Game team on the anniversary. Entertainment program of the birthday (anniversary) "Holiday Handbook". I will not throw out words from the song

If a woman decided to celebrate a round date in a family circle, without resorting to the services of festive agencies, consider: the celebration of the anniversary at home is the task of troublesome and responsible, requiring considerable financial investments, organizational skills and creative veins.

Not easy it is: Beautifully arrange a table, come up with an original scenario with heart wishes, riddles and fun contests at home, especially if the jubilee is a woman.

So I want the evening to become a boring banal event, but a bright joyful event in the family chronicle. And for the conviction of the celebration, let the embodiment, let the short, but the magical fairy tale with the exercise of her cherished desires.

What underwater reefs are waiting for the organizers of the anniversary when preparing for such a significant day?

The organization of the feast at home is easily feasible for each hospitable family, and in this case it is possible to fully rely on the help of the younger female personnel. The daughters and granddaughters of the Justice willingly take on the familiar care of homemade owners - will find something to surprise guest guests, how to decorate the house of the birthday girl.

But as for the scenario with pleasant surprises and contests for the anniversary, the choice of a sparkling cheerful leader - they will have to break the head not one day. It is desirable that a familiar man has become a homemade tamada "Perhaps the owner of the house, talkative, confident, humorist without complexes and a little loving."

We offer to choose options for game contests of various directions that will help leave the most pleasant memories about this day:

Competitions on the anniversary woman at home: intelligent

  • Competition for the development of deductive abilities

It is suitable for any family party. Participants are divided into two teams, for example, female and male. Lead, or one of the players makes a concrete subject and describes some of its features and properties. The team, paying attention to the teller's leading tips should guess what we are talking about.

Female examples:

1. - Having found her on a man's shirt, any woman will be upset;

- Every woman has her own;

- Men have to try her taste.

Answer: Lipstick

2. - No woman can do without it;

- It can be any shape and size, and breaking it not to good;

Answer: Mirror

Men's examples:

1. - every man dreams of having her;

- He is ready to wash her, cherish, care for her with trepidation and even without reminder;

"No means regrets it, and it is ready to fit on credit, paying it to him, just to own it fully.

Answer: Machine

2. - Before this weapon, any man is powerless;

- It tastes salty.

Answer: Women's tears

The winner becomes a team that answered correctly to the maximum number of questions.

  • Competition for better awareness of the life of the jubilee

You can joke him "Yellow press". We must put in advance from the jubilee not all of the well-known events from the biography. And rewrite them on a leaf, at the same time entering the fictional false facts about the birthday life.

At the festival, master reads a list of false and truthful stories. And if the player thinks what happened, it raises the sign yes, otherwise there is no sign. Those who were mistaken two or three times drop out of the game. This should continue until someone else remains, which becomes the winner.

Contests for the anniversary of a woman at home: Creative

  • Poetic contest "For the Best Axity"

Competition participants can show their talents, invented funny quatrains in which the initial words at the head of each litch constitute the name or word of the previous player. For example, the name Galya:

Glamor and beautiful

And sometimes dangerous

Easy with her and nice

I am happy many times

This competition may have several winners.

  • Competition "Draw a portrait of a jubilee with closed eyes"

A very funny competition for the anniversary of a woman at home, the essence of which is to try to portray a conceived subject - that is, the birthday man, told the artist. It will take several players who want to demonstrate their creative abilities and serve them with each other.

Each participant of the game tie his eyes, give handle or pencil, leaf, and they simultaneously embark on writing a portrait. You can enable music and at the end of the melody to complete the competition. What will happen in the end - let all.

  • Competition for the best compliment for the jubiolesh

Players in turns sow the diffilaments to the birthday girl. Evaluate the results and choose the winner will be the owner of the banquet.

  • Competition for the funny photo "Parapazzi"

At the very beginning of the evening, several players choose to participate and give them a secret task: to remove the most funny and interesting moments during the anniversary evening on the phone. Under the end of the program, all photos, if there is such an opportunity, it is advisable to display on a wide screen. The competition can be a surprise moment of the anniversary and cause an unpredictable reaction, so the photographers need to be extremely careful by removing the participants. However, this is the most interesting competition at home - guests with excellent pleasure will greedily consider photos, giggling over themselves, and each other.

Competitions on the anniversary woman at home: movable

  • Competition "Cavalers and Ladies"

Game Rules: Team of Cavaliers - male representatives, enough to choose several people. Each cavalier must give his lady a flower, which is located at a distance of 10 meters.

Playing Cavalers are built up at the starting line. The task of players is to drive a given distance on a three-wheeled bike as quickly as possible and the first to get to the flower, and then deliver it to the destination. Who's first presented the flower - the winner.

  • Competition "Battle Balls"

A balloon is tied to each participant to the right leg. After the signal of the lead, players are trying to push the balls of competitors, while protecting their own ball. Those who had a ball burst - drop out of the game. The last player, who managed to save the air balloon safe and preservation, is declared the winner.

  • Competition "Talking the rope"

The view of the competition is popular in the school environment, but is quite acceptable for the anniversary at home. Well entertains and develops a sense of collectivism. Participants in the evening are divided into two teams. The presenter serves a rope, the middle of which is marked with a color ribbon and conducts a separation line between two rivals. According to his signal, the teams are enough for the rope and try to drag it to their side.

Competitions on the anniversary woman at home: musical

  • Competition "Star Karaoke"

Now almost every home has a computer and a microphone to it or a karaoke system is installed. It is possible using a special program "Karafan" or on the Internet to find a selection of the necessary backing tracks and texts to songs. Sing can everyone, and the winner will be chosen by listeners.

As an option, you can offer the "Battle of Chorans" competition with various nominations: women's choir, male, children or mixed. This type of home competition is one of the most interesting, because everyone love to sing, but not everyone can take the risk to perform sololy, and in the choir participants feel more folded.

  • Competition for the best chastushka

If one of the guests knows how to play harmony, or there is an appropriate entry, be sure to spend the competition of chastushk. Ready texts on leaves distribute guests, while they can sing and their harvested chastushka as desired, fictional on the go. The winner will determine the competitive jury, which can be chosen in advance. In this game, the most mischievous and resourceful performer wins, who managed to cause the biggest explosion of laughter.

  • Competition "Musical Hat"

Players become in a wide circle, presenter announces the rules of the game: while the music plays, you need to have time to take off my hat and put it on the head of the neighboring player. In the case when music stops - the one who stayed in the hat drops out of the game. The game continues until the only winner remains.

  • Competition "Dancing on the newspaper"

This is a game that always has a huge success and takes place with a bang at any event, and even more so at home. Participants of this cheerful game - couples or mothers with children. The rules are as follows: Under the feet of each dancing pair, they spread the newspaper, with the condition that they will not pass beyond its limits. Include slow music, the couples are dancing, and after a while they turn on a pause - at that moment the newspaper must be folded twice - the dance floor must decrease by half. The dance continues, then again the music is stopped - the newspaper is folded fourly, and so until the most resistant and resourceful couple, who managed to keep the equilibrium on a small piece of paper.

Contests for the anniversary woman at home: unusual

  • Competition "Performers of Desires"

The wishes of the birthday girl - the law for guests. Notes with the tasks of the jubilee are placed in balloons and scattered around the room. It may be the most ridiculous and funny requests - read the poem, sing a versatility of a well-known song, to proceed and so on.

Players catch each ball, then they must extract the notes, pre-bursting the ball and execute what they read in the nested sheet. The winner chooses the culprit of the celebration.

  • Competition "Guess what in the bag"

In the colored bag of not very dense material, there are several any items or elements of clothing. The presenter offers to the touch to guess what is lying there. Every guess player takes a won thing. Very cool is the option when the players put on what won - it can be a funny lower lingerie, male family panties.

  • Competition "Cheer Tsarevna"

Participants of the game are divided into two teams - the team of "Ivanushki" and "Tsareven - Nesmeyan". The first team sits on the chairs - it is conditionally printed, which take the saddest sad look. The task of the second team is to make them laugh in any way without touching them. You can tell jokes, show a pantomime, build grimski and funny face. Each smiled princess drops out of the game. After that, the teams may change roles.

All contests are approximate in which you can and need to add your additional nuances.

Each winner is sure to give a memorable prizeLet it be any pleasant trifle - a beautiful fountain pen, chocolate medal or icon. At the end, you can arrange a game with a super prize, in which only the winners of previous games have the right to participate.

The main thing in the anniversary evening is the resourcefulness and organization of the lead program, the ability to be lost in force majeure situations. It is equally important to prepare the necessary attributes for the game, to provide music, raise the mood of the jubilee and all participants in the celebration.

When a good company is going at the table, the party promises to be mischievous!

But here guests drank-whether ... they talked the latest news from the life of themselves loved ones and countries in general ... danced ... and some prepared to miss ... But it was not there!

The good hosts always have something that will not just turn away boredom, but also bring the holiday guest guests, and for a long time everyone will be remembered for fun and humor - this is, of course, a variety of contests.

They are the most different:

  • movable (with objects and without),
  • musical
  • drawing,
  • verbal, etc.

Today I will introduce you to those that can be done without leaving the table.

Note! They can be performed in different versions, change the rules, add objects, increase or decrease the number of participants - in a word, creatively approaching the program of fun and funny packaging contests for an adult company sitting at the table.

We start with a simple - that at hand (in the literal and figurative sense!)

"Alphabet next to us"

The lead calls any letter of the alphabet, except for four y-y-b (you can agree to exclude the letters of E).

Playing in a circle call items-products, things beginning with this letter, which are directly near and to which you can reach your hand or touch.

Option! - To the list of nouns, add adjectives: b - dislike salad, unmatched lipstick (near the neighbor), endless macaronin, C - Cute vinaigrette, sugar cake ...

The game goes until the words are exhausted. The last named wins.

And here is another game with letters.

"Burim in order"

Starting from the first letter of the alphabet, the players come up with mini-congratulations (depending on the occasion of the crowd) or just suggestions that are appropriate on this holiday.

The phrase should begin first with the letter A, the next with b, then in and so on. It is desirable to come up with funny phrases, like:

- How cool that we are going today!
- It happened that ...
- That's …
- Lord ...

Attention! There is also a sequence of letters in the alphabet, and the meaning of the invented proposals. It is clear that some letters (b-ъ-s) are skipped.

Winners recognize the one who came up with the funniest phrase. Solved by friendly voting.

The alphabet was - case behind verses!

"And what in the sweep, tell me!"

If at the table there will be craftsmen to compose poems (the level of poetry, of course, will be taken into account, but here is the main thing in the other), then offer the next contest.

Several stiffs are given on the subject, which is packed in an opaque fabric bag-bag. They must quietly consider what they got, and compose a poem about the subject. Guests listen and guess.

Important! It is impossible to call what is hidden, you can only poetically describe the appointment, the appearance ...

Wins the writer of the longest and original work.

Fairy tales love everything!

"Modern fairy tale"

Inventory: paper sheets, handles.

Playing are divided into two teams. Usually divided according to the principle of "next sitting". Each chooses (the option - the leading appoints) profession. For example, cooks and truckers.

After 5-7 minutes of preparation, the team should voiced by any of the selected them (the option - appointed with a leading) fairy tale on modern way, using professional vocabulary and terminology.

For example, a fairy tale of a brave chef begins with the words: "There was a piece of ham on two and a half kilos at the grandmother ..." We advise the proper to come up with starting phrases in advance for different professions of participants.

All fun! Command winner Prize: candy, bottle of champagne at all ...

Try it! Play no teams, but separate participants. Then give more time to prepare, and the winner is easier to highlight.

Favorite all since childhood "spoiled phone"

Here is the more people, the better.

The leading (or first sitting) makes the word (phrase), writes it on a piece of paper (for the purity of the experiment!))) And transfers it along the chain, whispering in each other's ear.

Everyone remembers that it is necessary to whisper quietly and as close as possible to what they heard. The latter voiced the word out loud.

Funny begins at that moment when the "disassembly" begins with the "input-out" at the incompression of "input" - at what stage, who has not happened.

Robot yes no

Driving in advance prepares cards with the names of animals and announces that guests will guess them, asking any questions that he can only answer with the words yes - no (in the extreme case "I can not say").

The game continues until the animal is guessed, and the presenter does not show a card with the correct answer.

Questions can be about wool (short, long), about legs-paws, about whether there is a tail (fluffy or smooth), about claws, neck, about what is supplied, where he sleeps and so on.

Option game! It is not a animal, but the subject. Then questions will be about size, color, appearance, appointment, presence in a house or on the street, the ability to take into the hands, the presence of numbers, the presence of electricity in it ...

Another game option is frivolous. You can make items from the male or female wardrobe, underwear, or for the most brave - from the assortment of adult stores.

Competitions with paper

But another game, where the same is funny - this is a misband.



  • nuts (or orange, or boob),
  • paper,
  • a pen.

Sitting at the table are divided into couples: "Orator" and "stenograph".

"Orator" puts on the cheeks of nuts (slices of orange, a piece of bread) so that it is difficult to say. He is given text (verses or prose), which is needed as intended as possible (as far as the contents of the "latal bags") will pronounce. "Stenographer" is trying to record, as I understood what he heard. Then compare with the "source".

Winning a couple whose "transcript" will be the most faithful.

Option! One "speaker" is selected, and write everything.

"Explain in 30 seconds"

  • handles / pencils by the number of players,
  • little paper sheets,
  • box / bag / hat.

Play like this:

  1. Guests are divided into pairs. You can, you can, if desired, you can, you can next door to the table. Each couple is a team.
  2. Players get pens / pencils and sheets of paper (each of them several - 15-20).
  3. Everyone writes 15-20 (specify it in advance with playing) any nouns that come to mind: on one piece - one noun.
  4. Levels with words are hiding in a box / bag / header.
  5. First plays the first pair-team: they take turns to pull the leaves with words and must explain to each other to explain the word they caught, but in no case calling the noun itself.

For example, the word "cart" is a wagon, damaged by horses, "frying pan" - a pancake.

After the first word is guess, you can get a sheet with another.

All-proviso is given 30 seconds. You can agree and about a minute - depending in what state is the company)))

How many words a team gave up, she will receive so many points.

Then the move goes to another pair of playing.

Time limit makes this competition spectacular, loud, noisy and cheerful!

The team wins the team that gose the most words.

Cheerful drinking contests with answers

Prepare: a box, in it the paper leaves on which a variety of questions are written.

Attention! In winter, they can be made in the form of snowflakes, in the summer in the form of apples, in the fall in the form of colored leaves, in the spring it can be flowers.

Play like this:

All in turn pull out paper leaves with questions and respond to them not only as truthful as possible, but also ridiculous.

Questions may be such:

  • What was your favorite toy in childhood?
  • What vacation remember most?
  • Have you ever come true New Year's desires?
  • What is the funny thing happened in your childhood and remembered?
  • What is your funny purchase ever?
  • If there is an animal at home, what kind of funny case can you remember (what did he eat)?
  • What did you dream about in childhood and it came true?
  • What is the funny drawing can you remember?
  • Do you like home neighbors and for what?

Questions for the story can be the most different taking into account the degradation of the company.

Wins the one whose story will like most guests.

Ask? I answer!


  • cards with questions,
  • cards with answers,
  • 2 boxes.

Play like that.

In one box there are questions, in another answer.

Playing sit down, if possible, alternating: a man-female woman ... So more interesting will be answered!

The first player gets a card with a question and reads it out loud to his neighbor on the table.

He takes, not spilling in the box, a leaflet with the answer and reads it too.

Very funny sometimes coincidences question-answer)))

Questions may be such (it is assumed that the company is close and all "on you":

- Do you like watch horror movies?
- Can you say that you love to go shopping? (It does not matter a man or woman answers)
- Do you often have a hungry?
- Can you look into my eyes and smile?
- What do you say when in transport you come to people on your feet?
- How do you react to the experiments in the clothes girlfriends?
- Tell me, do you like me?
- Do you often knock on the door at night?
- Is it true that your husband / wife loves to consider other people's women / men?
- Do you like to swim in the moon?
- Why do you smile so mysteriously?
- True, what did you prefer to go to the village, and not to the Maldives?
- Why do you sometimes go to transport without a ticket?
- Did you ever read fat books?
- In an unfamiliar company easily find a common language with guests?
- Are you a fan of exotic kitchen?
- Does the alcohol often appear on your table?
- Can you deceive me right now?
- Do you like to walk on the roofs of the hometown?
- Why are you afraid of little dogs?
- In childhood, climbed to the neighbors for Malina?
- If the phone goes back, and will say that you won a trip to the sea, believe?
- Do you like your streaming surrounding?
- Why are you afraid to drink milk?
- Do you like to receive gifts?
- Do you like to give gifts?
- Do you want to drink right now?
- At work, do you relax a lot?
- Why did you ask my photo?
- Do you like meat products?
- Are you a very temperamental person?
- Why do you eat marinated bread crusts on Sundays?
- Can you lend me right now a thousand dollars?
- Do you often wink in transport strangers / strangers?
- Do you like to take a bath in clothes?
- Do you really want to answer my question now?
- Do you love to dance with married men / married women?
- Why did you say that you need a lot of a lot?
- Have you ever wake up in an unfamiliar bed?
- Why throw a pebble from the balcony in passersby you call your favorite sport?
- Do you often shift your work on others?
- Why do you like to watch striptease so much?
- Do you love to eat delicious attendance?
- Do I get acquainted on the street?
- Are you falling asleep at work?
- Why do you hide your age?
- Do you rather sleep at night?
- Do you love roasted searer?
- Have you ever run away from the policeman?
- Are you afraid of taxi drivers?
- Do you often promise too much?
- Do you like to scare around?
- If you are a kiss now, your reaction?
- Do you like my smile?
- Can you tell me your secret?
- Do you like to draw?
- Why do you often ask for work from work?

Sample answers:

- I can't live without it and the day.
- How do I do without it?!
- Only on birthday.
- When not at home, why not.
- Now I will not tell you.
- Not now.
- I'm silent something now to answer.
- Ask my husband / wife.
- Only when it is good.
- I can, but only on Mondays.
- Do not put me in an awkward position.
- Since childhood, I love this business.
- Well, yes ... happens to me anything ...
- I rarely can afford it.
- Yes, I'm capable of you for everything!
- If you rest, then yes.
- And who does not happen?
- I'll tell you a little later about this.
- Fortunately, yes.
- If I am very asked.
- Nowadays it is not a sin.
- Do you really think that I will tell the truth?
- In the form of an exception.
- After the glasses of champagne.
- So I told you now the truth!
- This is my cherished dream.
- Let's go better!
- Unfortunately no.
- This is my passion!
- I will say about it when you give your phone number.
- With great pleasure!
- I blushed (a) - this is the answer.
- And I'm proud of it.
- My years are my pride.
- I can't stand it.
- Yes, how did you dare to ask me about it?!
- Only if they pay me.
- How do you miss this opportunity?
- Only in the morning.
- This is completely simple.
- If I get a salary.
- What about differently?
- By itself!
- I will tell about it only with an eye on the eyes.
- exclusively on holidays.
- How great is it!
- I was told that it was good.
- Only in a good company.
- I consider this a political issue.
- Who do you take me for?!
- And you guess.
- Let me better kiss you.
- Only when no one looks.
- You're embarrassing me.
- If there is no other output.
- And you tried to ask me all evening about it?
- And at least now I can tell you the same thing.

Two truths and lies

This is a fun competition at the table for an adult company does not require training. It is best for the company, where participants do not know each other too well.

Each player must say three statements or fact about himself. Two guarantees, one false. The voting listeners decide which of them false. If they guessed, playing (liar) nothing wins. If not guess - gets a small prize.

Option - everyone records their allegations on the sheets, noting the false, give the lead (owner of the party), and he reads them in turn.

More alone?

Several competitions for drinking a company that wants to become even more drank.

Find a crocodile

This game can be carried out in the process of other games as extra. She, in essence, lasts all evening, but at the very beginning it is necessary to say its rules.

At some point, the party leading secretly transfers to one of the guests ("Hunter") the clothespin (crocodile) and he should attach it unnoticed by the clothes of the "victim's arbitrarily chosen to them (either put in a lady's handbag or a man's jacket pocket). Then he gives a sign leading that the task is made.

As soon as the clothespin has gained a new owner, the presenter says "the crocodile fled! To whom he climbed? " And aloud starts counting from 10 to one. Guests are looking for, whether they were the goal of the draw.

If for 10 seconds of the sacrifice of the sacrifice finds the "crocodile, hidden in a bag or embroiled to the collar" - a penalty glass drinking "Hunter". If it does not find - to drink a "victim".

You can limit the search area (the crocodile is cling only to clothing) or give more time.

Pite and alphabetic chain

For the competition you need: glasses with your favorite drinks, memory on the names and knowledge of the alphabet.

The game goes in a circle. The first player calls the name and surname of celebrities. The next must also call the celebrity whose name begins with the first letter of the previous one.

To be clearer, check the example:

The first player makes Cameron Diaz. Second Dmitry Kharatyan. Third Hugh Grant. Fourth George Vicin. Etc.

You can call any known persons, politicians, actors, athletes. A player who cannot pick up the desired name for 5 seconds (approximately) - should have a drink. Then the glass fill, and the move goes to the next player.

The longer the game lasts, the harder it is to pick up new names (it is impossible to repeat), fun and the company are rapidly gaining degrees.

Insert your five kopecks

The organizer of the competition must be prepared by sheets with phrases that are far in meaning from the topic of a feast or birthday. Each of the guests to give on the card with the phrase at the very beginning of the party.

Phrases may be such:

The task of each participant is to insert "your" phrase in a conversation so that others do not understand that it is a phrase with a piece of paper. After the player pronounced his phrase, he needs to wait a minute, after which he says "won !!!" Throughout this time, any other guest, which during the conversation will use that the phrase has been pronounced from a piece of leaf, can try to catch a player. He must repeat the phrase, which in his opinion was used. Of course, there is a chance that he does not gues.

If the cracker was mistaken, he drinks a penalty glass. If guess, then the penalty is assigned to the one who caught in the use of the phrase from the sheet.

Guess Brand

If the name of the firm is included in the slogan, then it can be reduced. For example: who is where, and I (in Sberkassu). This slogan is included in the retro section of our list. In a young company, you can at least offer to guests guess whose can be advertising slogan. You can come up with hints or several answers.

For example: who is where, and I ... (at the VDNH, in Moscow, marry, in Sberbank).

Find your half

If the company is approximately half of women and men, you can play this game. Although it is suitable, with some degree of convention and other cases.

To do this, you need to prepare small cards in advance on which you write the names of famous couples. According to one name on the card. For example:

  • Romeo and Juliet;
  • Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin;
  • Dolphin and Mermaid;
  • Twick wand and twix wand;
  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt ...

Each guest gets a card with the name - this is his "image".

Task: Everyone must find its half, setting the other guests to the rest of the guests to which you can answer only "yes" or "no". Direct questions like "Your name is Angelina?" Or "Are you Brad's wife"? Forbidden. Questions like "Do you have children with your half?"; "Are you married with your half?"; "You live with your half in ...?"

We win those who will find their half, setting the minimum number of questions. The more couple cards to prepare, the better. Since in the first round only half of the guests will play (when they find their half, it is deprived of the opportunity to look for their own). Therefore, after the first circle, new cards are distributed and the second round is.

Option: In the first round there is a woman's half, in the second men.

Do you have..?

This game is suitable for a large company and to celebrate a wide range of holidays.

The company is divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. It is necessary to try so that each has the same number of women.

Lead, starting with the words "Do you have ...?", Reads a list of desired things. Members of each team need to find this thing and show the lead.

Team members are looking for in pockets and handbags, found to show the desired thing, the team gets the point for each thing found. For one named thing, the team receives only one point (it doesn't matter how many five-thousandth bills at the team members, only one point can get for the checkout.

So, do you have with you ..?

  • banknote 5000 rubles;
  • notebook;
  • stock Foto Baby boy;
  • mint chewing gum;
  • sweetie;
  • pencil;
  • a bunch of keys with minimum of 7 keys;
  • penknife;
  • 7 (or 5) credit card for one person;
  • a trifle in the sum at least 95 rubles (in one person);
  • hand cream;
  • flash drive;
  • nail polish;
  • sponge for shoes ...

The list of things can be arbitrarily complemented.

Play, having fun with guests at the festive table!

Do not forget that each contest can be creatively recycled under your company.

Let this day remember your friends not only with the most delicious dishes, but also the funny and funny contests.

Eat! Drink! And do not miss!

Anniversary celebration is an important and responsible event. The reason for such an event can serve as a birthday, the anniversary of the company, creative anniversary, the anniversary of the wedding. All of them pass in a special atmosphere of solemnity and fun with a large number of invited guests. In order for the holiday to succeed and left a mass of positive emotions in memory, it is worth considering an interesting scenario in advance, which includes a variety of mobile, game, comic contests with encouraging prizes.

Jubilee Birthday

Such an event is best organized as a holiday surprise. The jubilee should not know what program is prepared for this event. It is necessary to select contests on the anniversary depending on the status and age of the birthday man.

If the celebration passes in a circle of close friends of about one age, you can dilute the scenario for the anniversary with fun compromising competitions.

Where is the sleep?

For participation cause 2 men and 2 girls. Participants are issued on 10 cash bills. For a minute, they should decompose bills on pockets and other secluded places in their partners' clothes. Then the girls tie their eyes and offer a little twist around their axis. At this time, male participants change places and ask for a ladies who are not suspected of substitution, pick up all hidden bills.

Beautiful girl

6 girls take part in the competition. Each of them should call part of his body (shoulders, hands, hair, and so on), which she considers the most beautiful. Then the participants in turn should be for the music to be the most part of the body called. The winner is determined by the number of applause.

Simple moves

A couple of participants clamps between belly round item (apple, orange or a small ball). Then they must move this item from the belly to the chin without hands.

By making the program on the anniversary of the mother or father, you should choose the games and contests of a neutral nature, within the framework of decency that will not confuse guest. The topics of entertainment may vary with the one who is a jubilee - a man or a woman.

Choosing cool contests for the anniversary of a woman, it is worth considering the ladies very much attention to themselves when they admire their beauty and mental qualities. At the same time, they do not like references to their age. Competitions are suitable for entertainment, which will talk compliments or invent original congratulations. You can include women's contests: makeup, clothes, children.

Evening Dress

A couple of women are involved - man. The ladies give a ribbon or a roll of toilet paper, and the holders should wrap their partner without help. We defeat those who will get the most interesting outfit.

Crazy hands

From the hall cause several guests and give everyone on a newspaper or magazine. Then they are handed scissors (by number of guests) and ask to cut a birthday party. It may be the word ("wealth", "health", "car"), figure or picture. Wins the one whose gift of the jubilee recognizes for itself the most valuable.

Tsarevna Nesmeyana

Guests are divided into two teams. Participants first become "princes of non-versions", they sit down on the chairs and take as severe appearance as much as possible. The purpose of the participants of the second team is to laugh their rivals without touching them. Everyone who smile comes out of the game. If a team of the jesters can be launched for a set lapse of time, they become winners. If not, the first team wins. If desired, you can change roles.

We do Jubilex

For this contest, you need to cook 20 balloons, two felt-meters, two coils of threads, two tapes. Players divided into two teams receive their set of materials. Their task is to make a female figure from the balls and decorate it with markers.

At the men's anniversary evening, entertainment is entertained on the topic of cars, sports, fishing, jokes. Most men are not afraid to show themselves in public, so they are pleased to take part in the games, without fear that people will think. Such competitions in the anniversary often assume the use of alcoholic beverages.


There are a glass with different drinks, but their quantity should be one less than the number of participants. Men begin to move around the table, and in the signal each should grab the glass and drink its contents. The one who does not have enough winery leaves out of the competition. The number of "containers" is also gradually decreasing. The winner gets the last winery.

Toast for the jubilee

Two men are invited to participate. They are issued on a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. He wins the one who first will scold his bottle and sprinkle her on the glasses of all guests present. At the Rights of the Winner, he must pronounce a congratulatory toast.

Best dancer

The selected participants should dance with the proposed items (fruits, balls, chairs, a glass of wine) for dance melodies: "Apple", "Lezginka", "Letka-Yaka", "Gypsy".

Catch fish

For the competition pre-prepared paper fish on the ropes. Several pairs are invited to participate. Girls to the belt tie the cooked fish in such a way that they touch the floor. Then the couples begin to dance. The task of men - to tear the fish of their rivals, while protecting their own. That couple wins, whose fish will continue until the end of the dance.

Contests for the anniversary of the company

On such a holiday, all employees of the company are going to, including the authorities and attendants. Corporate events are often held with a big sweep and require careful training. In order to fill the anniversary celebration with dynamics and entertain guests, it is necessary to include interesting games, quiz and contests in the program that will work for cohesion of the team.


Each participant is given a sheet of paper, newspaper, scissors and glue. Their task is to draw up a mini-story about your organization with the help of cut words. Performance is given 5-10 minutes, after which each masterpiece is read out loud. The winner is chosen by general voting.


Each participant of this competition must compose the most fantastic explanatory for three minutes about why he was late for a job three times in a row. The best "science" must define the head of the company.

Squeeze all juices

For participation, several people from the management of the organization are called. Each is given to half a lemon, an empty glass and apron. At the command, players must squeeze the juice from lemon into a glass. Wins the one whom the juice will be more.

Wedding anniversary

This event is very often celebrated in the same way as the wedding itself: with comic traditions, relaxed fun and dancing. The original will carry out a win-win lottery or auction with funny lots. Picking up competitions on the anniversary of the wedding, It should be borne in mind that among the invited can be many married couples.

Build house

Several married couples, including the anniversaries, are invited to participate. Having received the cards by the deck, they must build a house for 5 minutes. The same couple wins, which was able to build the highest home. You can also use cookies, domino or cubes.

Men's care

This is a female contest where the ladies compete in the ability to score nails. Each participant issues a wooden bar, ten small nails and a hammer. Wins the one that will cope faster than all.

Women's business

Now men are tested for strength. They give them a coil of threads, a needle, 10 buttons and flap of fabric. Won the one who sew buttons faster than the other participants.

Who is who

This is a comic test for married couples. Men and women offer secretly from their halves to write in a column 10 titles of representatives of fauna (beasts, insects, birds and others). Then what happened is substituted into the list prepared in advance:

  1. The husband happens:
  • gentle, like ...
  • resistant like ...
  • talking how ...
  • famous, like ...
  • free like ...
  • merry, like ...
  • neat, like ...
  • loving how ...
  • brave, like ...
  • beautiful, like ...
  1. Wife behaves:
  • with relatives like ...
  • at work like ...
  • with the bosses like ...
  • in a taxi like ...
  • on the market as ...
  • with children like ...
  • with my husband like ...
  • in the restaurant how ...
  • with friends like ...
  • at the reception of a doctor as ...

By organizing an entertainment program, remember that a competently compiled scenario is the key to a successful, memorable holiday.

For this competition, balloons are needed in the amount of 20 pieces. Two teams are issued at 10 balls, on the felt-meter, in the coil of threads and in Scotch. And on the team they begin to inflate the balls and bind them so that something like a woman is like. And the felt-tip pen draw her eyes, mouth, ears and anything. It wins the team that will make it faster and better.

Competition "Jubilee Tape"

For this contest you will need colored tapes for a length of 20-30 cm. The number of tapes must correspond to the number of guests. Tape colors should correspond to the number of participants in the competition, as well as the subject of the anniversary. Each volunteer is awarded ribbons of a specific color. For allotted time, it is necessary to tie the tape on the wrists of all guests. If the guest already has a tape of a certain color, it is impossible to knit another. The winner becomes the one who cope with the task faster.

Game "Couch"

Two teams participate in the game, from three people each. The teams are placed on a small pelvis, in which apples, oranges and potatoes lie. Players tie their eyes and under the merry music they make three armholes from these products: the first - from the apples, the second - from oranges, the third is from potatoes. After 3 minutes, the participants of the competition are unleashed by eyes and they refer to their work. The prize - made a bunch receive contestants who had a greater number of products of the right name.

Competition "Fees of your husband"

In this competition, the family pairs usually take part, but it is not necessary. Men sit on the chair and they tie their hands behind the back. And women tie their eyes, give a glass of vodka in one hand, and in another hand a spoon with a snack. On the team, women are suitable for their halves, and first gives him a glass of vodka, and then eat. Who will make it more quickly, and the most important thing is not a strait and not dropping a snack, he won.

Game "Roses for the Jubilees"

Which woman does not dream to showered her with flowers. And the anniversary is an excellent reason to arrange a contest with flowers.

4-6 men and the jubilee participate in the game. Men are obtained by rose (pre-removing spikes), they tie their eyes and ask several times turn on the spot. The jubilee takes place on a chair, standing away from men. Under the instrumental romantic music, men go to give the jubilex. The prize will be awarded the one who first will give a rose.

Competition "Gift Jubilee"

Two teams participate in the competition. Each commands are issued a blank sheet of Watman, several newspapers, magazines or pre-prepared letters, numbers and drawings. We also need scissors and glue. On the team, the participants must cut out of newspapers and magazines letters, sentences, pictures and glue it all on Watman, so that it turns out a wall newspaper for a birthday room.

It is important that there are congratulations on the wall newsnets, fun jokes and anything else. After 5 minutes, the team show guests and the hostess that they did. Wins the team whose wall newspaper will like more.

Game "Favorites of the Jubilee"

For this game, it is necessary to accurately wrap the note "Yubilert's favorite" in one of the candies. Two players are usually involved in the competition, which in the lead signal begin to deploy and eat sweets from the tray. Who will first find a note, the one honored this honorary title. You can even hand the icon. And you can also come up with many different titles and hold a contest several times.

Competition "Date of Jubilee"

In this competition, it is necessary to perpetuate the date of the anniversary so that it will be remembered for a long time. Offer three guests for one minute to write the anniversary date, handing them album and red marker. The winner will be the one who captured the date the largest number of times. After the contest, lists with dates hang up on the most prominent places.

Competition "Congratulations to the Jubilee"

The essence of the competition is simple - you must come up with a pre-prepared word congratulation for the anniversary. For this, it is written in advance on leaves from 3 to 10 interesting words. These leaves distribute to guests and they must in one or two minutes come up with congratulations to the anniversarier, which contains all the words from the leaflet.

For example, words: wall, solid, brick, happiness, China. But that from this can happen "I wish you happiness with a Chinese wall and the hardness of the spirit, like a real closed in a brick flame."

It wins the most interesting congratulation in the opinion of the jubilee.

Competition "Toast for the Jubilest"

For the anniversary, it is customary to raise glasses. This process can be made more fun, spending this competition. For this, the contests will need two volunteers, preferably men. They get a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. The winner will be the one who first will thank his bottle and bulges its contents into glasses sitting at the table. As a prize, he is provided with a word for a congratulatory toast.

Required props - a pair of children's tricycles. Playing, by the number of "cars", line up at the starting line. By teammate, they need to drive a given distance as quickly as possible and return back. Rules are simple and unpleasant, but universal laughter fun over adult unans or aunties, traveling on children's bikes, guaranteed!

"Flying money"

Competition participants are issued on cash bills. The task of players - from three attempts to "blow out" money as far as possible. After another attempt, players are suitable for the place where the bills dropped and rely. Whose bill will fly further - he wins. Alternatively, you can organize the removal of bills by commands, by relay.


Two people participate. On two chairs there is a bowl with water and lies on one spoon. A few steps are two more stools, and on them an empty glass. Who is the first to fill an empty glass, he won.

"Who is drunk? I am drunk?"

Players are offered, dressing flippers and looking into binoculars on the reverse side, go through the specified route. Just do not do it on the street - passersby may not understand

"Elusive apples"

For the game you need a large pelvis with water. A somewhat apples thrown in the pelvis, and then the player gets on his knees in front of the pelvis, holding his hands behind his back, and trying her teeth to catch an apple and get it out of the water.

"Babushkin Chest"

Each of the two players is their chest or a suitcase, in which various clothing items are folded. The players tie their eyes, and on the team lead they begin to wear things from the chest. The task of players is to dress up as quickly as possible.


Family couples are involved. All men are heard envelopes with money (many bills of different dignity). They go to another room and in their clothes hide bills. When they return, the couples change, so that the "sleeps" of men were looking for other people's wife. The same couple wins, in which the husband managed to "inhibit" as much money as possible, and his wife was able to find them from someone else's husband.


Two leave from each team and become near: hand in hand. On couples, contacting hands are associated, and with free hands, that is, one of the left participants, and the other right hand should be wrapped the cooked bundle, tie it with ribbon and tie on a bow. Whose pair forward - gets a point.

"Cosmetics collection"

Only men take part in this competition. But that the best male legs will be detected, they first know should not know. The presenter announces to the present men that the competition for the collection of cosmetics will be held (lipstick, powder, cosmetic sets, mascara, etc.), which is scattered by the floor. Whoever gains cosmetic accessories more and faster, he wins this competition. But for the convenience, men should be labored the pants as high as possible. After cosmetics are collected, the leading announces participants about the competition held on the best men's legs. The women's jury chooses the winner and rewards it with a memorable medal.


All shawls are going, which is, most importantly, enough for all participants. They are divided into two teams, they become in the ranks at each other, each hands have a handkerchief. It is better to build MZhMZH. According to the team, the second player from his back tie a handkerchief to the first, as it turns out (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third second, etc., the last player tying the penultimate and fucking shouting "ready!". The whole team turns face to the opponent. After a long jury, the jury estimates anything: speed, quality, who has funny, this is what the subject of the event. The main thing is funny and fun, have time to take a picture all!

"Find the subject"

Each of the guests secret from the rest hides in their clothes one of the small items that pre-distribute the presenter. The lead posts a list of all hidden items and declares the beginning of the game. Guests start looking for objects each other. The guest wins, discovered the greatest number of hidden items. Leading in the game of the game writes: who and how many items found. The game can continue throughout the entire party and will help to get to know the guests with each other.

"In the bank"

The presenter causes two pairs (in each pair a man and a woman): "Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, putting in every one bill. Get initial contributions! (Gives pairs of candy money). Banks for your deposits can serve pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to make your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Prepared ... Started! " The presenter helps the pairs perform the task, after one minute, the host sums up. Host: "How many bills are left with you? And you? Sumptuously! All the money is embedded in the case! Well done! And now I will powder women quickly remove all the contributions, and since the contribution to the bank can only take off the one who put it and no one else, you will make your contribution with tied eyes, so as not to see other people's deposits. " (Women tie their eyes and at this time change men's places in places). At the command of the leading woman with Azart, they remove the contributions, which is unaware.


It is necessary to run, and rather - to run a certain distance by closing between the knees of the tennis ball or match boxes. Time is trampled by the hour. If the ball or boxes fall to the ground, the runner raises it, pins again with his knees and continues running. Wins the best time.

"To accommodate everything"

Guests are divided into two teams, each comes from each participant. They get a big box and the corresponding set of objects. Task: as soon as possible put items in the box and close it. With each new member, the box is less and more, and the items are more or more difficult in packaging. But keep in mind, you should try in advance, whether the items in the container are accompanied. The team wins, whose members will cope faster, and will make their job better.


All men celebration are invited. The presenter offers to play fishing. "Let's take imaginary fishing rods to throw them into the imaginary sea and start catching the fish, but here unexpectedly imaginary water begins to water the leg and the presenter suggests riding his pants to the knees, then above and above". Preaks are that when the trousers are already cut to the limit The presenter stops fishing and announces a competition for the most hairy legs.

"Honorary windy"

For the competition you need to cook a few balloons. The jubilee and several guests take part. Everyone is awarded one ball. The task of participants - as quickly as possible to inflate and burst the ball. The competition will be more interesting if the shape of the balls is unusual, such balls are more complicated, but it will add a competition of fun. If the birthday name himself wins in the competition, he is assigned the title: "Honorary windy." If another participant wins, he is assigned the title: "Assistant Main Window."

"Tell another"

All participants of the game are divided into two teams, female and male. They are built in two ranks opposite each other so that the distance between the ranks was about two meters. The participant standing first in Shero, between the knees clamping any item for about twenty centimeters, it may be a wand, a marker or even a beer bottle, and, tightly holding it with his knees, carries it to the female rank, where without hands, it passes the item to a girl standing first. She informs this item in exactly the same way to Male Sherngi, transfers it to the next participant and so on. This competition is even more fun with inflatable balls that are blocked loud when transferring from a player to the player.


At first, all participants are combined into teams in two people. One of the team members should sit on the chair, tightly holding the air ball between the knees. The task of the second participant is to quickly burst the ball, sowing on it. The presenter must follow, whose ball burst first.

"Kopeyk ruble coats"

For the game you will need small coins and somewhat small in size. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. In the number of commands on the finish line, copyright cups are put. Each team is lined with each other. On the foot sock of the first one from the team participants is a coin. The player is trying without dropping, to carry it from the start line to the finish (three - four meters) and reset to the "piggy bank". The participant dropped by the coin drops out of the game. For each coin that fell into a cup, one point is charged. Wins the team that scores the largest points.

"Very sharp eye"

Several couples take part in the game. Men hang on the belt of small boxes, and girls give pebbles that need to be thrown into the boxes. Partner can help all ways to make it. Wins a couple, which in the box will be the most stones.


It will take two gymnastic hoops and four jars or four glasses with beer or lemonade. Four people can participate - two men and two women. Participants make up a couple of men and women. Their task is to simultaneously turn the hoop and drink from a glass or jar. The case wins the couple that will drink all the contents of the glasses and will not drop the hoop.


Props: Toothpicks (matches), ring. The big company gets up in the time of Mr. Mr. Ms. Each participant runs into the poth the toothpick (match). The carriage is put on the match (any, it is possible. The meaning of the game: to move the ring along the chain (with matches on the match), of course, without the help of the pitch to the last participant.


Requisites: bottles (all sorts of liter, plastic), rubber gloves. Host: "Here we also filed. And drink? No, we will drink milk! " In each group, one educator and 5 "milkosos" are selected. The tutor is awarded on a bottle (one-and-lying, plastic), but instead of the nipple to its neck, a rubber glove is attached to the ordinary black elastic band. In each finger, the gloves have done a hole. (Make a bigger hole.) In my signal to each "nipple" is embrying on one "milkosos" and begin to suck milk. Who will empty the bottle faster, those are winners.


Players are in a circle. Leading Commander: "Touch Yellow, Once, two, three!" Players try as quickly as possible to take over the thing (subject, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle. Who did not have time - dropping out of the game. The presenter repeats the team again, but already with a new color (subject). Wins the remaining latter.


An old French game with a tied ball, which throws up and is caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or lace with a length of 40 cm. One end is sticking with a sticky ribbon to a ball from table tennis, and the other to a plastic cutter snack or tie a plastic mug to the handle. Your Bilbok is ready. A few people play. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a cup or a mug. For this, one point is charged. Catch the ball in turn to the misman. The missing transmits the Bilbok next to the player. The winner becomes the one who is the first to give a denominated number of points.

"Vegetable diet"

Those who wish are divided into two teams, each team is issued a set of vegetables and fruits, for example, cucumber, tomato, lemon, apple, orange (pre-wash the fruits so that there are no disorders). The team members choose from a set of a certain fruit and eat it. Only when fruit or vegetable will be progress and swallowed the next team member will be able to start speeding. Two prizes are awarded in this competition: a team that quickly coped with the task, and the player who voluntarily chose Lemon.


At a certain distance, the baskets with apples or oranges are located apart. It is necessary as quickly as possible without the help of the hands to transfer all the fruits from the full basket into empty.


Competition participants are divided into two teams, in each team is chosen by the tailor, which gives the Gypsy needle and the long thread. It is necessary as soon as possible to "sew" of all team members to each other. You can make the needle through belts, sleeves, pants. The fastest tailor becomes the winner.


All participants in the competition become one line as soon as the lead says "Susha" everyone must jump or take a step forward. But if the word "water" sounded, you need to move or jump back. In addition to the usual "water" and "land", the lead can be synonyms, for example: river, sea, ocean, stream or coast, island, land. Players who jump no fiery drop out of the game, and the most attentive gets a prize.

Even if you celebrate the age anniversary and you have at the holiday guests aged 60 years, you still do not need to abandon moving games and contests. After all, they will help you raise the mood to guests, make a holiday more moving and make all guests shake an old day! The site site prepared for its visitors cool and interesting moving contests. Conduct them on the anniversary and your guests will tell you a lot thank you for such a gorgeous holiday.

The first competition is quite simple, but very funny. You need a table. On the table you put the glasses that are poured by juice. If glasses 6, then participants 7. Plays music, the participants in the competition are dancing near the table and go around. When music breaks down, the participants must take one glass from the table and drink juice. Who did not get a glass, he drops out. After removing one glass. Since one participant dropped out. And this contest is played until one winner remains.

By the way!
The older generation people still remember the times of the USSR, and they will be interested in spending their anniversary in the style of the USSR. And organize a retro party!

Now we need teams from two people: one woman and one man. Woman will be a fox Alice, and the man Basilio cat. Kotu tie his eyes. And Alice "leave" only one leg. That is, we associate two legs with one rope. Our friendly company should be hidden and in such a way to go through a certain distance. Which team will cope faster, she wins this fun competition.

The next game will simply raise the mood to all guests. We need two pairs: a man and a woman in a pair. Women give money bills, you can not real. According to the team, they must hide all their bills in the "man." That is, putting bills in pockets, pants, under the shirt and so on. There is one rule - you can not put one bill in one place! When the time ends, the lead asks how many bills have left. If one woman has more bills more, then the presenter suggests her to recoup - collect all this money back, but only already blindfolded! Women tie their eyes. And men change places! And it turns out that women remember where they hid money, and since men changed. Then in these places there may be no money and not to be! Watch it will be fun!

And again we need couples: Men and women. Men on the belt tie ropes. And the jars are tied to the ropes that should hang somewhere near their knees. Women give coins, for example, 10 pieces of 10 rubles. Men and women depart from each other for two or three meters. Slow music turns on, men begin to dance dance, something like striptease, and women should throw money into a jar. As a fee for dance. What a couple will be able to get more money in the bank, she won.
Especially it will be fun. When a man will try to help women in the process of his dance. And "substitute" their banks under coins.

And one more contest, and all guests will participate in it. They must be divided into the same number of people. These two teams get up against each other. And in the middle of them at the end sits the jubique. All guests take into the mouth of the toothpick. Near the first participants in the teams lie slices of lemon sliced. They have to pick up one lone of lemon toothpick and do it without hands. When they have a lemon on the toothpick. Then he transmits this slicker to the second participant. The second third and so on. All this is done without the help of hands, only toothpicks that are in the mouth. And the last participants in the teams are lemons near the jubilee. What a team in this way will deliver the anniversary of 5 lobes lemon, she won.

We have a lot of competing on our anniversary for everyone. See them and choose.
Also do not forget about posters and wall newsgastes for decorating the holiday. We have a lot of posters and wallgazets that can be downloaded absolutely free.

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Birthday for every girl, girls, women is of great importance. Despite the fact that it is considered indecent to ask the age of the birthday girl, this holiday always remains very exciting for each of them. Anniversary is particularly important. When a woman becomes 50-55 years old, the period comes when rethinking comes. On this day, any beauty would like to hold a holiday fun and in a circle of loved ones and friends. In order to make a birthday unforgettable, you can invite to the holiday Tamada or to arrange a fun, the main thing is to find an active guest who loves to "speak." For this purpose, feasting contests and games are perfect.

The game "Who thinks about?"

This game is carried out during the period of the feast in the fun company of relatives and loved ones.

  • The presenter makes guests a small bag where there are small papers with letters. For example, "M", "K", "A" and so on.
  • The task is that the playing pull out the card from the bag and called the first word on the letter that would come to mind.

Usually, the player is lost and calls the most ridiculous things. The essence is to just have fun, listening to a wide variety of guests. Playing this game, you are guaranteed laughter and fun.

"Kiss of the Jubilee" game

In this packaging game, there is not only hinds and joy, but also a certain command spirit.

  • The presenter must divide those present for two teams. It is best to share guests on the right and left half of the table. The jubilee is not in any of the teams. He must be in the center of the feast.
  • We begin the competition guests sitting on all from the birthday man. At the command of Tamada, the latter drink a glass of wine and kiss near the sitting.
  • A kissed player, as well as the previous one, should have a glass of drink and transfer the kiss the next neighbor.
  • This procedure is repeated until the chapter of the evening does not kiss players of both teams.
  • The winner is the team whose kiss came first.

A dance with the anniversary can be given as a gift of the winning part of the table, or give comic prizes as a reward.

The game "Question-answer"

The game will be very interesting and unusual if you exclude decent questions and answers from the rule. It is better that there were no children in the room.

  • The main event has divided all guests into two camps. You can share them as well as in the previous competition, or divide the guests to write questions or answers to their wish. The main thing that the number of players was equal.
  • Each person who participates in the game is given a pencil or handle, as well as a small sheet of paper.
  • One side writes questions on a sheet, the other is the answers. At the same time, none of those present should say what he writes about in hearing.
  • Next, all written to Tamada.
  • The lead in turn lays the sheets on the stacks: one will be with questions, the other with the answers.
  • Then the smallest part of the game comes. The first guest takes a sheet with a question, and the second with the answer. Each of them reads its part in turn.

Game "Cooking"

This contest is more suitable for those who like to cook, well, or love to eat. You can play both in the team and one. For more interest, you can divide those present on men and women.

  • Tamada chooses one person from the crowd and sets him one letter.
  • The participant in turn should call the dish or its constituent on this letter. But the whole point is that he takes only those ingredients that are in a plate of the neighbor on the right.
  • To make it even more interesting, you can use the stopwatch. The presenter gives a contestant for 30 seconds, for which it should call all products that begin with a given letter.

The game "Three words"

According to this idea, the invited to the holiday needs to show a mixture and show how wide their vocabulary.

  • Each of those present takes from the bag in advance prepared cards with three unbound among themselves in words letters.
  • A person must come up with one of the letters one compliment to the evening owner. Naturally, if the letters are repeated, the following participants should not repeat the words that were previously.

For example, if you caught the word Tal, you can come up with the following - "patient, athletic, loving". It is desirable to select those letters that are poor in relation to compliments. Thus, you can make this game very funny.

Game "Crocodile"

One of the most exciting and fun games that uses popularity not only among young people, but also have enough adult people - the game "Crocodile". The essence of fun is that the central player shows gestures and facial expressions that he was fed. He should not use words or fir-handed items.

There are several options for this exciting game.

First option

  • The guests sitting at the table must be divided into several commands. You can share two, three or four teams. It all depends on your desire and number of guests.
  • Each team writes on several sheets of paper what the nearby should show. Cards are folded into different containers, mixed and given to another command. You can use a certain topic or to make words and phrases on an arbitrary topic. Enjoy the popularity of films or phrases. For example, you can make a competing of the phrase "right now,", "live well, and well live even better!" Or the movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Ferry", "Terminator", "Well, wait!".
  • After stirring the records, the first player pulls the sheet and goes to the middle of the room. His task to convey to his team what is recorded on the sheet.
  • To make the game, it is best to establish a certain time, after which the participant either drops out, or continues to participate. It all depends on the decision of the Tamada.
  • An unsolved word can guess players of another team, naturally, if the player learned his word, he is silent.
  • Wins the group that gave up more than all words or phrases.

In order for the game to be understandable to everyone, it is best to choose a certain topic. The player is easier to navigate when he knows where to look for.

Second option

  • Players play everyone for themselves.
  • Begins anyone. The word can be made a lead or a birthday officer, saying his participant in the ear.
  • The first who gave the phrase goes to the place of playing.
  • For the second participant, the phrase is riddled by the previous player. So the game is carried out until you decide to finish it.

Choose complex topics. For example, "Cooking". Imagine how the player should erase to show a potato soup or curd casserole?!

Game "Portrait of the Jubilee"

This contest will identify real artists and humorists or their absence.

  • Each contestant there are markers and balloons of different colors.
  • On the resulting ball, they must draw a portrait of the head of the evening. Among the guests will definitely find those who are suitable for the competition creatively and with a sense of humor.
  • The winner can be determined by general voting or by applause. It is best to give the choice of the hostess of the evening.

Competition "Sloves Portrait"

Any girl, despite age, loves when she is admired. This contest will help the heroine of the evening feel special.

  • Collect in advance children's photo namenance, her relatives, loved ones and friends.
  • The task of the participant to guess, in which photographs is our birthday girl, while he should describe this photo as much as possible.
  • Won the one who fits more pictures.

Competition "Battle of Floors"

The eternal struggle of the floors will manifest itself in the game "Battle of Floors". The idea slightly dismissed guests.

Tamada asks questions first women and then men.

Issues for weak gender should be for purely male topics, and men will have to answer women's questions.

Questions for the ladies:

Questions for strong sex:

  • What is the name of a small bag, placed in a large, where are women fold cosmetics and other ladies? (Cosmetics);
  • What is the ingredient for sand dough: yeast or sand? (Nothing of the listed);
  • What are used to remove lacquer from female marigolds? (Acetone);
  • How do women dried fresh lacquer on nails? (Blowing on the nails);
  • How to make the arrow on the caproic tights not going on? (Paint the arrow from two sides with a transparent varnish).

Competition for men "All in compliments"

Only representatives of strong sex are involved in this competition. All women love ears and this game is very pleased with the birthday.

The essence of the competition is to fall on the birthday of the compliments. The main thing is that the beauty was with a sense of humor and did not take offense in the case of what funny compliments.

  • For the task to be more complicated, each of the participants should call on one flattering reviews beginning with the letter "F" (Woman), or on the initial letter of the in the evening mistress. It is impossible to repeat.
  • If a man does not call words for fifteen seconds, he leaves.
  • The last remaining victory won.

Game "Guess the answer"

During this competition, a person must guess the riddle, but not ordinary, and cheerful. The question can be asked to all immediately or each separately. The winner is determined by the most original or ridiculous answer.

He left the grandmother and left the grandfather?
Answer: sex.
Prize: condom.

What do the parameters mean: 90 * 60 * 90?
Answer: Car speed before traffic police, before and after traffic police.
Reward: whistle.

And hanging and costs. It happens cold, happens to hot?
Answer: shower.
Reward: shower gel.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Answer: Breakfast lunch and dinner.
Reward: Slippet.

As the statistical analysis data show, more than forty million people are engaged in this every night.
Answer: "Sit" in the World Wide Web.
Reward: computer mouse.

Game "Guess the movie"

This fun is associated with alcohol and movies.

Tamada tells the situation from the film or describes the film itself, where there is a scene with drinking. Participants in turn should learn this film by brief description.

The one who gave the most correct answers is defeated.

  • Several friends are sitting by a cheerful, slightly sweeping company on the night before the new year in the bath. (The Irony of Fate);
  • Three friends recidivist drink with the head of the trading point and decide to go on the curve of the track. (Operation Y");
  • A man spreads his acquaintance in the restaurant "Watching Iva", to the state of complete restraint. (The Diamond Arm);
  • A journalist, exploring the folklore of the Caucasian people and delivered to the local culture, drinks a lot, and becomes extremely sensitive. (Caucasian captive).

Game "Tsarevna Nesmeyana"

  • The presenter should divide the invited to two commands. You can divide people to the right and left half of the table, at the request of the participants themselves or by the floor.
  • The first team becomes "princesses of non-verses" and their task is to sit with a harsh view and not express emotions in response to the attempts of the second team to laugh them. At the same time, it is impossible to touch the opponents. Use jokes, jokes, funny face.
  • Everyone who begins to laugh or even smile a little, dropping out of the competition.
  • All this is given a certain period of time. If there will be no rivals, the first team players are becoming the winners. If still humorists will be able to catch on the faces of all members of the first team of notes fun, they won.

"Yes No" game

To play this game, you need to prepare cards in advance with the words "yes and no."

  • True, at the age of three, the birthday girl kissed with ducks?
  • Did the serenadas sing our beloved (the name of the mistress of the evening)?

Do not forget that all questions should be agreed with the main heroine of the holiday. They can be funny and ridiculous, the main thing that she liked.

For the game prepare in advance masks

The lead must first prepare the masks of about this nature:

  • Distribute masks to guests so that they do not see which particular mask.
  • Each guest puts on a mask on himself.
  • Now, those present must be guessing who they are. To do this, you need to ask questions to which you can get only single responses, that is, only "yes" or "no".

For example:

  • I am human?
  • I am an animal?
  • I am small?
  • Do I have a peel?
  • I am sweet?
  • I'm big?
  • Am I Orange?

He wins the one who was the first to guess who he was, however, the fun continues until all participants guess their characters. In addition, at the end of the competition you can spend a small photo session with these funny masks.

The game "Who am I?"

This game is similar to the previous one. The exception is masks.

  • To have fun to have time to have several sheets of clean paper, handles and good vision.
  • Each present is a small block of paper and pencil. The lead can set a certain topic or leave it at the discretion of playing.
  • Participants write any word or character at your sheet, and no one should see recording.
  • We turn the entry and transmit it to the neighbor right.
  • We apply a note from the neighbor to the forehead so that the recording is all the except for the new paper owner.
  • Now, according to the principle of the previous game, ask questions, answers to which can only be "yes" or "no".

Game "Who am I"

  • I am a living being?
  • I live in Russia?
  • Am I a famous person?
  • I am a singer?

Select one topic. For example: movie stars, famous personalities or animals.

Modern game "Hands up", in which even stars play

This game came up with one very famous American TV presenter Ellen Degerers and her team. More precisely, they did not come up with the game, and the app on the phone, which occupied the first place in the world in its popularity quite a long time. It allows you to get close to even unfamiliar people.

Download the application to the phone (there is both Russian and English versions);

Choose the necessary theme. It can be "travel", "movies", "different" and much more.

Follow the instructions:

  • Install the number of players;
  • The first player must attach the phone to the forehead;
  • The remaining players are trying to explain what word to him fell.

You can give tips with similar root words.

For example, the word "chicken" can be described in this way - it carries eggs, or so is the bird whose name begins as the word smoking.

If the player responded correctly, the phone turns down the screens down, then the green light lights up and "correctly" appears. If the answer is incorrect or the participant does not know it, the phone turns the screen up. It burns red, which means that the answer is not read.

Please note that this is a game not only to your general knowledge, but also for speed. Total is given 30 seconds per player. During this time, he must give as many correct answers as possible. At the end of the game, the application issues the results of the game.