Manual machine for the manufacture of corrugated board. Do-it-yourself sheet bending machine: design and layout, diagrams, assembly. Technical characteristics of RG sheet bending machines

Nowadays, all building materials without exception are constantly becoming more expensive, and corrugated board, which is very widely used in construction, is no exception. A material is produced from a sheet of metal, which is given a certain shape.

The main function of such a machine is cutting and rolling the workpiece, as a result of which it takes the form of a finished profiled sheet. A similar manual machine for the manufacture of corrugated board in our time can be done even with your own hands, being able to work with metal blanks and, preferably, having engineering skills.

Automatic and manual machines for the production of profiled sheets

The main difference between the profiled sheet and other similar metal sheets is that the corrugation has a trapezoidal shape. At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to make a machine for the production of such material yourself, but this is not the case.

The production lines of such material are a whole complex of mechanisms, each of which performs its own functions.

So, even the simplest automatic line for the production of profiled sheets consists of:

  • decoiler for rolls of metal sheets;
  • a rolling mill where the material is actually formed;
  • scissors that look like a guillotine;
  • receiving device.

It is clear that it is unrealistic to make such an automatic line on your own. But it is quite possible to make a manual machine that can bend the workpieces to the desired angle so that you get a sheet of corrugated board.

It should be borne in mind that a home hand-held machine will not be able to make profiled sheets that are too thick - the maximum thickness of the workpiece is about 5 mm.

Preparation of supports and table for feeding workpieces

Self-production of a rolling mill begins with assembling a frame to accommodate all equipment components. In this case, it is enough to install reliable supports, fixing them on the base: preferably a concrete floor.

Next, a table is assembled, along the surface of which the workpiece will be fed into the machine. Its length should be several times the length of the finished product, since free space will be required on the surface so that the finished product can be received. The optimum material for the table surface is aluminum sheet.

There should be a special bar on the table, which, with the help of bolts, can fix the workpiece on the table. In the same way, the manual lever is fixed, which feeds sheets of material along the table into the machine for corrugated board, setting the required feed angle.

Installation of roll shafts and first start-up

The next component - rolling shafts - is very difficult to assemble with your own hands, so it is best to purchase them ready-made. Finding such devices on the market in our time will not be difficult.

With the help of brackets made of metal corners, the shafts are fixed on the machine frame near the hand lever.

Having tightened all the bolts not in full force, an almost completely made manual machine for the production of corrugated board is ready for the first run-in of the material. If the profiled sheeting has the desired shape, the parts can be fixed in place by firmly tightening all the bolts. Otherwise, the adjustment of certain parts is carried out, and the procedure is repeated.

Features of working with a homemade manual machine

Even if you are an experienced craftsman, you should work very carefully on a machine made with your own hands, since any malfunction in any component of the mechanism can lead to injury during its use.

At the same time, one should not forget about safety precautions, working with utmost care, especially if.

Thus, the self-assembled machine for corrugated board is ready. Its principle of operation is very simple:

  • a blank sheet is placed on the table;
  • with the help of a special bar, the workpiece is fixed on the table;
  • using a hand lever, the optimal angle of material feeding into the rolls is set;
  • at the exit, the finished sheet should move freely on the table.

In order not to get any industrial injuries, when working with such a machine, you must constantly adhere to safety rules.

The machine on which the corrugated board is produced is a very dangerous piece of equipment as it contains many cutting and piercing components that can be dangerous to the operator. Therefore, work on the machine is only allowed in protective clothing and goggles.

Before each work with such a hand-held device, the functionality of all its components should be carefully checked. It is highly discouraged to bend very thick metal sheets on manual machines.

Thus, having the skills to work with metal materials, even with your own hands you can make a mechanism for rolling a profiled sheet, which will ensure a sufficiently high quality of the products obtained. The main thing is not to make any mistakes when assembling it, and also remember the rules of safe use.

Drawings for making a machine tool with your own hands

Today, corrugated board is increasingly popular with those who build modern buildings, erect fences, reliably strengthen partitions, and update the look of old buildings. Also, with profiled steel, ample opportunities for the construction of the original roof of a residential building or office building become available. Due to the high quality of rolled steel, the profiled sheet can be used during the construction of structures such as warehouses and hangars.

It is quite easy to create a high-quality building surface by rolling the strip through guide rollers. Thanks to technologists and equipment, it is possible to organize production on accessible areas.

Sheets from corrugated board can be used as a material for the following purposes:
erection of walls of various types of structures;
roofing for buildings for various purposes;
manufacture of formwork;
installation of partitions and fences.

Self-assembly of a machine for making a profiled sheet with your own hands

An automatic line for the production of a profiled sheet is a very difficult task to assemble with your own hands. However, it is quite possible to independently create a manual machine on which the workpieces can be bent to the desired angles and thus make sheets of corrugated board.

Here it should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to produce profiled sheets of too large thickness on a home hand-held machine - the possible maximum is about 5 mm.

Drawings of machines for working with corrugated board

How to prepare supports and workpiece feeding table

To make a rolling machine yourself, you first need to assemble a frame to accommodate all the equipment components. In this case, it is enough to install reliable supports. They need to be fixed on a solid foundation - it is better if it is a concrete floor.

Next, you need to start assembling the table, along the surface of which the workpiece will be fed into the machine. The table should have a length that is several times the length of the finished product. There must be enough free space on the surface to receive the finished product. The optimum material for the table surface is aluminum sheet.

On the table, you need to place a special bar, which, with the help of bolts, will fix the workpiece on the table. In the same way, a manual lever will be fixed, thanks to which sheets of material are fed along the table to the machine for corrugated board and the desired feed angle is set.

How to install the roll shafts and start the fixture

It is quite difficult to assemble such a part of the structure as rolling shafts with your own hands, so the easiest way is to buy ready-made ones. Today it will not be difficult to do this - you will find them at least on the market.

By means of brackets made of metal corners, the shafts are fixed on the machine frame near the hand lever.

We do not tighten all the bolts at full strength - now our home-made manual machine for the production of corrugated board can be used for the first running-in of the material. If the corrugated board, which is produced on the machine, has the required shape, we fix the parts in their places, tighten all the bolts firmly. If the form of the corrugated board does not meet our requirements, we adjust certain details and repeat the procedure.

It must be remembered that the machine for the production of corrugated board is equipment that is dangerous in operation. This machine is equipped with a large number of cutting and piercing elements, which, if not properly followed, can cause injury to the operator. Therefore, the machine may only be operated in protective clothing and goggles.

It is not so difficult to make a bending machine with your own hands, but craftsmen, both amateur home-made and self-employed individual entrepreneurs, use it a little so far. Meanwhile, the price of only ready-made additional elements of the roof - valleys, ridge, cornice strips - and downpipes with gutters is several times higher than the cost of the material. The same applies to paintings (roofing sheets, quite ready for laying) with flanged edges for double seam. And that's just roofing work.

Meanwhile, many craftsmen still prefer to either buy ready-made parts, losing in earnings, or in the old-fashioned way do with a drift, losing potential customers - modern products should not have a finished look. What's wrong here: economics, technology, prejudice? Or maybe just ignorance? Maybe you just need a clear drawing of a listogib, which you could build yourself in a shed, and use it for a long time and successfully? Let's try to figure it out.

Of the main indicators (efficiency, productivity, simplicity of design), it is necessary to determine more durability, provided a stable result of work. At the height of the season, when the day feeds the year, there is no time to tinker with repairs or adjustments, and with occasional use once a month, not every month you can do without special equipment at all, see below.

Minimum requirements - from a jack of all trades, who is engaged in roofing and tin work from time to time in the presence of orders; it is unprofitable for such to buy a machine of industrial production, it will not pay off. But then a homemade listogib must withstand at least 1200-1500 working cycles per season without deteriorating the quality of bending. There is another important point - professional flooring. More precisely, its independent production. It is worth touching on especially.

Qui prodest?

Translated from Latin - who benefits? To produce corrugated board on your own, at least for yourself, the material is very popular. Let's try to figure it out.

A pass-through manual bending machine (see below) costs about $ 2000. It seems to be possible on it in a day or two a ton of galvanized 0.55 worth $ 1000 to be turned into 250 sq. m of corrugated board, which purchased would have cost $ 1400. Seemingly a direct benefit; especially if you do not wait for a sale (the market is overflowing with offers), but start up yourself. So, but not so.

The corrugated board is not rolled in one pass - the corners in some places are overtightened. Intercrystalline bonds in the metal are broken; by sight and by touch, a rough bend is not always determined, but soon a crack will creep from it. Who will give an order now without a guarantee? Please correct. For their own, of course.

You can reduce the pressure, but then the wave will go non-standard. The customer of the standards, perhaps, does not know, but he will immediately see that the material is not the same. Put, be kind, like everyone else, or - goodbye, I'll turn to another. And I'll tell my friends and acquaintances. Drive each sheet in several passes, changing the pressure or rollers? What is the performance here with the profitability.

The line (in fact, the rolling mill) for corrugated board is a complex unit, see fig. Pay attention to the number and configuration of rolls. The purpose of such a system is to disperse the residual stresses along the sheet so that they do not go beyond the permissible limits. Therefore, the wave is formed gradually.

Such equipment costs at least $ 20,000, made in China. The stable quality of the finished product is guaranteed only for specific steel grades of a specific manufacturer. Power consumption - from 12 kW. Those. you need a specialized production area with an appropriate limit for electricity consumption and, although one operator is enough to service. Is there an unsatisfied demand for corrugated board in your operating area (simply in the neighborhoods accessible to you), which allows you to recoup all this within an acceptable time frame? And are you ready to start a very serious business with fierce competition?

Note to masters

Of course, it is not easy for an individual master to “beat off” $ 2000. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to make the bending machine yourself. Not for corrugated board, but for a variety of roofing and tin works, on which you can also live well, and collect some money to start something more serious. Non-standard trifle fundamentally does not lend itself to unification, but is always needed. And a homemade listogib can be a very good help here.

About purchased handbrakes

To put an end to the "firm" (not an advertising article) and move on to homemade products, let's take a quick look at what you can buy, if you still need it. The market is clearly dominated by TAPCO and VanMark. And the domestic SKS-2, produced in Orsk, is almost unknown. For the price, all are about the same; the width of the working area for ours is 2.5 m against 3 for foreigners, but this is not a vice. 3 m is designed for inch units (10 feet \u003d 3.05 m), and metric 2.5 m is just more convenient.

But the Uralets is of the through type; you can, for example, pull gutters up to 90x90 mm. Raising / lowering the crosshead - eccentrics, no need to turn the handwheels. Supplied with a cut-off knife. User reviews are not just favorable, enthusiastic. The general tone is “an irreplaceable hard worker”.

History repeats itself. Nikita Khrushchev spoke about such situations live on CT after his trip to America (this was when he beat a shoe on the UN rostrum with a shoe and threatened to arrange Kuzka's mother for everyone). They say that in the States they know how to sell any obscene rubbish, but in our country they cannot properly submit the necessary good things.

Sheet bending structures

Drive unit

Bending and pressing equipment with a mechanical drive (a flywheel with a clutch and a crank or a falling weight with a system of blocks, cables and levers) has a high efficiency, but it is still a thing of the past. The mechanics gives a sharp impulse (blow) at the beginning of the working stroke, and by the end it weakens. For bending / pressing, just the opposite is needed.

The efficiency of an electric drive decreases rapidly with decreasing dimensions of the workpiece. To mold the corrugated board on the mill described above, 12 kW is enough. To make a flanging on a roof picture, you will not do less than 1.5-2 kW. The fact is that the external characteristics of AC electric motors (except for three-phase with a phase rotor - complex, expensive, requiring regular maintenance) are quite tough. Due to the resistance of the bending metal, the engine does not increase the moment on the shaft, but on the contrary, the slip of the rotor increases and the moment decreases. And energy consumption increases.

The hydraulic drive, in theory, is ideal - the hydraulic cylinder itself automatically adjusts its force to the resistance of the part. But precision hydraulic systems are complex and expensive. An experienced designer will not undertake to distribute the effort of, say, a car jack evenly along the entire length of a meter bend, as well as synchronize the work of two or more with improvised means.

Remains a "handbrake", and it's not so bad. If we construct a listogib so that, as in swing rowing or powerlifting, the strongest and most enduring muscles (biceps, broadest backs, thighs, calves) work, and the reaction (recoil) of the machine presses the feet to the floor, then the work, due to its cyclicity, does not will be exhausting. But a skill will be developed that will give accuracy and productivity.

For example: an average person running up a flight of stairs can develop a power of about 1 hp within 1-2 seconds. But already on the third flight, the muscles will switch from oxygen to glycogen, lactic acid will begin to be released, and fatigue will hit the body. You need to take a break to dash on.

Sports Notes: the rowers are lean, because the "kendyukh" interferes with giving full signal to the body. But for weightlifters, "callus", on the contrary, helps maintain balance during the snatch. But the work of the muscles in both is in many ways similar.

Schemes and purpose

Listogib is a rather general concept. The listogib device depends on its purpose. According to the nature of the work, you need to choose a homemade scheme, see Fig.

On pos. A - a method familiar to everyone who has done even a little locksmithing.So you can simply bend sheets up to 0.5 m wide with your hands. If the bending length is not more than 200-250 mm, then the base can be not attached to the workbench, but together with the pressure beam and the part, clamp it in a vice. The bend turns out to be good if the traverse is leaned more below, as shown in the force diagram, and fed slightly forward, as if smoothing the bend. On this principle, most of the designs of homemade bending machines are based; we'll get there yet.

Due to the elasticity of the metal, it will not be possible to bend the sheet exactly at 90 degrees, therefore, spacers from a strip of metal are used, as shown in the inset. Why are there channels on the cut, and not corners? We will consider this issue further; an elementary-looking design has significant nuances.

Pos. B shows how a press brake works.Press like a press: bed-die-punch-hydraulics-blow-done. They are used only in industrial production with a developed system of labor protection: they are complex, expensive, require qualified care and are extremely traumatic. A sheet that slips out from improper refueling or equipment malfunction can cut off a person's hand or head.

On pos. B - extended (through) listogib.By changing the relative position of the rolls, you can set the bending radius of the sheet. Pass-through listogib can be either manual or electric. Commercially available, as a rule, they are multifunctional:

  1. Smooth rolls are intended for tinsmith work - bending of blanks of shell shells, sections of wide pipes, etc.
  2. The rolls can be replaced with complete profiled sheet-bending rolls designed for broaching roofing elements - ridge, valleys, gutters and flanges.
  3. Also, many models are equipped with a support, clamp and traverse for manual sheet bending.

These are the type of benders that sell for $ 2,000 or so. Many are completed, or later can be purchased, with shaped rollers for corrugated board, but, as already sorted out, it is impossible to "drive the shaft" for sale on them. You can roll a piece if you need it now, but there is no point in buying a whole sheet.

Note: there is another interesting type of bending device, but due to its high utility and relatively low cost, a separate section will be devoted to it.

We take on the bending machine

Let's start making our own bending machine with the development of the simplest specifications. And the latter will be calculated, in addition to the criteria of longevity described above, based on the expenditure of muscular energy, which an average adult man is able to give day after day without deteriorating well-being. Of course, the simplicity and low cost of the design is also not in the last place. Also, the machine by weight and dimensions must allow transportation in a passenger car and use directly at the work site. It turns out:

  • The width of the folded sheet is up to 1 m.
  • Bending sheet thickness - up to 0.6 mm, galvanized; up to 0.7 mm aluminum and up to 1 mm copper.
  • The number of working cycles without changeover and / or repair is not less than 1200.
  • Bending angle - not less than 120 degrees without manual adjustment; so it is necessary for the folds.
  • The use of special steels or non-standard workpieces is highly undesirable.
  • Welding - as little as possible; parts / prefabricated units lead from it, and the welded seams are fragile and quickly get tired from alternating loads.
  • Metalworking on the side (turning, milling) - also as little as possible, it costs money.

Let's put it bluntly: drawings of ready-made structures that meet all these requirements are not found in publicly available sources. We will try to improve one, widely known, and, in principle, very successful.

We bring to mind


The principle of the device of this listogib is clearly visible in the section (see the figure on the right and the list of positions). Its main advantage is good ergonomics. With such a working stroke, the muscles work as they should, and the feet are pressed to the floor, which will give a stable result even with an inexperienced operator. And the maximum bending angle is 135 degrees, which with a large margin for any conceivable and inconceivable elasticity of the folded sheet.

  1. wooden pillow;
  2. support beam - channel 100-120 mm;
  3. cheek - from a sheet of 6-8 mm;
  4. work piece;
  5. clamping beam (clamp) - welded from corners 80 and 60 mm;
  6. traverse axis - pin 10 mm;
  7. rotary traverse - angle (?) 80-100 mm;
  8. handle - rod 10 mm.

All parts are made of ordinary structural steel. But already here it is conventionally shown that it is better to replace the traverse from the corner with a channel of the same standard size. Why? Let's figure it out in more detail, this is important for what follows.

The reaction (recoil) from the bent sheet to the traverse (and the clamp, but more on it) is uneven in width. In the middle, where every elementary (tiny; this is a hint of differentiation and integration) section of the metal is surrounded on all sides by the same metal, it is maximum. At the edges, where there is no side support, it is minimal.

The second point is that the sheet, although thin, is of finite thickness. Stresses in the workpiece will spread, reflect on the edges. As a result of the diagrams of the load on the traverse and the clamp, it will take the form of a bow with a string. On the free (distant) edges of the corner shelves, such a load will give a tensile force, and the metal does not work well for tension - it quickly gets tired of it. The home-builder who built such a machine soon discovers that the corner in the middle is bent and the fold in the middle is swollen.

The side shelves of the channel are wedge-shaped, and there are fillets more developed than in the inner corner of the corner. This, firstly, smoothes the diagram - the bow-string is barely stretched. Secondly, the seemingly superfluous side flange of the channel absorbs tensile stresses, which are converted into compression at its free edge. And the metal holds the compression - wow!

The calculation result is impressive: if the traverse from the corner can withstand a couple of hundred bends at most, then the channel of the same width is more than 1200! What is 200 flexible? One or slightly more roofing at best. At the height of the season, when customers are queuing, the machine deteriorates, and - the work has begun. And 1200 operations means that the season will survive. In winter, there will be time to adjust, or replace the traverse, or, having calculated the proceeds, buy a "firm" with a resource guarantee.


The next figure is already a detailing with a list of positions. Here, not only do you need to eliminate some shortcomings, but you can also improve something further.

  1. clamp - corner 40-60 mm; screw М8-М10 with knob and heel;
  2. cheek;
  3. support beam;
  4. bracket - corner 110 mm;
  5. pressure beam;
  6. traverse axis;
  7. traverse.

Pressure beam

First of all - about milling the lower surface of the clamp on the plane. It is needed for any of its designs, and the permissible unevenness is no more than half the thickness of the sheet being bent (minimum! Let's consider it equal to 0.2 mm). Otherwise, the sheet under pressure will creep (flow) - and again a pot-bellied fold.

So anyone who has ever done something for metal himself, advice to iron the clamp with a file or grinder will only cause a grin. You need to give it for milling. And AFTER welding the entire assembly, when everything that could have happened has already happened. Otherwise, the work and payment of the router will be wasted.

Further, everything that has been said above about the load on the traverse is also true for the clamp. And the most loaded part of it - the leading edge - is not supported by anything. It is impossible to reinforce or replace the entire assembly from the corner with a channel: the bend angle will turn out to be no more than 90 degrees.

As a result, after the same 100-200 operations, the machine will "open its mouth" (or "smile" if you prefer white rather than black humor) and - the same swollen bend. The clamp will not bend up; in this respect it is well fortified. But the metal on the leading edge will simply flow from fatigue.

The section of the hold-down structure, equal to the traverse in terms of durability, is shown in the inset at the top right. The basis is a steel strip 16x80 mm. The leading edge is milled at 45 degrees, and a chamfer is removed on the same milling cutter for at least 2.5-3 MAXIMUM thicknesses of the bent steel sheet, i.e. 1.5-2 mm. From the upward deflection, the clamp is reinforced with a sixty angle on welding. Milling, again, after all welding work.

The idea is this: if in the previous design, the leading edge works half for bending (which is even worse for metal than stretching), then in the new one it works only for compression. At the same time, the general support on the edge will prevent it from flowing soon.

Note: if an ancient lathe is found somewhere in a landfill nearby, the problem of a traverse with a clamp is solved once and for all. From the bed, you can cut pieces of the desired configuration, made of special steel and excellent accuracy.

In terms of the number of working steps for manufacturing, both clamps are equivalent: cutting, drilling, welding, milling. The material consumption of the new clamp is higher than that of the old one; standard sizes of workpieces for both require three. But the ratio of durability is the same as for the two types of traverses described above.

Mount to table

The next moment is the clamps. The author of the design, of course, clearly understands the role of stiffeners, but the fragility and rapid fatigue of welded seams seems to be overlooked. And the working stroke of the traverse gives a variable tensile force on the clamps with the lever arms of 10: 1 or more. If the clamp breaks, the work is over, if only everything else remains perfectly flat. The machine will lift itself, not bend.

Why not give up the clamps at all? And then cheeks will not be needed, and welding for both. How to do it?

  • Extend the support beam to the sides outside the table.
  • Select U-shaped lugs at its ends.
  • Fasten to the table with M10 bolts with shaped nuts - paws.

The second option is the holes in the feet without thread. The bolts are turned over and tightened with wing nuts. A little more expensive, but more convenient to work with.

Traverse fixing

This raises the question: how to fix the traverse, since the cheeks are gone? And they are not needed. Firstly, the structure turns out to be non-separable, and the traverse will have to be changed once a year. Secondly, remember that we need an accuracy of about 0.1 mm, otherwise the fold will bulge. How soon will the pin break a simple "hole" in the cheek by a large amount? The question is rhetorical. And at the same time I apologize to my fellow engineers: I, of course, know that the hole is somewhere in someone's, and in metalworking there is a hole.

But how then to fix the traverse? Butterfly door hinges; bottom right inset in Fig. They do not require inserts (they were invented specifically for metal doors), and two such hinges hold the door, armored from a queue from a Kalash or an F-1 grenade. It takes six healthy men to deliver one.

In terms of accuracy, most butterfly loops easily pass the check test. If you quickly open the loop, then you can hear a smacking sound from the air vacuum replacing the vacuum formed when the pin is pulled out. That is, the fit of the parts is very tight, but rotates easily.

Butterflies are fastened with countersunk screws. If you put it on an iron red lead, the traverse will stand indestructible. The opening angle is 160 degrees. Probably, the inventor of butterfly loops once made a homemade listogib. This is a joke.


Finally, before you is the complete sheet bending machine:

  1. support beam;
  2. threaded (M10) flywheel;
  3. pressure beam;
  4. processed sheet;
  5. clamp (see previous);
  6. traverse.

There is just one point to make here. Perhaps the author of the design had flywheel nuts lying somewhere in the store, that's why he put it. In fact, the clamp will have to be raised by only 2-3 mm to put the next sheet. Well, by 30 mm, if you need to take out the picture with the fold already formed on the other side. Do you remember the M10 thread pitch? That is, you do not need to turn the flywheels for a long time, like a gun when aiming. Lamb nuts or even ordinary welded knobs are enough.

Note: after welding the knobs, it is imperative to drive the thread "to the full" - by holding the nut in a vice, and with the first and then the second tap, or with a single-pass machine. From welding, the thread leads so that oh ...

Video: an example of a ready-made homemade listogib

Zig machine

The Zig Machine is, of course, not a robot in the shape of a screaming Hitler with an outstretched hand. A beading machine (see fig.) Or a beading machine is a device for beading, or beading. And beading - pulling flanges or special potholes - beads on sheet metal blanks. Have you seen the stiffening sides on buckets and basins? This is the ridge. For the sake of brevity, cars themselves are also often called zigovy

Bending machines, as follows from the definition, also belong to the category of sheet bending equipment, only special. They are electric or manual. The latter are desktop stationary (in the figure) or portable (mobile), with a clamp. These can be carried with you in your tool bag.

Zigmashina is an irreplaceable assistant in tin and roofing works. It is possible to bend not only round blanks of shells, but also sheets. Try to make a fold under the already mentioned double fold on the best manual bending machine. Such a beading is obtained in one pass; with some skill - right on the roof. What else can be obtained by beading using standard pairs of rollers can be seen in the following figure. Standard letters; they correspond to the type of operation being performed. A bending is worth three or five times, or even ten times cheaper than a factory manual bending machine.

Video: working on a zig machine

What to whom?

Let's summarize - which listogib is best for whom:

  • For an amateur home-builder - bending with improvised means, as described, or home-made manual, if there is a supply of scrap metal and a desire to tinker.
  • For a generalist for a running-in, who from time to time receives orders for a tin or a roof - a self-made manual like the one described plus, if there is some excess of funds - a zygmashink.
  • For a roofer or a tinsmith - a professional with a stable flow of orders - a branded manual with a zigmachine.

The equipment required for the production of corrugated board is divided into three main groups:

  • Manual machine for the production of corrugated board;
  • Automated and semi-automatic technological lines;
  • Mobile equipment.

In the second case, all technological operations are performed with minimal participation of technological personnel or completely do not require human participation.

Automatic and semi-automatic lines are also mobile. Such machines are convenient to use when erecting modular buildings or arched structures at remote construction sites, when the cost of delivery of the finished profiled sheet is very high.

An example of a manual machine for corrugated board

Finally, the manual sheeting machine is driven by human muscle power. Typically, these machines are used for the manufacture of small products or various additional elements. Such a machine is extremely easy to use and it is on it that we will dwell in detail on.

Manual machine for corrugated board - what are the advantages of this solution?

Currently, many machine-building enterprises produce such equipment, and anyone can buy a manual machine for corrugated boarding. Its main advantage is that such a machine does not need external energy sources to operate, since a person's physical strength is sufficient to activate it.

In order to set up the production of a profiled sheet on a manual machine in a matter of hours, you only need a small room (although even it is not necessary, just an ordinary shed is enough) and two workers who are familiar with the machine.

A manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets is indispensable for a small construction company, which often faces the need to use a small number of products from a profiled sheet. It is simply impractical to order them because of the too high cost of delivery to the site.

With the help of such a machine, it is possible to produce right on the construction site and various additional elements necessary, for example, when installing a roof. The manual sheeting machine is so simple that it requires little or no maintenance other than periodic lubrication.

The advantages of such a machine include its relatively low cost. The manual machine for corrugated board, the price of which is about 2000 US dollars, will pay off after the production of 750-800 m² of profiled sheet, which is approximately its daily productivity. And this is without taking into account the cost of delivery of this corrugated board to the construction site in case of purchase. But you can buy a used machine too. It will cost several times less, and it will last for more than one year, since the efforts acting on its main components are negligible and their wear is minimal.

Disadvantages of a manual machine for corrugated board

Manual machine for the production of corrugated board has some disadvantages. First of all, this is the small length of the corrugated sheet obtained. It is usually 2.0-2.5 m. With large dimensions of the working plate, an uneven bending of the profile in the form of an arc is possible, arising from different compression forces in different parts of the holding lip.

In addition, it is worth noting that only one brand of corrugated board can be produced on a manual machine for a profiled sheet. However, machines with a replaceable matrix are already being produced, which makes it possible to produce corrugated board with various shapes and heights of the trapezoid. In this case, the bending dies must be replaced manually.

And the most important disadvantage is that with the help of a hand-held machine it is possible to produce profiled sheet only from galvanized steel. During deformation, the polymer coating of the metal can become covered with small cracks, which, subsequently, will lead to premature corrosion of the corrugated board.

This problem is solved with the help of special modern manual machines for processing thin sheet steel with a polymer coating. However, they are significantly more expensive than standard options. In addition, the galvanized profiled sheet can be painted. At the same time, modern technologies for applying paint and varnish coatings, such as, for example, powder painting, create a decorative and protective layer that is in no way inferior, and maybe even superior in quality, a polymer protective and decorative coating.

The device and principle of operation of a manual machine for the manufacture of corrugated board

Manual profiled sheet machine consists of three main units.

The main working body is a bending mechanism installed on a special bed. The bending mechanism itself, in turn, consists of hinges and gears rotated by means of manual levers, as well as a replaceable bending matrix and a pressure beam.

In addition, each manual machine has a feed (back) table. A blank made of sheet steel is placed on it, which is moved in the required direction and "tucked" into the bending mechanism. A special roller knife, usually included in the machine kit, is also installed here. It is made of high-strength steel, the quality of which allows you to cut 25 km of steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm. If necessary, the knife can be sharpened or changed.

Finally, one more element is mandatory - a receiving table with special stops. They can be adjusted depending on the specified dimensions of the profiled sheet that you want to make. A plate is also installed here, with the help of which the required bending angle is set and the steel sheet is fixed.

The whole process of making a profiled sheet on such a machine consists of the following steps:

  1. The steel sheet is placed on the table and fixed with a special clamp.
  2. The steel beam uses a matrix to form a trapezoid or profile wave (the bending force is adjusted depending on the thickness of the workpiece metal).
  3. Mechanical control sensors stop metal bending at the right moment.
  4. Traverse travel and metal bending angle are controlled using a special scale.
  5. After bending, the roll of steel is unwound and the process is repeated again from steps 1 to 5.
  6. Upon reaching the desired length, the steel is cut with a special guillotine knife.

The design of the cam mechanism of the manual drive provides the ability to operate with one hand. The presence of a roller knife and the installation of an uncoiler make it possible to use coiled sheet steel without preliminary cutting.

Your machine for corrugated board will help not only to make good material, for example, for suburban construction, but also to start a profitable business, but for this you need to know many nuances.

Such a device is quite simple to make at home with your own hands, if you understand the principle of its operation.

Considering that practically no construction site today is complete without this material, it is widely used in everyday life, and if you make your own machine, you can make goods for sale.

Decking today is an extremely demanded coating. It is used as a picket fence, wall and roof material, sheathing material.

Moreover, such sheets are distinguished by their relatively low cost and ease of installation.

However, it should be understood that strict operational requirements are put forward for the corrugated board, which must be taken into account, especially if you make the material with your own hands on a homemade machine.

There are several types of corrugated board, in the manufacture of which various raw materials are used. For example, metal decking is very popular.

It is made of steel using the cold rolling method.

For structures that will be used outdoors, for example, for a picket fence, sheets can be made, additionally covered with a protective coating - enamel, polymers, fiber.

Each type of raw material gives its own sheet thickness.

In the case of steel, we can obtain high-quality corrugated board, which can also be galvanized to increase strength and resistance to aggressive environments.

If you make sheets completely uncoated, then the material wears out faster. Therefore, we can say that not only the machine itself plays an important role, but also the raw materials.

It is better to assemble the rolling machine for corrugated board indoors, where there is a flat concrete floor.

At the same time, the temperature in the room also plays an important role: it must be heated, without sudden changes. We choose the temperature not lower than 4 degrees.

If you plan to constantly produce such material, then it is better to immediately prepare rooms for storing rolls, dry and warm.

Varieties of design and principle of operation

To make a device such as a machine with your own hands, you need to understand the principle of operation of industrial models.

This approach will help to compensate for many shortcomings by replacing parts with more affordable ones.

Any corrugated board is produced by cold rolling of smooth sheet raw materials through special nozzles and shafts.

In the end, a corrugated sheet of a given shape is obtained, which can be used as a picket fence, and a fence, and a wall.

Even at home, a machine for the production of corrugated board requires the purchase of high-quality raw materials. It is bought in rolls for ease of use.

Such rolls still need to be unrolled and everything depends on the thickness of the raw material.

If initially you are aiming to make subtle modifications of the corrugated board, then problems should not arise - the sheets can be straightened with your hands.

And if you need to produce rather thick products, then you cannot do without a bending machine.

The machine for corrugated board can be made of two types: a manual apparatus and an automated one.

The first has a simpler principle of operation, it is easy to do it yourself and the cost of the structure will be more affordable.

However, here the shaft is fed and adjusted independently with the help of its own power.

It is almost impossible to construct an automatic device at home on your own. It is economically unprofitable and also extremely difficult.

It is noteworthy that difficulties arise at the final stages of rental.

The fact is that the rolls are of a decent length, so in order to get finished products that can be immediately used as a picket fence or a fence, you also need to provide a way to cut the sheets.

Special guillotines can help here. These scissors are made of very well sharpened steel, and are also equipped with protective boxes and mechanisms for safe work.

The best option would be to buy ready-made blades, as they follow the shape of the finished sheet.

Also, a manual machine for the production of corrugated board, like an automated one, can be designed both according to the technology of simultaneous profiling, and sequential.

In the first case, there is a simultaneous corrugation on both sides of the sheet. In the second, it is necessary to drive the sheet twice from both sides.

Of course, you can make corrugation only on one surface, but such sheets are not suitable for all purposes.

For example, for a home picket fence, it is better to do two sides.

There are also machines that work with the hot rolling method.

But they are not used at home, since initially it is necessary to heat the steel and pour it into a mold that practically melts.

Ready-made sheets are suitable for a picket fence, but hardly as a cladding or wall arrangement.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling the machine at home

The main difference between corrugated board and other metal sheets is a trapezoidal corrugation. It seems that it is impossible to make such material at home, but this is not the case.

The machine for the manufacture of corrugated board, made with one's own hand, is quite possible to make with a sheet bend.

However, it should be understood that a home device will not always be able to help in the manufacture of products that are too thick.

So, the maximum thickness of galvanized steel that can be bent should not exceed 5 millimeters.

On such a device, you can make not only sheets for a picket fence, but also skates, cornice strips, and so on.

First of all, the machine frame is assembled. It is small and does not require complete closure of the walls.

It will be enough to make good supports and fix them to the concrete floor with screws. Next, you need to prepare a table on which the sheet will be fed.

Usually, its length should be at least a couple of times the expected length of the product, because there should still be room for receiving the finished sheet. The table can be made of aluminum plywood.

The main thing here is to make a special bar that will allow you to fix the roll or raw materials. It is pulled tightly to the table with bolts. The hand lever is fixed in the same way.

It is needed to move the sheets along the table and adjust the feed angle. For greater reliability, it is possible to equip such a structure with a control spring.

It should be understood that some parts need to be bought ready-made. For example, rolling shafts. It is impossible to make them at home using improvised means.

But you can order them - today this is not a problem, and the cost for a home workshop will be very low.

They are fixed on the frame and brought to the lever. The shafts should be secured with brackets made of pieces of metal corners.

This procedure requires preliminary assembly. The first run-in of the corrugated board is also carried out on it. All the bolts are not fully tightened, and the sheets are fed very carefully.

You need to be guided by the fact that during operation, the corner shelf and the frame shelf should be on the same plane.

If it turned out to give the required shape to the corrugated board, then all the details can be fixed. However, do not forget about safety precautions.

This is especially true if guillotines are installed.

The work should be done very carefully, without haste, even if you are an experienced craftsman, as there is an increased chance of injury.

The mechanism of action of the device is quite simple, which is why it is possible to make such a machine at home. First, place a sheet of metal on the table. It is fixed with paws or a bar.

You can also cover the corrugated board with different compositions, but for this you need to equip a special table.

At all stages it is necessary to wear protective uniforms, gloves, and wear safety glasses.