Structure of writing letters in English EGE. English: writing letters. Sample letter in English

In total, the parents of schoolchildren are addressed to our school with a request to prepare future graduates to the English language 2018. Therefore, we decided to write a detailed article in which we will tell you how to prepare for this exam: Consider its structure and give practical advice for the successful passing of each part of the EGE And also imagine the best textbooks and online resources to prepare for this difficult test.

What is an ege in English 2018

EGE in English 2018 is a graduation exam at school, which is counted as an entrance exam in the university, so it is so important to pass it on a high score. While this exam is not mandatory, but if the graduate is going to enter the profile university, he needs to go through this test.

According to the structure and level of the complexity of the USE, it looks like an international FCE exam. This means that for successful delivery, the student must have a level (above average). This is a high step, so we recommend starting to prepare for the exam in English already from the 10th grade, then for 2 years the schoolboy will be able to master the entire required amount of material at a normal pace.

In principle, you can prepare for the surrender of the exam and for 1 year, but only if at the time of the beginning of the preparation, the student is already in English at the level (medium). Do not know how a graduate possesses? Then suggest it to pass.

How is the exam in English in 2018? The exam consists of written and oral parts, which are held on different days. In one day, schoolchildren hand over the written part, it includes such sections: audience, reading, letter, grammar and vocabulary. In total, on this day, a graduate needs to perform 40 tasks for 180 minutes. The student can get a maximum of 20 points for each of the sections. Thus, for this day you can score 80 points.

The second part is oral - passes on another day and rent as desired. It lasts only 15 minutes and consists of 4 tasks. On this day, a graduate can earn another 20 points. We strongly advise all graduates to hand over the oral part: in case of unsuccessful answers, you do not lose anything, but in case of successful - earn additional points.

Thus, the graduate on the exam may score a maximum of 100 points. The minimum score for passing the exam is 22 points.

Below we will present the table of the translation of the scam points in English into a five-point system.

The results of the exam are usually published 14 days after passing the second part of the exam, but in some cases they are already known in 12 days. You can learn your results on the official website of the EGE by filling out all the necessary fields. Paper certificates of the USE were canceled in 2014, so only electronic certificates are now available.

The structure of the EGE in English 2018 and the principles of successful passing of each part

In this chapter, we will tell you in detail about what tasks will be to execute a graduate in each of the parts of the exam. In addition, we will give advice from our teachers who prepare schoolchildren to pass the exam. By the way, if you are looking for a teacher who will prepare your child for the exam, pay attention to. They have been doing this not the first year already and developed their successful training strategy, they know which pitfalls are waiting for schoolchildren and how to get rid of these errors on the exam.

As an example, we will present you a demonstration version of the EGE in English, provided by the official site of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurement


The audience lasts 30 minutes and consists of three parts. The first two parts are the first and second task, respectively, and the third part is tasks number 3-9 (from the general list of 40 tasks).

The audit in English in 2018 includes 3 audio united in one entry. The examiners include the entry and do not stop it until the end, but there are pauses between the fragments to read the tasks and transfer of the responses to the blank. For each correct answer in this and the rest of the exam, the student receives 1 point. Let's see that the graduate will have to do on audit.

Exercise 1: Given 7 statements. The student listens to 6 statements and relates them with allegations, one of which is superfluous.

6 points.


Auditation, Task 1

Task 2: Given 7 statements. The schoolboy listens to the dialogue and determines which statements correspond to the content of the dialogue (true), which do not match (false), and which are not mentioned in it (not stated).

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Auditation, task 2

Task 3: There are 7 questions, each of them is offered 3 options for answering. The student listens to the audio recording and selects the right answer to each question.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Auditation, task 3

Our advice:

  1. When preparing for the exam, you need to perform as much as possible tasks for listening in the examination format. So a graduate will get used to quickly read tasks and capture keywords in speech that will help to find a right answer.
  2. When choosing a response, it is necessary to rely on the words mentioned in the speech, but in the meaning of his words. So, for example, in his speech, he can certainly mention all the answers to the task, but if you understand this, you can understand that the correct answer is only one.


Reading lasts 30 minutes and consists of 3 parts (9 tasks). For each part we advise to spend no more than 10 minutes to meet the allotted half an hour.

Exercise 1: Given 7 short texts (3-6 sentences in each) and 8 headlines. You need to read texts and pick up each of them the corresponding header. At the same time, 1 header will be superfluous.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Reading, Task 1

Task 2: Dan text in which there are 6 passes. Below is given 7 passages, 6 of which you need to insert into place of skips.

Maximum number of points: 6 points.


Reading, Task 2

Task 3: Dan a small text and 7 questions to it. To each question there are 4 options for answering, from which you need to choose 1 correct.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Reading, Task 3

Our advice:

  1. When executing the first task, you need to look for keywords that will indicate the meaning of the text and help you find the desired title. In addition, often the basic meaning of paragraph is reflected in the first sentence, and some small details are given in the rest. Therefore, in some cases, you just need to read the first sentence carefully to correctly perform the task.
  2. To successfully fulfill the second task, it is necessary to understand how complex offers are built in English. The fact is that the missed part in most cases is part of a complex or complex proposal. For example, if a schoolboy understands that in the appropriate proposal of WHO is used in relation to people, Which - objects, and where - places, it will be able to fulfill most of the tasks. You also need to repeat, for example, that infinitive is used to express the goal.
  3. In the third task, questions are located in the order in which they are answered in the text. That is, the answer to the first question will be at the beginning of the text, and not in the middle or end, the answer to the second question is after the response to the first and so on.

Grammar and vocabulary

This section of the EGE in English 2018 checks the knowledge of grammatical structures and a graduate vocabulary. On his implementation, the student is given for 40 minutes. Let's see what to do a schoolboy.

Exercise 1: Data text in which 7 words are missed. To the right of the text, the words you want to convert grammatically (for example, put the verb at the right time) and insert the pass.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Grammar and vocabulary, Task 1

Task 2: Dan text with 6 passes. On the right are the words that need to be transformed and lexically, and grammatically - to form a single word, suitable in meaning to the text.

Maximum number of points: 6 points.


Grammar and vocabulary, Task 2

Task 3: Dan text with 7 passes. You need to pick up each of them 1 is the right version of the response from the four offered.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Grammar and vocabulary, Task 3

Our advice:

  1. Transformation of the word in the first part, as a rule, occurs according to the following principle. If you are given a verb, it needs to be either used in the right time, or to put in the correct form of collateral (active or passive), or to form communion from it. If adjective is given, it is necessary to put it in a comparative or excellent degree. If you need to change the numerical, most likely, you need to make it ordinary.
  2. In the second part, the knowledge of suffixes and consoles is mainly checked, including negative, the ability to form different parts of speech from a single word.
  3. In the third part, the knowledge of the combination of words, the so-called collocations is most often checked. In addition, out of 4 words you will need to choose the most suitable in meaning, that is, you need to know the difference between similar words, read in the context.


For writing and checking 2 written works, a graduate is given 80 minutes.

Exercise 1: Dan text of a short letter from a friend in which questions are asked. The student needs to read it and write a letter-answer: answer questions a friend and ask questions to him.

Volume: 100-140 words.

Maximum number of points: 6 points.


Letter, task 1

A letter to a friend is written in an informal style. The structure of this work is as follows:

  1. We decorate the "cap"

    In the upper right corner, we write the address: on the top line we indicate the city, under it - a country of residence. No need to write the street and house number: It may be regarded as disclosing confidential information, even if the address is fictional.

    After the address we skip 1 line and write the date of writing the letter all in the same upper right corner.

    Further, as usual, on the left we write the unofficial appeal: DEAR TOM / JIM (the name will be given in the task). Here is unacceptable to write Hello. After the appeal, we put the comma and continue to write the text of the letter from the new line.

  2. Text of the letter

    Each paragraph begins to write from a red string.

    In the first paragraph you need to thank a friend for the received letter (Thanks a lot for your Last Letter) and apologize that you have not written before (Sorry I Have't Been in Touch for So Long). You can also mention some fact from the received letter.

    In the fourth paragraph, you need to sum up - report that you finish the letter (I'Ve Got to Go Now! It's Time for My Favourite TV Show), and offer to keep in touch (Take Care and Keep In Touch!).

  3. End of letter

    At the end you need to write the final phrase-cliché, after which the comma is always put: all the best, best wishes, etc.

    On the next line under this phrase, you specify your name.

Task 2: Approval (usually controversial). The graduate writes an essay, which argues on this topic, expresses his point of view, and also leads the opposite opinion and explains why he disagrees with him.

Volume: 200-250 words.

Maximum number of points: 14 points.


Letter, task 2

Essays are written in neutral style and consists of 5 paragraphs:

  1. Entry: we formulate the topic problem and immediately indicate that there are two opposite points of view.
  2. Your opinion: I express your point of view (one) on this issue and give 2-3 arguments that confirm it.
  3. Opposite opinions: We write 1-2 opposite points of view and give arguments in favor of their existence.
  4. We express disagreement: explain why they do not agree with the above points of view, and give arguments to defense of our own opinion. At the same time, they should not repeat the arguments from paragraph 2.
  5. Conclusion: We conclude on this topic, we indicate that there are different points of view, and finally confirm your point of view.

Our advice:

  1. Adhere to the required volume. Permissible to deviate by 10% from the specified number of words, that is, it can be written from 90 to 154 words in the letter and from 180 to 275 - in the essay. If a graduate writes at least 1 word less (89), it will be given 0 points for the task. If the limit is exceeded, the examiner counters 140 words in the letter or 250 in the essay and will evaluate it, and it will take off the score for incomplete work, design task, disclosure of the topic, etc.
  2. Avoid paragraphs consisting of one sentence, you need to supplement and argue every idea. To do this, you can use the designs in My Opinion, I Believe and so on.
  3. Follow the style of written works: in the letter are permissible expressions like Guess What? Or Wish Me Luck! And in the essay it is better to adhere to a more formal style. It is important not to overdo it with "non-formalities": all sorts of well, Cause and slang expressions are unacceptable.
  4. Use ligament words, they make text logical, allow you to supplement or oppose sentences.

Oral speech

The oral part of the exam is the shortest, it takes only 15 minutes. The graduate must have time to perform as many as 4 tasks for which you can get a maximum of 20 points. The student gives jobs before the computer, its answers are recorded using the headset, and the time is shown on the screen. In the audience, at the same time there is an organizer who follows the progress of the exam.

Exercise 1: The screen displays the text of a popular science character. For 1.5 minutes, it is necessary to prepare and expressively read it out loud to the next 1.5 minutes.

Lead time: Not more than 3 minutes.

Maximum number of points: 1 point.


Oral speech, Task 1

Lead time: About 3 minutes.

Maximum number of points: 5 points.


Oral speech, Task 2

Task 3: Show 3 photos. You need to select 1 and describe it on the plan proposed immediately in the task.

Lead time: About 3.5 minutes.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Oral speech, Task 3

Task 4: Dana 2 pictures. It is necessary to compare them, describe the similarities and differences, explain why the chosen theme is close to a graduate.

Lead time: About 3.5 minutes.

Maximum number of points: 7 points.


Oral speech, Task 4

Our advice:

  1. Use online Exam Exam On the site He fully imitates the exam, so you will get acquainted with the format and understand that specifically you need to do what time is to fit, etc.
  2. To work out the first part of the exam you need take texts of different topics and learn to read them with the right expression: In speech there must be pauses, logical accents, natural intonation. In addition, the graduate must be placed in a minute and a half, because the score decreases if the text is not despicable to the end. However, it is also impossible to hurry too, because it is not checked for reading speed, but the ability to express text to expressively.
  3. To successfully execute the second task, you need learn to ask questions for various texts. In principle, the assignment itself is elementary, most errors are associated with the loss of auxiliary verb or incorrect agreement with nouns. This problem is easily solved with the help of multiple exercises to draw up issues.
  4. In the third task, examine you need to select 1 photo from 3 offered and describe it. Here are our main advice - carefully read the task. The fact is that it changes slightly every year, so learn to respond accordingly according to the formulations of 2018. In 2018, graduates have to describe a photo to a friend, that is, in a monologue should appeal to him. In addition, it is necessary answer all questions in the taskFor example, if Where and When The Photo Was Taken says, you need to answer both questions - where and when. At the beginning, it is necessary to report on which photo will be speaking (I'Ve Chosen Photo Number ...). Do not forget about the introductory (Would you like to have a look at my picture? / I'd like to show you a a picture from my photo album.) And final (THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. / I Hope You Liked My Picture.) phrases that make speech logical.
  5. In the fourth task you need to do the main focus in speech on a comparison of picturesrather than their description. It is necessary use speech cliches: The First Picture Depicts ... Whereas / While The Second Picture Depicts ..., The Main Difference Is That ..., in Comparison to the first picture, this one ... etc. More similar speech clichés you Learn with the help of our article "phrases for comparison and opposition."

Tutorials and sites for preparation for the exam in English 2018

Now you are familiar with the structure of the exam and understand that graduates will have a difficult test. However, the EGE in English in 2018 can be passed easily and successfully, if it is pretty well to prepare. And in this student will help first of all a good teacher, as well as resources for preparing for this exam. We want to introduce you to some textbooks and sites that our teachers are used in the preparation of their students to the exam. Take a note at least a few of them.

  1. The Macmillan Exam Skills For Russia series includes books on the preparation for each part of the USE. Thanks to authentic texts and tasks, this series is one of the best for preparing for exams. These books are quite complex, so we recommend schoolchildren on them with a level not lower than Intermediate.
  2. "Typical exam options of the USE edited by Verbicky" - exist in various variations, include typical assignments of the exam with the answers. With the help of the book, you can check how well the graduate is ready for the exam.
  3. - the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, which presents a large bank of typical tasks to the USE. On the specified page, click on the Inscription "English" and in the tab that opens on the left, select the skill you want to train. Please note: there are no answers to the tasks on the site, so that the graduate's efforts do not dare in vain, we advise you to deal with the teacher and transfer the tasks performed by him.
  4. ,, - sites with training podcasts in English. Of course, there are no typical tasks for the USE, but you can practice the skill of speech perception on the hearing in an interesting way and somewhat distract from the same type of tasks to the exam.

Our teacher Natalia has already prepared no one dozen honors to the exam in English, in his article "Exam, Be Good to Me, or how to successfully pass the EGE in English" it shares personal experience and graduates.

So now you imagine the volume of work and know the secrets of the successful passing of the EGE in English. We wish all graduates of light exams and high points! And if you have not found a suitable teacher, sign up for us.

Preparation for OGE and EGE

Secondary education

Line Ukk M. V. Verbicky. English "Forward" (10-11) (bases)

Line UMK O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheyeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow english" (10-11) (bases)


We understand the ege in English: section "Letter"

The analysis of the tasks section "Letter" with the teacher. Methodical prompts, building the logic of the response, examples of the letter and essay.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of the English language teachers "Profi-edge" 2015. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 2014, the diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010 .. Work experience - 23 years.

Rezhekovskaya Natalia Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPP 2007 The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Expert GIA OGE in English. Pedagogical examination of educational publications under RA 2015-2016. Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, the diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Potina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNO 2008 The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Pedagogical examination of educational publications under RA 2015-2016. Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 2015, the grade of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010. Work experience is 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013. Work experience is 15 years.

One of the tasks in the English language is to write a letter to a friend on correspondence. In real life, many writing letters to friends spontaneously, especially without composing the signs of punctuation and capital letters, i.e. Course, but it is unacceptable for the taskC1.. There are certain requirements for the design of the letter, which must be strictly followed.

How to get "6" scores for the writing of the exam?

If you break the letter to the parts and practice in writing each of them, the writing of letters will not seem like this hard work, as many perceive it.

One way to fulfill this task is as efficiently possible, it is learned by heart well written letters. Your attention is provided with 120 letters to a friend voiced by a native speaker and equipped with two files with Russian and English translations. The technique of memorizing letters and essays by rewriting is described here.

What criteria for evaluating letters to a friend?

Maximum number of points you can gain for an essay - 6 Points.

2 Bala

Organization of text

2 Bala

Language decoration

2 Bala

Your letter must contain 100 – 140 words plus minus 10%. What means 90 – 154 the words.

And what will happen if you write more?

The verifier counts 154 words, the rest will not be checked.

All words are considered, including articles, auxiliary verbs, particles including address, date and signature.

What is the purpose of writing a letter?

The purpose of writing a letter to a friend is to show that you speak in writing English at the level of communication, you know how to ask and ask questions in writing.

To better prepare for this part of the test, we recommend that you work each of its sections

Where to begin?

Unlike an essay, where sometimes it is difficult to come up with what to start in the letter to start with standard phrases. These are phrases of greetings, apologize for the late reply, etc. Writing the letters in a very high degree structured. If you write a set of mandatory phrases that are used in writing a letter, it will be more 50% S.amo letter. It remains only to tune in to the questions themselves.

How best to write a letter: on paper or print on a computer?

It is better to prepare in the same format in which you will have an exam. If you write a letter with a pen on a sheet of paper, then you are better to prepare. If you have to write it on your computer, then it is better to train on your computer. Handle and keyboard have their own motor memoryTherefore, it is better to train in the exam format. In our case, the letter to a friend and essay is written on a sheet of paper.

What is the structure of the letter to a friend?

Divide the text of the letter into several parts. Each piece start with paragraph.

Let's look at writing the letters on the real example.

You have 20 min to do this task.
You Have Received A Letter from Your English-Speaking Pen Friend Rob, Who Writes:
... We Are Doing A Project At School On How Computers Are Changing People "S Lives. Please Could You Tell Me How Computers Are Changing Things and What People Think of Them? Have You Got A Computer At Home? What do you use it for?
As for Me, I Going On Holiday With My Parents Next Weekend ...

Write Back to Rob. IN YOUR LETTER:
- Answer His Questions About Computers
- ASK. 3 Questions About His Holiday
Write 100 - 140 Words. Remember The Rules of Letter Writing.

Part 1

So the first part is writing addresses . In the upper right corner, specify the address in the following order:

street and house number





Under the address saving a stringYou must write a letter date:

June 4th, 2015


36 Novoslobodskaya.

Deceptber 7th, 2014

Part 2

The letter begins S. appeals . If the name of your interlocutor is not specified in the task, it should be invented:

Dear Tim

Dear Tim ,

Dear cone

Dear Rebecca. ,

Tim, hello

HI , Tim ,


Hello. , Rebecca. ,

After the appeal necessarily puts comma , not an exclamation mark, as in Russianlanguage!

Dear Tim ,

Part 3.

Thanks Friend per letter. Possible grateful options.

Many thanks for your letter

Thanks a lot for your letter!

Many thanks for your last letter.

Thanks a lot for your Last Letter!

I was very happy to get your letter.

I Was Really Happy to Get Your Letter!

I was glad to get your letter.

I Was Glad to Get Your Letter!

I was glad to hear you!

IT Was Great to Hear from You!

You can add a few more lines here if you detained the answer , explaining the situation.

Sorry, I did not answer your letter immediately. I am very busy lately.

Sorry, I Didn "T Respond / Reply to Your Letter Right Away. I" Ve Been Really Busy Lately.

Sorry, I did not write for so long.

Sorry, I Have Not Written for So Long.

Sorry me that I did not answer before. I was very busy preparing for my exams.

Sorry i Didn "T Respond Earlier. I" Ve Been Really Busy At My School Preparing for My Exams.

Sorry, I was not in touch for so long.

Sorry, I Have Not Been in Touch for So Long.

Sorry for the fact that I did not answer your letter on that day when I received it. I'm not very good to write letters.

I am Really Sorry for Not Responding to Your Letter The Day I Got It. I Am Not Good At Writing Letters.

I'm sorry that I did not answer before but I was very busy at school.

I am Sorry I Have Not Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School.

respond to Your Letter Right Away. I am dyeing

Part 4.

In the fourth part you must reply to the main questions Your friend by correspondence.

a) Express your attitude to the main problem of the letter.

I am very happy to hear that ...

I Am Really Glad to Hear That ...

I am very sorry that ...

I am Sorry to Hear That ...

I'm glad you're going ...

I Am Glad That You Are Going To ...

b) and then you can continue a confirmation proposal.

In the table below, we will write, what words it is good to use for writing letters.
They will make your letter alive and easily readable.



It's obvious that)



although / Though.





For this reason


That's why

that's Why.



By the way

by The Way.

But or however


anyway / anyhow.










In this way



un Fortunately.



Essentially (actually)



aS A Rule.

As far as I know


As long as I remember


As far as I understand

aS FAR AS I Understand

Frankly speaking

frankly Speaking


in Any Case.

In my opinion

in My Opinion.

One side


On the other hand



on The W Hole

The fact is that

the Matter Is That







As for me)


Because of

because Of.



With the exception of

except (for)




thanks To.

According to

according To.

And .........

both ......... and.

Or or

either ......... ... or

No no

neither ......... NOR.

With a more advanced list of ligament words or Linking Words You can find here.

Read by Neil Geitz

for Doing Any Kind of Task Easily. I Have A Computer At Home Too. I Use It For Doing My Homework, Watching Movies Online and Finding Useful for Learning English, Finding Interesting Information

Part 5.

Specify 3 questions on the specified topic.

When you …?


Where are you … ?

Where do you ...?

Your brother …?

Does you brother ...?

How long are you ...?

Howl Long Do You ...?

How often do you …

How Often To You ...?


Part 6.

Explain why do you finish the letter .

Well, I'd rather go now, because I have a lot of work.

Well, I'd Better Go Now for I Have a Lot of Work to Do.

Well, I'd rather go now, as I have to do homework.

Well, I'D Better Go NOW AS I Have to Do My Homework.

In short, I'm going to stop right now, as my mom wants me to help her with dinner.

Anyway, I Am Going to Stop Now for My Mum Wants Me to Help Her With Dinner.

In fact, I should go now. The time of my favorite program.


I have to run now! I have to pick up my younger brother from school.

I "VE Got to Run Now! I Have to Pick My Little Brother from School.

Actually. , I'Ve Got to Go Now. IT's Time for My Favorite TV Show.

Part 7.

Need to write a few words about the next letter .

Write quickly!

Write (Back) Soon!

Be healthy and will be in touch!

Take Care and Keep In Touch!

Write me a letter when you can!


I hope to hear from you soon!

Hope to Hear from You Soon!

I can not wait from you Westa!

I Can't Wait to Hear From You!

I look forward to letters from you!

I Am Looking Forward to Getting Your Letter!


Part 8.

Here is written finishing phrase .
Please note that they are separated by the comma.

Best wishes,

All The Best,



With love,

Lots of love

Best wishes,

Best Wishes


With Best Wishes,

Let's summarize

Deceptber 7th, 2015


I am Glad to See Your Letter. Sorry, I Couldn "Trespond to Your Letter Right Away .I am dyeing To Know more about your School Project.

AS for Computers, Computers Are Being Used In Just ABOUT EVERY FIELD AND PEOPLE FIND THEM VERY USEFULfor Doing Any Kind of Task Easily. I Have A Computer At Home Too. I Use It For Doing My Homework, Watching Movies Online and Finding Useful for Learning English, Finding Interesting Informationon Google. AS A MATTER OF FACT, My Parents Also Use IT.

Btw. Where are you you Going on Holiday WITH YOUR PARENTS? What Will You Be Doing There? Is it Far From Where You Live?

Actually. , I'Ve Got to Go Now. IT's Time for My Favorite TV Show.




140 words

And now you can relax!

In the task of 39 EGE in English, an excerpt is given from the letter of your friend in which he talks about some events from his life. You need to write a response letter.

The letter must be clearly structured and include the following components:






Thanks. Apologies + reason. Connecting phrase

Answers on questions

3 questions on the topic


Final phrase

Signature (name)

Example address in the exam in English

In the upper right corner, specify the address (brief)



If you write a full address, do not forget about the principle of "from smaller to more", namely:

- House number, street name

- city

- country

Example date in ege 2018

Under the address by skipping the string, specify the date of the letter in one of the formats:

  • June 5th 2017.
  • 4 June 2017.
  • 04/05/16

Remember that the dates of June 5th 2017 and 4 June 2017 contain 3 words, while 05/06/16 is considered one word.

EGE template

It consists only of two words: Far. + friend name ( Far. T.oM,) . After the appeal, you must definitely put the comma! Do not put - lose the score.

Gratitude template in the English language

  • Thanks (A lot) for Your (Last) Letter.
  • I Was Glad to Get Your Letter.
  • IT Was Great to Hear from You!

Apologies + reason in the exam

Then you need to apologize for not answering before, and explain the reason:

  • Sorry I Have't Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School.
  • Sorry I Have't Written Earlier But ...
  • Sorry I Haven't Been In Touch for So Long for So Long But ...

Connecting phrase

Here you can mention any fact from the received letter ( I.'M. glad. you. passed. your. Physics. test!) or write a universal phrase: either I. 'M. glad. you. 'Re. OK. ! (if a friend is doing well) or I. miss. you. greatly ! (If we learn from the letter of a friend that he, for example, broke his leg and lies in the hospital).

Answers to questions in Ege 2018

Here you need to remember three points:

a) how many questions, so many answers. For example, a friend asked: What Extreme Sports Would You Like To Try, If Any and Why? So you need not just write I'd Like To Try Raftingbut also argue: bECAUSE IT IMPLies a Well Coordinated Team Work, Good Reaction and Nerves of Steel;

b) We comply with the grammatical structure of questions and answers. If a friend asks What would you. do. if you. wERE me.?, it is necessary to answer the design If. I. wERE you., I. would (DO. Their sAME.);

c) it is not necessary to respond to questions in the order in which they are specified. The main thing is that they are logically connected.

We ask 3 questions

No more, no less. They must correspond to the topic specified in the task. If said about hIS. project. paper.So, you need to ask exactly about the project, and not about the performance or lessons. Different types of questions (for example, general, special and alternative) are encouraged, but are not mandatory (you can ask three special questions).

Furnishing completion of the letter in the exam

Explain why we finish the letter:

  • Well, i'd Better Go NOW AS I Have To Do My Homework
  • Anyway, I Have to Go Now: My Mum Asked Me to Help Her With Our Dinner
  • Actually, I'Ve Got to Go Now! IT's Time for My Favourite TV Show

We write that we will be happy to get a letter from this friend:

  • Write (Back) Soon!
  • Take Care and Keep In Touch!
  • FROMan't Wait to Hear from You!

Finishing phrase

At the end of the letter, the final phrase is specified on a separate line:

  • Love
  • Lots of love
  • Best wishes

After it always puts a comma! Do not put - lose the score.

Signature (name)

On the last line under the final phrase, we specify your name without the last name and points! ( Vlad.Ann.)

Letter Template for EGE in English




Dear ...

Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I Have't Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School. I'm glad you're OK! / I Miss You Greatly!

In Your Letter You Asked Me About .... Well.... (answer all questions)

By The Way, Tell Me (About) ... (Specify 3 question)

Actually, i'd Better Go Now As I Have To Study for My Exams / I'Ve Got My Aerobic Class. Take Care and Stay in Touch! /Write Back Soon!



Sample assignment and ready letters for the exam in English

You Have Received A Letter From Your English- Speaking Pen-Friend Who Writes

..Last Summer My Parents and I Went Hiking To the Mountains. WE SPENT THE WHOLE WEEK TOGETHER AND ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH. How Often Do You Take Active Holidays? WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST COMPANY FOR YOU? What Extreme Sports Would You Like To Try, If Any and Why?


Write a Letter to Tom. In Your Letter Answer His Questions, Ask 3 Questions About His Project Paper. Write 100-140 Words.





Thanks for your letter. Sorry I Have't Answered Earlier But I Was Busy With My School Project. Hope You Didn't Have Accidents While Hiking!

As for Me, I Don't Have Much Time On Active Holidays Because I Have a Lot of Homework. My Family Is more The Stay-At-Home Sort, So I Can't Spend The Time with Them Somehow Actively. My Company Is My Friend and, You Know, Our Trips Are Usually Very Jolly. I'd Like To Try Rafting This Spring, Because It Implies a Well Coordinated Team Work, Good Reaction and Nerves of Steel.

Anyway, You've Mentioned A Project. Do You Like Writing ABOUT EVENTS OF THE PAST? What events Did You Choose for Your Project? Are the Same Historical Period?

I'd Better Go NOW AS My Dad Wants Me to Help Him With Is Car. Write Soon!



Useful Tips for writing EGE

  • Consider words

Be sure to meet in the specified volume: 100-140 words are golden middle, but a deviation is allowed to 10% in both directions, i.e. 90-154 words. If in the letter ≤89 words, then 0 points are set for the task. If ≥155 words, only the first 140 words are checked. This means that due to one extra word, you can lose a few points!

Remember that 1 word is everything that is between two spaces. Defisites (-), apostrophes (') and slashes (/) are not spaces, so words from the category that's, Twenty-Two, Open-Minded, UK, TV and date in format 05/06/16 are considered for one word. Sporting writing letters on exam form - so you learn how to identify the number of words on the eyes and will spend less time on their counting.

  • Write in unofficial style

"Enjoy" a letter to abbreviations ( I'm, can't, i'd like.), informal ligaphrices ( well, Also, by The Way, Anyway, So, Actually), spoken expressions ( Guess What? Wish Me Luck!) and interjections ( Hurray! Yahoo! HA-HA!).

  • Calculate Time

To fulfill this task, highlight yourself 20 minutes: 8 min. on Chernovik, 8 min. for a cleanstik and 4 minutes. on counting words and check. Be sure to check the letter before passing!