How to correctly count a day as field trips. How to submit a report on the provision of an additional day of rest for being on duty in the correct order. The main thing is measure

The quality of work of any security company largely depends on the number of employees: if it is not enough, then there is no need to talk about the organization’s competitiveness and impeccable reputation in the eyes of clients. How to calculate the number of employees required to effectively carry out the required amount of work, taking into account the fact that security guards are people, and sometimes they go on vacation, sometimes they get sick, and sometimes they urgently ask for days at their own expense to take their wife to the maternity hospital? How to determine whether the company’s human resources are enough to provide security for another large facility - or, in order not to lose the customer, it is urgently necessary to expand the staff? And how can you avoid possible troubles with the labor inspectorate, which employees love to contact in cases where they feel like they are working too much?

24 hours on duty

The main tasks of protecting the object are, Firstly, ensuring intra-facility and access control, and Secondly, ensuring the safety of property. And the number of “man units” required to perform these tasks depends primarily on the number of posts and their mode of operation (daily activity), the length of the perimeter of the facility, the security regime of the territory, as well as on the responsibilities assigned to security by the customer of the services.

To ensure access and intra-facility control, the basic data for calculating the number of employees required for organizing security posts are:

The number of entrances/exits to the building and the time of their activity per day (round-the-clock activity or the need for a post at specified hours depends on the working hours of people at the guarded facility). As a rule, one security officer is sufficient to monitor each of the active entrances.

The number of transport checkpoints (road or rail) and the time of their activity in hours per day. According to the basic requirements for the security of Moscow city facilities, in order to properly ensure control on transport (taking into account a thorough check of incoming and outgoing transport and the execution of relevant documents), two security officers must be on duty at such posts.

The number of active turnstiles at the checkpoint for the passage of people (gatekeepers) and the time of their activity in hours per day. To control the flow of people through each turnstile, one security officer is sufficient; in addition, if there are several turnstiles and the human flow is active (for example, a checkpoint of an enterprise), a senior guard is also needed who will deal with “emergency situations” (employees, lost passes, “non-carriers”, conflicts arising, etc.).

The length of the perimeter fence of the protected area, not equipped with technical security means. To organize patrols, at least one security officer is required for every 1,500 meters of the perimeter during the day, and per 1,000 meters at night.

Normal limits

The employee's continuous stay at the post should not exceed 6 hours at internal posts and 4 hours at external posts, w The total duration of a security officer's stay at the post during a daily duty schedule should be no less than 18 and no more than 20; with a semi-daily (12-hour) schedule - no less than 8 and no more than 10 hours. While on duty, the security officer must be given time to eat, the duration of which is 2 hours on a 24-hour schedule, and 1.5 hours on a 12-hour schedule.

When patrolling, the patrol route length is typically 8.8 km for a vehicle patrol; 3-5 km for patrol on a motorcycle or bicycle. The length of the route for foot patrols is up to 1.5 km during the day, up to 1 km at night (for objects equipped with engineering and technical security equipment, up to 2 km during the day, up to 1.5 at night). The duration of continuous patrol duty at air temperatures of minus 20°C and below, in the absence of insulated shelter, and at +35°C should not exceed two hours.

Working two shifts in a row is strictly prohibited and can cost a legal entity an amount ranging from three hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage or lead to the suspension of activities for up to 90 days

In addition, to enhance the protection of property in the internal territory, at the request of the customer, single stationary posts can be set up to protect particularly important areas or provide access control and internal patrolling of the territory can be organized.

When making calculations, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that each of the employees guarding the facility must be replaced during meals (in the case of daily duty - an hour in the first and second half of the shift), which leads to the need to introduce such a unit as a replacement security guard. He will be able to replace no more than 11 people per day (taking into account the fact that he himself will need two hours of rest), and to supervise the security staff directly at the facility, a shift supervisor or a senior facility security officer will be required.

Let's look at the situation using an example.

Thus, when protecting the territory of an enterprise operating in three shifts (around the clock), with two main entrances to the plant management building (activity hours from 8.00 to 20.00, at night the objects are protected using technical means); entry and exit of vehicles through two transport checkpoints operating 24 hours a day; a checkpoint with three turnstiles operating around the clock, the length of the unequipped TSO of the external perimeter is 4.4 km, two daytime (from 08.00 to 20.00) and two round-the-clock stationary posts to protect equipment on the territory of the plant, as well as the need to organize internal patrols at night along the route 2 km.

We see that the number of employees assigned to daily duty will be 4+(3+1) + 3 + 2=13 people; for 12-hour duty during the day -2+2 = 4 people; for 12-hour night duty - 2 more. In addition, to strengthen the outer perimeter patrol at night, two additional officers will be required. With so many security guards employed at the site, in order to provide them with the opportunity to rest, two replacement security guards will be required. Taking into account the senior guards, the total number of employees is 24 people. Combining day shifts (plant management checkpoints and daytime stationary posts) and night shifts (internal patrolling and increased external patrolling), we end up with 20 people working full time - the absolute minimum required for effective security of a given enterprise during the day.

When calculating for longer periods, different mathematics comes into play.

Five per post all year round

The duration of an employee's working week, according to the Labor Code, should not exceed 40 hours, weeks in a year - 52. Excluding holidays, the annual working time of one employee averages 1980 - 1995 hours (in 2009 - 1987 hours), with the duration of overtime work cannot exceed 120 hours per year. That is, the absolute maximum that can be “charged” to one security guard without conflicting with the law is 2107 hours.

One 24-hour post must be guarded for 8,760 hours (365 days a year, 24 hours a day). It would seem that by dividing the annual working time fund by working time standards, as a result we will obtain the required number of employees: 4.4 security guards in the event that the company strictly observes the Labor Code or is not ready to pay overtime to its employees; and 4.15 - if the guards work out the permissible maximum.

This method of calculation is used by many managers - and they risk getting a lot of problems in the future, ranging from a banal shortage of employees and “overworking” of personnel to labor inspections and appeals to the court by employees complaining about violations of labor laws and demanding compensation for material damage.

Firstly, with daily duty, the employee’s working time is not equal to 24 hours. From it you should subtract the time for eating and rest (at least two hours). During this time, the employee must be provided with an official replacement: if the guard during lunch cannot leave his workplace for the rest room and is forced to combine food with work, then he may demand payment for lunch hours as working hours - not to mention the obvious violations of labor legislation. Thus, four people working on a shift schedule, for example, every other day, can no longer cope with full-fledged security of the post - a replacement employee is also required.

Price of small items: 55 thousand rubles - for instructions and lunch breaks

One of the employees of the correctional colony filed a lawsuit against the employer, demanding payment for overtime work: for a year and a half, he worked on a schedule of 24 hours a day (the schedule was strengthened “during the New Year holidays” without the written consent of the employees, and after the holidays it remained that way). The plaintiff indicated that over a year and a half, overtime amounted to 160 shifts, and in addition, during the shift there were no breaks for lunch and rest due to the absence of a shift worker.

The employer did not agree with the claim, pointing out that, taking into account the time off granted for overtime, the duration of work for the accounting period (year) was not exceeded. Nevertheless, the employee proved that with the 21-hour shift indicated on the report card, he actually worked 24 hours (he was required to attend training, ate food at the workplace, and did not have the opportunity to rest. There was no rest room in the building). The employer tried to convince the court that the operational duty officer replaced the employee during meals. Since the duty officer’s job description did not stipulate the need to replace other employees and no notes were made about this, the court considered that the demands of the former colony employee must be satisfied. According to the court’s calculations, overtime due to briefing time and lack of rest time alone amounted to more than 400 hours, and the total amount paid to the employee by court decision was about 45 thousand rubles. In addition, the court assessed the moral damage caused to the employee at 10 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account that the operating time of the post is not equal to the time the guards are present at it. Daily briefing before going on duty or when summarizing the work of the shift is included in the working hours of each of the employees required to be present at the post. For example, if a daily shift begins and ends at 8 a.m., but the employee is required to arrive 15 minutes before it starts and leaves the workplace at 8.15 a.m., then this additional half hour must also be recorded by the employer as working time.

Thus, the annual working time increases by 0.5 hours per day (the time during which two employees are required to be on duty) and is no longer 8760, but 8942.5 hours.

To correctly calculate the number of employees required to support the operation of one daily post, you will also have to take into account other non-productive costs of working time (that is, the time when a person is at work, but is not able to perform his immediate tasks at the post). For example, special training; annual testing for suitability to operate in conditions involving the use of special equipment and firearms; medical examination, etc. As an example of calculation, let's take the minimum costs - 40 hours per year.

In addition, “non-production costs” should take into account the employee’s annual paid vacation (28 calendar days, that is, 4 weeks of 40 hours, total 160 hours), and also provide for possible loss of working time due to temporary disability. In fact, they can range from 2 to 5%, but when planning for the coming year, as a rule, it is recommended to focus on the standard indicator of 2% (about 40 hours).

However, when introducing an adjustment for “temporary disability”, it is necessary to take into account the level of responsibility of employees, their level of education, etc. Thus, according to Anna Kolesnikova, a specialist at an HR company, for employees with higher education and former military personnel (who are characterized by a high level of self-discipline), temporary disability actually averages about a week per year. At the same time, less responsible employees get sick much more often - especially in the summer, during fishing trips and picnics, and the share of sick leave and absenteeism can reach 5-6%.

Thus, even with a minimum amount of non-production costs, virtually each employee will be able to be on duty for no more than 1,747 hours per year. Thus, dividing the annual working time fund by the resulting figure, we see that for the continuous operation of the post during the year, 5.11 employees will be required - that is, full-time employment of five people plus an additional part-time employee (for example, a substitute security guard or a security guard hired during vacation).

If overtime work is possible, the number of employees can be reduced to 5 people, while their total overtime will be 207.5 hours (which is within the Labor Code). According to the experience of specialists from the LUDIREORLE company, the calculated data of 5 - 5.5 people reflects the real figure of the minimum security guards required to work at a single daily post.

Obviously, the number of employees required to close a daily post can vary greatly depending on the total amount of non-production time spent. So, if the company pays great attention to training and advanced training of employees, if additional days of vacation are provided for overtime, if among the employees there are part-time students who are granted study leave twice a year, then five security guards may not be enough.

For example, according to the methods for calculating the planned standard of working time for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (who are provided with additional paid leave, short-term vacations, and also significant attention is paid to initial training and combat training), 7.18 employees are needed to close one stationary post.

Algorithm for calculating the number of employees required to provide security for one daily post

. Annual time budget for guarding the post (GB) -356 X (24+ Tine), where Tine is the time for daily briefing and summing up/

Based on the production calendar, taking into account weekends and holidays in 2009, it is 1987 hours.

“Actual working hours (FP) for 2009 = 1,997 hours - T non-production (non-production costs)

. T nepr - Tkv + Totp + Tb, where Tkv is the time spent on improving and confirming qualifications, Ttp is annual paid leave, Tb is sick leave

c The number of guards required to maintain a post is calculated using the formula PO = GB/FP

At Tina = 0.5 hours, Tkv = 40 hours, Tm=;1 60 hours,

GB = 365X24.5 = 8942.5

FP = 1,997 - (40+ 1 60+40) = 1,747 OR= GB/FP = 8942.5/1,747 = 5.1 1

….and honor the Labor Code

Russian labor legislation does not prohibit shift work with a shift duration of 24 hours. With the only caveat that certain categories cannot be involved in such work (for example, pregnant women or teenagers under 18 years old - both are not particularly relevant for security guards). But in accordance with Article 103 of the Labor Code, the work of security guards must be structured in accordance with the shift schedule (which must be brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before implementation - that is, the staff must be familiarized with the duty schedule for August no later than June 30 ). In addition, this document must contain an additional column for the signature of each employee (indicating the date), confirming that he was familiarized with the information in a timely manner.

It should be noted that working two shifts in a row is strictly prohibited (for a legal entity such a violation can “cost” from three hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days).

In normal mode, based on the requirements of a 40-hour work week, at least 4 guards are needed to organize a daily security post (working mode is three days a day or two days of 12 hours / two days of rest). With this mode of work, one employee has an average of 42 hours of work per week, which is as close as possible to the requirements of the Labor Code and falls within the acceptable processing limits. And when using the summarized recording of working hours acceptable for security guards with the maximum permissible period (year), the summary calculation of hours worked allows you to smooth out peak loads in the documentation and avoid paying overtime. In most cases, employees who worked during the year in this mode and used time off during the year, etc., ultimately meet the annual standards for hours worked.

But what about two days?

The “every two-day” work schedule popular in security obviously leads to a large amount of overtime work: on average 16 hours a week, with the need to pay for the first two hours of overtime work at least one and a half times the rate, for subsequent hours - at least double the amount (Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Not to mention the fact that overtime in this case significantly exceeds the maximum standards allowed by law.

Is it possible to exceed this threshold without getting into trouble with labor protection authorities? Yes, if, again, you comply with the requirements of the law to the smallest detail. According to Anna Kolesnikova, now the employer has a loophole that allows this to be done: if the obligation to work overtime is expressly stipulated in the employment contract signed by the employee - and if the benefits that the employee receives are indicated (additional leave, increased wage rates, etc.) d.).

Nevertheless, we must remember that, firstly, in this case, no one can cancel illnesses, vacations and other “non-productive time expenditures” - and it will still not be possible to ensure the functioning of a 24-hour security post with three employees over a long period. In the event of a sudden illness (dismissal, vacation, absenteeism, need to undergo training), one of them will no longer be able to “hold” the post (working 24 hours a day “does not fit” within any framework of the current legislation). Even if those working at the post are workaholics without fear or reproach, they will still have to provide a replacement security guard, and the employee’s consent to overtime does not mean that he must work without breaks.

The full text of the article and other materials on this issue can be found in the Security Director magazine

The working day does not always last 8 hours - sometimes the production process requires a longer shift.

For example, doctors and nurses, dispatchers, firefighters, police officers, emergency workers and security guards, workers and maintenance personnel in night production “disappear” at work for days. I wonder how the Labor Code relates to such a schedule?

Rest standards

According to the law, daily work hours are allowed if the specifics of the enterprise require it. The schedule is usually set by the employer - as a rule, it is a day in two or a day in three.

“In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of rest should be 2 times longer than the work shift,” says Lyubov Zorina, head of the personnel department of a large plant. “In other words, if an employee works 24 hours, then before the next shift he must rest for at least 48 hours.”

2 main rules of the day

Employees should be familiarized with the new work schedule no later than a month before its introduction. Unfortunately, some employers violate this rule and transfer the employee to a new regime without warning.

During the work shift, each employee is given time for lunch - a total of about 1.5-2 hours, divided into half-hour breaks. This personal time can be spent at your discretion. By the way, no one forbids using these 2 lunch hours at a time, instead of taking “smoke breaks” in parts.

Rest and continuous production

Yu. Romanova, an expert consultant at a law firm, explains what the Labor Code advises in this case.

“In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 108 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1, Art. 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an employee cannot leave the workplace, he has the right to rest during the production process. In this case, lunch breaks are included in the working time sheet and paid.

In some situations, the employee is given a sleep break if the specifics of the activity allow it. All details are discussed in advance, and the employer is obliged to take care of the team and provide everyone with normal working conditions.”

Taboo for an employer

Things to remember if you have a shift schedule.

It is strictly forbidden to work 2 shifts in a row. If the replacement employee suddenly does not show up for some reason, you cannot leave an employee who has already worked for the next (repeated) shift. The only thing that can be offered in this case is a maximum of 4 additional hours of work with overtime pay. During this time, the employer is obliged to find a replacement for the employee who failed to take over.

“As for work at night, in accordance with Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such work is paid at a double rate, and its duration is reduced by 1 hour without further work, says Olga Ratushnaya, an employee of the personnel service of a manufacturing enterprise. “At the same time, the amount of additional payment for the night shift should be at least 20% of the tariff rate per hour of work.”

Sleeping at work

In Russian labor legislation there is no such thing as “sleep time”, and there are no clear requirements for rest rooms.

The duration of the work break and the possibility of sleeping at the workplace are determined only by internal regulations.

The employer equips rest areas based on the capabilities of the enterprise. Some employees prefer to doze right “at the machine,” and there are no prohibitions in this regard in the Labor Code. However, if the employer considers this unacceptable, he must introduce the corresponding clause into the labor regulations, a list of which everyone should be familiar with at the hiring stage.

The main thing is measure

According to labor standards, the permissible maximum working hours per month should not exceed 200. It turns out that with a constant schedule, every other day, the total amount of time worked per month is 240 hours - therefore, the employer must alternate different schedule options so as not to break the law.

“For daily work, hourly wages are established,” explains legal consultant Oleg Ignatiev. “Night, overtime and holiday hours are paid additionally, the latter - no less than double.”

If you work on a daily schedule, do not forget about your legal rights, neglect of which can lead to fatigue, illness and depression.

Health and good mood are the basis for high productivity!

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341. Field money, including for travel time, is paid to military personnel:

a) military units (units) withdrawn to practice combat (combat training) tasks in training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds and reserve airfields by order of the commander of the district troops, fleet, group of troops , a separate army (flotilla), the head of a military educational institution of vocational education, their corresponding and higher commanders (chiefs) or according to the plan for the withdrawal of troops to training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds and reserves approved by these officials airfields;

b) military units (units) involved in participation in maneuvers, field and command post exercises (games) conducted according to combat training plans, if the duration of the maneuvers and exercises (games) is more than one day.

342. Field money, including for the time spent on the road, is also paid to military personnel:

a) sent to military units (units) specified in paragraph 341 of this Procedure for their service;

b) sent (left) alone or as part of units for the protection, equipment or repair of training centers and camps;

c) during the time spent in units or teams on reconnaissance missions;

d) sent as part of military units, subunits or teams to reserve airfields for a period of up to one year to maintain aviation equipment, runways and other airfield structures in combat readiness;

e) during combat duty as part of duty units outside the point of permanent deployment;

f) sent as part of military units, units or teams to cordon off quarantine zones in outbreak areas;

g) those sent from military educational institutions of vocational education to training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps for conducting training sessions (taking exams, leadership) with citizens in the reserve, called up for military training, students and cadets (candidates) to listeners and cadets);

h) listeners and cadets during the period of their stay at training sessions in training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps;

i) sent as part of combat, engineering-airfield, road-building and other construction military units, units or teams for a period of up to one year to perform construction and repair work outside the point of permanent deployment;

j) sent from military construction detachments as part of units or teams for a period of up to one year to construction sites located outside the detachment’s point of permanent deployment, in cases where the performance of work on these objects, due to their small volume, does not require the relocation of the entire military construction detachment ;

k) sent to serve troops as part of mobile institutions and mobile units of military units;

m) sent to perform work or official assignments as part of units, teams (crews of aircraft, helicopters), except for trips to training sessions, field trips and business trips specified in paragraph 323 of this Procedure;

m) listeners, including those studying through correspondence courses, and cadets sent to training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps for passing exams, for industrial or educational practice and internship, or for preparing diplomas (diploma projects, works);

o) sent to training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps for passing competitive entrance exams to military educational institutions of vocational education, including faculties and departments of correspondence education.

343. Field money is paid to military personnel at the place of regular military service for the past month simultaneously with the payment of salary for the current month based on the order of the commander of the military unit.

344. Military personnel sent alone to training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds, alternate airfields, maneuvers, exercises and to perform the tasks specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d”, “f” ", "i" - "m" of paragraph 342 of this Procedure, payment of field money is made by military units entrusted with organizing and conducting the relevant event - on the basis of a travel certificate. The payment of field money is recorded on the travel certificate indicating for what period and in what amount the payment was made.

345. Field money, including for travel time, is not paid to military personnel:

a) who, under the terms of the message, have the opportunity to return daily to the place of military service or residence, if the performance of a service assignment does not require continuous stay outside the place of military service or residence, which must be indicated in the order of the commander of the military unit;

b) military units and subunits withdrawn to practice combat, combat training tasks in training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds, reserve airfields without an order from the officials named in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 341 of this Procedure;

c) entitled to receive daily allowance or sea allowance;

d) during the period of being under arrest in the guardhouse;

e) students undergoing conscription military service (except for officers) who do not have the military ranks of officers, and cadets who have not entered into a contract for military service;

f) occupying full-time military positions in training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds, reserve airfields stationed outside the point of permanent deployment of a military unit (military educational institution of vocational education), intended for practicing combat (training) tasks -combat) training.

A field exit is the departure of a unit from its place of permanent deployment to the field. Field conditions are conditions that are as close as possible to the military in terms of lifestyle: a camp is set up, a field kitchen is being built, defensive structures are being dug around the camp, soldiers live with and use their equipment, and perform tasks for which they are trained in accordance with military specialization. Units with specializations for which the field exit is calculated usually go to the field exit. For example, if the exit is for engineering troops, then engineering units leave, say, a regiment - a sapper company. All units of the same type live in a common camp, divided into residential sectors. In general, however, different types of troops usually go out to the field, living and training separately, gathering together only for the outcome of the field trip - exercises. The exercises in relation to the entire duration of the exit act as a resultant part, a kind of exam.

I would especially like to draw attention to the difference between the concepts of “training” and “field exit”. When the media talk about the exercises, they lose sight of the part of the field exit that precedes them. Ground forces exercises culminate with a field exit, during which units move into the area, set up camp and prepare for the exercises, and simply wait for them to begin. The pre-exercise portion of the field trip may be longer than the exercise itself. Moreover, not even all exercises, which can last from several days to several weeks, are usually captured by the media. They record only the “indicative”, resulting part, designed as a show for the command and the media and at the same time as an exam for the units involved.

A field exit for a unit consists of performing the following tasks: first, performing various works according to the type of activity of the unit; secondly, training of personnel to work with equipment and combat; thirdly, preparation of upcoming exercises - digging fortifications, fine-tuning equipment; and, finally, participation in the exercises themselves.

Nowadays, these problems of field access are solved in a poor form. Interests in education and training of personnel are reduced to nothing; the solution of personal issues, such as promotion, improving one’s social status, and providing rest for management officers, is absolutely dominant. Not enough money is allocated, which is barely enough for fuel; There is generally a minimum amount of ammunition - more for demonstration than for training. Those funds that are nevertheless allocated are stolen: with the fuel saved from the output, officers busy with supplies buy cars and apartments after the exercises. The organization also leaves much to be desired. Instead of training, fighters do unnecessary work, everyday routine, and waste time. The intellectual level of organization of the educational process and exercises has fallen almost to zero. At the same time, everyone is puzzled by something, they run back and forth, no one can be found in the camp during the day, but all the fuss is meaningless: the army at the field exit works the same way as in normal conditions, i.e. mainly for their own self-preservation.

It cannot be said, however, that the field exit is completely meaningless. He accustoms soldiers to life in the field, i.e. endure difficulties, hardships, survive without any everyday amenities. In the fields, people become friends, units learn to interact and act as a single whole.

The field conditions for officers are much worse compared to their usual living conditions. It is harder for them than for the soldiers, because they have to get used to the delights of barracks life (they live here with the soldiers). But the officers, as usual, stick together, and nature encourages drinking.

At the same time, it cannot be said that officers at the field exit get a lot of rest. Living together with the personnel gives rise to constant hassle, and commanding and organizing the daily activities of subordinates is very hard work. In addition, you have to carry out orders from the command - equip the camp, carry out tasks related to exercises and the educational process. Moreover, to carry out really means to lead subordinates to organize them to perform a certain task.

For soldiers, going out into the field is a blessing. They take a break from the many conventions of army life. This is quite natural, given that in a situation close to combat, when people, in the absence of everyday amenities, urgently perform pseudo-combat tasks, there is no time for stupid conventions. A soldier can loosen up his appearance, relations with officers acquire a familiar character and, in any case, become simpler. The relationships between young people and old-timers are becoming more humane. The latter are no longer able to completely avoid work due to the proximity of the officers and the green melancholy without work, and they become simpler in their relationships with others. Moreover, it is easier for officers in the field to maintain discipline due to the remoteness of the prosecutor’s office, and therefore control over beatings. You can always reach an agreement with your doctor.

At the field exit, soldiers can both have a good rest and work well (in the sense of soul, with humane communication). Moreover, to take a break not only from army regulations in the form of regulations and hazing, but also in the most literal sense: to get enough sleep in nature during the working day with everyone else, to disappear from the camp in its vicinity, or simply to sleep normally at night. Let it be on bunks, end to end and side by side, but fully, the whole night. In the barracks, it is not always possible to sleep like this because of hazing or regulations, but here there are no night awakenings (“explosions”) - the old-timers themselves are very tired (they do not manage to get enough sleep during the day in order to fool around at night). There is also not much daily work to restore order and care for old-timers. It is almost impossible to get money, cigarettes and food for them, since there is simply nowhere.

During regulations, they blow up people at night to punish for daytime sins. But here officers get no less tired than others, so cases of night explosions are extremely rare.

So young soldiers can either take a break from hazing and regulations, or just sleep peacefully. Nature also encourages sleep, especially in the heat. In the fresh air you get enough sleep faster, but it’s also easier to fall asleep, even if you’ve already had enough sleep. Often officers also abuse this: they are people too.

Field exit is something of a trait for soldiers. Moreover, it usually marks the end of the next six months. Often, therefore, it is at the field exit that transfers from one category of hazing to another occur (from spirit to elephant, etc.). It was after returning from a field trip that my grandfather allowed me to hem my jacket with a thick hem, and not with a thin piece of fabric (which in the army is called a “gondonchik”), which is a sign of a higher status. I was thereby accepted into the team as one of their own, with the right to even say something.

In general, a field exit in our time does not perform all the tasks for which it is designed. He, of course, accustoms them to field life, preparing soldiers for a possible war, but he does not teach training. A field trip gives soldiers the opportunity to take a break from regulations and hazing and to be in nature. It opens up the shortest path for senior officers to raise and improve their personal position on the social ladder, provides rest and the opportunity to earn extra money by writing off fuel, weapons, spare parts for cars, and food. He is an organic part of army life.

When assessing field activities and exercises, one must also keep in mind their role in maintaining the tone of the army, discipline and responsibility. From this point of view, the issue of training personnel during exercises turns out to be a secondary issue. The Russian army of the 90s was largely ossified precisely due to the lack of real exercises (but, of course, not only them). The fact is that exercises and field trips make commanders run wild, and commanders at all levels: from sergeants to generals. They are forced to resolve all issues in an emergency manner; in military terms, these are primarily organizational issues of a fateful nature for the exercises. And the fate, promotions, and awards of many commanders depend on the success of the exercises, on which unit and how it performs in them. This moment forces everyone to fuss and run. Almost like in a battle or during its preparation. At the same time, the supply of the army with material resources, its redistribution among the troops (between warehouses of different levels and to the final consumer units), and the coordination of military supplies are being worked out. Although during the exercises, stocks from army warehouses that have already been supplied to the army earlier are used primarily, their internal redistribution occurs.

And we must admit that in terms of maintaining the tone of the army, discipline and responsibility, the role of exercises is enormous, and it is realized by the very fact of conducting the exercises. Issues of theft of material resources in this case, of course, are important, as well as the quality of planning and organization of conditional training operations, but as a consequence and background to the very fact of the exercises, which in itself unites scattered military units into a single structure through the organizational bustle of commanders.

Even during the exercises, the techniques of command, coordination and making team decisions are practiced. Command officers are forced to prepare maps, work out the unit's reaction to a particular command from above, and constantly interact with higher command. Commanders of individual battalions, regiments and divisions attend meetings at any time of the day or night and spend a huge amount of time on them. So, if the lower command level and soldiers learn little during field trips and exercises, then middle and senior command officers receive good training in any case. In special forces and in training units, exercises always mean real preparation and training for everyone.

E.A. Shapoval, lawyer, PhD. n.

We fill out the working time sheet in case of “deviations”

The employer is obliged to keep records of the hours worked by each employee and Art. 91 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A time sheet is used for these purposes. The calculation of the salary of each employee depends on its correct completion.

Commercial organizations can use their own developed timesheet form Letter of Rostrud dated February 14, 2013 No. PG/1487-6-1, which must be approved by the head of the organization and Part 4 Art. 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ. Or they can use the familiar and convenient unified forms No. T-12 or No. T-13. These forms can be supplemented with columns and lines for entering information reflecting the features of working time recording based on the specifics of the organization’s activities. In this case, the form of the report card must also be approved by the head of the company.

It is not always clear which codes should be used in a particular non-standard situation. Let's look at filling out the timesheet for such cases using form No. T-12 as an example.

The employee took time off from work

If an employee worked during the day, for example, 6 hours, and the rest of the time (for example, 2 hours) was released from work for a good reason with the consent of the manager, in the time sheet indicate in the top column the letter code “I” or the numeric “01 ”, and at the bottom - the duration of time worked in hours (in our case “6”). Unworked hours do not need to be reflected or paid for in any way, including salary earners.

An employee fell ill while on vacation

Sick days were reflected in the timesheet as vacation days. You will only find out that an employee is sick after he returns to work. Therefore, you need to correct the time sheet to reflect the days of illness. The basis for correcting the timesheet will be the certificate of incapacity for work submitted by the employee.

Example. Correcting a time sheet if an employee gets sick on vacation

/ condition / N.N. Zaitsev, who was on vacation from 09/07/2015 to 09/20/2015, fell ill. On September 21, 2015, he did not show up for work and did not inform him that he was extending his vacation. Therefore, the report card until he returned to work reflected his absence for unknown reasons using the letter code “NN.” After returning to work on 10/01/2015, he submitted sick leave from 09/09/2015 to 09/18/2015.

/ solution / Let's fill out the timesheet like this.

Corrected in relation to N.N. Zaitsev for the 9th-18th of the month from “OT” to “B”, for the 21st-25th, 28th-30th from “NN” to “OT” and for the 26th and 27th from "In" to "OT" believe

O.I. Ivanova

A.I. Volkova

Changes must be certified by the signatures of those persons who originally signed the report card

Reason: certificate of incapacity for work dated 09.09.2015 No. 003 254 456 675

1. Time tracking

... ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total worked for the second half of the month
4 5 6 7
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
B Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
FROM Cross out the wrong code and enter the correct one next to it
8 8 8 8 32 0

If the timesheet with incorrect entries is not yet closed, then you can simply rewrite it, indicating the correct codes.

Overtime during irregular working hours

Overtime in this mode of work is not paid, but is compensated only by the provision of additional paid leave lasting at least 3 calendar days Articles 101, 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the right to additional leave arises for an employee filling a position included in the list of positions of employees of an organization with irregular working hours, regardless of the duration of work in conditions of irregular working hours Letter of Rostrud dated May 24, 2012 No. PG/3841-6-1. Therefore, you may not reflect the processing time. That is, you can only indicate the time worked within the normal hours per working day.

But if you want to have documentary evidence of overtime during irregular working hours, you can include in your timesheet a self-developed code to account for such overtime (for example, the letter code “NRD”). Then, in the column under this code, reflect the duration of processing.

Maternity leaver goes to work

If an employee is on maternity leave, this does not mean that timesheets need not be kept for her. After all, the labor relationship with her does not end Art. 256 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Each calendar day of such leave is marked in the timesheet with the letter code “OZH” or the numeric “15”. There is no need to fill out the box below the code.

If the employee works on maternity leave on a part-time basis and Art. 256 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then, in addition to vacation, the time worked must be reflected in the timesheet using the letter code “I” or the digital “01” and indicated in the column under the time worked code.

Example. Filling out a timesheet if an employee is working on maternity leave

/ condition / An employee on maternity leave started working part-time on September 1, 2015 (after he was one and a half years old) according to the schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 4 hours a day. The organization operates on a five-day work week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday.

/ solution / Fill out a fragment of the report card in form No. T-12 for the period from September 1 to September 15, 2015 as follows.

... ... Notes on attendance and absence from work by day of the month ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total worked for the first half of the month
2 4 5
Abramova Olga Ivanovna coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant coolant
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28
... ...

In accordance with the report card for the first half of September, the employee must be paid a salary in proportion to the time worked - for 28 hours per Art. 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Since the child is already one and a half years old, she is not paid benefits Art. 14 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ; Part 1 Art. 11.1 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ.

An employee fell ill after working part of the day

If an employee is given sick leave for a day worked in whole or in part, the time sheet must reflect:

  • day worked - with the letter code “I” or the numeric “01”, indicating in the column under the code the duration of time worked;
  • day on sick leave - letter code “B” or digital “19”. Do not fill out the box below the code.

It is impossible to pay wages for part of the day, but benefits for part of the day. After all, payment of benefits for part of the day is not provided for by law. Therefore, for a day worked that coincides with the start date of sick leave, an employee can receive:

  • <или>salary in proportion to the time worked that day. The salary worker is entitled to a part of the salary in proportion to the hours worked that day, and the piece worker is entitled to payment for the amount of products produced that day (the volume of work performed);
  • <или>temporary disability benefit.

Of course, if the salary for the time worked is greater than the daily allowance, it makes sense for the employee to choose the salary.

Therefore, ask the employee to write a statement indicating what payment should be accrued to him for such a day.

The employee's decision will not affect the completion of the timesheet in any way.

Do not forget that if an employee chooses a salary for the day worked, then the period paid at the expense of the employer (3 calendar days) also shifts. That is, the employer must pay sick leave for the second, third and fourth days of absence from work. clause 1 part 2 art. 3 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ.

Overtime work with summarized recording of working hours

The number of hours worked overtime during the cumulative recording of working time is determined based on the results of the accounting period (from a month to a year) established by your organization Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If within an accounting period lasting more than a month in one of the months the number of hours worked according to the schedule exceeds the standard working hours according to the production calendar, then the excess does not need to be reflected as overtime work. After all, with cumulative accounting, such processing is compensated by shortfalls in another month. If the accounting period is a month, then overtime in one week is compensated by underwork in another so that at the end of the month we reach the standard working hours according to the production calendar. Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If, based on the results of work during the accounting period, it turns out that the employee worked more than the norm according to the production calendar (for example, if the employee was brought to work due to the absence of a replacement employee), then such overtime must be recognized as overtime work by order of the manager. There is no need to make changes to the timesheet. After all, at the time the employee performed the work, it was still unclear whether he would have overtime at the end of the accounting period or not.

The working day while on duty is two days

If duty begins on one day (for example, at 20.00), and ends on another day (for example, at 6.00), then the timesheet must reflect the number of hours worked for each day, using the letter code “I” or the numeric “01 " And the time worked from 22.00 to 6.00 must additionally be reflected in the letter code “H” or digital “02” indicating the number of hours of work at night Art. 96 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the same way, the timesheet can be filled out when the working day is divided into parts, when working on a “every three days” schedule.

Example. Filling out a timesheet when working according to a schedule, if the duty falls on two days

/ condition / The employee works on a “every day in three” schedule from 20.00 to 20.00 without a lunch break.

In the period from 01.11.2015 to 07.11.2015, according to the schedule, the working day falls on November 4 - a non-working holiday.

/ solution / A fragment of the report card in form No. T-12 for the period from 11/01/2015 to 11/07/2015 looks like this.

... Personnel Number Notes on attendance and absence from work by day of the month ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4
4 20
2 6

In accordance with the timesheet, 4 hours of work on November 4 must be paid at least twice the hourly tariff rate or the hourly portion of the salary, since the working day coincided with a non-working holiday. If, instead of double pay, an employee takes time off for work on a holiday, then pay for the work at a single rate. Art. 153 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For 6 hours of work on the night of November 4-5, you must pay an additional payment of at least 20% of the hourly tariff rate or the hourly portion of the salary for each hour of work. Art. 154 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Government Decree No. 554 dated July 22, 2008.

Please note that if an employee is hired to work only at night and his entire work shift occurs only at night (for example, the shift lasts 8 hours from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), then the time he worked is reflected only by the letter code “N” or the digital code “02.” "Indicating in the line below the code the duration of time worked.

Work on weekends and holidays as scheduled

If employees are given days off on a staggered schedule, and not on Saturday and Sunday, then scheduled working days that fall on Saturday and Sunday are reflected in the timesheet as regular working days with the letter code “I” or the numeric “01”, and not as work on a weekend using the letter code “РВ” or the digital code “03”. In the column below the code, indicate the number of hours worked.

If the working day of such an employee falls on a non-working holiday Art. 112 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then in the timesheet it is reflected as work on a non-working holiday with the code “РВ” or the digital “03”, indicating in the column under the code the duration of time worked on such a day.

Internal part-time job

In case of internal part-time work, the employee must be assigned two personnel numbers and enter him into the time sheet twice - as the main employee and as a part-time employee.

... Last name, initials, position (specialty, profession) Personnel Number Notes on attendance and absence from work by day of the month ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 Alekseev Ivan Nikolaevich 01 I I I I IN IN I 8 8 8 8 8 Alekseev Ivan Nikolaevich 22 I I I I IN IN I 4 4 4 4 4 ...

Unworked holidays for piece workers

Piece workers for unworked non-working holidays must be paid compensation in the amount established by the employer Art. 112 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There are no special codes for reflecting such days in the time sheet for this category of workers. As a rule, they are reflected by the letter code “B” or the number “26”. The column under the code is not filled in. But so that the accountant can see for how many non-working holidays it is necessary to pay compensation to piece workers, you can enter an additional designation, for example, the letter code “VK”. In addition, you can add the number of such days to the final table by adding a special column to it.

One-day business trip with going to work

If on the day of being on a one-day business trip the employee also managed to work at his place of permanent work, then such a day must be reflected not only as a business trip day using the letter code “K” and the digital “06” without filling out the column under the code (since overtime on a business trip is still not paid), but also as a regular day worked using the letter code “I” or the digital “01” indicating in the column under the code the number of hours worked. For the hours worked on such a day, the employee (including the salary worker) must be paid a salary, as well as the average earnings for the day of business trip and Articles 129, 167 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Flights and inter-trip rest for drivers in international transportation

The time spent by such a driver driving a vehicle is reflected in the report card using the letter code “I” or the numeric “01”, indicating in the column under the code the duration of this time based on the registration sheet data recorded by the tachograph Art. 8 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 127-FZ. Weekly and inter-trip rest days are reflected by the letter code “B” or the number “26”. The column under the code is not filled in.

The employee quit before the end of the month

If an employee is dismissed before the end of the month, the columns for the days after dismissal can simply be left blank. But if you are afraid of accidentally filling them out, you can write “FIRED” in these columns.

Correctly filling out the timesheet will help you confirm compliance with labor law requirements for working hours, as well as calculate wages. Failure to record working hours is a violation of labor legislation, for which the labor inspectorate may issue a warning or fine during an inspection. Part 1 Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; Decision of the Moscow City Court dated November 14, 2014 No. 7-4900:

  • organization - in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • the head of an organization and an entrepreneur - in the amount of 1000 to 5000 rubles.