Ready-made business plan for a car wash and tire service. How to open a car wash from scratch: a business plan with calculations A ready-made business plan for opening a car wash

Dear site visitors, below is an example of a car wash business plan with payback calculations, which can be used as an example for writing other business plans, submitting it to students, submitting it for subsidies and other options for assistance from the state, for obtaining a bank loan.

The document was compiled by specialists in the field of business planning using a standard document writing structure. Excel tables were used for calculations, which make it easy to carry out calculations and adapt them to different planning conditions.


The goal is to open a car wash in the industrial zone of the city of Kirov to wash cars by the company’s employees.

The car wash opens in an already built room, which will allow you to allocate two stations for washing and wiping the car. In this case, the cars will be doused and wiped in the same place.

To minimize investment costs, the premises for the car wash will be obtained under a lease agreement. The rent for the premises is 30 thousand rubles. per month.

To prepare the premises for a car wash, additional work will be done and additional equipment will be purchased, the cost of investment will be 810 thousand rubles. It is planned that all investments will be made using our own funds.

The car wash will not be located in the city center and will have a minimum range of services


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Marketing plan

Today, according to 2GIS data, there are about 600 car washes operating in the city of Kirov. Kirov's vehicle fleet numbers about 300 thousand passenger cars. Thus, there are about 500 cars per 1 car wash.

At the same time, the constant increase in the city’s vehicle fleet requires additional capacity for their maintenance (repair, cleaning, refueling and other services). Therefore, an additional car wash with the proper quality of services and reasonable prices will in any case gain the authority of car enthusiasts.

The location of the enterprise was chosen in such a way that there are no competitors within a radius of about 500 meters, so car owners working in nearby companies will stop by to wash their cars.

All Kirov car washes can be divided into 4 segments:

  • premium segment - with high prices and a wide range of services
  • high price segment - with prices above average and the provision of an increased range of additional services
  • middle price segment - with average prices and a standard range of services
  • low price segment - with minimum prices and a minimum range of services

It is planned that the car wash to be opened will operate in the low price segment with minimum prices and only a standard set of services:

  • Full car wash (contactless and regular)
  • Dousing a car
  • cleaning inside the car

At the same time, there will be neither a cafe nor a waiting room for clients at the car wash due to the lack of facilities for their organization in the premises. The car wash will only be able to serve passenger cars due to the impossibility of entry into gazelles and minibuses.

An analysis of the prices of the city's competitors was carried out and, based on this research, the following table of average prices for car wash services for passenger cars was compiled:

Service name/segment Premium High Average Short
Full car wash (touchless) 1,000 rub. 800 rub. 600 rub. 450 rub.
Full car wash (contact) 900 rub. 700 rub. 550 rub. 400 rub.
Dousing a car 400 rub. 300 rub. 250 rub. 200 rub.
Cleaning a car with a vacuum cleaner 500 rub. 400 rub. 350 rub. 300 rub.

Unfortunately, the car wash market has a fairly strong seasonality, which will affect both the workload of the enterprise and the planning of employee work. The seasonality of car washing services provided can be described by the following schedule:

month seasonality factor
January 94,58%
February 95,08%
March 137,62%
April 130,45%
May 98,30%
June 85,29%
July 85,81%
August 82,21%
September 75,94%
October 95,10%
november 121,60%
December 98,02%

Visually, seasonality coefficients are presented in the following graph:

To attract customers, the following advertising strategy is planned:

  1. Production of illuminated signs - cost 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Production of 2 signs on both sides of the road - cost 10 thousand rubles.
  3. Distribution of business cards in the first 2 months of work - cost 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Issuance of discount cards to first customers (5% discount with the possibility of accumulating up to 20%) - card cost 5 thousand rubles.
  5. Decorating a point with balloons for the opening day - 10 thousand rubles.

The planned distribution of revenue among services and the calculation of the average price of a service for further calculation of revenue are presented in the following table:

Production plan

A room has been rented for a car wash, which allows you to place 2 stations for washing and wiping cars. The layout of the room is shown below in the figure:

The car wash premises will allow only passenger cars to be accepted, based on which the marketing part of the business plan was planned. The company will operate around the clock, for which the marketing strategy included the purchase of an illuminated sign.

The service delivery process will be as follows:

  1. the client comes to the car wash;
  2. The client is met by a senior cleaner and explains how to wash the car;
  3. a washer washes a car;
  4. the client evaluates the work and pays the car wash for the services performed.

To calculate the service delivery plan, we will calculate the maximum loading capacity of the car wash. The approximate duration of washing one car at one station is 1 hour. Therefore, by serving two customer posts, a car wash can serve a maximum of 24 x 30 = 720 cars per month. With average revenue of 370 rubles. maximum monthly revenue will be 266,400 rubles. At the same time, it is planned that when the capacity reaches 100%, the enterprise will produce 70% of the previously calculated maximum. The 100% yield is described in the following graph:

As can be seen from the graph, the investment phase takes 5 months, after which the company begins to gradually increase volumes and load its enterprise to the maximum.

The main cost is the wages of employees; regardless of the type of work, 50% of the proceeds are given in the form of payment to car wash employees. Read more about wages and personnel below - in organizational terms.

Organizational plan

The enterprise will be registered as an individual entrepreneur, which will facilitate business registration and reduce costs. Due to the fact that this organizational form allows us to work only on a simplified taxation system, we choose it with the “income minus expenses” system.

Due to the fact that the car wash is small, there will also be few staff. The organization's staffing table is presented below:

18 0006 0006 0009 000

Job title quantity salary bonus sum
Director 1 - 10% of profits -
Washer 6 3 000 25% of services provided 18 000
Sprinkler 3 2 000 3% of services provided 6 000
Wiper 3 2 000 3% of services provided 6 000
Administrator 3 3 000 20% of revenue 9 000
TOTAL 16 39 000

3 people will work at the same time - a washer, a doucher and a wiper; the work schedule is 2 days, 12 hours each during the day, 2 days of rest, then 2 days, 12 hours each at night, then 2 days of rest. All work on the delivery of detergents, repair of equipment and other current responsibilities is performed by the owner of the business - an individual entrepreneur. - 5 years;

  • NPV - 2,174 thousand rubles.
  • In addition, calculating the break-even point using the car wash model shows that its activities become profitable starting from 243 thousand rubles. per month.

    The project's payback indicators indicate that the project has an average payback period and is interesting for investors. However, the project has risks, which we will consider further.

    Risk analysis

    We have compiled the project risks into a single table and divided them into social, technological, political and economic, and also indicated the likelihood of each risk occurring (low, medium, high):

    • Social
      • Lack of qualified personnel is an average probability.
    • Economic
      • the onset of a new wave of crisis, which will reduce the purchasing power of car owners, which will lead to lower prices for services - low probability.
    • Political
      • the onset of new barriers that will lead to a further deterioration of the political situation is low probability.
    • Technological
      • the release of new automatic car washes, which will improve the quality of washing and reduce its cost - low probability.


    The above example of a car wash business plan with payback calculations shows good results, so this project will definitely be of interest to both potential investors and credit institutions.

    Do you want to open your own business, but don’t know where exactly to start? A car wash is what you need. In this article you will find a sample business plan for opening a car wash from scratch with some calculations and financial calculations.


    This car wash business plan is a project for organizing a car wash (hereinafter referred to as the Car Wash) with a payback period of two years.

    Project goals:

    1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
    2. Getting a stable profit
    3. Saturation of the consumer market with car washing services

    Project funding source: own funds, or bank loan at 23% per annum

    Total cost of the project: 3,500,000 rubles

    Payback period: 2 years

    Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation

    Stages of implementing a car wash business plan

    The start of the project is from the moment the business plan is approved by the Customer, or from the moment the borrowed funds are received. The stages of project implementation and the timing of their completion are presented in Table No. 1

    Implementation stagesDeadlines
    conclusion of an investment agreement1-30 days
    obtaining credit funds1-30 days
    business registration, registration with the relevant authorities1 month
    choosing a location, obtaining the necessary permits1 month
    purchase and installation of equipment1 month
    personnel selection and training1 month
    conducting a marketing campaign1-24 month

    General characteristics of the project

    The main purpose of a car wash is to chemically wash cars and clean the interior. The target audience of consumers of car wash services are owners of individual, official, municipal, and passenger vehicles.

    In recent years, car owners have preferred to purchase expensive cars, which, as before, cannot be washed simply with a bucket and a rag. Their maintenance requires washing in a professional car wash, where the work is performed by qualified workers who are responsible for their actions.

    It was the demand for special equipment that allowed the first high-pressure washers, developed by the Karcher company, to appear. However, other, more advanced technologies have now appeared that allow you to wash your car without touching it at all. We are talking about a contactless automatic car wash. And most importantly, car owners are willing to pay for the provision of services in a more technologically advanced way, which means that the quality of car washing services can and should be constantly improved.

    The basic services at most car washes have not changed for several decades, these are:

    • Washing a car outside
    • Body polishing
    • Washing the engine compartment
    • Dry and wet cleaning of car interior

    As a rule, a car wash is located in an indoor area (to provide year-round services), with the number of wash boxes from 2 to 5. The most problematic stage of opening a Car Wash is obtaining the necessary permits and documents. Typically, the entire process of finding a suitable location for a car wash with the necessary utility networks nearby and registering a business takes about six months. During this time, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, the environmental supervision service, and the territorial administration of the area in which the establishment will be located.

    Particularly stringent requirements are imposed on the Car Wash by the environmental service. According to current legislation, car washes cannot be located closer than 70 meters (in fact, this distance is at least 100 meters) to the nearest residential buildings. In addition, they require the installation of an expensive special closed-loop drainage and water purification system. Draining into a regular storm road sewer is strictly prohibited, because traces of fuel and lubricants remain in the water after washing the car. Recirculating water requires digging a hole with a volume of at least 6 cubic meters.

    There is the option of concluding an agreement for the maintenance and treatment of wastewater with the city water utility department, but the amount will also be quite large. In addition, you will need an agreement with the appropriate service to clean the cleaning system from sludge (dirt), which is done at least once every 2 weeks.

    In fact, the situation is such that at most car washes (estimated at about 80% of the total number), the requirement to install closed-loop cleaning systems is simply neglected, preferring to pay a fine, or by installing dummies of such systems, rather than after installing a real cleaning system every 2-3 months to spend additional funds on its maintenance.

    As an object type, a Car Wash can be of several types:

    • Using manual and automated labor
    • Tunnel (the car moves along a conveyor with equipment installed on it) and portal ((the car stands still, the equipment moves around)
    • Stationary or mobile

    The owner of the establishment chooses the most optimal type of car wash for himself by drawing up a business plan for the car wash with calculations. The lowest investment option is a manual car wash, which requires an investment of approximately $5,000 to $7,000. However, given the rapid return on investment of this business, this is considered a relatively small investment. It is possible that in the absence of the required funds, a business plan for opening a car wash will have to be submitted to the bank to receive a loan, so all the “little things” must be provided for.

    The most convenient option for the client is a mobile car wash that works on call. As a rule, such car washes are called by the owners of motor transport enterprises so as not to “drive” the entire fleet of vehicles to the wash. If this is convenient for the car owner, then it is very profitable for the owner, because such services involve concluding a fixed-term contract for the provision of car washing services, and this is a very substantial profit.

    According to experts, the main types of car washes that bring a stable profit to their owner are:

    1. Car washes with a minimum “set” of services offered and high daily traffic. Such car washes are most profitable on busy sections of roads, and are used mainly by drivers who value their time. Fast vehicle maintenance (maximum 15 minutes) improves productivity. The only equipment needed for such a car wash is automatic, capable of serving up to 50 cars in 1 hour. Manual labor is reduced to a minimum, and accordingly, wage costs are reduced.
    2. The second type is the opposite. This is a car wash with a wide range of services offered and first-class service, which involves a large investment of time. Such car washes are designed for people who are willing to lose up to 1.5 hours in exchange for quality service. Such a range of services usually includes washing the engine compartment, dry cleaning of the car interior, polishing the external and internal parts of the car, blackening tires, etc.
      Cosmetic pre-sale preparation is often carried out at such car washes. Such car washes require only manual labor. Low productivity is compensated by ordering several services and by spending time with customers waiting for their car. In order to make a profit in waiting and rest rooms, car wash owners install coffee machines, open cafes, small shops, etc., which often bring in up to 40% of all revenue.

    One of the most important factors influencing the successful operation of a Car Wash is its location. The close proximity of car shops, car services, service stations, gas stations, or motor transport enterprises, as the practice of operating car washes shows, is the most advantageous location. Another location option is near hypermarkets, near which a huge number of cars gather on Saturday-Sunday, or during rush hours on weekdays. Another important point when choosing a location for a car wash is good access to the building. The best option is to have different entrances and exits to “unload” the traffic flow.

    Some experts working in this service market provide the following distribution of car wash categories:

    1. By vehicle classification (cars, jeeps, minibuses, trucks)
    2. By type of installed equipment (brush, non-contact, combined)
    3. In terms of throughput (with low productivity - from 30 to 50 cars per hour, medium - from 50 to 80 cars per hour, high - from 80 to 160, ultra-high - more than 150 cars per hour, such car washes have not yet been installed anywhere in Russia and are found only in the USA)
    4. According to the cost of equipment (economy class - from 60 thousand euros, the next category - from 95 thousand euros, and expensive - from 180 thousand euros)

    It is more profitable to rent a space for a Car Wash after finding a building that meets all the parameters, rather than to build it yourself. Carrying out design work, establishing communications, and coordination with various authorities, according to the most conservative estimates, can lead to additional costs of at least 2.5 million rubles. In any case, during construction or rental, you need to take into account that most car owners prefer to wash their cars near home or work, so as not to waste gasoline and time on the trip.

    However, the option of renting a Car Wash carries with it the risks of refusal to renew the contract by the owner of the premises, the loss of regular customers, and the need to start all over in a new place.

    The construction of a building for a car wash is associated with a large amount of time required for approval of the project by various services and the actual construction of the building. As a rule, the same company is involved in project development and construction. A list of such companies can be obtained from a company that sells equipment for car washes. Usually they enter into a mutually beneficial agreement with each other.

    A car wash with 4 stations will require a building area of ​​at least 200 square meters. meters. This figure includes utility rooms, boxes for cars, a staff rest room and a waiting room for clients, a bathroom, and a technical equipment room. The height of the premises must be at least 4 meters. A car wash business plan must contain all the necessary calculations.

    The use of metal structures and sandwich panels in construction, in contrast to capital construction made of concrete and brick, will somewhat reduce the costs and time for building construction. The final cost of construction work will also depend on the distance from the Car Wash of the necessary utilities - water supply, power lines, sewerage.

    Another stage of the project that requires a careful approach is the selection of personnel for the Car Wash. Working at a car wash is not prestigious and is somewhat harmful to health due to the use of chemicals when washing. Salaries are piecework and depend on the number of vehicles serviced. Although car washing does not require special skills and knowledge, additional services such as body polishing, interior dry cleaning, etc. require a certain skill. If an inexperienced employee causes damage to the car owner, the Car Wash will not only have to compensate for it, but also sacrifice some of its reputation, and therefore customers.

    Many car wash owners hire girls who are by nature more careful, clean, and responsible than men. In addition, the pretty appearance of the workers attracts customers to the Car Wash. But, taking into account all the negative factors listed above, the rotation of personnel at any car wash is high, you need to be prepared for this in advance.

    The issue of choosing equipment is resolved by comparing the characteristics of various equipment, its quality and price. The most popular equipment at Russian car washes is Karcher equipment (its “share” is, according to some estimates, up to 65% of use). The remaining positions are shared by the Italian Comet and Ceccato, the English Carebridge, and the German WAP, Weidner, and Wesumat.

    Marketing plan

    Natural advantages for organizing a car wash business in our country are large vacant land areas due to the crisis of 2014-2015. have almost lost their importance with the increased cost of land. Business was also negatively impacted by the reduction of credit banking institutions and the tightening of rules for issuing loans for the organization and development of small and medium-sized businesses, especially for start-up businessmen. Plus, there is a significant reduction in sales of new cars.

    However, despite this, the demand for car washing services not only did not fall, but even increased slightly. This is partly explained by the increased attention of car owners to caring for their cars - buying a new car is unrealistic for many, but everyone wants their car to look like an “A” car. After all, it is generally accepted that a car determines the status of its owner.

    According to experts, 1 car wash in the country accounts for an average of 2 thousand cars per month. Of course, the figures are very approximate - the income of different car washes varies significantly (for example, in Moscow the demand for car wash services is much higher than throughout Russia), but they still give an approximate picture: organizing a car wash is a profitable project with a quick payback.

    Table No. 2 presents indicators of the number of personal vehicles per 1 thousand inhabitants in various regions of the country as of May 1, 2014

    Cities and regions in the Russian FederationNumber of cars per 1,000 people
    St. Petersburg365
    Tyumen region328
    Primorsky Krai334

    One of the main tasks of the Car Wash is to create a permanent customer base and provide services during the “dead” season – in winter, when the decline in car wash services is observed by more than 2 times. As a rule, car wash owners resort to providing other, unrelated auto services, such as high-pressure carpet washing. Organizing a car service center next to the car wash will also help you overcome the winter period with minimal losses for your business.

    In the summer, visits to car washes also decrease - many car owners go on vacation, but the losses are compensated by ordering additional comprehensive services, which are usually not ordered in spring and autumn. An option to overcome the stagnation in the work of the Car Wash is the introduction of a system of discounts, holding promotions, and expanding the range of services offered. A car wash business plan should contain recommendations for conducting advertising campaigns.

    • Distribution of advertising in crowded places, in particular, vehicle owners
    • Audio advertising on car radio waves
    • Installation of advertising banners near roads
    • Using discount cards

    Table No. 3 shows the average prices for car wash services in Russia

    Production plan

    According to independent experts, all equipment for car washes. The products presented on the Russian market are of approximately the same quality, the only difference is the price. However, Karcher's marketing strategy and the presence of a wide dealer network, which, in addition to sales, also services and repairs equipment, has led to its great popularity.

    The main equipment for a Car Wash consists of:

    • Car vacuum cleaner
    • Compressor
    • Foam generator
    • High pressure washer for cold water washing
    • High pressure washer with water heating function
    • Treatment station

    The amount of equipment is determined by the number of washing stations. In addition, you will also need:

    • Various accessories for equipment
    • Car detergents
    • Pieces of suede
    • Workwear for workers

    Financial plan

    The plan for the approximate volume of services during the project until full payback is presented in Table No. 4

    PeriodType of serviceVolume of services provided per month (vehicles per day)Cost, rubProfit, rub
    1- 12 monthBody wash1200 (40 per day)350 - 550 420 000
    1- 12 monthBody polishing1200 (40 per day)750 - 1 500 900 000
    1- 12 month450 (15 per day)350 - 550 157 500
    1- 12 monthDry and wet cleaning300 (10 per day)750 - 1 500 225 000
    1- 12 monthChemical cleaning of the interior30 (1 per day)4 500 - 7 000 135 000
    13 - 24


    Body wash1200 (40 per day)400 - 600 480 000
    13 - 24


    Body polishing1200 (40 per day)800 - 1 550 960 000
    13 - 24


    Washing the engine compartment450 (15 per day)400 - 600 180 000
    13 - 24


    Dry and wet cleaning300 (10 per day)800 - 1 550 240 000
    13 - 24


    Chemical cleaning of the interior30 (1 per day)4 550 - 7 100 136 500


    The analysis of the implementation of the project for organizing a Car Wash carried out in this business plan showed that this line of business is extremely profitable and very promising. The stable demand for Car Wash services, the growing number of vehicle owners, makes the right choice of location of the establishment, the availability of the necessary investments in the project, the purchase of professional equipment, and the implementation of the project beneficial for both the business owner and the Investor. The car wash business plan is typical, but can be used by anyone to organize their own business.

    A look at the idea from the outside

    • Washing as a project
      • Description of services
      • Production plan
      • Recruitment
    • Financial plan
    • Which equipment to choose
          • Similar business ideas:

    An example of a business plan for opening a small car wash with two stations. It can be used both for personal justification of the feasibility of investing in a business, and for attracting financial resources from a private investor. We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening a car wash. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

    Washing as a project

    The goal of the project is to organize a car wash in the city of N. The project involves the provision of vehicle washing services, incl. cleaning the body, wheels, bottom, polishing the body, as well as cleaning and dry cleaning of the interior.

    How much money do you need to open a car wash?

    To implement the project, it is planned to attract investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles. Their own funds will amount to 300 thousand rubles, and 1.8 million rubles - credit funds. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

    • Net profit per year = 989,406 rubles;
    • Return on sales = 38.5%;
    • Project payback = 25 months.

    Which taxation system to choose for opening a car wash?

    The organizational and legal form of the organization will be individual entrepreneurship. The initiator of the project is I.I. Ivanov.

    The tax regime will be a simplified taxation system, 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

    Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

    1. Individual entrepreneurship has been registered with the Federal Tax Service;
    2. A lease agreement was concluded for a municipal land plot to accommodate a single-post mobile car wash with an area of ​​80 m2. Rental price - 10,000 rubles per month;
    3. A preliminary search was carried out for a company supplying turnkey modular (mobile) car washes.

    The organization will consist of 5 people: an administrator and four car wash workers.

    Description of services

    Let's consider the main services that our organization will provide:

    1. Car body wash. It includes washing the body and rims. Will be provided by two washers within 10 minutes. The average cost of the service is 250 rubles;

    2. Car interior cleaning. This service will include wiping glass, cleaning fabric and leather interior surfaces, removing dust and debris (vacuum cleaner). The average cost of the service is 300 rubles;

    3. Chemical cleaning of the interior. This service includes cleaning of seats, floors, ceilings, doors, seat belts, and plastics. The average cost of the service is 1000 rubles;

    4. Polishing services. This includes treating the body with liquid wax, polishing the body with polish, polishing the front panel and plastic, etc. The average cost of the service is 400 rubles;

    5. Additional services. These are services such as cleaning wheels, blackening wheels, processing locks, removing traces of insects, etc. The average bill for these services is 100 rubles.

    It is planned to establish operating hours from 10:00 to 20:00.

    The share of each service in the total volume of services provided is presented in the form of a diagram:

    Download car wash business plan

    Step-by-step plan for opening a car wash

    In our country, the number of car owners is growing from year to year, and the demand for car wash services is growing accordingly. The number of middle class people who are the main customers of car washes is also growing. These are mainly middle managers and entrepreneurs.

    Our car wash will be located in close proximity to a gas station with a large flow of cars. This is a very good location, so the organization does not need additional advertising. The population of the area where our car wash will be located is about 30 thousand people.

    The closest competitors are kept at a respectful distance. There is no such object within a radius of 500 meters.

    The presence of two car wash boxes will allow you to avoid a long queue and, accordingly, eliminate the possibility of the client leaving for the nearest competitor. Let's move on to calculating the organization's expected revenue.

    It is expected that the average throughput of the car wash will be about 30 cars per day. That is, 15 cars for each washing bay. With an average check of 350 rubles, daily revenue will be about 10,500 rubles, per month - 315,000 rubles.

    However, take into account seasonality in the car wash business. The peak of revenue occurs in spring and autumn, and the decline begins in summer and winter:

    Monthly revenue by period will be:

    • Spring period - 504 thousand rubles (+60%);
    • Summer period - 157.5 thousand rubles (-50%);
    • Autumn period - 472.5 thousand rubles (+50%);
    • Winter period - 126 thousand rubles (-60%).

    Based on the above data, the organization’s annual turnover will be 3,777,000 rubles.

    Production plan

    A mobile two-post car wash has a number of advantages over conventional permanent structures:

    1. Low start-up investments to start a business;
    2. The design of the car wash allows installation of the premises in the shortest possible time;
    3. A mobile car wash is a completely independent module that does not require construction or installation work;
    4. If the location is unsuccessful, the car wash may be moved to another location. The design of the mobile car wash allows you to change its location about 30 times.

    The object package includes:

    • Power frame;
    • Insulated outer contour, which provides thermal insulation of the room from +30 to -30 degrees;
    • The internal and external cladding consists of sandwich panels with a polymer coating;
    • The car wash is equipped with a three-stage water recycling system with a coagulation chamber;
    • Tank with a capacity of 80 liters for diesel fuel;
    • Supply and exhaust ventilation system;
    • Fully autonomous air heating system using diesel fuel;
    • Waterproof electrical wiring;
    • High pressure pump for washing cars, manufacturer - Germany;
    • Vacuum cleaner for dry interior cleaning;
    • Compressor for blowing locks and other equipment.


    The organization's planned staffing includes:

    Annual wage costs will amount to 1,312 thousand rubles.

    Financial plan

    The fixed costs of our organization are presented in the following table:

    Total fixed expenses per month will be 214,220 rubles.

    The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

    The main expenses of the organization will be the cost of paying wages to employees - 51% of the total expenses, as well as the payment of insurance contributions for employees - 42% of the total costs of the car wash.

    The calculation of economic indicators is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of the organization:

    How much can you earn at a car wash?

    The net profit of the car wash at the end of the year will be 989,406 rubles. The profitability of a car wash is 38.5%. With these business plan indicators, the car wash project will pay for itself in 25 months.

    We recommend download car wash business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

    Which equipment to choose

    Equipment for a car wash will need the following:

    • washing chamber;
    • overpass;
    • ventilation, water purification and lighting systems;
    • power supply and heat supply systems;
    • washing equipment;

    equipment for supplying water and waste liquids. Usually all the equipment is already included in the complex, but if you want to provide additional services, you will need to purchase the equipment necessary for these types of services.

    What documents are needed to open a car wash?

    First of all, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax authorities. If you plan to provide services only to private individuals, you can choose an individual entrepreneur. If you are going to serve enterprises, it is better to register an LLC.

    Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a car wash?

    You also need to select an OKVED code for business registration. For a car wash, you can use the OKVED code 45.20.3 - “Washing vehicles...”. In this case, this is the most suitable OKVED, and you can stop there.

    Do you need a permit to open a car wash?

    You will also need permits from the architectural chamber, SES, Gospozhnadzor, environmental service, as well as a copy of the project certified by the BTI. Documents must be submitted to the local administration, which, after checking them, will allow construction.

    According to the traffic police, today about forty million passenger cars are registered in our country. At the same time, there are only about ten thousand car wash stations. It turns out that on average there is only one car wash for every four thousand cars. Such facilities are distributed unevenly across cities, and often there are simply not enough of them in many localities. What can we say about various federal-level highways, when there is not a single car wash for many kilometers next to a busy road. It is known that any car periodically needs this service, otherwise its severe contamination can lead to serious problems during operation.

    Statistics show that most car owners wash their cars about once a week. Consequently, even in a small city with a population of 10 thousand or more people you can get a large number of regular customers.

    It is also worth considering that cars are washed not only by individuals, but also by legal entities. Consequently, it is possible to conclude contracts for the regular provision of services with various organizations in the city.

    Criteria for choosing a place to work

    In order for an enterprise to be successful and profitable, you should be very careful in selecting a suitable place to work. First of all, a wide and convenient access to the car wash is required. The absence of a large congestion of cars will attract a large number of customers and ensure good performance. Many unprofessional drivers also strive to get to a place where they can stop their car without difficult maneuvers.

    It is advisable that there is a busy highway nearby, along which cars constantly pass - this will allow you to get more visitors. Naturally, in this case, people will come on the recommendation of friends who see the car wash by chance while passing by. If the route connects one settlement with another, then this will be an even greater advantage, since after a long journey many motorists want to wash their car and at the same time take a little break from the trip.

    The room must be connected in advance to all communications used. It is also recommended to select a room that has an additional area under a canopy - it will allow clients to shelter from rain and sun. Equipping the surrounding area with lighting will allow you to work successfully and attract customers even in the dark.

    An additional advantage here will be the location of car services, parking lots or auto parts stores nearby. These companies will attract the target audience and help increase the influx of customers.


    To organize a business, you must prepare the following documents:

    • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
    • approved car wash project;
    • lease agreement for land and premises for a car wash;
    • contract for connection to the electrical network;
    • - contract for the purchase of water or connection to the water supply system;
    • an agreement for the disposal of used water, various waste and other products from the operation of a car wash.

    You will need to spend 200,000 rubles on paperwork and obtaining permits.


    To fully operate a car wash, it is recommended to rent a premises of approximately 100 square meters. If the approximate rental rate is 500 rub. for 1 sq. m., then, therefore, the monthly rental costs will be 50,000 rubles.

    If the premises and the surrounding area are not prepared for the operation of a car wash, then the following expenses will be required:

    1. Finishing – 240,000 rubles.
    2. Water supply and drainage - 300,000 rubles.
    3. Installation of equipment for work – 50,000 rubles.
    4. Landscaping – 100,000 rubles.

    Total: 690,000 rubles.


    The equipment used must be professional and reliable - this will protect yourself from breakdowns and associated costs. It is recommended to choose trusted manufacturers who provide long warranties for their products. To open a car wash, you must purchase the following equipment:

    1. High-pressure apparatus (HPR) without heating (2 pcs.) – 180,000 rubles.
    2. Fine water purification filters (2 pcs.) – 24,000 rubles.
    3. Foam nozzle (2 pcs.) – 10,000 rubles.
    4. Installation kit (2 pcs.) – 24,000 rubles.
    5. Manual switch “clean - reverse” (2 pcs.) - 24,000 rubles.
    6. Water vacuum cleaner (1 piece) – 45,000 rubles.
    7. Membrane filter (1 pc.) – 3,000 rubles.
    8. Autonozzle (1 pc.) – 2,000 rubles.
    9. Water purification system (1 piece) – 300,000 rubles.
    10. Pressure increase module (1 pc.) – 50,000 rubles.

    Total: 662,000 rubles.

    Car wash staff

    Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel - for this you can post messages on social networks and on free message boards. The enterprise requires four people to work in shifts. One accountant-cashier is also required. Monthly salary expenses will be distributed as follows:

    1. Car washers (4 people) – 96,000 rubles.
    2. Accountant-cashier (1 person) – 30,000 rubles.

    Total: 126,000 rubles.

    Financial plan

    When opening a car wash, one-time expenses will be:

    1. Registration of permits – 200,000 rubles.
    2. Preparing premises and territory for work – 690,000 rubles.
    3. Purchase of equipment – ​​662,000 rubles.

    Total: 1,552,000 rubles.

    Monthly expenses will be distributed according to the following items:

    1. Employees' salary is 126,000 rubles.
    2. Rent of premises – 50,000 rubles.
    3. Purchase of auto chemicals and consumables – 30,000 rubles.
    4. Electricity and water – 30,000 rubles.
    5. Unforeseen costs (dismissal of employees, equipment breakdown, etc.) – 30,000 rubles.

    Total: 266,000 rubles.

    Thus, the initial investment will be 1,818,000 rubles.

    Profitability calculation

    The car wash will be open daily from 08.00 to 23.00.

    The average load of one post per day will be 22 cars. Consequently, the two posts will receive an average of 44 vehicles each day. It turns out that within a month the car wash will be able to service 1,320 cars.

    The average bill at a car wash is 300 rubles.

    As a result, the total profit for the month will be 396,000 rubles. Net profit after paying all taxes and monthly expenses will be approximately 120,000 rubles.

    Approximate return on investment period: 16 months.

    Risk analysis

    It is natural that when operating a car wash there will be certain risks, and if possible they should be minimized.

    1. Poor location of the car wash.

    The problem can be avoided by conducting a detailed analysis of the area in advance. It is also necessary to study traffic flows and the presence of competitors that may be nearby.

    2. Problems with regulatory authorities.

    To minimize such problems, you should prepare all permitting documents with the help of a trusted law firm. In case of any misunderstanding in this regard, you should immediately contact and resolve the problem together with professional lawyers.

    3. Equipment breakdown.

    All equipment will have a warranty period. It is also recommended to check it periodically. In the event of a breakdown, the equipment should be repaired at the appropriate technical centers.

    4.Lack of experienced workers.

    To attract reliable employees, decent wages will be offered. Car washers without relevant experience will receive on-the-job training.


    As practice shows, most Russian car washes have been operating successfully for decades. This certainly indicates very positive indicators in this area. The business is quite profitable, since these services are always in demand. If desired and possible, it will be possible to increase the number of boxes for cars, expand the staff and make the operation 24 hours a day. It is also possible to open a store selling auto parts, consumables and accessories next to the car wash.

    We offer the best car wash business plan for beginners. Calculations, tables, useful recommendations.

    Starting investment in a car wash: 1,253,000 rubles.
    Project payback period: 16 months.
    Car wash profitability: 68% (self-service establishment – ​​75%).

    Opening a car wash is planned mainly by those people who want to make a profit without having any special knowledge.

    This business is profitable and has good development prospects.

    Statistically, there is one car for every family in Russia.

    Car owners want their cars to be clean and well-maintained. At the same time, the percentage of ownership of expensive imported cars is also increasing. Clients no longer trust their property to simple guys with a bucket and a rag. They want to receive a high level of service with quality equipment and specialized cleaning products. Therefore, the flow of car wash customers is growing.

    Consider the standard car wash business plan, which you should focus on when creating your own.

    Car wash business plan: planning

    Car Wash Project Summary

    For example, we will consider a detailed business plan for a car wash in Moscow.

    The project aims to:

    1. Satisfying the needs of customers to provide car washing services at affordable prices with adequate quality.
    2. Creation of an enterprise with a high level of profitability.
    3. Receiving profit from activities.

    To open a car wash, an initial investment of 1,253,000 rubles is required.

    The amount of 1,000,000 will be received from the investments of the project sponsors.

    The amount of 253,000 will be compensated from the personal funds of the business initiator.

    Marketing of the project “Car Wash Business Plan”

    Car wash market overview

    Market analysis in a business plan is necessary to identify the niche and competitors. Before opening, you need to carefully study the types of work provided by competitors, prices, and advertising strategy.

    The relevance of the services offered can be assessed personally by visiting 3-4 car washes.

    The absence of customer queues indicates low demand.

    But it is necessary to take into account the time of day, the seasonality of such a business, and special occasions. The flow of customers increases on holidays and weekends and tends to zero during cloudy weather.

    The crisis of 2008-2009 had a negative impact on all areas of providing services to the population. However, by 2010, the majority managed to recover to pre-crisis levels. As for car washes, since 2012 there has been an increase in indicators. Currently, 2/3 of car owners use the services. This led to the opening of a large number of new firms. However, there are still free places in this niche.

    Competitive advantages of washing

    To beat the competition, you need to take advantage of the advantages that will make your car wash stand out from the rest.

    In a business plan you can indicate the following points:

    1. 24-hour car wash operating schedule.
    2. The optimum ratio of price and quality.
      It is especially important to focus on this when opening a self-service establishment. After all, low cost of services is their main strong point.
    3. Availability of a comfortable waiting room for clients.
    4. Sale of soft drinks and tea/coffee.

    Target group

    To estimate the number of potential customers to include in a business plan, it is necessary to study data on the number of car owners in the region of interest. They can be obtained on the official website of the State Statistics Service.

    In Moscow, the average statistical indicators of the target audience of car washes are as follows:

    • About 47% of city car owners use car wash services;
    • among clients 57% are men, 43% are women;
    • income is average and above average.

    It is better to present such data in a business plan in the form of charts and graphs.

    Advertising campaign

    A successful opening and subsequent effective development of a business is impossible without advertising.

    Car wash promotion includes several options:

    This includes, first of all, the sign.
    It should be bright and attract attention. If the washing facility is not located directly next to the road, there should be a sign indicating the route to the building.

    P.S. To attract the attention of customers, inflatable life-size puppets, flags and additional signs along the road are used.

    To start, print 1000 pieces and replenish supplies regularly. They are given to clients and placed in thematic places: auto parts stores, car service centers.

    Car wash room

    There are two options for placing a sink.

    • Build from scratch.
      Not recommended because the number of required permits from different authorities is huge. There is a risk of receiving a refusal from the administration, then the efforts will be in vain.
    • Rent of finished premises.
      The option is more reasonable and therefore popular.
      A box or garage would be better. The premises can be purchased or rented with the option to purchase.

    In addition to the main premises, make sure there is a parking lot and a waiting room.

    You will also need a high-quality drain for water or the development of your own sewage pit.

    Car wash business plan: equipment

    Equipment is purchased depending on the type of washing. In Russia, four varieties are relevant:

      Self-service car washes.

      They require large investments to open, which not every entrepreneur can afford.
      Clients wash their vehicles themselves using the equipment provided.
      Opening a company with a self-service mode is only advisable for large cities with a high population density. They require.

      Mobile car washes.

      Instead of a room, a Gazelle-type vehicle is used. This allows us to provide services to clients in any convenient location.

      Portal car washes.

      They have a number of advantages: high throughput, profitability.
      They are a fully automated washing process.
      The main disadvantage: less gentle on car coverage. In addition, operator negligence can lead to damage to vehicles. Consequently - additional costs.

      The most popular variety.
      Washers serve customers using equipment that supplies water under pressure.

    Although you don’t need a lot of equipment for a car wash, the cost of the best quality equipment is far from small. You can't save money on this.

    The list depends on the number of services provided, which are also indicated in a separate list in the business plan.

    Car wash staff

    Car wash employees must perform their duties efficiently, work quickly, and respond promptly to emerging tasks. Technical knowledge is not required. However, you will need to be in good physical shape to operate high-pressure cleaners.

    2 employees are enough for one box.

    If the car wash operates around the clock, three shifts are organized. The total number of washers is six people.

    This data is not relevant for self-service establishments. Car washes of this type require only two or three administrators working in shifts.

    A list of job responsibilities is included in the car wash business plan, based on the Labor Code:
    • car wash administrator: resolves conflict situations, monitors the maintenance of cleanliness and inventory, organizes the work of the car wash, monitors compliance with the rules of labor discipline and equipment operation, issues tasks to other employees;
    • washers: clean cars according to technical standards, ensure order in the car wash premises, monitor the correct operation of equipment, inform management about customer complaints and conflict situations.

    Car wash business plan: implementation

    Car wash project schedule

    EventMonth 1Month 2Month 3
    Conclusion of a premises rental agreement
    Purchase of materials and equipment
    Repairs in washing areas
    Hiring staff
    Opening a car wash

    In the car wash business plan, it is necessary to indicate not only the timing of the implementation of the stages, but also who will carry them out. It is necessary to indicate the responsible person and plan the necessary budget for this.

    P.S. For a self-service car wash, the staff reception stage is eliminated.

    Calculation of costs for opening a car wash

    NameQty.price, rub.
    Total: RUB 1,012,980
    1. Paperwork - 28 000
    2. Real estate 240 sq.m.960 000
    3. Inventory: 2 600
    10 450
    Special napkins
    10 1 620
    2 30
    5 500
    4. Chemicals: 22 315
    Car cleaning shampoo
    3 2 880
    2 4 630
    51 4 080
    Active foam
    1 3 385
    Engine cleaner: 1 2 100
    |-| for glass washing
    10 2 500
    |-| for blackening rubber
    1 700
    |-| for dry cleaning
    1 540
    Grain polishing paste

    2 1 565

    A list of equipment is added here, the list and cost of which is also drawn up in the form of a table in the business plan.

    This will cost about 200,000-240,000 rubles.

    Financial section of a car wash business plan

    Monthly car wash costs

    Now let’s calculate the monthly expenses for maintaining the car wash, which also need to be included in the business plan:

    • Rent.
      If the premises are leased, the item is entered here, and not the opening costs.
      Let's take the average cost of 50,000 rubles.
    • Consumables.
      Chemicals, sponges, buckets will cost 10,000 rubles.
    • Taxes and payments for individual entrepreneurs – 10,000 rubles.
    • Advertising.
      Depending on the type of advertising you choose, you will spend about 6 thousand rubles.
    • Salary – on average about 35% of revenue (except for self-service car washes).

    In the final part car wash business plan must contain information about the amount of profit and payback of the project. This section is especially important for investors and for obtaining a loan to open a bank account.

    A selection of the best advice from an expert,

    how to open a successful and profitable car wash:

    Revenue and payback of a car wash

    The total expenses in the business plan are:
    • opening expenses – 1,253,000 rubles;
    • expenses every month - 76,000 rubles. + employee salaries.

    If the salary expense is 35% (126,000 rubles), the monthly amount will be 202,000 rubles.

    The costs of maintaining the operation of a self-service car wash do not include the payment of a salary in this amount. However, the profit will be less due to lower prices for services.

    Income is calculated according to the following scheme:

    • the average number of cars serviced is 40 per day;
    • The minimum cost of a service from the list of services provided is 300 rubles.

    300 rubles*30 days*40 cars = 360,000 rubles/month.

    Monthly net profit:

    360,000 – 202,000 = 158,000 rubles.

    This figure is achievable at least six months after the opening of the car wash.

    For the first months, you should count on only half the amount.

    The loan repayment period is calculated based on these data and the size of the loan, and must be indicated in the business plan.

    Opening a self-service car wash, tunnel or manual, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Taking into account the state of Russian roads and the growth in the number of cars, the conclusion about the potential success and profitability of the business suggests itself.

    To achieve success, you must make a discovery and carefully adhere to it.

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