Equipment needed for oxygen. Business on oxygen cocktails. How to open an oxygen bar? What equipment to choose for making an oxygen cocktail

An oxygen cocktail is a drink that not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also has a beneficial effect on the human body from a medical point of view. A device for preparing an oxygen cocktail is inexpensive, so you can use it to organize a profitable and low-cost business. Before offering people a new product, you need to find out for yourself why this drink is so good and will it be in demand among consumers?

  • What equipment to choose for making an oxygen cocktail?
  • Oxygen cocktail manufacturing technology
  • Ingredients for cooking
  • Methods for preparing an oxygen cocktail

Medical experts say that the entry of oxygen into the human body through drinking has a beneficial effect on it. By consuming it, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue and increase overall tone. It has been scientifically proven that 900 grams of cocktail can replace an hour-long walk through a coniferous forest. Undoubtedly, people who care about their health will not be able to pass by a retail outlet with a miraculous drink.

What equipment to choose for making an oxygen cocktail?

To prepare the drink, you need to purchase a domestic or imported apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail. It works easily, and almost anyone can prepare drinks. To organize a minibar you will need the following equipment:

  1. The main unit of the installation is the oxygen source. It is manufactured in two models available to the entrepreneur: an oxygen concentrator and an adjustable oxygen cylinder. There are also small portable cans that are more suitable for home use rather than for commercial purposes.
  2. Foaming device (oxygen mixer or cocktail mixer).

Concentrators are most often used for commercial beverage preparation. The device operates from a regular power supply and produces oxygen from the air. There is a more powerful source of air - a cylinder, which is equipped with a special reducer to regulate the rate of saturation of the drink with oxygen.

Oxygen cocktail manufacturing technology

A cocktail container is a container into which ingredients and an oxygen foaming composition are poured. Foam forms in it, and then the drink is poured directly into glasses. Sometimes such an oxygen apparatus (cocktailer) is replaced with a special mixer. Thanks to intensive mixing and the simultaneous supply of oxygen, thick and airy foam is obtained. This device, just like a cocktail maker, can be used to equip a point of sale. A tube with an aerator is a disposable device designed for a limited number of glasses of oxygen cocktail. This device is ineffective for commercial use.

When choosing a cocktail maker, you need to take into account that there is no big difference between domestic and imported models in terms of technical characteristics. The only difference can be in design. Imported ones look more respectable, which is why they are priced at 1-2 thousand dollars. Domestic analogues can be purchased for 12-17 thousand rubles. The cost of the devices depends on the volume of the container for mixing ingredients. The industry produces a cocktail maker for oxygen cocktails with a capacity of 3 to 10 liters.

All the delights of this drink

Ingredients for cooking

In order to prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you need to buy a machine and the components of the future drink:

  • Fruit juices and fruit drinks;
  • Herbal infusions;
  • Milk;
  • Purified water.

The last ingredient is used in the recipe for the classic oxygen cocktail. Water and oxygen are all its ingredients. Milk needs 2.5-5% fat content. All liquid components are loaded into the device not hot, preferably at room temperature.

Foaming compositions are purchased separately. There are separate series for each flavor of oxygen cocktail: “Pro2fi”, “Oxygen Country” and “Milko2” for milk-based drinks.

Methods for preparing an oxygen cocktail

Depending on which device is used, two methods of preparing the drink are used. We won’t talk about how to make an oxygen cocktail at home, since we are interested in mass preparation of the drink.

  1. Method No. 1 is used when an oxygen cocktail is used. The liquid ingredient is poured into the container and the composition is poured. All ingredients are loaded into a cocktail container and mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved. Then they are saturated with oxygen. This method is used in cases where you need to prepare many servings of cocktails. The device works almost without interruption.
  2. Method No. 2 is used when an oxygen mixer is available. Mixing the ingredients and supplying oxygen is carried out simultaneously. This method makes it possible to approach the preparation of each portion of the drink individually. In addition, the foam is thicker and denser than when using the first method.

You can sell an oxygen cocktail in several formats:

  • Stationary outlet selling drinks;
  • Cocktail bar;
  • Trade through a vending machine.

The first and third methods involve preparing and distributing the drink to the buyer, who will enjoy the cocktail in any place convenient for him. The second option is to arrange a minibar, with a counter and chairs for visitors. The costs of organizing such a business pay off in a few months. The preparation of this drink does not require special permits or a license. Officially, oxygen cocktails are not classified as medications.


Oxygen cocktails are health drinks invented by a Russian doctor in the 1970s. This unique product, actively consumed by people in relevant bars, has received international recognition as an effective medical remedy that promotes weight loss and improved sleep. Drinks based on fruit juice, enriched with oxygen, have a healing effect on the body of adults and children.

This product is especially relevant in regions with high levels of air pollution, in megalopolises and big cities, so the business of selling oxygen cocktails is very relevant. It is believed that such a new generation drink is equivalent to a three-hour walk in the forest.

It is worth basing a business on these cocktails in recreation areas and entertainment centers, where there are many children and vacationers. The ideal place to sell drinks would be a bar or club. In such establishments, the cocktail will take its rightful place among the desserts offered, because previously it was possible to try this health product only in sanatoriums and other health centers. Thanks to the pricing policy of restaurants, a portion of oxygen foam can be sold 2-3 times more expensive. Thanks to the foam, this dietary dish fills the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger.

Opening an oxygen business means supporting a healthy lifestyle for people. The cocktail is in great demand in business centers and fitness clubs; thanks to the invigorating effect of the drink, many office workers and athletes actively consume it. It provides oxygen to the muscles and enhances their contraction.

How to open a cocktail business: stages

Little competition and relatively small investments to open a bar make the business very promising.

Selecting a room

It is worth opening an oxygen bar in a room with high traffic and low rent. The choice is huge; it can be a small retail outlet in the hall of a cinema, a store, in front of the entrance to a park, in entertainment centers, etc. Finding such a room is not difficult - from 2 to 20 m² is enough. So, even in the center of Moscow, where most retail outlets are occupied, you can occupy a couple of meters of comfortable space.

Renting a small room will cost 20 thousand rubles per month, given the large flow of people, the funds will quickly pay for themselves. Shopping centers offer comfortable premises that you can furnish to your taste and hang themed paintings. In the worst case, you can make repairs, which will cost about 8 thousand rubles.


Basic equipment needed to open such a bar:

  • Oxygen Concentrator;
  • special mixer;
  • foaming agent;
  • cash machine.

The entire set with bags for creating foam can be bought for 30 thousand rubles.

Also included in the price (in thousands of rubles):

  • bar counter – 10;
  • table for equipment – ​​3.

High and comfortable chairs are sold complete with the bar counter.

Cocktail preparation technology: The filler is mixed with oxygen liquid using a mixer, the foam covering the glass retains oxygen there.


Behind the bar there should be a professional who can not only make a cocktail, but also serve it beautifully, and also tell customers about the benefits of this drink. You can find a good OJ by posting an ad on the Internet. Ideally, it is better to hire two OJs for shift work.

The service sector for preparing such cocktails is practically undeveloped in our country, but there are many who want to drink them. Therefore, you should try to prepare drinks according to the most interesting recipes and, if possible, send your OJ to training courses.

Business advertising

You can open a business selling these cocktails without stopping at market analysis. This niche is still free. For people who spend more than half of the day in offices, a great desire will be to improve their health with the help of these drinks. Young people are happy to try everything new and fashionable, but the older generation knows well the pleasant taste and benefits of cocktails since Soviet times, so they will also be happy to buy them. To ensure the success of your business, you can start with an advertising campaign.

Advertising can be distributed in the form of leaflets. Information about your bar can be distributed near educational institutions, large offices, shopping centers, schools, etc. Advertising will interest potential clients, and your services will be in demand from the very first days.

Advantages of business on oxygen cocktails

The advantage of this business is inexpensive equipment. To start a business, you need very little: investing in renovation of the premises, purchasing equipment and furniture. In addition to these funds, you should be prepared for monthly costs for renting premises and the bartender's salary.

The bar will initially sell approximately 45 glasses of drink per day, and over time the number of visitors will increase. The cost of one serving of cocktail is 9-10 rubles, they are sold for 70-90 rubles. The profit even with a minimum number of visitors will be 73,000 rubles. According to experts, the payback period for a business is from 4 to 6 months.

It should be taken into account that this business may develop and expand over time. Success depends on the resourcefulness of the entrepreneur; you can not only sell cocktails, but also offer oxygen inhalation services.

Lack of public awareness about the benefits of such cocktails can negatively affect business, so you must do everything to widely expand the benefits of the product you offer. You should tell customers that this is not only a pleasant-tasting and light drink, but also a health-improving liquid. The task of your employees should include educational work; they should talk about the usefulness of the cocktail. The success of your business largely depends on the politeness and neatness of your employees.

How to register a business?

First, you need to register as a state of emergency, and choose a taxation system, register a bartender. To conduct this business, permits from the SES are not required, since certified ingredients are used.

Purchasing ingredients for cocktails

Juices of various fruits are used as ingredients. The more flavors there are, the more people want to try the drinks. Cocktails are becoming popular precisely because they are prepared on the basis of natural juices, so you need to find a reliable supplier and enter into an agreement for regular supplies. You can even use homemade juices. To prepare one cocktail you need 30 ml of fruit juice, 5 ml of special syrup, and disposable tableware.

The target audience

The target audience of your business will be children, youth, athletes, as well as people leading a healthy lifestyle. Developing a business development strategy should focus on finding the ideal location, choosing the optimal opening hours and impeccably preparing cocktails.

A cozy cafe where people feel comfortable always attracts people. And healthy drinks enriched with oxygen will attract many more people. The preparation time for the product is approximately 5 minutes. The bar's specialty could be offering cocktails for different ages.

The big advantage of this business is that no certificates are needed to sell drinks. The purchased equipment is certified as household appliances.

Secrets of success

  • Don't skimp on purchasing a cocktail.
  • Install attractive equipment in a visible place.
  • Making it possible to clearly see the preparation of the drink.
  • The ability to create various, pleasant-tasting compositions.

Opening a business on these cocktails means providing oxygen therapy to everyone. Thanks to your work, people with seasonal allergies will have the opportunity to quickly recover, middle-aged people will be able to rejuvenate, and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and rheumatic diseases will be prevented.

The business of selling oxygen cocktails is a new, unoccupied niche that has just begun to develop. Thanks to the absence of fierce competition and low start-up costs, we can build our business and pay for it in literally three months, getting a lot of pleasure from the work done. Oxygen cocktails were consumed back in Soviet times in sanatoriums for the purpose of improving the health of the body. Many years have passed, but people have not stopped taking care of themselves, trying to look younger and more beautiful than usual, and our cocktails will help a potential client with this task. We will write a simple business plan for an oxygen bar, describe how to open it, where, what documents are needed for this and how much money will have to be spent at the initial stage of work. In addition, we will try to calculate the potential profit that you can get from your new business.

We need to analyze the market and decide how exactly we will organize our oxygen bar. The fact is that you can open two types of bars - a bar that sells drinks or a bar that sells oxygen inhalation services. The problem with the second option is that our population knows practically nothing about it and the income of the oxygen bar will be low due to low popularity. We will choose a bar that sells oxygen cocktails - the cocktails themselves are very attractive, if you make them beautifully, you won’t even need to spend money on advertising your product. In addition, we must not forget that this is not just a cocktail, but a health-improving liquid - it not only quenches thirst, but also brings many benefits to the body. Remember these words, we will use them again when we make advertising leaflets.

We recommend reading:

How to open an oxygen bar: renting premises

You probably already know where to open an oxygen bar - the criteria for choosing a premises are no different from any other bar. We need to find a small space with low rent and high traffic. The best places for this are cinemas, shopping centers, shops near large educational institutions, and parks. The choice is actually huge and this will allow us to find the cheapest and most suitable place without much effort. You shouldn’t spend money on having a specialist find you a room - using the Internet, you can do it yourself without paying 20 thousand rubles.

In the center of Moscow, most shopping centers are already occupied, but you can still find a good place to open an oxygen bar. A small premises will cost us 30 thousand rubles per month, this is not a very large amount, given the huge flow of potential clients. The premises do not even have to be renovated - tenants of large shopping centers rent out normal premises suitable for working with clients. We just need to improve this room a little, hang a few paintings, maybe put some flowers. All this will have a positive effect on the client. Additional repairs will cost us 8 thousand rubles.

Oxygen bar business plan: purchasing equipment

At the beginning of the article, we already said that an oxygen bar does not require expensive equipment and this is absolutely true. First, we need to purchase an oxygen concentrator that will saturate the liquid with oxygen. You can find many Internet resources selling such devices from abroad at a price of 12-20 thousand dollars, but we recommend buying our domestic concentrator. The fact is that in terms of build quality and operating time, foreign machines do not differ from ours at all, the only difference is in the design of the case - American and Italian ones look much more beautiful, but is this important? The client will not see the hub anyway, why pay ten thousand dollars more for an unnecessary function. A small oxygen bar should buy a small 5 liter concentrator. This is enough to serve everyone with quality products and at the same time you will not have unused capacity.

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In addition to the concentrator, we also need an oxygen mixer and a foaming agent. The mixer mixes the filler with oxygen liquid, and covers the top of the glass with foam so that oxygen does not leave the liquid. Now you can easily buy a whole kit for making cocktails for 30 thousand rubles, it even contains bags for making foam. We will also write this down in the costs of the oxygen bar. Unfortunately, our expenses do not end there.

A small oxygen bar needs a bar counter and a table to accommodate all the equipment. The simplest small bar counter will cost us 10 thousand rubles, the table will be much cheaper - 3 thousand rubles. By the way, the set with the bar counter also includes chairs - a good way to retain the client and communicate, talk about promotions and features of the oxygen bar. Although, most clients will simply buy a cocktail and go about their business.

You can't put an ordinary salesman behind a bar counter for the reason that he won't be able to make a normal oxygen cocktail and will simply scare away all the customers. For this position, you need to recruit only professionals who have already been trained and know how to make cocktails, how to operate the equipment, and who can tell visitors about all the benefits of this drink. Finding a good oxyj is not difficult - there are a lot of professionals on the Internet looking for work and not demanding high wages. It is best to hire a nice-looking girl, she will work better with clients. The salary will be 20 thousand rubles per month.

This service sector is still poorly developed in our country, but many people in the world have been drinking oxygen cocktails for a long time, this niche has its own fashion, its own trends. You need to follow the global fashion for cocktails, try to keep up with the times and, if necessary, send your oxyjay to advanced training. The price of such courses can reach 5 thousand rubles, but we don’t need it yet.

We recommend reading:

Business plan for an oxygen bar: advertising ourselves

We don't need to analyze the market to identify potential clients for our bar. Young people, whose desire to try something new sometimes borders on madness, workers in offices and other enclosed spaces, for whom oxygen deprivation is the norm. The older generation will also not mind trying to improve their health with an inexpensive cocktail. Once you have decided on your target audience, you can begin your advertising campaign.

Handing out leaflets is a great way to tell clients about yourself. Hand out flyers with information about your bar near large offices during lunch breaks, near universities, right next to the shopping center where you work. People will be interested and learn about you, and this is the main thing in business. When they know about you and want to try your services, the income of the oxygen bar will increase on its own.

Don’t forget about advertising on the Internet - this is an important part of our work. Constantly talk about yourself, make promotional posts, talk about promotions and discount coupons. Even if ten people respond to your advertising post, it’s still money and profit.

We recommend reading:

Oxygen bar business plan: expenses and income

The advantage of an oxygen bar is that the equipment is not expensive. One-time expenses amount to 30 thousand for the purchase of equipment, 8 thousand rubles for cosmetic repairs of the premises and 13 thousand rubles for the purchase of furniture. In general, it will be 51 thousand rubles for the enterprise’s strategy. The expenses of the oxygen bar do not end there - we also need to pay for the rent of premises in the sales area, it costs 30 thousand rubles per month, and the salary of a professional oxygen jew is 20 thousand rubles. Operating costs amount to 50 thousand per month, our task is to recoup at least them.

On average, a new outlet can sell 40 cocktails per day. When there is a permanent audience, this figure will double. The cost of preparing one cocktail is 9-10 rubles, while the price in Moscow for an oxygen cocktail is 70-90 rubles. We will calculate potential profit based on the minimum price. The cost of cocktails will be 10,800 rubles, the profit will be 84 thousand, hence the net profit will be 73,200 rubles. This is with a minimum number of visitors per day.

The business of producing and selling milkshakes is a small but consistently profitable business. It also attracts entrepreneurs with its high return on investment, despite its clearly seasonal nature - the main sales of the drink occur in the summer. If you correctly build a plan for implementing an idea, select an assortment and equipment for it, you can get a good source of small but stable income. The advantage of the direction is that the business can be started either from scratch or through the purchase of a franchise.

First steps to open a business

First of all, you should study the market in which you are going to work. Walk around the area where you plan to open a business, study the number of similar outlets, their range, and pricing policy. Don't be afraid of big competition. The niche is interesting because even in a densely competitive environment you can find something that will set you apart from the crowd. These can be cocktails with different tastes, original presentation, additional services, etc. But to find your chip, you need to know what others are offering.

Having decided on the direction, you can register the enterprise. Since the business is small, aimed at retail sales, it is quite possible to get by with registering an individual entrepreneur. It will cost only 800 rubles. state duty. The paperwork process itself will take no more than five working days.

As for the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological station, it does not require certificates for equipment. But you can easily ask the seller for a health certificate. Therefore, it is better to arrange it in advance.

When registering, it is recommended to switch to a simplified taxation system, which will allow you to conduct your own accounting. Also, when registering a business, you must indicate OKVED 56.10.19 Other catering services.

Business format

The choice of sales format largely determines how you can level out the seasonality factor. The highest sales of milkshakes are observed in the summer, so many people decide to stick to street sales. Indeed, a device installed in a busy place near recreation parks, entertainment centers, and cinemas brings significant income. But only from late spring to early autumn. During the rest of the year, sales occur only if production is moved to shopping or entertainment centers or cinemas.

But, firstly, the rental price per square meter is much higher there. Secondly, as the season approaches, finding a free place becomes more difficult. Initially, placing a point of sale of milkshakes in a shopping center is unprofitable - in the summer the sales plan there cannot be met.

To somehow even out the situation, you can organize exclusively the production of milkshakes, and sell them through various cafes. In this case, you no longer need to organize a retail outlet; therefore, there is no need for rental costs and paperwork for sale.

If you are interested in business solely as an ancillary business, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a summer point of sale on the street.


The advantage of the business is that the required equipment does not take up much space. As a rule, a retail outlet can quite comfortably fit into an area of ​​1.5-3 square meters. depending on what range you will offer.

To organize the operation of a point selling milkshakes, you will at least need the following equipment:

  • mixer or freezer;
  • refrigeration unit;
  • optional equipment.

Any equipment of this type can be found both domestically and imported. Of course, by buying any domestic device, you can save a lot on starting funds. But you need to understand that you are losing a lot in productivity. For example, a domestic mixer whips up a portion of a drink in three minutes, but for an imported one, one is enough. When you have a high flow of visitors, this difference is very noticeable. In addition, domestic equipment breaks down more often.

Choosing a mixer

A mixer is a key device in making milkshakes. Your entire business depends on its quality and speed of preparing the drink. Domestic equipment with 12 thousand revolutions per minute, which prepares a drink in 3 minutes, costs an average of 5 thousand rubles.

The Italian mixer can not only whip up a milkshake in a minute, but is also capable of preparing three drinks at the same time. American equipment can operate at a speed of 20 thousand revolutions per minute. Moreover, its warranty period is 5-7 years. Such equipment costs from 12 thousand rubles. and higher depending on how many glasses the machine is designed for. By the way, even if you took equipment for one working cell, it is recommended to purchase a couple more glasses. This way you can prepare the necessary mixtures faster. The cost of one glass for an imported mixer is approximately 500 rubles.


Such equipment helps to fully automate the milkshake production process. Inside the device there is a built-in mixer and containers for feeding syrups. Depending on which button was pressed for preparation, a certain type of syrup is mixed into the milkshake. Standard freezer models can produce four different drinks simultaneously.

They also differ in the type of air saturation of the drink. This determines how shaken the cocktail will be. With natural air supply, it is whipped by a maximum of 40%, and with forced air, this figure can reach 100%. Another difference between a freezer and a mixer is that the latter prepares a drink at a temperature from 0 to -3 o C.

Accordingly, milk drinks prepared in a freezer differ in taste more favorably. They are richer in consistency and more like melted ice cream in both appearance and taste. That's why these cocktails are often called "soft-serve ice cream." But such equipment also costs a little more than a mixer. Depending on the model and manufacturer, its price starts from 15-20 thousand rubles. The productivity of the freezer starts from 2.5 kg per hour. But experts recommend taking it only if you manage to sell at least one hundred servings per day.

Raw materials for cooking

To prepare milkshakes using classic technology using a mixer, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk;
  • syrup;
  • ice cream.

It is advisable to purchase all this from wholesale suppliers. Ice cream and milk must be stored in refrigerators. For syrups, this condition is not necessary. By the way, you need to purchase syrups special for cocktails. They are sold in liter plastic bottles with a convenient dosage cap.

To prepare drinks in a freezer, you will have to include in your business plan the purchase of special dry milk mixtures and special syrups intended exclusively for the freezer.

The volume of purchases of raw materials is calculated based on the fact that for 300 milliliters of cocktail you need 7 grams of syrup, 15 grams of ice cream and 75 grams of milk. Please note that 2/3 of a glass of the finished drink is foam, so it is so important to have good equipment that can whip it to the desired consistency.

The most popular syrups are vanilla, chocolate and fruit.

Submission of services

As already mentioned, for a business to flourish, you need to find something to stand out from your competitors. First of all, you need to present a wide range of flavors. Usually the line is expanded to include fruit variety.

Pay attention to the container. You can come up with an original shape or color for cups, straws, lids, and accessories for them. To increase profitability, include related products in your sales plan: nuts, cookies, chewing gum, etc. A new trend in the range of cocktails is oxygen cocktails, the foam of which is formed using oxygen.

It is also possible to organize the serving of alcoholic cocktails, but this dramatically increases the number of requirements for the outlet. It should not be placed near educational institutions, children's institutions or places where children gather. You will also need to obtain a special license to sell alcoholic beverages. In addition, trade in such cocktails is strictly limited in time by law.

Point staff

At the start of a business, it is quite possible to do it on your own, preparing and selling cocktails yourself at your own point. But if you plan to open several locations and sell throughout the week, it is better to hire salespeople. For uninterrupted operation, it is better to have two salespeople at each point for shift work. Please note that each of them must have a health certificate. If the future seller does not have it, you are obliged to arrange it at your own expense.

Financial plan

A mandatory section that any business plan must contain is the financial plan of the enterprise. It calculates in detail all costs at the start and during the production process, and then compares them with estimated income. This way you can calculate the profitability of a future business.

Expenditure part

If we talk about expenses, the cost plan will look something like this:

Please note that the cost plan does not include salaries for cocktail vendors. It is usually formed from an agreed percentage of daily revenue.

Revenue part

The revenue plan is formed based on the estimated sales volume. According to statistics, in the summer, a day at a busy outlet, the sales plan can be set to approximately 250 servings of milkshake. The cost of one regular 300 ml serving is on average 35 rubles, half a liter – 50 rubles. In this case, the markup on the drink is no less than 200%. As for soft ice cream (a cocktail prepared in a freezer), its cost is 3.5 rubles. and it is sold at a premium of about 100%. But the final cost of the product depends on the sales region.

After making all the necessary payments and deducting the cost of raw materials, the profit, according to various estimates, can be from 200 thousand rubles. per month up to a million rubles. It all depends on where the point is located and what additional services you offer there.

Evaluating the indicators that the financial plan demonstrates, we can say that the business will pay off in about a year or a little more.

Conditions for business success

Of course, the success of a business depends on many factors, but there are additional specific factors that will ensure the success of sales of milkshakes. These include the following:

  1. Consistent high quality drink. In no case should you skimp on equipment and ingredients that ensure the taste and quality of the drink. After all, it is for the sake of taste that customers come to you. Therefore, equipment and raw materials must be of the highest quality, ingredients added exactly according to technology.
  2. Constantly expand your range. Competition in this area is quite high, so you constantly need to keep customers’ attention at your point. But we must take into account that buyers are quite conservative when it comes to cocktail tastes. Chocolate, vanilla and fruit flavors are always the most popular. Of the latter, banana, strawberry and raspberry are most often taken. It is better to take exotics in small quantities, checking the preferences of clients. It is recommended to expand the range by offering additional products. For example, oxygen cocktails, freshly squeezed juices, ice cream and more.
  3. Some experts recommend turning serving the drink into a show. This means not only offering it in an original glass and with an unusual straw, but also making the cooking process itself exciting, for which people will come back to you again.

Opening an oxygen bar (cocktail bar) is a very promising business idea: the costs of purchasing equipment, raw materials, dishes, furniture and renting premises are minimal, high profitability, quick payback, low competition


The most attractive places to install an oxygen bar are:

  • shopping centers
  • office centers
  • sport complexes
  • educational institutions
  • recreation and entertainment parks
  • places of city celebrations
  • embankments and beaches

Necessary equipment

To prepare an oxygen cocktail, you must purchase the following set of equipment:

  • Hub. Separates oxygen from air.
  • Mixer (cocktailer) Mixes the base of the cocktail with oxygen, and also beats the foaming agent - a special powder that is added to the drink and is the basis of the airy foam.
  • Trade equipment (counter, chairs)

To purchase the above equipment, 50-60 thousand rubles are enough.

In addition to the equipment, you need to purchase the ingredients for making cocktails:

  • Packaged or natural juice - cherry, apple, grapes or pear;
  • Herbal decoction (you will have to prepare it yourself) based on chamomile, mint, hawthorn, sage, rose hips, St. John's wort.
  • The foaming agent can be replaced with chicken protein, gelatin or licorice root infusion. These ingredients will cost you much less, but they will give the cocktail a specific aroma and taste that few consumers will appreciate

The larger the range of flavors and bases you offer, the more consumers you will be interested in, which will directly affect your revenue.

You can find various options for oxygen concentrators in the section equipment for an oxygen bar.

Feasibility study of activities

* All calculations are made for a city with a population of 280,000 people

Capital expenditures:

Costs for the purchase of equipment, raw materials - 70 thousand rubles.

General expenses:

  • Rent of premises in a shopping center (12 sq.m.) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Salary (2 salesmen, work in shifts, two after two) - 30,000 rubles
  • Replacement of filters, consumables - 5,000 rubles

Cost of making one cocktail:

  • 50 ml of juice or herbal decoction = 2.5 rubles (cost of one liter of juice = 50 rubles)
  • Licorice root infusion or foaming agent = 20 kopecks or 4 rubles
  • Disposable cup and spoon = 1.5 rubles
  • Total costs = 4.2 rubles based on licorice or 8 rubles based on a foaming agent.
  • Retail price for 1 oxygen cocktail is 70 rubles.

Profit calculation

Monthly income amount: 55800 rubles
Cost of 1 cocktail: 8 rubles
Retail price for 1 oxygen cocktail: 70 rubles
Net profit from the sale of 1 cocktail:
Average daily sales rate: 30 cocktails
Daily income: 1860 rubles
Total monthly expenses: 45,000 rubles
Rent: 10,000 rubles
Salary: 30,000 rubles;
Maintenance: 5,000 rubles
Net monthly profit 10800 rubles

Here is a calculation based on very low demand: only 30 cocktails per day. With a more optimistic approach of 48 cocktails per day (1 cocktail per 10 minutes during an 8-hour working day), the net profit will be 44,280 rubles.

For fun, let’s see at what sales rates per day what net profit per month can be obtained.

Number of sales points
Number of cocktails per day1 2 3
22 -4080 -8160 -12240
24 -360 -720 -1080
26 3360 6720 10080
28 7080 14160 21240
30 10800 21600 32400
32 14520 29040 43560
34 18240 36480 54720
36 21960 43920 65880
38 25680 51360 77040
40 29400 58800 88200
42 33120 66240 99360
44 36840 73680 110520
46 40560 81120 121680
48 44280 88560 132840
50 48000 96000 144000
52 51720 103440 155160
54 55440 110880 166320
56 59160 118320 177480
58 62880 125760 188640
60 66600 133200 199800

As can be seen from the table, the break-even point is located at approximately 26 cocktails. This means that if you sell less than 26 cocktails per day, you are losing profit. Based on these data, it is clearly visible how important sales volume is.

In the table above you can also see profit margins from business scaling. With three retail outlets, very interesting numbers already begin.