Accounting services. Maintenance of the 1C:Enterprise system Maintenance and services according to the 1 s program

Association KAMI


Wholesale trade of industrial equipment



Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

The KAMI Association is an association of leading suppliers of industrial equipment, industrial enterprises in Russia, equipment manufacturers, industry universities and research institutes. The need of the enterprise was the implementation of a specialized management and accounting scheme based on the functions of the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management solution.



Production of electrical equipment




1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

JSC ELTEZA is a diversified company that has all the technical and technological capabilities to produce modern electrical equipment, electronic and microprocessor devices, as well as train traffic control systems and ensure the safety of railway transportation. The company's specialists have implemented a number of projects in such areas as: work with controlled transactions, cost calculation, work with customer-supplied raw materials.





Management Accounting. Document flow


1C:Manufacturing enterprise management, 1C:Document flow

The Energotekhmontazh group of companies is a highly professional and rapidly developing enterprise in the field of energy supply, heat supply, water supply, gasification and road construction. The configuration of Manufacturing Enterprise Management and Document Flow was finalized and implemented.





Management Accounting. Accounting, Payroll


1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

The Vimcom company specializes in solutions for creating multi-service broadband networks, providing a full range of services from pre-design survey to construction and technical support. During the project, improvements were made to the management information system based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management configuration, and integration with the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management and 1C: Enterprise Accounting configurations was carried out.



Project activities and consulting


Warehouse accounting, production accounting, rent


1C: Managing a small company

CJSC PROCONTAINER is the largest supplier of refrigerated containers in Russia. A company specializing in the service of refrigerated container units. The 1C:UNF software product was customized. The blocks of warehouse accounting, service work, production and rental were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A feature of the company's accounting was the assignment of identification numbers to equipment and tracking of its full life cycle.



Maintenance and repair of aviation equipment


Management and operational accounting


1C: Managing a small company 1.6

The company VTS Jets LLC carries out service work on the repair and maintenance of aircraft. The system required the implementation of a business chain of documents to reflect transactions. The company customized the 1C:UNF software product. In the system, the blocks of service work, personnel accounting, warehouse accounting and the pricing block were finalized. The information system was brought to ISO 9001 quality standards, which are used in the work of the customer.

Company "FAIR PAY"




Management Accounting. Accounting, payroll


1C: Trade Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C Salary and HR Management

The FAIR PAY company presents payment terminals of its own production. In addition to its own payment machines for accepting cash payments, the company produces Internet kiosks and Content kiosk. Comprehensive automation of management, accounting and payroll was carried out. As part of the project, data was transferred from a previously used warehouse accounting program, and a set of modifications was made to the used configurations to suit the needs of the company. Employees were trained.





Management Accounting, Accounting


1C: Trade Management 10.3

LLC "EVROMASTER" is one of the largest producers of ready-mixed concrete in the south of the Moscow region. The main principle of the company’s work is to take into account all the interests of partners when developing production options, delivery conditions, prices, terms and types of payment. Comprehensive automation of dispatcher and operator workplaces was completed, with the ability to identify orders by barcodes in loading coupons and integrate the accounting program with the plant management system. The sales manager’s workplace was also automated.





Operational, personnel, regulated accounting


1C: Integrated automation

The MATRIX group of companies is a diversified engineering and manufacturing enterprise that performs work and provides services for the creation, reconstruction and modernization of automated process control systems of facilities in various industries. Implementation of 1C: Integrated automation. During the project, the following tasks were resolved: finalizing the configuration to suit the company's needs, transferring data from previously used accounting systems, installing and setting up the configuration, training MATRIX employees to work with the new information system.






1C: Salaries and personnel management, 1C: Enterprise accounting

SHP LLC "MILK TYRNOVO" - production of dairy products. The company automated accounting and payroll. As part of the project, a methodology for using the information system was developed, taking into account industry specifics.





Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management

OJSC Ostankino Meat Processing Plant (OJSC OMPK) is a leading manufacturer of processed meat products and semi-finished products in central Russia. The "Inventory" block and the list of reports have been modified to meet the customer's needs, and a non-standard exchange between PPs has been configured.





Trade, production, operational accounting.


ITS CONSULTANT: Concrete plant management

LLC "BROK-BETON" - production of ready-mixed concrete of all grades, mortars, sand concrete, wall, foundation and facing blocks, well rings and various landscape products (paving stones, curbs, etc.). During the project, areas were automated: operational accounting of actual production costs, transport accounting, document accounting, control of receipt and disposal of materials and finished products.




Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management, Management of a Microfinance Organization.

LLC "MFO-ALLIANCE" - Financial intermediation, tender loans, bank guarantees. The software products “Bank Guarantees” and “Tender Loans” were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A project was implemented for the customer to improve the existing information system. The goal of the project was to adapt the information system to the new directions of the company’s activities, as well as to optimize existing automation circuits. During the project, all goals were achieved.




Personnel accounting


1C: Salaries and personnel management 3.0

LLC MFO "JET MANY MICROFINANCE" - provides high-tech and high-quality services in the field of microfinance using a modern arsenal of banking lending technologies and IT tools. The transition was completed from 1C: Salaries and personnel management edition 2.5 to edition 3.0 with preservation of documents and modifications




Accounting, management accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

PJSC "VOLGA CAPITAL" is an infrastructure company that operates in the financial market, carrying out the activities of a market maker, specializing in exchange transactions and direct investments in its own projects. The company is a liquidity provider for all market participants on the NYSE, CME, Moscow Exchange. Comprehensive maintenance of the company's information database system is provided.







ITS Consultant: Concrete plant management

"StroyDomServis LLC is one of the largest developers in the territory of New Moscow. The company provides a full range of services related to development and implementation of large investment projects. The main distinguishing feature of the Investtrust company is the comprehensive development of the territory and the use of advanced technologies. The enterprise solved the following tasks: operational control over all stages of the plant’s operation, increasing the transparency of the processes occurring at the enterprise, quality control of products and services, integration of the plant’s work into the general information system, integration with the payment system."

“1C:BukhService” is a service for professional accounting, personnel records and payroll calculations, which is provided by partners of the federal network “1C:BukhService” according to uniform standards developed by 1C.

Convenient remote interaction between the client and his professional accountant is provided by 1C cloud technologies. The client can keep operational records in the cloud “1C: Accounting” and/or “1C: Small Firm Management”. A 1C:Accounting Services specialist will verify primary data and documents, calculate taxes, generate and submit accounting and tax reports, and provide consulting support. The client has access to his accounting department at any time and through his personal account can contact his accountant in order to give instructions and obtain the necessary certificate or data.

"1C:BukhService" - a fundamentally new level of accounting outsourcing

Service provider - 1C company and partners of the federal network 1C:BukhService
The 1C company, being a recognized expert in the field of accounting software, now provides clients with high-quality professional accounting services under the 1C:BukhService brand. Partners of the 1C company provide accounting services according to a single standard, which was developed and controlled by the 1C company.

Specialists of the 1C:BukhService network pass exams and are certified by 1C, which guarantees their high professionalism. The client can always count on the help and advice of a specialist.

Integration with operational accounting programs
The client can continue to use his favorite 1C program for daily accounting, for example, 1C: Trade Management, or start using the 1C: Small Firm Management program in the 1C: BukhService service, and a 1C: BukhService specialist will set up the exchange of data necessary for accounting There is no need to change your usual operating mode and pay extra for re-entering data into the accounting application.

Fair price and transparent pricing
The cost of regular services depends only on the number of documents registered in the 1C:BukhService service and the client’s tax system and is calculated using a simple transparent algorithm. The client can flexibly influence the volume of services received.

Convenient remote interaction between the client and his professional accountant
At any time, from anywhere in the world where there is Internet, all accounting data is available to the client. “Client Personal Account” is a convenient tool for issuing instructions to a specialist and monitoring their execution, obtaining information, and calculating the cost of the service.

Guarantee of data safety and security
All data is securely stored on a remote server (in the cloud), using a secure data transfer protocol. A reliable and regular backup and monitoring system has been organized. There is no need to think about the reliability of servers and their maintenance - this is handled by the 1C company.


The 1C company invites Russian companies providing accounting outsourcing services and partners of the 1C:Franchising network to join the federal franchising network 1C:BukhService.

12/17/2011 After the answer to the question “” has been received, the software product has been purchased, installed and configured, and the company’s employees have been trained to work with it, the operation process begins. And here periodically there is a need to update the system, improve it, add or change reporting forms and keep your installed software products up to date.

It is for these purposes that organizations use such a service from 1C specialists as maintenance of the 1C:Enterprise system.

The site team presents to your attention several types of this service:

  • Remote maintenance 1C
  • Subscriber service 1C
  • 1C field service in Moscow

Let's look at what is included in all types of these services.


It allows you to completely adapt the standard setting to the specifics of the business processes of each specific organization. This includes developing and making changes to reports, refining printed forms and simplifying the procedure for filling them out, limiting access rights, developing and implementing various mechanisms for analyzing and processing information, adding new objects to the configuration, etc.


Settings are necessary to make the system more comfortable to use and expand its functionality. In particular, you can organize from other software products or various 1C configurations, configure interfaces, distributed databases, prepare automatic printing of documents, additional reports, forms and other forms.


This is one of the most important aspects involved in maintenance. Timely updating of the 1C:Enterprise system makes it possible to generate and submit up-to-date reporting to the relevant authorities (higher organizations, tax authorities, etc.), thereby eliminating the possibility of accruing penalties. In addition, updates allow you to improve the system and significantly increase its efficiency. Typically, this procedure is performed immediately as new updates are released.

System support (maintenance).

Work is being carried out to maintain the functionality of the software product, back up information, restore data in the event of file damage or incorrect system operation, and analyze existing configurations to optimize their operation. Company employees are also advised on the use of the software product in order to prevent the possibility of user errors.

Maintenance allows you to expand the capabilities of the program, use new methods of data processing, take into account all changes occurring in accounting and legislation, avoid the loss of valuable information or failure of the program, or restore it if it breaks down.

If this process is not given due attention, the program may not work correctly, which will lead to numerous accounting violations and, as a result, material damage.

At the same time, it is important to choose a qualified specialist in this field: the stability and efficiency of your automated information system will depend on him.

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The cost of work, as a rule, is not tied to hourly wages, as is customary everywhere. You simply formulate the task, coordinate it with me, I will tell you the deadlines and cost of completion.
Tasks not related to development (training, time for data transfer, etc.) are calculated on an hourly basis. The cost per hour is 750 rubles.

I can offer you three different 1C service options:
Including the following types of work:
  • writing detailed technical specifications
  • creating configurations for diploma and term papers
  • installation of the 1C:Enterprise program 7.7 8.1 8.2 8.3
  • initial setup of 1C:Enterprise
  • updating standard and non-standard 1C configurations
  • data transfer from/to 1C
    * transfer of 1C directories (counterparties, nomenclature, etc.);
    * transfer of 1C documents;
    * setting up the transfer from the 1C: Trade Management configuration to the 1C: Accounting configuration;
    * setting up the transfer from the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management configuration to the 1C: Accounting configuration;
    * data transfer between configurations 7.7 and 8.x;
    * transfer of 1C residues;
    * transfer of 1C operations;
    * transfer from excel to 1C;
    * transfer from other programs to 1C (for example, Info-Accountant);
    * creation of processing for uploading website downloads;
  • assistance in the transition from version 7.7 to version 8 configurations (transferring 1C data, entering 1C balances, etc.);
  • 1C revision:
    * improvement of 1C in order to improve ease of use;
    * modification of 1C in accordance with the specifics of your company’s activities;
    * writing 1C reports;
    * editing 1C printed forms (for example, adding a logo to printed document forms), creating 1C printed forms according to your sample;
    * setting up 1C user rights;
    * bug fixes in 1C;
    * and much more;
  • Rolling up the 1C database versions 7.7 and 8.x;
  • Correcting errors in standard configurations;
  • Development of configurations "from scratch";
  • Connection of commercial equipment (barcode scanners, cash registers, etc.);
  • Training in working with various configurations of 1C 7.7 and 8.x;
  • Restoration of 1C information databases.

The popularity of the 1C:Enterprise program is increasing every year, and therefore the demand for 1C programmer services. Finding a private specialist is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Among the search results on the first pages are franchising companies whose services cost from 1,100 to 2,500 rubles per hour. Not every company can afford such expenses.
1C programmer services privately they are much cheaper. This is also more profitable than hiring a full-time 1C programmer. There is an opinion that private traders should not be trusted, that they are unnecessary and not qualified enough. I categorically disagree with such reasoning. As a private 1C programmer, I went from beginner to specialist over 12 years and gained invaluable experience, thanks to which I daily help users in all matters related to working with 1C software products.
1C programmer services This is not only periodic updates of configurations or minor improvements to 1C, it is also the transfer of data between different configurations, and uploading data for Internet sites, and correcting errors made by users, and creating new mechanisms to simplify the work of users. But the most important task 1C programmer- minimize manual labor, strive to maximize the productivity of each employee who works with 1C programs. Routine operations should be performed by a machine, and a person should make decisions.
In order to improve the convenience of working with configurations, it is often performed revision of 1C: this is a change in standard configurations (such as 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Trade Management, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management, etc.) in accordance with customer requirements.
An example of 1C modification can be making changes to printed forms of various documents (or creating new printed forms), adding directory details, etc.
If a company employee daily performs the same actions in the 1C program manually, and these actions can be described algorithmically (as a sequence of certain steps, operations), it is advisable to update 1C in order to automate this process partially or entirely, saving a person from routine work .

If you need help from a 1C programmer, I am at your service!

One-time 1C service

It involves going to the customer’s office (the time is agreed upon in advance) and solving the problem. Payment upon delivery. If it is not possible to solve the problem on site without preliminary preparation, the technical specifications are discussed and the work is carried out outside the customer’s office. The timing and cost of completing the work are estimated.

Subscriber service 1C

Service is provided in accordance with the selected tariff plan. Subscription services require advance payment according to the selected tariff for a period of at least 1 month. The table below shows how many hours of work of a 1C programmer are included in one or another tariff, as well as the cost of each tariff per month:

Based on the needs of your company, you can choose the most optimal tariff.

Subscription service (compared to one-time service) has the following advantages:
  • Any questions you may have will be resolved as quickly as possible. Requests from non-subscriber clients are queued in the order in which they appear. This way you will be given priority.
  • You can receive consultations by phone at any time convenient for you (including on weekends) and in any volume.
  • You eliminate the need to track update release dates. I will install the appropriate updates (including regulatory reporting updates) in your workplace as soon as they become available.

Remote maintenance 1C

Remote 1C service is distinguished by efficiency and low cost, compared to field service.

Advantages of 1C remote maintenance:
  • Efficiency: no need to wait for a specialist to arrive
  • Cost: Remote service costs less than on-site service

Configuration, modification, implementation and consultations on 1C

The Soft-Everest company offers a range of services for servicing 1C: Enterprise (from minor configuration modifications to automation of business processes in large enterprises):

  • Consultations on choosing a 1C product and the need for further modernization of the configuration to suit the specifics of your business.
  • Installing and updating the configuration.
  • Training.
  • Expansion of functionality.
  • Introduction of additional modules.

Finalization of the basic 1C configuration from professionals

We understand that the specifics of your business may make it difficult to use standard 1C configurations. That is why every Soft-Everest client can count on services for individual modification and subsequent support of 1C of the highest level.

As a result, your business will receive:

  • industry-specific support;
  • opportunities to increase productivity, create a sufficient basis for a high level of security and safety of all confidential information.

Constant cooperation with experts will lead you to the desired result in the shortest possible time!

Subscriber service 1C

We provide subscription services within the framework of tariff plans.

It's simple:

  • Save! It is enough to carry out small calculations in order to evaluate the benefits of comprehensive 1C service.
  • Communicate directly with your assigned specialist.
  • Keep your software up to date! The regulatory framework is updated regularly, and it is not so easy to keep track of it. Constant service prevents problems from arising when submitting reports or other actions.
  • Avoid mistakes at work! Remember that even small misunderstandings can lead to fines! It is also important that without constant subscriber service for the program, errors made by users can lead to data loss and serious failures! Experienced specialists will not just help you avoid them. They will prevent any errors.

Maintenance of 1C: Trade and other 1C systems for management accounting

Practice shows that the largest number of improvements are carried out on management bases, which include 1C: Trade Management, 1C: Retail, 1C: Small Firm Management and others.

  • Any of your wishes for the software product will be taken into account!
  • To effectively use the software product, we will develop the necessary functionality that meets your needs and business characteristics.
  • We will transfer data from various systems.
  • Let's set up constant data exchanges.
  • We will teach you how to work with a standard program and with newly developed functionality.

Cost of servicing 1C:Enterprise

The hourly rate of a 1C service specialist is from 2,000 rubles (the minimum departure time is 2 hours).