Certification levels for welders naks. Technological regulations for certification of welders Procedure for certification of naks

In order to determine how competent a person is at his job, there are numerous certifications. And welders are no exception. These workers need to pass NAKS certification, which will show their practical skills.

What it is?

NAKS certification is carried out in order to find out how well the welder is prepared for the work. Not only his theoretical knowledge is tested, but also his welding skills. And only after this the person is given the right to choose the object on which he will work.

Welder certification system , abbreviated SASv, presents a whole series of rules and requirements that are aimed at the process of examinations for qualification of welders and welding workers. These people are engaged in the manufacture, installation, and repair of various equipment and facilities that belong to the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

Who needs to be certified

This procedure is necessary pass to people who work in enterprises and are engaged in welding work. A person allowed to work must know all the rules for carrying out technical work, as well as the rules for the safe use of tools used during work.

For the exam for advanced training Welders allowed:

  • who has one that meets the technical requirements? welder category;

If a person wants to improve his qualifications on his own initiative, then he needs to have a fourth category.

  • Only people who have worked at the company for the required amount of time are allowed to take the exam;
  • a person who has in his hands certificate of completion of special courses in order to prepare for certification.

During the exam, the welder must demonstrate his theoretical and practical knowledge of his profession.

assigned the first level of training in the profession. Welders who have undergone training on their own can also take the exam, but the training was conducted according to a program approved by the state.

Welding skill levels

During the exam the following are determined: levels of professionalism:

  • first level of qualification– is a certified welder;
  • second level of qualification– is a certified master welder;
  • third level of qualification– is a certified welding technologist;
  • fourth level of qualification is a certified welding engineer.

In order to receive first level of qualification must have completed high school or junior high school. Specialists are trained in special vocational schools, or for special courses. For this purpose, programs approved by the state are used.

Second level qualification receive with basic secondary education or higher technical education. These specialists are trained in special institutions.

The level of qualifications is increased in special institutions where a special test is carried out for assignment third level qualification. The knowledge necessary for this can only be obtained by people who have graduated from institutions with a technical educational program.

Fourth qualification level welders receive only when they graduate from higher education institutions. Retraining is carried out by special commissions that test their knowledge and professionalism.

Moreover, each assigned level of qualification in no way cancels the professionalism that precedes it.

At the same time, they are allowed to engage only in the activities specified in the document confirming the specialist’s qualifications.

Types of certification

The welding exam is conducted to ensure that people who perform welding work have the right to do their job. In this case, welders have the right to perform welding melting method, which can be done either manually or mechanized or automated. The work is carried out at enterprises that are under the control of Rostekhnadzor.

The following are distinguished: types of exams:

  1. Initial check. This type is necessary for people who previously did not have certificates for one reason or another.
  2. Additional certification. It is taken by people who already have the necessary permission to work, but at the same time want to be able to perform additional welding work in addition to those specified in the previous certificate. This type of inspection is also carried out by people who, for some reason, have not performed welding work for more than six months.
  3. Periodic check. This type of check must be passed by all people who already have a permit to carry out work, but at the same time they need to extend the validity period of such a permit, that is, a welder’s certificate.
  4. Extraordinary certification. This type of test must be passed by people who were removed from welding work due to their negligent attitude towards their work, during which they violated the technology of performing the work and performed the work poorly.

After the exam is passed, the welder issue a certificate, according to which a person receives the right to engage in welding work. Also, in addition to the certificate, a protocol is issued, which was maintained by the NAKS commission. This exam is carried out directly at the NAKS production base or at points designated for testing.

To conduct the exam, a special commission is formed, which consists of professionals who have been assigned third, fourth and fifth qualification levels. But at the same time, they must undergo training and pass an exam that will give them the right to conduct exams.

What documents need to be provided?

In order for a welder to be allowed to take the exam, he needs to collect for the commission the following package of documents, without providing which he will not be allowed to take the exam at the National Welding Control Agency:

  • application for the exam. At the same time, fill it out according to a single template, which is provided for completion. The application is submitted in one copy;
  • a copy of the passport or ID that confirms the identity of the welder. Provided in one copy;
  • a copy of a document that confirms receipt of education in educational institutions where people receive technical education. The copy of the diploma must indicate the educational institution, time of graduation, profession and document number. This copy is needed only in one copy;
  • in addition, it is necessary to have a certificate from the place of work, which will indicate the experience of welding work at this enterprise. The certificate must be certified by the HR department with a seal. Served in one copy;
  • a copy of the document indicating the requalification of the welder for this profession. The document is issued when a person does not have a welder’s education. This must be a certificate or diploma, indicating the time of completion of training, as well as the number of the document itself;
  • a copy of the protocol that was issued to a person during testing of his knowledge of the safety rules established by Rostekhnadzor, and at the same time they apply to those enterprises whose employees are sent to pass exams. The document is submitted in one copy;
  • photographs of a person undergoing certification. Acceptable size is 3x4. required quantity – 2 pieces.

How to get verified. Rules

During the inspection at NAKS two exams are taken, which include a test of general knowledge and a specialty exam, which includes a practical lesson.

Welders who have graduated from higher educational institutions and are still working in their specialty do not need to take this exam.

During certification for permission to perform work need to pass a general exam. And all workers do this without exception. At the same time, they undergo certification only for three groups of dangerous technical devices. And besides, each of these groups is given separate attention. And the worker needs to show his knowledge in special exams.

The general exam asks at least thirty questions, while on special – no more than twenty. In this case, all questions relate to the specialty of the person being certified. This procedure is passed in writing in the form of tests or using a computer. If the need arises, additional testing is carried out.

In the case when a person answers most of the questions, which is at least eighty percent, and successfully passes practical work and successfully answers additional questions, he receives certification.

In the event that the verification has not been completed, it can be taken within six months from the date of the first exam. But such a retake is carried out only after one month.

Validity period of the certificate

People who are engaged in welding work and have passed certification receive special certificates. The validity period of this document depends on the qualifications of the specialist. For people who have passed the initial certification, a document is issued that is valid no more than two years. Specialists of the second and third qualification levels are issued a document for three years. For people of the fourth level of qualification the document is valid at least five years.

The level of professional training of personnel affects the quality of products.

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Basic moments

Product characteristics depend on knowledge, practical experience and skills:

  • welder;
  • master welder;
  • welding technologist;
  • welding engineer.

Assessing the knowledge and skills of the workforce allows us to achieve an increase in the quality of work.

What it is

Certification of a welding specialist helps:

  1. Determine the degree of practical and theoretical training.
  2. Check whether there is enough knowledge and experience to engage in this activity.
  3. Provide a legal right to continue working at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

Welding work is called spraying, surfacing, welding, soldering and cutting of metal. Welding is carried out in the following ways:

  • manually;
  • melting;
  • automated;
  • semi-automatic.

All those engaged in these types of work are required to have access to carry them out. The assessment is carried out by authorized certification centers. The exams are accepted by the certification commission.

It includes high-level welding masters. They have enormous practical knowledge and have been appropriately assessed to work in such bodies.

The assessment group consists of representatives of the federal supervisory service:

  • atomic;
  • environmental;
  • technological.

The first level of qualification is received by the worker:

The enterprise carries out special training of workers in advance using programs ratified by Rostechnadzor. The specifics of production must be taken into account.

  1. Welding equipment.
  2. Materials used.
  3. Technology of connecting parts.
  4. Quality control of welds.
  5. Defects, ways to eliminate them.
  6. Safety regulations.

Upon completion of the assessment, the specialist receives a qualification certificate. The document contains a list of specific jobs to which a person is allowed.

For what purpose is it carried out?

The main purpose of certification is to confirm the presence of the required level of qualification of a worker to carry out welding work.

Inspection helps reduce the statistics of safety violations at work and improve the quality of work performed.

Legal grounds

The assessment of the qualifications of employees involved in welding work is carried out in accordance with Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 36 dated June 25, 2002.

Specific instructions are provided for individual industries:

Features of the process at the enterprise and in organizations

There are various types of welding. Each enterprise has its own specific activities. Certification of workers is carried out taking into account specific areas of development of the organization.

Types of procedure

Certification of welders is:

Which document outlines the procedure?

When conducting certification of welders, enterprises are guided by: There are clear instructions for its implementation.


The frequency of assessment is determined by the management of the organization:

  1. Periodic certification is carried out once every two years.
  2. Additional certification is required when changes are made to the current legislation.

Application from the management of the enterprise for certification

Having decided on the need to assess the knowledge and skills of its employees, the management of the organization submits to the relevant authority indicating the following information:

Organization data Name, legal and postal address, contact phone number, fax
Information about the certified employee Full name, year of birth, work experience in the profession, education, qualification category (OKZ), level of training
Assessment requirements Type of certification, name of welding objects, code and welding method, which group the material being welded belongs to, type of parts, type of seam, thickness and diameter of products
Regulatory documentation for control

The application must be certified by the head of the enterprise. The document is published in two copies (one for the certification commission, the other for the storage of the organization).

Topics for the theory exam

Special and general examinations are conducted in writing. Sometimes the worker undergoes an additional interview.

It is important to have a good understanding of the following topics:

  1. Equipment, methods of welding.
  2. Type of material, welding features.
  3. Everything about welded structures, including seam designations on drawings.
  4. Type of objects, welding technique, possible defects.
  5. Safety precautions.

The specialist must answer 80% of the questions asked about tickets. Then he goes through this verification stage.

Order of conduct

The regulations for the certification of welders are set out in detail in paragraph 1 of the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 36 dated June 25, 2002.

Technological regulations:

The employer sends an application With the stated requirements to the certification center. Some cases allow the employee to self-report
The welder will have to pass three types of exams General, special, practical. Persons with special education in welding are exempt from undergoing a general inspection.
Practical testing is considered the main one This is where the assessment begins. If a person does not pass it, there is no point in continuing the exam.
Practical tests They are carried out separately for each type of metal, type of product, and welding method. The upcoming human activity in the enterprise is taken into account
During practical tests Only serviceable equipment is used. All parts of welded products are marked by a member of the certification commission. The mark must be registered in a special journal
The practical part of the exam may be interrupted If the certified person violated safety regulations, amendments to his work were required several times
If, when checking a control sample, non-compliance with established standards is found And the reason is not the qualifications of the employee, then he is given the opportunity to complete another sample
Knowledge of the theoretical fundamentals of welding Tested for general inspection. Questions on specific welding methods are asked in a special exam. The total number of questions must be more than 100
The welder will receive a qualification document When all stages are successfully completed and the qualification commission issues a protocol
If a specialist cannot immediately pass all theoretical exams But if he successfully passes the practical test, he will be given the opportunity to retake it within a year. This will require an additional application. If the worker fails this time too, the previous results will not be counted.

What documents are used to document the results (certificate)

The decision of the certification commission is stated in the form of a protocol. The document is drawn up for each certified participant, separately for all types of welding.

Attached are papers relating to the research being carried out. This could be quality control of a product sample. The protocol is drawn up in two copies.

It is signed by all members of the qualification commission, the chairman, and a representative of Gosgortekhnadzor.

Then it is affixed with the seal of the certification center and the personal signature of its director. One copy remains in the center, the other is transferred to the enterprise.

Example of protocol design

The decision of the qualification commission is formalized as follows:

Centered Document's name
Below Full name of the certification center
On the right side Personal signature of the head of the institution. Its transcript
Next line Event date
Committee composition Each participant: full name, qualification level. Including the chairman and representative of the State Supervision Service of the Russian Federation (the position is additionally indicated)
Type of certification
Information about the certified welder Which was submitted by the head of the enterprise in the application for assessment
Below Requirements made by the applicant organization for welding work, full characteristics of the materials used
Quality Control Information The normative document used. Data on the quality of the manufactured part. For various types of control. It is worth indicating the result obtained and providing the act number
Assessment of practical skills And knowledge of theory for each exam separately. Words used: satisfactory, unsatisfactory
Commission conclusion Qualification level of the person being certified. What types of welding are allowed? Detailed description - type of parts, welding method, type of seams, thickness and diameter of parts, position during the process, type of connection

The document must be signed by all participants.

Welder's certificate

If a worker receives “satisfactory” at all stages of the assessment, the certification center issues him a qualification certificate.

Which certificate is issued determines the welding method. The color of the title page indicates acceptable materials:

After additional certification, only an insert for an existing document is issued. The validity period of the insert is the same as the main ID.

To restore an expired document, the following documents are submitted to the certification center:

  1. Petition from the management of the enterprise where the welder works.
  2. Technical control documents on the quality of work performed by the applicant.
  3. Admission from the medical commission.

The decision of the certification center may be:

The validity period of the certificate can only be extended two times.

Application to determine the skills of a welding specialist

The management of the enterprise, sending a welding production specialist for recertification, submits a corresponding application to the certification center.

The form for filling it out does not differ from the one used to submit a regular welder for qualification assessment. The theoretical part of the exam covers the same questions.

The specialist must know and be able to

The legislation establishes the requirements for welding shop foremen.

A second-level professional must be able to:

  1. Provide instructions to subordinates.
  2. Monitor the progress of work.
  3. Ensure compliance with safety regulations in the workplace.
  4. Read the drawings.
  5. Ensure that welding equipment is in working condition.
  6. Provide high-quality connections of parts.

A third level specialist is expected to know:

  1. Equipment.
  2. Welding methods.
  3. Basics of electrical engineering.
  4. Welding technologies.
  5. Metal soldering methods.
  6. Soldering technologies.
  7. Characteristics of the metal.
  8. Principles of iron processing.
  9. Fundamentals of the science of strength.
  10. Industrial sanitation.
  11. GOST.

A third level specialist must be able to:

  1. Organize the work of welders.
  2. Conduct technical supervision.
  3. Develop projects for assembly, welding, installation of connected structures.
  4. Maintain accounting documentation.
  5. Select materials, equipment, devices.
  6. Ensure mechanization of work.

A Level 4 professional is expected to know:

  1. Welding equipment.
  2. Terms used to define compounds.
  3. Gas welding methods.
  4. Basics of electrical engineering.
  5. Electric arc regulation.
  6. The operating principle of power sources used for fusion welding.
  7. Making connections.
  8. Submerged arc welding.
  9. Fusion joints in various positions.
  10. Welding cast iron and plastic parts.
  11. Contact welding.
  12. Heat treatment.
  13. Connections of materials of different characteristics.
  14. Metal corrosion.
  15. Rules for calculating connections.
  16. Quality control of structures.

A fourth level professional must be able to:

  1. Select the welding method and device.
  2. Compile technical design assignments.
  3. Organize certification of welding workers.

Rules for certification of welders and welding production specialists, approved by Rostechnadzor

Assessment of the qualifications of specialists in organizing and carrying out welding work occurs in accordance with the provisions of the Russian Federation.



Certification of welders in Russia is carried out differently at all enterprises. It depends on the direction of the organization’s activities, the materials used in production, and the type of welding used.

Nuances on railway transport

Certification of welders involved in the reconstruction, installation, and repair of railway facilities is carried out according to the rules approved by.

Qualification committees can be temporary or permanent at enterprises owned by JSC Russian Railways.

The evaluation committee must include:

  • welding technologist;
  • welding engineer;
  • Chief Engineer;
  • specialist responsible for personnel training;
  • head of technical department responsible for welding technology;
  • mobile stock receiver;
  • occupational safety engineer;
  • Quality Control Department representative.

Responsibility for compliance with all the nuances associated with the certification falls on the chief engineer or manager.

Features of the qualification assessment:

  1. The welder cannot be less than eighteen years old.
  2. If a welder has transferred from another organization and has a valid certificate to perform the necessary work, he is exempt from undergoing primary certification.
  3. When a welder has experience in manual welding, this period is taken into account when certifying welding technology.
  4. The commission's work schedule is approved by the head of the organization.
  5. By order of the supervisor, the welder is sent for retraining.
  6. When conducting theoretical tests, the persons listed above must be present.
  7. Certified persons are notified of the planned event two weeks before its start.
  8. Theoretical training is carried out by specialists with special education in welding.

When should you undergo additional

Persons who have passed the initial qualification assessment are allowed to undergo additional certification. This gives them the opportunity to gain access to new types of welding work.

Also, additional exams are required if the welder has not performed an approved type of welding for more than six months.

Which certification of a welder is considered extraordinary is determined by the relevant acts. It becomes necessary when the welder repeatedly violates safety regulations.

If welding equipment

SASv establishes four levels of professional training:

Level I - certified welder;

Level II - certified master welder;

Level III - certified welding technologist;

Level IV - certified welding engineer.

Assignment of a level does not cancel the assigned qualification category according to the current system according to the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKZ 016-94).

Certification of welders is carried out by testing their practical skills and theoretical knowledge in accordance with the type of welding for which he is certified and the direction of his production activity (group or name of technical devices that are welded by a welder in production, type of work performed - manufacturing, installation, repair) .

After certification, the welder is assigned level I of professional training (certified welder).

Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

Primary Certification is carried out by welders who have not previously had access to welding and/or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of connections of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. During the initial certification, welders pass exams.

For welders, the primary certification is considered to be the first one, which they undergo upon expiration of the old-style certification certificate.

Primary training of welders in safe labor methods and techniques, including those permitted to perform gas-hazardous welding work, must be carried out in accredited organizations (divisions of organizations) engaged in training personnel in the field of activity that is subject to the requirements of Safety Rules PB 12-529-03.

Additional Welders who have passed the initial certification undergo certification before they are allowed to perform welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in performing welding work specified in their certification certificates. During additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

Periodic All welders undergo certification in order to extend the specified validity period of their certification certificates for performing the relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

Extraordinary Welders must undergo certification before they are allowed to perform welding after their temporary suspension from work for violation of welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

OR - passing exams: - practical, general and special - during primary and extraordinary certifications; - practical and special with additional and periodic certifications.

Certification of welders begins with a practical exam. If a welder does not pass the practical exam, then he is not allowed to take further exams and is considered to have failed the certification. A welder can be re-certified after additional practical training no earlier than 1 month.

If the welder has passed only the practical and one of the theoretical exams, then he is allowed to retake the failed exam on a previously submitted application within six months from the date of the first exam, but not earlier than a month after passing the exams. If you fail again, all previously passed exams during certification are not counted, the welder is considered to have failed certification and is allowed to participate in the certification procedure only after additional theoretical and practical training with the preparation of a new application.

At the general exam, the welder is asked 20 questions on the theoretical foundations of welding, and at the special exam, at least 15 randomly selected questions in accordance with the type (method) of welding (surfacing) for which he is certified and the direction of his production activity. The selection of questions is carried out by the certification commission based on collections of exam questions for general and special exams. Each collection must contain at least 100 questions.

General and special examinations are carried out in written form or using a computer. By decision of the examination committee, an additional interview may be conducted with the certified person.

A welder is considered to have passed the general and special exams if he correctly answered at least 80% of the questions asked to him in each of the exams, taking into account the results of the interview.

A welder is considered certified upon successful passing of theoretical and practical exams.

Certification of welders is carried out separately according to the following types (methods) of welding (surfacing) for metals:

RD - manual arc welding with coated electrodes (111);

G - gas welding (311);

RAD - manual argon arc welding with non-consumable electrode (141), etc.

The ISO 4063 welding method code is indicated in parentheses.

When certifying for welding of metal structures, welders perform welding of butt - SSh (BW) and/or fillet - USH (FW) welds of control connections of parts of the following types: sheets - L (R), pipes - T (T), rods S (S) and their combinations (L + T, L + S, T + S) in the following types of joints: butt (S), tee (T), corner (U) and lap (N).

The following types: butt:

Without cutting edges - SB (BW)

With single-sided edge preparation - CV

With double-sided edge cutting - CX

Control welded joints performed during certification for fusion welding of metals are divided into the following types:

Welded connections made on one side (one-sided welding) - os (ss) and on both sides (double-sided welding) - ds (bs);

Welded joints made on a removable or remaining lining, backing ring - sp (mb) and without a lining (in weight) - bp (nb);

Welded joints made with stripping of the weld root - zk (gg), without stripping the weld root - bz (ng).

For welding control welded joints, filler materials (electrodes, welding wire, tape, flux, gases, etc.) should be used, regulated by regulatory documents for welding by a specific method of connections from a specific group of base material or a specific combination of base materials of different groups.

Metal coated electrodes for manual arc welding are divided into electrodes based on the type of coating:

A (A) - with an acidic coating;

B (V) - with main coating;

C (C) - with cellulose coating;

P (R) - with rutile coating;

PA (RA) - with acid-rutile coating;

RB (RB) - with rutile-base coating;

RC (RC) - with rutile-cellulose coating;

P (S) - with other types of coatings


1. Designations of types of electrode coatings are given according to GOST 9466.

2. The code for the type of electrode coating according to ISO 2560 is given in parentheses.

During the practical exam, the welder must perform control welded joints that are of the same type as production ones in diameter and thickness, in accordance with the application for certification.

The positions of the control welded joints during the practical exam must correspond to those in which the welder will perform production welded joints (surfacing).

The following conventions for welding positions are accepted:

H1 (RA) - lower butt and “boat”;

H2 (РВ) - lower tee;

G (PC) - horizontal;

Ш (RE) - ceiling butt;

P2 (PD) - ceiling T-bar;

Bl (PF) - vertical from bottom to top;

B2 (PG) - vertical from top to bottom;

H45 (H-L045) - inclined at an angle of 45 degrees.

Lower (ceiling) position - the plane in which the seam of the control welded joint is located is at an angle of (0-10) degrees with respect to the horizontal plane.

Vertical position - the plane in which the seam of the control welded joint is located is at an angle of 90 ± 10 degrees with respect to the horizontal plane.

Inclined position at an angle of 45 degrees - the plane in which the seam of the control joint is located is at an angle of 45 ± 10 degrees with respect to the horizontal plane.

Positions B1 or B2 refer to welding pipes with a longitudinal axis tilt of ± 20 degrees.

The types of control welded joints (surfacing) performed by the welder during certification are determined by the certification commission, taking into account the application for certification.

When welding a control welded joint (surfacing), the welder must fulfill all the requirements of the process map. Process maps can be developed for a group of similar welded joints or for specific welded joints.

The possibility of using control welded joints of a different type and/or size is determined by the certification commission.

The number of control welded joints from pipes must be at least 5 pieces. with an outer diameter of pipes up to 25 mm (if it is necessary to weld several samples of different diameters, the total number of samples must be at least 5 pieces and at least 2 pieces of each diameter); at least 2 pcs. for pipe diameters over 25 to 100 mm, at least 1 pc. for pipe diameters over 100 mm. For pipes with a diameter of more than 1020 mm, it is allowed to weld the semi-perimeter of the joint, covering the lower and upper parts of the joint.

Weldable and filler or surfacing materials used in welding (surfacing) of control welded joints (surfacing) must have a certificate of conformity and/or a certificate from the manufacturer of welding materials, and in their absence, they must be checked in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and recognized as suitable for welding.

Welding equipment used for welding control welded joints during the certification of welders must have instrumentation and be in good condition.

The preparation and assembly of parts for welding, as well as welding, is carried out by a welder undergoing certification in the presence of a member (members) of the certification commission. Parts must be marked before welding. The mark is selected by a member of the certification commission and registered in the journal. A permit to weld a control joint is issued by a member of the certification commission after acceptance of the quality of its assembly, which is noted in the “Journal of work during the certification of welders.”

When fusion welding a control joint, the following conditions must be met:

The control welded joint must have at least one interruption of the process in the root and in the upper deposited layer with subsequent resumption of welding in this place (if the welding technology allows interruption of the weld);

The time it takes to perform a weld (surfacing) of a control welded joint (surfacing) should not exceed the time it takes to perform it under production conditions;

The welder, with the permission of a member of the certification commission, can eliminate surface defects with a hand-held abrasive tool or other methods; elimination of defects in the facing layer of the seam is not allowed.

The certification commission may interrupt the practical exam if the welder repeatedly grossly violates the requirements for the preparation and assembly of parts, as well as welding (surfacing), provided for by the regulatory documents specified in the application (for example, incorrect assembly of joints, misalignment, broken axes, inability to adjust the welding mode ( surfacing), frequent corrections of defects during tacking or welding (surfacing) of a joint, etc.)

Each control welded joint along its entire length (perimeter) is subject to testing using non-destructive methods.

The controlled area of ​​the control welded joint when testing using non-destructive methods should include the entire volume of the seam, as well as adjacent areas of the base material on both sides of the seam:

For butt control welded joints made by arc welding or electron beam welding with a width of at least 5 mm with a thickness of welded parts up to 5 mm inclusive, not less than the nominal thickness of the welded parts with a thickness of parts over 5 to 20 mm inclusive, and at least 20 mm with a nominal thickness of welded parts over 20 mm.

Visual and measuring control All control welded joints made by the welder during certification are subject to inspection.

Inspection is carried out to identify the following defects:

Deviations in the size and shape of seams from the requirements of standards, drawings, technical conditions and instructions for welding products;

Displacement of the edges of the parts being welded;

Surface cracks of all types and directions;

Sagging, undercuts, burns, craters, lack of fusion, fistulas, depressions between rollers, scaliness, surface inclusions and pores.

Radiographic and ultrasonic testing is carried out to identify internal defects in welded joints (cracks, lack of fusion, lack of fusion, single inclusions, clusters of inclusions, etc.).

Mechanical tests of control welded joints of metal materials are carried out in accordance with GOST 6996.

The quality of control welded joints is assessed according to the standards established by the current regulatory documents for the group of dangerous technical devices specified in the application.

The quality of control welded joints is considered unsatisfactory if any type of inspection reveals unacceptable internal or external defects.

In cases where the unsatisfactory quality of the control welded joints is not associated with insufficient qualifications of the welder, the practical exam may be repeated.

Certification applies only to the type (method) of welding (surfacing) that was used during the practical exam.

Another type (method) of welding (surfacing) requires additional certification with the issuance of a new certification certificate after passing a special and practical exam.

The certified person can confirm his professional training in several types (methods) of welding (surfacing), provided that during the practical exam he performs separate control welded joints for each method (type) of welding (surfacing).

Certification for welding butt welded joints of pipes applies to welding of butt welded joints of sheets.

To obtain the right to perform work in all spatial positions, a certified welder must weld (surfacing) control welded joints in the most difficult positions (for example, in the ceiling for sheets, in a fixed position at an angle of 45 degrees, for pipes).

When certifying manual arc surfacing with coated electrodes, it is performed separately for the following positions: bottom, horizontal, vertical from bottom to top and ceiling.

Butt welding certification covers fillet welds and end welds.

Certification for welding control joints of parts made of a certain grade of material applies to all grades of material included in the same group as the material of the control welded joint.

The scope of certification for admission to manual arc welding with coated electrodes with one type of coating extends to admission to welding with electrodes with other types of coatings.

Based on the results of the certification exams, the certification center issues the welder separate certification certificates of the established type for each type (method) of welding (surfacing). The cover color of the metal materials welder certification certificate is blue. The cover color of the certification certificate for a welder of polymer materials is green.

When passing additional certification for the same welding method, the welder is given an insert for the certification certificate, and the validity period of the additional certification cannot exceed the validity period of the certification certificate.

The certification certificate is considered invalid (clauses 4.5, 4.7 PB-03-273-99) upon expiration of its validity period, a break in welding work for more than 6 months, or when the welder is suspended from work for violation of welding technology and repeated unsatisfactory quality of work performed by him production welded joints.

Upon expiration, the certification certificate may be extended by the certification center that conducted the initial certification and issued the certification certificate in the prescribed manner.

Based on the consideration of the submitted documents, the certification center commission makes one of the following decisions:

Extend the validity of the certificate for one year within the scope specified in the welder’s certification certificate, with the corresponding entry being made in the certification certificate;

Extend the validity of the certificate with a limitation of the scope specified in the welder’s certification certificate, in accordance with the submitted documents confirming the actual scope of the welder’s activity, with the issuance of a new certification certificate for a period of one year;

Refuse to extend the validity of the certificate and recommend sending the welder for periodic certification.


1. In the last two cases, the certificate issued during the initial certification is not returned to the applicant and is canceled with an entry in the protocol.

2. In the absence of documentary evidence of high-quality welding work, the welder must undergo periodic certification.

It is prohibited to renew an expired certificate. Renewal of the certificate is allowed no more than two times.

Periodic certification with passing practical and special exams is carried out after the expiration of the certification certificate. After passing the periodic certification, the welder is issued a new certificate, while the primary certificate must be submitted to the certification center that issued the certificate.

Carrying out periodic, additional or extraordinary certification of welders is permitted in any certification center registered in the register of the Certification System for Welders and Welding Production Specialists of the National Certification Committee for Welding Production.

Before being allowed to independently perform gas-hazardous welding work (after testing knowledge), each welder must undergo training under the supervision of an experienced worker during the first ten work shifts.

For welders, testing of knowledge of safe working methods and techniques for performing work, including gas hazardous ones, should be carried out periodically at least once every 12 months.

Electric welders must have a second group of electrical safety clearance to work on electric welding equipment.

During the welding process of joints, operational control must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Welding Technology, etc. N.T.D.

Each welder must be assigned a number (welder's mark) by order of the enterprise.

Management and technical control of welding work is carried out by engineering and technical workers who have technical training in accordance with the requirements of PB 12-529-03 “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems”, according to GOST 16037-80 “Welded connections of steel pipelines. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions", SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems", SP 42-102-2004 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes", PB 03-273-99 "Rules for the certification of welders and welding specialists ", RD 03-495-02 "Technological regulations for certification of welders and welding production specialists." In this case, the mentioned engineering and technical workers must be welding specialists of level II - certified master welder or level III - certified welding technologist.

Managers, specialists and welders who are trained in the technology of conducting gas hazardous work, the rules for using personal protective equipment (gas masks and life belts), methods of providing first (pre-medical) aid, who are certified and have passed the knowledge test in the field of industrial safety to the extent required are allowed to perform gas-hazardous welding work. regulatory and technical documents.

The National Welding Control Agency (NAKS) is a self-regulatory organization created to monitor the welding certification system. The organization has developed principles for voluntary certification of welding production employees.

Voluntary certification solves several problems, namely:

  • ensures the safety, quality, reliability of goods and services of welding production, since it confirms the compliance of specialists with the requirements of standards and codes of practice;
  • creates conditions for organizations and entrepreneurs to participate in international trade and economic cooperation, to work in the commodity market of Russia and the EEC countries within the framework of common standards;
  • protects consumers from unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers;
  • allows consumers to competently evaluate the quality of products, services, and work performed in the field of welding production;
  • increases the competitiveness of the entire Russian welding industry and its products.

Certification levels

Why do you need a NAKS certificate? Today, its presence is a necessary condition for a specialist to perform welding work. The procedure and rules for certification that a welder undergoes are established by documents developed by NAKS. The procedure is carried out by certification centers, which are regional representative offices of NAKS. The certification commission includes certification experts who are certified and included in the NAKS register of experts, as well as representatives of Rostechnadzor. The received certificate confirms the professional level of the welder to perform specific work.

As part of the certification, the welder goes through several levels:

  1. Welder;
  2. Master welder;
  3. Welding technologist;
  4. Welding engineer.

Specialists of levels 2, 3 and 4, who are part of the management of enterprise divisions, must undergo mandatory certification. Specialists who need permission to work in hazardous or difficult conditions also undergo mandatory certification.

How to get a certificate

Any specialist who has the appropriate education, qualifications and the necessary professional training can undergo certification.

  • The candidate submits an application, documents on education and qualifications, and a certificate of employment to the certification center.
  • Within 3 days, makes a decision on approval of the application. If the application is rejected, the certification center will notify you in writing of the reason for rejecting the application.
  • consists of testing knowledge of welding theory and practical skills of a specialist. For level 1 certification, the test includes at least 15 theoretical questions; for welders of levels 2, 3 and 4 - at least 20 questions. Theoretical knowledge is tested using a computer or in writing using teaching materials developed by the certification body. An additional interview may also be conducted. The theoretical part is considered passed if the candidate answers 80% of the questions correctly.
  • When testing practical skills, they are guided by NAKS and GOST documents, which regulate the conduct of practical tests. The test is passed if the specialist has completed a practical task in accordance with the declared area of ​​certification. A candidate who successfully passes the test is issued a certificate.
  • If a candidate fails the theory or practical skills test, he has the right to retake this part within 3 months at the same certification center. A candidate who does not pass the re-test is considered to have failed the certification and receives a written refusal of certification.
  • The certificate number of a certified specialist is entered into the NAKS register. Using the registry, you can find out when the certification was carried out, the scope of certification, and the validity period of the document.

For welders the certificate is valid for 2 years, for welding production employees of levels 2 and 3 it is valid for 3 years, for level 4 - 5 years.

Types of certification

There are four types of certification for welding employees.

  1. Primary. For employees who do not have permission to weld.
  2. Additional. For employees who want to obtain access to work not specified in the certification certificate.
  3. Periodic. Carried out to extend the validity of documents.
  4. Extraordinary. For welders who have been suspended from work for any reason to obtain a new permit.

Types of certification of welders also differ according to the areas of the national economy that include technical devices. This can be NGDO (oil and gas production equipment), GO (gas equipment), OKhNVP (equipment for chemical, petrochemical, fire and explosion hazardous industries), KO (boiler equipment) and others. NAKS specialists independently develop methodological materials for the certification of employees who are involved in the installation and repair of NGDO, GO, OHNVP, KO and other equipment. In addition, the procedure for certification of welders and the types of welding work carried out at oil and gas production facilities are regulated by federal and industry regulations of Transneft OJSC. Since during certification the theoretical knowledge of oil and gas production facilities is tested, information about the necessary regulatory documents can be obtained on the website of Transneft OJSC or certification centers.

NAKS is the National Welding Control Agency and is a structural subdivision of SASv - the welding production certification system.

Certification is based onrules for certification of welders and specialistswelding production.

  • NAKS level 1 from 45,000 rub*
  • NAKS level 2 from 45,000 rub*
  • NAKS level 3 from 50,000 rub*

Exact prices for NAKS certification are calculated upon application.

Registration No. 1721


I. General provisions

1.1. SASv installs four levels professional training:

  1. I level– certified welder;
  2. Level II– certified master welder;
  3. Level III– certified technologist – welder;
  4. IV level– certified engineer-welder.

Assignment of a level does not cancel the assigned qualification category according to the current system according to the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKZ 016-94), put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367.

1.2. Certified welders and welding production specialists are allowed to perform those types of activities that are specified in their certification certificates.

1.3. Welding production specialists participating in the work of certification bodies must be certified for the right to carry out work on the training and certification of welders and welding production specialists.

III. Requirements for professional training of welders and welding production specialists

3.1. A candidate applying for any level must have general education and professional training in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix 2, table. 1.

3.2. Before certification of welders and welding production specialists, special training must be carried out according to programs approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. Programs should be drawn up taking into account the level of professional training of specialists and the areas of their production activities and include sections on welding equipment, basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, defects in welded joints and methods for their correction, as well as rules for the safe performance of welding work. By decision of the commission, welding production specialists who have undergone special training independently in accordance with the approved program may be admitted to certification.

3.3. Requirements for the required industrial work experience in the specialty of certified welders and welding production specialists are given in Appendix 2, table. 2 and 3.

IV. Certification of welders

4.1. Welders are subject to certification for the right to perform welding and surfacing work using specific types (methods) of fusion welding, carried out manually, mechanized (semi-automatic) and automated methods when working at facilities controlled by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia.

4.2. After certification, the welder is assigned level I of professional training (certified welder).

4.3. Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

4.4. Primary certification Welders who have not previously had access to welding and/or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of connections of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are undergoing training.

4.5. Additional certification Welders who have passed the initial certification pass before their admission to welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in performing welding work specified in their certification certificates. During additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.6. Periodic certification All welders pass in order to extend the specified validity period of their certification certificates for performing the relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.7. Extraordinary certification welders must pass before they are allowed to perform welding after their temporary suspension from work for violation of welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

4.8. For initial certification welders are allowed who have:
– the category is not lower than that specified in the guidelines and normative-technical documentation for welding of objects controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;
– the required minimum work experience in the specialty;
– certificate of completion of special theoretical and practical training in the certified area of ​​activity.

4.9. Certified welder must be able to perform welding work in compliance with the requirements of technological documentation and safety rules. 4.10. The procedure for the certification of welders is set out in the “Technological Regulations for the Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists.”

V. Certification of welding production specialists

The following specialists are subject to mandatory certification:
– at level II: specialists whose written or oral instructions are mandatory for welders to carry out when carrying out welding work (foremen, foremen, etc.);
– at level III: specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the implementation of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents defining the technology of welding work at the enterprise (heads of departments, laboratories, sectors, technical bureaus, heads of working groups and etc.);
– at level IV: specialists who are managers of the welding service of an enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the management of the enterprise (organization) to approve guidelines and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work (chiefs, their deputies, etc.).

VI. Registration of certified welders and welding production specialists

6.1. Certified persons receive certification certificates in the established form.
The validity period of the certificate during initial certification for welders is 2 years, for welding production specialists of levels II and III - 3 years, and level IV - 5 years.

6.2. The procedure for registering welders and welding production specialists is given in the “Recommendations for maintaining a register of the certification system for welders and welding production specialists.” Upon expiration, the certification certificate can be extended by the certification center that conducted the initial certification and issued the certification certificate in the prescribed manner. The certificate can be renewed without the examination procedure no more than two times. It is prohibited to renew an expired certificate.

Monitoring compliance with these Rules is carried out by the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia by conducting periodic inspections of the work of certification centers and points.

Candidate preparation requirements

Level Minimum total


Professional training

in welding production

I Average;


Training in vocational schools, at special courses (including at the place of work) according to programs approved in the prescribed manner.
II Secondary, secondary technical; higher technical Training in advanced training centers according to programs approved in the prescribed manner, as well as independently in the process of work in the field of welding.
III Higher technical; secondary technical in welding production Advanced training in advanced training centers. The necessary knowledge can also be obtained independently by persons with higher and secondary technical education in the process of working in the field of welding.
IV Higher specialized in welding production *) Advanced training in advanced training centers or independently while working in the field of welding.

1. Higher specialized education in welding production for persons with higher technical education can be obtained through professional retraining at universities or advanced training institutes in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated January 13, 1996, No. 12-FZ (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation , 1996, No. 3, Art. 150).
2. Level IV can be obtained by persons who do not have a higher specialized education in welding production, but have academic degrees of candidates or doctors of technical sciences in the welding specialty.

Requirements for the minimum work experience in the specialty required to admit a welder to primary certification

* By decision of the certification commission, the minimum production experience can be reduced, but in any case it must be at least six months for certification for access to manual and semi-automatic welding and at least three months for certification for access to automatic welding. To perform welded joints of non-critical structures, in agreement with the bodies of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia, graduates of vocational schools or training plants who do not have industrial experience may be admitted to the initial certification.

Requirements for the minimum work experience in the specialty required for admission of a welding specialist to primary certification

General education Work experience, month
certification for level II Level III certification
uncertified Level II specialist uncertified
Higher technical degree in welding production 6 6 18
Secondary technical in welding production 9 9 24
Higher technical, secondary technical 12 12 36
Average 36

(-) – the candidate cannot be certified to the appropriate level.

Registration objects.

– Registration objects are subject to registration and accounting in the register in the following sections:

  • – organizational and methodological documents of SASv
  • – decisions of the governing bodies of NASv
  • – licensed bodies of SASv
  • – certified SASv personnel

Objects of registration are entered into the register on the following grounds:

  • – SASv guidelines– based on the order of the President of NAKS on approval of the document;
  • – certification centers– on the basis of a license from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and a certificate of conformity issued by NAKS;
  • – certification points– based on the written submission of the certification center and the expert opinion of NAKS;
  • – specialists of I, II and III levels of professional training– based on information from the certification center or the head certification center about their certification;
  • – specialists of the IV level of professional training– based on the submission of the head certification center about their certification;
  • – certified experts– on the basis of the protocol of the Governing Scientific and Technical Council of NAKS on the approval of the expert;
  • – certified examiners– on the basis of the protocol of the certification center that conducted their certification;
  • – decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration- based on the order of the President of NAKS.

After certification by NAKS and successfully passing the exam, the trained specialist receives:

  • certification certificate of a welding production specialist of a certain level (certified welder);
  • welder certification protocol;
  • certificate of completion of special training.

To check the legality of the documents we issue, you can use the ID number and protocol; a trained specialist will be able to find himself in the NAKS register. To do this you need to go to this link and you will be included in the NAKS register.

Without a registration number of the register, certification certificates of welders, specialists and examiners, experts, decisions on recognition, decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration are considered invalid.

Tickets for certification of welders NAKS (welding certification) can be obtained by writing to our email info@site

If you passed Nax training in 2017 year and not only, you can find yourself using this link by entering only your ID number. Check yourself in the NAX register and find tax by welder's mark number you can follow the link.