientific organizations and scientific services, in research and production associations, plants ■ enterprises in the design of raspberries, equipment, devices ■ technological equipment, and such for technological preparation of production.

Integrated time standards for the development of technological documentation were approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 1993 te 86.

Central Bureau of Labor Standards


1.1. Integrated time standards (standard time) for the development of technological documentation are intended to regulate the work of technologists and technicians, determine their number, issue standardized tasks, prepare job descriptions and completed schedules and are recommended for use

in construction, technological and other organizations of science and scientific services, in scientific and production associations, plants and enterprises in the design of machines, equipment, devices and manufacturing technology, etc., as well as for technological preparation of production.

1.2. The development of integrated time standards is based on: fogochronometric observations; operational accounting and reporting data; results of analysis of labor organization and measures to improve it.

1.3. The stages of work provided by the designer, the completeness of the types of technological documentation are established in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Technological Documentation Topic (SCTS)J

1.4. The completeness of documents for the development of a technological process in aviation depends on the type and nature of production in accordance with GOST 14.004-83.

1*5. When developing integrated time stealers, the following normative and methodological materials were used:

Labor rationing for employees. Methodical instructions. U.:

Research Institute of Labor, 1979;

Regulations on the procedure for developing normative materials for labor standards. M.: Research Institute of Labor, 1968;

Tarmfno-qualification characteristics for the general information about the left-hand positions. MJ: Labor Research Institute, 1992;

GOST Standards of the Unified Technological Documentation Subject;

Unified topic of technological preparation of production.

II"; Standards, 1984.

1^6. Integrated time standards for the development of technological documentation are set for the adopted meter and are expressed in hours. The units of scope of work when creating a technological process are the parts, assembly units specified in the specifications

the relevant regulatory tables of the collection.

1.7. The collection contains aggregated time standards for the following types of work:

development of special-purpose documents for casting processes, cutting and cutting of blanks, forging and stamping, mechanical processing, heat treatment, welding, oleoar-assembly and electrical installation work, application of protective and protective-decorative coatings, electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods, manufacturing of parts made of plastic, friction welding, soldering;

development of general-purpose technological documents: route map, sketch map, picking map, production sheet, production sheet, materials sheet, parts list for a standard technological process, sheet of technological documents;

development of technical control documents: technical control operational map, list of technical control operations;

development of documents for technological operations performed on CNC machines.

In addition, the standards cover work related to the main activities of technological service workers:

implementation of technological processes and equipment operating modes; participation in the submission of requests for technical equipment in the calculation of production capacity and loading of equipment, economic efficiency of the designed technological processes; control 38 of compliance with technological discipline in workshops (units) and proper operation of equipment; participation in the implementation of measures to improve production efficiency, development of methods for technical control and testing of products in order to improve quality and prevent defects; consideration of rationalization proposals for improving technological processes; making changes to the technological documentation in connection with the adjustment of the developed technological processes.

1.8. The following coefficients are applied to the time standards for work related to testing the design of a part for manufacturability:

when making minor changes to the design of a part - coefficient

ficiate up to 0.3;

For data on which a proposal is made to improve the manufacturability of the design, although they are subject to appropriate processing, the time standard is accepted with a coefficient of up to 0.2.

1.9. Time standards are calculated using the formula:

N»r - T op S 1 * ifer >

where: T op - operating time, h;

K - the amount of time for preparatory and final work, rest, personal needs and maintenance of the workplace, % of operational time.

1.10. Integrated time standards take into account preparatory and academic time, work time, time for rest and personal needs and physical training time in the amount of 8% of operational time.

1.11. Before the introduction of these consolidated time standards, it is advisable to develop classifiers of specific products, industry or factory, designed to determine the approximate labor intensity of developing technological documents. An example of classifiktv is given in Appendix 6.

It is recommended to take as factors on the basis of which classifiers are developed:

number of drawing dimensions;

number of parts included in the assembly unit;

number of parts included in the frill assembly, etc. 4

Classifiers are presented in the form of albums, directories, lists, etc.

In the annex to the cleoopifier, it is advisable to indicate the complexity group of the product, the position and category of performers when developing technological documentation.

At the same time, the grades of technologists and technicians are established on the basis of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 No. 30. An approximate recommendation is given in Appendix 3.

1.12. If enterprises (* organizations) have more progressive time standards, the current collection is the basis for changing them.

1.13. The limits of numerical values ​​of indicators given in the collection, in which “up to” is indicated, should be understood inclusively.

1.14. Examples of standardization of work on the development of technological documentation and calculation of the number of technologists are given, oootvvtotvenyao, in Appendices 2 and 5.


2.1. The job responsibilities of technicians are regulated by job descriptions drawn up in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the directory of maintenance positions.

2.2. Development of technological documentation and performance of other work assigned to the technological service at enterprises within the framework of the Unified System of Technological Preparation of Production (USTPP). The CC Chamber of Commerce and Industry standards establish a unified procedure for the development of technological documentation and provide for the widespread use of standard technological processes, tooling and equipment standards, automation and computer technology.

2.3. The organizational and technical conditions adopted in this collection provide for:

rational organization of workers' work;

timely and complete provision of workers with the necessary information and training;

establishing an appropriate regime of work and rest for workers;

compliance with established sanitary standards.

2.4. To achieve favorable work conditions, large rectangular rooms with two-sided natural lighting are recommended, which allow for more economical use of space. The area of ​​one workplace should be less than<+,:>m^. To reduce noise and worker fatigue, lightweight partitions can be installed. It is also recommended to use

installations for air conditioning or silent ventilation (noise level no more than 50 dB). The air temperature in the production room should be 18-20°C, relative humidity - 40-60%. For artificial lighting, fluorescent tubular lamps BS (white light lamps with a yellowish tint) and TBS type lamps (warm light with a rosy tint of emission) are used. The lowest illumination of the working surface with fluorescent lighting is 500 lux, with incandescent lamps - 300 lux. In this case, it is necessary to have additional local advertising.

A diagram of the technologist’s workplace, taking into account the specifics of his work, is shown in Fig. I, and an approximate list of equipment for the technologist’s workplace is in Appendix 4.

2.5. A necessary condition for high-quality performance of technological work is the timely provision of complete information to the performers. Its sources are monographs, collections, textbooks and manuals, materials of scientific conferences, official and departmental publications, periodicals, standard technological processes, standards, cross-industry and sectoral technological documents, descriptions of inventions, technical catalogs and price lists for materials and equipment, scientific and technical reports, dissertations, translations, reference books, etc.

2.6. When changing work and rest regimes, it is necessary to introduce a clear daily routine. At the same time, the most labor-intensive work should be performed during the period of high performance of the performers (the first half of the day).

Drawing up a list of additional reference information necessary for the development of technological documentation and the designed process.

Formation of a technological product code according to the technological classifier. Assignment of the processed product to the corresponding classification group based on the technological code x)

Attribution of the processed product according to its technical code to the current standard, group or single technological process.

Determining the type of initial workpiece (or clarifying the workpiece established by a standard technological process).

Selection of the method of manufacturing the initial workpiece. Technical and economic conditions for the selection of workpieces.

Selection of surfaces or basic components of the product.

Assessment of accuracy and reliability of basing on the performance of the technological process.

x) Based on the existing classification group, the technological process is developed as a single unit.

1. General part. 1

2. Technical instructions. 2

3. Time standards for the development of design documentation. 4

3.1. Technical Proposal. 4

3.2. Preliminary design. 4

3.3. Technical project. 4

3.4. Working design documentation. 5

3.6. Special and auxiliary work.. 11

4. Correction factors to time standards for the development of design documentation. 12

5. Characteristics of groups of novelty and complexity. 13

5.1. Characteristics of novelty groups.. 13

5.2. Characteristics of complexity groups. 13

5.3. Characteristics of complexity groups of printed circuit boards. 14

Reference normative and technical documents.. 15


1.1. These time standards are intended to determine labor costs for performing design work on process automation systems at all stages of development.

These standards can be used as a recommended regulatory framework when determining the cost of design work based on labor costs.

The use of price lists directly to determine the cost of design work is currently inappropriate due to constantly changing prices for material resources and salary levels. Compared to the price list, time standards are more stable, because are not affected by changes in prices and salary levels.

1.2. These time standards were developed on the basis of standards and economic indicators laid down during the development of the “Price list for design work performed by research, design and engineering organizations of the USSR Ministry of Installation and Special Construction. Process automation system”, approved in 1990.

In addition, when developing these standards, the “Standard Time Standards for the Development of Design Documentation”, published by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in 1987, were taken into account.

1.3. These time standards can be used by various organizations as advisory material.


2.1. These standards provide time standards for the development of design documentation for technological process automation systems for enterprises, buildings and structures under construction and reconstruction.

2.2. Systems (products) are divided into five groups of novelty and six groups of complexity, the characteristics of which are given in Section 5.

2.3. To assign the system under development to one or another group of novelty and complexity group, it is sufficient to have one of the signs characterizing the novelty group and the complexity group.

2.4. All design documentation for the system and all components of the system (assembly units, kits and parts), as a rule, belong to the same groups of novelty and complexity to which the given system as a whole is classified.

When developing a system, in cases justified by the technical specifications for the system, it is allowed to assign certain types of documents and assembly units to different groups of novelty and complexity.

2.5. Time standards take into account the stages of development, completeness and types of design documentation provided for by the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD), special state and industry standards.

The stages of development of design documentation and its completeness are determined by the customer’s technical specifications and are indicated in the contract (or special conditions to it).

2.6. These standards establish time standards for the development of documents, both mandatory and recommended, for implementation at various stages of development in accordance with GOST 2.102:

Technical proposal - table. 1;

checking the originals of all documents with the original;

design control - technical verification of the document by a second person (GOST 2.104) by a senior co-executor;

standard control of documentation in accordance with GOST 2.111;

technological control in accordance with GOST 14.206.

Time standards for performing these works at all stages and phases are determined additionally according to table. 16.

2.8. The standards also provide time standards for performing special and auxiliary work (section 3.6) related to the development of design documentation and its adjustment based on the results of manufacturing, testing, and operation.

2.9. The unit of measurement for work on the implementation of design documentation is taken to be the document format sheet specified in the relevant tables of these standards.

If the document is executed on sheets of a format different from the format indicated in the tables, then correction factors should be applied to the time standards of the corresponding tables:

Format specified in tables

Actual format of design documentation

Correction factors

2.10. Time standards for mandatory documents at the stages of development - preliminary design, technical design, working design documentation are given taking into account their development after completion of the corresponding previous stage.

If these stages are developed without the development of previous stages, then the time standards for mandatory documents of the stages being developed are determined using the following coefficients:

1.5 - for a technical project;

1.8 - for working design documentation.

2.11. Time standards for the development of structural and functional diagrams in accordance with GOST 2.701 are determined according to table. 8 (norm 1 - 5) using coefficient K = 0.8.

2.12. Time standards for developing an electrical installation drawing are determined according to table. 9 (norm 1 - 5).

2.13. Time standards for the development of illustrations (albums of drawings) for operational documents are determined using the coefficients according to subparagraphs 4.7.1 (for fully applicable documents) and 4.7.2 (for documents reissued according to the requirements of GOST 2.105 or GOST V16915) to the standards for the development of basic documents.

2.14. Time standards for preparing originals of operational documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST V16915, GOST V21916 for printing or offset publication are determined according to table. 14 using coefficient K = 0.4.

2.15. Time standards for the development of design documentation for the manufacture and testing of equipment prototypes, carried out at the preliminary design stage, are determined in addition to the standards for the development of preliminary design documentation according to the corresponding tables of subsections 3.5 and 3.6.

2.16. Time standards for the development of repair drawings carried out in accordance with GOST 2.604 are determined according to the corresponding tables in Section 3 of time standards with a coefficient K = 0.8.

2.17. The tables given in Section 3 for determining time standards take into account the development of documentation for products operating under normal conditions:

climatic factors of the external environment during operation - category U3 according to GOST 15150;

altitude above sea level - according to GOST 15150 section 3;

storage and transportation conditions - no higher than 2 according to GOST 15150;

operating conditions for atmospheric corrosiveness - not higher than group I according to GOST 9.303;

mechanical strength - not higher than hardness I according to GOST 16962;

power parameters (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic) - according to GOST 12997;

Warranty period - according to GOST 12997.

2.18. If the technical specification contains requirements for the development of a product for operation in conditions that do not comply with those given in clause 2.17, the time standard for the development of such documentation should be determined using the coefficients according to clause 4.4

2.19. For design documents or work not covered by these standards, appropriate time standards can be developed using various current standardization methods.


3.1. Technical Proposal

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 1

3.2. Preliminary design

table 2

Title of the document


Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Explanatory note

General view drawing

Sheet of preliminary design

3.3. Technical project

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A1

General view drawings

Table 3

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Text documents

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 4

3.4. Working design documentation

Assembly drawings

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A1

Table 5

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Parts drawing

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 6


Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 7

Schematic diagrams

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A2

Table 8

Scheme type

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours




1. The time standard for developing circuit diagrams includes compiling lists of elements.

2. The standard time for developing structural and functional diagrams developed in accordance with GOST 2.701 is determined according to the instructions of clause 2.11.

General diagrams, locations, connections and connections

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A2

Table 9

Scheme type

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours


Hydraulic and pneumatic


Table of connections, connections

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 10

Dimensional and installation drawings

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A1

Table 11

Title of the document

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Dimensional drawing

Installation drawing

Text documents

Table 12

Title of the document


Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Specification Sheet

List of reference documents

List of purchased items

List of permission to use purchased products subject to incoming control

List of original holders


Test program and methodology

one document

Preparation, carrying out and execution of technical and other calculations

Functional check instructions

Coordination of the use of components and materials, the use of which requires special permission

Reliability program; Ergonomic Expertise Program

one document

Comprehensive experimental development program

one document

Petrological examination of CD with a number of non-repetitive measuring channels

one document

Metrological examination ED

one document

Map of the nomenclature for the use of products and information on compliance of their operating conditions with the requirements of NTD

sheet f.A4?3

Calculation of the composition of spare parts kits

one document

Reliability calculations (with the number of sheets f.A2 of electrical circuit diagrams)

one document

from 51 to 100

from 101 to 200

from 201 to 300

Map of operating modes (data of permissible loads);

Map of products that do not meet the mechanical requirements of the technical documentation for them

Operational documents in accordance with GOST 2.601


1. The standard time for developing the graphic part of the instruction for checking the functioning (price 9) is determined according to table. 9, 10 using a coefficient of 0.8.

2. Work according to standard No. 10 provides for the approval of component parts (CI) with deviations from the specifications, with the analysis and synthesis of statistical data from operation or special tests. When coordinating CI without deviation from the technical specifications, time standards No. 10 should be applied with a coefficient of 0.2.

3. Time standards for the development of circuit test diagrams, connection diagrams, connections, tables of connections and connections included in the instructions for checking the functioning (standard 9) table. 12 are not taken into account and are subject to determination using the coefficient K = 0.8 to the norm for the development of documents according to table. 8 - 10.

PCB drawings

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A2

Table 13

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours


1. Characteristics of novelty groups are given in subsection 5.1.

2. Characteristics of the complexity groups for the development of printed circuit boards are given in subsection 5.3.

3. The cost of developing assembly drawings and text documents for blocks and modules based on printed circuit boards is determined according to table. 5 and 12.

4. In the case of developing a set of documentation for printed circuit boards, including software media for CNC machines and coordinate machines, a coefficient of 1.35 is applied.

Operational documents

Table 14

Title of the document


Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Technical description

Instructions IE, IO, DIZ

Forms FO, FG, DFR, DFP

one document

Other operational documents


1. Operational documents are carried out in accordance with GOST V16915 and GOST V21916.

2. Standards for the development of illustrations for operational documents are determined according to the technical instructions of clause 2.13.

3. The standards for the development of the “Operation Manual (GOST 2.601) are determined according to this table based on the total cost of the documents included in it.

4. When developing instructions for checking the functioning of equipment as part of the operational documentation, the standard time for developing this instruction is determined according to table. 12 (norm 19).

5. Time standards for developing tables “Information on the content of precious materials” in forms (FO, FG, DFR, DFP) are determined separately according to norm No. 6 of table. 14.

Loading and packaging documents

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 15

Control of design documentation

Unit of measurement - sheet f.A4

Table 16

Job title

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Design control of all documents

Standard control of the drawing

Standard control of a text document

Technological control of all documents

Qualification technician-designer I cat.

Comparison of originals with the original

3.6. Special and auxiliary work

Coordination and approval of documentation

Table 17


1. The scope of work for coordination and approval of documentation includes its adjustment based on comments from coordinating or approving organizations.

2. The representative office of the customer responsible for accepting the documentation is not included in the number of approving organizations.

Participation in factory tests, adjustment of design documentation (GOST 2.503), designer supervision (GOST V22621)

Table 18

Job title


Difficulty group


Participation in factory tests

Percentage of the total labor intensity of all stages of design work of the tested product

Documentation correction:

when making changes up to 20%

Percentage of the total labor intensity of design work at the design and design stage

when making changes of 20% or more


1. Participation in testing consists of working as part of a commission for testing a product, drawing up test reports, making decisions (if necessary), and drawing up test reports.

2. Work on updating documentation includes drawing up notices of changes and introducing changes to the work documentation.

Maps of technical level and product quality (QU)

Unit of measurement - product

Table 19

Novelty group

Difficulty group

Qualification of performers

Standard time in hours

Note. KU is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.116.

Development of industrial and artistic aesthetics of products

Unit of measurement - assembly unit

Table 20


4.1. The time limit for developing design documentation is determined using the appropriate tables, taking into account the necessary correction factors.

If two or more coefficients are applied to the standards, then when determining the volume of work, the overall coefficient is determined by summing the fractional parts of all increasing coefficients with the addition of a whole unit.

4.2. When developing design documentation for reconstructed enterprises or technical re-equipment, which should be indicated in the documentation, its norm (at all stages) is determined using the coefficient K = 1.2.

4.3. When developing a group of similar products, when unification of standard sizes and individual components is required, as well as when making group drawings containing data on two or more products in accordance with GOST 2.113, the scope of work is determined according to the standards of the corresponding tables of Section 3 using the coefficient K = 1, 5.

4.4. When developing products intended to operate under special conditions other than normal:

a) warranty period of at least 10 years; increased reliability; acceptance by the customer's representative office of the Moscow Region;

b) external influencing factors according to GOST V20.39.305;

c) climatic and mechanical factors of the influence of the external environment exceed the requirements specified in clause 2.17 - the time standard is established for each group of factors in clauses 4.4 a, b, c using coefficients K = 1.2.

4.5. When developing products taking into account explosion and fire safety requirements, the time standard for developing documentation is determined using the coefficient K = 1.3.

4.6. The standard time for developing a product supplied by factories for export is determined using the coefficient K = 1.3.

4.7. When reusing copies of design documentation, the time standard is determined using reduction factors.

4.7.1. No changes:

for a technical project - 0.15;

for working design documentation - 0.2.

4.7.2. With modifications without replacement of components:

for a technical project - 0.3;

for working design documentation - 0.4.

4.7.3. With changes related to partial replacement of components:

for a technical project - 0.4;

for working design documentation - 0.6.


5.1. Characteristics of novelty groups

Product development based on existing samples without significant circuit or design changes.

Product development, which involves modification or modernization of existing samples using standardized elements with changes in circuit parameters and/or design using a large number of borrowed components.

Development of a product based on existing samples with the introduction of significant circuit or design changes to individual components with minor use of standardized elements, the creation of which may require experimental verification of the operating principles of individual functional units.

Development of a product with new circuit or design solutions, which is associated with experimental testing of the operating principles of individual components.

Product development, which involves the use of fundamentally new (unparalleled in domestic practice) circuit or design solutions or methods of equipment operation. Design may be associated with research and experimental testing of circuit and design solutions.

5.2. Characteristics of difficulty groups

System at one control level; there are no connections between control and management channels; performs one or two sequential conversions of discrete or analog information signals. The element base is relay contact.

Design of planar filling of a monostructure with volumetric installation.

There are no requirements for reliability and/or metrology.

System at one control level; there are no connections between control and management channels; performs more than two sequential signal transformations, including blocking and feedback. The element base is relay contact.

Design of volumetric and planar filling of a monostructure with volumetric installation. If there are requirements for reliability and/or metrology, they are provided by general technical methods.

III group

System with two levels of control; there are relationships between control and management channels; performs more than two sequential signal transformations, including blocking and feedback, using serial regulators. The element base is relay contact.

Design of volumetric filling of a modular structure with volumetric installation. If there are requirements for reliability and/or metrology, they are ensured by special methods.

System with two or more levels of control; there are relationships between control and management channels; performs more than four sequential signal transformations, including blocking, feedback, time connections, using serial regulators. The element base is relay contact together with semiconductor elements or semiconductor elements and integrated circuits.

Design of volumetric filling of a modular structure with volumetric installation. If there are requirements for reliability and/or metrology, they are carried out using special methods using auto-monitoring systems and automatic fault finding.

A system with two or more levels of control, there are relationships between control and management channels; the equipment performs more than four sequential signal conversions, including blocking, feedback and timing, using serial regulators. Element base - semiconductor elements and integrated circuits including individual elements and computer devices.

The design of volumetric filling of a modular structure with the predominant use of printed wiring. If there are requirements for reliability and/or metrology, they are provided by special methods using auto-monitoring systems and automatic fault finding.

System with three or more levels of management; there are relationships between control and management channels. Element base - elements and devices of computer technology in microcircuit design (including microprocessors).

The design of volumetric filling of a modular structure with the predominant use of printed wiring. If there are requirements for reliability and/or metrology, they are provided by special methods using auto-monitoring and automatic fault finding systems and the use of special measures to protect against interference when organizing power supply and logical connections.

5.3. Characteristics of complexity groups of printed circuit boards.

The development of printed circuit boards is characterized by 4 groups of complexity:

I-p group

The element base consists of relay contacts (with the number of pins 7 - 8 and connections made by volumetric installation) and semiconductor elements. Along with printed conductors, volumetric mounting jumpers are used.

II-p group

The element base consists of relay-contact semiconductor elements and contains up to 30% integrated circuits (ICs). The density of the conductive pattern is class 1 according to GOST 23751.

III-p group

The element base (more than 30%) consists of ICs. Conductive pattern density of classes 2 and 3 according to GOST 23751.

IV-p group

The density of the conductive pattern of the 2nd and 3rd classes according to GOST 23751 with the presence of shielding of conductors or binding of conductors to the connector contacts or the presence of other special customer requirements.

Note. If relay contact elements have more than 8 pins and require installation in metallized holes with a pitch of 2.5 - 3 mm, they should be considered as ICs. The number of bulk conductors should not exceed 3% of the total number of printed conductors.


Designation NTD


GOST 2.102-68

Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.104-68

Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.105-79

General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.111-68

Standard control

GOST 2.113-75

Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.503-90

Rules for making changes

GOST 2.604-68

Repair drawings

GOST 2.701-84

Scheme. Types and types. General requirements for implementation

GOST 9.303-84

Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements for selection

GOST 14.206-73

Technological control of design documentation

GOST 12997-84

GSP products. General technical conditions

GOST 15150-69

Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions regarding the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 16962-71

Electronic and electrical engineering products. Mechanical and climatic influences

GOST 23751-86

Printed circuit boards. Main design parameters

GOST V.16915-83

General requirements for operational documents

GOST V.20.39.305-76

Requirements for durability, strength and resistance to damaging factors

GOST V.21916-83

Completeness, structure and content of operational documents

“Time standards for carrying out design work on technological process automation systems” were developed by GPKI “Proektmontazhavtomatika”.

4.5. Development time standards
design documentation at the "Working" stage
design documentation"

The content of the work. Receiving a task from the manager and familiarizing yourself with it; preparing the workplace and drawing supplies for work; selection of necessary materials (GOSTs, standards, normals, drawings, technical and reference literature, guidance documents, etc.); preliminary execution of the original design document; consultations and coordination of work performed with the manager and related departments; preparation of the original design documentation; Submitting completed work to the manager.

Table 11


┌───────────────┬──────────────────────┬ ─────────┬ ───────────────┐ │Unit of volume │ Number of parts, │Standard │Standard number│ │ work │ included in assembly │time, │ │ │ │ drawing │ h │ │ ├── ─────────────┼──────────────────────┼─── ──────┼─── ────────────┤ │A1 sheet up to 4 │ 9.0 │ 1 │ │ │5 │ 10.0 │ 2 │ │ │6 - 7 │ 12.0 │ 3 │ │ │8 - 9 │ 13.7 │ 4 │ │ │10 - 12 │ 15.7 │ 5 │ │ │13 - 15 │ 18.0 │ 6 │ │ │16 - 20 │ 20.8 │ 7 │ │ │21 - 26 │ 23.9 │ 8 │ │ │27 - 34 │ 28.0 │ 9 │ │ │35 - 45 │ 31.7 │ 10 │ │ │46 - 59 │ 36.4 │ 11 │ │ │60 - 77 │ 42.0 │ 12 │ │ │78 - 100 │ 48.0 │ 13 │ │ │101 - 131 │ 55.0 │ 14 │ │ │132 - 172 │ 64.0 │ 15 │ │ │173 - 224 │ 73 ,0 │ 16 │ │ │225 - 295 │ 84.0 │ 17 │ │ │296 and more │ 97.0 │ 18 │ └──────────── ───┴──── ──────────────────┴─────────┴─────────── ────┘

Notes 1. An assembly unit included in an assembled assembly drawing is counted as one element.

2. Original parts are counted based on the actual quantity included in a given assembly unit.

3. When calculating the number of standard, purchased and other products, each product name is counted as one part, regardless of their actual number in the assembly unit.

4. If there are parts in an assembly unit that are manufactured without a drawing, the latter are calculated according to the actual quantity included in this assembly unit.

5. When using component parts in the form of materials in an assembly unit, the latter are calculated similarly to standard and other products.

Table 12


┌───────────┬─────────────────────────── ────────── ─────┬─────────┐ │Quantity │ Unit of work volume │ Number │ │ sizes ├────────┬──── ───┬───── ───┬────────┬───────┤standard│ │ drawing │ A4 │ A3 │ A2 │ A1 │ A0 │ │ │ ├ ────────┴── time standard, h │ │ ├──────── ───┼────────┬───────┬────────┬────────┬─ ──────┼─── ──────┤ │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ ├───────────┼───── ───┼────── up to 5 │ 0.44 │ - │ - │ - │ - │ 1 │ │6 │ 0.51 │ - │ - │ - │ - │ 2 │ │7 - 8 │ 0.59 │ 0.72 │ - │ - │ - │ 3 │ │9 - 10 │ 0 , 68 │ 0.83 │ - │ - │ - │ 4 │ │11 - 13 │ 0.78 │ 0.95 │ 1.40 │ - │ - │ 5 │ │14 - 17 │ 0.90 │ 1.00 │ 1.70 │ - │ - │ 6 │ │18 - 21 │ 1.00 │ 1.30 │ 1.90 │ 2.90 │ - │ 7 │ │22 - 27 │ 1.20 │ 1.40 │ 2 ,20 │ 3.30 │ - │ 8 │ │28 - 34 │ 1.40 │ 1.70 │ 2.50 │ 3.80 │ 5.20 │ 9 │ │35 - 44 │ 1.60 │ 1.90 │ 2.90 │ 4.40 │ 6.00 │ 10 │ │45 - 56 │ 1.80 │ 2.20 │ 3.40 │ 5.00 │ 6.90 │ 11 │ │57 - 71 │ - 2 - │ - │ 5.10 │ 7.70 │ 10.5 │ 14 │ │116 - 147 │ - │ - │ 5.9 │ 8.8 │ 12.1 │ 15 │ │148 - 187 │ - │ - │ - │ 10 ,1 │ 13.9 │ 16 │ │188 - 238 │ - │ - │ - │ 11.7 │ 15.9 │ 17 │ │239 - 300 │ - │ - │ - │ - │ 18.4 │ 18 │ │ 301 and more│ - │ - │ - │ - │ 21.1 │ 19 │ ├───────────┼────────┼─── ────┼── ──────┼────────┼───────┼─────────┤ │ │ a │ b │ c │ g │ d │ │ └── ─────────┴────────┴───────┴────────┴──── ────┴───── ──┴─────────┘

Note. When calculating the number of dimensions of a drawing, parts are taken into account and equated to one size:

Surface roughness sign;

Tolerance sign for the shape and location of the surface;

Marking or branding sign;

Designation of corrugation, coating, thermal and other types of processing;

Designation of the seam of a permanent connection;

Technical requirements clause.

REFERENCE STANDARDS OF TIME FOR TYPICAL STANDARDIZATION WORKS PERFORMED BY MARINE TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES FOR THE NEEDS OF THEIR OWN PRODUCTION1. General provisions2. Time norms for maintaining the fund NDNORMAL TIME FOR MAINTAINING THE ND FUND (HOURS)3. Time standards for developing organizational and technical measures for implementation and compliance with ND4. Time standards for standard control of technical documentation5. Time standards for developing enterprise standards (STP)6. Time standards for examination of draft RD from third-party organizations, preparation of reviews and conclusions7. An example of calculating the number of staff to perform standard standardization work





These standards serve as a reference guide for determining the estimated number of full-time personnel performing the minimum standardization work required by the enterprise, which is standard (common) for the main groups of maritime transport enterprises (shipping company, port, plant, etc.).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Typical standardization work includes:

maintaining a fund of normative documentation (ND);

development of organizational and technical measures for the implementation and compliance with ND at the enterprise;

standard control and examination of technical documentation;

development of enterprise standards (STP);

examination of draft normative documents of third-party organizations, preparation of reviews and conclusions.

1.2. The annual working time budget for calculations should be taken equal to 1848 hours (taking into account vacation time and average sickness losses), the average monthly working time budget should be 154 hours.

An example of calculating staffing levels for typical work is given in Appendix 2.1.1.

2. Time standards for maintaining the ND fund

2.1. Work composition:

determining the range of RD required by the enterprise;

acquisition of the ND fund (purchase of documents);

accounting and cataloging of ND;

information from departments and specialists about new arrivals;

making changes and additions to regulatory documents and reference and search apparatus.

2.2. Time standards are given in table. 1.

Table 1


┌────────────────────────────────────┬── ────────── ─┬─────────────┐ │ Types of RD and standard technological │Time standards│Time standards│ │ documentation │per 1 thousand units│per 1 thousand units│ │ │ storage │ storage │ │ │ per month │ per year │ ├─────────────────────────────── ─────┼── ───────────┼────────────1. State standards │ 10.0 │ 120.0 │ │(GOST R, GOST) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │2. The industry standards that guide │ 22.4 │ 268.8 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ technological instructions (OST, RD, │ │ │ │ │, UR, KTZ) │ │ │ │ │ │ │3. Technical specifications for │ 50.4 │ 604.8 │ │production and supply of industrial│ │ │ │products │ │ │ └──────────────── ──────── ────────────┴─────────────┴───────────── ┘

Notes 1. The costs of processing building codes and regulations (SNiP, SN) are equal to the costs of GOST (column 1). The costs of VSN, VNTP and other types of sectoral ND in the field of construction are equal to the costs of RND (column 2).

2. The time spent on processing albums of standard designs, albums of equipment and ship products, standard design documentation for construction is equal to the costs of processing technical specifications (column 3).

3. Time standards for organizational development -

technical implementation activities

and compliance with ND

3.1. Work composition:

studying the requirements of the standard and comparing them with specific areas of work at the enterprise;

determining the need for work and measures to ensure the implementation of ND at the enterprise and its compliance;

development of a draft organizational and administrative document and an action plan for the implementation and enforcement of ND, coordination with interested departments;

control over the implementation of activities.

3.2. Time standards are given in table. 2.

table 2

┌───────────────────────┬─────────────── ────────── ───────────────┐ │ Types of ND │ Time standards for 1 document, h │ ├─────────────── ────── ──┼───────────────────────────────────── ───┤ │GOST, GOST R │ 24.0 │ │ │ │ │OST, RD │ 27.0 │ │ │ │ │STP │ 30.0 │ └─────────────── ──────── ┴─────────────────────────────────────── ─┘

Notes 1. The standards take into account only the share of work performed by standardization departments in the total volume of implementation work.

2. Work on the implementation of ND, planned by the standardization division as part of organizational and technical measures, is not taken into account by the standards and is subject to separate assessment.

4. Time standards for technical control


4.1. Scope of work in accordance with GOST 2.111-68 and GOST 21.002-81.

4.2. Time standards are given in table. 3 (extract from the “Standard time standards for the development of design documentation” approved by the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, publishing house “Economy”, 1987).

Table 3

┌───────────────────────────────┬─────── ────────┬─ ───────────────┐ │ Name of work │Unit of volume │Time standard, h│ ├────────────── ─────── ──────────┼───────────────┼───────────── ───┤ │Normal control of text │Sheet format A4│ 0.20 │ │document │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Standard control of the drawing │ The same │ 0.15 │ └───────────── ────────── ────────┴───────────────┴─────────────── ─┘

4.3. For integrated calculations, the cost of standard control of technical documentation of all types produced by the enterprise can be taken equal to 3 - 5% of the time spent on its development, and the number of standard inspectors in the specified percentage of the number of designers, technologists and other engineering and technical personnel directly developing technical documentation.

5. Time limits for developing standards

enterprises (STP)

5.1. Scope of work and scope of documentation for the STP project in accordance with the requirements of the State Construction System standards.

5.2. Time standards for developing STP are given in Table. 4 (Extract from the “Standard time standards for the development of design documentation”, approved by the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, publishing house “Economy”, 1987).

Table 4

┌───────────────────────────────┬─────── ────────┬─ ───────────────┐ │ Name of work │Unit of volume │Norm of time, h│ │ │ work │ │ ├──────── ──────── ───────────────┼───────────────┼──────── ────────┤ │ Text part of STP │A4 sheet│ 3.5 │ │ │ │ │ │Tables │ The same │ 7.0 │ └──────────────── ─────── ────────┴───────────────┴─────────────── ─┘

Note. The rules are also applied to the development of additions and changes to the STP (change notices).

6. Time standards for examination of third-party RD projects

organizations, preparation of reviews and conclusions

6.1. Scope of work in accordance with the requirements of GSS standards.


1.1. Standard time standards are intended to standardize the work of specialists involved in the development of control programs (CP) for CNC machines using computers, determining their number, issuing standardized tasks and are recommended for use in design, technological and other organizations of science and scientific services, in scientific production , production associations (plants). In enterprises (organizations) of mechanical engineering and metalworking industries.

1.2. The development of standard time standards is based on the position of photographs of working hours; operational accounting and reporting data; results of analysis of labor organization and measures to improve it.

1.3. When developing standard time standards, the following normative and methodological materials were used: Labor standards for employees. Methodical instructions. Ml Research Institute of Labor, 1979; Methodological basis for rationing the labor of workers in the national economy. M.: Economics, 1987; industry standards of time for preparing control programs using a computer;

Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and employees. M.: Economics, 1989; Unified standards of time and output for work performed on punching and keyboard computers and devices for preparing data on computer media. M.: Economics, 1986; Standard time standards for the development of technological documentation. M.: Economics, 1988.

1.4. Standard time standards are established for four types of processing: turning, milling, drilling and multi-operational.

1.5. The collection contains standard time standards for the following types of work: development of a technological process for processing parts on a machine tool with CEU.

The units of work volume when creating design documentation are the drawing format or position for a text document, indicated in the corresponding regulatory tables of the collection.

16. The collection contains standard time standards for the development of design documentation provided for by GOST 2.102-68.

1.6.1. Design documentation (CD), mandatory for execution at the stages of development, includes: for the "Technical Proposal" stage - an explanatory note, a statement of the technical proposal; for the "Sketch Design" stage - an explanatory note, a statement of the draft design; for the "Technical Design" stage - a drawing general view, explanatory note, technical design statement; for the "Detailed documentation" stage - part drawing, assembly drawing, specification.

1.6.2. Types of design work recommended for implementation at the development stages: theoretical drawing; dimensional drawing; installation drawing; electrical circuits (according to GOST 2.701-84); hydraulic and pneumatic circuits (according to GOST 2.701-84); kinematic diagrams (according to GOST 2.701-84); specification sheet; list of reference documents; list of purchased products; statement of approval for the use of purchased products; list of original holders; technical specifications; test program and methodology; tables; calculations; operational documents (according to GOST 2.601-84); repair documents (according to GOST 2.602-84).

1.6.3. An approximate distribution of design work between performers is given in Appendix 1.

1.7. Standard time standards take into account preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace, time for rest and personal needs and physical training breaks in the amount of 10% of operational time.

1.8. Before the introduction of these standard time standards, it is advisable to develop classifiers of specific design objects, industry or factory, designed to determine the approximate labor intensity of developing drawings and diagrams.

1.8.1. It is recommended to take as factors on the basis of which classifiers are developed: the number of drawing sizes; number of parts included in the assembly drawing; number of circuit elements; number of indicators of the technical level of the product, etc.

1.8.2. The number of indicators of the technical level and quality of the product is calculated according to the map of the technical level and quality of the product (GOST 2.116-84). A detailed description of the indicators is given in the Unified Methodology for Assessing the Technical Level of Products

1.8.3 The limit price of a product unit (RUB) is determined from the Application for the development and production of products in the form of mandatory Appendix 4 to GOST 15.001-88.

1.8.4. Classifiers are presented in the form of albums, directories, lists, etc.

1.8.5. The classifier is compiled for all construction objects at each enterprise where TNV will be used. An example of a design object classifier is given in Appendix 2

1.9. Before introducing standard time standards, it is necessary to bring the organizational and technical conditions for performing work in accordance with those projected in the standards and carry out production instructions for performers.

1.10. If enterprises (organizations) have more progressive time standards, this collection is not a basis for changing them.

1.11. For design documents or work not covered by the collection, local time standards are established using the technical standardization method.

1.12. Calculation of the total labor intensity by stages of design work is given in Appendix 3.

Determination of the total labor intensity of design work when planning by stages: Technical proposal", "Sketch design". Technical design" and "Working documentation" - is carried out according to the tables of Appendix 4. The specified time standards can be adjusted depending on the specific design conditions.

1.13. If a drawing or other design documentation is performed on a truss that differs from that adopted in this collection, a correction factor is applied to the time standard depending on the actual truss in accordance with Table 1.

1.14. If, during the development of design documentation, design stages are combined, then the time standard is established as the sum of the time standards of the combined stages, taken as a percentage of the standard time standard according to table. 2.

1.15. Standard time standards have been developed for the execution of design documentation in single production conditions. Correction factors to standard time standards, depending on the type of production of designed products for drawings and text design documents, are given in Table 3.

1.17. Standard time standards are established for the development of design documentation without the use of applications or originals. Correction factors to standard time standards depending on the use of applications or originals for graphic and text documents are given in Table. 5.

1.18. When completing documentation for export (drawings and text documentation with inscriptions in Russian and foreign languages), a correction factor K = 1.25 is used.

1.19. Work on patent research must be standardized according to the collection “Time Standards for Patent Research”, developed by the State Committee for Inventions together with the Center for Inventions and approved by Order No. 8 of July 28, 1986.


2.1. The activities of specialists involved in the development of design documentation are regulated by job descriptions drawn up in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the directory of employee positions and the specifics of production.

2.2. To create favorable working conditions in design organizations, enterprises or scientific and production associations, production associations (factories), large rectangular rooms are recommended, which allow for more economical use of space.

2.2.1. The most convenient for planning workplaces are office spaces with an aspect ratio of 1:1.5 or more, but not more than 1:2. The width of the room is recommended to be at least 2.5 m, and the height - 3.25 m. The minimum area of ​​the working area should be 4 m2 per employee (for a designer - 6 m2).

It is most rational to place 10-15 construction sets in a room.

2.2.2. When planning an office space, the workplace should be positioned so that the source of illumination of the work area is on the left. With one-sided lighting, the width of the room should not exceed 7 m, with double-sided lighting - 15 m.

2.2.3. When arranging furniture and technical equipment, it is necessary to leave passages of the following sizes (minimum) per person:

between partitions - 65 cm;

between tables - 55 cm.

An example of the layout of a design office office space is shown in Fig. 1.

2.24. The chief designer (department head) is located in a room (office) with an area of ​​at least 10 m2. The layout of his workplace should ensure efficient work with documents, the possibility of holding meetings and receiving visitors, and obtaining the necessary operational information (Fig. 2).

2 25. Workplaces of heads of structural units of the 1st department of the chief designer are located in separate offices 1 or in the office premises of the structural unit (Fig. 3).

2.2.6. When placing the workplace of the head of a department in an office building, it is necessary to provide a glass partition, the workplace not far from the front door.

2.2.8. Racks, cabinets for storing documentation and office supplies and wardrobes are installed in such places in the room that they do not interfere with free passage to workstations, office equipment and do not block light sources.

2.3. To increase labor productivity, rational lighting is necessary. Insufficient lighting causes workers to tire quickly. The most effective is combined lighting (general and local). General lighting provides uniform illumination of the office space, local lighting allows you to obtain the required level of illumination in the workplace. It is desirable to achieve room illumination that is close in spectral composition to daylight. The lowest illumination in the workplace should be: fluorescent lighting - 500 lux, incandescent lighting - 300 lux. In this case, it is necessary to have additional local lighting. For individual luminaires, luminaires with reflective shields that create diffused light are recommended.

2.4. The premises must have silent ventilation. Air conditioning units are also recommended. Air temperature 18-20 °C, relative humidity - 30-60%. To reduce external and internal noise, it is recommended to line walls and ceilings with sound-absorbing materials and cover floors with soft plastic.

2.5. An important role in creating favorable working conditions for designers is played by landscaping of office premises. Flowers improve the composition of the air, reduce its temperature, and increase humidity.

The aesthetic design of workplaces and the color of surrounding objects are of great importance. The worker's field of vision should contain colors in the mid-wave part of the spectrum. They have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and improve illumination of workplaces. Recommendations on working conditions are given in Appendix 6.

2.6. Rational organization of the workplace involves creating maximum comfort - the designer should be given the opportunity to choose a comfortable posture for work. An approximate list of equipment for the designer’s workplace is given in Appendix 5.

2.7. The designer's workplace is equipped with a designer's table, a drawing board, and a lift-and-swivel chair. drawing device (Fig. 4).

2.8. The number of working documents should be the minimum necessary to ensure work throughout the day. Documents, reference books, catalogs, etc., as well as office equipment must be located in certain places.

A shared cabinet is recommended for storing technical and reference literature, as well as document folders.

2.9. The designer’s workplace must be equipped with modern technical means, a set of various instruments and equipment that facilitate the designer’s work and help increase labor productivity.

To speed up the drawing process, it is advisable to use templates, stencils, and applications. This significantly reduces designer fatigue and improves the quality of graphic work. For calculations it is recommended to use microcalculators, for the most complex ones - computers.

2.10. A necessary condition for the high-quality implementation of design work is the timely provision of complete information to the performers. Its sources are monographs, collections, textbooks and manuals, materials of scientific conferences, official and departmental publications, standards, inter-industry and sectoral technical documents, descriptions of inventions, technical catalogs and price lists for materials and equipment, scientific- technical reports, dissertations, translations, reference books, etc.

2.11. The performer's workplace must be promptly provided with drawing tools, forms, office supplies, etc. It is also recommended to carry out timely preventive inspection and repair of design equipment by the relevant services.
