The potential negative consequences of innovations are. Negative consequences of the influence of innovation, their manifestations and ways to eliminate. Innovations and their influence on the relationship in the labor collective

The organization concentrates its efforts to changes if new strategies have been developed, the effectiveness of its activities is reduced, it is in a state of crisis or management pursues his personal goals. One of the components of the introduction of innovation is mastering the organization of a new idea. The author of the idea is necessary:

1) to identify interest in this idea of \u200b\u200bthe group, including the consequences of innovation for the group, the size of the group, the variation of opinions within the group, etc.;

2) develop a strategy for achieving the goal;

3) identify alternative strategies;

4) finally choose a strategy of action;

5) Determine a specific detailed action plan.

People have a wary negative attitude towards all changes, as the innovation usually represents a potential threat to habits, the image of thinking, status, etc. Highlight 3 types of potential threats in the implementation of innovations:

a) economic (reduction in income or its reduction in the future);

b) psychological (sense of uncertainty when changing requirements, duties, working methods);

c) socio-psychological (prestige loss, loss of status, etc.).

A specially designed program for overcoming resistance to change is required. In some cases in the introduction of innovations is necessary:

a) give a guarantee that it will not be associated with a decrease in employee income;

(b) Suggest workers to participate in the development of decisions when changes;

(c) Determine in advance the possible concerns of workers and develop compromise options, taking into account their interests;

(d) Implement innovations gradually, in experimental order.

The basic principles of organizing work with people in innovationare:

1. The principle of informing about the essence of the problem;

2. Principle preliminary assessment (informing at the preparatory stage about the necessary efforts projected by difficulties, problems);

3. The principle of the initiative is below (it is necessary to allocate responsibility for the success of implementation at all levels);

4. Principle of individual compensation (retraining, psychological training etc.);

5. The principle of typological features of perception and innovations in various people.

Allocate the following types of people in their attitude to innovation:

1. Innovators - People for whom it is characterized by a permanent search for opportunities to improve anything;

2. Enthusiasts - People who take new ones regardless of its extension and validity;

3. Rationalists - take new ideas only after careful analysis of their usefulness, assessing the difficulty and possibility of using innovations;

4. Neutral- People who are not inclined to believe in the Word of one useful sentence;

5. Skeptics - These people can become good project controllers and proposals, but they brake innovations;

6. Conservatives - People who critically belong to everything that is not verified by experience, their motto "no new products, no changes, no risk";

7. Retrograd - People who automatically deny all new ("old knowingly better than new").

Types possible consequences When changing the organizational structure:

a) potentially real conflicts due to the reorganization of the old and formation of new structural divisions;

b) the emergence of job conflict, that is, after fuzzy determination of rights and obligations, the distribution of power and responsibility;

(c) Formation of uncertainty of uncertainty in tomorrow, in the correctness of the chosen course;

(d) Changing communications within the organization leads to a violation of information flows, in some cases due to the concealment of information by a number of managers and employees.

Organizational culture.

The organizational climate and organizational culture are two terms, which serve to describe the characteristics complex inherent in a particular organization and distinguish it from other organizations.

Organizational climate Includes less stable characteristics, more exposed to external and internal influences. With the general organizational culture of organizing an enterprise, the organizational climate in its two departments can vary greatly (depends on the style of the guide). Under the influence of organizational culture, the causes of contradictions between managers and subordinates can be eliminated.

The main components of the organizational climate are:

1. Management values \u200b\u200b(values \u200b\u200bof managers and the peculiarities of the perception of these values \u200b\u200bby employees are important for the organizational climate, both within the framework of formal and informal groups);

2. Economic conditions (a fair distribution of relations within the Group is very important here, whether the team participates in the distribution of premiums and promotion of employees);

3. The organizational structure (its change leads to a significant change in the organizational climate in the organization);

4. Characteristics of members of the organization;

5. The size of the organization (in large organizations is a big rigidity and greater bureaucracy than in small, creative, innovative climate. A higher level of cohesion is achieved in small organizations);

7. Management style.

AT modern organizations Much efforts are attached to the formation and study of the organizational climate. There are special methods for its research. It is necessary in the organization to form a judgment among employees that the work is difficult, but interesting. In some organizations, the principles of interaction of the head and personnel were determined and writing, often increasing the level of collective cohesion by organizing joint leisure staff and their family members.

Organizational culture - This is a complex of the most stable and continuously existing characteristics of the organization. Organizational culture unites values \u200b\u200band norms peculiar to the organization, styles of management procedures, the concept of technological social development. The organizational culture sets the limits in which a confident decision-making on each level of management is possible, the possibilities of rational use of the organization's resources, determines the responsibility, gives the direction of development, regulates management activities, contributes to the identification of employees with the organization. The behavior of individual workers is under the influence of organizational culture. Organizational culture has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the organization's activities.

The main parameters of organizational culture:

1. Focus on external (customer service, orientation for consumer needs) or internal tasks. Organizations are focused on meeting the needs of the consumer, have significant advantages in the market economy, is distinguished by competitiveness;

2. The direction of activity on the solution of organizational tasks or on social aspects of the organization's functioning;

3. Measures of readiness for risk and introducing innovations;

4. The degree of preference for group or individual forms of decision making, that is, with a collective or individually;

5. The degree of subordination of activities in advance drawn plans;

6. Pronounced cooperation or rivalry between individual members and groups in the organization;

7. The degree of simplicity or complexity of organizational procedures;

8. Measure of the loyalty of workers in the organization;

9. The degree of awareness of employees about their role in achieving the goal in the organization

Properties of organizational culture:

1. Joint work forms a presentation of organizational values \u200b\u200bat the collective and ways of following these values;

2. Community means that all knowledge, values, installations, customs are used by a group or labor collective to satisfy;

3. Hierarchy and priority, any culture represents the ranking of values, often the main values \u200b\u200bof society are often the main for the collective;

4. Systemity, Organizational culture is a complex system that combines individual elements into a single integer.

The influence of organizational culture on the organization of the organization manifest in the following forms:

(a) Identification by employees of its own goals with the objectives of the organization through the adoption of its norms and values;

(b) Implementation of the norms prescribing the desire to achieve the goal;

c) the formation of the organization's development strategy;

(d) The unity of the process of implementing the strategy and evolution of organizational culture under the influence of the external environment (the structure changes, therefore, the organizational culture changes).

Pedagogical sciences

Educational innovations: positive and


LB Schneider. Moscow Psychological Social University (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [Email Protected]

Summary. The article analyzes the question of innovation in modern education. The positive and negative aspects of this problem are analyzed.

Keywords: education, innovation, problems.

Modern condition Civilization is currently even more highlighted the importance of the education system. The world has become a complex, interdependent, holistic, quickly changing, unpredictable in its development. The most influential process of identification in society is funds mass communication and diverse information Technology. They broadcast social experience and knowledge, behavioral models and styles, thereby creating conditions for both integration and fragmentation of "self". Before changing such a world, it should be understood. Modern science and technology allow a person to make colossal on scale of action, but in many cases do not allow not only remote, but also the coming consequences of the processes of triggered processes. Now a person lives in a complex urbanized environment. The consequences of an insufficient level of professionalism are already fraught with local, as before, and global catastrophic consequences. The spontaneous development of civilization has ended, is sharply increases the Company's responsibility - for training personnel. At the heart of the classical education system lies imperative training of a person who knows a person, while the world needs a person understanding - to the understanding of other people, other cultures, the specifics of modern being. Currently, a person is not able

1 Material recommended O. A. Belobrykina, Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Psychology (Novosibirsk, Russia).

inciting yourself in a complex world, not capable of dialogue, overcoming its own egoism becomes socially dangerous.

To teach live in a new way, in accordance with the realities of the modern world - the task of the education system. To ensure effective fitting of a person in a rapidly changing world, it is necessary to reorient the public consciousness to acquire qualitatively new knowledge and skills. Each specialist should be able to see his place in the system, aware of the responsibility for the consequences of its actions. Under these conditions, the education system in the 21st century turns into the largest branch of the Company, which, on the one hand, is the source of the formation of the worldview, indicator of the degree of culturalness of society, on the other, forms and develops the main productive force - the person itself. The content and purpose of pedagogical activities are to introduce a young man to life, arming it by everyone necessary knowledge, skills, ensuring the maximum disclosure of its abilities. Modern life requires, firstly, deep professional skills, secondly, willingness to a repeated change of their activities in the shortest possible time and with minimal efforts. Such a requirement implies a person's ability to actively develop new activities and related ability to self-educational and continuous learning. It is about to prepare a person to continuous teaching - teaching as a process that constantly accompanies the labor process. From this point of view, the purpose of learning and education is the formation of creative activity, which will open up the opportunity to generate new ways and activities to enter new professionals for him will allow short term reorient the focus of your labor. Today, this thesis is rethought, as the requirement is not easy to broadcast information, but to teach generalized ways of activity, thinking itself. Only with such a structure of the educational process, the student in the period allotted for learning will be able to connect to modern culture.

New idea Education should proceed not only from the idea of \u200b\u200bpreparing the younger person to maturity, preparation involving the learning of knowledge, how many of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe involvement of a person in the active process of discovering, mastering the world (worlds). The teacher must maintain new worlds for a student (starting from the world of geometry and arithmetic, ending with the world of moral action), help him enter them, share the

the immersion experience in these worlds and their development. Not so much teach how much to charge interest, enthusiastically, help, share experiences. In turn, the student, discovering new worlds, entering them, mastering them, should consider education as a process of fundamentally bilateral: not only sent to the world, but also facing himself. The necessary requirement of modern education is ethical (spiritual) orientation of human development. The educated person is a man of culture, a person brought up, having such a world that his life is promoting the preservation of culture, strengthens it. The educated person is precisely a person prepared as a normal life and debugged production, and to testing, to changes in lifestyle changes, to change. It is equally important to take into account the requirement that educational impacts should ensure freedom of choice, the individuality of the educational path for the individual. A similar step marks the closure of education with self-education. It is no less significant that the transition to self-education is associated with a different type of psychological change: education through self-education is subject to the objectives of personal growth and improvement, becomes the moment of human mental activity, the form of its cultural being.

The formation of an innovative educational system appears as a modern educational revolution information societyIn the course of which innovative educational activities are formed. The formation of information civilization involves the development of a new educational system, expanding innovation in education. The transition to the primacy of human values, which is carried out in the process of informatization of society, means a qualitative change in the status of education in public life. It turns into a most important means of achieving a person on self-defined purposes, and satisfaction from their achievement becomes a universal value standard. The priority of the country's development is the growth of the economy based on the mass distribution of info-communication technologies (ICT), attracting the population into an electronic environment, improving the quality of average and higher education Due to the active introduction of ICT (the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia"). During the informatization of all areas of social life, the educational system of the information society on the new civilizational principles of the land

dartization, anti-centralism, desynchronization, optimization, despecia-lying, dispersal. Such features of the new economic system as the transformation of knowledge into the main wealth, new Capital In society, through which power is being implemented in economic systemThere are fundamental impact on the development of both the sphere of knowledge and the entire educational system. Obviously, without innovations in education, the growth of professional competence is unthinkable. To date, there has been a whole area of \u200b\u200bknowledge - innovation. It is determined by A.I. Priest as a new area of \u200b\u200bknowledge required for more efficient solutions, intensification and acceleration tasks. He believes that innovation as a science of innovations began to form in response to the requirements of practice. The search for psychological patterns of development of innovation lies in the focus of consideration of the issues of the relationship of an individual to a new one. However, so far, many aspects of this problem remain little studied.

Table 1 - List of factors that have a negative and positive attitude to innovation in activities

Factors. Contribute to innovation factors rejuvenate? innovation

1. Personal interests of workers

Increase wages as a result of innovation Reducing wages as a result of innovation

Expansion of GR-AB reduction

Responsibilities Empowering Responsibilities

Improving the situation and position (in the organization and outside it) deterioration of the situation and position (in the organization and outside it)

Improving the chances for the future (in the organization and outside of it) worsening chances for the future (in the organization and outside it;

Improving opportunities for self-affirmation Detection of opportunities for self-affirmation

Complete use of knowledge and abilities incomplete use of knowledge and abilities

Good awareness (in organizing and outside it) bad awareness (in the organization and outside it)

Raising prestige (in the organization and outside it) reduction in prestige [in the organization and outside it)

Expansion of unofficial * opportunities improved welfare for employee and members of his family ¡Education, leisure, medicine, etc.) Reduction of informal opportunities to improve the welfare of the employees and members of his family (education, leisure, medicine, etc.)

i. Relationships with other RzoTsaui

Improving relations with rutodeste as a result of innovation Decisions in management relationships as a result of innovation

Improvement: Relations with subordinate deterioration on subordinate relations

Improving employee relationship deterioration with employees

Compliance of the innovation of the current collective traditions. goals, standards, values \u200b\u200binconsistency in the innovation of the current collective traditions. Goals: standards, values

1 character and retaining

More interesting job As a result of innovation, less interesting work as a result of innovation

More convenient rem and work as a result of innovation less convenient operation as a result of innovation

Less hard and nervous work is more intense and tedious work

More independent and responsible? work less independent and responsible work

Safer work less safe work

More comfortable psychophysiological condition of Vabugs less comfortable psychophysiological working conditions

Best opportunities for. Self-development H Raising the worst opportunities for self-development and advanced training

4 Process of change

The need, the goals and the process of innovation are clearly formulated and justified: goals and gerors of innovations are inflexible formulates and substantiated

Employees of the innovation object are included in the process of occurrence. Development and implementation of innovations Employees of an innovation facility are not included in the gertreats of the emergence, development and implementation of innovation

AT lately Researchers increasingly pay attention to the study of the complex of objective and subjective factors determining the nature of the relationship of workers to innovation. This type and phase of

the innovative process, the expectation of positive and negative consequences from the introduction of innovations, the features of the composition of workers and their relationship before and in the process of innovations. We give the download 1 all factors as promoting innovation and prevent.

To understand innovative processes, it is important to allocate targeted orientations of the main groups of participants in the innovation process, expressed in their position in relation to innovation. This approach takes into account the characteristics of the human factors of innovative processes. On this basis, basic role-playing groups are formed: innovators. Organizers, manufacturers and users. The position of the allocated groups in relation to innovation is determined as an initiative, assistance, inaction. Innovations in a strict sense are considered as planned and targeted changes. Consequently, the attitude towards them (adoption, non-acceptance, active participation and resistance) can be investigated in the concepts of social and installation readiness and personal predisposition to the perception of the new. All forms of manifestation of negative attitudes towards innovations can be divided into three groups.

The first - passive forms of manifestation (lack of conviction for the need and timeliness of innovation in this team, in the possibility of real changes; the lack of desire to improve the usual forms and methods of work, the labor division system, the structure of the work, the structure of interpersonal communications, the established decision-making mechanisms and the division of responsibility established by a hierarchy of knowledge, experience; lack of readiness to take personal participation in innovation activities, in contacts with innovation initiators; lack of readiness to allocate material, financial and human resources, production area and special time; fear of additional difficulties related to innovation; fear of the emergence of additional difficulties related With the innovation, at its division, at its organization, in my own person).

The second group form an active forms of manifestation of attitudes towards innovation. They are expressed in the desire of some members to limit the circle of persons with which the innovation initiators contact, contact time and additional sources of information; Tell their real functions in this process used by the methods and instructions of the work, as well as the criteria for choosing one or another solution; oppose the qualifications and experience of "their" and "other people"

nicknames, volume and importance of these groups, norms and manners of their behavior, as well as their salary and premiums; Blame the initiators of the innovation in the absence of their attention to requests and comments with which the staff of the team - the object of innovation appear; Move more and more new requirements for innovation initiators under the pretext of the need for their infinite improvement.

The third group is formed the extreme forms of negative attitudes to the innovation. These include such phenomena as: issuing information in a smaller volume than was requested by the initiators of innovation; Issuance of not enough reliable information or its conscious distortion, violation of instructions, forms of documentation, the procedure for the actions proposed by initiators of innovation; Careless storage and operation of appliances, equipment, materials and communications related to the implementation of innovations; The desire to use financial, human and material resourcesAllocated to the implementation of innovations are not directly intended, and mainly to solve the current team tasks. For successful management of innovation processes, it is necessary to differentiate the manifestations of a negative attitude at each particular stage of innovation: at the stages of the development, implementation and operation of innovation. And it is necessary to do this in each team of this educational institution, regardless of whether the team itself developed and carried out innovation or innovation is brought from the outside and the team is only its user. Negative role In the innovation, consumer attitude towards innovation is played in the innovation. Under the consumer attitude it is understood as the desire of some workers to improve the conditions and indicators of their work, without taking active personal participation in improving the processes related to the innovation. At the same time, a negative attitude towards innovation can also play a positive role. First, it often prevents the implementation of speaking and insufficiently thoughtful volitional innovative solutions, for which the objective conditions have not yet matured or that do not meet the needs. It prevents such modifications of innovations, which pervert its initial meaning, and protect the relevant sphere of vital activity of labor collectives from premature or harmful innovations. Secondly, the psychological barrier performs a catalyzing function in relation to the innovative process. It is

tivizes the activities of innovation initiators, makes them significantly increase their efforts, do not stop at the level achieved, but to identify the shortcomings of their initial design and look for more advanced options. At the same time, the attitude towards innovation is activated by the performers themselves, the interests of which are affected by the appropriate innovation, encourages them to think about the current situation, pays attention to their role in their team and on the "weight" of their opinions in the organization. Thirdly, the attitude towards innovation always performs an indicator function, promptly, reliably and impartial informs the initiators of innovation on specific weaknesses. received, I reveals all the insufficiently worked elements of innovation, shows the main directions of the necessary adjustments.

Strategy of innovative development professional activity It begins to develop particularly intensively in the last three decades. One of the stressful reasons for their unrealizations is that the introduction of innovations was not previously prepared in the organizational or technical, nor, most importantly, in personal, psychological terms. One of the main difficulties of innovations is the absence of an innovative environment in the society - a certain moral and psychological situation, supported by a complex of measures of an organizational, methodological, psychological nature that ensure the introduction of innovations into a wide professional practice. It has been established that the more difficult innovation, the worse the emotional attitude towards it and below the indicators of participation in its implementation. It is noted that if the initiative of the introduction arose inside the collective, then its members are formed a more positive attitude towards innovation than in a situation where it is "sledpled from above." Innovative activity means holding conscious changes. But changes are not an end in itself. In addition, changes require energetic actions. Any organization and its employees will withstand only a limited number of changes per unit of time. Currently, innovative changes in education are quantitatively ahead of their quality. Let us dwell on this more, for which we turn to Table 2.

Table 2 - Innovative "streams" in education and their assessment

Innovations as facts positive component negative aspects

maintenance of the USE use of the real

criteria comparison

comparisons of all


schools for

Simplification of the procedure

receptions in the exam is not anywhere

universities represented

Selection in universities



elite numbers


) actual

ski stop

Introduction of new GEF updating content

and directed, technical

education and kad-

Allocation of new Povo

priorities provided







Transition from the Specialist to the Baka - Transition to the International Czechhard with

lAVRIATU and MASS Native System Program

fassional sub- (first, second

cooking Rogo, Third

Convertibility, etc.)


loss services and

Deepening studies

of the vita character

work of university fraud





Introduction to the turnover of measures for anti-plane crossing

hyatuchi and textual hyphenation





kesty -


The introduction of inclusive learning to provide children

with OBS opportunities prepared

for equivalent frames

learning to work in


school with taki-

mi children


nost sub-



rights I.

other students

The fusion of science and university education is an increase in high-tech and

bone professorship

national formalization and


The acquisition of the MOL science, and

boards on the starting call

turns to serious cooking. Pogo

scientific developments for grant

2 One student submitted work with an indicator of 98% on anti-PLANGATU: Borrowings were really not, instead of "self-esteem", she wrote - "SamiSti", " mental development"Replaced the" development of a brainstant ", etc. Not a single mention of scientists (she did not read them), no quotes (she has no idea about them)! All nine clean in the work ...

mi (by any and at any cost) personnel, organizational, economic, etc. Svyatitsa

Check universities on the effectiveness of objects

interoperability / ineffective methods

evaluation procedure KE with loss

Identifying their real criteria



estimates of the university

at all


This list could be continued for quite a long time. The main thing is that it is found in an innovative educational avalanche, these are the main trends of globalization, commercialization, standardization and modernization. At this time, it seems, education as a concept is coming out of use. I am actively replaced by him, I would even say, aggressively come educational services. At the same time, the following dispositions are clearly discovered: universal - unique, availability - selectivity, quantity - quality, formalism - meaningability, innovation - tradition. This is hidden by the essential modifications of school reality. At the same time, dying, the past "has a habit" to grant your face in the present. And the present, refusing to binding the past past, often "splashing the child." Solving the tasks of educational innovation, overlooking the issues of change speed, their volume, depth, continuity, and in the end - their logicness and appropriateness. As PS rightly notes Gurevich: "But did anyone calculate the damages that brought reforms, not only with their abortive birth?"

Researchers notice that by the end of the XX century, education, on the one hand, has become one of the most important areas of human activity.

On the other hand, the rapid expansion of the scope of education is accompanied by a sharp exacerbation of the situation in this area. The critical attitude towards the education system is expressed in charges over the decline in learning or its effectiveness. At the stage of disappointment, it seems that the education system does not cope with its task, does not ensure economic and social benefits expected from it. The main issue of innovative activity in education is the balance between changes and stability. We are talking about setting the speed of change. The main in innovation activity seems to see the ability to see the state of the objectives of the educational institution in the dynamics. The goal is a direction, so the achievement of the goal implies constant readiness to changes and responding to the need for internal and external changes. To changes you need to get used to, they need to be mastering and "assign". A.F. Balakirev, considering the difficulty of a specialist as a process, the following stages are extended, easily found in the introduction of innovations:

1) the stage of unless difficulties - the period when the individual is having difficulty, not aware of the causes of its occurrence;

2) the stage of difficulties with a conscious reason - the period when a professional, realizing the reason for his difficulty, is trying to find a solution, a way out of the current situation;

3) stage of complications - a possible period that occurs after a certain period of time, after which a specialist was not found, the reason or method of solving the pedagogical task, and the "Forces" was no longer left for this.

In the latter case, there is a decline in innovative interest. At the same time, the specialist ceases innovative activities, or it comes down to its imitation. In a personal plan, he is experiencing dissatisfaction, pessimism is growing, a feeling arises chronic fatigue. As a result, a person begins to function in stress mode.

Attention should be paid to the fact that when due to the inability to resolve the difficulty generated by the innovative "tsunami", it is aggravated, accumulates and can lead to a refusal of further attempts to cope with it. Thus, there is a contradiction. On the one hand, innovative activity, being, in essence, activities that activate the internal creative potential of the personality of a specialist can serve as an important factorallowing preventing

his offensive is "emotional combustion syndrome". On the other hand, the "emotional combustion syndrome" itself can be considered as a barrier on the way of engaging and implementing innovation.

In our opinion, the resolution of this contradiction lies in the development of preventive measures to prevent the offensive of this type of professional deformation, opening the way the path to personal self-realization in innovation activities. In this case, we are talking about creating special psychological programs aimed at stimulating a person's desire to self-development and personal Growth, intensification and further development His creative potential in innovation.


1. Alekseev A., Pigalov A. Business administration In practice: Tools of the head. - M.: Technological School of Business, 1994. - 136 p.

2. Balakirev A.F. Difficulties of teachers in innovation. Author. dis. on the sister Scientific step. Cand. Ped. science - Shuya: Ivanov. State University, 2000. - 20 s.

3. Gurevich P.S. Tradition as a guarantor of stability // Philosophy and culture, №7 (43), 2011. - P. 4-7.

4. Prigogin A.I. Innovations: Incentives and obstacles: Social problems of innovation. - M.: Policy, 1989. - 271 p.

5. Schneider L.B. Apprenticeship, education and educational services: the ratio of concepts and manifestations // At the origins of development. Sat Scientific articles / Ed. L.F. Obukhova, I.A. Kotlyar (Korepanova). - M.: GBOU MGPPU, 2013. - P. 227-237.

Shnejder bv. Obrazovatel "NYE INNOVACII: ROA ^ Peda ^ ei / bv. Shnejder // Vestnik RO Pedagogike I Psihologii Juzhnoj Sibiri. - № 2. - 2014. - S. 6-18.

© L. B. Schneider, 2014.

© Herald for pedagogy and psychology Southern Siberia, 2014. - - -

Any new born in the fight against the old one. Dialectics teaches this.

There are no exception to this rule and innovative processes. Resistance to innovations in the organization can manifest itself actively and open or carry a passive and hidden character. The manager would prefer the open resistance - then he sees and understands what people are unhappy, which they want from him and what should be done to improve the input itself. Of all this, he can form a program for organizational actions. Thus, the infusion of innovation can be viewed as a peculiar form of organizational behavior of people. A business is passive or worse, a hidden form of resistance. Everything seems to agree, nothing seems to be objections, but innovations are not implemented, the results are absent.

Resistance to innovations may be caused primarily by such reasons as uncertainty, loss feel and belief that changes will not bring the expected results.

In addition, the reasons for the resistance of workers in innovations can be divided into several more groups. The first is the economic reasons associated with the potential to lose income or its source. For example, workers engaged in production may assume that innovations in the technique and technology will lead to their dismissal, reduction of the working day, intensification of labor, deprivation of benefits and privileges.

The second group of reasons causing resistance to transform staff - organizational: Unwillingness to change the current system of relations, violate the existing alignment of forces, concerns for the future career, the fate of an informal organization.

Alsaed also group social The reasons for the resistance of the staff of innovations. As mentioned earlier, innovators (authors of ideas, projects), organizers planning and financing and ensuring innovation, as well as users working with innovations take part in innovation. From the interest of all participants in the innovation process depends the actual effect of innovation. Interests them can merge or diverge. Thus, in the construction of significant changes in the middle of the executives, there were significant changes to the group of middle of the managers. The former small guardianship, constant control of the work of the brigade from their side became inappropriate. The engineering preparation of production, the organizational mechanism for the provision of work (especially supply) was presented with strict requirements, and in some cases the average level painfully met the need to introduce a new method and began to inhibit its distribution.

The same problem arises with the source of innovation initiative. Employees, Directorate or Higher Organs may act as the initiator. From the point of view of the efficiency of implementation, it is better when the initiators and users perform in one person. When some shift their functions on others, the results of innovation are significantly reduced.

To the next - fourth - group of reasons personal Connected mainly with the psychological characteristics of people. We are talking about the strength of habits, inertness, fear before the new, unknown. Many people with difficulty perceive the change in the usual movement of events, and in the process of change inevitably arise a threat to lowering, strengthening the personal power of the head, the fear of the loss of status, position in the organization, respect in the eyes of the leadership and work comrades. The change in the objective position of people affects their interests, hence such an important reason as the resistance of the human factor.

Finally, allocate the fifth large group socio-psychological The reasons for the resistance to innovations, characteristic not only for individual members of the enterprise and their groups, but also for the staff of the organization as a whole. Among these reasons, the conviction of people can be called that the innovations "will not bring anything good", "the planned changes will not solve problems, but only multiply their number", and in addition, dissatisfaction with the methods of transformations, their implities, suddenness; distrust of the initiators of change; threat to the destruction of the existing organizational structure of values; unfavorable moral and psychological climate; The desire to preserve "old", "good" orders and traditions; The confidence of most members of the organization is that impending changes will occur solely in the interests of the manual.

Resistance strengthening largely determine such circumstances as the long-term stability of commercial results that provide prolonged, without additional costs satisfactory functioning of the enterprise; insufficient qualifications and high staff turnover; internal staff turnover; Unhealthy internal situation; The predominance of authoritarian manual methods.

The resistance of the staff of the organization's staff to introduce innovation depends mostly on the degree of destruction of the prevailing disastrs, principles and norms, speed and intensity of the process of change, as well as on the nature and scale of the threat of power change.

From the review of the reasons for the resistance of the staff of innovations, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. Resistance to the restructuring is an objective phenomenon due to the desire of the system to preserve the relative stability of links. And any innovation with respect to the current link structure is perceived as a destabilizing factor.

2. System resistance to individual innovations should not be considered only as a negative reaction. Being an objective phenomenon, such resistance creates the necessary prerequisites for a peculiar "test" of a new idea and its refinement in the process of binding to specific conditions.

3. Although the resistance to the introduction of innovations is objective and legitarious, its source is a subjective element of the system - a person. Since production is a social system, the subjective factor is crucial. A person can play both organizing and disorganizing role in the system. The success of the establishment and implementation of new functions and links depends on the desire of people, their interest, skill and initiative.

If the source of resistance to innovations is a subjective element of the system, then subjective motives should be considered as a prominent cause of the specified objective phenomenon. To their number, first of all, it is possible to attribute the so-called fear new. However, this fear has explained and far from the same causes of different persons who speaken objects or participants in the innovation process. As research shows, several groups of reasons important to personnel of the organization are revealed.

In the first place is fear of material losses. For managers, one-row is fear of responsibility or loss of an existing job status. Sometimes it is associated with the possible liquidation of his position or restriction of rights provided in accordance with her;

in second place - the fear of losing work;

on the third - the fear of the new, associated with the expectation of the increase in the volume and complexity of the work or the level of responsibility;

in fourth place - fear of possible own professional inconsistency in the level (complexity) of new tasks or projected functions;

on the fifth - fear of loss of some moral advantages, authority, status, the ability to make decisions finally loss of power.

The subjective motifs of resistance to the new can consist in what is sometimes called ocossible or conservatism - the reluctance of any changes that could disturb the usual, even inefficient, work forms, communications, etc., any change requires at least relative activity that herself By itself, very desirable in many cases. Conservatism can manifest itself both passively and in the form of active opposition.

So, the main reasons for the fear of the new are: non-informity, uncertainty and incompetence, professional unpreparedness of frames for innovations.

We will visit now more in the innovation process at school.

Innovative activity. Managing an innovative process. Here is the closest benchmarks of our reflection.

Characters : Innovators, People Process, People Environment. Innovators are those who aim to introduce a new one. People of the process - participants of the activity that should change as a result of innovation. People of the medium are not directly involved in this activity, but carrying out their influence on this social organization.

Innovators can be both from the organization itself (most often this is the school administration) and from outside (figures of public education bodies, teachers researchers). People of the medium are also representatives of the higher layers of the management hierarchy, and "comrades from the side" - representatives of the public, various organizations that are not included in the folk education system. People of the process are not only teachers, but also schoolchildren, those who affect innovation.

The keyword for the speed characteristic, performance, features of the innovation process in this organization - innovation potential . Innovative school potential is its ability to create, perceive, implement innovations. Of course, this ability is largely a consequence of creative aspirations of members of the pedagogical team, their attitudes towards innovations.

But we have already discussed this topic. Now it is more important for us to reflect on another layer of innovative potential - about the properties of the school as a system, as an organization.

The components of the innovative potential of the organization are material and financial reserves, economic and moral incentives, and the organizational structure, features of the people of the process, the possibilities and forms of intra-organizational communication and communication with people of the medium.

All these diverse features are combined into three blocks: two basic (prerequisites) and one actually innovative.

Base blocks: material and financial (material and financial reserves of organizations, the possibilities of economic stimulating employees) and personnel (personal innovation potential of workers in general and managers in particular).

Actually, the innovative unit includes objectives, structure, features of the organization as a whole, the specifics of its interaction with the environment.

Innovative potential as if doublos: in it, the basis of the base, which determines the possibilities of organizations, generality regarding innovations in general and more temporary, a variable layer associated with specific innovations.

The main characteristics of the basis are the ability of employees, members of community to creative activity and the ability of the organization, community to self-development.

We will describe more than the structure of the innovative potential of the organization with an emphasis on the organization of an educational sense - school.

Master and Financial Reserve Block It has two components - aware and financial.

The real component includes material tools of the organization, which may affect the innovation: diversity, size and interpretation of premises; Availability, diversity, compliance with the objectives of innovation of furniture, equipment, information, multiplicative, formula for equipment, etc.

Of course, the strength-weakness of real reserves is relative. For theatrical innovation at school, the hall, props, and lighting equipment are important; For an intelligent - rich library, computer network, Internet access, etc.

Financial reserves are not only the amount of money that can be spent on innovation, but also freedom, flexibility at its disposal by these means. The efficiency of finance use depends on the method of their inclusion in the innovation work (advance, award, phased payment).

In the personnel block The socio-psychological features of groups, brigades, participating groups of future innovation work, innovative characteristics of key workers, members of communities, including managers and leaders.

The creative potential and the ability of authoritative in the team, in organizing people; Creative aspiration of groups; The experience of the former innovative work is just some strokes of this characteristic. Other, socio-democratic features of the organization are important: age, professional experience of workers, the ratio of men-women.

We will especially focus on the qualities of managers. According to E.A. Indarov, key qualities - four: compliance status leader of innovation; personal significance For him, leading activities; the attitude of the head to innovation in general, and to this innovation in particular; confidence of the head In achieving success.

We will add another feature to this list - the authority of the manager is both professional and moral. This quality generates the confidence of workers, the members of the group to the leader, the head, without which the radical innovation will not develop.

Third block - Innovative qualities of the organization itself.

What is the "Positive Pole" of this block? Orientation on the development of the organization, community; Flexibility and modularity of the Organization (in particular, the combination of temporary and permanent organizers); Communication efficiency as the possibility of a wide and adequate information exchange between managers and ordinary members of the organization, between the organization and the "medium people".

Intorganization efficiency of communications is manifested in the adequacy of mutual expectations in vertical (managerial) and horizontal relationships.

The development of "external" communications allows you to connect "medium people" in the roles of experts, consultants, innovative coaches and adequately inform external people and instances about innovative work.

The innovative potential of the organization is not automatically implemented. It reveals depending on how this innovation process is being built and what stage is expanding at the moment and actually what innovation is implemented

Here it makes sense to stop and praising in more detail the model of schools as developing pedagogical systems, as well as with these models, the innovative potential of the school as an organization is associated with these models.

We will rely on an interesting study of these questions by V.S. Lazarev.

According to V.S. Lazarev, the combination of three characteristics of the school creates (does not create) the potential of its development.

First, school is capable or not capable identify your problems . The word "identify", apparently, means whether school leaders can study the leaders of the pedcleract, call, analyze school problems.

Secondly, sensitive Lee School to development opportunities . Actually, we are talking about whether they understand whether they analyze their innovative potential in school, which we told the page before.

Third, whether the school can use this potential, that is, to organize implementation of relevant innovations . As an effective response to school problems.

In the general organizational structure of the school, the so-called modular structure for the launch of innovation is the so-called modular structure in which certain tasks of the school carry out innovative teams in the activities of which are associated with the objectives of the organization (school) and individual goals of team members.

Where there is a deputy director for the development (on scientific and methodological, experimental work), one of the main tasks of such a checkpoint with the support of the Director's creation, the development of such teams.

At school, this is manifested in the interest (disinterest) of participants in the innovation, consistency (inculcation) of the interests of various groups of the pedclableclone (in particular, administrations and teachers), adoption (non-acceptance) of the new "people of the environment".

The innovation process generates stresses, and even conflicts between colleagues, between administration and teachers. The likelihood of such conflicts is especially large if the barrier is informal leaders of the collective and managers.

"But is these stresses, these difficulties cannot adjust these resistance, soften"? It is possible, but for this, the organizers of innovations need to make certain steps.

Here are the details of the resistance to innovation called K.M. Shushakov and D.V. Fishbain in the author computer course "Change management".

Causes of resistance : Threat to perception of yourself as a competent employee, a threat to relationships, waiting for significant work costs, fear of unusual, fear of loss, evaluating a new as temporary passing.

Forms of resistance : Avoiding the discussions of the new, the requirement of additional information, a demonstration of incommodation, the requirement to "be closer to life", etc.

Attitude to the initiators Changes: allies, opponents, contemplates.

Negative consequences Innovative processes: conflicts, decline in the quality of work, expecting inadequate remuneration, doubt in innovation organizers, departure from the organization of a valuable employee.

So before the initiator of changes in school Life Start acting, it makes sense to spend serious analytical work. The purpose of such work is a more clear awareness of the problems of the school, preliminary hints of innovative goals and means of their implementation, that is, the innovations themselves. The goals and the decision of the innovation is more productive when they are not a result of personal creativity, but are born in dialogue, comparison, comparison of the vision of problems and directions of changes with associates for work.

But what the needs of the organization itself, in our case school, pushes to the "immersion" to innovation. As with the level of personality, a separate teacher, the spectrum of such forces, the needs of Pystro.

It may be the need to solve any conscious pressing problems Organizations (for example, a gap between the current educational pedagogy elementary school and underdeveloped learning in middle classes).

Maybe it is imitation of other organizations , the reasons for which are not realized in school, are not reflecting.

Another reason - setting members of the organization, above all managers in personal Professional Improvement .

The need can be submitted and in the form of a pretended organization, primarily from leaders and managers. image of innovation work As correctness, normality for the life of the organization, schools.

Other reason is the desire of managers, leaders to ensure prestige As part of the image of the organization.

Can lead and perceive innovation as a form of necessary advanced training workers.

The needs of the organization may be the prevailing creative aspirations of workers.

Another plot - when innovative needs are present as an inevitable moment reorganization Organizations.

The needs of the organization adequately respond to external circumstances are very strong. requests, expectations of consumers (in the case of the parents school) and the need to be successful in competitive struggle (a significant moment for school in the context of new funding and competitions of the national education project).

It is understood as the process of updating (transformation) of an organization based on the introduction of innovations into organizational processes. The relevance of changes and innovations is due to the need to adapt the organization to the requirements of the external and internal environment, to mastering new knowledge and technologies, which is especially important in conditions market economy. The volume of knowledge owning humanity is doubled about every five to seven years, respectively, this is doubled the number of new situations requiring an adequate solution. This leads to an increase in the importance of conversion management tasks. Minor adjustments of the main parameters of the organizational environment (structure, tasks, processes, personnel, etc.) It is recommended to carry out in the organization regularly, large - with periodicity once every four or five years. The purpose of the change is the implementation of progressive transformations to transfer the organization to a highly efficient state.

The reasons for organizational changes and innovations can be economic, ideological, organizational, information, personnel, etc. The most common is the change in external working conditions (actions of competitors), the emergence of progressive technologies for solving management tasks (automation and computerization), bureaucracy of the management apparatus (increasing management costs ).

Diagnostic signs that determine the need for change can be direct and indirect: deterioration or stabilization of the performance of the organization, loss in competition, the passivity of personnel, non-indemnified protest against any innovation, the lack of procedure is the abolition of inefficient management solutions, the gap between the formal responsibilities of the personnel and its specific work, the high frequency of punishments in the absence of promotions, etc.

Innovations can be divided into 3 groups:

  • technical and technological (new equipment, devices, technological schemes etc.);
  • product (transition to the release of new products, materials);
  • social to which refers:
    • economic (new material incentives, wage system indicators)
    • organizational and managerial (new organizational structures, labor organization forms, decision-making, control over their implementation, etc.)
    • actually social, that is, targeted changes in intravaluctive relationships (the election of brigadiers, masters, new forms of publicity, educational work, such as mentoring, the creation of new social bodies, etc.)
    • legal, mainly speaking as changes in labor and economic legislation.

Sometimes economic, organizational, legal innovations are combined with the concept of "management".

Classification of changes and innovations:

by organization of:

  • scheduled
  • unplanned;

by timing:

  • short-term
  • long-term;

in relation to staff:

  • improving the efficiency of personnel;
  • improving employee qualifications;
  • aimed at improving climate, increased satisfaction with labor, etc.

According to the implementation method, innovations should be distinguished:

  • experimental, i.e. undergoing stage of testing, checks;
  • direct, implemented without experiments.

By volume:

  • point (rules);
  • systemic (technological and organizational systems);
  • strategic (principles of production and management).

For appointment:

  • aimed at: production efficiency;
  • improving working conditions;
  • enrichment of labor content;
  • improving the controllability of the organization;
  • improving product quality.

Possible positive impacts of innovations:

  • reduction of costs;
  • reduction of harmfulness of labor;
  • raising qualifications and others.

Possible negative impacts of innovations:

  • financial costs for their conduct;
  • reducing the efficiency of work at the initial stage;
  • social tension and others.

For the successful implementation of the transformation, it is necessary to analyze their causes, objects, positive and negative sides, clearly formulate goals and only then make changes.

Any innovations as certain changes in the labor process are inevitable, since they are mainly due to objective factors. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the reorganization is not an end in itself, but a means of implementing new tasks and activities.

The reorganization of the enterprise can be carried out in various forms: fusion, attachment, separation, isolation, transformation, reduction, reprofilating. Each of these species, the corresponding restructuring of the control system occurs, which entails changes in the structure, technologies, frames, organizational culture and other material parameters of the organization.

The priority goal of changes and innovations should be considered to achieve higher results, mastering advanced and labor techniques, elimination of routine operations, implementation of progressive changes in the management system.

Organization policy regarding changes

Change management should be considered in two aspects: tactical and strategic. From a tactical point of view, changes in the ability to conduct them in adequate time, to achieve their goals, reduce resistance to change, increase the adaptation of workers. In the strategic context, the change management means the inclusion of constant changes to the management practice so so that they become familiar and expected for the entire staff of the organization, and their temporary absence would cause anxiety and concern. It is providing strategic change management that can lead to a significant increase in the competitiveness of the organization.

Change management can be implemented on the basis of two fundamental approaches:

Jet approach - Allows you to respond to occurring events, adapt to change, mitigate their consequences. At the same time, there is a time interval of the lag of internal changes in response to external influences, which can lead to the loss of competitive positions of the organization.

Proactive (preventive) approach - makes it possible to foresee events in external environmentFix them and initiate change themselves. In this case, the role of the manager is to carry out permanent organizational changes, allowing to rout the "fate" of the organization. This approach allows you to drastically manage changes.

Changes in frequency are divided into one-time and multistage; In relation to personnel - on positively perceived by most personnel and negatively perceived.

The main objects of organizational changes and innovations are:

  • objectives of personnel and organization as a whole;
  • organization management structure;
  • technology and tasks labor activity personnel;
  • the composition of the staff.

One of the components of the introduction of innovations is to master the organization of a new idea. The author of the idea is necessary:

  • identify the interest of the group in this idea, including the consequences of innovation for the group, the size of the group, the variation of opinions within the group, etc.;
  • develop a strategy for achieving the goal;
  • define alternative strategies;
  • finally choose a strategy of action;
  • create a specific detailed action plan.

People have a wary-negative attitude towards all changes, since the innovation usually represents a potential threat to habits, the image of thinking, status, etc. There are three types of potential threats in the implementation of innovations:

  • economic (reduction in income or its reduction in the future);
  • psychological (sense of uncertainty when changing requirements, duties, working methods);
  • socio-psychological (prestige loss, loss of status, etc.).

When innovation, the organization of work with people is carried out in accordance with the principles:

  • informing about the essence of the problem;
  • preliminary assessment (informing at the preparatory stage of the necessary efforts projected by difficulties, problems);
  • initiatives from below (it is necessary to allocate responsibility for the success of implementation at all levels);
  • individual compensation (retraining, psychological training, etc.).

The following types of people in their relation to innovation are distinguished:

Novators are people who are characterized by a permanent search for opportunities to improve anything. Enthusiasts are people who take a new one regardless of its extension and validity. Rationalists - take new ideas only after careful analysis of their utility, assess the difficulty and possibility of using innovations.

Neutrals are people who are not inclined to believe on the word useful sentence.

Skeptics are people who can become good project controllers and proposals, but inhibitory innovations.

Conservatives are people who critically relate to everything that is not verified by experience.

Retrograds are people who automatically deny all new.

Options for introducing innovations in the team

Directive policy. Its essence is reduced to the fact that innovations are held by the manager without attracting members of the team. The purpose of such a policy is the rapid changes in the conditions of the crisis situation, and members of the team will be forced to accept changes due to their inevitability.

Negotiation policy. The manager is the initiator of innovation; He negotiates with a team under which partial concessions and mutual agreements are possible. Members of the team can express their opinion and understand the essence of innovations.

Policy of achieving common goals. Its essence is that managers, attracting consultants - management professionals, not only receive the consent of the team to introduce innovations, but also put in front of each member of the organization the purpose of introducing innovation, defining their responsibility for achieving goals as personal: Organizations.

Analytical policy. The manager attracts expert experts who study the problem collect information, analyze it and develop optimal solutions, not attracting a team of workers and without taking into account their personal problems.

Sampling and error policy. The manager cannot determine the problem quite clearly. Group employees are involved in the introduction of innovations, who try to solve the problem and learn from their mistakes.