The main rules for servicing consumers. The role of consumer service in increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise of the service sector. Consumer Forms and Methods

Service organizations (executive) provide the service to the consumer (customer) on the basis of a service agreement (performance), which is issued in writing (receipt, other document).

The contract (receipt) indicates the following information: branded name (name) and location (legal address) of the artist organization (for an individual entrepreneur - surname, name, patronymic, information about state registration); type of service; price service; accurate name, description and price of materials (things) if the service is performed from the artist's materials or from materials (with a thing) of the consumer; Mark on payment by the consumer of the full price of the service or about the advance payment when issuing a contract if such a payment was made; reception dates and execution of the order; warranty period for the results of work, if they are established by federal laws, other legal acts of the Russian Federation or the contract, or are provided by the custom of business turnover; other necessary data related to the specifics of the services provided; The position of the person who took the order and its signature, as well as the signature of the consumer who passed the order. One copy of the contract is issued by the Contractor of the Services to the consumer.

The contract for the provision of a service performed in the presence of the consumer may also be issued by issuing a cash receipt, ticket, etc.

If a document confirming the conclusion of a service agreement is lost, the service is on the basis of a consumer's written statement upon presentation of a passport or other document certifying the personality of the consumer.

The preliminary order for the provision of services is issued with the preparation of the document (order or receipt). Preliminary orders are accepted by the employee of the service organization personally at the consumer, by phone, mail, email.

The service organization (executor) fulfills the service in accordance with the terms of the contract. The quality of the service must comply with the quality specified in the contract. If the contract does not consider the quality of the service, the service company is obliged to provide a service suitable for the purposes for which the service of this kind is commonly used. If the consumer at the conclusion of the contract was informed of the Contractor about the specific purpose of providing services, the Contractor must provide a service suitable for use in accordance with these goals. If the law or other regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation provides mandatory requirements for the quality of the service, the service provided must comply with these requirements.

The service organization (performer) is obliged to provide the consumer services in terms agreed with the consumer.

Terms of execution of the service must comply with the timing specified in the contract. The contract makes a mark on the actual delivery date. When providing services at home, the consumer has a service organization providing a service specialist to a consumer agreed with the consumer. Materials for ordering must comply with the established requirements, which must be confirmed by the document (certificate, conformity declaration), if it is subject to compliance, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, compulsory confirmation.

The service organization (the executor of the service) is obliged to prevent the consumer and stop the provision of services to its instructions when it is detected: unfortunate or ill-quality conveyed by the consumer, the Contractor, equipment, technical documentation or things for processing (processing); On possible adverse consequences of the fulfillment of its instructions on the method of performance of work (provision of services); There are no other circumstances that can adversely affect the results of the work performed or the possibility of its completion on time.

If the consumer, despite the timely and reasonable warning, does not replace unsuitable or unfaithful material, equipment, technical documentation or the thing transferred to the Contractor does not change the instructions on the method of performing work (providing services) or does not accept other necessary measures to eliminate the circumstances, Which can spoil the thing, its shelf life, the service organization (performer) has the right to terminate the contract on the performance of work (provision of the service) and require compensation to the termination of damages.

If the work is performed completely or partially from the consumer material, the Contractor is responsible for the safety of this material (things) and its correct use. After the end of the work, the Contractor is obliged to submit a report on the expenditure of material and return its balance, or with the consent of the consumer to reduce the price of the work, taking into account the cost of the unused material remaining from the performer.

If the material (thing), accepted from the consumer, is completely or partially lost or damaged, the service organization (performer) is obliged to replace it with a homogeneous material (thing) of a similar quality and, at the request of the consumer, make a product from homogeneous material (things) within a reasonable time , and in the absence of homogeneous material (things) of similar quality to compensate the consumer, the two-time price of the lost (damaged) material (things), as well as expenses incurred by the consumer. The performer is exempt from liability for a complete or partial loss (damage) of the material (things) adopted by them from the consumer, if the consumer is warned by the Contractor about the special properties of the material (things), which may entail its complete or partial loss (damage). Ignorance by the performer of the material properties (things) does not frees it from responsibility.

The consumer has the right at any time before leaving him to refuse to fulfill the work of the contract on the performance of the work, payment of the service organization part of the established price is proportional to the part of the work performed before notifying the refusal of the execution of the contract.

The consumer is also obliged to reimburse the Contractor for the expenses made up to this point in order to fulfill the contract if they are not included in the specified part of the price of completed work.

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the service agreement subject to payment by the Contractor of actually incurred costs.

The consumer is obliged within the time provided by the contract, with the participation of the Contractor to inspect and accept the work performed (its result). When departures are detected, worsening the result of work, or other deficiencies in the work, the consumer must immediately declare this to the Contractor. These disadvantages should be described in an act or in a queue certifying acceptance.

In the event of a consumer's failure to appear, for obtaining the result of the work (services) or evasion from acceptance, the service organization is entitled to warn in writing a consumer and after two months from the date of warning to sell the result of work for a reasonable price. The funds reversed from the sale minus all the payments due to the Contractor are made to the deposit in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the service agreement (implementation), the service organization shall be liable provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract.

In case of detection of deficiencies in the service provided, the consumer has the right to demand from service organization in its choice:

Gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings of the service provided;

Appropriate reducing the price of the service provided;

Gratuitous making another thing from homogeneous material of similar quality or re-execution of work. At the same time, the consumer must return a thing previously transferred to him;

Reimbursement of expenses incurred by them to eliminate the shortcomings of the services provided by their own or third.

The consumer has the right to terminate the service agreement and require full compensation of losses, if the deficiencies of the service provided in the organization established by the said contract, the organization's employees are not eliminated. The consumer may terminate the service agreement, if they found significant shortcomings of the services provided and other significant deviations from the terms of the contracts and require full compensation for losses caused in connection with the disadvantages of the service provided.

Losses are reimbursed within the time limits set to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer.

The consumer who was discovered after accepting the work of retreat from the contract or other disadvantages that could not be installed in the usual method of acceptance (hidden disadvantages), including those who were deliberately hidden by the Contractor, must notify the artist.

The consumer may present the requirements related to the disadvantages of the service provided during the guarantees of the term, and in its absence - within a reasonable time, within the years from the date of the adoption of the service or five years, if the disadvantages are found in the structure and other real estate.

The service organization is responsible for the shortcomings of the service on which the warranty period is not established if the consumer proves that they arose before it accepts it or reasons that arose before that moment. Regarding the service to which the warranty period is established, the service service (performer) is responsible for its disadvantages, if they prove that they have arisen after accepting the service by the consumer due to the violation of the rules for using the result of the service, actions of third parties.

If the warranty period is less than two years and the disadvantages of the services O6 are received by the consumer upon the expiration of the warranty period, not over two years (five years on real estate), the consumer has the right to present claims to the organization, if you prove that the disadvantages arose before the result of the service.

If the service organization (performer) violated the service and became apparent that the service was not executed on time, the consumer in his choice is entitled to appoint a new term to the Contractor, to entrust the provision of services to third parties for a reasonable price, to fulfill its forces and demand from the performer of reimbursement expenses, demand a decrease in the price for providing services or terminate the service agreement.

The consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for damages caused to him due to a violation of the provision of services. In case of violation of the established deadlines for the provision of services or appointed by the consumer of new deadlines, the service organization (performer) pays the consumer for each day (an hour, if the term is defined in hours) delay a penalty in the amount of three percent of the price of the service, and if the service price is not determined by the contract - Shared order price.

The contract for the provision of services between the consumer and the contractor can be set a higher amount of penalties.

When terminating the service agreement, the Contractor is not entitled to demand compensation for its costs produced in the process of providing services, as well as fees for the service provided, except if the consumer has adopted the service provided. The requirements of the consumer are not subject to satisfaction, if the Contractor proves that the violation of the service provision of the service has occurred due to the circumstances of force majeure or by the fault of the consumer.

The service organization (performer), which serves as the use of its own material, is responsible for its quality according to the rules for the seller's liability for the goods of improper quality in accordance with civil law. The procedure and timing of satisfaction with the Contractor of the requirements of the consumer, as well as the responsibility for violating these terms, are governed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On for the Consumer Rights Shield".

The consumer is obliged to pay for the services provided on time and in the manner that are agreed with the service organization (performer).

When calculating the consumer for the services provided, the Contractor issues a document confirming their payment (Cash check, account, etc.).

The rules for the provision and requirements for services in the Russian Federation are reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights, in the Rules for the provision of certain types of services, standards for the types of services, etc.

Quality of service

The degree of customer satisfaction The service depends from quality Service, execution and results of the service.

Service quality - This is a combination of the characteristics of the service that determine its ability to satisfy the established or alleged consumer needs.

The quality of the service depends largely on the quality of customer service.

Quality of service - This is a combination of the characteristics of the process and maintenance conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the established or alleged customer needs.

Services are provided to the consumer on the basis of a contract (for material services) and services for the provision of services (for socio-cultural services) between the consumer and the executor of the service. The quality of services can be assessed by compliance with the terms of the contract (the nomenclature of the work performed, timing, requirements for the quality of work).

All offered services should comply with regulatory requirements. The executive service is obliged to comply with state standards established in state standards, technological regulations, sanitary, fireproof rules and other regulatory documents. Mandatory requirements for the quality of services, their safety for the life, health of people, environment and property.

The quality of services is determined by their consumer properties and is a more complex category than the quality of goods, since the consumer perceives not only the result of the service, but also in some cases is a participant in the provision. In addition, most goods are typical and are designed for standard consumption conditions; Services are subject to individually taking into account the personal situation of the consumer.

Service property (maintenance) - This is an objective feature of the service (maintenance), which is manifested when providing and consuming (maintenance).

The quality of services and maintenance is characterized by quality indicators.

Quality quality indicator (maintenance) - This is a qualitative characteristic of one or more properties of the service (maintenance) constituting it (its) quality.

Service quality indicators are used:

In the formation of the range of quality indicators in standards and technical regulations for specific groups (species) of homogeneous services, services for the provision of services, service enterprises, personnel and quality management systems;

When developing rules and recommendations for assessing the compliance of services (the process of providing services, service enterprise and personnel), standards, instructions (methods) for measurement (control, evaluation) of parameters and their metrological support;

When developing marking rules, packaging, transportation and storage of service results;

When developing rules of operation, repairs for advertising on the results of the service and (in terms of advertising) on \u200b\u200bthe process of providing services.

In addition, quality indicators are used in compiling the range of quality indicators in contracts (contracts).

The main function of quality indicators is to ensure control of the quality of services, service, staff of the enterprise. Based on quality indicators, quality assessment is made.

Quality of service performance Depends on the professional skill of the executor of the service. The quality of the service depends on the materials and raw materials used in the production process, the perfection of the technology of providing services, the skills of specialists serving consumers, and the professionalism of the technologists. The quality of the result of material services for the repair and manufacture of products, dry cleaning and dyeing services can be estimated by the calculated methods based on the quality indicators of repaired, painted or manufactured products. The quality of the results of the execution of other types of services to quantitatively estimate difficult. The assessment may be subjective and unreliable. It is possible to evaluate the economic efficiency of the service result.

The nomenclature of quality quality indicators consists of several groups of indicators: indicators of destination, security, reliability, professional level of personnel, social purpose, aesthetic indicators and indicators of informativeness.

In assessing the level of quality of services, it is also necessary to take into account the economic indicators characterizing the cost of services, the costs of its development and provision.

Destinations Services characterize a set of service properties that defines the quality of the functions for which it is intended.

Destinations are divided into four subgroups:

1) applications;

2) compatibility indicators;

3) enterprise indicators;

4) specific indicators characteristic of certain types of services.

Indicators of application characterize the properties of the service that determine the basic functions for which it is intended, and determine the area of \u200b\u200bits distribution.

Indicators that determine the scope of the application may also serve as the indicators of the product compatibility, as the result of the material service, with other products or indicators of the compatibility of the process of providing this service with another service.

Basically consider the following types of compatibility:

- Functional (no obstacles to the fulfillment of another service);

- geometric (compatibility of the result of this service with other shared products on connecting and / or overall dimensions, form);

- biological (compatibility, for example, by the possibility of joint use of various drugs and / or procedures, food, cosmetics tools for the absence of allergic reactions during medical care and / or nutrition);

- electromagnetic (the opportunity to work together the result of the service and other products in the absence of mutual electromagnetic interference);

- electric(for example, the ability to connect the result of the service to the source of the supply voltages or signals with these voltage values, current, power);

- software (it is determined by the possibility of using unified programs and / or programming languages \u200b\u200bfor shared results of services and other products);

- technological(determined by the lack of application in the process of providing a service or as a result of the technology of technologies incompatible with the technologies of other shared objects);

- metrological (determined by mutual compliance with the norms and tolerances on the parameters of the shared results of the service and other products, as well as the compliance of the required accuracy of measuring parameters and errors of measuring instruments);

- information (compliance with the volume, type and form of information to the requirements of the consumer or shared objects).

Indicators of the company's quality of services that characterize its main services for the provision of services include, in particular, the material and technical base of the enterprise, sanitary and hygienic and ergonomic conditions of consumer services, ethics of communication and the possibility of obtaining additional services, the average waiting time or consumer service, Average number of served consumers per unit of time, as well as the presence in the maintenance rules of certain priority categories of consumers (children, disabled, elderly, etc.).

The material and technical base is characterized by:

The presence of a rational set of technological equipment, inventory of certain types and models, sizes, form and destination, taking into account the methods of sale and maintenance, the range of services provided;

The presence of premises required to organize the maintenance process and the rational motion of consumers, ensuring the rational placement, maximum visibility of the samples of products, descriptions of the mustache;

The presence of technical means for processing information.

Services of service organizations should be provided highly qualified manufacturing and service personnel In conditions of high comfort and logistical equipment.

Ergonomic conditions Consumer services reflect the compliance of the conditions of maintenance of hygienic, anthropometric, psycho-physiological characteristics of consumers; Compliance with these requirements provides comfort and helps to preserve the health and efficiency of consumers.

Ergonomic service conditions are characterized by:

Correspondence by anthropometric, physiological and psychological characteristics of consumers;

Comfort and convenience of consumers in the execution of the service, including the convenient accommodation of goods in the trading room, consumers in the cabin, inputs, outputs, sections of the reception point of orders, furniture, etc.;

Sanitary and hygienic indicators (indicators of microclimate, dusting, cleanliness of the service hall and equipment, tidiness and cleanliness of personnel uniforms, noise level, etc.).

Interior design and layout of visitors service salons, furniture and equipment, the appearance of personnel must comply with consumers to psychological perception, the organization's profile and its corporate style. Maintenance hall, its color, light and sound design should cause a positive mood and not annoying consumers.

The compliance of the services anthropometric, physical and psychological properties of a person provides the consumer a feeling of comfort, comfort and convenience.

An important role in creating a favorable situation and comfort plays ethics communication with consumers. Ethics of communication with consumers is based on the culture of the service personnel of the service organization and the observance of ethical rules.

The average waiting time or service, deadlines and duration of the execution of services are measured in minutes, hours, calendar days, etc. Duration of service and service time depend on the type of services and the nature of the work. For example, a large duration of waiting for a hairdresser, a long airfare, construction or repair is evaluated by consumers negatively, and the prolonged cosmetologist-makeup artist, consultation of the seller is positive.

For most cases, the less the duration of the execution of the service, the higher its value for the consumer and competitiveness.

The service must be provided exactly on time specified by the consumer, otherwise it may lose its value. For example, a delayed car repair can lead to a non-recipient loss of time and cancellation of the trip on vacation, business meeting, cancellation of medical care and leading to loss of working capacity, etc.

Under the service time, the period is meant during which the consumer is in direct interaction with the executor of the service. As a regulatory indicator, the duration of the execution of the service is used, that is, the set time standard for execution of the service.

Term of the service - This is the calendar date that the service must be executed. The service life of the service is reflected in the contract. Violation of the service performance reduces the quality of services and entails negative consequences for the service organization.

For example, in the rules for the provision of public catering services, it is noted: "When violating the timing of the preliminary order for the provision of services, when the shortcomings of the service provided, the consumer has the right to choose from its choice:

To appoint a new term to the Contractor during which the Contractor should start providing services and / or complete the provision of services, and to reduce the price for the service provided;

Require a decrease in the price for the service provided

Require gratuitous elimination of deficiencies in a reasonable period appointed by the consumer, or the manufacture of similar products of the public nutrition of good quality, or its replacement by other products;

Refuse the service. "

The consumer has the right to demand also complete compensation for damages caused to him due to a violation of the deadlines of the beginning and (or) end of the provision of the service.

Services are provided in accordance with the organization's work regime.

The mode of operation of a state or municipal organization is established by the decision of the relevant executive bodies and local governments, and the organization's organization of a different organizational legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur, is established by them on their own.

In the case of temporary suspension of the provision of services (for scheduled sanitary days, repair and in other cases), the Contractor is obliged to provide the consumer in a timely information about the date and timing of the suspension of its activities.

Security indicators characterize the safety of the result and the process of providing services for life, health, property of citizens and the environment.

Services and conditions for their provision must be safe for the life and health of consumers and ensure the safety of their property and environmental protection.

Safety Services for the consumer - A condition in which the risk of harm or damage is limited to a permissible level (ISO GOST RF 8402-96).

Safety must be provided both in the service process and in consuming the material result of the service.

When providing services, the safety of raw materials and materials used for the production of services should be ensured. Terms of service, maintenance and organization of consumption, performance, storage, products must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation of products, sanitary standards and rules, sanitary and hygienic, microbiological and medical and biological indicators.

The manufacturing and service personnel of the service organization must have appropriate special training and ensure compliance with sanitary requirements and personal hygiene rules.

Security indicators are divided into three subgroups:

1) safety indicators for the life, health and property of citizens;

2) environmental safety indicators;

3) Indicators of the safety of property and information.

Security indicators for the life, health and property of citizens reflect the compliance of the result and the process of providing services to the requirements for all types of dangerous and harmful effects.

The main indicators are the main:

Electrical safety;

Fire safety;

Explosion safety;

Radiation safety;

Safety from the effects of chemical and pollutants, including the maximum permissible concentrations of the substance or components included in it;

Safety when servicing machinery and equipment, including in erroneous actions of the service personnel and spontaneous impairment;

Safety due to protective equipment and events, including devices for fencing, stroke restrictions, locks, limit switches of moving elements, fasteners and fixators of movable parts, equipment of sex, controls, and control devices, alarm, signaling colors and safety signs, removal , reduction, localization of dangerous and harmful production factors in places of their education;

Safety from the effects of acoustic (noise, ultrasonic signals), thermal (infrared), light (including laser) emissions;

Safety from the impact of technological environments and other factors in the process of providing the service.

Safety rates for the environment (environmental safety) reflect the degree of environmental protection from a harmful (dangerous) impact of the result and / or service process.

Environmental protection depends on the compliance with the established environmental requirements for the territory, the technical condition and maintenance of premises, ventilation, water supply, sewage and other factors.

According to sanitary standards and rules, construction standards and rules, government standards of the labor safety system, the presence of harmful effects on the environment should not be observed both in the production process of the provision of the service and in the consumption of services.

These environmental safety indicators take into account the impact on the flora, fauna, air and water pools, soil, subsoil, ionosphere, etc. in production, storage, transportation, operation (application) of the service and in the process of providing services.

Environmental safety indicators include: permissible (level and time) chemical, mechanical, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal, biological environmental impacts; Stability (time of harmful or hazardous effects) of polluting, poisonous, hazardous substances entering the environment at the stages of the life cycle of the service (including disposal) or in the process of providing it (including waste disposal).

Save Indicators Property of citizens and / or security (confidentiality) information reflect the degree of relevant protection in the service process.

Indicators of the safety of citizens can be expressed through guarantees (damage compensation) or determine the terms of insurance.

Indicators of information security are established for types of services related to the appeal with all types of intellectual property of the consumer services. Security guarantees are related to both the material and the moral damage of the consumer. Indicators of the security of the confidentiality of information may reflect the guarantees of the absence of unauthorized access or the lack of distortion of information in computer systems "viruses".

Reliability indicators characterize the properties of reliability and resistance to external influences of the result of the service, noise immunity of the result and the process of providing services, reliability of providing the service to the consumer.

Reliability indicators are determined by the service organization's ability to fulfill the service and guarantee the consumer to preserve the result of the service (performance renovated or made to order goods) in the set parameters within certain limits corresponding to the specified modes and conditions of use, maintenance, storage and transportation.

Reliability indicators are divided into four subgroups:

Reliability of the service of the service; - Resistance of the result of the service to external influences;

Noise immunity;

Reliability of the provision of the service.

Reliability Reliability Indicators Services reflect the execution (saving) to them their functions. These indicators can be expressed in the form of quantitative values \u200b\u200bof comprehensive indicators of product reliability and / or single indicators of its reliability, durability, maintainability and persistence.

Indicators of the resistance of the result of the service to external influences reflect the provision (maintenance) of performance when exposed to and / or after the impact of conjugated objects and the natural environment, including:

Mechanical influences (vibration, shock, twisting, wind, etc.);

Climatic influences (temperature fluctuations, humidity and atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, precipitation, salt fog, dust, water, etc.);

Special influences (biological, radiation, chemical, including aggressive gases, detergents, fuels, oils, etc., electromagnetic fields, deactivation, degassing, disinfection tools, etc.).

Observation indicators Reflect the degree of provision (conservation) of their functions (properties) when exposed to interference and the degree of environmental impact of interference from electromagnetic and ionizing radiation as a result of the service or in the process of providing it.

Reliability indicators Supporting services to the consumer reflect the timeliness and accuracy of ordering (applications) for such parameters as the timelines, volumes, nomenclature and position of the contract (contract).

Timeliness of rendering - Also important indicator of quality and competitiveness of the service.

Some services have consumer value only at a certain point in time.

The value value of the service may decline. For example, hair haircut gives the consumer an effect that lasts a few weeks during which the benefit decreases in time.

The value of socio-cultural services is perceived by the consumer only at the time of their provision. The result of socio-cultural services is not preserved in material form and remains only in the form of memories of a pleasantly spent time or manifests itself in the restoration of the physiological or psychological state of the human body.

Professional staff indicators Enterprises (executing services) include three subgroups:

The level of training and qualifications, including theoretical knowledge and ability to apply them in practice;

Ability to leadership (for managers of enterprises, managers, metals, etc.);

Knowledge and observance of professional ethics of behavior.

Personnel training and qualifications level indicators

General and profile training of personnel (lack of special training, training in the amount of vocational school, technical school, university, postgraduate and additional education);

Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of guidance documents related to professional activities, including to comply with the requirements of sanitation, personal hygiene and workplace hygiene;

Fire and other types of security, rules Okrani! labor;

Regulatory documents for services.

Management performance indicators include an assessment of the following parameters:

Knowledge and observance of labor legislation, sectoral guidance documents related to professional activities;

The ability to organize personnel work, to ensure effective control over the observance of their duties and control over the implementation of rights;

Knowledge and compliance with legislation and guidelines in the economic, financial and accounting areas;

The ability to provide a benevolent atmosphere at the enterprise, timely and high-quality service of consumers of priority categories, the correct use of fire-fighting and other types of protection, alarm, clear evacuation of consumers or the provision of necessary assistance in extreme situations.

Indicators of knowledge and compliance with professional ethics of behavior reflect.

The ultimate goal of the production process in catering enterprises is the implementation of finished products and the organization of its consumption. These functions determine the service process.

Service process In public food - this is a combination of operations performed by the Contractor with direct contact with the consumer of services when implementing culinary products and leisure activities.

Methods and forms of service in catering establishments depend on certain factors: consumer contingent, food reception locations, methods of its receipt and delivery to consumers, the degree of personnel participation in service, the use of mechanization and automation tools, etc.

Consumer service method - The method by which products are implemented by consumers. The following maintenance methods exist at catering factors:

1) self-service;

2) service waiters;

3) Combined service.

Service form - organizational reception, which is a kind or combination of consumer service methods.

Service forms differ:

1) the nature of the services produced;

2) the place and conditions for their execution;

3) the nature of the service personnel;

4) the form of calculation by consumers.

An example of service forms can be the implementation of culinary products through vending machines or tables of self-session, by type "Swedish table", vacation of compounded dinners.

Self-service - This is a service method in which consumers themselves perform a number of operations, and depending on this apply the following forms of self-service:

1) full. The consumer performs all operations independently;

2) partial. Part of the work is performed by attendants or mechanisms (collection of dishes, delivery of dishes, conveyor for collecting dishes, etc.).

In action from the form of calculation distinguish:

1) self-service with preliminary calculation:

a) the consumer gets acquainted from the menu, acquires a check at the checkout, with a check on the distribution gets dishes. Negative sides of this service form: the consumer does not see the selected dishes, deals with money;

b) Organization of comprehensive nutrition on pre-acquired subscriptions and checks: Tables are pre-served, then commercial breakfast, lunch and dinners are released, which allows you to speed up the maintenance process. This form is used to organize tourists, students, participants in seminars, conferences;

2) self-service followed by calculation:

a) With the calculation after receiving the dishes: the consumer meets the menu, selects dishes on the distribution, is calculated for the selected dishes, consumes and finally removes the dishes. The advantage of this form of service is the possibility of visual choice of dishes by consumers; Negative moments: the consumer is in line, deals with money;

b) self-service with the calculation after meals. The consumer gets acquainted from the menu, chooses dishes, gets a check on the dishes, takes food and after that it is calculated when leaving the hall. Positive parties: the service process is accelerated; Negative: the number of service personnel increases;

3) self-service with direct calculation. The consumer simultaneously chooses, gets dishes and pays for their cost. With this service form, vacation products and calculation with the consumer is made by one employee. This form of service is used in PBO, buffets, snack bars, through a bar rack in bars.

Method of service waiters It is used in restaurants, bars, snack bars, as well as some canteens (under sanatoriums, recreation homes, etc.). At the same time, the process of servicing consumers, starting with their meeting and ending with the calculation, is made by waiters.

For full service waiters All operations carry out waiters. This species is characterized by a high culture of service and is applied at the enterprises of the class "Lux" and the highest time of operation of the hall, during banquets and techniques, in the evening - in enterprises with recreation organization.

Partial service of waiters It assumes the fulfillment of a number of operations by consumers. Waiters deliver products with a handout to the hall, put dishes on the table, followed by visitors themselves. This form allows you to speed up the process of servicing visitors, increase the bandwidth of the hall and reduce the number of service personnel.

When servicing waiters, the following form of calculation is applied:

1) preliminary. The consumer, having familiarized with the menu, acquires a check on the checkpoint. Also, this form is used to maintain conference participants, seminars, etc. In this case, consumers acquire checks or subscriptions for food in advance;

2) subsequent. The calculation is carried out at the end of service by waiters.

The considered forms of calculation have two varieties: immediately and cashless payments.

Service waiters according to the nature of labor divided into two forms:

1) individual. All operations with the visitor performs one waiter, followed by a certain number of tables in the hall;

2) brigadic. The brigade of several waiters share all the consumer maintenance operations (one meets the consumer, accepts the order; two serves dishes and drinks, etc.). This form allows you to speed up the process of servicing consumers, also used when servicing banquets and receptions.

Combined service method Consumers are to combine various methods of service (for example, self-service with waiters service).

In addition to traditional methods and forms of maintenance in catering facilities, special (progressive) forms of service are used, the purpose of which is to accelerate the maintenance of a large number of consumers. Such forms are used to maintain the participants of the Congress, conferences, seminars, etc. These include: Express Halls, Express Tables, Buffet.

Hall express (As a rule, 40-50 places) are organized in restaurants and cafes to accelerate consumer services with a limited amount of time. The menu is a comprehensive lunch. By the time of dinner, all tables in the express hall are served, the menu is put on each table. Once visitors are sitting at the table, the waiters put snacks and sweet dishes, then bring soups, and after it is hot dishes. Consumer time spent on such lunch are 15-20 minutes.

Table express Organize in restaurants with hotels, airports, railway stations. It is designed for 20 people, has a round shape with a swivel central part, on which snacks, dishes, culinary and confectionery, beverages are installed. The stationary surface of the table is served by snacks, devices, napkins. Consumers, sowing at the table, independently choose products from the turning part of the table. Waiters bring hot dishes and drinks, calculate with consumers.

Power supply by type "Buffet" It serves accelerating the maintenance of large groups of tourists, is organized at catering enterprises during hotels. Cold snacks, sweet dishes and confectionery, and for sale soups and hot dishes are installed on the tables. The work of waiters comes down to help
in portioning.

5.2. Organization and maintenance of banquets and receptions
at catering

Depending on the form of the organization of banquets and receptions, various maintenance methods can be used. There are a banquet reception with full service at the table of waiters and at a partial service table.

Preparatory work for the banquet consists of receiving an order, preparation for the banquet, maintenance.

Receive order It is the main stage of the banquet organization, since it implies in detail and timely thoughtful and coordinated by its organizers (customers) and the administration of the restaurant and the order of the banquet. As a rule, the application for the banquet takes the Metrotel, i.e. The one who will directly lead the banquet.

When receiving an order for the organization of the banquet, a number of issues are agreed upon: the date and clock of the banquet; Number of guests and their composition (gender, age, nationality, profession); Banquet place; celebrated event; Assortment of dishes and drinks; preliminary order amount; Payment form; List of invited guests.

Metrotel before accepting an order must: introduce the Customer with the hall in which a banquet will be held; Coordinate with him a plan for the placement of tables (there are questions such as the places of honor of guests or the place of accommodation for guests each table separately; clarify whether the aperitif will be served, whether flowers are needed for decorating the table, music and a place for dancing). At the same time, a customer should be familiar with the rules of the enterprise, the order of service, as well as the procedure for compensation for damages.

After accepting the order and design, the Metrotel's order is a list of waiters for servicing a banquet at the rate of two waiters by 6-8 guests.

Each waiter gives a service task (it is determined who will serve aperitif, snacks, dishes, etc.).

After the adoption of the order menu and the coordination of all questions with the Customer Metrotel is an application for production, which indicates: the number of guests invited to the banquet; snack names and dishes, their total number; number of servings in the dish; Order execution date; The dishes in which the kushan will be served.

To obtain products from a buffet Metrotel or Brigadier also make an application where the names of the wines, the number and capacity of the bottles and the execution date of the order are indicated.

Organization of a consumer service system in restaurants (basic rules and equipment services, organization and conduct of different types of banquets)

Consumer service in restaurants:

Basic maintenance elements.

The restaurant maintains from the following elements:

  • - meeting guests, place them in the hall;
  • - Offer menu and wines, aperitif;
  • - recommendations in the choice of snacks, dishes, beverages;
  • - reception, registration and refinement of the order;
  • - transmission of the production order;
  • - the conservation of the table in accordance with the accepted order;
  • - feeding drinks, snacks and dishes;
  • - Calculation with guests.

Meeting and placement of guests.

The entrance to the restaurant guests welcomes a doorman, which gives a brief description of the restaurant and bar, orienting on the features of the range of drinks and dishes. Then invites you to enter the restaurant or bar, holding the entrance doors.

At the entrance to the hall, the guests meets Hostes, who welcomes them, proposes to take the tables and places in the hall, introduces a waiter, returns to his workplace, and at the end of the service he, as a warm owner, accompanies guests, says goodbye to them and invites you to visit again a restaurant.

In the absence of the position of Hostes in the restaurant, its functions performs the Metrotel. He meets guests, welcomes them, asks how many people should be cooked a table, in which part of the hall they would like to take places. After receiving the consent of the guests, Metrotel invites them to the table. He must go a few ahead, pointing to the guests the most convenient way. For servicing small companies, a shared table of several square or rectangular tables can be compiled. The table meets the waiter, he welcomes them, it seems to them, helps to sit at the table, slightly moving the chair, giving preference to children, women, older in age. A woman sits on the right of a man. In the event that guests sat down at the table, replant them, offering other places, is not allowed.

The waiter must have the necessary professional skills, be friendly and polite in communicating with guests. The greeting should be correct, restrained and accompanied by a slight tilt of the head and a pleasant smile.

Often, guests bring flowers with them. The waiter, not expecting a request, must bring a vase with water, put flowers into it and put on the table.

Of great importance is the appearance and manners of the waiter. He must have a beautiful posture, stay straight, move easily and elegantly. You can not keep your hands in your pockets, stand, leaning about the table or a servant, arms crossed on your chest or swing them, do extra or sharp movements, run around the hall. The correct gait depends largely on the shoes.

If the shoes are uncomfortable, too diverse, and heels are very high or twisted, the gait becomes heavy, the waiter quickly gets tired, not recommended to women to wear sandals. The correct posture of the waiter depends on the convenient uniforms, as well as from systematic sports.

Women should moderately use cosmetics. Wedding rings or non-stones rings are allowed as decorations, small chains on the neck, small earrings. Male waiters should be well chosen, have neatly trimmed, clean nails.

The waiter must have a notebook with him, the key, a corkscrew to open bottles or a sommelier knife, a ball handle, a lighter or match.

Reception and placement.

Acceptance of the order should be started with the Guest menu waiter; If earlier it was not done by Metrotel or Hostess.

Feeding the menu guest, it should be remembered that a woman has the right to choose a dish. Therefore, the menu is presented by the lady, and if there are several more than one hundredth of them. If men sit at the table, then preference is given to the older in age, the anniversarier, etc., and the military - the older in charge. When double-sided seating, the guests at the table should be submitted a second instance of the menu so that the guests read quickly with it. The menu is served the guest on the left.

If there is a solid cover, the menu is served open on the first page, which lists the dishes from the chef and branded dishes. Simultaneously with the proposal of the menu, the customer is offered to familiarize yourself with the wines.

Order convenient to take standing to the right of the customer, but you can both on the left, if it is convenient for the waiter. It is important to remember the customer, because in the future all the questions are consistent with it. The waiter in the process of receiving the order listens all the wishes of the customer, gives recommendations if necessary. The waiter must know the restaurant menu well. In the absence of explanations in the menu on the composition and features of cooking, this should make a waiter.

Acceptance of the order in the trading room is advisable to carry out using the POS terminal (intelligent cash register), which provides automatic input and saving an order in a computer system, automatic transmission of the order for production and in the bar on the network. The printout of them on the printers installed there, dozakaz, the transfer of special messages to the bar or production (for example, to prepare later, cook without salt, etc.), choosing a type of payment: cash, credit cards or cashless payments.

When using the POS terminal, the waiter accepts an order, writes it in a notebook, then makes a listing of the guest account. In the absence of an automation system for receiving the order, the waiter must have numbered blanks of accounts in the form of a hard cover book and a ballpoint. Opened book with bookcases of bills The waiter laid on the palm of the left hand. The order is written on the bills of accounts in two copies, picking up. The order content The waiter necessarily reads the consumer to avoid errors.

The waiter should warn the guest about the time execution time and make clarifications about the time of feeding dishes.

After receiving the order, the waiter must schedule its implementation: an order at the production of snacks and dishes; selection of dishes for their preparation and feed; Sequence of feeding snacks, dishes and drinks. A clear, pre-thought-out plan makes it possible to wait not to make extra walking and speed up the service.

Transfer order for production.

The service in the restaurant is conducted according to the following scheme: from the hall the waiter is sent to the service where it picks up dishes for cold dishes and snacks, brings it to the distribution of the cold workshop and transfers to production along with the order. By informing how many portions should be put in each Vase, a dish, a salad bowl, as well as the wishes of guests to prepare a dish. When servicing a group of guests, dishes are released and served on the table in a multi-speaking dishes: vases, salad bowls, etc., the capacity of which must correspond to the number of portions. This gives the opportunity to cook beautifully to make meals, and the waiters are convenient to place them on the table.

From the cold shop, the waiter is heading to the hot, where he transfers the order for hot snacks, the first and second dishes, some dessert dishes, while simultaneously passing the dishes for those dishes that are prepared directly in this dish (Koxnitsa, Kokilnitsy, portion frying, ceramic pots dishes, etc.).

After the transfer of the order for production, the waiter makes the table to be placed in the hall in accordance with the order and removes the unnecessary service items from the table.

Organization of the service process in the hall.

When receiving non-alcoholic beverages in the service bar, you must pay attention to the compliance of their order on the names, the completeness of the range, and quality. Bottles with drinks must be clean, without chipping and cracks and have a solid factory capping and labels on which the names and characteristics of drinks are indicated. Special attention should be paid to the temperature of the drinks and compliance with the rules of their storage, which affect the taste properties. The waiter must know well signs of deterioration of the quality of drinks. So, the beginning of damage, for example, beer, fruit waters, juices is uniform turbidity, and the precipitate falling on the bottom of the bottle indicates a significant damage to these beverages. The appearance of foam is evidenced about the damage of non-alcoholic beverages, and there is a sharp smell of yeast.

In restaurants, wine-vodka products and beer are released from the service bar in bottles, banks or bottling. With an individual order, 50 g of vodka or 100 g of wine, drinks are served in a glass or small decanter, when servicing a group of guests - in a decanter or bottle.

Juices are fed in jugs, conical glasses, chilled water - in jugs. The ice is better to serve separately in the bucket or in the cooler for ice. Juices and cold drinks when feeding must have a temperature of 8--12 ° C.

Fruits are thoroughly washed in flowing water and dry with a clean towel. Large brushes grapes with permission of guests are cut with scissors into smaller. Cherry and cherry are served with frozen, and they have a knife from bananas. Cooked fruits are stacked in a vase: apples with fruits down, pears with frozen up, the rest of the fruits are located on top so that any of them is visible.

The resulting product of the service bar is a waiter brings to the hall on a tray, ancillable napkin. The napkin reduces the slip of objects on the tray, which prevents the dishwashes possible. The tray with the products received by the service bar of the waiter sets in the hall on the entanguage table or on the servant.

First of all, refreshments (water with gas and without gas), beer, juices, bread are served. Before smoking water bottles, beer, packages with juice, you need to show them to the customer. Two bottles with mineral water (with gas and without it) The waiter sets on his palm of his left hand with a handbrake located on a ring finger. One of the bottles takes part of the palm and rests on the ring finger and the little finger. The second bottle is placed next to the previous and maintained by large, index and middle fingers. Bottle labels must be addressed to the guest, two bottles of drinks can be kept for the neck. At the same time, the handbrake can be located on hand or unnamed finger.

The waiter scolds bottles with water on the utility table or servant.

Protheses of the necks of bottles with a clean napkin, with the permission of guests it pours drinks to the glasses to the right of the guest, starting with women. Fools are filled with 3/4 capacity. Water bottle should be kept slightly above the edge of the Fozerer, without touching it, and the beer bottle is somewhat higher to form a foam.

Before serving the beer in banks or bottles, the waiter replaces the winery on a glass for beer and puts the drink to the right of the guest. If the beer is released into bottling, the fuer is replaced with a mug or a glass of beer.

The juice on the utility table is overflow from the package in a jug. Initially, the table is put on the table with a linen cloth with a mood, then the waiter distinguishes the juice and put a jug on a prepared snack plate.

Bread Waiter takes on a table on a piring plate. Approaching the guest on the left side, with his left hand, he removes an empty pie plate from the table, and the piring plate of bread puts the same hand, replacing the plates in his right hand. You can, with the help of forceps, decompose the bread from the diner plate on the cake plates of guests installed during the pre-serving of the table. In this case, the waiter moves counterclockwise and the right hand lays bread with forceps in such a way that the rye bread is located on a piring plate closer to the guest, a crust to it, and wheat next to him, turn outward.

With group maintenance, bread can be served in Sukhane with a linen napkin folded fourly.

The main methods of feeding dishes in the restaurant.

Getting Started to fulfill the order, the waiter must know well the features of feeding all dishes and drinks, and also think about what methods should be ordered.

The restaurants use the following methods of feeding dishes: French, English, Russian, European, combined.

The French method provides for the subsidence of the dish in the community, i.e. Shooting it in a guest plate. This method is used in the work of waiters with high maintenance technique.

The technique of work of the waiter is as follows. When filing cold dishes and snacks, the waiter puts on the palm of his left hand. A folded handbrake, which puts the dish with the device for layouts, is suitable for the guest on the left and, slightly leaning toward him, lowers his left hand with a dish at a small angle so that the edge of the dishes It was above the edge of the plates.

With the right hand, the waiter takes the device for layout and shifts the dish, pressing the elbow to himself and remove the brush of the hands to the right. In practice, four versions of the universal device layout are used:

  • - Classic reception - tablespoons and plug hold in their right hand, and the index finger is located between the devices so that it controls the movement of the plug when portioning. This technique is used when applying dishes consisting of portions of fish or meat with a vegetable side dish: Assorted Fish Russian Bouquet, Balyk in a tsarist, homemade meat snack (stuffed quail, rustic buoyhenine and a roll of milk piglet);
  • - Plane reception - tablespoon and plug placed in the same plane in the form of a blade so that the instrument handles are in the palm of the right hand, and the thumb holded the devices at their connection. This technique is used when applying dishes with a soft consistency (boiled fish, herring "under a fur coat", patestone from the goose liver);
  • - Plugging reception - instruments for portioning are kept in the palm of the right hand slightly spread over to each other. This method is used when feeding dishes with dense consistency (stuffed);
  • - The waiter offers a guest dish that serves himself.

Guest, using the instruments for portioning, puts a portion of fish, meat or another dish into the plate.

The French method also use when filing second hot dishes without sauce or dishes, to which sauces are served separately (Ostrin Free, Salmon Steak, Salo Roll with Lobster, Bifstex Calm Cleaner, Beef Medallion, Baranje Cutlets with Garlic Crocker Hussar Roulette) .

The waiter brings on a covered with a napkin tray of the second hot dishes in Melchioric dishes and heated minor cutlery plates, puts the tray on the entruscing table, removes the used dishes from the table, puts a heated small dining room before the guest, holding it with a handbrake.

On top of the main product, the instrument is put on the laying by the handle to the right hand of the waiter so that the horns of the device perform the edge of the dishes. The dish take the handbrake with the right hand, put on the palm of the left and on the handbrake, which should cover the cuffs of the sleeves and protect your hand palm from a possible burn. The waiter becomes from the left side of the guest and, slightly tilting the body, slightly putting forward the left foot and putting the right hand behind the back, shows the dish of the guest to be seen. At the same time, the main product (meat, bird or fish) should be addressed to the guest. Then the waiter climbs the dish to the plate, without touching it and without relying the brush of his hands on the table, and with the help of an instrument for layout shifts first the main product on a plate closer to the guest, then the side dish, portioning it with parts and distributing on the main product to the right to left.

The English method provides for the use of an appropriate table, a servant or trolleys, which prepare dishes in close proximity to visitors, for example, mix the components of the salads, the cold dishes are punished, the second dishes are garnished.

The English method is served by the second dishes of complex layout (Sudak "Orly", sturgeon "Kolber", kebabs, cruise in Kiev), sauce dishes (sturgeon in brine, fillet in Madera sauce). Hot dishes of complex layouts The waiter brings to the hall along with the root of small dining plates and portioning devices. The dish with the product is installed on the left side of the appitable table. Then they put plates that the logo must be turned to the waiter. The waiter brings the dish to the table for visitors and, holding him by the handbrake, shows the customer from the left side. Having received permission, the waiter shifts the dish on the bottom table on the guests to the guests: first - the main product, then the side dish. Especially neatly it is necessary to shift the components of the complex side dish, not allowing their mixing.

At first, all the plates lay out one type of side dish, then the second, etc., distributing it evenly and creating colorful combinations. If there is a sauce on the dish, then they water the main product.

Working with an appropriate table. The dinner table is covered with a tablecloth and have a dinner table so that guests can observe the actions of the waiter. The English method provides for various ways of porting dishes:

Purpose of salads with different gas stations. The waiter installs various ingredients for salads in glassware and sauces to them in the upper part of the dye and sauces, at the bottom - the snacks of the plates, for which, based on the order, the waiter lays various products and fills them with sauces.

Purpose of hot dishes in sauce (befstrogen, roasted). The waiter brings into the hall with sauce dishes in the baranchiks, the side dishes in the portion fuels, heated minor dining plates, layout devices, places them on the attached table: side dishes - on the right side, dishes on the left, plates - in the middle. Without showing a guest dish, it is unfolded as follows: first the side dish, then, removing the battery cover using a handbrake and putting a heated small dining room, the waiter takes the right hand to a spoon, and in the left fork and gently shifts the dish to the plate to save the sauce . After that, the waiter takes a plate through the handbrake so that the thumb is lying on the edge of the side, and puts it on the table in front of the visitor (right).

When portioning baked dishes and dishes of complex layouts, the waiter brings products to the hall on metal dishes on a tray, shining a linen napkin. Before decomposing dishes on the guests of the guests, the waiter should show them to the customer, for this right hand, with the help of the handbrake, lift the edge of the dish, and with your left hand the handbraft under the dish in such a way that it protects his hand's palm from the burn. Showing a dish to the customer on the left, the waiter on the panel table or the servant comes to the dish in the heated minor dining plates of the guests using instruments for layouts, keeping the spoon in the right hand, and the plug in the left. Initially, lay out the main product, then the garnish.

For the preparation of second hot and dessert dishes in the table hall, board plates are installed or moving carts with built-in gas burners. In these cases, the preparation of clipping, fried whole, fillet with brandy is carried out in special frying pan, then the dishes are ported in the presence of guests with the help of trash (cutting) devices and shifted on heated minor or dessert plates.

When servicing a group of visitors in the center of the table, placed a metal tray, a gas burner and a metal dish with fried meat products and a complex garnish. The dish is put the device for layouts, and guests serve themselves.

The Russian method provides for the location of beautifully decorated and prepared as a whole dishes on the table, as well as national dishes cooked in pots. If the guests ordered a large range of cold dishes, they have on the table in vases, oval and round porcelain dishes. All dishes are laying devices for layouts: plug - teeth down, and on top of a spoon; The instrument handles are in the direction of guests.

Devices for folding boiled, sweened and fried dishes - tablespoons and plug, baked dishes - blade. The table is served by the corresponding plate (snack bar, shallow dining room or dessert) and the device depending on the type of dish and the method of its preparation.

The European method differs from the previous ones, primarily serving the table. The table is served by table and eaterial devices, a piring plate, a linen napkin, which is placed in front of the guest, glass, appliances for spices, flowers. Cold snacks waiters bring in advance portioned on the snacks of plates. The second hot dishes are fed on heated minor dining plates covered with the Cloce special covers. The waiter comes to the guest with the right, puts a plate with a lid before him, lifts it and turns it over, then relates to a restless table. Second dishes are served in small halls, as well as in the absence of utility tables.

In restaurants, suite and the highest class use combined maintenance methods.

Thus, the professional method of feeding dishes is a criterion of high-quality maintenance and is crucial for the competitiveness of any restaurant, bar or cafe. To ensure such service, the staff of the enterprise should have or special education, or professional training, or pass internship in order to master knowledge, skills and qualifications to perform specific functions.

Banquet service maintenance:

One of the most important requirements for hotel business is to ensure the possibility of banquet services. For this, as part of the premises of food enterprises located in the hotel complex, along with the main restaurant hall, there must be special banquet halls (perhaps several rooms of various capacity and for different types of banquets), as well as personnel with relevant knowledge and practical skills.

Banquets are carried out as a solemn breakfast, lunch or dinner. The reason for this can be an anniversary, a friendly meeting, a family celebration. The most frequent are banquets conducted by public, party, scientific and business organizations on the occasion of the end of various meetings, negotiations, conferences, meetings and other events.

Banquets can be classified as follows:

  • 1) by the method of organizing meals at the table - sitting or standing;
  • 2) by staff participation in service:
    • - Complete when all operations (production, delivery to the hall, feeding dishes and drinks, cleaning of dishes, etc.) carry out waiters, which provides a higher service culture;
    • - partial when a series of functions is transmitted to guests (shifting food, filling glasses), which allows you to speed up the service process, reduce the number of service personnel;
  • 3) on the assortment of dishes and drinks:
    • - general purpose;
    • - banquet tea;
    • - banquet cocktail;
    • - Futer buffet.

The organization of any banquet includes the reception and design of the order, preparation for the banquet, maintenance. Organized, clear work on the preparation for the service of a banquet depends on how detailed and in time all the details of the banquet between the customer and the management of the restaurant are specified. Therefore, it is desirable that the one who will directly manage the preparation of a banquet and servicing guests was informed in detail about the features of this order.

Banquet service orders receive directly director, Metrotel or banquet service manager. The order can be made in writing or orally (by phone, as a result of the visit). In any case, must be agreed:

  • - the date of the;
  • - reason for the banquet device;
  • - Venue (name or number of the banquet hall);
  • - the start time and end of service;
  • - number of participants;
  • - approximate menu;
  • - the cost of servicing one person and the whole banquet;
  • - terms of payment;
  • - The address and telephone of the customer.

When receiving an order for banquet services, the customer is offered to get acquainted with the banquet room, coordinate with him the planning of tables, places of honor guests (if it is a banquet at the table, then the placement plan for each table separately, based on the norm of 60-80 cm on one man), approximate design of the banquet hall.

When ordering it is specified, whether a cocktail aperitif will be served, whether the flowers are needed for decoration, music during a banquet and a place for dancing.

It is very important that employees engaged in the sale of banquet services have been provided with appropriate technical and visual means, for example, such as:

  • - Colored slides, photos of various prices and packages, cold snacks, hot and cold dishes offered in the menu;
  • - image of various placements of tables and chairs;
  • - the possibilities of technical equipment of the activities with computers, scene, dance floor, lighting, microphones, musical instruments;
  • - Photos, video films of events.

An order for a banquet can be accepted a lot of days before it. Despite the fact that the approximate dish menu was negotiated when taking an order, it is usually coordinated with the customer re-2-4 days before the banquet.

When servicing banquets held on a special occasion (birthdays, weddings, production holidays, anniversaries), the corresponding program activities should be drawn up.

When organizing official banquets-receptions, the issue of accommodating the participants of the banquet at the table, and, therefore, the sequences of their subsequent maintenance are of particular importance. The following rules for placement of guests at the table must be followed:

  • - the first is the place to the right of the owner of the banknet reception, the second is to the right of the owner;
  • - In the absence of women, the first is the place to the right of the owner of the banquet reception, the second to the left of it;
  • - the guest of high rank can sit opposite the owner, in this case the second will be the place to the right of the owner;
  • - If the host of the banquet is missing, its place may take one of the invited women.

In a banquet table, according to the plan for hosting guests to the instrument of each participant of a banquet-reception, as a rule, a card is placed in which the name and initials are indicated, and sometimes the ranks of those invited.

When preparing for a banquet, it is necessary to determine the number of waiters and other employees required for its service.

The required number of waiters is determined depending on the complexity of the menu, the frequency change of instruments, the remoteness of the banquet table from distribution, service, dishwasher, buffets, the location of the utility tables, the provision of dishes, etc.

Directly on the banquet day, the manager or Metrotel conducts the instructions with the waiters, during which it reports to them who is in honor of whom or what event is suitable for a banquet, clarifies the time of the banquet, the number and approximate composition of its participants by nationality, sex, age, etc. . I introduces the waiters with the plan for the placement of tables, the number of guests behind each of them and the plan to accommodate the participants of the banquet at the table, reports the menu of dishes and drinks, the features of serving a banquet table. Specifies whether an aperitif will be served, what drinks and snacks to serve during an aperitif how much it will continue, where to serve coffee and tea, how many coffee tables will have to be serviced.

restaurant price intelligible

The purpose of the rational organization of consumer services at catering establishments is the provision of a complex of various services in accordance with GOST R 50764-95.

The main tasks of the organization of trading activities of catering enterprises - improving the forms and methods of consumer services and an increase in service culture.

The main regulatory document regulating in accordance with the Federal Law "On Consumer Protection" of January 9, 1996. No. 2-ФЗ Relationship between consumers and a restaurant or any other organization of mass nutrition is the rules for the provision of catering services approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997. No. 1036 with changes and additions approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2001. № 389.

According to these rules, public catering services are in restaurants, cafes, bars, cutlery, snack bars and other public catering sites, and the types of restaurants and bars are also class (suite, the highest, first) are defined by the Contractor in accordance with GOST R 50762- 95.

Contractor Services- Public catering or entrepreneur who performs work in the production, implementation and organization of culinary consumption.

The rules are mandatory installed the mode (hours) of work at any catering company.

At the state (municipal) company, the work regime establishes the relevant executive authority or local government. The mode of operation of the enterprise of another organizational and legal form (Joint-Stock Company, a limited liability company or private) is determined by them independently. In the case of temporary suspension of the work of the catering catering (conducting planned sanitary days, repair, etc.) consumers should be informed in a timely manner about the date and period of suspension.

If the activities of the catering catering (executive services) are subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, then information about the issue, the period of validity of the license, as well as the authority, which issued it should be posted in a convenient place.

The artist is entitled to independently establish the rules of conduct for the consumer: for example, enter smoking limit, a single fee for entry or prohibit finding in outerwear.

The performer independently determines the list of services provided by him, an assortment list of products, which meets the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents.

Consumer rights.The consumer provides the following information: prices and terms of payment services; trade name of the proposed products of its own production, indicating the methods of cooking dishes and the main ingredients included in them; information about the mass (volume) of the portion of the finished dish; Capacity of the bottle of the proposed alcoholic beverage and the volume of its portions; references to regulatory documents, the requirements of which must be consistent with public catering and services rendered; Information about certification services.

The consumer is entitled to receive additional information about the main consumer properties and quality of the products offered, as well as on the conditions of cooking dishes, if this information is not a commercial secret.

Information about the artist and services provided by them is communicated to consumers at the provision of services in Russian, and additionally, at the discretion of the Directorate, and in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation or the peoples of other countries.

To confirm the fact of service certification, the Contractor must provide a script or a copy of the certificate certified by the certificate script holder, a notary or service authority issued a certificate.

The procedure for providing services.The conditions for the provision of services, including its price, are the same for all consumers, with the exception of cases when the federal law and other legal acts of the Russian Federation allow for the provision of benefits for individual categories of consumers.

In addition, the Contractor must provide services not selectively, but any consumer who appeal to him with the intention to order a service, on the conditions agreed by the parties.

The consumer has the right to pre-order, which must be issued by drawing up a document (order, receipt, etc.), containing the necessary information (name of the contractor, surname, name and patronymic of the consumer, type and price of services, payment terms, reception date and Order execution, signature of the person who took the order and other information). The order can also be decorated through telephone, electronic or other connection. One copy of the document confirming the conclusion of the service agreement is issued to the consumer.

Usually in restaurants consumers pay bills before leaving the hall or after the supply of cold dishes and snacks, but the Contractor has the right to offer a consumer to preliminary payment for services, payment for services after the selection of dishes or other forms of payment, as well as cash or cashless procedures for calculating services provided, depending on Method of service, type, specialization of catering catering and other conditions. When calculating the services provided to the consumer, a document is issued confirming their payment (cash receipt, account, etc.).

When servicing the waiters, payment for letters is made according to the invoice issued. The consumer has the right at any time to demand the menu and verify the account with it, as well as check the volume (mass) of the proposed catering products. At the same time, the duties of the Contractor include permanent quality control and security of services.

Along with the provision of public catering services, the performer can offer the consumer additional services that bear compensated in nature: flowers, souvenirs, photos, etc. But these, separately rendered services should not be imposed by the consumer.

In violation of the timing of the preliminary order for the provision of services or detecting the shortcomings of the service provided, the consumer has the right to choose from his choice:

Ø to appoint a new term service to the Contractor during which the Contractor should start providing services and (or) to complete the provision of services;

Ø to require a decrease in the price provided by the service;

Ø require free elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable period appointed by the consumer, or the manufacture of similar products of proper quality, or its replacement by other products;

Ø Observe the service.

The consumer is also entitled to demand full compensation for damages caused to him due to a violation of the deadlines for the start and (or) end of the provision of the service. Losses are reimbursed within the deadlines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The requirements of the consumer are not subject to satisfaction, if the Contractor proves that the violation of the service provision of the service has occurred due to force majeure or the fault of the consumer.

The consumer is entitled at any time to abandon the services ordered by him, subject to payment by the Contractor of the actually incurred costs.

Sale of service bar products (alcoholic beverages, purchased confectionery and tobacco products), as well as other types of food and non-food products, are made in accordance with the rules for the sale of certain types of goods.

For example, the rules for retail trade alcohol products in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, establish the following requirements:

Ø Retail sale of alcohol products should be carried out with a license;

Ø Sale is subject to alcohol products, which corresponds to the quality of the mandatory requirements of standards, specifications, safety requirements. The seller of this product, including imported, should have a commodity and transport invoice, certified by the signature and printing of the manufacturer or supplier and containing information about the availability of a certificate of conformity for each product name with an indication of accounting and registration numbers, the timing of their action and the authority issued a certificate ( This information must be provided to the consumer at its request);

Ø Products are marked with conformity in accordance with the procedure established by the certification rules for groups of homogeneous products. Alcohol products implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation, including imported, should contain information in Russian on certification, the manufacturer's code, or its address, compliance mark, state standards, or other regulatory documents, the mandatory requirements of which this product must comply with; About the package, composition and shelf life. The seller at the request of the consumer is obliged to provide a copy of the certificate to the cargo customs declaration with the seal of the seller and the seal of the previous owner of the goods.

Non-alcoholic beverages are not allowed:

Ø received from the manufacturer or wholesale seller who does not have an appropriate license for the production and turnover of this product;

Ø in the absence of information on compulsory certification and not a marked sign of conformity;

Ø with expired shelf life;

Ø without a clear labeling that allows you to establish a manufacturer;

Ø without a copy of the reference to the cargo customs declaration (on imported products);

Ø Breakdown in quality and safety indicators;

Ø in bottles without labels, dirty (inside and outside), with signs of combat (high throat, cracks), with damaged capping, having overall winding, extraneous inclusions, precipitate (except collection wines);

Ø in the absence of grades of excise collection and special grades, except for beer applied in accordance with the established procedure;

Ø persons under the age of 18;

Ø in children's, educational, religious and medical and preventive institutions and on the territories adjacent to them.

The consumer who sold alcoholic products of improper quality is entitled to demand the replacement of such a product to a product of proper quality or a proportionate reduction in the price. The consumer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of retail sale and demand the return of the money paid for the goods.

At the request of the consumer, he is provided with a book of reviews and suggestions.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations in the provision of services, the Contractor shall be liable in accordance with civil law and legislation on the protection of consumer rights.

Classification of services

Services provided to consumers at public catering enterprises of various types and classes, as well as entrepreneurs, are divided into:

Ø food services;

Ø services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;

Ø services for the organization of consumption of products and maintenance;

Ø services for the implementation of culinary products;

Ø services for the organization of leisure;

Ø information and advisory services;

Ø Other services.

Power servicesthey are services for the manufacture of culinary products and the creation of conditions for its implementation and consumption in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise and are divided into food services restaurant, cafes, bar, dining room, diner.

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectioneryinclude the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery products for consumer orders, including in complex execution; manufacture of customer raw materials in the enterprise; Cook services, confectioner for the manufacture of dishes, culinary and confectionery at home.

Services for the organization of consumption of products and maintenanceinclude the organization and maintenance of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events; nutrition and maintenance of participants in conferences, seminars, meetings, cultural events in recreation areas; delivery of culinary products and confectionery products for consumer orders, including in banquet performance; delivery of culinary products, confectionery and maintenance of consumers in the workplace, in offices, at home, on the way of following passenger transport (including coupe, cabin, cabin), hotels in hotels; Booking places in the hall of the catering catering; selling coupons and subscriptions for serviced rations; Organization of rational complex nutrition.

Services for the implementation of culinary productsinclude: the implementation of culinary products and confectionery products through stores and cooking departments, outside the enterprise; vacation lunch at home; Completing sets of culinary products on the road, including tourists.

Services in the organization of leisureinclude the organization of musical services, holding concerts, programs variety and video programs; Providing newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Information and Advisory Servicesinclude consultations of specialists in the manufacture, design of culinary products and confectionery and table setting; Consultations of dieties on the use of culinary products in various types of diseases (in dietary departments and dining rooms); Organization of training culinary skill.

TO other services include: rental of table linen, dishes, appliances, equipment, sale of branded icons, colors, souvenirs; Providing perfumery, shoe cleaning accessories; small repair and cleaning of clothes; packaging of dishes and products remaining after consumer maintenance; packaging of culinary products purchased at the enterprise; providing consumers of telephone and facsimile in the enterprise; guaranteed storage of personal belongings (outerwear), bags and values \u200b\u200bof the consumer; Call taxi by order of the consumer; Parking of personal cars of consumers to organized parking from the enterprise.

Catering servicesmust meet the intended purpose, accuracy and timeliness of granting, as well as to meet the requirements of security and environmental friendliness, ergonomics and comfort, aestheticness, service culture, social targeting, informative.

In the process of customer service, the requirement must be followed. companies of servicesin accordance with the type of enterprise.

Demand ergonomicit characterizes the compliance of the maintenance conditions by hygienic, anthropometric, physiological consumption capabilities, compliance with ergonomic requirements provides maintenance comfort and helps to preserve the health and efficiency of the consumer.

Aesthetics of servicesit is characterized by the harmony of the architectural and planning and color solutions of the premises of enterprises, as well as maintenance conditions, including the appearance of the service personnel, table service, design and culinary suppression.

Social addictionservices is determined by the compliance with its requirements of a specific consumer contingent in accordance with the type of enterprise.

Demand informativenessit assumes full, reliable and timely informing the consumer about the service provided by using a variety of types of advertising.

Methods and forms of service

The following maintenance methods are used at catering establishments: self-service, personnel service and combined method.

The most effective method of mass service is self-service in the process of which consumers independently take cold dishes and snacks, sweet meals and drinks, flour pastry, bread and cutlery. Cook hot dishes are ported immediately before leaving. Moving along the handout line, consumers install selected dishes on the tray, and after calculating with the cashier, tolerate them to the dining tables. This service form allows 20-30% to increase the bandwidth of the halls, almost doubled the time to receive food and increase the productivity of workers to 20%.

Depending on the participation of personnel in service distinguishes complete and partial self-service.

For full self-service Consumers perform independently all operations related to obtaining dishes and drinks, delivery to the dining table and cleaning dishes.

For partial self-service Most of the operations perform attendants. An example of a partial self-service is a preliminary covering of tables in the dining rooms at manufacturing enterprises and in educational institutions where a single lunch break is installed. At the same time, consumers only spill the first dishes from the pintizers in the plates in advance to the tables, and remove the used dishes on the conveyor.

According to the method of calculation with consumers, self-service is distinguished with a preliminary, subsequent, immediate calculation, after meals and self-seversion.

For self-service with preliminary calculation Consumers, having familiarized up with the assortment of dishes in the menu, acquire checks or coupons at the checkout, and then on these checks or talons receive selected dishes on the distribution. The disadvantage of this service form is the low bandwidth of the distribution due to the fact that the cooks carrying out the portion of the dishes should be viewed and sorting checks or coupons for dishes. Significant acceleration when applying this form of service is achieved due to the leave of comprehensive dinners on pre-acquired subscriptions or checks.

Self-service followed by calculation Maybe with the calculation at the end of the handout. At the same time, consumers choose dishes on the distribution, at the end of which they pay their cost. The advantages of this form of service are the possibility of selection of dishes by consumers, the liberation of cooks, carrying out the course of dishes, from parsing checks, thanks to which they focus on vacation dishes, as well as speeding up customer service.

Self-service with direct calculation Provides simultaneity of dishes, their receipt and payment of value. In this case, the vacation of products and the calculation with the consumer is carried out by one employee. Most often this form of service is used in snacks.

For self-service with payment after meals The consumer, choosing dishes and drinks, gets at the end of the handout line check from the cashier, which pays after meals when leaving the hall. The use of this service form helps to increase control of the calculated operations, since the first cashier calculates the cost of production and knocks out the check, and the second carries out the consumer. In this case, the bandwidth of the hall increases by 1.5-1.6 times compared with self-service with prior payment.

Personnel service It is applied in enterprises where comfort plays, as a rule, a more important role than the service factor. The restaurant establishes the consumer service rate by waiters, which characterizes its class.

For combined method There is a combination of two specified maintenance methods. For example, when servicing participants in meetings, conferences, simposimes, guests independently choose snacks, desserts, drinks and other products on handouts or bursts, and the first and second dishes are fed by waiters. Calculation for food is made after meals when leaving the hall.

In the form of calculations for released culinary products and drinks, the restaurants use cash (by account) and cashless (calculation through credit cards of international payment systems VIZA, MasterCard, Drenner Club, etc.). Credit card is a plastic rectangle with a magnetic strip, which contains the data necessary for the calculations for products. The card is inserted into the Cash Cash Terminal Cash Terminal slot, connecting to the bank, the credit cardholder account number is reported on the communication channel, its solvency is confirmed and the team is confirmed to write off the specified amount (product value or service). After that, the card returns the owner. When entering a credit card, a personal code is recruited in the car, known only to the owner.

In some cases, especially when servicing banquets, self-defoculating (coupons, tickets, license cards, etc.) are used for calculations for released culinary products and beverages. Self-service can be used in self-service, as well as when servicing a buffet banquet and a buffet type banquet.

Examples forms of service There may be a realization of culinary products through vending machines or tables of self-session by type of buffet, vacation of complex dinners.

NOU SPO "Togliatti Economic and Technological College"

base based on school №49


by discipline:

"Organization of service in the service sector"

"The role of customer service in increasing competitiveness in the enterprise of the service sector"

Performed: Barisov O.A.

student II Course

oOSS-261 groups

Checked: Grishin S.A.

Tolyatti, 2008


I. General theory

II. Analysis


List of used literature


The vital activity of a modern man is based on the consumption of goods and services. Their creation, production and distribution and consumption ensure the satisfaction of the needs of people and the dynamic development of the country's economy. In the state economy, the sector of services and the scope of commodity production are organic complementary industries.

The services of services represents one of the most important areas of public life and has a noticeable impact on all parties to our activities. In this regard, the service activity plays a certain role in the material life support of people, the various types of their spiritual activity are carried out here.

The scope of services is, on the one hand, the range of service services provided to the population, on the other hand, the set of organizations and individual performers who within the framework of service activities provide material and socio-cultural services to consumers.

The development of scientific and technological progress has generated new types of services related to transmission, processing and analysis of information, for example, such as information and documentation services, audit services, wireless communication services, interactive communications. More refined forms of service and a variety of services appeared in the field of social and cultural service. The market for service services constantly born new service areas with a higher level of quality.

Service organizations are tougher competitive struggle for consumers in which the victory remains for organizations that provide services that meet consumer needs. Russian service organizations improve the forms and methods of service, service technique, seek to satisfy the growing demands of consumers. It was previously believed that the scope of services only complements the scope of material production. The quality of service and services was low and did not satisfy most consumers. Globalization of consumption of goods and services, the preparation of Russia to join the WTO requires service organizations to bring services in accordance with the requirements of international quality standards. To achieve this goal, service organizations are primarily necessary for competent and psychologically trained personnel capable of organizing service activities and provide timely, comfortable and secure maintenance of consumers.

A significant role in improving the quality of service is played by the service conditions, environment in the service area: the interior of the building, which hosts the service organization, its furnishing, equipment, microclimate of the premises, the appearance of the service personnel and its professionalism.

The quality of the service organization depends on the competent design and organization of service. The modern service process is based on the analysis of human needs in individual services, diagnostics and modeling the maintenance process, material objects and services.

The competitiveness of service organizations today is based on the analysis of customer needs, the features of demand for services, depending on the floor, age and individual characteristics of consumers, as well as psychological factors of the service process, issues of fashion psychology, advertising psychology.

I. General theory

1.1 Features of the social management of the social sphere

Social sphere plays an independent role in the development of society and has substantial specificity. Management in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity also has its own distinctive features. Below are the features of management in the social sphere.

The significance of the processes in which management is carried out not only for a separate personality, but also primarily for society as a whole. Problems of education and upbringing, health, cultural development of the people, the fight against alcoholism and drug addiction, the help of poor and disadvantaged, the establishment of inter-ethnic relations and migration processes for only the whole of society with its state institutions.

For the processes occurring in the social sphere, a significant influence of the moral, spiritual component, the absence of direct material interest and in this connection is low profitability and self-sufficiency. Provided by themselves, these processes cannot develop in a favorable direction for people and are doomed to failure. It is because of this, various activities in this area deserve a special relationship from the Company and stand out in a special group. In a number of developed countries, activities in the social sphere are called socially useful.

The special nature of the forms of ownership of organizations leading activities in the social sphere. We are talking about "other forms" of property other than the state, municipal or private. These are the property of public and religious organizations, all sorts of funds, associations, etc. Similar ownership forms exist in accordance with special laws that differ from the establishments operating for state, municipal and private property. As in other branches of activity defining the economic relations of the social sphere are the property relations - buildings and premises, equipment, office equipment, audio and video equipment, computers, etc.

Since prior to the start of economic reform in our country, there was a state monopoly on the means of labor, including in the social area, at present the majority of social organizations are established by state and municipal authorities and is in their property. Under these conditions, these organizations are usually provided with only the products of the intellectual labor of their teams, income from their own activities acquired for these revenues of property facilities, as well as cash, property and other property facilities transferred by sponsors and benefactors (individuals and legal entities) in The form of donations, gift or in the will. There are no effective legal mechanisms for the valid legal mechanisms of the social sphere forms of ownership of organizations, the rights of these organizations and their labor collectives are still practically not protected.

Organizations operating in the social sphere are usually non-commercial. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, non-profit organizations can only carry out entrepreneurial activities, because it serves as the objectives recorded in their charter and corresponds to them. This significantly limits the possibilities of the company's company to earn it to them for the activities of the drug and forces to relying to the state, sponsors and benefactors.

At the same time, non-profit organizations have a number of differences give them additional opportunities for effective economic activities. So, in accordance with the legislation, in contrast to commercial organizations, non-profit can have state bodies and local governments as founders (participants) and depositors. Non-profit organizations may establish participants and depositors of commercial enterprises as legal entities, which also helps them receive funds necessary for the main activity.

Obtaining organizations working in the social sphere of a number of benefits that the state encourages this socially efficient activity. To such means of encouragement include tax benefits (for income, for value added, for sale, etc.), on the maintenance of foreign economic activity (duties, quotas, etc.), on the acquisition of (privatization) of property and its use ( Rent, leasing, etc.), upon receipt and use of a state loan, on logistical supply, etc.

The listed benefits during skillful use significantly expand the material capabilities of the organizations of the social sphere, create conditions for a very profitable business in the interests of the main statutory goal of these organizations. However, it is impossible not to mention that the above benefits, as experience shows, serve as a fertile soil for the crime receiving fabulous profits and satisfying their mercenary interests.

The limited application in the social sphere of the market mechanism and the need for state regulation. This feature is generalizing. It follows, firstly, from the fact that the social sphere services are needed by the overwhelming part of society, and not everyone can pay for them. Since the implementation of these services corresponds to the interests of the whole society (after all, all of the population suffer from poor health, uneducation and non-uncompanity of the population), this function assumes the state as an institution representing society as a whole. Hence the budget financing and active participation of state bodies in the regulation of social processes.

Secondly, if the services of the social sphere enterprises to give a market element on the deposit of market elements, put their opportunities dependent on market prices, competition, profitability, etc., then these services will cease to solve social tasks and turn into an ordinary product that it does not get Who in it especially needs, but those who are able to pay for him. Therefore, such economic levers, as pricing and taxation, the necessary extent should be not in the hands of individual entrepreneurs, but in the whole society, i.e. in the state.

Thirdly, the state of budget financing of the social sphere and the provision of the above-mentioned benefits to social organizations leads to the need to conduct careful control of the activities of these organizations, which ensures the target nature of consumption of funds and excluding abuse. These functions also assume the state.

1.2 Logic service - Marketing tool and a factor of increasing competitiveness. The concept and importance of the logistics service

Increasing service values \u200b\u200bin the satisfaction of the needs in products. As a result of traffic from the marketing market, the concept of marketing began to form a marketing concept, requiring the identification of individual needs of consumers and the direction of the organization's resources for their full satisfaction. The solid tool for marketing and means of strengthening the competitive position of the enterprise in the markets of goods and services is becoming maintenance of consumers in the process of implementing their orders. Today, most enterprises not only produce finished products, but also provide related services. Therefore, increasing importance in the modern economy acquires the aggregate offer of the "Product Service", when the buyer is offered not only the goods as a material object, but also services related to its acquisition (equipment, labeling, delivery of goods in accurately compliance with the requirements orderwarranty service, etc.). At the same time, the cost of such related services can not only approach the cost of producing the goods itself, but also exceed it.

In the modern civilized market - the buyer market - productit is defined as a complex of tangible and intangible factors, which includes not only the material component, as well as packaging, color, dimensions, design, price, but also services as a set of specific actions, prestige of the manufacturer and a trading intermediary. All this buyer perceives as a certain combination of physical and abstract, which provides him to satisfy his needs and needs.

At the same time in the service sector, where the consumer gets the desired benefit directly in the process of providing the service, often, in turn, it is impossible to do without products. For example, hairdressing services are impossible without the use of appropriate goods - balms, gels, shampoos, varnishes. Enterprises providing services for the repair of premises can carry out their activities only with the use of a variety of materials. Thus, in the service sector, as in the production sector, the client meets with the cumulative offer of the "product-service".

Consumers, meeting with a variety of, often relatively equivalent proposals from numerous manufacturers and being satisfied with the properties and prices of goods, increasingly and more actively form and put forward requirements related to the service process: deadlines and reliability of deliveries, timely informing, maintenance, guarantees, and T .P. The quality and composition of the services offered accompanying the proposed products has a significant impact on potential buyers. This is especially important when repeated purchases, when the consumer, as a result of the first purchase of goods, this seller has already assessed the level of the proposed service. High quality and wide range of services accompanying material flows makes goods more attractive, increases demand for them. Thus, customer service becomes one of the main means of forming close integrated ties between manufacturers, end users, trade, transport and other intermediaries. It achieves a decrease in the degree of uncertainty when making decisions by sellers and buyers, which leads to a reduction in costs, an increase in the stability and income of all participants in the motion of material flows.

Logistics service and logistics service.Most of the services provided by the consumer covers Logistics. According to modern ideas, this discipline considers the entire cycle of economic activity as a whole, starting from the setting of the goals and objectives of the participants in the motion of material flows and ending with the finished product to consumers in accordance with the interests and requests of the latter. Therefore, consumer service refers to one of the most important logistics features. Logistic service is the process of providing a certain set of services to consumers of material flows during the immediate supply of goods to them. Performing logistics services allows you to create substantial benefits in the process of interaction with buyers for the enterprise-seller with an effective cost level. It is Logistics that makes it possible to provide a variety of services to consumers of material flows.

Therefore, given the new attitude to the product as a multilateral phenomenon, as objects to which the enterprise is aimed, allocated:

· products as a totality of goods of various purposes, services and works;

· logistics service provided to consumers of products.

Logistics service is a set of services provided in the process of supplying products to consumers. The logistics service is the final stage of the process of promoting material flow through logistics chains and channels. The complex (set) of services offered to consumers of material flows is also called logistic service. The object of logistics service (maintenance) is consumers of specific material flows (manufacturing enterprises, mediation and distribution centers, end consumers).

Logistic service can be carried out entirely by the manufacturer itself or other organizations specializing in material flows can be involved in the provision of individual or all logistics services - in particular, warehouse farms and freight forwarding firms. The choice of the artist of the relevant services depends on the product promotion used by the manufacturer, consumer requirements and the logistics system in which the manufacturer works.

In the process of logistic services, work and operations are performed that can be divided into three groups.

. Services of pre-sale character - Works and operations on the formation of demand for logistics services, informing potential buyers about the properties of the proposed goods and the terms of delivery, to implement the trouble-free, timely, convenient for the client to accept orders, the provision of choice among order methods, etc.

service Service Consumer Competitiveness

2. Logistics services provided in the process of selling goods- work and operations that ensure effective promotion of material flows and delivery of products to the destination in exact accordance with the orders of the consumer. This includes selection and package of supply batches, packaging, labeling, formation of freight units, organization of deliveries to a convenient time for the consumer, etc.

. Logistics after-sales services - Works and operations for servicing return flows, warranty and post-warranty service, provision of spare parts, consideration and satisfaction of the claims of buyers, training personnel for the operation and repair of products sold, etc.

The parameters of the logistics service measured by the consumer.

The main parameters of the quality of the logistics service, assessed by the consumer and the factory criteria for the acquisition of products and the establishment of long-term production and economic relations include:

· reliability of the supply of goods;

· time from sending an order to production;

· the degree of compliance of orders to customer requirements;

· minimum cost of transportation;

· the possibility of receiving an order for the first requirement;

· the flexibility of the supplier logistics system, the ability to quickly respond to changing consumer requirements;

· ensuring the safety of goods;

· the possibility of placing an order at any time;

· optimality of prices for logistics services, etc.

Logistic service as a tool for enhancing the competitive position of the enterprise.When evaluating products, the consumer draws attention not only to the merits of the goods itself (quality, color, form, functions, prestige, price), but also increasingly on the quality and assortment of appropriate logistics services together with this product. Therefore, when the supplier expands a set of such services and improves their quality, it helps to increase product attractiveness and strengthens the company's competitive position.

The modern market is characterized by a sustainable trend of the growth of customer requirements for a complex and the quality of logistics services. Therefore, the lack of logistics service, saving on the logistics service offered by the company, weakens the position of the latter on the market, destroys well-established production and economic relations, makes it possible to strengthen their influence. However, improving the quality and volume of consumer services is associated with a significant increase in costs. Excessively high (perfect) Logistics service level, as a rule, reduces the profitability of the company. An increasingly important is to assess the economic validity of certain goals in the field of consumer services. The strategic task of the supplier is to determine the optimal volume and quality of logistics services provided to buyers of products. It should provide for the possibility of providing services over the guaranteed level for particularly significant customers of the company.

II. Analysis

2.1 Basic Consumer Service Rules

Service organizations (executive) provide the service to the consumer (customer) on the basis of a service agreement (performance), which is issued in writing (receipt, other document).

The following information is indicated in the contract (receipt):

· brand name (name) and location (legal address) of the artist organization (for an individual entrepreneur - last name, first name, patronymic, information about state registration);

· type of service;

· price service;

· accurate name, description and price of materials (things) if the service is performed from the artist's materials or from materials (with a thing) of the consumer;

· mark on payment by the consumer of the full price of the service or about the advance payment when issuing a contract if such a payment was made;

· reception dates and execution of the order;

· warranty period for the results of work, if they are established by federal laws, other legal acts of the Russian Federation or the contract, or are provided by the custom of business turnover;

· other necessary data related to the specifics of the services provided;

· the position of the person who took the order and its signature, as well as the signature of the consumer who passed the order.

One copy of the contract is issued by the Contractor to the Consumer Services. The contract for the provision of a service performed in the presence of the consumer may also be issued by issuing a cash check, ticket, etc. If a document confirming the conclusion of a service agreement is lost, the service is on the basis of a consumer's written statement upon presentation of a passport or other document certifying the personality of the consumer.

The preliminary order for the provision of services is issued with the preparation of the document (order or receipt). Preliminary orders are accepted by the employee of the service organization personally at the consumer, by phone, mail, email.

The service organization (executor) fulfills the service in accordance with the terms of the contract. The quality of the service must comply with the quality specified in the contract. If the contract does not consider the quality of the service, the service company is obliged to provide a service suitable for the purposes for which the service of this kind is commonly used. If the consumer at the conclusion of the contract was informed of the Contractor about the specific purpose of providing services, the Contractor must provide a service suitable for use in accordance with these goals. If the law or other regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation provides mandatory requirements for the quality of the service, then the service provided must comply with these requirements.

The service organization (performer) is obliged to provide the consumer services in terms agreed with the consumer.

Terms of execution of the service must comply with the timing specified in the contract. The contract makes a mark on the actual delivery date. When providing services at home, the consumer has a service organization providing an appearance of its service specialist in a consumer coordinated with the consumer. Materials for ordering must comply with the established requirements, which must be confirmed by the document (certificate, conformity declaration), if it is subject to compliance, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, compulsory confirmation.

The service organization (executor of the service) is obliged to prevent the consumer and stop providing services before its instructions when it is detected:

unfortunate or ill-quality transmitted by the consumer by the Contractor of the material, equipment, technical documentation or things for processing (processing);

possible adverse consequences for the consumer of the implementation of its instructions on the method of performance of work (provision of services);

there are no other circumstances that can adversely affect the results of the work performed or the possibility of its completion on time.

If the consumer, despite the timely and reasonable warning, does not replace unsuitable or unfaithful material, equipment, technical documentation or the thing transferred to the Contractor does not change the instructions on the method of performing work (providing services) or does not accept other necessary measures to eliminate the circumstances, Which can spoil the thing, its shelf life, the service organization (performer) has the right to terminate the contract on the performance of work (provision of the service) and require compensation to the termination of damages.

If the work is performed completely or partially from the consumer material, the Contractor is responsible for the safety of this material (things) and its correct use. After the end of the work, the Contractor is obliged to submit a report on the expenditure of material and return its balance, or with the consent of the consumer to reduce the price of the work, taking into account the cost of the unused material remaining from the performer.

If the material (thing), accepted from the consumer, is completely or partially lost or damaged, the service organization (performer) is obliged to replace it with a homogeneous material (thing) of a similar quality and, at the request of the consumer, make a product from homogeneous material (things) within a reasonable time , and in the absence of homogeneous material (things) of similar quality to compensate the consumer, the two-time price of the lost (damaged) material (things), as well as expenses incurred by the consumer. The performer is exempt from liability for a complete or partial loss (damage) of the material (things) adopted by them from the consumer, if the consumer is warned by the Contractor about the special properties of the material (things), which may entail its complete or partial loss (damage). Ignorance by the performer of the special properties of the material (things) does not frees it from responsibility.

The consumer has the right at any time before leaving him to refuse to fulfill the implementation of the Treaty on the performance of the work, payment of the service organization part of the established price is proportional to the part of the work performed before notifying the refusal of the contract.

The consumer is also obliged to reimburse the Contractor for the expenses made up to this point in order to fulfill the contract if they are not included in the specified part of the price of completed work.

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the service agreement subject to payment by the Contractor of actually incurred costs.

The consumer is obliged within the time provided by the contract, with the participation of the Contractor to inspect and accept the work performed (its result). When detecting deviations from the contract, worsening the result of work, or other shortcomings in the work, the consumer must immediately declare this to the Contractor. These disadvantages should be described in an act or in a queue certifying acceptance.

In the event of a consumer's failure to appear, for obtaining the result of the work (services) or evasion from acceptance, the service organization is entitled to warn in writing a consumer and after two months from the date of warning to sell the result of work for a reasonable price. The funds reversed from the sale minus all the payments due to the Contractor are made to the deposit in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the service agreement (implementation), the service organization shall be liable provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract.

In case of detection of deficiencies in the service provided, the consumer has the right to demand from service organization in its choice:

· gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings of the service provided;

· appropriate reducing the price of the service provided;

· gratuitous making another thing from homogeneous material of similar quality or re-execution of work. At the same time, the consumer must return a thing previously transferred to him;

· reimbursement of the costs incurred by them to eliminate the shortcomings of the service provided by their own or a third party.

The consumer has the right to terminate the service agreement and require full compensation of losses, if the deficiencies of the service provided in the organization established by the said contract, the organization's employees are not eliminated. The consumer may terminate the service agreement if they found significant disadvantages of the services provided or other significant deviations from the terms of the contract and require full compensation for damages caused to him due to the disadvantages of the service provided.

Losses are reimbursed within the time limits set to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer.

The consumer who was discovered after accepting the work of retreat from the contract or other disadvantages that could not be installed in the usual method of acceptance (hidden disadvantages), including those who were deliberately hidden by the Contractor, must notify the artist.

The consumer may present the requirements related to the disadvantages of the service provided during the warranty period, and in its absence - within a reasonable time, within two years from the date of the adoption of the service provided or five years, if the disadvantages are found in the structure and other real estate.

The service organization is responsible for the shortcomings of the service on which the warranty period is not established if the consumer proves that they arose before it accepts it or for reasons that arose before that moment. Regarding the service to which the warranty period is established, the service organization (the contractor) is responsible for its disadvantages, if it does not prove that they have arisen after accepting the service by the consumer due to the violation of the rules for using the result of the service, actions of third parties or irresistible force.

If the warranty period is less than two years (five years on real estate) and the shortcomings of the service were found by the consumer after the warranty period, but within two years (five years on real estate), the consumer has the right to present claims for the service organization, if it proves that The disadvantages arose before the service of the service or for reasons that arose before that moment.

If the service organization (performer) has violated the deadline for the provision of the service or it became apparent that the service will not be provided on time, the consumer in its choice is entitled to appoint a new term to the Contractor, to entrust the provision of services to third parties for a reasonable price, to fulfill its forces and demand from the performer Cost of expenses, to require a decrease in the price for providing services or terminate the service agreement.

The consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for damages caused to him due to a violation of the provision of services. In case of violation of the established deadlines for the provision of services or appointed by the consumer of new deadlines, the service organization (performer) pays the consumer for each day (an hour, if the term is defined in hours) delay a penalty in the amount of three percent of the price of the service, and if the service price is not determined by the contract - Shared order price.

The contract for the provision of services between the consumer and the contractor can be set a higher amount of penalties.

When terminating the service agreement, the Contractor is not entitled to demand compensation for its costs produced in the process of providing services, as well as fees for the service provided, except if the consumer has adopted the service provided. The requirements of the consumer are not subject to satisfaction, if the Contractor proves that the violation of the service provision of the service has occurred due to the circumstances of force majeure or by the fault of the consumer.

The service organization (performer), which serves as the use of its own material, is responsible for its quality according to the rules for the seller's liability for the goods of improper quality in accordance with civil law. The order and time limits of satisfaction by the Contractor of the requirements of the consumer, as well as the responsibility for violation of these terms are governed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

The consumer is obliged to pay for the services provided on time and in the manner that are agreed with the service organization (performer).

When calculating the consumer for the services provided, the Contractor issues a document confirming their payment (Cash check, account, etc.).

The rules for the provision and requirements for services in the Russian Federation are reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection", the rules for providing certain types of services, standards for the types of services, etc.

2.2 forms and methods of consumer service

The effectiveness of the service activity depends on the forms and methods of consumer services. Service form is a way to provide services to the consumer.

Consumer service form is a kind or combination of consumer services (methods).

Method (method) of consumer services - method (method) to implement consumers of products, organizational activities in the process of providing services.

Modern forms of service bring the service to the consumer, reduce service time, create the convenience of service consumption. These forms include:

· consumer maintenance in stationary conditions;

· consumer service with departure to the house;

· contactless service at the place of residence of the consumer;

· service with the use of exchange funds of goods.

Consumer service in stationary conditions is performed in the room of the service organization in the hall or service cabin. In stationary conditions, both material and socio-cultural services are provided.

When providing catering services, hotel services, product manufacturing services, a stationary service form is the most convenient and, often, the only possible form of execution of services.

When providing material services in stationary conditions, technological operations are performed in specialized workshops equipped with various types of technological equipment for the repair and production of products. Stationary service allows you to perform complex types of repair, maintenance and manufacture of products for individual order of the consumer.

Some service companies provide consumers with household appliances rental, if the repair requires stationary conditions and takes a long period. The consumer pays for the rental of this technique only for the repair period established by the rules. In case of violation by the enterprise of this period of repair, the consumer uses devices obtained in the rental, free of charge until the repair of its instruments is obtained.

The main methods of consumer service in stationary conditions are service specialist and self-service.

As experts in the service working with consumers, acceptors, consultants, administrators, master (hairdressers, cosmetologists, repair masters, sellers, waiters) are advocated.

Self-service implies self-fulfillment by the consumer of a part of the technological operations of the service. Self-service is performed using the technical means and consumables of the service enterprise. The self-service method is used in the provision of retailers, catering services, dry cleaning and laundry services.

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