Dollar billionaires of Belarus. The richest people in Belarus. Education: higher technical

Vladimir Matikevich

Over 7.5 billion rubles (about $ 3.8 million) came to the treasury of the Republic of Belarus as a result of declaring the total annual income for the last year. This is almost a billion more than the previous one! Such data was provided by the Deputy Minister of Taxes and Duties, Mr. Alexander Doroshenko, at a press conference at the National Press Center. Almost 160 thousand citizens reported their income to the state, of which more than 70 thousand were individual entrepreneurs.

Declaration of dollar millionaires did not reveal. Only 3,698 taxpayers received income taxed at a maximum rate of 30%. The average percentage of withdrawals to taxable income, as the head of the department said at a press conference individuals Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection, Mrs. Galina Radyukevich - 13.7%. At the same time complaining; our earnings are not so great ... ..

However, according to unofficial data of the same ministry, today more than one hundred dollar millionaire lives in the Republic of Belarus, whose total capital is more than $ 14 billion, or 3.5 of the Belarusian budget.

Such amounts were earned on the transit of gas, oil, "correct" customs clearance of goods and the sale of confiscated goods, construction, in the alcohol and tobacco business, the sale of weapons, the food market, the flower market, the sale of timber, fertilizers, land and the "protection" of all criminal business - " ", Hitting competitors, razderbanirovany contracts and 10% of the implementation of these contracts, obtaining licenses or depriving them of such, conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections, etc., etc. Among underground millionaires, the lion's share are officials and those who job responsibilities must stop such squandering of the people's property. At the same time, the official salary in this category does not exceed $ 500 per month. Naturally, from data earned by back-breaking labor money, no taxes were charged.

So, who are they, the richest people in Belarus?

1. Alexander Lukashenko - President of Belarus - 11.4 billion USD

2. Vladimir Peftiev - businessman - $ 900 million.

3. Ivan Titenkov - former Administrative Department of the President - 420 million dollars.

4. Victor Sheiman - General Prosecutor - 397 million dollars.

5. Mikhail Myasnikovich - President of the Academy of Sciences - $ 290 million

6. Victor Lagvinets - businessman - $ 175 million

7. Filaret - Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus - 47.3 million dollars.

8. Yuri Chizh - businessman -46.0 million dollars.

9. Mikhail Borovoy - Minister of Transport and Communist - $ 26.3 million

10. Alexey Vaganov - deputy - businessman - 23.6 million dollars.

11. Vladimir Alexandrovich General Director. Itera-Bel - $ 21.9 million

12. Galina Zhuravkova - former Administrative Office of the President - 21.6 million dollars.

13. Georgy Kashkan - former employee of the Administrative Department - 19.4 million dollars.

14. Petr Prokopovich - Head of the National Bank - $ 18.8 million

15. Sergei Sidorsky - Prime Minister - $ 16.7 million

16. Tamara Vinnikova - ex-head of the National Bank - 15.8 million dollars.

17. Vladimir Konoplev - Deputy Speaker of the Parliament - $ 14.3 million

18. Alexander Shpilevsky - Head of the State Customs Committee - $ 12.4 million

19. Peter the Rooster - hands. Beltransgaz 10.6 mln USD

20. Alexander Lyakhov - hands. "Belarusneft" 10.2 million USD

21. Leonid Kozik - Chairman of Trade Unions - $ 9.9 million.

22. Sergey Kostyuchenko - Priorbank - USD 9.3 million.

23. Yuri Matusevich - "White Russia" - 8.3 million dollars.

24. Nikolai Domashkevich - Governor of the Minsk Region. - 8.1 million dollars.

25. Vladimir Andreichenko - Governor of the Vitebsk Region. - 7.9 million dollars.

26. Anatoly Tozik - hands. State Control - $ 7.5 million

27. Vladimir Savchenko - Governor of the Grodno Region. - 7.3 million USD

28. Sergey Litvin - businessman - 7.3 million dollars.

29. Vasily Dolgolev - ex. Huber. Brest region - 7.2 million dollars.

30. Leonid Erin - Chairman of the KGB - $ 6.9 million

31. Yuri Sivakov - Minister of Sports - $ 6.7 million

32. Roman Vnuchko - former banker and deputy prime minister - $ 6.7 million.

33. Leonid Getsenok - "Khimvolokno" - $ 6.3 million.

34. Konstantin Gisyak - "Khimvolokno" - $ 6.3 million.

35. Nikolay Korbut - Minister of Finance - $ 5.3 million

36. Valery Langov - "Azot" - $ 6.2 million.

37. Viktor Kamenkov - before. higher household. ships - $ 6.2 million

38. Valentin Gurinovich - Director of MAZ - 6.2 million dollars.

39. Leonid Glukhovsky - before. Investigations. Ministry of Internal Affairs Committee - $ 6.1 million

40. Leonid Kalugin - President of ZAO Atlant - $ 6.1 million

41. Victor Moroz - General. Director of "Belshina" - $ 6.1 million

42. Vladimir Semashko - Deputy Prime Minister - $ 6.1 million

43. Mikhail Pavlov - Mayor of Minsk - $ 6.1 million

44. Viktor Rakhmanko - ex. hands. Bel. yellow roads - $ 6.0 million

45. Leonid Kucheryavy - gen. Director of "Crystal" - 6.0 mln.

46. \u200b\u200bVladimir Grigoriev - Ambassador of Belarus to Russia - 5.9 million USD

47. Vladimir Goncharenko - Minister of Communications - $ 5.6 million

48. Nikolay Skutov - deputy - businessman - 5.5 million dollars.

49. Pavel Yakubovich - Ch. editor of "Soviet Belarus" - 4.7 million dollars.

50. Ivan Bambiza - Deputy Prime Minister - $ 4.6 million

51. Vladimir Boyko - ex. prev. Higher Household. Ships - $ 4.6 million

52. Andrey Klimov - businessman - 4.5 million dollars

53. Nikolay Korotkevich - deputy. Secretary of the Security Council - $ 3.8 million

54. Stepan Sukharenko - per. deputy. the chairman of the KGB - $ 3.7 million.

55. Egor Rybakov - ex. hands. nat. state TV and radiocomp. - 3.6 million USD

56. Sergei Gaidukevich - Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus - 3.4 million dollars. [...]

Lukashenka's oligarchs or how do the richest people in Belarus earn money?

Stepan Sukhovenko

Top 13 Belarusian oligarchy

And who in Belarus today is a small "class" of the richest people? They are all friends and associates of President Lukashenko. After all, as already mentioned, only the presidential will and the corresponding decree open the way to real wealth. Among the national oligarchs, it is impossible to find representatives of the director corps (although the "anti-corruption" machine is fighting against them) and representatives of the political opposition (although government media regularly tell "horror stories" about the foreign multimillion-dollar grant financing of the opposition). Let's allow ourselves to make a rating of real Belarusian oligarchs.

Galina Anisimovna Zhuravkova, ex-head of the Presidential Administration. Now she has just left the KGB detention center, where she was housed on charges of large-scale abuses, fraud, bribes. Zhuravkova came to "big power" in 2001 and in a matter of months managed to redistribute many profitable markets in her favor. So, her "guys" took control wholesale markets grain, coal, timber, fish. Zhuravkova had a network of her own shops selling, among other things, confiscated goods. She quickly claimed an oil quota for herself. And later it turned out that Galina Anisimovna legally owns 0.9% of the shares of the transit enterprise Beltransgaz. And that was just the beginning. She almost managed to persuade Lukashenko to "nomenclature privatization" of oil refineries in order to subsequently resell these enterprises to the Russians at a significantly higher price. But this active person did not at all take into account the needs of other "favorite oligarchs" from the president's entourage. On which I got burned, despite the trusting relationship with Lukashenka himself and his women.

Victor Vladimirovich Sheiman, Prosecutor General of Belarus. The oldest ally of the president. His confidante. He received his legal education in absentia, already being the chief prosecutor of the country. But intelligence and erudition were never Sheiman's virtues. But the ability to take control of a specific business and turn it into a well-oiled "gray scheme" cannot be taken away from Viktor Vladimirovich. His interests are extremely multifaceted. Through Beltechexport, Sheiman controlled the entire Belarusian (legal and not so legal) arms trade. Has its own interest in the profits of the mobile operator "MDC". It actively works in the markets for energy metering, scrap supplies to a metallurgical plant, food supplies to the capital. Actively, through his brother and personally, he develops the border network of confiscated goods trade.

Ivan Ivanovich Titenkov, ex-head of the Presidential Administration. Now he lives in the Russian capital and is extremely dissatisfied with the behavior of his former partner Lukashenko. Why would Titenkov be dissatisfied? Before the era of Lukashenko, Ivan Ivanovich himself was a loser businessman of the middle class. And only with the help of Alexander Grigorievich he reached inconceivable heights. He crushed many consumer markets, the tourism sector, trade in tobacco and alcohol products, the capital's real estate and office space market. Through his department, there was the distribution of space for stores in the capital, as well as quotas for the supply of certain categories of goods. Again he went too far in the end and was forced to disgracefully flee to Moscow.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Konoplev, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly. A modest and quiet rural district policeman, who was not even trusted with a pistol, unexpectedly gained access to serious resources. He quickly took one of the main places in the market for building materials and medicines. And also on the market for the construction of prestigious facilities in Minsk. Taking the opportunity to travel abroad as part of parliamentary delegations, he established contacts with adventurous European businessmen (especially from Belgium). Sometimes, however, he buried himself in the pharmaceutical market. But he quickly realized that the current Minister of Health, Lyudmila Postoyalko, is much closer to the president than Konoplev himself. That is why he transferred part of his "pharmaceutical" ambitions to the provincial minister.

Victor Logvinets, owner of the trade and financial holding "Konto-group". The confidant of Ivan Titenkov. The Logvinets holding was engaged in the development of dozens of profitable areas: the supply of construction materials, vehicles, food products, etc. For a long time, he provided the president's considerable personal needs for clothing and food. Escaped from Belarus with Ivan Titenkov when the latter fell into disgrace.

Vladimir Pavlovich Peftiev, the constant curator of Beltechexport, the main operator of all trade and gun deals in Belarus, Sheiman's closest partner. Peftiev was making money selling weapons even when Lukashenka was unsuccessfully running the Gorodets state farm. Alexander Grigorievich, immediately after winning the presidential elections-94, wanted to change Peftiev for his man, but quickly realized that for such a thing, Sergei Petrovich's companions could shoot him. After that, the “new friends” sat down at the negotiating table and worked out a profit sharing scheme.

Yuri Chizh, the owner of a multi-profile holding-favorite "Triple". He regularly plays hockey with the president. At the request of the latter, he actively finances the Belarusian national football team and the Dynamo football club. Regularly fights for oil and gas quotas. Works in the food market. He invariably replenishes the president's common fund, and at the same time his property and deposits.

Vladimir Alexandrovich, ex-deputy of the National Assembly, "owner" of the once loud company "Itera-Bel". For a long time he was a kind of monopolist in the market of "gas speculations". Until a conflict broke out with the president of the Russian "Itera" Igor Viktorovich Makarov. But Aleksandrovich quickly restored his positions, and now he is actively attacking not only the gas market, but also the oil and confiscated markets. He is one of the president's closest friends.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Myasnikovich, the ex-head of the presidential administration Lukashenko. Today he is the head of the National Academy of Sciences. He has always had a specific material interest in banking, trade and transit raw materials (oil) businesses. For a long time he was an intermediary for a number of Russian shadow industrial and financial groups, representing their interests in Belarus. Therefore, Lukashenka was never “eaten”. Although he posed a considerable threat to Alexander Grigorievich, as he oversaw the nomenklatura, had substantial money and had access to Russia. But Mikhail Vladimirovich is an extremely delicate opportunist, and therefore he managed to come to an agreement with Lukashenka.

Irina Abelskaya, former personal physician of the president. Today its status has grown significantly. She is no longer just a personal doctor, but also the closest, let's say, friend of Alexander Grigorievich. Officially, the head of the special polyclinic for servicing senior state officials is. In reality, he has a much greater influence on Belarusian politics. According to some information, it is through Abelskaya that the purchase of real estate abroad is carried out for the future quiet life of retired Lukashenka. Abelskaya also actively plays in the markets of paid medical services (especially, she is interested in such a profitable industry as cosmetology) and pharmaceuticals.

Alexey Vaganov, current deputy of the National Assembly, owner of a group of trading companies. He actively worked in the Iraqi direction "oil in exchange for ..." A typical example of a secretive Belarusian businessman who got the opportunity to work in the domestic market in exchange for the obligatory deduction of a "percentage of transactions". This percentage goes to a special fund for the president. The president himself is indifferent to such as Vaganov, but requires regular payments for the right to work.

Alexander Shpilevsky, Head of the State Customs Committee. The State Customs Committee sharply increased the "profitability", literally filled up the republic with confiscated goods, quarreled Belarus with all countries that transited through the Belarusian territory. He participates personally or through intermediaries in all gray cross-border transactions. He turned the State Customs Committee into a "confiscation machine", regularly replenishing the personal safe and the president's safe with income from stolen goods. Carries out special orders of high-ranking officials to provide their wives and children with confiscated expensive (at a price of at least 75 thousand dollars) vehicles. By the number of respectable foreign cars Minsk will give a head start to Moscow. But the owners are all entirely surrounded by dad.

And finally, the most important oligarch of Belarus - Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko... This person periodically makes statements that he lives only on a salary and is the most honest and cleanest (morally) president in the world. At the same time, he also manages to transfer most of his salary to orphanages. If you want to believe it, believe it. But in fact, he receives interest on all - legal and criminal - transactions. Resale of Russian gas inside Belarus, re-export of products from oil refineries, sales of food products, tobacco products without paying taxes, trade in confiscated goods, any cargo transit, arms deals around the world, sale of stakes in state-owned enterprises - only Lukashenka can give permission for all this. After all, he does not hide the fact that he has built a system in which decisions are made by one person. This means that in order to bring a wagon of alcohol to Belarus and sell it without paying taxes, the president's signature is needed. And you have to pay for the signature. This is the law of nature. Why should we doubt this and why should we believe in the crystal honesty of a person named Lukashenko? As a rule, Lukashenka prefers to keep his money in cash in a home safe. Part of the money is in the safes of foreign banks. Something else is hidden in Cuba, where his children, "friend" Abelskaya and "colleague" Sheiman, fly from time to time with private visits. Undoubtedly, only one thing - it is Lukashenko who owns the largest Belarusian fortune.

It is not difficult to answer the question in the title. In Belarus, you can make good money only on being close to President Lukashenko. If you play hockey with him or go downhill skiing together, then after a while you will definitely get your piece of "state property" into "perpetual possession". Earn yourself, regularly deduct the allotted "godfather" and most importantly - keep quiet ...

Belarus has its own oligarchs. Naturally, the government press does not write about them. They are not included in the Forbes billionaire ratings. They cannot make claims and buy English football clubs.

But they are very influential and have very decent fortunes. Influential Belarusians have a lot of free money. However, unlike their Russian colleagues, who invest all their free funds in production assets, buy raw materials deposits, build financial and production holdings, Belarusian oligarchs keep all their fortunes in a “cache” or on someone else's “sleeping” accounts. This is "dead" money. Only entertainment, underground holidays abroad and haute couture clothes for wives / daughters. Ambition and intelligence are clearly not enough.

In Belarus, unlike Russia, a real "oligarchic capitalism" has been built. A small group of people has, on the one hand, the entirety of political and economic powerOn the other hand, it controls all financial flows and production and transit capacities of the republic. The redistribution of influence and resources within Belarus happened quickly and took just one "five-year" plan. By proposing the concept of "strong presidential power", Lukashenko immediately got the opportunity, by direct presidential decrees, to endow his "partners" with tidbits of state property, transit highways, consumer markets, construction projects... Behind the scenes, of course. And it's all about the development strategy of the national oligarchy. For example, in Russia, local oligarchs not only actively built their "raw material empires", but also tried to influence public opinionbuying up electronic and print media abundantly and aggressively. In Belarus, all the media eventually ended up in the same hands - the government took public opinion under strict control. To build "oligarchic communities", media monopolization is vital, and therefore Lukashenka's struggle with independent newspapers was part of a far-sighted strategy. After all, what happened in Russia? There, in large numbers, the so-called "information wars" began, when the newspapers of one oligarch describe in every detail the secret affairs and luxurious lifestyle of oligarch # 2. These wars strongly electrified public opinion, which, moreover, knew by heart the names of 30-50 oligarchs, allegedly guilty of impoverishing the bulk of the Russians. In Belarus, the “new oligarchs” did not speak a word about each other in public. As a rule, they transferred the clarification of relations to Lukashenka's study or home residence. And only in these two sacred places there was a real calculation of who earned and how much, and it was also found out how much the president himself had been deceived. [...]

Classic Belarusian "spiders"

In Belarus, the oligarchy developed along a more traditional path. In this country, there was also a redistribution of property and a behind-the-scenes distribution of attractive production assets among “their own”. But all this was done not just secretly, but absolutely silently. In complete darkness and with the deathly silence of the media. The Belarusian oligarchs did not need to corrupt the state apparatus - they were the basis, the foundation of this apparatus. The oligarchs in Belarus are officials. Couldn't this be considered the pinnacle of the development of the national oligarchy? One hand signs the permit, the other counts the profits. Local oligarchs, to their credit, quickly developed four mandatory "rules of conduct" to guarantee complete safety for the "court business." Failure to comply with these rules leads to expulsion from the "untouchable caste." Something similar has already happened to Ivan Titenkov, a friend and the first "president's wallet". And now the procedure of "driving out the traitor" has been launched in relation to the second "president's purse" Galina Zhuravka. Well, sometimes the untouchables go too deep. And their public cleansing adds points to Lukashenka's never-ending fight against corruption (usually grown by himself).

So, the Belarusian oligarchs have developed the following security measures.

The first rule of the oligarchy: the godfather (Lukashenko) is always right. You can't take offense at him. And he must regularly receive his share from any, even the most insignificant, transaction.

Rule two: you need to live in the shade. No public disclosures and verbal skirmishes. No "compromising information" leaks into the newspapers. Although this sometimes happens. But the most "bloody" fights between oligarchs take place on the sidelines. Analytical notes and denunciations of each other followed by a summons to the dark cherry carpet of the president are the daily real life of the new elite. Zhuravkova too brazenly crushed someone else's "property" - the republican markets for tobacco, alcohol, sugar, fish, coal - and therefore was mercilessly eaten by other oligarchs.

The third rule: society should naively believe that all large production and transit facilities in the country have remained in state (people's) ownership. For this, it was necessary to recreate a gigantic propaganda apparatus. Don't you already believe that the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant belongs to the people? Then we come to you with our agitators, political informers, ideologists, television observers and the president's personal message on this issue.

Rule four: there should be no alternative political or financial-industrial groups in the country. Belarusian oligarchs are especially afraid of the arrival of Russian oligarch colleagues in Belarus. After all, the Russians are much more professional and aggressive, and therefore they will probably push the Belarusian “smaller brothers” into the background in a matter of months. This is the real reason for Lukashenka's hysterical conflict with the Russian concerns Baltika, LUKoil, Gazprom and others. Dwarf oligarchs are afraid of oligarchs with Russian passports.

And one more thing about the difference between the two types of oligarchy. Russian oligarchs invest their money in production, build up momentum, build a strategic business, and think about the growth of the capitalization of their business. They started out with crime, but they are trying to become respectable, legalize themselves in the global business markets. Belarusian oligarchs keep money in home safes and absolutely do not want to let them into real work. Typical behavior of "spiders" is to drink other people's juices, to siphon the last profits from rapidly aging Belarusian factories. While they still produce what can be sold. Our oligarchs make money on special presidential decrees, and this is not business. This is classic corruption. And this money is not for the modernization of production, but for the satisfaction of personal needs - trips to Slovenian ski resorts, the acquisition of property in Spain, the ownership of a personal "night club" in Minsk. Belarusian oligarchs are completely mediocre, and therefore they are able to receive money only under criminal schemes. Unlike Russians, they do not want to legalize income and do not want to be recognized. [...]

But all of the above people have something to lose. Only in this system, when everything is done in the shade, opaque and on the personal order of the president, can they receive fabulous profits. And they are not afraid that public opinion will find out about something. Their habitat is a muddy pond. That's why they hold on to power so stubbornly. After all, the arrival of a new president or the strengthening of the position of parliament will inevitably lead to an investigation of their financial crimes.

Forbes magazine annually compiles a list of the most influential personalities in the world. These are several dozen people on whom the course of world history depends.

"Influence" is a very vague category, so experts rely on four main criteria. This is the number of people under the control of a person, the amount of resources at her disposal, including financial, these are the spheres of public life under her influence, as well as the activity with which the nominee uses his power.
For the past two years, President of the United States Barack Obama has been at the top of the Forbes ranking.

Many states have their own "hit parades" of influence, including our neighboring Ukraine and Lithuania. Influence ratings have become a tradition there. They allow you to track changes in the life of the country. They are also of interest for the persons involved in the rating.

Nasha Niva tried to make such a rating for Belarus. To do this, we invited a dozen experts from different fields and political platforms.

Our list of the most influential Belarusians reflects the country's public life at the beginning of 2013. We started compiling it in January.

In the conditions of an authoritarian state model, it is incredibly difficult for a person who is not connected with the authorities to break into the first positions. Do not be surprised that the leaders of the rating are completely siloviki and officials, as well as businessmen from their environment.

Compiling such a list in an authoritarian regime has its own specifics.
In a democratic country, power is distributed among various institutions and their leaders, who balance each other and are equal before the law.
Therefore, in the rating of influence, for example, in America, Obama will have 2%, Vice President Biden - 0.5%, and all other citizens will have 97.5%. In Belarus, one person has 60%, almost unlimited power, he can make and implement, one might say, any decisions, and the weight of all other citizens taken together is much less.
However, they also mean something. Even if they are in prison and see the sun once a year. That is why the experts almost unanimously included in the Top 100 a number of names of political prisoners, including Statkevich, Bialiatski, Sevyarynets.
At the same time, the positions of many officials and businessmen from the top of the list are not very strong. A rating position is often associated with a person's position, and not with his personality.
Sheiman, Makei, Sidorsky, Rumas, Konoplev - there are very few people who made it into the list regardless of their positions.

Absolutely all of our experts placed Alexander Lukashenko in the first line of the rating.

On the whole, we believe that compiling such a rating makes sense. Nevertheless, the formation of a young political class, like a business class, is a very important process for the formation of a nation, and it is important to track it, despite the fact that individuals may fall into the focus of attention by accident or undeservedly.

Top 100 influential people in Belarus

1. - the leader of the country.

2. - Assistant to the President for Security Issues.

3. - Prime Minister.

4. - Chairman of the KGB.

5. - Head of the Presidential Administration.

6. - Minister of Foreign Affairs.

7. - businessman, owner of the "Triple" company.

8. - Head of the Presidential Security Service.

9. - First Deputy Prime Minister.

10. -the chief executive of the president.

11. - Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

12. - Chairman of the State Control Committee.

13. - Minister of Internal Affairs.

14. - a businessman, former owner of Beltechexport.

15. - Deputy Prime Minister.

16. - Chairman of the National Bank.

17. - Minister of Defense.

18. - Head of the Operational and Analytical Center under the President.

19. - businessman, chairman of the board of directors of Amkodor.

20. - Assistant to the President.

21. - Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

22. - Chief editor of the newspaper "SB. Belarus today ”.

23. - Secretary of State of the Security Council.

24. - Chairman of the Central Election Commission.

25. chief physician of the medical commission.

26. - Chairman of the President's Sports Club.

27. - Former head coach of hockey "Yunost".

28. - Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee.

29. - Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee.

30. - Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee.

31. - Chairman of the Board of Priorbank.

32. - Deputy Prime Minister.

33. - Attorney General.

34. - Chairman of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

35. - Chairman of the State Customs Committee.

36. - Director General of ONT.

37. - Minister of Economy.

38. - Chairman of the Handball Federation.

39. - Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee.

40. - Singer, leader of the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy".

41. - the hole of the Infarmatsiyna-analitichnaga center of the administration of the prezident.

42. - General Representative of Univest in the CIS countries.

43. is the youngest son of the country's leader.

44. - former prime minister.

45. - General Director of BATE, head of the football club "BATE".

46. \u200b\u200b- First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, leader of "Belaya Rus".

47.- Assistant to the President for physical culture, sports and tourism development.

48. - Assistant to the President for Ideology.

49. - First Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee.

50.-Orthodox Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Exarch of All Belarus.

51. Vladimir Andreichenko - Speaker of the House of Representatives.

52. Anatoly Kalinin - Deputy Prime Minister.

53. Andrey Kharkovets - Minister of Finance.

54. Sergey Gurulev - Chairman of the State Military-Industrial Committee of Belarus.

55. Alexander Boechko - Chairman of the State Border Committee.

56. Alexander Moshensky - the owner of the enterprises "Santa Bremor" and "Savushkin Product".

57. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz - Catholic Metropolitan of Minsk-Mogilev, Archbishop.

58. Nikolay Statkevich - a political prisoner, ex-presidential candidate.

59. Sergey Rumas - Chairman of the Board of the Development Bank of Belarus, Chairman of the Football Federation.

60. Ales Bialiatski - political prisoner, human rights activist, nominee for the Nobel Prize.

61. Pavel Sevyarynets - political prisoner, co-chairman of the Christian Democracy.

62. Oleg Proleskovsky - Minister of Information.

63. Yuri Zisser - the owner of the portal

64. Svetlana Kalinkina - Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Narodnaya Volya".

65. Zenon Paznyak - Leader of the Conservative Christian Party BPF, political emigrant.

66. Andrey Tour - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

67. Vitaly Arbuzov - the owner of the company Fenox Automative Gmbh.

68. Victor Zuraev - Commander of the special division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the fight against terrorism "Almaz".

69. Alexander Milinkevich - the leader of the For Freedom movement.

70. Zhanna Litvina - Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

71. Yuri Karaev - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

72. Victor Kamenkov - Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court.

73. Valentin Sukalo - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

74. Victoria Azarenko - tennis player.

75. Pavel Latushko - Ambassador of Belarus to France.

76. Hasalbek Atabekov - Commander of military unit No. 3214.

77. Oleg Khusaenov - the owner of the Zubr Capital company.

78. Valery Ivanov - General Director of the Belarusian Potash Company.

79. Sergey Maskevich - Minister of education.

80. Evgeny Shigalov - Director of the Zhdanovichi market.

81. Joseph Seredich - Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Narodnaya Volya".

82. Valery Tsepkalo - Director of the Belarusian High Technologies Park.

83. Arkady Dobkin - President of EPAM Systems.

84. Lyavon Volsky - singer, composer.

85. Fedor Full - an Orthodox archpriest.

86. Valentin Shaev - Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

87. Natalia Radina - Editor-in-chief of the website "Charter-97".

88. Vitaly Shuravko - the owner of the portal.

89. Vladimir Nyaklyaev - poet, politician, leader of the Tell the Truth campaign.

90. Sergey Pisarik - Chairman of the Board of "Belarusbank".

91. Sergey Ablameiko - Rector of the Belarusian State University.

92. Vladimir Shimov - Rector of the Belarusian State Economic University.

93. Pavel Topuzidis - the owner of Tabak-Invest and the chain shopping centers "Crown".

94. Sergey Teterin - tennis coach of Alexander Lukashenko.

95. Alexander Ozerets - Minister of Energy.

96. Anatoly Lebedko - Chairman of the United Civil Party.

97. Vladimir Orlov - a writer.

98. Sergey Musienko - sociologist, leader Analytical Center EcooM.

99. Alexey Vaganov - the owner of the company "Lada Garant".

100. Vasily Zharko - Minister of Health.

Among the representatives of the independent society in the first half of the hundred, only the musician Sergei Mikhalok was found.

Among the opposition figures, the highest ranks were taken by Nikolai Statkevich (58th), Ales Bialiatski (60th), Pavel Sevyarynets (61st). Further relations with Western countries depend on their fate. Ales Bialiatski was one of the nominees for the Nobel Prize last year.

The low positions of the security officials Alexander Boechko (55th) and Valentin Shaev (86th) can be explained by the fact that they were in their posts quite recently.
People are not the most famous. And Shaev had not yet been appointed to the Investigative Committee when the editorial office began to conduct this survey.
The second part of the list includes quite a few representatives of the media sphere.
The owner of, Yuri Zisser, took 65th place, followed by Svetlana Kalinkina, a publicist and editor-in-chief of Narodnaya Volya. The editor-in-chief of this newspaper, Iosif Seredich, took 81st place. Vitaly Shuravko, owner of the portal in 88th place. Natalia Radina, head of the opposition website Charter-97, is one step higher than him.
Among the clergy, in addition to Filaret, the list also includes the Catholic Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, who publicly uses the Belarusian language everywhere.
There is also the Orthodox Archpriest Fyodor Polny, who recently had a vacation in Sochi with Lukashenko. Father Fyodor in 2008 wanted to be nominated as a deputy of the Council of the Republic, but did not receive Filaret's consent.

Judges Viktor Kamenkov and Valentin Sukalo are located nearby. 72nd and 73rd places, respectively, may indicate the dependence of the judicial system on the executive branch.

Only one active athlete got into the top 100 - this is tennis player Victoria Azarenko (74th),
who never speaks out on political or social themes... Sports include Sergei Teterin (94th), who once helped Alexander Lukashenko learn to play tennis. In the 1990s, tennis was a popular sport in the Kremlin.

Lyavon Volsky presents music (84th), and Vladimir Orlov (97th) - literature. There is a pro-government analyst on the list, Sergei Musienko, who often voices new ideas of the establishment (98th).

Business in the second half of the ranking is also present. This is the owner of the Savushkin Product and Santa Bremor enterprises, the Honorary Consul of Iceland in Belarus Alexander Moshensky (56th) and the founder of the EPAM Systems software company, competitive in the West, Arkady Dobkin (83rd), as well as their “colleagues” - millionaires.

Of the rectors, only Sergei Ablameiko from BSU (91st) and Vladimir Shimov from BSUE (92nd) were able to get on the list.
    Maxim Berezinsky, owner of the portal
      Vitaly Volianyuk, editor-in-chief of the Business News agency, former political observer of Sovetskaya Belorussia
        Ales Gerasimenko, columnist for "Economic newspaper"
          Adam Globus, writer, publisher
            Igor Gubarevich, businessman, former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
              Yuri Drakokhrust, political columnist for Radio Svaboda
                Alexander Zimovsky, former chairman of Belteleradiocompany
                  Svetlana Kalinkina, editor-in-chief, Narodnaya Volya
                    Vladimir Matskevich, methodologist
                      Alexander Chubrik, Director of the IPM Research Center

200 successful and influential businessmen of Belarus is the project of the Internet portal “Ezhednevnik”, which the newspaper has been preparing and publishing since 2007.

The project, first of all, has an educational goal. On the one hand, it contributes to the recognition of the person, increasing the loyalty of the population to private business in general, on the other hand, it serves as a source of information for potential partners and investors who are going to implement projects in Belarus.

The inclusion and distribution in the top 200 of successful and influential businessmen of Belarus is determined by two criteria:

1. Success is the actual share of a particular person in the value of the business that belongs to him.

Ownership and share are calculated based on data from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus ( Single register legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), registration authorities of other countries where the main business is located or the entrepreneur conducts business, as well as on the basis of other open sources and inside information. Business value if available financial indicators is calculated using traditional methods for cost estimation (cost, profitable, comparable sales). Depending on the volume of financial information and its sources, it is chosen which approach is appropriate in assessing a particular business and, accordingly, the current capital of the figure in the top 200 successful and influential businessmen in Belarus.

2. Influence is an additional criterion that we have given through the specific conditions of doing business in Belarus and the impossibility at the moment to publish monetary indicators.

It is based on the concept of business sustainability in the economic conditions that have developed over 25 years in the Belarusian economy. First of all, this is an assessment of the level of communication of one or another business owner with a state regulator, as well as his role (influence) in the region and the economy as a whole. A group of experts (at least 10 people), which is directly related to one of the markets, whose figures are presented in the top 200 (IT, finance, woodworking, mechanical engineering, food industry, etc.), determines the degree of influence of that or another person within a given period of time.

The top 200 successful and influential businessmen of Belarus are used as a source of information on private business in Belarus not only by Belarusian companies and government agencies, but also by the European Commission, the EAEU and departments of other countries of the world.

Several features of the 2016 ranking are the sharp drop in the previous leader, Yuri Chizh. From first place he dived to 12th. And his arrested companion Vladimir Yaprintsev was completely ignored by experts. Meanwhile, the rating was headed by the founder of "World of Tanks" Viktor Kislyi.

1. Victor Kisly

39 years old (1976)
Nicosia (Cyprus)

General Director of Wargaming Group Ltd., Deputy Director for Development of JLLC "Game Stream"

2. Vitaly Arbuzov

51 years old (1964)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fenox Global Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fenox Venture Capital

Interests: auto components, auto manufacturing, venture investments, retail

3. Alexander Moshensky

45 years old (1970)

General Director of JV LLC "Santa Impex Brest", member of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus"

Interests: food, retail, recreation and entertainment, real estate

4. Pavel Topuzidis

59 years old (1956)

Chairman of the Board of LLC Tabak-Invest

5. Alexander Shakutin

56 years old (1959)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Amkodor - Holding Management Company, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CJSC Absolutbank

Interests: mechanical engineering, fuel and energy complex, investments, finance

6. Evgeny Baskin

50 years old (1965)

General Director of CJSC "Servolux"

Interests: food, agriculture, retail

7.Sergey Litvin

49 years old (1966)
Monaco (Monaco)

8. Vladimir Vasilko

49 years old (1966)
Monaco (Monaco)

Member of the Supervisory Board of Eurotorg LLC

Interests: retail, trade, alcohol, real estate, food, finance

9.Alexey Oleksin

Director of SZAO Energo Oil, member of the Supervisory Board of ZAO MTBank

Interests: fuel and energy complex, finance, real estate, food

10. Alexey Zhukov

48 years old (1967)

General Director of the Alutech Group of Companies

Interests: building materials

11. Vladimir Peftiev

58 years old (1957)

Ex-chairman of the general meeting of shareholders of CJSC Beltechexport, ex-co-owner of CJSC Management Company holding "Beltech Holding"

Interests: investments

12. Yuri Chizh

52 years old (1963)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Triple Group of Companies, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CJSC FC Dynamo-Minsk

Interests: construction and real estate, building materials, retail, food, agriculture, recreation and entertainment, pharmaceuticals

13. Victor Petrovich

Director of Tabak-Invest LLC

Interests: tobacco, retail, real estate, recreation and entertainment

14. Arkady Dobkin

55 years old (1960)
Newtown (Pennsylvania, USA)

Co-owner, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, EPAM Systems Inc.

Interests: IT

15. Nikolay Kacelapov

Nicosia (Cyprus)

Interests: IT, finance, real estate

16. Ivan Mikhnevich

Nicosia (Cyprus)

Co-owner of Wargaming Group Ltd.

Interests: IT, finance, real estate.

17. Nikolay Vorobei


Co-owner of Interservice LLC, member of the Supervisory Board of Absolutbank CJSC

Interests: fuel and energy complex, recreation and entertainment, woodworking, real estate, investments

18. Nikolay Martynov

59 years old (1956)

General Director of LLC "Managing Company of the Holding" Belarusian Leather and Shoe Company "Marko", member of the Supervisory Board of OJSC "Belinvestbank"

Interests: footwear, retail, real estate

19. Valentin Baiko

45 years old (1970)

Chairman of the general meeting of participants of JLLC "Conte Spa"

Interests: textiles, real estate, retail, recreation and entertainment

20. Dmitry Baiko


Deputy general director JLLC "Conte Spa"

Interests: Textiles, real estate, retail, recreation and entertainment

21. Valery Shumsky

55 years old (1960)
Moscow, Russia)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jukola Group of Companies

Interests: fuel and energy complex, recreation and entertainment

22.Sergey Savitsky

49 years old (1966)

General Director of International Automobile Holding Atlant-M LLC

Interests: retail

23. Oleg Khusaenov

51 years old (1964)

General Director of Zubr Capital LLC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atlant-M International Automobile Holding LLC

In Belarus, there are frequent cases when successful businessmen from the chairs of directors of companies and enterprises end up in a prison cell.

Nasha Niva has collected the most notorious cases of recent years:

Evgeny Shigalov

The owner of the Zhdanovichi market Yevgeny Shigalov was detained in April 2008. He was held under criminal article 424, part 3 "Abuse of power or official authority."

Shigalov had health problems at that time, so the family actively lobbied for the release of the businessman with a request to release him for an operation in London. As a result, Shigalov was released on bail in the amount of $ 4.5 million. Later, Shigalov paid another $ 40 million as compensation to the state. In October 2009, Lukashenko freed Shigalov from criminal liability. Two years ago, Evgeny Shigalov passed away at the age of 61.

Victor Shevtsov

This "oligarch" was taken into custody in October 2011. Shevtsov implemented projects related to Venezuela. He owned the Belzarubezhstroy company and Trustbank. The company was involved in construction projects in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Korea. He personally knew Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez.

Lukashenka reacted to the initiation of the case as follows: "If he does not pay money, he will go to prison." Moreover, the head of state said that Shevtsov should pay in two or three times. Shevtsov was accused of embezzling $ 10 million. In December 2012, the businessman was amnestied.

Yuri Dankov

The owner of the Dankov Club entertainment establishment was arrested right at his workplace in September 2012. He was sentenced by the Moskovsky district court of Minsk to 8 years in prison, which is still serving. A number of charges were brought against Dankov, from tax evasion to involvement in prostitution.

Dankov tried to run for president of Belarus in 2001, but did not collect the necessary 100,000 signatures.

Vitaly Kostogorov

A member of the Council of the Republic, businessman Kostogorov had Russian citizenship, and also owned luxury real estate in Moscow. His apartment in the capital of Russia was estimated at $ 1.5 million.

Kostogorov was the head of CJSC "Politeks" in Mogilev, which was engaged in the production of "environmentally friendly modern nonwovens for the textile, light, furniture, automotive industries."

In the summer of 2014, Vitaly Kostogorov was detained by employees of the special services of Belarus. He was accused of tax evasion. The businessman was released on December 30, 2014, after he paid 340 thousand euros. After that, they stopped talking about the criminal case.

Anna Shareiko

Shareiko, like Vitaly Kostogorov, was a member of the upper house of parliament. She headed the “Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Factory”.

She was deprived of her parliamentary immunity. A trial in the Supreme Court is currently underway. Both Anna Shareiko and the feed supplier for her enterprise, Valdemaras Norkusu, are being tried. On March 15, it turned out that the defendants had filed an application with the registry office. Shareiko has firmly denied corruption allegations.

Vladimir Yaprintsev

The right hand of Yuri Chizh, the head of the judo and sambo federation, Vladimir Yaprintsev, was considered one of the richest people in the country. He ended up behind bars in August 2015. His son Kazbek was arrested together with him. The head of the KGB, Valery Vakulchik, said that Yaprintsev was accused of fraud. According to an unofficial version, Yaprintsev tried to withdraw capital outside Belarus. He continues to be in jail under investigation.

Andrey Pavlovsky

One of the most successful businessmen in the Grodno region, the owner of the Biocom company, Andrei Pavlovsky, is accused of tax evasion in the amount of about $ 8 million. Pavlovsky spent less than a month in the pre-trial detention center, and is currently under house arrest.

Yuri Chizh

This is not the first time that the most famous businessman in Belarus is in jail. Chizh was already detained in May 2007 in the case of Borovsky, general director of Belneftekhim. However, everyone learned about that case after the fact.

Now everyone knew about Chizh's arrest on the same day. Chizh built a powerful business empire, Triple, which was engaged in petroleum products and construction. They say that recently the businessman has experienced financial difficulties. Chyzh was closely acquainted with Alexander Lukashenko. Since March 11, he has been held in the KGB pre-trial detention center.

Evgeny Baskin

Baskin is in the top 10 richest people in Belarus. In the Mogilev region, there was no one at all who could compare with Baskin. He built his business on chicken and feed. Everyone in the country knows his brands "Gril Brothers" and "Petruha". Baskin was detained on March 14. So far, the security forces have not given information about what exactly Yevgeny Baskin is accused of.

Many people are interested in who is the richest and most successful person in Belarus. In this article we will tell you who are the richest people in Belarus, how much they earn and what state they own. We have recently provided a rating of the richest people in Russia, we recommend that you also familiarize yourself with it.

The richest people in Belarus still fall short of their world colleagues. The fortunes of the Belarusian oligarchs are relatively small.

It is not accepted to advertise one's worth in Belarus. This is due to the fact that rich people, the so-called elite, are not much loved in this country. It just so happened.

Belarusian oligarchs have very a large number of assets outside their country: in Russia, Ukraine, and even in some European countries.

Top 5. Vyacheslav Zarenkov.

Vyacheslav Zarenkov was born in the Veteb region of the Republic of Belarus. He studied at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, back in the days of the USSR.

He started his career at Glavzapstroy. He started his work as a fitter, and ended up as a head of department. After that, he took part in the construction of residential and industrial facilities real estate.

In 1987 Vyacheslav Zarenkov organized CJSC LenSpetsSMU. Today, this company is considered to be very large, accounting for 20% of the residential construction market.

Vyacheslav very often uses non-standard solutions to implement his projects.

condition: $ 500,000,000.

Top 4. Mikhail Abyzov.

Mikhail Abyzov was born in Minsk. Today he holds the position of Chairman of the Boards of Directors of E4 Group, which includes 13 holdings.

The first time he worked as a slinger in a construction team.

Today he owns shares of the following companies: Novosibirskenergo, British Power Fuel, and SibirEnergo holding.

condition: US $ 1 billion.

Top 3. Dmitry Mazepin.

Dmitry Mazepin was born in Belarus, in Minsk. Dmitry is not a very public person, we know very little about him.

At the age of 28, he first took a very responsible leadership position, becoming the president of TNK.

After leaving this post, he opens his own business, organizing the holding "Uralchem". Mazepin currently employs 12,000 people.

Uralchem \u200b\u200btook the second place in the world in terms of ammonium nitrate production.

condition: $ 1.4 billion.

Top 2.Andrey Klyamko.

Andrei Klyamko ranks second in our ranking of the richest people in Belarus. He is a co-owner of the Smart Holding group. In addition, he invests in profitable sectors of the economy.

Its main assets are located in Ukraine. They work very closely with Rinat Akhmetov.

Andrey Klyamko also owns a business in the agricultural sector.

condition: $ 1.9 billion.

Top 1. The richest man in Belarus is Andrei Melnichenko.

Today Andrei Melnichenko is the richest man in Belarus. O was born in the city of Gomel. In the 90s, together with his friends, he organized his first business in the tourism sector.

Having received the first profit, Andrey invests money in new business - currency exchange.

Then the oligarch opened MDM Bank. Taking the position of chairman of the board of directors

Now the businessman is carried away by the industry, which brings in very good money.

condition US $ 11.4 billion.

Compare the billionaires of Belarus with the billionaires in Ukraine:.