Participant of the wholesale electricity market. Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power. Participation of energy supplying organizations in the wholesale market of electrical energy

On approval of rules

Wholesale electricity and power market

And about making changes to some acts of government

The Russian Federation on the Organization

Functioning of the wholesale market electric

Energy and power


In accordance with Federal law "On the electric power industry" Government Russian Federation Decides:

1. Approve the accompanying:

Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power;

changes that are entered into the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the organization of the functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power.


2. Ministry economic Development Of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tariff Service and the Federal Antimonopoly Service to agree until March 25, 2011. Adjusted sources of financing the investment program open joint Stock Company "Federal Hydrogentrying Company".

4. To the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation to approve before April 1, 2011. Adjected sources of financing the investment program of the Open Joint-Stock Company "Federal Hydrogentrying Company".


6. Federal Tariff Service:

a) within a 2-week period from the date of approval of the adjusted investment programs specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Resolution, to revise the components of the prices for power corresponding to the size moneynecessary to ensure the safe operation and financing of investment programs of electric power entities in the portions of nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants (including hydro-accumulating power plants);


7. Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation:

in a 9-month period, prepare together with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tariff Service and

The state corporation on atomic energy "Rosatom" and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for the correction of rules approved by this resolution, in terms of provisions relating to the organization of the trade in capacity in the wholesale market (including the application of the specified rules of coefficients in determining the amount of power dissipation in the case of Failure (partial non-fulfillment) provider of conditions for maintaining generating equipment in a state of readiness for the production of electrical energy, as well as the possibility of transition to the formation of prices for electrical energy based on the total cost of generating electrical energy and power), based on the analysis of the operation of the wholesale electricity and power market After completing the transition period.


8. In order to establish cases of manipulation of prices for electrical energy by the Federal Antimonopoly Service in coordination with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service to approve until May 1, 2011. Methodology for determining the compliance of price applications for the sale of electrical energy requirements validity.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.Putin

1. These rules establishes the legal basis for the functioning of the wholesale electricity market and power (hereinafter - the wholesale market), including regulation of relations associated with the turnover of electrical energy and power in the wholesale market, from January 1, 2011

Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power

1) electric energy and capacity for adjustable prices (tariffs) based onsales contracts(supplies) of electrical energy and (or) power (hereinafter - adjustable contracts). Sale and payment of electrical energy and power can be carried out according to a single regulated agreement providing for the sale of electrical energy and power, or by individual adjustable contracts;

2) electrical energy and (or) power in free (unregulated) prices on the basis of contractspurchase and sale of electrical energy and (or) power (hereinafter

- free contracts);

3) electric energy tradeon free (unregulated) pricesdetermined by competitive

selection of price applications of buyers and suppliers,

Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power

4. In the wholesale market, electricity and power trading is carried out using the following methods:

4) commerce in free (unregulated) prices based on resultscompetitive power extraction;

5) electric energy trade in free (unregulated) prices, determined by competitive selection of applications and participants with adjustable consumption, carried out no later than an hour before the supply of electrical energy in order to form

balanced production and consumption of electrical energy (hereinafter - competitive selection of applications for system balancing);

11) Cost-selling contract trade (supply) of power produced using generating objects during the period to which the power of such objects was not selected by the results of competitive power take-off, if necessary, maintaining objects of objects in a working condition to ensure the established technical regulations and other mandatory requirements of the work parameters of the UES of Russia, life support systems, water use regimes (hereinafter - generating objects that are supplied in forced mode);

Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power

6. System operatorin order to minimize the cost of electrical energy it selects the composition of the included generating equipment and generating equipment in reserve (hereinafter - the composition of the equipment of the EQUA), no later than 24 hours before the start of the period to which the equipment composition is selected, the moment of start and duration (no more than 10 days) of which is determined by the system operator And communicate in accordance with the contract on accession to the trading system of the wholesale market to the information of the participants in the wholesale market.

To implement the specified choice, participants in the wholesale market - electrical energy suppliers represent the following information:

parameters of generating equipment;

the amount of expenditures on the implementation of start and turning off the generating equipment;

maximum prices indicated in the price applications for the sale of electrical energy supplied to participate in the competitive selection of price applications for a day and in competitive selection of applications for

balancing the system for each hour of the specified period - for market participants operating in the price zones of the wholesale market.

  • Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power
    • II. The procedure for obtaining the status of the subject of the wholesale market, the participant in the circulation of electrical energy and (or) capacity in the wholesale market and the conclusion of obligatory contracts of the subjects of the wholesale market
    • III. The essential terms of the contract for accession to the trading system of the wholesale market, the regulations of the wholesale market and standard forms of contracts ensuring trade in the wholesale market
    • IV. Basics of the organization of power circulation in the wholesale market
    • V. Basics of regulating the activities of the principles of the wholesale market, ensuring the functioning of the commercial and technological infrastructure of the wholesale market
    • Vi. Legal basis for the organization of trade in electrical energy and power on regulated contracts
    • VI (1). Features of determining the volume of supply of electrical energy and power at adjustable prices (tariffs) for buyers operating in individual parts of the price zone of the wholesale market
    • VII. Legal basis for the exercise of electricity trading on free treaties and the results of competitive selection of price applications for a day
    • X. Features of the participation of certain categories of suppliers and customers of electrical energy in relations related to the circulation of electrical energy and (or) power in the wholesale market
    • Xi. Features of the purchase of electrical energy and power in order to pay losses of electrical energy in electrical networks
    • XII. Organization of commercial accounting of electrical energy in the wholesale market
    • XIII. Legal basis for the exercise of trading with electric energy and power in non-price zones of the wholesale market
    • XIV. Formation of price parameters folding from the results of trading with electrical energy and power in the wholesale market and used by guaranteeing suppliers in their activities
    • XVI. The procedure for determining the value reflecting the actual cost of technological connection of the generating facility to the gas distribution networks (trunk gas pipeline) used to determine the cost of the capacity sold on the results of the outlection of the power of new generating facilities
    • XVII. The procedure for determining the allowance to the price of power in order to partial compensation to the subjects of the wholesale market - the electrical energy producers (power) of capital and operating costs for generating facilities of thermal power plants built and commissioned in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and (or) of Sevastopol
    • XVIII. Features of the definition and participation in trade in the wholesale market of buyers with price-dependent consumption until 2020
    • XIX. Features of the competitive selections of investment projects for construction (reconstruction, modernization) of generating facilities operating on the basis of production of production and consumption waste
    • XX. The procedure for the selection of projects for the modernization of generating facilities of thermal power plants and features of trade in capacity under contracts for the sale of capacity of modernized facilities

The electricity and capacity market of the Russian Federation is divided into two parts on the wholesale (OREM) and retail (RREM).

Market Orem. - This is the place on which all electricity in Russia is sold. It has large generating stations and electricity consumers.

Why go to the wholesale market?


  • Reduce electricity costs. When buying electricity in the wholesale market, the sales allowance of the guaranteeing supplier is not paid;
  • Get the freedom to choose a power supply company. The company can choose the electricity supplier;
  • Exit to the wholesale market is a long-term investment. Enterprises operating on the OREM are saved on electricity for more than 13 years.


  • To work on the wholesale electricity market, a high payment discipline is needed. When delaying payments, the company loses the status of the subject of the wholesale market;
  • The project to exit the wholesale electricity market takes up to 12 months.

Online Economic Effect Calculator from Out

Fill in the contact form and these calculation form will be attached to the application.

How to go to the wholesale electricity and power market?

Exit to the wholesale electricity market is a long-term project. It takes about one calendar year.

To access the wholesale market, the client or energy sales company he chose should:

  1. Coordinate with the administrator of the trading system of the wholesale electricity market, a group of delivery points, which will be purchased by electrical energy;
  2. Build an automated information and metering system of commercial electricity metering, which meets the requirements of the wholesale electricity market. At the enterprise are constructed modern system Electricity accounting, a server with a specialized software And communication channels with the administrator of the trading system are configured. The system is built to ensure that the regulator in real-time receive information about the volume of electricity consumption in the enterprise;
  3. Conclude an agreement for the provision of electricity transmission services with a network organization;
  4. Get admission to the trading system from the market of the market.

The way out of the wholesale market is most often made from a new regulatory period (from January 1 of the New Year). If you go out within the regulatory period - you will have to pay the falling income to the supplier that has been taken into account in the tariff.

Requirements for Orem

Go to the wholesale market can the consumer who owns on the right of ownership or other legitimate grounds by power receiving equipment, the total attached power of which is equal to or exceeds 20 mva. and in each group of delivery points is at least 750 kVA.

There are two purchase options on the wholesale electricity market:


The company itself comes out and buys electricity in the wholesale market.

Technical requirements:

  • building AIIS KUE;
  • 750 kVA;
  • the attached power of all points of delivery is not less 20,000 kVA.

Comparison of an independent exit to the wholesale electricity market and access to the wholesale electricity market through an energy sales company:


Requirements for attached capacity

The attached power of each delivery point is not less 750 kVA. The attached power of all points of delivery is not less 20,000 kv.

The attached power of each delivery point is not less 750 kVA

Requirements for the construction of AIIS KUE wholesale market

It is necessary to build all levels of the system.

Only low-level system can be built, and a power supply company server is used.

Output procedure for wholesale market

The company needs to hire or train employees who will bring an enterprise to the wholesale market

Energy supply companies will be engaged in the process of bringing the enterprise to the wholesale electricity market

Payment of membership contributions to the NP Association "The Board of Market"

Quarterly payment in size 300 000 R.

No need to pay. Costs carrying energy sales company

Economic effect from entering the wholesale market

The company receives all economical effect From the exit to the wholesale electricity market

Energy sales company takes part of the economic effect as a remuneration for services

Risks to reduce the economic effect

Completely carrying an enterprise

Can be taken on an energy sales company as part of an energy supply contract.

Structure of the Wholesale Electricity and Power Market

Rules Orhem. Work in the regions combined into the so-called price zones. In the territory of the Russian Federation there are two: the first price zone includes the European part of Russia and the Urals, the second Siberia.

Incantaneous zones are also allocated, where the sale of electricity is carried out according to the approved tariffs. Such rules operate in the Far East, in the Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad regions, the Komi Republic.

OREM participants are electricity producers, operators, energy supplying organizations, network companies. To carry out work on the OREM, it is necessary to have the status of a market participant. To this end, the organization must comply with certain requirements, which are approved by the Rules of the OREM (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1172 of December 27, 2010) and are reflected in the Treaty on accession to the trading system of the wholesale market.

At the moment, work on the OREM is divided into sectors, each of which has its own terms of conclusion of transactions and delivery times:

  • sector of free treaties
  • the sector of regulated contracts,
  • market for a day forward
  • balancing market.

Sector of regulated contracts (RD)

Electricity trade on this sector is carried out on the basis of the conclusion of regulated agreements (RD). In this case, tariffs for the sale / purchase of electricity from the wholesale market establishes FTS of Russia. Suppliers and buyers choose the administrator of the trading system (PBX OJSC).

Since 2011, the sector works only with regard to electricity supply and power for the population equivalent to consumers and guaranteeing suppliers working in the republics of the North Caucasus and the Republic of Tyva.

At the same time, suppliers have the right to implement no more than 35% of the planned volume of production and supply of electricity and power on the terms of regulated contracts. The remaining volumes of electricity are implemented on other market sectors.

Sector of free bilateral contracts (DDD)

As part of the work on this sector, the rods are concluded free contracts, while all indicators such as The amount of electrical energy sold, the price of delivery, and the counterparties for work are selected by the participants on their own.

Market for ahead (RSV)

The market is based on the organization of competitive selection of price applications from suppliers and buyers. Organizes the selection of the commercial operator OJSC PBX per day before the actual supply of electricity. The price and volume of delivery is determined for every hour of the day. When pricing on RSV uses a margin method, the principle of which is to choose the equilibrium price (supply balance and suggestions). In the RVS, applications with the lowest price are satisfied primarily. The price of the RVS is determined for each pricing zone node, there are about 8000 such nodes. Information on indices and volumes of traders on the market for a day is published daily on the PBX website.

Balancing Market (BR)

The sector on which the deviations of the actual production schedule trade from the planning. Prices are formed using marginal principle through competitive selection (every 3 hours before the hour of actual supply) applications of participants in this sector (suppliers, consumers with adjustable load).

Exit on the wholesale market of electrical energy and power and work on it can be one of the measures to reduce electricity costs. There are two options for work on the wholesale: independently, which is usually beneficial only large industrial enterprises either through an energy sales company.

Working independently, the company saves the payment of the energy-sales company, but also at the same time the additional costs of membership in NP "The Board of Market" and the content of the personnel engaged in the purchase of electricity in the wholesale market. Also, all the risks associated with the work in the wholesale market are located on the enterprise itself.

For medium-sized enterprises (total attached power less than 20 MVA, but more than 750 kV) optimal can be working on OREM through an energy sales company. First, it is necessary to estimate the likely economic effect on the output of the enterprise on the OREM, for this, analyzes the amount of consumption, current consumption mode, working with a guaranteeing provider in the region and other parameters.

In order to correctly evaluate all the risks and the opportunity, we suggest you to carry out the free calculation of the economic feasibility from the exit to the OREM. Leave your contact details, we will call you back and advise.

Wholesale electric power market and power- This is special marketplacewhich sells and buy electricity and power of most of the Russian suppliers. Large manufacturers (owners of generating facilities) and buyers (energy sales companies and large consumers who received the status of the wholesale market are taking part in the Bidding on Orhem.

OREM work is regulated by Federal Law No. 35-FZ dated 03/23/2003 "On Electrical Engineering" and the Rules of the Wholesale Market, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Trading in the wholesale electricity and capacity market is carried out in accordance with the agreement on accession to the trading system and the regulations of the wholesale market developed by the NP Association of the Market Council - self-regulatory organization participants in the wholesale market.

The basic principles of the organization of the wholesale market:

  • free non-discriminatory access to the participation in the wholesale market of all sellers and customers of electrical energy, which comply with the rules of the wholesale market and satisfying the requirements for the subjects of the wholesale market, established by Article 35 of the Federal Law "On Electricity";
  • free interaction of the subjects of the wholesale market operating according to the rules of the wholesale market, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • freedom to choosing a wholesale market in the procedure for the purchase and sale of electrical energy through the formation of market prices and selection of price applications of buyers and price applications of sellers on the factor of the minimum price for electrical energy, developing in certain price zones of the wholesale market, in accordance with the rules of the wholesale market or by concluding bilateral contracts for the sale and sale of electrical energy;
  • accounting for the peculiarities of participation in the wholesale market of individual subjects providing services to ensure the system reliability and (or) electrical energy producing thermal, atomic or hydraulic power plants;
  • the interaction of the subjects of the wholesale market on the basis of unconditional compliance with contractual obligations and financial discipline;
  • the obligation to acquire power in the subjects of the wholesale market is in the manner and in cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • the lack of discrimination in the rules of the wholesale market regarding the subjects of the wholesale market, which own existing or new electric power facilities.

Subjects of the wholesale market:

  • electrical energy suppliers (generating companies);
  • electric Energy Buyers (Energy Surgical Organizations, large consumers of electrical energy, guaranteeing suppliers), which received the status of a wholesale market in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On Electric Power Engineering"; NP "Market Board";
  • commercial operator and other organizations that provide in accordance with the rules of the wholesale market and the contract on accession to the trading system of the wholesale market The functioning of the commercial infrastructure of the wholesale market;
  • organizations that ensure the functioning of the technological infrastructure of the wholesale market (organization for the management of a unified national (all-Russian) electrical network, system operator).

Retail electricity market
- Scope of the purchase and sale of electrical energy (power) and / or thermal energy (power) at the "Energy Supply Organization" level.

Main regulatory documentThe procedure for the operation of the retail electricity and capacity market is the "the main provisions of the functioning of retail electricity markets", approved by the Government Decree of R. F. dated 04.05.2012 No. 442.

Participants in retail electricity markets:

  • consumers of electrical energy;
  • performers communal serviceswho acquire electrical energy for further sale to its citizens, i.e., providing communal services;
  • guaranteeing suppliers;
  • independent energy sales companies, energy supplying organizations;
  • electrical energy producers in retail markets that do not have the status of the subject of the wholesale market or for any reason have lost this status of the wholesale market subject;
  • network organizations, as well as owners of electric grid facilities;
  • system operator.

Pricing on the retail electricity market

1. Adjustable prices- for the population and equated to it categories.

Supply of electrical energy (power) to the population and equivalent to it categories of consumers is carried out at adjustable prices (tariffs), established by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation tariffs.

Also, regional tariff services (PCT) of the subjects of the Russian Federation approve tariffs for the provision of electricity transmission services, using which calculations are made from network companies And sales surcharges.

2. Unregulated (free) prices- For all groups of consumers, except for the population and categories equivalent to it.

In retail markets in price zones, guaranteed suppliers sell electricity to customers (with the exception of the population) at unregulated prices. The procedure for calculating the unregulated prices for electrical energy is listed in the "main positions of the functioning of retail markets of electrical energy", which are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.05.2012 No. 442.

According to these rules, the sale of electricity to consumers is carried out at one of the six price categories.

Price categories - These are kits different options Broadcast with a guaranteeing provider of its cost to the consumer of electricity. The client is very important to choose the most profitable price category, since the overpayment in the event of a choice of non-optimal category may be significant. In the choice of the most suitable category you can help the specialists of your energy supply organization.

Change price category You can, if you send a notification to a guaranteeing provider in 10 working days before the start of the estimated period (month), from which it is assumed to change the price category. At the same time, it is possible to change the calculation option for electrical energy transmission services only once a year.

  • at the maximum power of the attached energy efficiency;
  • by way of planning your consumption;
  • by the method of payment for transmission services.

Consumers with maximum power of attached energy efficiency more than 670 kW cannot choose to buy electricity from a guaranteeing supplier first and second price categories.

Method of broadcasting the purchase price of electricity and power in the wholesale market

Tariff for transfer

Hourly consumption planning duty

Necessary accounting of electricity


Single price





Single price with differentiation of day zones



zone or hourly






Hourly payment of electricity, power in a typical hour





Hourly payment of electricity, power in a typical hour





Hourly payment of electricity, power in a typical hour




Organizations and operation.

2. Department of Electric Power Industry of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to ensure:

1) the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Direction to the official publication of this order within ten calendar days after it state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in periodic prints and in the information and legal system "әd_let";

3) posting this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Intranet Portal of State Bodies;

4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the submission to the Department of Legal Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan information on the execution of activities provided for by subparagraphs 2) and 3) of this paragraph.

3. Control over the execution of this order to shall be entrusted to the supervision of the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order is introduced after ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

Rules of organization and operation
wholesale electricity market
1. General Provisions

1. These rules for the organization and functioning of the wholesale electric energy market (hereinafter referred to electrical energy.

2. The rules use the following concepts and definitions:

1) The actual balance of electricity consumption in the wholesale electric energy market of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a document by the system operator, which establishes the address distribution of the volumes of produced, and consumed electrical energy in the markets of decentralized and centralized trade by the balance of electrical energy market for the estimated period. The actual balance is the basis for carrying out mutual settlements between the subjects of the wholesale electric energy market of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) the market of centralized electricity trading is an organized trading platform for the purchase and sale of electrical energy on short-term (spot bid "during operating day" and in the "day ahead" mode), medium-term (week, month) and long-term (quarter, year) base;

3) the contract for the sale of electric energy - an agreement concluded between the subjects of the wholesale market of electrical energy, to buy (sell) contractual volumes of electrical energy with their physical delivery during a certain period;

4) Electric energy transit - a service for the use of electrical networks of one or more adjacent countries for transmitting electrical energy from the energy system of another country;

5) an object for the use of renewable energy sources - technical devicesintended for the production of electrical and (or) thermal energy using renewable energy sources, and interconnected structures and infrastructure, technologically necessary to operate the object to use renewable energy sources and on the balance sheet of the object's owner on the use of renewable energy sources.

Other concepts and definitions used in these Rules are applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry.

Footnote. Paragraph 2, as amended by the Order of Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676

3. The wholesale electricity market in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a system of relations related to the purchase and sale of electrical energy operating on the basis of contracts between the subjects of the wholesale electricity market, and consists of interconnected current markets:

1) the market for decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy;

2) the market of centralized trading electric energy;

3) Balancing Electric Energy Market;

4) the market of system and auxiliary services.

Order organization
wholesale electricity market

4. Subjects of the wholesale market of electrical energy are allowed to participate.

5. Energy derivatives, including energy production organizations using renewable energy sources, are involved in the wholesale electricity market when performing the following conditions:

1) Supply to the wholesale electrical energy market in a volume of at least 1 megawatt (hereinafter - MW) average daily (basic) power (for objects for the use of renewable energy sources of average annual power) and availability automated systems commercial accounting, telecommunications that ensure their unification with systems installed at the system operator;

Footnote. Paragraph 5, as amended by the Order of Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

5-1. Energy producing organizations using renewable energy sources are involved in the wholesale electricity market by selling electricity to consumers for bilateral treaties or by selling electricity to the financial center.

Footnote. Rules are supplemented by paragraph 5-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

5-2. Energy producing organizations using renewable energy sources and selling electricity to consumers for bilateral treaties participate in the wholesale electricity market in the following conditions:

1) Supply to the wholesale electrical energy market for bilateral contracts with consumers in the amount of at least 1 megawatt (hereinafter - MW) of the average annual power and the availability of automated commercial accounting systems, telecommunications providing their unification with systems installed at the system operator;

2) availability of access to national and, if necessary, a regional electrical network.

Footnote. The rules are supplemented by paragraph 5-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

5-3. Energy production organizations using renewable energy sources and selling electricity to the financial center participate in the wholesale electricity market when performing the following conditions:

1) the presence of automated systems of commercial accounting, telecommunications, ensuring their unification with systems installed at the system operator;

2) availability of access to national and, if necessary, a regional electrical network.

Footnote. Rules are complemented by clause 5-3 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

6. Energy producing organizations access to the national electrical network and (or) to the regional electrical network is provided with contracts with a system operator:

1) to provide services for technical dispatching production modes of electric power consumption in the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) to provide systemic services for the organization of balancing the production-consumption of electrical energy in the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) for the purchase (sale) of balancing electrical energy.

6-1. Energy producing organizations using renewable energy sources and selling electricity to consumers under bilateral treaties, access to the national electrical network and / or regional electrical network is provided with contracts:

1) to provide services for technical dispatching of production modes / consumption of electrical energy in a single electric power system of Kazakhstan;

2) to provide services for organizing the balance of production / consumption of electrical energy in a single electric power system of Kazakhstan;

3) on the purchase / sale of balancing electrical energy.

Footnote. Rules are complemented by clause 6-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

6-2. Energy production organizations using renewable energy sources, and selling electricity to a financial center, access to a national electrical network and / or regional electrical network is provided with a contract with a system operator for the provision of technical dispatching of production regimes / consumption of electrical energy in one Electric power system of Kazakhstan.

Footnote. Rules are complemented by clause 6-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

7. Consumers of electrical energy, including energy transfer organizations, participate in the wholesale market when performing the following conditions:

1) Purchase on the wholesale electric energy market in a volume of at least 1 MW of the average daily (basic) power and the availability of automated commercial accounting systems, telecommunications systems that ensure their unification with systems installed in the system operator, and if necessary, a regional power grid company;

2) availability of access to national and, if necessary, a regional electrical network.

8. Consumers of electrical energy, including powering organizations, access to the national electrical network is provided if available:

To provide electrical energy transmission services on the national electrical network;

To provide services for technical dispatching of imported electrical energy (in the case of electrical energy import);

To provide systemic services to organize the balance of production-consumption of electrical energy in a single electric power system of Kazakhstan;

To buy (sell) balancing electrical energy;

2) Agreement for the provision of services for transmission with a power transfer organization, including the operating electrical networks of the regional level, to the networks of which the consumer of electrical energy is attached.

9. Energy supplying organizations operate in the wholesale electricity market when performing the following conditions:

1) the license for the right to buy electrical energy for energy supply;

2) fulfilling the requirements for the supply (consumption) from the wholesale market of electrical energy in the amount of at least 1 MW of the average daily (basic) power;

3) availability of access to national and, if necessary, the regional electrical network.

10. Energy supplying organizations access to the national electrical network is provided if available:

1) contracts with a system operator:

to provide electrical energy transmission services on the national electrical network;

to provide systemic services for the technical dispatching of imported electrical energy (in the case of electrical energy import);

to provide services for the organization of balancing the production-consumption of electrical energy in the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

to buy (sell) balancing electrical energy;

2) Agreement for the provision of services for transmission with a power plant organization, including the operating electrical networks of the regional level, to the networks of which an energy supply organization is attached.

3. Participation of energy production organizations
in the wholesale electric power market

11. Energy production organizations carry out the sale of electrical energy produced by the subjects of the wholesale electricity market on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. In the process of carrying out its activities in the wholesale electricity market, energy producing organizations:

1) are carried out in conjunction with the system operator Regulation and maintaining a standard frequency in the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) submit to the operator of the centralized trading market of electrical energy information needed to monitor the electrical energy market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including information on electric power supply contracts concluded in the centralized and decentralized electricity markets;

3) ensure maintenance of power reserves, the volume, structure and placement of which determines the system operator on the basis of concluded contracts;

4) ensure the availability of means of dispatching technological management, including means of communication with dispatch centers of the system operator, the operational information complex of the dispatch control system, unified with the operational information complex of the system operator;

5) provide a systemic operator and a regional power grid company unhindered access to the instruments of commercial accounting of electrical energy.

4. Consumer participation in the wholesale market
electrical Energy

13. Consumers of electrical energy in the wholesale electricity market buy electrical energy on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

14. Consumers of electrical energy in carrying out activities on the wholesale electric energy market:

1) complies with power consumption modes determined by the contract for the sale of electric energy;

2) support the proper technical condition of electrical and power plants and devices of commercial accounting, owned by consumers, fulfill the requirements for their technical condition in the manner prescribed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry;

3) provide measurement data for commercial metering devices within the deadlines established in accordance with concluded agreements;

4) provide a systemic operator and a regional electric grid company unhindered access to the instruments of commercial accounting of electrical energy;

5) ensure the availability of means of dispatching technological management, including means of communication with dispatch centers of the system operator and the regional power grid company, the operational information complex of the dispatch control system, unified with the operational information complex of the system operator and the regional power grid company, or the availability of a document on the transmission of powers on operational dispatcher interaction to another dispatch center;

6) ensure the presence of a system for collecting and transmitting telemetry information connected to the authorized dispatch center;

7) Warning its counterparties in a timely manner under the contracts for the sale and sale of electrical energy and the system operator about changing the terms of the contracts for the purchase and sale of electrical energy.

15. Consumers of electrical energy that do not have contracts for the purchase of electrical energy are subject to disconnection from the national and (or) regional electrical network.

5. Participation of energy supply organizations
in the wholesale electric power market

16. Energy supplying organizations carry out the purchase of electrical energy in order to power their consumers, taking into account the relevant limit, settlement or individual tariffs on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

17. In carrying out its activities in the wholesale electric energy market, power supplying organizations:

1) provide the provision of a systemic operator and (or) a regional electric grid company of unimpeded access to the instruments of commercial accounting of electrical energy of consumer services;

2) provide a contract for the provision of dispatching services with the relevant dispatch center or a regional electric grid company;

3) In a timely manner, they warn their counterparties under the contracts for the sale and sale of electrical energy, system operator and (or) the regional power grid organization about changing the terms of the contracts for the sale of electric energy.

18. In the absence of an energy supply organization of existing power contracts for the purchase of electricity, retail consumers are to be transferred to the guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy in the manner prescribed by law.

6. Participation of energy transfer organizations
in the wholesale electric power market

19. Electric Energy Energy Energy In the Wholesale Electrical Energy Market provides an electric energy transmission service, buy electrical energy to compensate for the technological consumption of electrical energy and economic needs on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

20. Electrical energy transmission services over a regional electrical network are electrical energy consumers attached to a regional electrical network, energy supplying organizations, at a rate established by the state body carrying out guidance in the spheres of natural monopolies.

In cases of connecting the power supply substations by its power lines to the national electrical network according to the "occupancy - exit" scheme, the energy transfer organization moves the electrical energy to such power lines and equipment for payment without charging.

Footnote. Paragraph 20, as amended by the Order of Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (entered into action after ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication); With amendments made by order of Minister Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.06.2017№ 200 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

21. In carrying out its activities in the wholesale electric energy market, energy transfer organizations:

1) transmitting electrical energy over a regional electrical network in accordance with the established reliability standards and the quality standards of electrical energy in the manner prescribed in accordance with the law;

2) provide equal conditions for access to the regional electrical network;

3) ensure maintenance of the regional electrical network and maintenance;

4) provide sustainable and reliable operation of the regional electrical network, timely adoption of measures to prevent, locate and eliminate accidents on energy facilities included in the zone of operational management (maintenance);

5) together with the system operator provide the quality of the transmitted electrical energy in accordance with the requirements, established by the legislation Of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry and in the field of technical regulation;

6) carry out commercial accounting of electrical energy in consistent points of accounting at the boundaries of the regional electrical network;

7) interact with the system operator in the process of operational-dispatch management of production regimes (consumption) of electrical energy in a single electric power system of Kazakhstan;

8) carry out a financial settlement with the system operator of its own electrical energy imbalances in the agreed points of commercial accounting on the borders of the section of the national and regional electrical network;

9) Receive and carry out control of the quality of the necessary information to carry out activities on the wholesale electricity market from all subjects of the wholesale electricity market, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

7. Participation of the system operator and market operator
centralized Electric Energy Trade
in the wholesale electric power market

22. The system operator participates in the wholesale electricity market in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry.

23. The operator of the centralized trade market of electrical energy provides services for the organization and conduct of centralized trading in the manner prescribed in accordance with the law.

24. The operator of the centralized trade market of electrical energy:

1) Provides and maintains in constant readiness trade System to conduct centralized trading in electricity in the wholesale electricity market;

2) organizes a centralized system of guarantees and calculations in the market of centralized electricity trading in order to minimize the commercial risks of the subjects of the wholesale market;

3) conducts training of participants in the wholesale electricity market to work with the trading system;

4) monitors the execution of prisoners in centralized trades of transactions;

5) Provides the subjects of the wholesale electrical energy market with information on indicative prices for electrical energy that prevail in centralized trading, and other market information.

24-1. The calculation and financial center participates in the wholesale electricity market in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry and supporting the use of renewable energy sources.

Footnote. Rules are supplemented by paragraph 24-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

24-2. The estimated financial center and conditional consumers when buying electrical energy produced using renewable energy sources are not concluded contracts for the provision of services for transmission services with energy transfer organizations.

Footnote. The rules are complemented by paragraph 24-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

24-3. The calculation and financial center concludes a contract with the system operator to provide services for organizing the balance of electricity consumption of electrical energy in a single electric power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the contracts for the purchase of electrical energy prisoners with energy derivative organizations using renewable energy sources.

Footnote. Rules are complemented by clause 24-3 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

8. Functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy

25. In the market of decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy, the subject of the wholesale market independently concludes a contract for the sale of electrical energy. Volumes and deadlines for electricity supply are determined by the terms of the contract.

26. In the market of centralized electricity trading, contracts and transactions for the sale and sale of electrical energy are concluded according to the results of centralized trading, conducted by the operator of the centralized trade in electrical energy market, in accordance with the law.

27. Participation of the subjects of the wholesale electricity market in centralized trading is carried out on a voluntary basis, except in cases provided for by law, and on the basis of a participation agreement concluded with the operator of the centralized trading market of electrical energy.

28. The contracts for the purchase and sale of electrical energy in the market for the decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy and in the centralized trade market of electrical energy are concluded in accordance with the civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also provide for the following conditions:

1) by the parties a graph of hourly daily (seasonal) change in the supply mode of electrical energy;

2) the indication of the points of physical and commercial accounting of leave into a network and reception from the network of contractual volumes of electrical energy consumers of electrical energy and energy producing organizations;

3) the delivery conditions (reservation order) of electrical energy, in the event of emergency disorders;

4) the procedure for restrictions and (or) cessation of electricity leave in case of late payment by the buyer of electrical energy.

29. The contracts for the purchase and sale of electrical energy providing for the supply (purchase) of electrical energy into neighboring states, transmission or transit of electrical energy over electrical networks of neighboring states, are to be coordinated with the system operator in terms of technical implementation in the manner prescribed in accordance with the law.

30. Relations arising in the wholesale electric energy market for transactions for export and (or) imports of electrical energy are regulated in the manner prescribed by the relevant contracts, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry and interstate agreements.

31. Exports and imports of electrical energy are carried out, provided that the requirements of the Customs Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, if a ratified international treaty, the participant of which is the Republic of Kazakhstan, has not been established otherwise.

32. The subjects of the wholesale electricity market on the basis of concluded contracts are sent by the system operator of the application for the supply (consumption) of electrical energy for the coming days.

33. The system operator forms and approves Daily graph Based on applications from the subjects of the wholesale market of electrical energy.

34. Delivery (consumption) of electrical energy is carried out in accordance with the stated volumes of supply-consumption of electrical energy specified in the daily chart approved by the system operator, taking into account agreed adjustments.

35. The balanceturing market of electrical energy is the tool of the system operator to maintain the balance of electricity and power in the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

36. The system operator provides contractual values \u200b\u200bof interstate balance of electrical energy flows with power systems of neighboring states and the settlement of interstate electrical energy imbalances. The settlement of interstate imbalances system operator is carried out in the manner prescribed by the relevant treaties, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and interstate agreements.

37. The system of system and auxiliary services includes services for transmission, dispatching, regulation and redundancy of electrical energy and power, due to the peculiarities of production, transmission, electrical energy consumption and operates in the manner prescribed in accordance with the law. System and auxiliary services have and receive subjects of the wholesale electricity market based on the contracts for the provision of relevant services.

Footnote. Paragraph 37 in the editorial office of the Order of Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2017№ 471 (Enhanced by the expiration of ten calendar days after his first official publication).

38. COMMUNICATIONS FOR ACTUALLY AND COMPLETED IN THE METHOD ELECTRIC ENERGY The subjects of the wholesale market are carried out in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the volume of electrical energy specified in the actual balance of electric power consumption in the wholesale market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, compiled by the system operator based on the results of the settlement calendar month.