Five ways to increase your car service profit. How to promote a car service quickly and attract customers - with minimal investment How to promote a car service from scratch

In this article I will talk about my experience in promoting automotive websites and, in particular, car service centers. The recommendations from the article will help you quickly promote a car service and avoid many mistakes. I started promoting my first automotive website in 2007. Since then, dozens of different sites have passed through my hands, and our agency has made many auto projects leaders in their niches.

Mistake 1: Queries are too general

As a rule, car service owners strive to bring their website to the TOP for the most common queries. For example, “service” or “car service,” but these requests do not bring the most profitable customers to the site. For example, your service specializes in Japanese brands, and with the request “car service”, owners of domestic cars, German foreign cars, etc. can search for services. You will pay for all visitors.

The most profitable clients come with specialized requests that take into account your range of services. For example, “automatic transmission repair”, “BMW suspension repair”. The more specifically the client’s need is expressed in the request, the higher the chance of receiving an order.

Mistake 2: superficial processing of queries

Not everyone knows about cars. Not everyone understands that potential clients can use dozens of different words and their combinations to search for the same service. “Chassis repair”, “chassis repair”, “knocking in the suspension” - customers can ask very different requests in search of a solution to their problems (find a service to repair a car), and these requests are not always on the surface. The more suitable queries are collected, the more search visitors your site will receive. To collect all the relevant queries, you need not only to understand SEO, but also have knowledge in the field of auto repair.

Mistake 3: Semantics does not take into account the location of the service

This problem concerns car service owners in large cities. Many customers prefer to find a car service closer to home. Therefore, for example, in Moscow, potential clients often formulate requests indicating the area or even the street where they want to find a service.

If you have one car service in Moscow, process requests indicating the area and street where your company is located. If you have a network, process such requests for each point.

Error 4: Missing directory

Many car repair shops do not strive to develop websites, not considering the Internet as a serious sales channel. For example, information about all services is added to one page, but separate pages for each service are not created. Result: low positions in Yandex and Google and low site traffic. We recommend writing a separate text for each service and including links to related services (this will increase the average bill).

Mistake 5: sites with little information content

A car is quite an expensive thing, and it is difficult for people to trust a car to an unfamiliar company. Your website should instill confidence in the car owner. This can be done through competent design, high-quality texts that show professionalism, photos and video materials. It is important to post “live”, but professionally taken photographs on the site. If you do body repair, photos “before” and “after” the repair will help attract customers. It is important to protect photos with watermarks, since automotive-themed photos are often borrowed by competitors.

A high-quality, well-designed, developing website can bring a car service many customers. However, to get such a sales channel, you need to take into account the typical mistakes listed above and avoid them in your project. With the right approach, even in the region, a car service website can receive hundreds of visitors a day and dozens of calls and orders, not to mention Moscow.

After opening a car service center, the question arises of its promotion in order to attract the maximum number of customers in the shortest possible time. Ignoring simple things and not understanding the importance of the goal leads to months of unprofitable operation of the car service center. Today, a huge number of car repair shops are up for sale, but they failed to reach the planned level of profitability due to low traffic. If you don’t want to be in the shoes of your former colleagues, then you should carefully study the recommendations of experienced marketers and start putting them into practice.

When starting any business, an entrepreneur encounters many difficulties. Sometimes he doesn’t have the time or energy to think about promoting a car service. However, an effective marketing strategy will help you pay for yourself quickly. It is important to understand that you should attract customers to any commercial establishment. In any case, a clear action plan will not be superfluous. If you do not have experience in such planning, then you should contact specialists.

Before promoting a car service, you need to consider issues related to preliminary preparation. The funds invested in advertising should not only be fully recouped, but also bring indirect profit. The focus should be on the target audience; attractiveness and beauty play a secondary role in this matter. Good advertising will open up new channels that will help in further promotion.

Many people consider marketing a creative activity. In reality, everything is much more serious. It is an applied task with a lot of calculations and diagramming.

How to advertise

  • external;
  • on social networks;
  • network marketing;
  • press;
  • contextual advertising;
  • promotion on TV and radio;
  • for business partners.

Before choosing any method, you need to understand that promoting a car service must be comprehensive and require certain efforts. It is important to analyze exactly the supply and demand for each type of service. It is better to do this at the planning stage.

To promote your car service at minimal cost, you need to become familiar with marketing strategies. The main goal of advertising is to force every person who sees the advertisement to perform certain actions. For example, he must call the specified number or visit a car service center. It is necessary to understand exactly what is required from the client. How to convince a person that he needs the advertised product?

First of all, take into account:

  • The customer must be willing to repair or upgrade the vehicle.
  • There must be a focus on a target audience that has the financial means to pay for car service services.
  • The desire to call or travel should appear while watching an advertisement.

Answering the question posed above is problematic. If a car owner has no problems with his car, then he is not interested in advertising for vehicle repairs. A person views offers only after a breakdown occurs. He is interested in content with information on the repair of certain components - tires, engines, glass, etc. Thus, the advertising offer must contain a detailed description of the services performed.

If there is no need for repairs, the proposal is not paid attention to. Accordingly, it is important to use the urgency factor as a guide.

Advertising tricks

Consider an example in which a potential customer had an oil change 6 months ago. It's time for another replacement. However, many prefer to postpone everything until a better time. Understanding this psychological characteristic of a person will help promote business. To encourage the client to change the oil in a timely manner, it is necessary to explain the reasons for this and the negative consequences of ignoring the rules of car care. A number of marketers describe in advertising what the client refuses if the offer is ignored.

To increase your benefits, you can use the deadline for the promotion - oil change. It is necessary to inform drivers that the operation is carried out by an experienced specialist in the shortest possible time.

It is more difficult to gain customer acceptance if the business is newly launched or has any restrictions. For example, clients are received in a garage. Man has always strived for comfort and the most profitable resources. If it is not possible to provide comfort, then you need to rely on affordability - changing the oil is 50 rubles cheaper than competitors. By adding urgency, the effectiveness of the proposal will be high.

Expanding the target audience

After the first positive results of the marketing strategy, expansion of the offer can be considered. For example, car body washing is in demand today. This is due to the fact that every owner has to wash the car. The technical condition is not important.

Clients will always be lured by a “bribe.” They must feel that cooperation with a car service will be profitable. It is easy to work according to this principle. First of all, the size of the “bribe” is determined. It should be based on the amount you are willing to pay for a new client. Size can sometimes be irrational. Some agree to give 100 USD, while others agree to give 1000 USD. The contribution must be comparable to the size of the possible profit. If advertising can provide a sufficient influx of customers, then you can allocate a significant amount for it. The situation is similar with affiliate programs and discount offers. In the future, advertising costs will no longer be a significant expense item, since another factor begins to play - the car service will already be known.

After calculating acceptable advertising costs, you can move on to the Internet. Today, this method of promotion shows good results if professionals work. If the maximum cost of attracting each client is 100 rubles, it is advisable to offer services of a similar cost. For example, you can pay a washer 50 rubles for free cleaning of a client’s windows. If it does not bring the desired income, it will remain a bonus. When replacing auto parts, it is advisable to offer a T-shirt or related service as an additional service.

Secrets of saving on advertising

To avoid repeated investments in advertising, you must adhere to certain rules. First of all, you should take into account down to the penny the size of the potential profit from the advertising offer. If at the planning stage doubts arise about the rationality of investing, then it is better to refrain from it. The effectiveness of the advertising offer should be monitored from the first days of the project launch.

If you determine the effectiveness and profitability of advertising, then you should not use it. Rather, there will be losses that cannot be determined at first glance. However, there will be additional costs in the future.

Determining the effectiveness of a marketing strategy means that employees will regularly ask how the customer found out about the car service. This will allow you to find out the level of justification for the investment. Additionally, you should analyze site traffic, if available. You should not rely entirely on customer reviews, as they may contain misinformation - people often answer uninteresting questions without thinking.

Working with advertising channels

If you need to determine the effectiveness of an advertising channel, then it is better to supplement offers with contacts. This will help you find out the effectiveness of the actions performed. For example, in print advertising it is recommended to use numbers, and on the Internet - special utilities that allow you to determine traffic.

Efficiency control methods:

  • use of code phrases;
  • separate resources;
  • adding contacts;
  • use of cut-off coupons;
  • use of colored marks.

The main task will be to find out the number of customers who came from this advertising channel. If this is an ad in a newspaper, then a certain response will be triggered. Such measures allow you to determine the return on advertising investment.

Internet advertising

Previously, the Internet was rarely used to advertise car services. Today everything has changed radically. The Internet has proven to be a popular advertising medium and attracts many entrepreneurs. If you want to promote your business and increase profitability, then you need to use the services of professionals.

Promotion should begin with optimization. The existing website should be adapted to the most popular queries. This will allow you to appear in the TOP 10 search engines. Only a specialist will find and correct internal errors, optimize content and place external links. It is mandatory to register the site in certain directories. If the site is “young”, then optimization will take more than six months. In the future, it will be important to maintain this position in order to withstand the competition.

To increase the flow of customers in the long term, it is necessary to invest certain funds. You should not expect immediate results, as much depends on individual characteristics:

  • Territorial sign. The most significant sign by which a car service is searched. There is no point in driving your car hundreds of kilometers to change the oil. Geographic location will be a determining factor.
  • Price policy. If there is no desire to work in the low price range, then there is no point in working on the “inexpensive” request. When clicking on such requests, the user first examines the cost of services.

Working with the press

Advertising in the press- a classic marketing method of attracting customers. As a rule, small advertisements with an emphasis on the name of the car service. Be sure to include contact information. In this area, the main thing is an attractive name. The effectiveness of advertising depends on the circulation, brand and location of distribution of the printed publication. The main disadvantage is the high cost of advertising. Popular publications highly value their services, which is not always available on a limited budget.

Printable advertisement

Many small car services resort to printed advertising: brochures, catalogues, leaflets, booklets. This is the most common method. Its advantages:

  • information is easily perceived;
  • quickly manufactured;
  • reasonable cost;
  • good result.

External advertising

In difficult times, outdoor advertising helps car services. It has been working for quite a long time, but has undergone some changes.

  • advertising posters;
  • light boxes;
  • billboards;
  • signs;
  • wall panels.

For a car service, a billboard near a busy highway is better suited. As mentioned earlier, it should be close to the car service center. You should not spare money on the services of a marketing agency. Outdoor advertising should be informative and attract the attention of drivers. The lower the speed limit on the site, the better the result.

Non-standard methods

Before you start promoting, you should consider the important features of a car service. It is necessary to strive to provide visitors with maximum comfort and coziness. You can open a small cafe on its territory where you can drink tea or have a sandwich.

Another advantage may be fast service and affordable cost, and the possibility of “on-site repairs.” This will be additional advertising of the main activity. Various promotions and bonuses will increase customer loyalty. For example, you can organize “free diagnostic days”.

Particular attention can be paid to the image company:

  • sponsorship;
  • specialized exhibitions;
  • souvenir products.

Any non-standard methods will increase recognition and profitability. You can place advertisements on cars. These can be personal cars of employees or a fleet of other cars. The information is applied to a special film that is used to cover cars or motorcycles.

Customer Retention

Fast service and high-quality service will be important factors for the correct operation of word of mouth. This is important for small settlements. If the visitor is dissatisfied, then it is worth eliminating the mistake.

The following will help increase loyalty:

  • discounts;
  • free provision of a number of services;
  • understand the situation and fix the problem.

It is necessary to provide discounts for regular customers. It is constantly necessary to monitor the politeness of staff. It is necessary to organize the team well. You can periodically notify clients about various promotions, reminding yourself.

It is better to introduce discount cards in the first days of work. It can be cumulative or have a fixed discount percentage.

Trying to quickly promote a car service center by attracting a large flow of customers, many entrepreneurs make serious mistakes when targeting new consumers. It is important not only to expand the base, but also to work on the terms of cooperation with existing ones.

What are the main values ​​of any business specializing in providing services to the public? Of course, clients and their trust. However, attracting the former is sometimes difficult, and winning the latter is even more difficult. After all, in order for a random person to want to look into this particular car service, and then also become its regular visitor, you need to try very hard. The success of measures to lure and retain vehicle owners depends on many factors. Let's look at them in more detail and give a detailed answer to the question of how to attract customers to a car service center.


Let's start, perhaps, with external means of attracting new customers. We are talking about bright signs and indicators, especially useful for motorists looking for service “from the street”. Information media must contain information about the services provided and the location of the service station. One of the signs with an arrow should be placed along the road, the second - a little closer to the destination. When the visitor practically approaches the service, his attention should be attracted by a catchy sign with the name of the enterprise. Outdoor advertising in this case is more of a necessity than a marketing tool. It is used to indicate the location of the service for new visitors.

As for print media, the question of their usefulness in terms of attracting customers is constantly subject to debate. Can a car repair shop benefit from placing advertisements in newspapers and magazines? The answer will be definitely positive. You just need to choose the right print media. It is quite obvious that information about a car service that flashes on the pages of glossy magazines is unlikely to attract anyone’s attention. The same can be said about newspapers with private advertisements for the sale or purchase of cars. It is much better to rely on inexpensive or free specialized magazines with articles on automotive topics. However, before deciding to publish an advertisement, you need to know the circulation and methods of distribution of the publication. As practice shows, the greatest return is on free magazines offered to customers at gas stations.

In continuation of the answer to the question of how to quickly promote a car service and attract customers, it is worth mentioning Internet sources. Today, your own website is an essential part of creating the image of any company. To make a resource more in demand, you will have to show a little ingenuity. For example, you can offer site visitors to create a personal online account with a personal maintenance calendar. Having an electronic appointment to visit a specific master will be an additional advantage. You should also remember that a web user reaches a particular page either through search queries or through online advertising and external links. Therefore, if your site ranks too low, you need to help potential customers discover it. Email newsletters also produce good results. However, it will only be effective if there is an up-to-date database of the intended target audience.

We cannot ignore such advertising means as radio and television. However, in the case of a car service, they are ineffective due to the specific focus of the business. In addition, these channels for promoting services require a lot of costs, which are often simply not justified. It is much more appropriate to focus on good old word of mouth, which works almost uninterruptedly. After all, before contacting one or another car service center, we first passionately “interrogate” all our acquaintances, after which we decide on a choice. Thus, a satisfied client brings with him several more new visitors interested in quality service. The main tools of word of mouth are reflected in the video material:

Niching and specialization

Despite an active advertising policy, the main source of customers for most services remains the nearest highway. Moreover, it is absolutely unimportant for the owner of the enterprise who drops in for a peek, because the craftsmen are ready to take on any job. That is why underground garage repair points pose serious competition to service stations. Both perform the same function, but in the second case you can significantly save on services. After all, the owner of the “garage” works unofficially and exclusively for himself, which cannot be said about registered enterprises. When all the efforts of the service owner are aimed at solving technical and organizational problems, he simply does not have time to “select” clients. The lion's share of service station owners operate on the principle of “we'll fix what comes.” This is where their main mistake lies.

To be like everyone else means to be content with little. It is worth trying to rise above business in order to realize all the prospects of such a step. Thus, niching for a certain brand of car gives car service owners many tangible advantages. Among them:

Automatic separation from competitors

By focusing on a specific brand, an enterprise not only distinguishes itself from similar brands, but also receives much more trust from potential customers. After all, the car owner reasonably believes that a specialized service will take care of his car much better than a universal one. And trust, as you know, is the most important factor in attracting customers.

Possibility of price increases

Narrow specialists, compared to broad specialists, are always worth their weight in gold. And finding a professional in a certain niche is much more difficult than a “jack of all trades.” Therefore, the client is willing to pay a higher price to have his car repaired by a specialized service center.

Ease of attracting new visitors

A correct advertising policy targeting a specific client will certainly bear fruit. Seeing the call “Attention Nissan car owners!” in the newspaper, a person will perk up and think: “This is for me.” The more accurately the advertising message is formulated, the more targets it will hit.

No problems with auto parts

Specializing in a specific brand of machine simplifies the process of finding a reliable supplier of parts. And if you have your own warehouse, the number of necessary components will be significantly reduced.

Improving the quality of service

If a technician concentrates on a specific brand of car, he will need much less time studying technical manuals for that brand. He quickly becomes an ace in his field, able to determine the cause of a malfunction at first glance and just as quickly eliminate it. Accordingly, the quality and speed of work increase significantly, and the demand for services grows.

No staff turnover

It's no secret that multidisciplinary businesses usually require "jacks of all trades" who can fix any car. Whereas in narrowly focused services the requirements are much lower, which means finding a suitable employee is not a big problem. Without any particular fears, you can employ a graduate of an automotive technical school and, in the shortest possible time, teach him all the intricacies associated with servicing a specific brand of car.

Speaking about the disadvantages of specialization, it is worth highlighting the impossibility of attracting clients “from the street”. After all, the likelihood that a car of the right brand will drive by and its owner will decide to look into this particular service is not very high. Thus, there is a need for a competent advertising policy, which requires certain investments.

Secondly, the concept of niching by brand is not suitable for small cities, where the percentage of cars of a particular type can hardly be called high. In this case, it is worth trying to choose a different area of ​​specialization. This could be the repair of diesel engines or Japanese car brands. Some services focus on various parts of cars, be it automatic transmission or suspension, others are engaged in servicing trailers, others prepare vehicles for hunting, and others position themselves as service stations exclusively for women. The choice of niches is very large, and regardless of the size of the city, choosing the right option will not be difficult. By the way, it is often the introduction of specialization that helps attract corporate clients to a car service center.

Offering additional goods and services

It is quite obvious that a successful service must be multifunctional. That is, capable of satisfying the maximum number of client needs, thus saving his time and money. However, expanding the list of services implies purchasing additional equipment, training staff to work with it, increasing the staff of craftsmen, etc. All this requires serious expenses from the owner of a service station, which not everyone is ready to undertake. The purchase of equipment is often viewed not as a profitable investment, but as an out-of-pocket expense. The reason for this is the uncertainty of a quick return on investment.

When introducing a new service, the owner of a car service must clearly understand how, to whom and in what quantities to sell it. It is not enough to simply add a new item to the company’s price list; it is necessary to colorfully demonstrate to the client the benefits of acquiring know-how. Let's give a simple example. Every motorist is familiar with the tire replacement service firsthand. Many people today also know about seasonal wheel storage. However, most people prefer to store tires on the balcony, garage or country shed. If you convincingly tell customers about the consequences of such a rash step and offer them a more tempting alternative, some of them will be willing to give their wheels to a service station for storage. Thus, in order to successfully make money on additional services, it is necessary to convey their essence to customers and clearly demonstrate the benefits of the purchase.

In addition, a wide range of different offers is important not only from the standpoint of increasing profits, it also acts as a serious competitive advantage for the enterprise. After all, as practice shows, new clients suddenly appear at a car service center. And the more extensive the list of services provided, the higher the likelihood that the visitor’s problem will be within the competence of the enterprise. Obviously, the choice of additional options must be made based on their demand, the amount of investment in equipment and the amount of expected profit. From this we can draw a conclusion about the payback period. The list of additional services useful for clients includes:

  • airbrushing;
  • heated seats;
  • inflating tires with nitrogen;
  • installation of monitors in the salon;
  • glass works;
  • air conditioning maintenance;
  • sound insulation;
  • reservation of headlights, etc.

It would also be useful to develop several package offers at an attractive price. This can be preparing the car for winter, including operations such as changing oil, spark plugs, coolant and brake fluids, diagnosing the suspension and battery, adjusting headlights, cleaning the ignition coil, etc. The client’s benefit is that when purchasing package of services, he pays less than when purchasing them separately. So, for example, preparing a car for sale, a long trip or the summer heat, as well as “re-preserving” a car after winter involves a number of different works. They can also be bundled and sold as a set. Such offers will certainly arouse interest among car enthusiasts.

Promoting a car service on the Internet is not a tribute to fashion: on the Internet it is easier for its owners to reach their target audience. This is the reality of most thematic sites, according to Demis Group experts.

Moreover, automobile resources, in theory, can receive an audience on the Internet that is almost larger than other topics: according to Autostat, per 1,000 Russians today there are 340 vehicles, of which 284 are passenger cars, and about 50% of Russian families own would be one car.

The main audience of car services is men and women from 18 to 55 years old, who actively use the Internet and have an average income (or above average). Among other things, they constitute the target audience of auto-related websites, ranging from giants like to the pages of the nearest service stations.

Why does a car service need a website?

It is a common belief that a website is a very expensive investment for a local business. Necessary, but not a priority: the website indicates information about services, opening hours, contacts, but in order for potential clients to find them, you need to invest a lot of time and money for advertising and promotion. However, with reasonable planning of marketing policy, profits will quickly exceed investments.

According to Google, already in 2014, up to 85% of mobile Internet users regularly turned to search engines with queries about local business, that is, they were interested in data about companies located nearby. Based on the results of such a search, up to 81% of users made a decision to purchase or order services: 46% called the numbers found, and 35% went to the selected company if opening hours were indicated. And finally, some more statistics from the automotive industry: about 85% of consumers of auto repair center services start searching for spare parts and car service on the Internet, even if they are looking for them near home or work (according to

So, the site is an advertising and information platform, available around the clock. You can post almost any information on the site: not just a dry list of services and contacts, but also videos, photographs, illustrations and feature articles demonstrating the professionalism of employees. It can also be other materials: all kinds of service calculators, technical inspection calendars and much more that can be useful to clients and will make the resource stand out from others.

Car services that do not have a website use thematic forums, review services, geolocation services such as 2GIS, Yandex.Maps, Google Maps and specialized groups on social networks, attracting customers from the Internet. However, the flow of their clients is a drop in the bucket compared to the opportunities that open up for a business if it has a website with proper promotion and advertising on the Internet.

Promoting a car service on the Internet

So, the car service has its own website, and it was decided to promote it. Where to begin? The best option is to fit the promotion of the project into the overall marketing plan of the business, based on data about the clientele, potential clients and target audience. Having data about the audience, it is easier for specialists to position the campaign, that is, to wisely choose the direction of work.

The main directions in the promotion of auto repair services:

  1. Promotion in search engines (SEO).
  2. Advertising (primarily contextual, but banner advertising should not be neglected).
  3. Promotion in social networks (SMM) - maintaining thematic groups, participation in large communities, teaser advertising in social media.
  4. Registration in geolocation services (2GIS, Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, etc.).
  5. Participation in discussions on thematic forums, review services, registration in thematic catalogs and directories (PR on the Internet).

Promotion of a car service using search engine optimization of the site

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most common method of promotion, aimed at achieving leading positions for the site in search engine results for thematic queries. The key to success is the competent selection of the semantic core, that is, those queries for which real customers will search for a car service and its services.

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. It would be a waste of time and money to promote using expensive keywords (for example, “car service”, “auto repair center”, “service”, “car repair”, etc.). Knowing your audience, you can easily select targeted thematic queries:

  • by car brand (“Lada auto repair service”, “Ford auto repair service”, etc.);
  • taking into account the car model range (“spare parts for VAZ 2112”, “Hyundai solaris car service”, etc.);
  • with geo-dependence (“car service Lyubertsy”, etc.);
  • with mention of specific services (“oil change”, “tire service”, etc.);
  • by the name of spare parts, the installation or replacement of which is the business card of the organization (“VAZ injectors”, “Toyota injectors”, etc.);
  • taking into account the salon’s pricing policy (do not write “cheap” if in reality it is not so, and vice versa).

Thus, to successfully promote a car service website, focus on mid- and low-frequency queries. When searching for a car dealership, the user will probably specify the request in order to receive offers that are suitable both in terms of geography and service. Additional bonuses: the cost of promotion for specific requests is lower, and the ratio of orders to views is higher.

And one more thing: since the attention in website promotion today is focused on quality content, do not skimp on the description of all the services offered. This is not only good for search engines: it will also make the site a good source of information for customers. For example, now a visitor does not need an engine overhaul, but he will be interested in washing and polishing services. But, having become a regular customer, on occasion he can turn to you for a specialized service or recommend you to friends. Describe the services in detail, illustrate them with photographs and useful tips for car enthusiasts - the fact that the auto repair shop employs specialists who know all the intricacies and know how to talk about them will add confidence to the potential client.

We know how to increase the number of car service customers! Cases, experience, own methods and know-how

Contextual advertising for promoting a car service

  • For contextual advertising, georeferencing is important: not only mentioning places in the text, but also setting up ad impressions to the necessary addresses, cutting off unnecessary ones;
  • You should configure the display of ads only to the target audience, and prohibit everything unnecessary in the settings (include it in the list of negative keywords), since unnecessary impressions reduce the click-through rate of advertising (CTR) and increase the cost of a click;
  • announcements must be extremely specific so as not to waste budget on unproductive calls.

The fact is that contextual advertising is shown above and below the main search engine results to users who have asked the query you need. That is, ads are shown to already interested users, which reduces the cost of attracting customers to a car service center. In addition, contextual advertising is suitable for special promotions, since its preparation and launch takes several hours, and payment is made for each click to the site.

Car service promotion on social networks (SMM)

Social networks are effective as a channel for introducing the target audience to a car service center. Here, interaction with the user is built not at the moment the need arises (when he goes to the search engine and looks for the nearest car service center), but before that.

At the same time, even more targeted impact settings are available on social networks than in all other sources. At your service is information about gender, age, place of residence and work (down to the exact address), make of car, main routes - a lot of data can be obtained about the user simply based on his activity on social networks. You can use not only thematic communities of car enthusiasts, but also create your own group, of course, if you feel the strength to regularly pay attention to it: publish posts that are interesting and useful to users, respond to questions, reviews, etc.

There is another way to influence the audience of social networks - targeted advertising. You can set it to display both to all users of a particular area and, for example, to users of competing car services.

How does Internet PR help promote a car service?

In this case, we will understand by Internet PR the active participation in the online activity of the target audience around the topic of car services. In other words, this is presence on thematic forums, in discussions in review services, registration in specialized catalogs and directories. The essence of the method is to communicate with potential clients under the guise of a competent specialist who can advise the services of your service, answer questions and even smooth out possible negative reviews. Essentially, this is the launch and maintenance of the desired interest - an analogue of offline word of mouth.

Also, do not forget about advertising a car service using banners (graphic advertising) placed on thematic websites and forums. Such advertising has more of an image effect rather than attracting customers. That’s why this method should be considered as an additional one when working on business promotion. Payment in this case is charged for a certain number of banner impressions.

Promoting a car service using geolocation services

In fact, this point is taken into account in all other cases - registration in the same Yandex.Maps with the placement of their widget on the site has a beneficial effect on the process of its promotion. At the same time, geolocation services, especially those not related to search engines (for example, 2GIS), can bring additional visitors. We are talking about those who simply did not look for a website or advertisement for a service and turned to maps to find the nearest service point for their car. This will allow a potential client to immediately see the car services closest to their location with the exact address, opening hours, telephone numbers, and only then the website and other contacts.

Promotion of a car service in the Demis Group company

It’s tempting to consider it a savings that the owner of a car service or his managers, in their free time from their main work, deal with the website, promotion, advertising and other issues. Another thing is that the result in this case may be far from expected: a lack of experience, time, and necessary developments slows down the work and can radically affect the quality of business promotion. The Demis Group company is professionally engaged in website promotion. That is why there are so many automotive and other thematic sites in our portfolio: we are professionally engaged in ensuring that professionals have enough basic work!

Over 12 years of activity, we have created a name for ourselves, recognized by many leading SEO ratings on the Runet, awarded several awards, and also developed an impressive portfolio and portfolio of reviews. You can clarify the details of cooperation when ordering online or by contacting us in any other convenient way!