New Year's business or how to earn a grandfather frost. Business idea: Reception Santa Claus History from the life of Snow Maiden

The idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness - "Challenge Santa Claus" arose from most people who at least once thought how to make money under the New Year. And such an earnings seem easy and cheerful - and what, come to visit, and congratulations on the New Year in the Carnival costume of Santa Claus. But, faced with the reality of the business, you realize that this is only in the fairy tale. Santa Claus is a fabulous wizard, and in reality - a claimed character on the Christmas tree.

However, it is difficult to call this earnings - professional and constant. Alas, the work of Santa Claus - seasonal and its maximum duration - 25 days, from December 20 to January 15. Although, if you try, in these holidays you can earn a very decent amount.

Cost of Santa Claus

The most important thing in this business is trust and quality. Remember if you qualitatively play the role of Santa Claus, then in a year they will be remembered and will be invited again, even if you increase the price twice. The children do not save, especially even adults at the sight of grandfathers become children. Therefore, never save on the requisition, that is, on Santa Claus's costume - beard, costume, staff - everything should be clean, tidy and look beautiful and on the figure of the grandfather. Do not forget about small makeup. Children are now under a strong impression of the TV and if there is shown-clawed Santa Claus with a beautiful beard, do not think that you can impress your child's child. The average cost of a costume from 20 thousand rubles. You can rent. Do not worry, with the right approach and promotion you can dip a suit in a few days of work.

Snow Maiden is better to have their own, if not own - find a permanent partner so that it was a proven person, and could work at your pace. Here in principle, and all you need to work Santa Claus.

Customer search

Initially, you can work for your friends. You can also for "thank you." After you enter the taste, we will work out a number of scenarios, select the pace of work, you can go to work throughout the city. Ordering orders is your purely personal preference. You can give ads in the newspaper, on the Internet on local sites. You can also conclude an agreement with some benefit on the holidays. Each method has its pros and cons.

With an independent search for orders, you risk omitting the client only because when communicating with the client you will not be able to find a common language (especially when you will be on the order, and the new client will try to get through).

When working across the agency, you get 40-60% of the order value, however, you will be provided with a large flow of orders and you will be able to work your client base for the next year (when you meet with the customer, do not forget to give it your business card).

Order cost

The cost varies from 100 rubles to 500 US dollars. With the "apartment" order you work for one family and you can count on 1500-2500 rubles per hour, for more, few people cause. When working "corporate" order - a matinee in kindergarten or a party in a nightclub you already receive 5,000 - 10,000 rubles per hour of work. Again, rarely who orders Santa Claus for longer. The closer to December 31, the more expensive the challenge. You can clarify the cost of similar offers in your city. The cost of the order varies not only depending on the calendar proximity to the new year, but also on the time of day. During the day (from 8 am and up to 2-Uphols, there are usually about 6-9 orders. Do not take more, firstly, you quickly get tired, secondly, you will not have time for all trips. Moving on New Year's corks The case is slow and between orders should be at least an hour to have time to get there ... or get.

Total fulfilling no more than 6 orders per day, in 20 days you can earn about 180 000 rubles. Even with deductions for the costume, travel, food and other related costs the amount is very impressive.

Modern Santa Moroza

Modern Santa Claus is not only a comprehensive service for congratulating children and adults, but also a number of unusual services. For which you can get more money. For example, "Santa Claus is a climber", which descends from the roof of the house in the window of congratulated. Or Santa Claus comes to the sleigh horses harvested in the top three ... or ... here you are limited to demand and your fantasies and opportunities. Do not be afraid to offer, most of the congratulations dream of an unforgettable greeting.

If you descend on the rope or drive horses for you is difficult. You can try to accompany your services to an additional service.

For example, a colorful and nominal greeting card for congratulated. Pre-agree with the customer, find out the name and make a designer card with congratulations on behalf. The cost of such a postcard will be about 150 rubles, you can "sell" it is twice as expensive to the customer for 300 rubles.

And if you are not bad to take pictures and you have a semi-professional digital camera, you can additionally get to the order - at least 100 rubles. Having spent on all about 4 rubles. To do this, you will need - a camera, a tripod and a mobile photo printer. Suggest making a professional photo with Santa Claus (that is, with you) and his autograph On all orders. The cost of one photo is 100 rubles. Install a tripod with a camera, taking pictures. Immediately print on a mobile printer, sign a photo (from Grandfather Frost, Happy New Year 2010) and take 100 rubles.

Let's consider the cost. The camera (for example, Pentax K110D Kit) costs about 16 thousand rubles, a printer on the battery (for example, Canon Selphy CP780) costs about 4 thousand rubles. Tripod - 300 rubles. Photobumaga (gloss, 50 sheets A6) - 120 rubles or 2.4 rubles per sheet. The paint in the printer is about 1.5 rubles per picture. In total, the manufacture of the picture is 3.9 rubles. One hundred rubles Minus 3.9 rubles, it turns out profit - 96 rubles 10 kopecks. If a day on 6 orders you will sell only 6 photos (and there will be more of them, there may be several children in the family, there may be 20 people on the corporate), then for the day of the additional profit you will receive - 576.6 rubles. For 20 days - 11,532 rubles. And this is a minimum that can be earned in this way. In reality, it can much more. Of course, you can say that everyone has cameras ... But who has Santa Claus, with whom you can take a picture and get an autograph from him? You offer an exclusive additional service to which there will be great demand. Since in addition to congratulations, you will offer a photo for memory.

Especially for

From the media constantly hearing about the development of small businesses. An increasing number of people are trying to do their own business, opening shops, legal offices, travel companies, etc. But life consists not only from work. A person needs and holidays that make it possible to relax, having received positive emotions.

One of the holidays, with the most beloved, is the new year.

And what new year without grandpa frost and snow maiden? Then the annual problems arise: customers - who and how to invite as the New Year characters, from performers - where to gain more orders and think over mini-congratulations.

You can independently organize a business in the New Year, the result of which is profit, and not bad.

Deciding to start a New Year's business, first of all, it is necessary to think about how to declare itself, and this is necessary to do this in advance and several times. You can start the running line on the local television channel, give an ad in the newspaper, or just to put them out on the street (the truth for it can be fined and then the chances of receiving profit will fall).

Ideally, it is better to have a license for the activities of this kind (usually it is given for several species of various activities). On legal issues it is better to contact The permit will protect against many problems with the law and customers who have become more demanding on the qualitative implementation of services.

Next, you need to create a team of Santa Claus-Snow Maiden. It is better if it is a family business in the New Year, then all revenues will remain in the family. It is also necessary to have personal transport, since the driver will reduce profit.

Costumes can be rented or buy if it is supposed to do this seasonal activity for more than one year. New Year's costumes are a separate article, as this is another opportunity to successfully conduct business in the New Year. You can additionally do the sewing suits (only in advance) and then use themselves, sell them or rent them.

All orders are fixed, their route is made. At the entrance to the house of the customer, it is necessary to notify him about the approach of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Before ordering and immediately after its execution, it is better to inform about this close (in case of unforeseen circumstances).

In order to qualitatively, the order at the New Year holiday is needed and thorough preparation of mini-congratulations, taking into account the age-related features of customers. Payment is usually made immediately after ordering, but various options are allowed, including prepayment.

New Year's business is a mutually beneficial enterprise, since it also brings moral satisfaction.

The favorite child character today is still - Santa Claus. Santa Claus is even waiting for adults who dream of new year to get happiness and some extraordinary miracle. Therefore, the New Year's idea: Santa Claus at home as a business will become a wonderful option for making money for many people who wish to please the children and bring adult New Year's happiness.

What is business

It is worth noting that a similar idea is relevant only in the period of the New Year holidays. However, if you are a creative person, you can even continue to continue this case in the summer, but for this case there will be completely different costumes and other scenarios. It is worth saying that you can entertain children and adults at absolutely any events. For example, it can be: corporate, birthday or anniversary.

In the New Year season, the demand for the challenge of Santa Claus to the house or corporate parties takes off several times. A similar business is characterized by some advantages. In particular, to organize the case, you will need:

  1. small starting capital
  2. christmas costumes,
  3. creative charm
  4. personal desire
  5. car for movement.

New year hot time for every fairy-tale character. However, most often on various children's matinees, corporate events and other events are the name of Santa Claus with the granddaughter Snow Maiden. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble and for income, you need to carefully plan your work schedule.

How to organize a business idea: Santa Claus at home

Business idea Santa Claus at home requires carefully approach. However, the most responsible task is to lay out holidays. In addition, it is necessary to take care of conducting a high-quality advertising campaign. It is worth noting that you need to advertise your services long before the New Year holidays. After all, only in this case, customers can notice you and invite you to your fabulous holiday.

For competent advertising of this business, it is best to use visual advertising. Advertising through the radio is not the best option for a similar case. For high-quality advertising it is worth choosing: magazines, leaflets and flyers. In order to find decent customers, you need to visit the matinees in school and pre-school institutions.

Pay attention to reading the publication:

For a successful business, people will need people who will perform different roles. Today to be fabulous heroes will agree:

  • students
  • non-working people
  • theater workers.

In addition, it is worth come up with an interesting scenario for each holiday or a matinee. It is important to make it unique and very interesting.

Business Idea Santa Claus at home Suitable for those people who wish to make money in their free time. It is worth saying that this case can bring very good profits. And all because today the challenge of Santa Claus on the house can cost about 3 thousand rubles. And participation in corporate houses has a much greater cost.

  1. To have a large list of customers in the New Year holidays, you need to do your program unique and very interesting. Stop it is not recommended. Therefore, the standard program of speech must be complemented by new innovations. For example, it is recommended to develop a new script, add to the performance of pyrotechnics and growth dolls.
  2. Santa Claus should take into account the fact that the main thing in his work is a fascinating and interesting performance. But the gift bags with sweets can be made completely differently. This is not the main thing in such work.
  3. When leaving the house, you should remember every family member. For example, if Santa Claus was called for small children, you still need to think about other family members. Small gifts are suitable for adults. For example, it can be key chains or other memorabilia. Be sure that one congratulation does not leave some kind of indifferent. Yes, and you do not consider such surprises. Therefore, it is worth considering this recommendation in order to find new customers.
  4. Congratulations to Santa Claus recommended to shoot on video or camera. Professional photos or high-quality video shooting can bring extra income.
  5. For one-time call you can pick up assistants. For example, it can be a variety of fabulous characters. In this case, it all depends on the written script.
  6. Increase earnings will help the presence of Snow Maiden. Therefore, you need to think about the selection of a suitable candidate.

Idea for Business Santa Claus at home: how to prepare for holidays

Above it was already said that the New Year season is best prepared in advance. The best time to prepare is autumn. Therefore, in the free autumn evenings it is worth choosing the right and interesting repertoire, which will consist of:

  • songs
  • poems
  • contests
  • mysteries.

If you do everything right, then the holiday will like everyone and in the near future new customers will appear.
The preparatory stage includes the choice of costumes. Today for the New Year holiday Santa Claus costume can be bought or sew with your own hands. For good profits, it is recommended to buy two suit. After all, classic Santa Claus love kids. And adults like to see on their holidays Santa Claus. Tailoring or purchase of Santa Claus costume can do 3 thousand rubles.

An important factor in the visit of the grandfather Frost is considered to be presenting gifts. Therefore, with the parents, it is worth a specifically to discuss this moment. In addition, Gifts Santa Claus should have various sweet little things with him who will be awarded the winners of various contests.

In conclusion

As you can see, Santa Claus at home as a business idea is an excellent chance to work out real money on New Year's Days. However, in order to make an intended idea, you need to work hard and approach this case with great responsibility.

*Article for more than 8 years. May contain outdated data

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Most adults have lost faith in Santa Claus, but having children, they want to surprise them so that this feeling of magic remained for many years. A lot of business opens in New Year holidays with a similar subject. You can open the receiving Santa Claus, which will work all year round and bring consistently money, naturally, with high demand on New Year's Eve. This is a very kind, outdoor business that should be lined up only on honesty.

Business concept

It is important to give the child a reason to believe in miracles not only in winter, but in the summer!

Today, registered video spectrialations for a child from Santa Claus are being created for the new year - this is a profitable business. You can go much further and discover a larger business. Favorite Claus is a children's cafe, where in the winter you can collect the whole hall of the children, hire a person for the role of bearded Dobryhar, who distributes gifts for rhymes in advance from parents. In the spring and summer, the reception will function as a thematic cafe for children, there are birthdays there with animators, group holidays. The main influx of customers will be observed from mid-December to mid-January. These are the most "fish" days when you can spend up to 3-4 holiday per day.

Large cities need something similar, there will be impressive income. In settlements from 50 to 100 thousand people, such an idea will go well only in the winter, the remaining seasons are possible work in minus.

To have maximum income from this niche, you can connect the directors of schools heading children's gardens for a specific fee. Then the customers will not be offended!

What will required for implementation?

To implement such a business, it is necessary to paint the entire concept and structure of the system on paper. If there are no questions in the winter period, then in the case of the summer cafe you need to think through every item. What dishes will be served for children, drinks, interesting programs and entertainment, and all this should be associated with the theme of Santa Claus.

It will be necessary to find the room and repair it well, today it is very easy to do, because many cafes and restaurants closes. When choosing a place for the reception, you need to look at the location: the closer to the center, the more customers will want to visit the institution, but also the cost of its purchase will be higher.

Clients here are primarily children from 5 to 11 years. Of these, few have a profile in Instagram, sitting on the Internet. Therefore, you need to think about advertising such a cafe, focusing on parents, or submit information to local TV, where it is not easy to break through.

So, at the start you need:

  • detailed business plan;
  • cafe room;
  • ideas for advertising;

This is a foundation on which everything will be built.

Step-by-step instruction launch

The opening of any cafe or a similar institution is always associated with a large number of nuances. Only solving step-by-step tasks, you can achieve the maximum result, otherwise the entire potential will not be disclosed:

  1. Registration of IP. Without legal permit for maintaining activities, it will not be possible to start in this niche.
  2. Search for premises. For opening a small reception, 70-100 square meters will be enough, there must be a kitchen, bathroom and storage room. The hall itself is calculated on 6-8 tables. On New Year's holidays they are cleaned. There should be 10-15 children simultaneously with their parents, because they remove the holiday on the camera and photograph their children. It is very easy to look for, often on AVITO, similar ads are laid out. After purchasing the room it is necessary to make repairs. It is worth using bright colors, thematic paintings. Everything should twist, attract attention. On the purchase and repair is spent the most money. Depending on the season, change the color tones with pictures, signs, lighting, etc.
  3. Equipment. Any cafe must be equipped with high-quality furniture, kitchenware, etc. There will be no questions with these questions, but the thematic inventory should be creative, unique, often it is done manually. This also includes costumes. For the New Year holidays you need Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costume. If fabulous heroes will be attracted (Liliputs, people for the role of animals), then you also need to look for clothes for them.
  4. Staff. On an ongoing basis, 2-3 cooks will work (depends on the scale of the reception), 2 animators (magicians are possible), who will work shimingly, and the administrator, it is organizational moments (receiving orders, receiving payment, assistance in celebrating the holiday). On the eve of the New Year, you can complement the staff with new people: a woman on the role of Snow Maiden, young people for the role of Liliputs. Each team must have charisma, attractiveness and ability to work with children.
  5. Work on advertising. It is necessary to have a full-fledged resource on the Internet where potential customers can go. The site should emit lightness, magic, good atmosphere, so provide this to a professional. It must be focused on parents with all the necessary information. It is strongly recommended to serve advertisement on local television so that it is shown in the evening. Since the children are watching cartoons, your advertisement will easily fall on them. It is likely that parents will not be able to refuse them in this magic fairy tale.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Any institution is associated with large investments at the start, because you need to buy a lot, equip, solve issues with documentation. At the start, you need to spend money on:

  • opening of IP - 4 000 r.;
  • purchase of premises of 70-100 meters - from 1.6 million rubles;
  • repair of a cafe - 250 thousand rubles;
  • buying equipment and the necessary inventory - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • creation, website promotion - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 50 thousand rubles;

Total minimum amount will be 2.25 million rubles. The figure may vary depending on the cost of the real estate of your city.

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

Revenues every season will be varied. In winter, you need to focus on advertising and shoot the most cream. Within a month from mid-December to mid-January, 3 groups of 10-15 people will be brought daily. The service will cost 1000 rubles for one child. For a month it will be possible to earn from 1 million rubles. This period is the most profitable, that is, the rest of the time the income will be approximately 400-450 thousand rubles. Net profit varies within 90,000-140,000 rubles. Speaking of such numbers, we can conclude that the whole business will pay off during the first year of work.

Risks and features

Among the risks it is worth highlighting a complex system of work, you need to combine cafes and holidays. Children's audience is subject to brands: a new cartoon came out, you need to reformat the cafe design to the appropriate style. Thanks to such operations, you can play with demand. There is no competition big, because the idea is unique. The danger of business can bring the situation in the country, the crisis will make it reduce the cost of services, accordingly, this will affect profits.


A few businesses are open target for children, and very in vain. After all, children are flowers of life, you need to focus on their development, entertainment. And showing the magic in the New Year holidays, you can give them a habit of believing in a miracle, which is so missing many adults. After all, the miracle exists, and Santa Claus and his reception will demonstrate it clearly!