How to open a business in a garage from scratch. Implementation of successful business projects in the garage, with minimal capital at your disposal, based on profitability and knowledge of all the nuances of starting a small business

Having your own garage is a real opportunity to create a successful business at minimal cost. You don’t need to have any special skills, just show a little imagination and perseverance. Let's look at 52 promising business ideas in the garage with minimal investment.

A home business in a garage at the start-up stage requires investment. Running a small garage business has a number of benefits that can help you significantly reduce costs.

  1. Having your own premises. A garage eliminates the need to rent a separate space for a business or take away meters of living space from your own apartment. In a private garage, if necessary, you can install equipment and make redevelopment.
  2. Variability. The garage is suitable for various types of activities. It can be used as a warehouse, workshop or rented out.
  3. Lack of time frames. Any time of year is suitable to start a garage business. There is no need to wait for the right moment, the start of the holiday season or good weather.
  4. Availability. The garage is usually located within walking distance from the house. Significant savings in travel time to work gives a novice businessman a great advantage.

For those who want to open a small business in a garage, working ideas will help you find the most successful option for yourself.

Business ideas in a garage from scratch: where to start

What kind of business can you open in a garage? A startup starts with an idea. You can’t grab at the first seemingly successful option. Finding the right idea can take several months. If you want to open a profitable business in the garage at home, then it is important to first conduct a market analysis and identify priority areas. It is difficult for a newcomer to break through if the niche is already occupied by competitors. Only innovative, original startups guarantee a successful start.

The next step is drawing up a business plan. The schedule plan helps to monitor the timely implementation of project stages. Financial – control expenses. At the final stage of preparing to open your business from scratch in the garage, you need to check the availability of all necessary documents and the technical condition of the premises. Sudden repairs or missing certificates stop business for days and even weeks; at the beginning of a business this is an unacceptably long pause. After this, you need to calculate the costs of equipment for your garage business.

Business in the garage: ideas for men

What kind of business can be organized in a garage? More than 100 different types of businesses can be implemented in the garage. The most popular ideas tested by experienced entrepreneurs are listed below.

33 Small Garage Business Ideas: Manufacturing

A business in a garage, production at home, is a great idea for those who want to minimize the cost of renting premises at the start. As a small business, garage production is the most sustainable solution for beginners.

As a starting business, you should choose a type of activity that does not require large costs for materials and bulky equipment. Essential goods will always be in demand, so first of all you need to consider simple and popular small business ideas:

  • Food;
  • household chemicals;
  • household products;
  • lighting;
  • knitwear;
  • hardware;
  • cabinet and upholstered furniture;
  • monuments, wreaths, fences;
  • decorative items;
  • decorative design of mirrors and glass;
  • Framing Workshop;
  • promotional materials (signs, plates);
  • plastic windows and doors;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • wood products in the garage as a business are a great idea for beginners (stairs, furniture, doors);
  • making copies of keys to order;
  • glass cutting;
  • tile;
  • fake diamond;
  • foam blocks;
  • children's sandboxes;
  • dry mixes;
  • handmade (handmade soap, candles, souvenirs).

When choosing a type of activity, you should start from your skills and start-up capital. The purchase of equipment and raw materials may require up to 500,000 rubles. As a business idea, garage production can bring you income from 20,000 to 300,000 rubles per month.

Video on the topic of the top 15 machines for starting a business in the garage:

Mini business in a garage: retail trade

The garage will turn out to be a convenient store or trade pavilion if you carry out preliminary repairs to it: insulate and veneer it. Shelves and counters are arranged taking into account the type of product. Narrow and long - for small piece goods, wide - for large-sized ones. At first, it is better to trade in the store yourself, so as not to spend part of the profit on the salary of the seller. It is advisable to hire a salesperson when your monthly income exceeds RUR 50,000.

The arrangement and purchase of the first batch of goods will require up to 300,000 rubles. Products with a long shelf life are suitable for trading in a garage:

  • cereals;
  • canned food;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and sugar.

If there is demand, you can add fresh vegetables, fruits, bread, and sweets to this list.

What kind of business can you open in a garage, ideas: workshop

The most promising from the point of view of competitiveness are the following business ideas for a do-it-yourself garage:

  • Auto repair shop. The most obvious option for a garage business. For someone who knows how to repair their own car, it won’t be difficult to fix a problem in someone else’s. Such a business brings both income and useful contacts.
  • Repair of computers, phones and other equipment.
  • Tire service.
  • Car tuning.
  • Repair of bicycles, hoverboards.
  • Shoe repair shop. It’s difficult to find good shoes and it’s a shame to throw them away if you just need to replace a zipper or heel. This type of work takes little time; you can complete several dozen orders in a day.
  • Electrical appliance repair shop. People will be happy to take their broken TVs, hair dryers and kettles for repairs, instead of buying new ones. And thanks to satisfied first customers and the effect of word of mouth, the customer base will quickly expand.

Do-it-yourself garage business: provision of services

The following types of services can be provided in the garage:

  • welding business in a garage;
  • working on a lathe;
  • car wash;
  • carpet cleaning;
  • seasonal storage of skis, bicycles, tires, sleds and other equipment;
  • furniture decoupage;
  • sewing car covers;
  • laundry;
  • assembly services (furniture, interior items, technical devices)
  • arrangement of a photo studio and provision of photographer services;
  • personal fitness trainer;
  • studio;
  • designer services;
  • carpenter services;
  • florist

Small business ideas in a garage without investment: renting out premises

  1. Renting out a parking space is the simplest type of business. If the premises are in good condition, no investment will be required for such a startup. You can earn 3000-6000 rubles monthly from rent. Compared to a developed business, the income is small, but it is regular and passive. Over time, you can switch to another type of business and increase your earnings.
  2. Renting premises for commercial purposes. If you rent out an already equipped garage for a car service, you can earn 15,000-30,000 rubles per month.
  3. Another type of rental business is converting a garage into a living space. In Moscow, Sochi and other cities, this method of earning money is becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that apartment rental prices are continuously rising. The cost of this type of housing is influenced by the following factors - convenience of location, room area (at least 20-30 square meters), the presence of autonomous life support systems, furniture and household appliances, and a shower. Particularly popular for arranging housing in a garage are 20-foot containers and modular structures that can be built on 2-3 floors. The average price for renting warm housing in a garage is 10,000-25,000 rubles.

Garage business is a promising area of ​​small business. The main thing is to find your industry. With a serious approach, the first tangible profit is possible within 3-5 months, and in a maximum of 2 years the business will fully pay off.

Who doesn't dream of owning their own business? But sometimes all this remains at the stage of fantasies and plans, because becoming an entrepreneur is not so easy. However, if you have a garage, you are lucky because at least you have a room in which to house your production. Now all that’s left to do is decide on the type of activity. In conditions of economic instability, it would be very wise to organize production in a garage. Ideas from China will help you make your choice and understand technical issues.

The simplest solution

If you have a garage, but no car, the space should not sit idle in vain. You've probably noticed how prices for paid parking have increased. At the same time, the number of cars in cities is steadily growing. If you do not intend to open some kind of production in the garage, ideas from China do not inspire you either, just rent out your box.

On average, this type of activity can bring in about 5,000 rubles a month, which will be a good addition to the family budget. But this figure can vary significantly depending on the region, as well as the condition of your premises. In addition, the rent will differ significantly depending on the purpose for which a person rents your garage. Of course, if he plans to store his car or some equipment there, he should not count on big profits. But if a person wants to open, for example, a car service in your box, you have every right to raise prices or demand a percentage of the profit.

Production of toothpicks

If you want to start your own business, garage production is a good place to start. Ideas from China are captivating with their simplicity and accessibility. In this country, entrepreneurs have long mastered the intricacies of organizing small businesses and are successfully taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the compact, inexpensive equipment available on the Chinese market. So, for example, why don't you start making toothpicks? It would seem that this is such a simple object, but a person constantly needs it in the process of life. This way you won't have problems with sales. You can negotiate deliveries to local catering establishments, as well as small retail outlets.

But it requires some initial investment to open such a business in a garage. You will need a special machine. It is quite possible to order it in some Chinese online store, which will ensure maximum savings. You also need to find a source of wood supply (very little of it will be needed). And, of course, take care of the packaging. Boxes can also be ordered from China at a minimal price.

On average, the initial costs for such a business are about 700,000 rubles. With proper organization of production and sales, you can achieve a net profit within a year.

Wooden blanks

All over the world there is a desire of people to engage in creativity. This trend can be used to organize production in the garage. Ideas from China inspire you to start making wooden blanks for later decoration. If you have the skills to work with such material, use your imagination. All kinds of figures, boxes, plates, pots, boards and other items will be sold out with a bang.

Regarding initial costs: you will have to purchase a set of tools (about 15,000-20,000 rubles). At a wood processing plant, it is worth agreeing on a regular supply of raw materials. If your products are in demand, you may need to purchase a milling machine. It will cost you about 200,000 rubles.

Wooden Toys

If you are planning to start a business in your garage, making wooden toys is a viable option. Now that even products for children are made from unsafe toxic materials, it is important to provide the market with environmentally friendly toys. In principle, this type of production is very similar to the previous one. You will need about 150,000 rubles of starting capital for tools and materials, as well as unlimited imagination. Safe toys will certainly be in demand.

Production of cabinet furniture

If you want to open a small business, making cabinet furniture in your garage can be a fairly profitable option. The first thing you will need is to purchase chipboard sheets. You can buy them for future use, and then give them the desired shape yourself. You can also contact production with a request to cut sheets according to the drawings and established dimensions. In this case, the most necessary purchase will be a drilling machine, with which you will assemble furniture. Also, do not forget to acquire fasteners, fittings and other parts in sufficient quantities.

Packaging of goods

What kind of production to open in a garage? Think, maybe you don’t need to make anything. It makes much more sense to package what others have produced. Marketers unanimously claim that attractive packaging is half the success.

If someone in your community is in the bulk food business, you can work on a mutually beneficial basis. Start making packaging. To do this, you need to purchase packaging equipment and materials for packaging. Again, Chinese sites will come to your aid.

Production of wooden garden paths

If you are interested in production with minimal investment in the garage, pay attention to wooden garden paths. Considering the rapidly growing fashion for everything natural, residents of private houses will be happy to decorate their yard with such an environmentally friendly path. And your initial investment will be no more than 55,000 rubles. This amount includes the following purchases:

  • equipment for cutting trunks (chainsaws, sawmills);
  • grinding machines;
  • blowtorches;
  • forest (about 2000 rubles per cubic meter);
  • drying oil, antiseptics;
  • bitumen;
  • gravel.

Production of furniture covers

Few people think of producing furniture covers. Nevertheless, such items are in great demand. For example, to protect a piece of furniture during repair or transportation. And if you are a true master of your craft, then you can sew covers that perform a decorative function and return new life to old furniture.

Mini-equipment for the production of covers in the garage includes very little. This is a cutting table and sewing machine that can work with thick fabrics. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about consumables, accessories, scissors, needles and the material itself. The clients of such a small enterprise can be private individuals, as well as owners of furniture stores. Covers can be useful in the hotel and restaurant industry.

Mirror production

If you are full of enthusiasm and determined to succeed, you can open a small production in your garage. For example, you can start making mirrors. The main thing is to master the technology. Thus, an aluminum or silver coating is applied to the glass as a reflective layer. The second method is more economical and less labor-intensive. To get started, you will need an investment of 200,000 rubles. This amount includes the purchase of such things as:

  • reagents for the production and application of a reflective layer;
  • table and industrial glass cutter;
  • Dryer; bath for silvering;
  • grinding machine;
  • electronic scales so that you can measure the exact amount of reagents.

Having mastered the technology of producing mirror cloth, you will be able to provide a wide range of services. So, the greatest demand will be:

  • production of decorative mirrors of various shapes and modifications;
  • production of mirror tiles;
  • production of inserts for cabinet furniture or trade displays;
  • production of colored mirror mosaics;
  • production of walls for aquariums.

Production of decorative sculptures

If you are full of creative ideas, you can organize a small production in your garage to produce decorative sculptures from plaster or concrete. Such decorations are actively used in landscape design, office decoration and even apartment decoration. To get started, you will need:

  • required amount of raw materials;
  • special molds for casting products;
  • tools and containers for mixing the solution;
  • paints and brushes for decorative design of products.

Of course, you can start your own business by producing primitive garden gnomes. But only exclusive author’s sculptures or those made according to individual orders will bring big income.

Foam processing

Profitable garage production is the processing of foam plastic to create decorative elements. This material has many advantages. Being cheap, it is easy to manipulate, and therefore you can give it the most intricate shapes. Such products are in great demand among decorators, because properly processed foam can imitate luxurious plaster stucco.

The initial investment is about 160,000 rubles. The main cost item is the purchase of a machine (it is also recommended that you first pay attention to inexpensive products from Chinese manufacturers). It is also necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of polystyrene foam. And then everything will depend on your imagination and skill. On average, the profit from one product is 300-500 rubles. With proper advertising, you can quickly build up a client base and make a net profit.

Production of decorative signs

Having a starting capital of about 10,000 rubles, you can organize a business in your garage - producing signs indicating house numbers and street names. This is an excellent option for a small family business, because such products are in constant demand. Depending on the materials used, the cost of one sign can be 60-100 rubles (plastic, plywood, self-adhesive film). At the same time, such products can be sold for 200-300 rubles.


If you have an empty garage, this is a great reason to start your own business. Many large entrepreneurs started with small handicraft industries. It is quite possible that the simple ideas of the Chinese will lead you to dizzying success, and in a few years you will own your own factory or factory.

Working for yourself, supporting your family in abundance and freely unleashing your creative potential is the ideal of self-realization that many strive for. But the lack of start-up capital, fear of competition and ignorance of basic modern business schemes completely kill the dream of 90% of business candidates to have their own production or a small home business in a garage in the service sector.

However, small businesses are not always full of failures and losses. Having your own garage business can be the start to a new, interesting and prosperous life. In this review, we will tell you how to quickly, safely and with minimal investment start making money on your own, using the cheapest resources and relying only on the desire to be a successful entrepreneur.

Is it worth starting a business in a garage - advantages and disadvantages

It is believed that the idea of ​​​​organizing a workshop or retail outlet in a garage arises only when there are no other opportunities for decent income, and there is no desire to work hard at menial jobs for pennies.

In the garage they look for income only in desperate situations. But even if you are forced to look for business opportunities at home or in the garage, then take up this business so that in the future it develops into a full-scale entrepreneurial project, brings tangible profits and becomes a reliable support for you and your family.

To achieve results, you will need:

  • study the market you plan to enter with your offer;
  • learn to organize business processes (planning, supply, production, marketing and sales);
  • master the science of developing business connections and finding specialists;
  • spend from 6 to 12 months of hard work to develop the business.

If you have a main source of income, and ideas for a garage business are needed only to make an additional small profit, then it will take much less investment, effort and time for such a small-scale production to produce the first results.

We place the main emphasis on establishing the enterprise as a full-fledged business and provide the opportunity to get acquainted with mini-versions of ideas for small additional income.

The obvious advantage of using a garage for business is the low cost of the project. An entrepreneur does not need to rent or purchase expensive commercial or industrial space, so a lot of cash resources are freed up (purchase of non-residential premises with an area of ​​40 m2 in an average Russian city will cost about 2 million rubles, monthly rent of such space costs about 20 thousand rubles).

In addition, the advantage is that clients are undemanding about the appearance and interior of the garage. A workshop is just that: a workshop, while an office and a sales area should be comfortable and visually attractive to visitors.

Accordingly, an entrepreneur who starts a small business in a garage does not need to invest additionally in expensive repairs and interior design. It is enough to create comfortable and safe conditions for production.

And the main advantage of starting your own business in a garage is that a long preparatory stage is not required. You can immediately begin creating a business plan.

But no matter how attractive the idea of ​​​​a business in a garage with minimal investment is, it also has plenty of disadvantages:

  • difficulties with official registration;
  • difficulties in selling products to legal entities;
  • problems with personnel.

In any case, an entrepreneur who decides to implement business ideas in the field of production or services in a garage must understand that the garage is only the initial stage. The first step is needed to study the market, gain practical experience, develop regular clients and accumulate start-up capital for a larger-scale project. The next stage is a full-fledged enterprise with a quality product and an excellent business reputation.

If this is exactly the task at hand, overcoming these difficulties will not be difficult.

  1. Earnings in the garage can be considered as income from the sale of household surplus, and there can be no claims from regulatory authorities against the owner of the garage.
  2. The lack of sales to legal entities as a temporary measure will not greatly affect the profitability of the business idea, since at the first stage the entrepreneur will have enough orders from private clients.
  3. The initial stage will provide an opportunity to find a reliable team and train it, and subsequently these employees will become the core of the enterprise.

When implementing the intention to organize a small business in the garage for a small income, the listed difficulties are not scary for a novice businessman. Its main target is private clients who are satisfied with the quality and price of the products and services offered in the garage.

As for price, most often entrepreneurs who work with clients in the garage are forced to reduce prices for goods or services to 20% of the average market value. The only argument that will force a client to look for a product seller among garages is excellent quality at an affordable price.

Where to start a garage business - 2 steps to success

Before looking for an answer to the question of what can be produced in a garage for sale, a future entrepreneur needs to answer the questions:

  • what he can do;
  • What would you like to do to realize your creative potential?

Business ideas, the implementation of which seems boring to the entrepreneur, will never become profitable and promising.

First step– identify a business that will inspire entrepreneurship.

Why do you come to work every day? Just for the money? True productivity comes from genuine passion. The desire to cope with a task, passion, the desire to become a more competent specialist, to find solutions that no one has thought of are the most reliable sources of energy. Try to do something better than your colleagues! Do your best every day to achieve your goal! Keep yourself positive!

When an idea for production or services is found, it is necessary to evaluate its investment attractiveness. The assessment is carried out according to several parameters:

  • level of competition;
  • market characteristics (growing, stable, declining);
  • availability of consumables and the level of price fluctuations for them;
  • average profitability for the industry (in regions the data may differ slightly, but in general for trade the average profitability is 20%, for the production of building materials - 35%, for agriculture - 30%, for the service sector - 50%, for manufacturing - 26%) .

The indicators are rated on a scale from 1 to 10. You will have to collect information for analysis yourself. If you have free finances, you can order an expert assessment or marketing research from specialists, but since we are considering business ideas without investments or with minimal costs, it is short-sighted to spend resources on expertise. It is better to use this money to create a high-quality material and technical base.

Second step– search for equipment for business in the garage and suppliers of raw materials. This is one of the most critical stages. An entrepreneur must constantly improve his production base and look for suppliers who offer better and cheaper resources. The difficulty when starting a business is that the beginning manufacturer does not have the practical experience to determine what will be good for the business and what will be bad.

But there are several ways out of this situation of commercial uncertainty.

  1. Visiting regional exhibitions of production equipment, where manufacturers present new mini-machines, other technological innovations and working know-how.
  2. Searching for people who can provide advice on equipment or raw materials for a future business.
  3. Discussion of ideas on specialized online platforms and open requests for help and information on the main parameters of equipment and raw materials for the planned production.
  4. Trial and error method (formation of the material and technical base taking into account the manufacturer’s advertising promises with subsequent adjustments).

The listed scenarios can be implemented simultaneously. If the chosen idea of ​​mini-production requires additional training, then during classes it is necessary to receive from the lecturer or master the maximum useful information for the future business.

During this same period, you should find helpers. It is impossible to start any business, even at the initial stage, alone. With the help of a responsible and intelligent apprentice, an entrepreneur will be able to increase production volumes, and all business processes will go much faster.

And one of the most critical stages is the release of the first batch of products and the search for a buyer. A garage is not a store; you can’t put goods on display, so you need to create conditions for working to order. To do this, it is necessary to make presentation samples and disseminate information about reasonable prices and high quality of the goods that are offered to the buyer in the garage.

Garage production: 14 working ideas from Europe and China for Russia

Let's move on to a detailed analysis of business ideas in a garage from scratch for beginners. Today, the most advanced countries in terms of production and commercial technologies are Europe and China. Ideas from Europe are focused on making life more comfortable, brighter and more interesting. And ideas from China make it possible, with maximum savings of resources, to make money on what is formed and conveyed to the mass consumer through Western culture.

Simply put, in Europe they find interesting solutions to problems, and in China they figure out how to implement them as cheaply as possible. Therefore, the ideal startup with minimal investment and good earnings is the use of European ideas with the use of high-quality Chinese raw materials and equipment.

So what to produce in the garage? We have selected a number of real European ideas for small businesses.

Idea No. 1. Furniture workshop

To organize a workshop for the production of cabinet furniture in a garage, an entrepreneur will need:

  • carpenter's hand tools;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • edge banding machine.

To gain practical assembly experience, it is advisable to work for several months as a furniture assembler in a retail chain that sells it. During your work, you can not only learn how to assemble furniture from ready-made parts, but also find profitable suppliers of materials and accessories.

The peculiarity of the garage furniture business is that you will only have to work to order. The easiest way to get started is to place an ad in the local newspaper about making custom furniture.

After agreeing on the project with the customer, the contractor purchases the necessary components from suppliers, performs initial processing of furniture blocks in the garage and assembles finished interior items at the customer’s premises.

The markup in this type of business is up to 100% of the cost of the materials used by the master when completing the order.

Idea No. 2. Production of decorative candles

A home business whose main idea is to decorate ordinary candles with your own hands, giving them an interesting shape, color and aroma. Since ready-made household candles are difficult to remake and decorate well, production will require melting and forming equipment. If you want to produce a unique and interesting product, pay attention to candle molds and find suppliers of high-quality and inexpensive raw materials.

The costs of equipping a workplace for the production of decorative candles are as follows.

You will also need raw materials for candles (stearin, paraffin, wax, candle gel), coloring pigments, fragrances, threads for wicks and packaging material.

Idea No. 3. Manufacturing of household stoves for baths and other premises

This is one of the most budget-friendly entrepreneurial endeavors, which does not require the purchase of expensive equipment - you only need practical experience as a welder and a minimum of financial investments.

Before starting work, it is necessary to develop models of future furnaces, draw up drawings, purchase components and purchase a welding machine. The cost of one stove is 1.5 thousand rubles, the selling price is 6 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 4. Decor items and souvenirs

The production of decorative and souvenir products is a good opportunity to realize creative potential and make a profit. At the first stage, you can produce several types of souvenirs, magnets and badges. If things go well, it will be possible to expand the range by investing in additional equipment.

The costs of equipping a workplace for the production of magnets and badges are as follows.

Consumables – matte paper with a thickness of 0.135 mm and magnetic vinyl. The average cost of 50 sheets of paper is 200 rubles, 1 meter of magnetic vinyl with an adhesive layer is 400 rubles. The cost of one badge blank is 2 rubles.

Idea No. 5. Creation of photo albums and photo stories

The average profitability of this entrepreneurial endeavor is about 20%. 80% of the income will go to cover current costs (purchase of materials, advertising, wages), and 20% will go to repay start-up investments and business development.

The following equipment will be required.

When the first earnings appear, you need to solve the problem of how to make your own website, but at the first stage you will have to distribute the products through friends and ask them to leave recommendations on social networks.

Idea No. 6. Making signs with house numbers

The attractiveness of this idea is its low cost - only imagination and hand tools are needed. This production cannot be done without a professional plotter (plotter). But at first, an entrepreneur can order processing on a plotter in professional workshops for the production of advertising and information products.

The main customers of signs are homeowners in the private sector. An entrepreneur can also display goods on the market or sell them to small building materials stores.

Idea No. 7. Making wooden toys

Wooden toys are an interesting and inexpensive business. Today, the fashion for environmentally friendly products is in full swing. Parents refuse to buy their children plastic play sets painted with dubious colors, but they would be happy to buy a beautiful, interesting and useful wooden toy. However, the problem of our market is that there is a lot of plastic junk, and there are almost no high-quality wooden toys.

Main technological tasks:

  • draw up sketches and models of toys;
  • choose suitable wood and safe natural dyes.

The toys are made by hand using the necessary carpentry tools and a copy-milling machine (its cost is 150 thousand rubles).

When choosing the target audience, it is necessary to take into account that the products must be as safe as possible for children. The minimum children's age for which it is permissible to use handicraft toys is from five years. What falls into the hands of children must undergo a special examination and only after that can it be allowed on the market. Don't go wrong with your choice of assortment.

The average cost of a wooden toy or figurine is 500 rubles. If on average you sell 15 toys and 10 figurines per week, then your monthly income can be 50 thousand rubles. 10 thousand will be spent on purchasing materials, 20 thousand – on paying for your labor, 20 thousand – on covering start-up costs.

Idea No. 8. Production of fuel pellets

Another profitable wood business idea for a garage is the production of fuel pellets. A small pellet production line costs 200 thousand rubles. Such equipment will be able to produce about 200 kg of pellets per working day. Yes, more expensive lines have much higher productivity (up to 2,000 kg per hour), but the cost of such lines is several million rubles.

One kilogram of pellets costs 300 rubles, the cost of wood waste is 50 rubles per 1 kg. The total cost of producing one kilogram will be 100 rubles. Sales are especially good in autumn and winter.

Idea No. 9. Workshop for the production of advertising signs

You can make good money by producing outdoor advertising. While the workshop is in the garage, the entrepreneur’s main clients are small retail businesses that want to decorate retail outlets with bright signs without spending a lot of money. Therefore, the task of the master is to offer clients bright advertising at a low price.

Today there are a lot of technical solutions that allow you to create an attractive visual effect for advertising:

  • volumetric letters with LEDs;
  • 3D signage;
  • lightboxes;
  • LED signs;
  • 3D light letters.

Expensive equipment will require one plotter, one milling and engraving machine and hand tools for working with wood, plastic and metal workpieces.

Idea No. 10. Workshop for the production of monuments

Tombstones are a specific product, and entrepreneurs rarely choose this type of activity as their main income. This is more of an auxiliary income for large stone-processing workshops.

Monuments are not cheap, but their cost is also quite high. Expensive material, hard labor and special equipment - all this determines up to 80% of the cost of the finished product. The average price of a tombstone set is 25 thousand rubles, and the profit from such a transaction is 5 thousand rubles. This is a seasonal type of income, since the installation of monuments occurs mainly in the summer - that is when there is great demand for them.

Idea No. 11. Key making workshop

Typically, entrepreneurs open key-making workshops in markets, crowded city shopping areas, and near large shopping centers. This location is good because it’s easy to get to the workshop, and while the key is being made, you can buy household goods. It is impossible to install a garage in such a place, so a promising option for a workshop is a garage in a residential neighborhood.

Equipment for making keys costs 300 thousand rubles (purchase of five machines for different types of keys). You will also need a set of blanks. The cost of the work is ten times the cost of the workpiece. So, if a blank for an English lock costs 5 rubles, then a finished key costs 50 rubles.

Idea No. 12. Making baguettes

If furniture can be made to order without the risk of spending money on the production of goods that the buyer will not be interested in, then with the production of baguettes the situation is different. Visitors to a framing workshop want to see the product not in a picture, but in real life, and the master’s task is to produce as many interesting presentation frame options as possible.

To produce baguettes in the garage you will need:

  • purchase equipment;
  • create at least 50 samples of finished products;
  • organize an exhibition of models.

Equipment for a framing workshop will cost 600 thousand rubles. 100 thousand must be spent on consumables for baguettes (wooden and plastic profiles, paint and varnish material).

Idea No. 13. Metalworking in the garage

This is a complex business that requires not only large investments, but also practical skills in working with metal. Before you turn your garage into your own turning workshop, you need to work as an apprentice in the profile chosen for entrepreneurship. A turning workshop can provide its clients with services such as:

  • forging;
  • welding;
  • production of metal products using cold working.

The equipment for the turning workshop is as follows.

NameQuantity (units)Estimated cost (RUB)
Total: 300 000
Welding machine1 10 000
Lathe1 60 000
Grinder1 10 000
Incisors5 4 000
Hand tool20 6 000
Cold Forging Machine1 150 000
Heating furnace (hot forging)1 60 000

On average, such a workshop performs 100 thousand rubles worth of work per month. Of this amount, a third goes to pay for supplies and raw materials, a third goes to pay for labor, and the rest goes to repaying start-up investments.

Idea No. 14. Production of automobile antifreeze

Anti-freeze is a liquid for washing car windows that does not freeze at temperatures down to -30 0 C. The secret of the liquid is that isopropyl alcohol is added to its composition, which does not harm the car and easily copes with the function of removing dirt from the glass.

It will not be possible to set up mass production of anti-freeze washer for retail trade in a garage, since this is a chemically hazardous production for which special conditions must be created.

But in a garage, you can produce antifreeze for wholesale buyers, who fill it into machines, sell it to car washes or larger manufacturers.

The cost of the product is 10 rubles per liter; in retail, the average cost of one liter of anti-freeze is 20 rubles.

Investments and return on business ideas (summary table No. 1)

IdeaInvestments (rub.)Payback (months)
1 50 000-100 000 6-12
2 50 000-80 000 6-12
3 60 000-100 000 3-6
4 90 000-100 000 8-12
5 100 000-150 000 8-12
6 100 000-300 000 6-12
7 200 000-250 000 6-12
8 200 000-300 000 3-12
9 200 000-300 000 12-24
10 200 000-400 000 up to 12
11 200 000-500 000 up to 24
12 600 000-1 000 000 24-36
13 300 000-500 000 8-12
14 20 000-50 000 6-8

9 garage production ideas from Europe and China (video)

Production of building materials in the garage - 10 best ideas

If an aspiring entrepreneur intends to engage in a business that is more suitable for men, and is looking for what kind of production can be opened in the garage, it is worth exploring ideas for the production of building materials.

There are a number of interesting ideas, the implementation of which requires a minimum of equipment and the simplest starting materials. But since such production at home can be dirty and noisy, it is better not to do it at home, but to move this activity to the garage.

Attention! To ensure high profitability of the enterprise, you can combine several types of businesses in the territory of one garage. So, you can simultaneously assemble frames, make a chain-link mesh and produce nails, produce foam blocks and paving slabs.

Idea No. 15. Production of foam blocks

To produce foam blocks, a simple production line is required, which consists of a foam generator, an installation for the production of foam concrete, a compressor and molds. A small line with low productivity costs 100 thousand rubles.

The raw materials required for the production of foam blocks are sand, cement, hardener and foam concentrate. The approximate markup on finished foam blocks is 30% of the cost.

Idea No. 16. Assembly of frames for greenhouses

It’s good to start with this type of business in September, when gardeners are thinking about their plans for the winter and calculating the cost of installing a greenhouse in their garden. During this period, you can find many clients for the assembly of a greenhouse frame.

A minimum of tools and materials, simple and cheap technology - all this will allow you to quickly set up the production of frames in the garage. The most active demand on the market is for metal frames, which are made from profile pipes using pipe benders and a welding machine.

If a craftsman has ideas for making plastic and wooden frames, and he can convince potential buyers of the advantages of such structures, then the cost of finished frames is lower, since there is no need to spend start-up capital on the purchase of expensive equipment and materials.

Idea No. 17. Workshop for the production of artificial marble from concrete

The production of artificial marble from concrete and plasticizers is a new idea for the Russian market. Artificial marble is much superior to natural stone in terms of wear resistance, decorative properties and low cost.

The production of artificial marble is a simple technological process that requires a minimum of equipment:

  • Silicone forms;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating table

The quality of products depends on the quality of plasticizers, compliance by the manufacturer with the production and drying conditions of artificial marble.

Idea No. 18. Production of dry construction mixtures

The use of dry building mixtures during construction significantly simplifies and speeds up the progress of repair work. In a garage, you can set up the production of dry building mixtures such as:

  • plaster glue;
  • tile adhesive;
  • glue for putty;
  • floor leveling mixture.

When purchasing such mixtures, buyers no longer think about how to make a good adhesive for, for example, laying tiles, but rely on the fact that the dry construction mixture intended for these purposes will solve the problem efficiently.

During the production process, different brands of cement, sand, chalk and adhesive additives are mixed with a special mixer. The mixture is then packed into measuring bags.

Idea No. 19. Foam processing

The essence of the business is the creation of three-dimensional figures and decorative elements from this lightweight and durable facing material. Polystyrene foam is cut on a semi-automatic machine (its cost is from 80 thousand rubles) according to given drawings.

In Russia, in almost every region there are enterprises that produce foam plastic, so there will be no shortage of raw materials.

A private workshop in a garage cannot be oriented towards large-scale serial production. The main goal is small individual orders. In order for such customers to appear, the entrepreneur must offer the market a cheaper or higher quality product.

The markup on foam products can be even higher than 100% if the product finds great demand in the market. The average markup is 50% of the cost of the material.

Idea No. 20. Products made of ceramics and gypsum

A good creative opportunity for those who are looking for how to make money in the garage with their own hands is a workshop for the production of decorative products from ceramics and plaster.

Equipment for the production of ceramic and gypsum products is as follows.

The average market markup for ceramic and gypsum products is 100%. If the cost of a product is 100 rubles, then the master can sell it for 200 rubles.

The cost of a linear meter of gypsum stucco is 200 rubles; individual large compositions can cost up to 5 thousand rubles. The price of decorative ceramic products is from 300 rubles per product.

Idea No. 21. Assembly of irrigation systems

Irrigation systems have only recently become popular among the mass buyer, and it was then that landscape design agencies began to design and install these systems. But not all families who have land can use the services of such agencies, and the advantages of targeted and regular watering are obvious.

Therefore, small private offices began to offer customers budget options for irrigation systems that novice entrepreneurs can assemble in their garages.

Systems are made to order after studying the site and the owner’s wishes. There are several types of forced irrigation systems:

  • drip irrigation;
  • retractable sprinklers with different ranges;
  • foggy watering.

Parts of the system are connected by pipeline and connected to the water supply system, and the irrigation scheme is programmed using automated controllers. All components are available on the Russian market.

Idea No. 22. Production of nails and mesh

It is easy to organize a business in a garage, such as the production of nails and chain-link mesh. To implement this idea, you will need a nailing machine (cost - 250 thousand rubles), a machine for weaving a chain-link mesh (10 thousand rubles).

The size of the starting investment in a business producing two types of building materials will not exceed 300 thousand rubles. Consumables – steel wire, technical oil, packaging material.

Idea No. 23. Sandpaper production

Sandpaper production is a high-cost business. But significant investments will quickly pay off due to the high turnover of this business. Sandpaper is a sought-after consumable: there is always a market for it.

The production process consists of applying glue to the substrate and laying abrasive material. Next, the workpiece is dried at temperatures up to +40 0 C and rolled into rolls. The production process is simple, but special equipment is required - a dispenser for applying abrasive and a drying chamber.

Idea No. 24. Production of sand-lime bricks

A high-cost, complex and unhealthy type of business, which a novice entrepreneur can start with only in cases where there is practical experience in the production of such bricks or innovative ideas on how to make the production technology cheaper and safer.

The quality of handmade bricks will never surpass those produced in brick factories. In addition, a private entrepreneur is unlikely to achieve the same production costs as in a factory. Therefore, the cost of the product will be high, and the private owner will not be able to charge a high markup.

Investments and return on business ideas (summary table No. 2)

IdeaInvestments (rub.)Payback (months)
15 100 000 6-12
16 100 000-200 000 6-10
17 100 000-200 000 6-12
18 100 000-300 000 6-8
19 100 000-300 000 6-12
20 200 000-300 000 18-24
21 300 000-400 000 6-12
22 300 000 3-6
23 500 000-600 000 12-24
24 2 000 000 up to 36

Garage for service and services - 7 simple but profitable ideas

Another promising direction for those who are considering what to do in their garage is the creation of a small service. Let's look at the main working ideas for such a small garage business.

Tip: Don't try to provide more than four services in a small area.

Idea No. 25. Automotive workshop

An auto repair shop is the first idea that comes to mind for those who are looking for a business to open in a garage. However, the realities of the automobile market are such that there are fewer and fewer cars on the roads that can be repaired without the use of expensive equipment, and more and more official services that conduct active advertising activities.

But many motorists know that finding a good mechanic is always a problem. If a novice entrepreneur considers himself a good craftsman and decides to start a business by providing services in his garage, then there is a high probability that this option will be successful.

A sample list of equipment for a car repair garage business is as follows.

On average, a service station earns 3 thousand rubles per day per workplace. In 20 working days, a master can earn 60 thousand rubles. The advantage of this idea for novice entrepreneurs is that the master himself spends almost no money on ensuring production processes. Only utilities, repairs and maintenance of equipment, as well as staff work are paid.

Idea No. 26. Restoration of old cars

A type of auto repair shop is a workshop for the restoration of old cars. The essence of this service is to recreate the external image and bring into working condition cars that have long been out of production.

To implement the project, you will need equipment for a car repair shop, albums and catalogs for equipping different models and brands of cars. This idea is more budget-friendly compared to a regular auto repair shop, but it is more difficult to implement, since it requires technical knowledge in the history of the automotive industry and the ability to make individual orders for spare parts that are no longer in production and are not on sale.

Idea No. 27. Car wash

For a small car wash in a garage to truly bring profit to the owner, it must be as convenient, cheap and of high quality as possible. This is the most budget-friendly mini-idea, the implementation of which requires only 15 thousand rubles (high-pressure gun, detergents and polishes, vacuum cleaner).

To earn an income of at least 50 thousand rubles a month, the car wash must operate around the clock and service 10-15 cars per day. The average cost of one wash is 150 rubles.

However, it is not possible to organize such a business in every garage. Uninterrupted access to water and sewerage must be ensured. If it is necessary to carry out local water supply and organize local drainage, then the start-up costs will increase by 100 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 28. Rent a garage space

Another budget idea is to provide, for a fee, space in the garage for storing tires, bicycles and other seasonal bulky items (skis, sleds). This amount includes repairs to the garage, installation of a climate control system and installation of mounts for various types of equipment. You also need to take care of security, because in the event of theft from the garage, you will have to compensate for the material damage yourself.

A month's rental of large items in a garage costs 2 thousand rubles (this category includes tires and bicycles), small items – 1,000 rubles. On average, a garage can store 4 sets of tires, 5 bicycles and 20 pairs of skis. In total, monthly income can be 40 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 29. Reception of recyclable materials

Recycling is a great idea for those looking to start a garage business from scratch. This type of income involves only two items of current expenses - advertising of services and transportation costs. You can accept waste paper, glass, plastic, and scrap household appliances. The collected raw materials are sold to wholesale suppliers. The average margin between purchasing from the public and delivery to professional receivers is about 25% - for every thousand rubles, an entrepreneur will earn 250 rubles. The average cost of delivering waste paper to a procurement base is 6 thousand rubles per ton.

Idea No. 30. Glass cutting

Glass cutting is a business that consists of several processes. First, the entrepreneur purchases the most popular glass in sheets (in terms of thickness, appearance, size), cuts it according to the dimensions provided by the customer, and delivers it to the facility specified by the buyer.

The equipment required for such a glass workshop is at least 5 glass cutters for different types of glass, a cutting table, and transport for delivering glass from suppliers and to customers. The main difficulties are to ensure the flow of customers and minimize material losses (breakage and scrap during cutting).

Idea No. 31. Repair of household appliances

A workshop for repairing household appliances is, although not a new idea in business, but it has remained relevant for many years, especially for residents of small towns where wages are low and there is no opportunity to buy new equipment to replace broken ones.

To launch such a workshop, you will only need the basic tool arsenal of a repairman and an active advertising campaign. To begin with, you can advertise in regional media, post them on entrances and city information boards. The cost of repair services is either equal to the cost of the parts that will need to be replaced, or one and a half times higher. The price of services may include the cost of finding the necessary spare parts and the costs that the entrepreneur incurred in connection with the delivery of the necessary components.

29 30 000-100 000 8-12 30 100 000-200 000 8-12 31 60 000-150 000 6-8

TOP 6 working ideas for a garage (video)

Is it possible to open a store in a garage if you really want to?

The most difficult type of business for a garage is retail trade. A garage can be converted into a retail or wholesale outlet in rare cases. Such options are only possible for those garages that are located on plots of land intended for commercial activities, and this is rare.

Some entrepreneurs decide to open retail outlets in garages built on privatized plots.

But even if you have plans to engage in trading in your garage near your home, it is unlikely that local authorities will issue a permit for such trading. If you are thinking about how to turn a garage into a store, you should find an opportunity to legally register this business, since trading without the permission of local authorities is prohibited.

Does a garage business need registration?

If you decide to start a business, you need to determine how to organize production in a garage and at what stage of entrepreneurship this should be done.

It will not be possible to officially register a business producing or providing services in a garage cooperative without high costs. To leave the garage cooperative, obtain permission for reconstruction into production or retail facilities, as well as obtain official permission to open a business, you will need to spend at least 1 million rubles.

Investing that kind of money into refurbishment of a garage is unpromising. If you have 1.5 million rubles, you can start in conditions more suitable for production and trade.

If an entrepreneur decides to work in a garage, then all production processes should be considered from the point of view that he is engaged in production for his own needs (or this is his hobby), and he sells the surplus products obtained from this activity.

It is precisely because of the lack of opportunity to turn garage earnings into legal entrepreneurial income that this stage of business development should be considered as a temporary stage necessary for gaining practical experience and forming start-up capital to enter a large market.

Let's sum it up + video rating out of 1 5 machines for business in the garage

The success of implementing every business idea for beginners in a garage depends not only on the ability to work efficiently, but also on the ability to profitably present a product or service to the target audience.

A garage business is a great option for earning money with a minimum investment. There are many options for what kind of business to open in the garage, the main thing is to correctly decide on the direction. By the way, billionaires Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked on their first Apple in the garage. So nothing is impossible, the main thing is the idea and a positive attitude.


Description of a small business in a garage

Open a mini-business in a garage from scratch is one of the most affordable and convenient ways to start your own business and become one of the novice entrepreneurs.

Earning money has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Minimum expenses. The absence of rental bills, warehouse and transportation costs will help you save at the starting stage.
  2. Work at a convenient time. Business in your own garage allows you to work without being tied to a specific schedule.
  3. Without compromising the main work. You can try to promote your business in your free time from work.

At the initial stage, you can avoid it until the demand for services or goods improves and the first profit appears.


If you have a garage at your disposal, this is a great chance to start your own business without investing a lot of money. There are many ideas about what kind of business to open. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan, analyze the competitor’s market and determine profitability.

The relevance of the garage business is steadily growing; today many Russians live through such entrepreneurial activity. According to statistics for 2016, from 20 to 40% of residents in certain regions of the country are garage artisans.

How to start a business in a garage

If used rationally, your own garage can become an asset and bring good profits in the future.

When choosing an idea for a business in a garage, you need to start from its location. It’s good if it is located in a residential, densely populated area - this allows you to implement almost any idea: from a car service center to a small store.

The remoteness of the garage from crowded places limits potential options; in this case, you already need to start from the target audience, organize work so that customers are not confused by the location of the point.

The room needs to be prepared:

  • insulate;
  • carry out all necessary communications;
  • make external and internal repairs;
  • install meters for electricity and water.

How much money is needed for repairs and furnishings depends on the functional purpose. For a warehouse, you need a minimum of investments: install shelving, paint, insulate. To organize a retail outlet, you need to take into account additional special equipment.

The only thing that is not practical to do in a garage is food production. The conditions do not meet epidemiological and sanitary standards. Producing food in a garage entails heavy fines and a ban on further business activities.

Market analysis

To choose the right idea for a garage business, you need to think through all the details and analyze the market.

In order to do this, you need to answer three questions:

  • in what type of activity there is minimal competition;
  • what the potential client wants to receive: the service or product must be necessary;
  • which business will pay off quickly.

But first of all, you need to start from your financial capabilities; if you have minimal money, it would be more advisable to start with a small business and not go into debt.

In any entrepreneurial startup, you need to draw up a business plan and make specific calculations, based on the price category of a particular region, to calculate the possible profitability of the business.

Regardless of the chosen idea, the first clients may be friends and acquaintances, neighbors, and then a flow of new clients will begin. It should be remembered that after the establishment of a business, registration of business activities will need to be formalized at the legal level with the relevant administrative authorities.

Idea selection

A garage business for beginners with minimal investment will bring good profits if you correctly decide on the idea and correctly implement it.

You need to highlight the key factors for yourself:

  1. What do you understand better than others? In this case, a formal diploma of higher education does not play a role; you need to understand the chosen field of activity.
  2. What do you do better than others? Practical skills are important here, which is good, you can: design, make, communicate with people, etc.
  3. Available resources. Even a garage business requires financial investment. But if you think more broadly, you can go through everything that is in the attic and in the garage itself, and try to find a use for these, at first glance, unnecessary items.
  4. What already exists in the city. A profitable business is impossible without demand. The service or product must be in demand.


There are a lot of options for what types of businesses you can organize. Below are some interesting ideas that work.

Garage for rent

The essence of the business is to rent out a garage for a predetermined period. This is the best option for those who do not use a garage. Based on the fact that 80% of the adult population has their own car, the service will be relevant. The positive aspect of the idea is that it does not require any investment of your own time.

The garage can be offered for rent for the following purposes:

  • car parking;
  • premises for organizing a business;
  • as a warehouse;
  • a place to store various things.

On average, the monthly profit from one garage will be about 3 thousand rubles. The more garages, the greater the real profit, and in the future, additional boxes can be built with the capital received. Opening a new garage, taking into account the provision of communications and registration of permits, will cost about 80,000 and will pay off in a few years.


Repair of premises and equipment has always been in demand; you can take advantage of this factor and organize rental of tools in your garage.

In parallel, you can offer repair services if you have experience in this field. To create such a business you need a tool and knowledge of its characteristics.

Like any other business, there are difficulties here:

  1. The tool may not be returned. It is better to provide equipment as collateral, the best option is 25-30% of the initial cost of the equipment.
  2. Breakdowns. Incorrect handling of the tool can lead to malfunction, so instruction is required.

Auto repair shop

Car repair services are always relevant, since a car is, first of all, a piece of equipment, and it is prone to periodic breakdowns, so there will always be demand.

To organize such a business you will need:

  • hand tools: screwdrivers, wrenches, pullers, jacks, pliers, etc.
  • equipment: power tools, welding machine, generator;
  • a properly equipped garage with space for equipment and tools;
  • create a safe work area;
  • provide the room with good ventilation.

You need to set the right prices. Too low a cost for services will not bring profit, and a high cost will not bring in customers.

Car wash

If the box has a large adjacent area, you can use it and organize a car wash. You will also need a small start-up capital to purchase materials and special equipment.

To create a car wash in a garage you need:

  • connect water supply and sewerage;
  • floors in the garage should be sloping towards the drain, where dirty water and oil will drain;
  • carry out wiring taking into account electrical safety measures (install a transformer with the ability to reduce voltage).

It should be taken into account that the business is largely seasonal and during the frosty season there will be a minimum number of customers.

Tire service

It will be beneficial to organize a tire workshop in a garage if the box is located near the road or gas station.

To perform tire fitting work it is necessary to organize:

  • good room lighting;
  • proper ventilation;
  • hold water.

To provide customers with quality service, you need special equipment and tools: machines, a vulcanizer, a compressor, etc. But the listed things cost quite a lot of money, and you can rent them to get started.


You can make money from a business in a garage if you know how to do something with your own hands, and what type of activity it will be depends on your skills.

Promotional Products

  • plotter for printing large banners;
  • computer with installed software.

The costs and requirements for this business idea are small, and this direction is always relevant, regardless of the time of year.


There is a lot of competition in this industry, but you can find your niche by offering services for the production of custom-made furniture, taking into account individual characteristics and sizes.

To implement the project, special tools are required, which are expensive, but the business is very profitable and will pay for itself quickly enough.

Large parts for cabinet furniture can be ordered from manufacturers, and in the garage you can independently assemble a furniture module and add the necessary fittings and decor.

A separate source of income will be services for assembling furniture at the customer’s home.

Car wash in garage Selling tires in a garage Auto repair shop in garage Furniture production in a garage

Decorative items for home and souvenirs

You can put your hobbies and interests to good use and benefit financially. Exclusive products have always been in demand, and this is a great idea for running your business in the garage.


  • Handmade soap;
  • paintings and icons with beads;
  • basket weaving;
  • production of magnets;
  • handmade paintings, etc.

Any of the options for creating souvenirs and decorative items requires appropriate consumables. The most important thing is that there is minimal competition; not everyone can make original products with their own hands.

Goods for children

The production of children's goods is a win-win niche in business, which, with the right approach and certain skills, will bring a good, stable income.

In this regard, there are the following ideas:

  1. Children's sandbox. Few people are engaged in the deliberate production of such goods, but the improvement of local areas is gaining momentum today. Having created several sandboxes with an original design, you can start looking for clients, and then individual orders will arrive.
  2. Kites. A little imagination and skill will allow you to create an exclusive kite that will bring a lot of joy to your child and a little profit to your enterprise. In the future, you can put the business on stream and sell the goods through private children's stores and retail outlets.

General household goods

Most hardware stores and supermarkets are aimed at the mass consumer and do not work with individual orders. This makes it possible to occupy a profitable niche in household goods and earn decent money at the same time.

Several interesting options:

  1. Pellet production. Cheap raw materials are always valued due to their affordable cost. A recycling workshop will bring a stable income, since there are not many competitors in our country. Pellets are used as a filler for animal trays and for heating premises in a private home.
  2. Decorative processing of mirrors and glass using sandblasting technology. To organize this type of business you need certain skills, but if you don’t have them, you can learn everything. In addition to skills, consumables and equipment are needed, such as: stencils for drawings, mirrors and glass, sand, sandblasting machine.
  3. Production of number plates. Here you need a minimum of financial investments and there are practically no competitors, so income is guaranteed. Signs can be: wooden, metal, plastic. To create a ready-made version, a minimum set of available tools and materials is sufficient.

Several popular ones.


The box can be organized as a retail space. Such a business fits within the framework of the law and can be included in the register of stationary trade. But such a project is available if the garage is located in a crowded residential area.

To get started you need:

  • equip the premises accordingly;
  • decide on the product range;
  • tell your friends and acquaintances about the outlet for the purpose of free advertising.

There are a lot of ideas about what exactly to sell, for example, if the box is located in a garage cooperative, then the optimal product would be in the form of auto parts and components; if on the highway, it would be better to sell soft drinks and coffee.

Repair shop

In this situation, there are many options: repair of household appliances, bicycle repair, but let’s take a clothing and shoe repair shop as an example.

Such a workshop will always have a flow of customers if it is located within the residential sector. In any case, you need to advertise your services and design the box accordingly.

To bring this idea to life you need to have:

  • sewing machine;
  • a set of knives and scissors, hooks;
  • shoemaker's kit;
  • minimal consumables (threads, needles, etc.).

The target audience is wide and covers all segments of the population, which means the profit is stable.

Laundry or dry cleaning

This service is always relevant, since not every person decides to remove dirt from an expensive item on their own. When faced with a similar problem, people usually turn to professionals.

You can start with small private orders, but to increase financial profits over time, it is better to expand by creating a network of laundries.

To implement the project, financial investments are needed for equipment, washing machines, and consumables.

Should I register my business?

In any business activity, you need to understand that it is illegal to engage in business activities without registration; this entails a lot of problems and fines.

If the garage is rented to a neighbor, the tax office is unlikely to have any claims. And when plans include a large-scale business project, production or retail outlet, registration is indispensable.

Depending on the type of activity, what size the business will be, what the client base is and other nuances, it is necessary to decide on the legal form of the business and the tax system.

Most often in such situations, an LLC or individual entrepreneur is registered, and taxation is UTII.

To be completely sure that there will be no claims from government agencies, it is better to consult with an experienced lawyer on this matter.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any type of entrepreneurship, a garage business has a number of specific advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • savings on rent for premises;
  • a wide choice for the implementation of ideas;
  • does not require large capital investments;
  • own premises will insure against the risk of price fluctuations, since it is this factor that often ruins a young business.

Main disadvantages:

  • a business in a garage does not allow you to open: food production, a clinic, a kindergarten;
  • Boxes within the city are the first in line for demolition. In case of demolition, the cost of the garage will be reimbursed, but no one is obliged to return the funds invested in the business.

But all these shortcomings do not stop those who want to enter the garage.

You don't need much to start your own business. Initially, just a passionate desire to earn money, diligence and determination are enough. If you have firmly decided that you simply cannot live the way you used to, and your business ideas, which have been accumulating in your head for years, simply must be implemented - it’s time to start taking active action.

Nothing is impossible for those who have a desire to earn money. Have you heard about people starting their own business from a small trading tent or, for example, from a garage converted into a car repair shop? In order to start earning money, it is not necessary to have a huge starting capital. You can organize your own small business in your garage without purchasing expensive franchises or hiring a staff of employees. Initially, a small amount of investment, scrap materials and an ordinary technical room, such as a basement or garage, will be enough.

What kind of business to open in a garage? Let's look at simple but effective options available to absolutely everyone.

Is the so-called “garage business” possible today?

If you are a professional auto mechanic and are simply tired of working for pennies, enriching someone else’s uncle, then you probably often come up with ideas about starting your own business. You have your own garage, your hands and head are also in place - try to start everything from scratch. Is this real? Quite!

By properly distributing your workspace and organizing highly specialized car repairs, which will require virtually no costs other than your skills and abilities, you will be able to create your own clientele over time and even claim to be a successful entrepreneur. But that's all later. But first you need to solve the dilemma: “Garage business – is it a myth or reality?”

Worried about the legality of your plan? If you initially just want to practice without documenting your activities, so to speak, take a closer look at the clientele, weigh the demand for this type of service, etc., then you can wait a bit with the package of documents necessary for opening. In the future, this issue will be resolved without any particular difficulties.

Equipment for a business in a garage is another matter, and we will return to it later. The same applies to payback periods.

A garage business is a real way to earn money per hour when all other methods are simply not so effective.

How to use a garage for business?

There are tons of small garage business ideas out there, and none of them are new! After thinking carefully, you will understand that you can set up a mini-car service in the garage, convert it into a retail outlet, create a furniture production workshop in it, announce the storage season for tires, tires, bicycles, etc. You can also rent out your garage for a decent monthly fee.

Still don’t believe that a garage can be used very effectively to make money? Let's give an example: an amazing art space has been operating in St. Petersburg for a long time - a modern art gallery, organized in an ordinary garage. Amazing, isn't it?! Among dozens of gray, outrageously similar garages, someone managed to place an art gallery. Based on the inexhaustible crowds of people storming the creative exhibition of contemporary artists, we can assume that this business is more than profitable! What costs were involved? All that the owner of the miracle garage did was decorate it with bright colors, clean the room thoroughly, and make shelves for exhibition “exhibits.” All!

Judge for yourself how much effort, time and money a person has spent, and what he has now.

Do-it-yourself auto repair shop in the garage is one of the proven methods!

In order to open a repair shop, you need time to prepare. If you immediately decide to legalize your activities, then you will need to take a certificate of conformity, which gives the right to perform the types of work you specified, and also enter into an agreement with the chairman of the cooperative to which your garage belongs. Also an important aspect will be the permission of Rospotrebnadzor.

As for licensing these services, starting from 2011, such a procedure is no longer mandatory for car services.

Having certified your work, you need to think about equipment. The most basic things for any car service center are a lift, the ability to drive a car onto an overpass, and the presence of an installation for implementing wheel alignment. It is not expensive or troublesome; you just need to order what you need from any online store that specializes in the supply of such equipment.

The time frame for organizing such a business will range from several weeks to 2-3 months. It all depends on collecting the necessary documentation, as well as the delivery of equipment and its debugging. Payback upon successful start of your work is guaranteed over the next 2-3 months.

The idea of ​​developing a business in a garage certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. But the answer to the question: is it really possible to open your own auto repair shop in an ordinary garage that has been empty since you sold your car, for example? Of course it's real!

One of the possible options for earning money: producing furniture in a garage.

Are you a born woodworker? Can you make an excellent table, chair, bedside table and other household necessities from a piece of log? Then the idea of ​​organizing your own carpentry workshop is just for you.

Furniture production, of course, requires certain costs, but the timing of opening such a business, as well as its quick payback, indicate that it is still worth a try.

The necessary documentation to implement your plans is a piece of cake. Those wishing to open a business for the manufacture and repair of furniture must open an activity from Group 36.1. Next, you need to assemble simple equipment for work and, if necessary, take care of support staff.

As a rule, this business idea quickly pays for itself, since virtually no investment is required in this business. Just advertise for certain types of work and wait for the first order.

People today often resort to the services of repairing and making custom-made furniture, since prices in specialized stores, to put it mildly, are not encouraging.

Please note that this type of business is only suitable for people who have special skills and understand what this type of activity is.

Seasonal storage of bicycles, tires and various equipment.

Unfortunately, many residents of megacities (and non-metropolises too) have a problem of lack of free space in the house. It’s good if the apartment has some kind of storage room. But what if there is none? This is where your business idea of ​​opening a warehouse for storing things in your garage can come in handy.

What is needed for this? Let's try to list all the aspects:

  1. have a fairly spacious garage, not cluttered with various rubbish;
  2. if there is one, but you yourself have too many “necessary” things, try to get rid of all unnecessary things as much as possible and thoroughly clean the room;
  3. It is necessary to order stands for tires, and also to equip a place for the safety of other people's bicycles.

As you can see, practically no investment is required from you. If you have a spacious garage, and everyone around them stores their favorite bicycles, skateboards, snowboards, car tires, etc. on dusty mezzanines, so why not make money by providing this kind of service.

Install a good security system and simply come when the client calls to open or close your garage. A monthly, weekly or one-time fee for such services will be a great addition to your family budget.

The payback of this business begins with the very first client. The advantages of this idea also lie in the absence of legal registration.

Renting out a garage, or how to develop your business.

Your idea for renting out a garage could become a good business. The number of cars in cities has now increased, but not everyone can afford to pay for an expensive parking space.

If your garage is empty due to the lack of any equipment, then you simply have to put it into use.

Let's figure out who might need this area and why:

  • the garage can be removed for parking a vehicle;
  • as a warehouse for work equipment;
  • for organizing a warehouse for household appliances, commercial equipment, etc.;
  • a warm garage with certain amenities (sofa, TV, refrigerator) can be rented by car enthusiasts for their comfortable pastime.

If you don’t have your own garage, but you really like this idea, then you can easily get permission to build one.

In large cities, the permit and construction itself will cost approximately 50,000 - 90,000 rubles; this money will be recouped in 2-3 years, since the average price for renting out a garage is about 2500-3000 rubles per month. It turns out that you will receive about 35,000 rubles in a year and within a few years you will receive your stable income without any investments.

If the garage is successfully delivered, you can subsequently increase the number of spaces available for rent and begin building one or two more premises equipped for parking.

Trading in a garage - is it possible?

What can you sell in a garage? Anything! If you are an avid entrepreneur at heart and want to start your own business, then you don’t have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to rent retail space. If your garage is located in the city, you can easily use it as a retail facility. Is this legal? Why not!

If we proceed from the fact that “stationary garage boxes belong to the objects of a stationary retail chain that do not have sales floors,” then, according to Art. 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, all taxpayers can carry out retail trade through such facilities, calculating the tax base for UTII using the physical indicator of basic profitability.

A garage can easily be turned into a specialized wholesale trade base. The necessary costs for organizing such a business are minimal.

It will be best if you take care of the insulation of the room, organize a good security system, and can also install video surveillance in the garage.

As for the interior design, everything is very clear:

  1. equip shelves for storing boxes and various containers;
  2. bring an electrician to the garage;
  3. take care of proper advertising of your commercial warehouse.

It’s always not easy to start, but when the so-called “word of mouth” works, which “sounds” equally well both in a small regional center and in a huge metropolis, things will go great.

The payback of such a business will depend on your investments, equipment, etc. If you need to purchase industrial refrigeration units or similar expensive equipment to organize trading activities, then do not expect colossal profits in the next year and a half. If we are talking about trading in car spare parts, the payback of your idea will occur in approximately the same time. It all depends on what your investment and profit will be.

Is a garage business profitable?

Do you want to get a 100% answer to the question: is a garage business profitable? If the answer were so obvious, then every second person would already become the owner of a thriving “garage” enterprise.

You can judge the benefits of a small garage business based on many factors. If you are a purposeful person, know what you want, and are confident in your own abilities, then with a high probability we can say that you will succeed. Do you know how to repair cars, and crowds of friends always come to you for help and advice in this matter? Try opening a car repair shop, and if you are truly a master of your craft, then within a month or two you will have no end to customers. Woodworkers, sales agents and just people who want to achieve something more - everyone has a chance to organize their own business literally from nothing.

One thing is for sure: a business in a garage does not require any special expenses and allows people who are afraid of serious, drastic life changes to “start”.

Start slowly, do everything yourself, and you will see how interested people are in your small business. With time, you can have a great future!

To summarize, it can be noted that starting your own business can be not only a solid investment, buying a well-known franchise or opening a huge establishment. Try to create a name for yourself, organize and promote your family business. Minimum costs and maximum effort are required from you. If you can do it, go for it!

The garage small business ideas we have provided are just some of the options available. Consider perhaps opening a greenhouse in the garage for your wife's many plants, or raising rabbits, chickens and ducks for sale. Perhaps you could engage in smoked meats, wicker weaving, monument making, or turning.

The choice, in any case, is yours!