Business trainer resume sample. Making a resume: training manager, business coach. Examples of results and training portfolio

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of a business coach (an experienced specialist or a beginner without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

Business coach resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This sample resume for a business coach is proven by practice.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a business coach.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a business coach resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a business coach resume sample, click on the link below.

When changing jobs, a business coach is faced with the need to create a professional coaching resume. What do you need to consider when writing a resume for a business coach so that the employer notices your resume and makes it stand out from others? What should be included and what should not be included in a business coach’s resume?

1. Basic education should be highlighted in a coach’s resume if it matches your profile, or if you are a young specialist. As your career as a business coach grows, basic education will no longer be of particular importance, and if it does not correspond to the profile, then you can write about it very briefly, without focusing on it.

2. In a trainer’s resume, you should definitely indicate everything related to the profile of your activity: courses, trainings, seminars, internships, even if they took place a long time ago.

3. A coach does not have to list all places of work in his resume. If in the past your work was not related to the profession of a business coach, then you can omit them. If your list of jobs is already quite long, do not indicate your very first jobs; they are less significant than your most recent experience.

4. When describing your work in previous places, do not copy parts from job descriptions into your coaching resume - this is boring and uninteresting. Show originality and highlight your individuality. This will set your resume apart from other trainers.

5. Write in your resume about your coaching achievements at each place of work. Achievements should be expressed in the form of a result, not a process. That is, “thanks to training, I achieved a 30% increase in sales” is the correct form, but “trained staff in effective sales skills” is incorrect.

6. The resume of a business coach should contain a portrait photo, and it is better to take it in the studio, in business clothes. An amateur photo in the park, on the street, or cut out of a group photo can damage your image.

7. If you have recommendations and reviews, it gives you an advantage. In your coaching resume, indicate the contacts and positions of those recommenders who are ready to answer affirmatively to the question of whether they would hire you right now.

8. A trainer should emphasize his own trainings and proprietary business programs in his resume. But even here you need to exercise some caution and common sense. If you have a lot of original programs, you shouldn’t include a list of 80 items. The employer runs the risk of not finishing them. Less than a dozen, but the most significant ones, will be enough.

9. Indicating in your resume a list of your publications in newspapers, magazines, online publications, as well as books, brochures, manuals developed by you or with your participation, can distinguish you from other trainers. But here, too, it is important not to overdo it, because a business coach is, first of all, a practitioner, and not a writer or journalist. The same rule applies to the list of TV shows in which you participated.

5 things that should not be included in a business coach’s resume:

1. You should not use phrases about yourself of this type in your resume: “the best coach in the Russian-speaking space”, “coach No. 1”, “the highest paid”, “the most in demand”, etc.

2. You should not include long lists of your diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc. in your resume. It is enough to indicate a few of the most significant of them.

3. Such “professions” as tarot reader, numerologist, astrologer, space harmonizer, yogi, esotericist, fortune teller, healer. It is unlikely that they will contribute to your speedy employment as a business coach.

4. You should not describe in too much detail your sports hobbies, sports you have played, ranks and awards in your resume as a business coach.

5. You should not include in your resume long lists of companies - your clients, especially if they are individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or individuals. The names of a few large companies are enough; they will attract attention and be remembered.

And finally. A high-quality resume for a business coach should not exceed 2 printed pages in 12 font size. Try to fit all the best and most useful things into this size.

On our portal for trainers you can:

  • Buy coaching manuals
  • Buy

We recommend unique coaching techniques for the best exercises for training:

  • Warm-up exercise “Unclench your fist”

    An effective exercise suitable for many training topics. Taking only 10-15 minutes, the exercise allows the trainer to quickly raise the energy level of the group, in a memorable way to attract the attention of participants to the next topic and increase the motivation of participants for further learning.

    The exercise clearly demonstrates to participants that forceful methods of influence give losing results, but we often act out of habit using forceful methods.

    The exercise will be a good lead-in to mini-lectures on the following topics: how to deal with client objections; How can a manager deal with employee resistance? how to behave in a conflict situation...

    Volume of the coaching manual: 8 pages.

    Bonus! An audio recording of the exercise and appropriate music are included.

  • Find a job you love

    The training exercise was recommended by professional trainer D. Shvetsov, author of the book “Strengthening Personality.”
    Quality targeted exercise for training in personal growth, career guidance, goal setting or training in starting your own business. Exercise inshort deadlines help solve one of the most pressing issues: “How to choose a job (business, profession) that would be not only profitable, but also pleasant and interesting? How to find your calling?The specific technology detailed in this training exercise will help participants believe that the combination"favorite work"very possible.

    Exclusive recommendations from professionals! This is not just an exercise for training, it is a unique coaching manual, including detailed instructions for conducting the exercise, analysis of difficult situations and objections,recommendations, advice andtips from expert trainers. You won't find this anywhere else!

    Volume of the training manual for the exercise: 8 pages.
    Bonuses! The exercise contains a detailed theory block and an audio recording of the “live” exercise!

  • Training exercise "Million Euros"

    Interesting, rich in conclusions exercise for goal setting training, success or personal growth trainings.

    This exercise “for training develops in participants a meaningful attitude towards the goals that they set for themselves, helps to findthose inspiring goalswhich a person will trulyjoyfully implement, and separate these goals from artificial, imposed goals or intermediate goals. Thanks to the interesting legend, the “Million Euro” exercise is always lively, the training participants are highly involved, and the energy and interest of the participants increases. And motivate training participants to achieve their own goals!

    Judge for yourself, Volume of the training manual for the exercise: 8 pages.

A business coach is a specialist in the field of business development, drafting projects, training staff and company management. This profession is quite new on the labor market, but is already in incredible demand.

A resume for such a position should contain standard sections in which you provide the necessary information. You must have a higher education, preferably in a psychological, pedagogical or economic field; it is also possible to graduate from a business school to train business trainers, or have rich personal practical experience in this field. It is also important to have experience in participating in and conducting trainings, seminars, and courses; this should also be indicated in your resume. The main responsibility of a business trainer is to teach a group of people certain rules and methods of work; for this you need to be a good speaker, be able to convey information, present it in an accessible way to everyone, create a connection between yourself and the group - the employer will evaluate a resume with such skills of the applicant. As for personal qualities, sociability, composure, and organization are important.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample resume for a business trainer:

Polyakov Andrey Igorevich
(Andrey I. Poliakov)

Target: Filling the position of a business trainer.


September 2000 – June 2004 Moscow Institute of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business Planning and Management, specialty “Project Management”, specialist diploma (full-time).

Additional education:

July 2004 – International Business School, seminar “Organization of an investment project”, Moscow.
February 2009 – training “Business industry in the field of mechanical engineering”, St. Petersburg.
April 2014 – participation in the “Business Forum” seminar, Nizhny-Novgorod.


HR Manager

October 2009 – March 2011, Trans Oil Company, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— selection of company personnel;
— organization of trainings;
— compliance with the Labor Code;
— analysis of personnel performance results;
— recommendations for improving performance.

Business trainer

August 2011 – September 2016, Business School “Create Yourself”, Nizhny-Novgorod.
Functional responsibilities:
— conducting trainings on personnel management;
— conducting trainings on starting your own business;
— creation of school training programs;
— work to improve the efficiency of client companies;
— organization of conferences and round tables;
— conducting certification of personnel of client companies.

Professional skills:

— Own methodology for conducting trainings;
— Experience in organizing conferences;
— Practical skills in business;
- Oratorical skills;
— Experience in creating training programs;
— Ability to teach;
— Language skills: Russian – fluent, English – basic.

Personal qualities:

Communication skills, work for results, initiative.
Charismatic, entrepreneurial, good diction.
Flexibility of thinking, perseverance, resourcefulness.

Additional information:

Marital status: Not maried.
Do you have children.
Possibility of business trips: yes.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for the position of a business coach helped you in creating your resume for work. Return to section..

If you haven't been actively looking for a job in the last couple of years, then your knowledge of resume form, design, and content is no longer relevant. Use the recommendations and list of keywords in this article to create a modern resume yourself for the following positions:

  • Product Trainer
  • Sales Trainer
  • Training Manager
  • Business trainer
  • Training manager
  • Head of the training center
  1. Preparation
  2. Search purpose
  3. Job profile
  4. Top selection criteria
  5. Responsibilities
  6. Achievements//Training portfolio
  7. key skills
  8. Professional quality
  9. About me
  10. Download free resume templates

1. Preparation

Before looking for a new job, you need to conduct a SWOT analysis of professional competencies and, based on this case, create a resume that will be adapted to modern labor market requirements for your position/field/specialization. Before you start creating your resume, read this article:

In this publication, you will get acquainted with a case that will help you collect all the necessary information to write a selling resume. A selling resume is created for a specific search purpose, meets the requirements of vacancies for similar positions and contains a specific set of keywords.

2. Purpose of search

List of possible job titles:

First level positions (1):

  • Assistant/Assistant Training Trainer
  • Training Project Coordinator
  • Training Specialist
  • Leading specialist in training and personnel development
  • Methodologist
  • Product Trainer
  • Service Trainer

Second level positions (2):

  • Training Trainer
  • Trainer of the personnel adaptation and development department
  • Field trainer
  • Sales Trainer
  • Product and Sales Trainer
  • Personnel Training and Adaptation Manager
  • Online Training Manager
  • Corporate business coach
  • Training and Personnel Development Manager (T&D Manager)
  • Distance Learning Manager
  • Online Training Manager

Third level positions (3):

  • Senior Training Trainer
  • Training Project Manager
  • Training manager
  • Leading training manager
  • Leading manager for training and personnel development
  • Head of regional trainers
  • Business trainer

Fourth level positions (4):

  • Head of Training Department
  • Director of Talent Management and Development
  • Head of the training center
  • Head of Training and Development Center
  • Head of Corporate University
  • Head of business training center
  • Head of the training center

3. Job profile

Job profile- this is the standard of the ideal candidate, which contains a list of requirements for the knowledge, skills, and qualifications of the candidate necessary for the successful performance of job duties. Job description is a short version of the job profile, which includes a list of mandatory requirements for the initial selection of candidates based on resumes.

Example of a position profile: Training Manager



  • Higher education (psychological, pedagogical, personnel management, management)
  • Additional education in the field of personnel management.
  • Additional education in the field of training (training for trainers, facilitation, scribing, gamification, role-playing training, etc.)


  • Experience in training development.
  • Experience in conducting trainings, seminars, webinars and other educational events.
  • Experience in conducting assessment activities.
  • Experience in developing teaching aids and presentations.
  • Experience in writing training programs.

Skills and knowledge:

  • Skill in independent development of training programs and teaching materials.
  • Presentation skills.
  • Field training skills.
  • Knowledge of the laws of group development and group dynamics, the ability to develop and retain the energy of the group, to include all training participants in the learning process
  • Knowledge of the basics of working with KPIs.
  • Knowledge of methods for assessing personnel development.
  • Knowledge of modern forms and methods of teaching.


  • Create an internal training system in the Company.
  • Develop and implement a training strategy.
  • Develop and conduct trainings aimed at achieving KPIs.
  • Develop and conduct trainings aimed at developing soft skills of personnel.
  • Introduce distance learning.
  • Create and maintain up-to-date training materials (scripts, cases, etc.).
  • Take part in personnel adaptation projects.

Example of a position profile: Head of Training Center



  • Higher education (personnel management, psychological, pedagogical).
  • Additional education – regular courses to develop competencies in the area of ​​personnel development management.
  • Having a coaching certificate.
  • Possession of a trainer training diploma.


  • Experience in managing a training center\personnel development and training department.
  • Experience in building a Corporate University.
  • Experience in creating training and personnel development systems from scratch.
  • Experience in leadership work in the field of training and personnel development in the HR structure.
  • Experience in developing and conducting training for managers.
  • Experience in developing and conducting training for field team members.
  • Availability of our own training program.
  • Experience with teaching methodology.
  • Experience in conducting assessment procedures.

Skills and knowledge:

  • Knowledge of training methodology.
  • Practical skills in developing and conducting trainings (moderation, facilitation).
  • Knowledge of the basics of construction and operation of distance learning systems.
  • Knowledge of the market for personnel development service providers
  • Knowledge of the training services market, main trends in training and development.
  • Knowledge of the best practices in building a training system, including foreign ones.

4. Top selection criteria

What do HR expect to see on a training specialist's resume?

Top resume selection criteria for training manager/business coach vacancies.

  1. Scope of companies . Preference is given to candidates who have experience as training trainers in similar fields. For example, experience working in large manufacturing enterprises, pharmaceutical or FMCG companies. For example, experience working in an insurance company, knowledge of products and the specifics of the insurance market will be a huge advantage for a candidate for vacancies in insurance companies.
  2. Real experience in this field as a specialist/manager/supervisor. For example, for a sales trainer in the FMCG field, the priority selection factor will be previous successful sales experience in the following positions: sales representative, sales manager, supervisor, regional manager, KAM, head of the sales department, etc. Or, for working in a retail grocery chain Preference will be given to sales trainers with experience in retail grocery stores in the following positions: administrator, sales consultant, store director. Companies need employees who not only understand the specifics of the field, but also have practical experience in this area.
  3. Training topics. The training manager helps training participants learn a specific skill, such as negotiation. Therefore, the third most important selection criterion is experience in developing training programs and conducting training on certain skills: sales techniques, management training, customer service, soft skills training, etc.
  4. The target audience. Another important factor is the experience of training certain categories of employees: field teams, line employees, middle managers, top management.

Therefore, to make it easier for HR to find your resume in the search, add your field and training specialization to the “Desired Position” section. Here's what it might look like:

  • Service Trainer (Telecom)
  • Product Trainer (perfumes)
  • Optical Products Trainer (Medicine/Pharmaceuticals)
  • Sales trainer (grocery retail)
  • Sales Trainer (B2C)
  • Sales Trainer (B2B)
  • Corporate sales trainer (banks)
  • Emotional Intelligence Development Trainer
  • Training manager (FMCG, non-food)
  • Business coach (sales management)
  • Business coach (soft skills)

5. Responsibilities

Below are lists of responsibilities for positions at different levels. These are keywords/phrase combinations that HR managers use to select candidates based on resumes. Duplication of the names of the same positions in this section, but with a different list of responsibilities, is due to the characteristics of different areas of training programs. Select from the list provided those that match your experience and distribute them by place of work in your resume.

Chief specialist (training and development)

  • Participation in the development and implementation of training and development programs for senior managers.
  • Analysis of the training and development market, selection of providers.
  • Preparation of technical specifications for the development of training programs for service providers.
  • Formation of individual management development plans (IDP).
  • Personal coaching for executives.
  • The holding of trainings.

Leading specialist in training and personnel development

  • Participation in the development and implementation of a training system for employees at all levels.
  • Development of employee skills based on professional competency models.
  • Conducting classroom and distance training.
  • Conducting induction courses for new employees.
  • Field support for employees.
  • Development of trainings, post-training support tools.
  • Preparation and implementation of personnel assessment and development centers.
  • Development of cases, role-playing games for assessment and training events, participation as a role player/observer.
  • Development of educational materials for training programs.
  • Creation of distance programs.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.

Optical Product Trainer

  • Organization of professional training for medical personnel.
  • Adaptation of new employees.
  • Conducting routine personnel certification.
  • Organizing and conducting classroom and field training (on sales and product).
  • Training in advising clients on the assortment, price and availability of goods, delivery times and promotions to stimulate demand.
  • Work with a client base - optical network companies.
  • Establishment of a quarterly visit plan and its implementation.
  • Conducting sales training.
  • Conducting presentations and trainings on the Company’s products for employees and clients.
  • Conducting and monitoring marketing projects.

Training Trainer

  • Post-training support for participants, individual coaching.
  • Diagnostics of management competencies, preparation and support of individual development plans.
  • Conducting 360 assessment procedures, assessment centers for management personnel and personnel reserve.
  • Budget management for training and development.
  • Methodical work.

Business coach soft skills

  • Managing soft skills projects.
  • Development of a learning strategy.
  • Preparation of materials for training.
  • Conducting face-to-face and online events for employees: call center, back office.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of the training using focus groups, field work, and individual interviews.
  • Training and development of functional trainers within the company.
  • Participation as an expert in the development of electronic courses.

Service Trainer

  • Methodological work: development of a program of lectures, seminars, trainings; creation of handouts.
  • Field training, employee coaching.
  • Participation in drawing up plans for the development of the training center and their implementation.

Training Manager
1. Supervision of training and development processes in the following areas:
training needs analysis;
development of a unified catalog of training programs;
management of mentoring programs;
projects to develop and evaluate/test technical competencies;
implementation of distance learning/virtual learning/electronic courses;
introduction of a knowledge exchange system among technical experts;
conducting projects to increase staff engagement.
2. Budgeting, planning, monitoring and control of training costs.
3. Preparing and conducting presentations.

Training and Development Manager

  • Organizing and conducting trainings for employees.
  • Development and implementation of development programs.
  • Identifying training needs.
  • Creation of systematic skills development programs.
  • Development of a unified catalog of training programs.
  • Participation in organizing training conferences for employees and other HR projects.
  • Analysis of modern trends in the field of training and development.

Corporate trainer (retail)

  • Development of trainings on service, sales, negotiations and communications for staff of retail stores and the central office.
  • Conducting training on product, sales technology and customer service.
  • Development and implementation of a distance learning program for retail network personnel.
  • Conducting webinars.
  • Creation of video courses.
  • Preparing and conducting certifications, conducting assessment centers.
  • Post-training support for staff in the office.
  • Field support for sales personnel.
  • Analysis of results and assessment of training effectiveness.

Corporate Training Trainer

  • Conducting face-to-face trainings for employees on effective communication, working in non-standard and conflict situations, stress management, “Welcome” trainings.
  • Development and implementation of skills training for managers.
  • Field training, coaching of employees, development of recommendations for working with personnel for managers.
  • Methodological work: systematization and standardization of the learning process, development/adaptation of training programs, teaching materials.
  • Development and creation of materials for distance learning system (DLS) courses.
  • Preparing tests and conducting testing of employees.
  • Creation of a corporate training system, development and implementation of projects on corporate culture and company values.
  • Training of fellow trainers, supervision of coaching skills.
  • Development and implementation of assessment procedures: interviews, assessment - center, etc.

Training manager

  • Development and implementation of a training system in the company:
    — development of regulations, regulations, instructions;
    — development and implementation of training programs for middle managers and line employees;
    — development of a mentoring system, organization of training for mentors;
    — conducting staff training: adaptation training, training on sales and service, business processes and work standards, resolving conflict situations and working with objections, training on management and time management;
    — preparation of presentations, materials, teaching aids for trainings;
  • Identification of training needs:
    — conducting certifications, testing, surveys;
    — post-training support, supervision and consultation of employees of departments and retail outlets on the application of acquired knowledge and skills;
    — analysis of training effectiveness.
  • Organizing and conducting events aimed at developing the company’s corporate culture.

Training manager

  • Organization and planning of the training process in the Company.
  • Identification of training needs;
  • Personnel training according to internal programs.
  • Development and implementation of training events for line-level personnel and middle management: “Welcome”, “Service Standards”, etc.
  • Development and implementation of internal documents in the field of personnel training and development: regulations, certificates, regulations, etc.
  • Adaptation of new employees.
  • Organizing and conducting field support for “new” employees.
  • Organization and conduct of certifications.
  • Providing feedback to managers and certified employees.
  • Development of recommendations for further development of employees.
  • Organization of external training.
  • Development of methodological material.
  • Creation of interactive tests and surveys.
  • Determining the need for personnel training, conducting trainings (classroom, “field”).
  • Development of a training program.

Leading business coach

  • Creation of online courses in iSpring for company employees, development of online tests, including collecting content from internal experts, course design, course design development.
  • Registration of new employees in the iSpring LMS, assigning courses for them to take, monitoring the completion of courses on time, taking measures for timely completion of courses by employees, collecting statistics.
  • Conducting Welcome training for office employees.
  • Conducting trainings, master classes, and developmental events for office employees on soft skills.
  • Administration of the website of the corporate Training Center.
  • Participation in the filming of video content and training videos.
  • Development of training programs for Company employees.
  • Conducting face-to-face and remote training for employees of sales departments.
  • Evaluation of training effectiveness.

Training Project Manager

  • Development and implementation of personnel training and development projects.
  • Development and formation of a training plan for the year, collection of training needs.
  • Annual budgeting of personnel training and development processes and monitoring its implementation.
  • Organization and support of work with external providers and training centers on the organization of training.
  • Preparation of quarterly and annual reporting (organization of records of activities carried out, maintaining a database, collection and analysis of feedback questionnaires on training completed).
  • Monitoring the educational services market.
  • Interaction with service providers in the field of training and personnel development.

Business trainer

  • Identifying training needs, setting training goals, selecting groups, determining the content, forms and methods of training and the necessary resources.
  • Preparation of individual development plans for employees.
  • Organization of personnel training.
  • Development and implementation of training and development activities (trainings, coaching sessions, seminars, etc.) in accordance with business objectives: “Effective management”, “Personal effectiveness”, soft skills training, sales training.
  • Pre- and post-training support.
  • Conducting group development events (soft-skiils) as part of the development program for branch managers (trainings, webinars, focus groups, round tables, working groups).
  • Conducting individual development activities (field training, development; organizational consulting, coaching).
  • Consulting managers on communication issues regarding assessment and work with the personnel reserve.
  • Participation in interviews.

Business coach (retail stores)

  • Comprehensive training and development of management staff of retail stores: classroom, field and distance learning.
  • Individual work with store managers: KPI analysis, building an effective management and training system in stores, individual coaching.
  • Management of areas of the training system: adaptation of managers, mentoring, assessment, personnel reserve.
  • Training and development of online store employees and office employees.
  • Conducting management training for store managers.
  • Individual work with store managers: setting goals, planning, developing a plan for changes in the store and achieving goals, building a training system in the store, resolving crises.
  • Carrying out assessment activities.

Business coach (B2B sales)

  • Analytics and adjustment of the current cold sales process scheme.
  • Ensuring increased KPIs for sales departments.
  • Development and conduct of trainings on cold sales techniques in the B2B additional education market in order to increase sales volume.
  • Coaching and training of personnel in the “playing coach” format.
  • Conducting master classes on sales.
  • Post-training support.
  • Development of working sales scripts and guides.

Senior Sales Trainer

  • Managing the work of sales trainers for retail employees.
  • Personal delivery of group and individual training sessions.
  • Assessment of training effectiveness, development of acquired skills.
  • Conducting field training, working in retail stores.
  • Increase in sales figures.
  • Carrying out activities aimed at increasing employee knowledge of available products and programs.
  • Planning the employee training process, identifying training tasks.
  • Preparation for trainings according to corporate standards.
  • Organizing and conducting classroom and field training according to the internal employee training program.
  • Professional development: sales representatives, supervisors, CAMs, territorial managers, branch directors.
  • Work on the topics: “Sales techniques”, “DZ management”, “Product training”, “Typology of clients”, “Effective negotiations”, “Human resources management”, “Personal effectiveness”.
  • Support and evaluation of employees based on training results.
  • Participation in personnel development projects.

Head of Training Department

  • Development, implementation and development of a personnel training and assessment system: distance and face-to-face formats.
  • Adaptation programs, narrow-profile topics.
  • Formation of personnel reserve.
  • Behavioral learning for executives.
  • Development and implementation of a mentoring system.
  • Development and implementation of distance learning for employees.
  • Development and implementation of events to develop corporate culture and increase loyalty to the Company as an employer.
  • Cost planning, preparation of data for the budget.
  • Formation of the Company's knowledge base.
  • Launch of a web platform, training portal.

Head of Corporate University

  • Organization of the work of the company's Corporate University as a center for training and development of the company's corporate culture.
  • General management of the Corporate University.
  • Development of short-term and long-term strategy for the Corporate University, creation of a corporate knowledge base.
  • Interaction on training issues with the holding's managers.
  • Regular training in various formats (trainings, coaching, round tables, conferences, sports competitions, webinars, etc.).
  • Creation of a methodological base of educational materials, adaptation of normative documentation, development of methodological materials for lectures, practical, and certification classes.
  • Full administration and budgeting of the activities of the Corporate University.
  • Working with providers, concluding contracts with contractors and service companies, quality control of work performed, financial support, reporting.
  • Personal participation in all projects of the Corporate University.

Head of Training and Development Department

  • Analysis of training needs, creation/adaptation of training programs, creation of a training plan, creation of a schedule of training events, monitoring training results.
  • Maintaining contacts with the Global Training Center, attending international training events.
  • Planning, organizing and conducting training in Moscow and other regions of Russia for consultants, regional representatives, sales consultants of the brand, customer representatives (audience of 100+ people).
  • Preparation of training materials taking into account the different levels of basic training of students.
  • Implementation of automation processes for training and personnel development programs.
  • Certification of trainers on the skills of conducting training events.
  • Drawing up a budget for training events, monitoring execution.
  • Creation of an information database of educational materials.
  • Development of a CRM system.

Head of the training center

  • Organization of the work of the Training Center (subordinate to 6 training managers).
  • Building a team and structure of the Training Center.
  • Development of short-term and long-term strategies, creation of a corporate knowledge base.
  • Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of training activities.
  • Introduction of new technologies in order to improve the company’s training and development system.
  • Development of policies, procedures, regulations, standards in personnel training and development.
  • Drawing up training plans, identifying the needs of various target groups.
  • Interaction on training issues with managers.
  • Regular training in various formats: trainings, seminars, webinars, coaching, round tables, conferences.
  • Quality control of programs, reporting on work results.
  • Administration and budgeting of the activities of the Training Center.
  • Participation in all HR projects of the Company.
  • Interaction with external providers of educational services, conducting negotiations and tenders for training.

Head of the training center

  • Construction of a training center in the field of assessment, training and development of employees at all levels. There are 25 people in charge.
  • Development of short-term and long-term strategies, research and implementation of new teaching technologies;
  • Budgeting for internal and external training activities.
  • Development of content and conduct of trainings taking into account the specifics of the Company’s product line and business goals.
  • Organization of training systems for sales specialists, middle managers, and top management.
  • Conducting trainings for management staff.
  • Consulting support for sales managers in the process of their work.
  • Post-training support, individual coaching.
  • Diagnosis of competencies, preparation and support of individual development plans.
  • Conducting 360 assessment procedures, assessment centers for personnel and personnel reserve.
  • Organization of field training.

6. Examples of results and training portfolio

Achievements on a training coach resume are primarily the results of the employees who have completed the training. The summary should reflect the direct connection of the learning process with the implementation of KPIs.

KPIs with direct impact on business:

  • Volume of sales
  • Sales growth
  • Growth of active client base
  • Market share
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Quantitative distribution
  • High-quality distribution
  • Average check
  • Conversion

Key performance indicators for a training coach:

  • Labor productivity before and after training
  • Assessing changes in employee skills
  • Assessing changes in employee performance
  • Employee survey after training
  • % of employees who successfully passed the tests
  • % promotion of personnel reserve
  • New program release date
  • Budget for training, as a % of payroll, revenue, profit
  • Budget for training 1 employee
  • Return on investment
  • Ratio of T&D employees to total headcount
  • Program Evaluation Matrix
  • Staff training coverage
  • Average feedback score from participants after trainings
  • Trainer Popularity Rating
  • Program popularity rating
  • Gallup Q12 Training Satisfaction

Examples of results:

  • Creation of a training center from scratch.
  • Development and launch of an electronic training portal for consultants from scratch (more than 5,000 accounts).
  • Author of 20 corporate training films on sales and handling objections.
  • Author and presenter of 15 training programs.
  • Development and holding of 20 large-scale seminars, more than 50 presentations and master classes.
  • Author of publications and presenter of master classes in the media: list titles and provide links to publications.
  • Translation and adaptation of a new brand for the Russian end consumer, development of teaching aids and booklets.
  • Preparation of scripts, organization and participation in the filming of more than 20 advertising and educational videos.
  • Participation in conferences and corporate events as a presenter, speaker, organizer.
  • Speaker, theme of the speech “Name”, 2019
  • Moderator of corporate forums using the YPO system.
  • Managing T&D projects: adaptation of new employees, development program for key employees, development program based on the results of an engagement survey.
  • Construction and implementation of a personnel performance assessment system: assistance in the formation of the company’s personnel reserve, certification of professional knowledge and skills of employees.
  • Design and development of the Distance Learning System.
  • Development and implementation of a mentoring system.
  • Development and implementation of events to develop corporate culture and increase loyalty to the Company as an employer.
  • Formation of the Company's knowledge base.
  • Launch of a web platform, training portal.

Training portfolio

Add the name of the training programs you have conducted. Also separately indicate the trainings that you developed yourself. Use the examples below as a basis for describing your own training.

Portfolio of educational programs/trainings:

Management trainings— “EQ”, “Employee motivation”, “Implementation control”, “Effective planning”, “Working with employee objections”, “Communication in a team”, “Effective negotiations”, “Feedback”, “Training of trainers”, “Oratory” skill."
Sales training– “Basics of sales -1-2-3”, “Identification of needs”, “Objections are the key to successful sales.”
Adaptation and product trainings.
Trainings according to corporate standards.
Work on topics:“Sales skills”, “Accounts receivable management”, “Product training”, “Customer typology”, “Effective negotiations”, “Human resources management”, “Personal effectiveness”, “Sales management”, “Negotiations”, “Cold calling” , “Presentation”, “Leadership”, “Active sales”, “7 steps of a visit”, “Basics of sales”, “Analytical sales”, “How to deal with objections”, “How to work with a difficult client”, “Conscious management”, "Secrets of a successful presentation."
Management training cycle- “Problem setting”, “Employee motivation”, “Performance monitoring”, “Working with employee objections”, “Time management”, “Team building”, training for the development of leadership qualities, training in mentoring and coaching.
Classroom and field training for all categories of sales employees: “Establishing contact”, “Identifying needs”, “Telephone conversations”, “Product presentation”, “Working with objections”, “Closing a deal”, “Customer focus”.

How to list trainings in a resume. Examples:

  • Business coach (B2B sales). Practical coach, “playing coach”. I have successful projects in the B2B field in my portfolio. Experience in conducting training on cold selling techniques and experience in developing working sales scripts.
    Work on topics:
    “Sales techniques”, “Responsibility management”, “Product training”, “Customer typology”, “Effective negotiations”, “Human resources management”, “Personal effectiveness”, etc. Author's trainings:"Work in the field" "Sales Fundamentals 1-2-3", "We are a team ", "Basics of negotiations».
  • Sales trainer (call center, telemarketing). I have experience in telemarketing sales and experience in selling insurance products in a call center. Experience in developing and conducting training on active sales, product, and communication. Experience in developing courses in modern distance learning systems (Articulate, iSpring).
    Training portfolio:
    1. Telephone conversations
    2. Work with objections
    3. Telephone sales
    4. Communication with the client
    5. Insurance sales techniques
    6. Telemarketing: techniques and methods of sales in call centers
  • Business trainer. Training portfolio:
    Training on developing the correct behavioral model of leadership
    Training on effective communications
    Storytelling, Public Speaking, TED-style talks.
    Training under the onboarding program for new employees
    Productivity in the workplace
    Coaching sessions on mentoring and corporate culture
    Soft trainings on new interaction formats: Agile/Design Thinking
  • Training manager. Portfolio of original trainings: “Effective management”, “Leadership”, “Time management”, “Team building”, “Communication in a team”, “Corporate cohesion”, “Motivation and influence”, “Goal setting and planning”, “Professional confident behavior” "", "Oratory skills and speech techniques", "Presentation", "Stress management", "Stress management", "Conflict management", "Development of emotional intelligence", "Personal effectiveness", "Mediative technology of conscious communication", "Effective sales”, “Successful negotiations”, “Welcome training”, “Service standards”.
  • Corporate trainer. Main topics of corporate trainings:
  1. Effective b2b sales
  2. Active sales by telephone (cold calling),
  3. Working with incoming customers over the phone (increasing work efficiency)
  4. Presentation training,
  5. Tough negotiations in sales
  6. How to defend your price (selling without discounts),
  7. Squeezing clients (if the client delays concluding a contract and says “I’ll think about it”)
  8. Increase in average check amount
  9. Working with customer loyalty
  10. Dealing with a difficult client
  11. Working with key clients (key account management)
  12. Dealing with customer objections
  13. Stealing clients from competitors
  14. Sales techniques for large clients
  15. Consultative and strategic sales
  16. Resuscitation of departed clients
  17. Time management of a sales manager
  18. Managing an active sales team

7. key skills

  • Budgeting
  • Business trainings
  • Business consulting
  • Identifying training needs
  • Negotiation
  • Group training
  • Distance learning
  • Business correspondence
  • Individual training
  • Coaching
  • Team building
  • Training methodology
  • Moderation
  • Staff motivation
  • Mentoring
  • Writing training programs
  • Writing scripts
  • Sales skills
  • Personnel training and development
  • Evaluation of training effectiveness
  • Feedback
  • Personel assessment
  • Online employee training
  • Field team training
  • E-Learning
  • Planning
  • B2B Sales
  • B2C Sales
  • Cold sales
  • Direct sales
  • Planning your training
  • The holding of trainings
  • Public performance
  • Producing a presentation
  • Conducting sales training
  • Conducting trainings for retail staff
  • Conducting training for new employees
  • Conducting trainings for the sales department
  • Conducting trainings for managers
  • Development and implementation of business processes
  • Work with objections
  • Conducting coaching sessions
  • Conducting seminars
  • Field training
  • Recruitment
  • Conducting interviews
  • Online course development
  • Development of trainings on assortment
  • Creating presentations
  • Drawing up plans for personnel training
  • Customer service training
  • Telephone conversations
  • Testing
  • Time management training
  • Product training
  • Team management training
  • Soft skills trainings
  • Management skills
  • Project management
  • Managing Group Dynamics
  • Team management
  • Talent management
  • Facilitation
  • iSpring
  • Articulate
  • Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Camtasia Studio
  • CorelDraw
  • Pixelmator
  • Sony Vegas
  • Adobe Dreamweaver

8. Professional qualities

A list of personal qualities that are required for the required level of performance of job duties. Select 3-4 qualities that you possess and include in your resume/cover letter as you see fit. This is an optional section of your resume to complete.

  • Analytic mind
  • Active life position
  • Business orientation
  • High level of stress resistance
  • High self-organization
  • Initiative
  • Communication skills
  • Customer focus
  • Creativity
  • Leadership qualities: ability to motivate and lead a team. A bright leader, a natural communicator and ideological inspirer who is able to lead, unite and develop, as well as attract new talent.
  • Motivation to work
  • Punctuality
  • Systems thinking: consistency in information processing, transformation of information into educational content.
  • The ability to find a common language with different people.
  • The ability to competently transfer knowledge and create conditions for gaining professional experience from colleagues.
  • The ability to independently formulate goals to solve assigned problems.
  • Ability to propose multiple solutions to a problem.
  • Systematicity in information processing, transformation of information into educational content.
  • The ability to train employees to make sales in such a way that the buyer has positive emotions from the purchase.
  • The ability to fulfill the expectations of participants and customers of events in each training program.
  • Ability to multitask and handle large amounts of information.
  • Ability to work with an audience - motivate, engage, explain.
  • The ability to develop and maintain the energy of the group, to include all training participants in the learning process.
  • Ability to work for results and take responsibility.
  • Ability to work in a team, listen and hear others.
  • Ability to set priorities and plan work time.
  • Charismatic: I can spark an idea and involve people in achieving goals.

9. Examples for the “About Me” section

The “About Me” section is a general description of the candidate’s professional background. It can be formatted as a short paragraph of 1-4 sentences or a bulleted list. Indicate those aspects of your qualifications that are integral components of the vacancy, such as areas of activity, areas of specialization, key competencies, technical skills, licenses, certificates, additional education. For example,

  • Business coach (consulting). Experience working in a consulting company and expert understanding of the specifics of the retail business. Experience in conducting trainings for top executives and managers. Author's trainings and master classes are available. Experience working with audiences of up to 200 people. The results of the training are a high level of systematization of business processes, an increase in employee KPIs, and an increase in financial indicators. ICF certification, 2018, International Coaching Federation.
  • Business coach (B2B sales). I will be able to quickly and thoroughly understand the specifics of the Company’s work and contribute to achieving KPIs. I am ready to share real practical experience through personal example. I am able to find a common language with different people, able to effectively transfer knowledge and create conditions for gaining professional experience from colleagues. I am able to create a mood for professional development and a desire to acquire new knowledge.
  • Training manager. More than 5 years of experience in conducting training programs (retail, b2b). Knowledge of adult learning methodology and technologies. Good knowledge of the corporate educational services market and best practices in the field of training. Proven successful experience in personal sales for more than 3 years.
  • T&D manager. 5+ experience as a T&D manager in the FMCG, Retail, Fashion segments. Experience in managing a team of trainers of at least 5 people. I can inspire and motivate a team. An expert in building a comprehensive training system at all organizational levels with experience in launching a Training Center from scratch. Experience in developing and conducting business trainings, seminars, webinars, coaching sessions, master classes. I have knowledge of the training services market, the main training trends, and practical experience in applying them in practice in accordance with business objectives.
  • Head of a corporate university. More than 3 years in the role of head of the training and development function in an industrial holding and 5 years of experience in creating training and personnel development systems. I have successful experience in launching a Corporate University from scratch. I have the skills to build and operate distance learning systems and build training systems. I have experience in independently developing and conducting business trainings, seminars and other training methods tailored to the conditions and objectives of the company. Experience in building a comprehensive industrial training system at all organizational levels.
  • Sales Trainer. Experience as a sales trainer for 5 years, as a sales manager for 6 years. Knowledge of all aspects and techniques of sales (all stages of sales). Skill in independently developing training activities and teaching materials.
  • Training manager. Experience working in a retail chain with a developed regional network. Experience in writing and conducting SOFT trainings. Experience in developing trainings, webinars, and distance courses.
  • Leading business coach. Experience working as a business coach in a non-food retail company. Experience in conducting trainings on effective communications, business correspondence, time management. Independent experience in developing electronic courses in iSpring. Able to train employees to sell in such a way that the buyer has only positive emotions from the purchase. I know myself and can teach others:
    how to provide timely, competent advice on products;
    how to accurately identify the client’s needs and offer the best option;
    how to interest a buyer in a product and offer profitable promotions;
    how to constructively resolve conflicts with customers.
  • Product Manager. 14 years of experience in training and sales in the optical field. Successful experience in training employees, client personnel, conducting presentations on the product for optician staff, professional consultations on the product.
  • Business trainer. I effectively create and conduct trainings in the context of the company’s business objectives, I know the main components of successful training and the parameters of a successful presentation technique, I am able to create and maintain high energy and manage group dynamics and resistance in the group. My main motivators in my work are challenge, significance and personal growth. My goal: influencing each training participant by changing his behavior in the future = practical result, expressed in increasing KPI.
  • Sales trainer. I have 10 years of experience in sales, an expert in retail and direct sales. I have 5 years of experience in conducting corporate trainings and developing my own training programs. I am a proactive team player with leadership qualities and a high level of emotional intelligence. My strengths are: communication, strategic thinking and focus on achieving high results. I am professionally proficient in basic coaching techniques and sales skills, able to create and maintain high energy and manage group dynamics. I have a good understanding of the specifics of different areas of business and business tasks in general, I am client-oriented and result-oriented; I easily find different solutions to problems and offer non-standard solutions.
  • Business trainer. The main criteria of my approach to training: leadership style, practical skills development, real cases from practice, identifying and meeting the needs of the customer company, application of the most successful modern Western sales techniques with adaptation to the Russian market, motivation of training participants to achieve results, post-training training and supporting training participants in a webinar format, issuing corrective feedback, analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of training based on sales indicators 2-3 months after the training. All trainings are based on the use of practical, real sales cases from my personal experience. I am an opponent of the use of role-playing games from folk tales, ditties and jokes; I don’t use long warm-ups and getting to know each other to establish contact. My trainings are characterized by intensity and strong concentration on developing new skills among participants.
  • Head of the Training Center. An expert in building an effective training system with experience in launching a Training Center. Experience in developing and conducting business trainings and seminars tailored to the conditions and objectives of the company. Experience in developing and conducting trainings and strategic sessions for senior managers/sales department employees. Conducting coaching sessions, drawing up and supporting IPR for managers.
  • Sales trainer. Responsible for training sales representatives, supervisors, territorial managers, regional managers. Main areas of specialization: sales management, leadership, sales skills, team building. Conducted field, classroom and distance (webinar) training on the topics: “How to become a successful Leader”, “5 ways of cold searching”, “100% activity management”, “Building a successful business”, “7 steps of sales”, “How to shoot objections”, “Sales process management”. Author of training for webinarists “How to become a professional webinarist.” Developed trainings: “How to achieve extraordinary results in sales”, “Managing a team in a crisis situation”. At the school of business trainers in 2019, she developed and defended her original training “Active Sales” with honors.