Veterinarian resume sample. Veterinarian resume sample. Professional skills of a veterinarian

We will create the right resume for a veterinarian to stand out from the applicants and attract the attention of the employer. Let's look at the main veterinary vacancies using examples and fill in the key fields of the resume.

Veterinarian – has a secondary or higher medical education, specializes in treating animals and preventing the transmission of animal disease to humans. Checks the serviceability and maintains equipment used during work. Often works in a team with other doctors, monitoring the quality of distributed products and livestock products.

Functional responsibilities of a veterinarian:

  • Treat animals both in the clinic and at home when called by the client;
  • Collect and transport all materials necessary and used in the work;
  • Keep records and fill out various types of documentation;
  • Receive animals, provide assistance and advice in choosing the necessary product;
  • Carry out all required preventive measures, which include vaccination, castration, sterilization, teeth cleaning and even haircut.

General requirements for a veterinarian:

  • Availability of secondary or higher medical education;
  • Experience in the specialty is preferred. It is not required, but it will be much easier;
  • Skillful use of a computer to conduct paperwork;
  • Good knowledge of modern veterinary medicines, drugs and vaccines.

How to write a veterinarian resume

In any resume there are important components that need to be highlighted or described. The boss or recruiting manager will pay attention to them first. I will tell you how to correctly design such elements and arouse interest in your candidacy.

There is no such thing as a perfect resume! It is important to provide the information that the boss wants to see - in a way that is easy to understand.

Veterinarian without experience

They become veterinarians after completing their studies at a specialized educational institution. The focus must be chosen at the very beginning of training: to become a surgeon and perform operations or to be a traumatologist. But colleges and universities prepare students to work and care for farm animals; to treat pets, it is necessary to complete additional courses and include them in the resume.

Having a good education and completing qualification courses, it is not difficult to find a job even without experience. In your resume, indicate in-depth knowledge of chemistry and biology, for example in. Write in detail about the experience gained in practice.

Without work experience, you will have to start your career as an assistant veterinarian and in a few years become a full-fledged independent doctor.

Professional skills of a veterinarian

Every doctor must have professional skills. They will simplify the work, make it more valuable and bring pleasure to the client who brought the pet for examination.

  • Organization and control of mating, artificial insemination, diagnosis of animal pregnancy.
  • Computer and professional skills equipment (hydraulic control panel, Komarov disinfection unit, ultrasound machine and STP).
  • Ability to conduct outpatient visits and clinical examinations of animals, diagnose and treat, and select medications.
  • Skills in administering drugs to animals through the mouth, rectum, subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly, intravenously, intratracheally, into the abdominal cavity, by inhalation, through a milk catheter into the udder, through a nasoesophageal or oroesophageal tube into the stomach.
  • Skill in selecting materials and conducting allegorical research on glanders, tuberculosis, brucellosis and others (blood, urine).
  • Ability to maintain medical and zootechnical documentation.
  • Skill in surgical intervention (suturing and treating wounds, castrating males and females, stopping bleeding, opening abscesses, puncturing scars, applying sutures and bandages).
  • Experience in administering injections, placing IVs, catheters, drainage systems, restraining and tackling animals.
  • Knowledge of the peculiarities of keeping different types of animals.
  • Ability to carry out deworming, buying, and dusting of animals.
  • Knowledge of medical procedures: external wraps, compresses, enemas, douching.
  • Ability to prepare and administer dietary, vitamin and antibiotic medications.

Personal qualities of a veterinarian

For the profession, it is important to be attentive to detail and have a developed memory. Be a patient and friendly person, have strong hands to hold and secure animals. In your resume, indicate non-standard character traits:

  • The ability to quickly think through a situation and make smart decisions in difficult situations.
  • Courage and moderate self-confidence.
  • Complete dedication and commitment.
  • Boundless love for animals.
  • Integrity and cleanliness.
  • Traits of persistence, integrity and consistency.

Do you need knowledge of English?

Knowledge of a foreign language will allow you to work abroad and in high-quality clinics serving foreigners. This is more promising for, and the level of income will be significantly higher.

Knowledge of spoken English will greatly simplify the task of finding vacant positions in VIP clinics.

Sample resume for a veterinarian job

When writing your veterinarian resume, describe in detail your work experience, responsibilities in previous jobs and the skills you possess.

Click to open completed example


Moscow (ready for business trips)

Desired salary from 40000, full time



March 2018 – present (10 months)
Pig farm

  • Examination of animals, diagnosing diseases, researching the causes of diseases.
  • Application of veterinary drugs and control over the rational use of consumables.
  • Carrying out measures to prevent diseases and deaths of animals.
  • Maintaining veterinary accounting and reporting documentation and journals in the established form.

December 2017 – March 2018 (3 months)
Veterinary assistant
Veterinary clinic

  • Assisting during surgical procedures.
  • Examination of animals, performing injections, vaccinations, drawing blood, placing a catheter.
  • Registering visitors and maintaining documentation.
  • Care of animals in a hospital, disinfection of surgical instruments.


2017, full-time
Medical University
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Specialty: veterinarian

  • Veterinarian diploma.
  • Valid certificate.
  • Practice in the clinic (1 year).


2017, 3 days (1 year ago)
Veterinary Surgical Conference
The educational center


Foreign languages:
Russian – native, English – spoken

Computer skills:
Printing, scanning, copying documents, Internet, E-mail, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, 1C: Accounting, Consultant Plus.

Driving license (category): A, B, C, D

Your free time activities:
I read medical literature and write articles. I help homeless animals and go in for horseback riding.

Personal qualities:
Competent speech, organizational skills, team work, business communication, result orientation, creativity, balance, activity, ability to independently solve assigned tasks.

Veterinarian assistant resume

A veterinarian assistant is a universal employee; his main task is to simplify the work of a veterinarian. The assistant works in the treatment room, in hospitals with the functions of an x-ray technician, and in operating rooms.

Assistant responsibilities:

  • Perform tasks assigned by a veterinarian.
  • Maintaining cleanliness and order throughout the office.
  • Carrying out vaccinations and catheterizations.
  • Sterilization of instruments and cleaning of the premises.

Resume of the chief veterinarian

The chief veterinarian is the face and leader of the entire veterinary service. It organizes and carries out preventive and veterinary-sanitary measures to prevent diseases and increase the growth of healthy livestock and poultry, as well as improve the quality of diet and food products.

Responsibilities of the head physician:

  • Drawing up a plan of preventive and sanitary measures.
  • Monitoring compliance with established rules for keeping and feeding farm animals.
  • Maintain a log and provide a summary of work performance.
  • Purchase and write-off of veterinary drugs and consumables.
  • Motivation and personnel management.

Resume of a poultry farm veterinarian

Poultry farm veterinarian – checks the quality of poultry used at the enterprise, monitors the sanitary regime, makes diagnoses and reduces the number of deaths and defects of poultry.


  • Compliance and control of sanitary and veterinary requirements;
  • Maintaining accounting documentation;
  • Reception of live poultry to the enterprise;
  • Conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination of the resulting poultry carcass and its internal organs;
  • Culling of poultry if it does not meet quality standards.
  • Control of planting of young poultry.

Resume of a veterinarian in pig farming, cattle and small cattle

Cattle and small cattle ( large and small cattle) works on farms and treats cattle, plans farm operations and carries out measures to prevent the emergence of infectious diseases. He observes the implementation of hygienic rules when feeding and caring for animals.

A swine veterinarian has the same responsibilities as a cattle and small cattle veterinarian. Only he organizes veterinary services at pig breeding complexes, draws up plans for preventive measures and analyzes the causes of diseases in pigs.

  • Ante-mortem clinical examination
  • Post-mortem veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • Implementation of anti-epizootic measures;
  • Prevention and treatment of animal diseases;
  • Conducting clinical and surgical treatment of animals.
  • Functional hoof trimming, hoof trimming, treatment and prevention.
  • Placement of orthopedic blocks, monitoring of the herd (by degree of lameness and placement of limbs).

Resume of a veterinarian gynecologist

Veterinarian-gynecologist - takes care of the health of the reproductive organs of animals. It is extremely important for this doctor to have a perfect knowledge of anatomy, physiology and endocrinology in order to provide high-quality care.


  • Initial examination of the animal and determination of further actions;
  • Collection and analysis of necessary biomaterials;
  • Implementation of preventive measures to establish a diagnosis;
  • Carrying out surgical interventions.
  • Carrying out artificial insemination of animals and providing obstetric care.

Resume of a veterinarian in the laboratory

A veterinarian in the laboratory is a practical activity that requires precision and a theoretical basis. The laboratory technician conducts tests and is responsible for the veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials for suitability for food purposes.

  • Accepts materials submitted for research and ensures their safety.
  • Keeps records of raw material consumption and prepares documentation.
  • Carry out disinfection and sanitization of the workplace.
  • Sterilizes instruments and calculates test results.

Covering letter

In the letter, it is important to clearly, competently and honestly talk about your additional skills that are useful in your work and make the best possible impression on your future employer.

Hello ( write the name of the employer if known)!
My name is ( enter your First and Last Name).

I heard about your vacancy from a work colleague. I have six years of work experience as a chief veterinarian and recommendations, which you can find out about from my resume. My knowledge is current and improving, in my free time I regularly attend trainings and advanced training courses and try to keep abreast of news and innovations.

I will be glad to meet at any time to discuss any issues. Thank you for your time.

Director of a recruitment agency

8 years of experience in HR in companies with up to 2,000 employees. I went through thousands of resumes, hired and trained more than a hundred specialists and managers.

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of a veterinarian (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

There are two types of veterinarian resume templates:

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This sample veterinarian resume is practice-tested.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness.

If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a veterinarian. 4) Important things at the top.

What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates. 5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy.

To quickly find a good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample on how to write a veterinarian resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample veterinarian resume, click on the link below. Vet

is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents various diseases in animals, including cattle, as well as small domestic animals.

Requirements for a veterinarian

The main requirement put forward by employers is the availability of appropriate education in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” (the profession can be obtained at various agricultural institutes or universities).

If you are applying for a job as a veterinarian in a reputable private clinic, be prepared to be required to have experience working in relevant medical organizations.

Completing various advanced training courses and participating in scientific conferences, as well as publishing your own scientific articles on current issues in veterinary medicine is also a plus in favor of a candidate for a vacant position.

Love for animals and ability to handle them is another mandatory requirement. Be prepared that cats and dogs will have to be calmed at the appointment, and each animal has its own character and temperament, which should also be taken into account. This will help you easily conduct an examination and establish an accurate diagnosis.

A specialist who has to work with large animals must also have sufficient physical strength. Finally, a veterinarian is a specialist who must have a high sense of responsibility, as well as be attentive and patient.

The range of responsibilities of this specialist is quite wide. Here are the main job responsibilities of a veterinarian:

  1. treatment of various diseases in animals, including those of an inflammatory or infectious nature;
  2. determining the correct diagnosis using modern methods (including using instrumental and laboratory diagnostic techniques);
  3. preventive measures, as well as education of pet owners, consultations on pet care, feeding and hygiene procedures;
  4. participation in the examination of products of animal origin to confirm their safety and the possibility of further consumption;
  5. maintaining and filling out medical documentation, including reporting documents.

Thus, the list of responsibilities of this specialist is directly related to the treatment of various animals.

Additional information about the applicant

Please note: a rural veterinarian, as well as specialists in private clinics who travel to homes, often do not have a standardized schedule, which means you need to be ready to come to a sick animal at any time of the day.

A competent specialist can get a job not only in a veterinary clinic, but also in a laboratory where various vaccines are developed for intractable diseases. A veterinarian's salary depends on the place where he works, the number of working hours, work experience and locality.

Consultations on the treatment and reproduction of animals, appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, examination of animals and diagnosis of their diseases and injuries, monitoring of the implementation by animal owners of mandatory treatment and preventive measures within the time limits specified by instructions, guidelines, recommendations for keeping animals.

Veterinarian resume sample

Full Name
Kyiv, st. 12 applicants, apt. 45
tel. 777-7777
e-mail: [email protected]

Target: obtaining a position as a veterinarian

Experience: 2007-present - "…", veterinarian

    consultations on the treatment and reproduction of animals, appropriate maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements
    examination of animals and diagnosis of their diseases and injuries
    control over the implementation by animal owners of mandatory treatment and preventive measures within the time limits specified in the instructions, instructions, recommendations for keeping animals
    therapeutic and surgical treatment of animals
2003 – 2007 – “...”, veterinarian
    veterinary care for cattle and small animals
    control of product quality compliance (milk, meat and meat products) state. Standards
    carrying out a veterinary examination of meat at the slaughterhouse
    quality control of cattle feed and preparation of rations
    document flow of the farm
2002 - 2003 – “...”, assistant veterinarian
Education: 1997-2002 – National Agrarian University, veterinary, doctor of veterinary medicine

Knowledge and skills:

    organization and implementation of anti-epizootic measures, care and treatment.

    (name of institution, organization) APPROVED (full name, signature) "___" ______________ 200_ JOB DESCRIPTION OF A VETERINARY DOCTOR I. General provisions A veterinarian belongs to the category of specialists. Appointed to the position of veterinarian

    Surgical operations: castration of cats, dogs, pigs; stitching wounds, etc.
    therapy: treatment of food poisoning, parvovirus enteritis, gastrointestinal colic of various etiologies, maternity paresis, mastitis, COPD of horses and other diseases of the respiratory system, toxicosis of pregnant women, metabolic disorders, dermatitis, hoof diseases, etc.
    There are skills in performing all types of injections, installing IVs, drainage systems and catheters, as well as restraining animals.
    hygiene and feeding of animals, organization and control of mating of breeding animals, diagnosis of pregnancy.
    maintaining veterinary and zootechnical documentation.

Additional Information:
    English: Basic
    Computer skills: PC knowledge (Microsoft Office: WORD, Excel; Internet Explorer, Out look, The bat)
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