How do I know if I'm lucky? Test: How lucky are you? Yes, I hit it big once

We suggest trying several proven methods of attracting luck.
  • Do everything with enthusiasm, put your soul into your work. The power of enthusiasm is enormous, and it attracts luck like a magnet.
  • Communication, the ability to build relationships with other people is another reason for being lucky. If trouble happens to you, do not isolate yourself. Moreover, to achieve personal success, you must try to help others.
  • People who are lucky are self-sufficient and self-confident. As the song says: “And only the brave conquer the seas.”
  • Another formula for luck is organization. Learn to manage your time, and luck will certainly come into your life.
  • To achieve luck, use different approaches to solving problems. And this is important not only for business, but also for any area of ​​life.
  • The ability to admit your mistakes is also necessary for success. Remember that those who do nothing make no mistakes.

How to attract luck?

To attract luck, learn to communicate, manage your time, and make decisions.
Take the luck test
The first step to attract good luck is to take a luck test

INSTRUCTIONS: Carefully read the question (statement) and choose one of the proposed answers. Add to favorites. Remove from favorites. Send mail.

Are you curious about how lucky you are? Well then you have come to the right place! Let's find out whether you are gushing with luck, or are you an outright "not a good person"? To find out, quickly proceed to the test!


1. So let's get started! Are you lucky in lotteries?

Yes, I hit it big once
Just managed to recoup the cost of a lottery ticket
Never had any luck

2. We all know that when a bird poops on you, it means great luck. What do you think about this? Will you go play the lottery if the bird does its business for you?

Definitely for good luck 😎
Even though it’s terribly disgusting, I’ll definitely go get my lottery ticket 😄
I’ll exclaim: “Why me!?” And I'll go home to wash myself. I don’t believe in such nonsense 😐

3. There are people who find money when they just walk down the street. Has this ever happened to you?

Once I found 5 thousand rubles 😂
500 rubles😇
I only ever come across small coins ☹️

4. Who are you: a winner in love games or a lucky lottery player?

Lottery lucky guy 🤑
I am a hero lover 😍
No luck in either one 😓

5. And now a slightly strange question: how long do you usually wait for the bus at the bus stop?

I don’t even stand for 5 minutes, the bus comes right away
I wait 10 minutes maximum
Since the bus leaves a minute before I arrive, I always wait a long time for the next one

6. Has it ever happened that while you were taking a shower, the water was turned off?

Happened once
The water utility waits for me to take a shower and immediately turns off the water.

7. Some more strange questions...What nut do you first come across when you put your hand into the assorted nuts?

Chickpeas in glaze
Roasted chickpeas

8. Based on your past experience, can you answer the question in the picture?

He (she) likes me too
He (she) wants to ask for my lecture notebook, but is shy
He (she) has a loved one

9. Surely, you have had to take part in the game "Secret Santa"? Remember who you got the last time at work/school?

The person I like
My close friend
Someone I'm less than thrilled with

You are lucky from the top of your head to your toes!

This is simply incredible! You are a real fountain of luck! Wherever you look, whatever you want, you immediately master it, as if by magic! Plus, you transfer your luck to everything you touch. We are sure that a huge number of people have already admitted that they feel much luckier next to you! Well, being so lucky, you hardly want to miss the New Year's lottery Guarantee Bank! Hurry up and come to Guarantee Jep or in Internet Guarantee, complete any operation, become a participant in the lottery and win one of twenty iPhone 7s! Wait, that's not all! Anyone who carries out any banking transactions through Garanti Jep or Internet Garanti receives discounts at: - 30 liras, - 35%, - 10%!

No matter how much you believe in yourself and your own abilities, and that life is the result of your choices and actions, it is impossible to deny that luck exists. Do you continue to believe that all the huge fortunes of millionaires and career achievements of executives were obtained solely because of their character traits, acquired skills and acquired connections? Of course, these criteria are of great importance, but luck also plays an important role in life.

They say that lucky people are successful in everything, in relationships with the opposite sex, in work, in school, etc. Do you consider yourself a lucky person, or do your sandwiches always fall on the butter side, and when you are late for a meeting, all the traffic lights turn red for you?

To find out how lucky you are, take the test for luck in a person’s life today! Perhaps you underestimated yourself!

Features of the test for luck in human life

By taking the test for luck in a person's life, you can determine the level of your luck in love and wealth, as well as how much luck and sixth sense fail you in life. Answer the questions presented in the test honestly to get a complete picture and correctly assess the situation. You can take the test anytime and anywhere online. After you answer all the questions, the result will be calculated. If you don’t like the verdict, don’t be upset, because luck is very changeable, and if it doesn’t favor you now, it doesn’t mean that you are doomed to bad luck for the rest of your life.

To attract success and prosperity, you need to work on yourself, develop not only physically, but also spiritually, then sooner or later you will be able to catch luck by the tail! A test for luck in a person's life is your first step to achieving success in life and financial well-being!

Luck and luck are enviable qualities. They are often more important than will, intelligence or determination. How to test your luck? How to find out the degree of your luck? How do you know which days and times are you luckiest? How to check with whom your luck is at its maximum, and who is ruining it in the bud? My article answers all these questions.

You will learn what indicators of luck are and which of them can be considered unconditional. You will learn to check yourself and plan successful days. You will learn about destructors and catalysts of luck.

Who can be considered lucky?

The definition of luck is quite fluid. Who can be considered lucky in life? Someone who gets money easily? A person with powerful charisma who influences other people? Long-lived? The owner of amazing health? A person of an easy disposition, living at ease and enjoying simple things?

Which one is luckier? Judging by the results of life, it seems that the luckiest is the one who lived the longest. But this is also a vague criterion. For some – deprivation, living from hand to mouth, loss of loved ones. There are many such long-livers. For others, a rich and calm life, even if ten years less.

Let's look from the other side. Someone won the lottery - lucky? However more than 80% of those who win large sums abroad and do not live long in our country. Many become disabled, drug addicts, lose loved ones and end up in prison. I have already provided statistics on lottery “lucky” players on. As I said one, became fabulously rich, but an Englishwoman chained to a wheelchair: “ This win is the worst thing that happened to me».

What is the evaluation criterion and is there one? Of course have. I think the following definition is appropriate:

A lucky person who finds himself in the same conditions as other people has more favorable opportunities compared to others.

Put a hundred people in the same conditions and only one, maximum two, will have the largest bonuses. How they will use them is another question. Luck of mind does not guarantee and vice versa.

Luck is multifaceted. Fate saves one from a bullet, slips winnings to another, and brings a third to the people he needs. However, lucky people in different areas of life have something in common. Can you guess what? That's right - the likelihood of a positive outcome in any situation is higher.

What follows from this? And the fact that you can create a simple situation that ideally tests a person for the presence of this very luck. The author of the article was convinced of the effectiveness of one method, which we will talk about.

Unconditional indicator of luck

So how can you test your luck? We are used to comparisons. Comparisons are qualitative, if we compare what is different, and quantitative, if we compare what has the same characteristic. This means that we need a situation that makes it possible to quantify luck.

At the same time, we must have a certain standard - a minimum that is accessible to absolutely everyone and a certain arithmetic average. Does the task seem nontrivial?

A simple solution is to find money. Small coins that fall out of hands, wallets, bags and pockets. Coins that many people are too lazy to pick up.

In every city, there are coins lying around on the streets and in courtyards, especially in parks and squares, near shops. If you don't notice them, it's not because you live in a special place. Coin blindness is a feature of your perception.

An unconditional indicator of luck is the amount and value of money collected per unit of time.

You just walk and look at your feet. I saw it and picked it up.

Luck Cycles

Luck is a mixed bag. It is impossible to get a complete picture of it after just one walk. Some people are luckier in the morning, others in the afternoon, and others in the evening.

Imagine - an evening lucky guy is looking for coins during his lunch break. Will he collect a lot? No more than others. He may not realize that fortune is favorable to him from 19 to 23 hours. A person is not used to analyzing his life, and maybe he is not able to do it.

The example above reflects the daily cycle. And there is also weekly, lunar and annual. Lunar is the strongest. Some are lucky on the new moon, others on the full moon.

The nature of luck cycles is unknown. Just like the nature of electricity, by the way. Only technicians and humanists think that we generally understand the nature of what we have learned to use. People who have touched the natural and applied sciences are more modest.

If you are waiting for an explanation, luck is one of the properties of the body associated with survival. It is innate and can be developed, like flexibility or voice. Simply developed luck is a quality no less rare than absolute pitch or high meteosensitivity.

In this article I will not bore you with the quantum picture of the world and the connection between the observer and the observed. It is enough that the higher the luck, the less fixed the world.

Destroyers and catalysts of luck

We feel good with some people, bad with others. We have already talked about energy vampirism, psychological manipulation and vampires of fate. Behind the terrible terms there are quite measurable phenomena.

All people with whom we come into contact within a short distance of more than a few seconds exchange energy and information with us. Usually our impact on each other is equal to the amount of white noise. As you yourself understand, there are exceptions. Leaving aside energy and manipulation, let’s focus on luck.

In relation to your level of luck, all people are divided into three unequal categories - neutral, catalysts and destructors. Let's look at each in more detail:




Action for your luck



Weaken or even polarize the vector

Side effects



Worsening situation

Is it possible to calculate?

80% of all people

Experienced or special methods

Don’t think that destructors are bad and catalysts are good. Fortune has nothing to do with our moral qualities and ethical imperatives.

There will definitely be people on the planet for whom you will be a destructor.

Therefore, when figuring out who is who, forget about the moral character of a person.

Indicator in action

1 exercise

Choose a free day. In the morning, ask yourself: “When will I go collect money?” Go at the time that comes to mind. Turn off your mobile phone. Start from a place that suits you. Set an alarm on your mobile phone for 1 hour. Walk and watch your step - collect change.

Count the collected coins and write down the result.

If you don’t find one, you have serious problems with yourself and the world. This is a very strong signal.