Scenarios on May 9 Victory Day. Material on the topic: Scenario for Victory Day. Lead appeals to children

07.05.2019 | We looked at the script 52 man

Children stand up and greet the incoming guests standing by applause. Presentation of participants of the event.

1. Statement of the problem and actualization of knowledge.

Teacher: What feelings do you cause the word "holiday"? (joy, fun, memories of ...

04.05.2019 | We looked at the script 194 man

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Today in this room is warm from the friendly situation and closely from the proximity of the eras and generations. You made a terrible war on your shoulders, went through a huge life path with joy and luck, losses and ...

Solemn rally dedicated to the anniversary of the Moscow battle

03.05.2019 | We looked at the script 45 human

And here again history page
Covered in the blood of the Moscow Region Bittle.
Three ways the enemy seeks to Moscow
By one, it will be removed.

May 9, 2010 will be 65 years old victory in the Great Patriotic War, and 68 years ago, one of the decisive ...

Ringing Scenario for Victory Day for Schoolchildren

29.04.2019 | We looked at the script 175 human

Sounds the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Lead 1.

I am a Russian man, and Russian nature
I am kind to me, and I sing her.
I am a Russian man, son of his people
I proudly look at my homeland!
In a godina, it always happened
Unified, unsinkable, ...

Scenario of the festive concert for Victory Day

29.04.2019 | We looked at the script 284 man

Waltz phonogram sounds. Dancing couples appear on the scene. They are dancing. The phonogram becomes quieter, heard of the siren and the roar of explosions. Dancing couples run away, the voice of Levitan sounds about the beginning of the war. Gradually, the ramps go out and the light becomes ...

Scenario of Memories "Day of Memory and Grief"

29.04.2019 | We looked at the script 215 human

Adult: June 22, 1941 Early in the morning, without an ad, fascist Germany attacked our homeland. The Great Patriotic War began. (Slide 1)

The song "Sacred War" song sounds loudly, then make quiet.

Scenario of the solemn event "Victory Day"

29.04.2019 | We looked at the script 242 man

Included guests are collected in the assembly hall, teachers and college students; On the screen there is a demonstration of the film "Victory Parade", passages from films with the songs of the War Years: "Katyusha", "in the dugout", "Dark Night" and others.

When entering the hall of the blocks and ...

The scenario of the literary and musical composition "Joy with tears in the eyes" dedicated to May 9

24.04.2019 | We looked at the script 481 human

1st Presenter: Today, our country marks one of the most significant holidays - Victory Day. This is "joy with tears in the eyes" - so said one poet. Indeed, on this day and joy, and sorrow near.

2nd Host: No Family in Russia, which ...

The scenario of the historic evening dedicated to the Victory Day

24.04.2019 | We looked at the script 242 man

Song sounds "If tomorrow War".

June 22 ... This day will forever discard our memory by 1941. And therefore by May 9, 1945. There is a durable thread between two dates. Without one, there would be no other. More precisely, the other simply could not be, because ...

Scenario of the event dedicated to Victory Day: "Echo Victory"

24.04.2019 | We looked at the script 319 human

Again war ...
Or maybe we forget about it?
I hear sometimes:
"Do not, you do not need to be wounded!"
And maybe ...

Songs of war years.

Y. Memory human strict
Days believes like fighters in the ranks
A. knows the world that your way was not easy
To this solemn day.
K. Victory comes again and again,
Beautiful and young, as in forty-fifth,
D. comes in the brilliance of old orders
On the jacket of a crazy soldier
A.S. Washed with tears - not rain,
Welding not with fire, but happiness of life,
B. Victory to us comes on a sightery,
So never forget about
What a feat was perfect!

A. Good afternoon, expensive veterans and guests of our holiday! Sixty-six years ago, the last shots of a large, difficult, tragic and unforgettable Great Patriotic War were observed, but do not heal wounds in human hearts.
Yu. Today in the solemn, festive day of the Great Victory, we return thoughts in those harsh years, to those heroic days. Victory will come, she is waiting for us in front. In the meantime ...

K. Toy all the silence breath
That the whole earth still slept, it seemed.
Who knew that between the world and the war,
Total five minutes left!

B. And climbed everything, stumbled
Merged into one exile roar and howl.
Hot wind of death and metal
Swears over the head itself.

A.S. After all, the front edge is not a battalion
And not divisions, you know it,
Here the future battle illuminated
Here the happiness of our front edge

1. "Farewell to Slavs" performed all

B. We are still pretty bullets with you
But, three times believing that life is already all
I still had proud for the most pretty,
3a bitter land where I was born.
K. For the fact that it will die on it,
That the Russian mother gave birth to us
D. What, in the battle - Walking us, Russian woman
In Russian, three times hugged me.

2. "Blue handkerchief"

Whitens melt
In the clear sky blue -
Fly "hawks"
On the cruel fight with the enemy.
Among many, among others
There flies in one level
Young cheerful pilot,
The one is most expensive to me.
Know all his habits
And I will not say that:
For him I'm afraid,
Worried ... and proud!
My heart is always guarded.
If my dear in battle, -
I believe me that bullet enemy
Do not kill my love.
I know the heart, whose blood,
What and wound and trouble
I am my big love
From my native one.
And will return uncaded
All enemies setting a lesson,
My cheerful, my favorite,
My brave hawk! "

3. First of all airplanes

A. When the enemy attacked our country, everywhere - first to the Volga, and then deeper, in the rear of Russia, was the dimming. On the streets - neither the lantern, the windows in the evening were tightly closed with curtains and sheets of black paper. The darkening attached to the front-line nature of the cities and villages, no matter how far from the line of battles they were.
Yu. It was in a serious time. Now it is difficult to imagine what a stunning impression was made by this picture: a fighter goes on position and, removing, long sees a light in the window of his beloved. And people knew: half the country is immersed at night in the impenetrable darkness, even the cars do not light headlights, and the trains move black. Enemy aircraft will not find goals!

4. "Spark"
5. "Grace" "Autumn Son"

6. "Let's climb"

K. "The iron wind beat them in the face, and they were all walked forward, and again the feeling of superstitious fear covered the enemy: did people go to the attack if they are mortal?"
From 500 to 125 bullets and fragments per square meter ...

7. Song from the movie "Belorussky Station"

8. "It's time to go road"

Went fights on the sea and on land,
Scared shots around.
Sounded songs "Katyusha"
Under the castor, kursk and eagle.
Spirit Soviet soldiers raised
Sang a march victory, combat
And enemies in the grave buried
Under the Great Kursky Arc.
In a difficult hour, the infantry helped
Sad songs loud she.
Only then "Katyusha" silent,
As a victory ended the war.

9. "Katyusha"

A. On the front, everyone fought: both men, and women with guns in their hands beat the fascists, committed sabotage in the rear of the enemy, bombed enemy troops from the sky.
Yu. In our rear, the battle was also going - the working battle: women, old people, children, everyone who could not go to the front, worked on the factories, produced tanks, airplanes, shells. 12 - 15 hours stood people from the machines, it was their labor front, their labor feat. They worked, believed in victory and waited from the war their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers.
10. "Dark Night"
A. In the war years, millions of soldiers turned out to be torn off from the native home, from the family. In the separation, the feeling of love for her relatives and relatives aggravated. Hometown, mother, beloved girl, wife - all this is holy for a soldier. It became a particle of the Motherland, which he defended.
Y. On this Motherland whispered to him the words of military songs. How many songs were created in the war years about love, about separation, about loyalty. They sang fighters in the dugouts, in the forest. By the fire, they got warmer from them, the pain of separation was died.
11. "Clouds in Blue"

12. "Spring in the Lilac Garden"

13. "Walked soldiers"

Do not beauties
War Love us taught -
Angular harsh guys.
Those who, little caring about glory,
Were the first in every battle.
We knew -
One who will leave a friend in trouble
That love does not raise his own.

14. "If there was no war"

15. "Last Fight"

A. After heavy fighting, soldiers need rest, at least short, otherwise it is impossible to withstand the monstrous tension.
Y. knew the soldiers that many would expect death - maybe tomorrow. They knew that the war was not a holiday. But nevertheless sounded jokes in the war, laughing rushed ...
16. "Grace" "Apple"
17. "Evening on the raid"
18. Dance "I will captain"
Did you dare to die
Life promised, love promised
Does children are born for death,
Didn't you want our death
The flame hit the sky - you remember
Quietly said: "Get up to help ..." -
Nobody had a fame with you,
Just a choice for everyone: I or
The best and most expensive -
Your grief is our grief,
True yours - this is our truth,
Thank you - this is our fame,

19. "In the fields for the hangout"

With us year forty fifth, as before!
He gives us strength. And hope!

A striking prophecy of the poet: we were waiting for "Dazzling May" - the victorious May 1945.
On this field is better to climb.
Here silence is sometimes called Nabat.
For those who fell for the Fatherland, soldiers,
Which we are not entitled to forget.
No tears, suffering, humiliations.
No permissible person!
Let the sun shines, in the joy of moments
The victorious May will remain forever!

Y. But for this day, the people were difficult dear inhuman effort, testing, grief and tears.
A. Hitler's troops left further, finally, the venue of hostilities became fascist Germany. On the strengthening of Berlin, the Germans threw all their strengths: the city was obeyed three defensive lines, stone houses and basements turned into military fortifications.
Y. On the night of April 16, 1945, thousands of guns opened hurricane fire at the opponent's positions. The fascists were caught in surprise, and Soviet troops were transferred to the offensive. The stunned Nazis saw how from the Soviet troops flashed, blind eyes, dozens of small suns. In German positions, it became light as day. In horror, the Germans thought that the Russians had a new weapon.
A. In fact, one hundred and forty-powerful spotlights were installed in front of the explosion of a breakthrough in the enemy. For dawn, the fighters overcame the first bar of obstacles, and approached the second. Two additional tank armies were introduced into the battle. The enemy began to depart to Berlin.
Y. In the city of the battle, they walked for each house, every street, in the air, on earth and under the ground. He began the assault on Reichstag. Only after the third attack, the Red Army team managed to break into the building and set the red flag over the main entrance - the victory banner.
21. I drove from Berlin "

22. "Grace" "Cossack dance"

They did not return from the battlefield ... Young, strong, vitality ... They dreamed of hot and clean love, about light life on earth. The honest of the most honest, they turned out to be bold of the bold. They were without hesitation joined the fight against fascism.
It is written about them:
They left, your one year old,
The teeth are not squeezing, the fate is not klyan.
And the path was to pass not short:
From the first fight to the eternal flame ...
Let silence in the world
But the dead is in the ranks.
War did not end
For those who fell in battle.
The dead, they remained to live; Invisible, they are in the ranks. The dead, like tens of thousands of their peers, so little in life and made so immeasurably much, giving their lives for their homeland, will always be the conscience of all of us living.
People! As long as the heart is knocking, - Remember!
Some price conquered happiness, please remember!

23. "Cranes"

A. There are sons of Russia!
They always decently served to her.
And those honestly folded
And those that quietly died from the Russian Academy of Sciences,
And those that still remain alive ...
Y. For those who do not remember the past, there is no future. We must firmly know and remember those who presented us with peace and happiness who defended their homeland without sorry for their lives.
24. "For that guy"

25. "Pearls" "Peace in your hands"

A. Follow years. Stay behind the decade. Now only books, photos, movies and monuments are reminded of the courage and perseverance of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War. But to look into the past help the memories of the immediate participants.
Y. In many families, direct participants of military events are alive, much we know on the memories of our parents, grandparents. All those who went through the war, who returned or did not return - everyone can safely be called heroes. And Russian soldiers, officers, women, and children ...

A. There is no family in Russia, which the Great Patriotic War would not touch. And we cannot afford to forget the real heroes, because we are their descendants. These 1418 days of the selfless attitude of our Russian people presented their lives to many future generations, let's not forget about it.
26. "White Tears Cherry"

27. "For the 9th number

Y. Victory!
A. Victory!
Y. Victory!
Runs the message around the country.
A. End to test and trouble,
End of a long war.
Yu.Bestered the lair beast
Wars are survived.
And with news in open doors
Spring sun breaks.
A.Dostoyy and daughters showed themselves in the battles of the past war our compatriots.
Y. Beschom to the shoulder was defended by the Brest Fortress, fought for Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad, did not touch themselves on the Kursk arc, they freed Belorussia and took Berlin. The generation of the winners defended the world's largest country and our right to life.
A. We are proud generation of winners.

28. "Farewell to Slavs"

29. "Victory Day"

Y. You saw the children laugh
On this sunny planet?
A. Yes, do we let me
Destroy the happiness of their earthly?
Q. Did you see how children laugh?
Rays pour laughter happy
K. and the whole people of my Russia
Lives and thinks about the world
D. about the clear sun in the sky blue,
About avian singing in spring!
An. So that people live happily
On the whole of our land,
Yu. We must fight for peace,
And the people of the whole land are to be friends
A. Stadd to say we can boldly:
"Earth, our planet - to live!

Scenario for Victory Day.

Nobody knows the war, but we heard about her from the elders, we could not but hear, because this war came to every house, in every family.

Why do we remember it again?

Because it cost us expensive. We understand that for everything we have - life and holiday in our life, we are obliged to all those who fought, died, survived in those hellish conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive. Behind this holiday is a terrible time of war, ruin, millions of deaths.

Today we have an unusual day. We stand on the threshold of the brightest, Holy Holiday - Victory Day

When it thundered salute from the edge to the edge.
Soldiers presented the entire planet
Great May, the victorious May.
Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with a victory.

May soldiers, thank you forever
From the whole land, from the whole earth!
Even then we were not in the world,
When war was declared.
And rose adults and children
To defend themselves together from the enemy.

On this day, we remember those who are not with us, and congratulate those who have come to this bright day. To all those who presented us a peaceful sky, happy childhood is dedicated.

For the music of Waltz 2, the student is dancing waltz, and two read poems. Then only dance.

June ... cloned in the evening sunset
And white night flooded the sea.
And he was heard a ringing laughter guys
Do not know who do not know grief.

June. Then we still did not know
From school evenings, stepping,
That tomorrow will be the first day of war,
And it will end only in the 45th of May.

The predestrous silence broke a volley thousands of guns ... From the reproductors there was a terrible message ...

Levitan "Start of War". (Phonogram)

During the sound of the phonogram on the stage, children are raised, which fulfill the march "Farewell to Slavica".

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. All our people rose to the struggle with the German-fascist invaders: queues were built into the military registration and enlistment offices, the front left right from school bench. The volunteer stream did not dry up the whole war.

Song sounds "Get up a huge country".

That longest day per year
With his cloudless weather
We gave us a common trouble
At all for all four years.
She was so pressed a trail
And so many land put
That twenty years and thirty years
Alive I can not believe that alive ...

"War" - tougher no word.
"War" - there is no word sad.
In longing and glory these years.
And we have another
Can not be. And no

From the endless plain Siberian
To the Polessian forests and swamps
The people of Bogatyrsky rose,
Our great Russian people.

He went out, free and right,
Answering war to war,
Stand up for a native power
For the mighty our country!

Dance "Blue handkerchief"

The soldiers tried not to lose heart, and high poetry and amazing songs were born in the fire of this terrible war ...

Soldier 1 (writes a letter).
I know, in your heart you have anxious
It is not easy to be the mother of the soldier!
I know everything you look at the road.
For which I left sometime.
I know, wrinkles have become deeper
And a little bit of sounded steel shoulders.
Nowadays, we stood in battle
Mom, for you, for our meeting.
Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait very much!

Soldier 2 (unfolds a letter and reads).
Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my favorite son!
I am writing with advanced,
Tomorrow morning - again into battle!
We will be fascists to drive.
Take care, son, mother,
Forget sadness and sadness -
I'll come back with the victory!
Half you finally.
Your father.

Soldier 3 (with a candle).
Dear my relatives!
Night. Shames a light candle.
I remember not for the first time,
How do you sleep on a warm oven.
In our little old hut,
What forests are hidden from eyes,
I remember the field, a river,
Again and remember you again.
My brothers and sisters are relatives!
Tomorrow I'm going to battle
For my depth, for Russia,
What got into a fucking trouble.
Collect your courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without pity
So that you have not threatened anything,
So that you can learn and live!

Dance "Cranes".

And what joy was every news from home ...
This little yellow leaflet
I send to the dugout to you.
To the lines of these
Often think in battle about me.
The wind will take my song.
So that you helped in battle.
Remember: the girl believes and waiting
And love, and your victory!

Poems are simple, naive, but how many hopes and love in them! Such letters were needed by a soldier. It is not by chance a symbol of loyalty and hope was Katyusha's girl from the song, which all - and adults, and children now know.

Song "Katyusha"

In war, not only men, but also women fought. They were medical examinations, doctors, nurses, scouts, television. Many soldiers saved delicate good female hands from death.

Nurse (girl in a golk with a red cross, with a bag).
Cannon rumble, bullets whistle.
Wounded with a soldier shell fragment.
Sisters whispering:
"Come on, I will support
Wanish I will give up! "-
All forgot: weakness and fear,
I made him on my hands from the battle.
How many love and heat in it!
Many sister saved death.

About 27 million Soviet people died. Represent what it means? This means 30 killed by 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means - every fourth resident of the country died.

I ask everyone to stand. The heads of the head before the greatness of the Soviet soldier's feat. Almost the memory of all the dead is a minute of silence.

Minute silence.

Song "Eternal Flame."

We are here with you not because the date
As an evil fragment, memory is burning in the chest.
To the grave of an unknown soldier
You are on holidays and weekdays come.
He defended you on the battlefield.
Fell, nor step without stepping back.
And the name has this hero -
Great Army Simple Soldier

Photo. Monument to the Soviet soldier in Berlin.

Host: In Germany, in the city of Berlin, there is a monument to the Soviet soldier who saved the German girl. As this happened, the poet Georgy Rublev said wonderfully.

Children (in turn):

It was in May at dawn.
I grew up at the walls of the Reichstag battle.
German girl noticed
Our soldier on dusty pavement.
At the pillar, trembling, she stood
In blue eyes, fright froze,
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and flour sowed around ...
And then, in Berlin, under fire,
Clause fighter and, body flap.
Girl in a short dress white
Carefully made out of the fire.
How many children returned childhood,
Gave joy and spring
Soviet ordinary army,
People who won war! .
And in Berlin in the festive date
Was erected to stand in the centuries,
Monument to the Soviet soldier
With the girl saved in his arms.
He stands like a symbol of our glory.
As a lighthouse, glowing in the MGL.
This is he - the soldier of my power -
Guards the world on the whole earth!

Host: At the walls of the Kremlin burns the eternal flame of glory to the heroes who fell in battles, we remember our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a brutal battle. We are obliged to all our defenders, veterans by the fact that we live now under peaceful, clean heaven. Eternal Glory!

Children take flowers together with all guests sing the song "Victory Day" /

The scenario of the holiday on May 9 prepared: Natalia Nikolaevna, Deputy Director for BP, Filippova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Head of the School Military Patriotic Museum "Search", MOU "Major secondary school No. 1. Babakina G.O. " Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic, Email: [Email Protected]

Part 1


Dear friends! We were born and rose in peacetime. We have never heard of the Siren who announced a military alarm, did not see the houses destroyed by the fascist bombs, we do not know what is a non-well dwelling and a meager military missile. It is difficult for us to believe that human life to break the same as the morning sleep. We can judge the trenches and trenches only on movies and the stories of front-line. For us, the war is history. We dedicate the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War today.

Sounds recording "Victory Day", children are built, as if forming an alley, in their hands all flowers. Several children spend on the "Alley" veterans, holding them by arms, summarize to honorable places for guests, are invited to sit down, the children give the veterans of flowers. Music is silent, children freely get up all over the hall.


This day is special, desirable. The sun shines brightly in the embroidery. Victory Day - Holiday long-awaited It is celebrated in our country.

Party host

But he is especially roads to veterans, Tears of joy and pain in their eyes. Do not heal in any way to the soul wounds And the flowers are trembling in their hands.

Performed song "We are the heirs of victory."


Wear orders! They are for your victory, your honest is given for the wound, wear orders! Dawns are warm in them, which was defended in the trenches of that war. Wear the Order and on holidays and on weekdays, on the nodes and fashionable jackets, wear orders, so that people see you, who made the war on their own shoulders.

Children sit on the chairs.


Let back the story leafles their legendary pages. And the memory, after the years, fluttering, leads again in hiking and fighting.

Song recording "Do not think about the ranks of Him" \u200b\u200bfrom KF "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

With a glorious date 9th May 1945 has passed a lot of time, but we know and remember the name of the winner - the people, many sons and the daughters of which gave their lives for their great land.

Today there will be a day of memories and in the heart closely from high words. Today there will be a day reminders about the feat and valor of fathers.

The record "Sacred War" sounds

Child-reader (boy)

Having broken a peaceful life, suddenly, without the announcement of war, fascist Germany on June 22, 1941 attacked our country.

Child-reader (girl)

Sad Willow bellowed to the pond, the month is floating over the river, there, at the border, there was a young fighter at night. Black shadows in the fog grew, cloud in the dark sky, the first shell ripped away in the distance - the war began.

Staging. Children are located all over the hall (communication, nurse, sailor, pilot, car gun).

Suiter (put on headphones):

Hello, Jupiter!? I am a diamond! I almost do not hear you at all ... I won the village with the battle, and how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages the wounded):

What are you roaring like a bear? Void remains to be patient. And your wound is so easy that it will certainly heal.

Sailor (looks into binoculars):

On the horizon, the plane, on the course - a complete move, go ahead! Get ready for battle, crew! Stand! Our fighter!

Pilots over map:

Infantry - here, and tanks are here. Fly to goal seven minutes. The battle order is clear, the enemy will not leave us.

Automatic machine:

So I climbed into the attic. Perhaps the enemy is lighted here. Clean the house behind the house, we will find the enemy everywhere.

Stage participants return to their places.


Woman and war ... both of these words of the female kind, but how are they incompatible ... Woman and war ... A woman comes to the world, so that the candle will be lit.

Going out in military uniform young women, educators.

A woman comes to the world to protect the focus

A woman comes to the world to be loved.

A woman comes to the world to give birth.

A woman comes to the world to bloom in color.

A woman comes to the world to save the world.


Women of formidable forties had a chance to save the world.

Seed by the fire, next to the dugout.

We all had one desire: only to the front! We went to the military registration and enlistment office, and we are told: "grow up, girls, you are still early to the front" ... I was 16 years old, but I achieved my, they took me.

Mom then stared at the station for several days when we were lucky. I saw how we were going to the formulation, I handed me some kind of food and fainted.

Lined us in growth, I'm the smallest. The commander goes, looks. Suitable for me "What kind of inch? What are you on the front to do something? Maybe you will return to mom, grow up? " And my moms were no longer my mom.

And I took a favorite skirt with me to the front, two pairs of socks and shoes, elegant, on the heel ... And he took the perfume ... I thought, I was going to go for a while, the war will soon end.


Each of them had its own way to the front, but the goal one is to protect their homeland.

The girls from the fire spikes the song "Eh, Roads."


Women of the outreach war ... It is difficult to find words worthy of that feat that they have committed. The fate not to measure them with the usual measure, and to live them forever - in the grateful memory of the people, in the colors, spring radiance of birch, in the first steps of children in the land they have defended.

Stories-memories of women veterans.


Take, women, praise ...

Everyone was resting in a grave hour

On your hands, your shoulders -

And won! And without you

And there was nothing to fight.

The presenter takes in the dugout a pilot with soldier's letters.


If you want to know about the war

And about the May victorious spring,

Ask the soldier's mother

1st Letter:

On the pages froze the year.

Twenty-two will always be he.

"Mom, I am healthy and alive ..."

And the latter is the last fight.

Child-reader 1

My brothers and sisters are relatives,

Tomorrow I'm going to battle

For my depth, for Russia,

What got into a fucking trouble.

Collect your courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without pity

So that you have not threatened anything,

So that you can learn and live.

Transfer a pilot with letters to each other.

Child-reader 2

Dear my relatives!

Night. Sharpets light candles.

I remember not for the first time,

How do you sleep on a warm oven.

In our little old hut,

That forests lost in the deaf,

I remember the field of river,

I remember you again and again.

Father of one of the children

You sorry that the letter

Rushing, breaking, casually

I am writing like a boy diary

And as the navigator - magazine.

So again it starts ... Do you hear?

Third speed rushes

Fire Started Metal ...


I saw my comrades die. And today Kombat told the case as one general died, died, standing face to the West. I love life, I want to live, but the front is such a thing that you live, live - and suddenly a bullet or fragment put a point at the end of your life. But if I am destined to die, I would like to die as this general: in battle and face to the West.

Father of another child

On the street midnight, the candle is burning,

High stars are visible.

You write a letter, my dear,

In the flaming address of the war.

How long do you write him, dear,

Throw and not get again.

But I am sure: to the front edge

Such love breaks.

For a long time, we are from home,

Fires of our rooms behind the smoke of war are not visible

But the one who loves, but the one who remembers

How at home and in the smoke of war.

Warm on the front from affectionate letters.

Reading for each row

You see my beloved and you hear my homeland

We will come back soon, I know, I believe

And the time will come.

There will be sadness and separation outside the door,

And only joy will enter the house.

And somehow in the evening with you

To the shoulder pressed

We will sit down and letters like the chronicle of the battle,

As a chronicle of feelings, luggage.

All of the dugouts return to their places.

Lead appeals to children

Tell me, children who do you remember the poem about the checkbox?


Lit in the sun checkbox, as if I lit it.


What flag can be said that it burns like a light? What can be reminding blue? White color? (Children answer). The word "flag" has a word close by value. Who knows what word can you use instead of the word "flag"? (banner). The word "flag" appeared in Russia during the time of Peter the first. The word "banner" is much older. It is solemn, and the planest of the banner is necessarily large. The flag can be small, and the banner is not. The banners fought warriors in battle. It happened that people gave their lives only for saving the banner, do not allow the enemies to capture him. In the battle, the banner of the banner above the enemy mill meant victory.

The presenter draws attention to the photo.

Look at this photo, it is called "Banner over Reichstag". What happens, what moment captured the photographer?

Children tell:

(Two soldiers climb on the building to hoist a red banner over him. These are the fighters of our army who fought against the fascists. The fascists captured many countries, they killed people, burned cities and villages. But our army defeated the fascists, freed his native land and other countries, Including Germany. During the battle, in Berlin, two of our soldiers were able to climb on the roof of the Reichstag and installed a red banner there. The red flag was the symbol of our state, and when the red banner was watered over Reichstag, this meant our victory Countries in the Great Patriotic War).

Party host

A red strip on our state flag reminds us of this Banner of Victory, about people who died in the war with the fascists.


And now the walls of the Reichstag

Fierce battle boils

Soviet warriors Devraga

In the last fight wins.

And over the fascist capital,

Piercing blue blue

Like a messenger of glory, free bird,

Victory the banner ascended.


The path to victory was very long, 1418 days and nights. And now our people notes (...) The anniversary of the victory over the fascist Germany.

When it is, I do not know.

In the shadow of the whittle birches

The victory of the Ninth May.

Celebrate people without tears ...

Side victory marches

Army pipes of the country

And the Marshal will go to the army,

Not seen this war.

Everyone sing the song "Victory Day".

Leading a festive concert

But the victory is not only joy, but also sorrow. It was estimated that from every hundred fues who were alive only three. Once again, you look at the faces of those who went to war (photos). Persons are simple and spiritualized, young and not by year of magnificent, with a clear look. Heroic generation of winners. Every day, think about the day of remember - 1418 days. At hundreds of monuments and obeliskov you will not see names, only the amount of buried. They fell for freedom and independence of our Motherland.

Yes, time is inexorably going forward, but at the same time it is not powerful over the memory of the people.

Memory tape.

Those who have fought someone from loved ones, come together with children, attach a photo to the tape, briefly talk about who it is, and light a candle.


Days of spring coming them are no longer given.

On a minute stand up, comrades,

In memory of all who did not come from the war.

Minute silence.

Do not forget the bloody sunsets,

When in the ruins was the harm edge.

And how soldiers fell on the ground

Killed ... Live, do not forget!

The song "Cranes" is performed under the accompaniment of the guitar.

Part 2 Music card for veterans.


Music postcard Today we dedicate expensive guests,

let it be children's gift to you.


For you zadorly wondered, let's give flowers

I will tell your poems and feed songs.

Performed song "Muscovites".


As if saying goodbye and sad

In the premonition of those gradual losses

Autumn birch groves

The unpretentious army came to the parade.


And the branches are chosen, birks will quietly sing the same thing: - Native, goodbye, happily you will come back to all backwards.

Dance "Military Waltz".


Left a young guy to war

Conguest and Silen, and shoulder.

And he "light" sang on the farewell

And played our dashing harmonist.

Song "Spark".


The sun of the motherland beloved illuminates everything around

And takes off the blonde dove of the world from our hands -

You fly, fly in the light, our dove, from the edge to the edge,

The word of the world and lead to all peoples.

The world of heroes defended, we swore them,

Flying in blue was given to the obelisk to lower.

So that the explosions did not close the sky with a black veil,

Our blondy doves, walking the whole bowl of the earth.

Dance with "pigeons".

The boy takes a bench, harmony.


From the first days of Godina Gorky,

In the grave hour of the land of the native

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

We are friends with you.

Do not explode, so break through

We will be alive - not a poke.

The term will come back back,

What they gave - everything will be refunded.

Staging "Vasily Terkin".

From the audience:

Terkin - Who is he?

1st child

Let's say frankly:

Just a guy itself

He is ordinary.

The girl comes up to the first boy.

On the road front-line

Cooked as in the ranks

Walked fighter in the cooler new,

Catch up his regiment rifle

The company first his own.

Outgoing boy - Vasily Terkin

On the spacious wind cutting,

Angry frost near iron

Blowing in the soul, enters the chest -

Do not touch somehow.

Here is the trouble: in the whole column

No harmony, no harmony,

And frost - neither become nor sit down ...

Removed the gloves, rubs the palms,

Suddenly hear: - Harmon is there.

Only took a trinket fighter (takes harmony),

Immediately visible - the harmonist.

For the beginning, for order

I threw my fingers from top to bottom.

And from that harmonica old

What remained orphan

Somehow suddenly the warmer became

On the front road.

Heat, remember

All go to harmonist.


Stand, brothers,

Give in your hands.


Restressed the guy fingers

It is necessary to help an ambulance.

1st boy

You know, throw you these waltzes.

Give the one that.


And went, went to work,

Coming and threatening

Yes how to make something

What you can not express.

1st Child (shining)

Oh, sorry that there is no knock,

Eh, friend, kaba knock,

Kaby suddenly - a paved circle!

Kaba boons drop,

Join the heel

Capture so that immediately

Heel to Kayuk!


And the harmonic calls somewhere

Far, easily leads ....

No, what are you all guys

Amazing people.

1st boy

And again, honors, swords,

Snow yes Christmas tree on both sides ...

It was, of course, he.


Eh, my shoes, socks are fixed

I did not want to go out, they themselves jumped out.


Not hands - wings melted,

And from under the feet - fire, fire.

Yes you can imagine us

Without Russian dance under harmony?

It is our character: an explosion and a storm,

Kohl rolled up - proceed.

And it was once, boiling courage,

Those days are not so far away

You are in the square, in the area at Reichstag

Like famously heels.

Russian dance "Canary".


What a miracle is land in bright colors of spring,

If birds sing - and war is not heard.


What a miracle earth - and sunset and dawn,

And smile friends, and smile in response.

And in the fields of gold, and in the forest young

All children

You are beautiful, earth, human house.

Exercise with balls "We were born to the light."


I'm not in vain worried

So that the war was forgotten,

After all, this memory is our conscience,

She is like power we need.

All evening participants go outside, where the dugout is arranged, they are seeded, and the 3rd part of the "War Years song" begins. Songs of the War Years. Under the accompaniment of the accordion.

Leading school holiday

The song of the War Years ... Together with the schupplication, she stood in the soldier's system from the first days of the war and fastened the war to the victorious ending to the victorious and smashed roads. The song divided along with the warriors and sorrow and joy, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, bent along with them about the left relatives and loved ones. The song helped tolerate hunger and cold, in the name of Victory. She helped the people to stand and defeat. And helped! And won!

1 "In the dugout", 2. " Eh, Roads, "3." Dark Night "

Leading holiday at school

Years passed, the country heal wounds, but the songs of the war years sounded today, shaking hearts. They did not make anything at all, they are in service today. How many of them ... beautiful and unforgettable. And each of his own story, his fate.

4. "Evening on the raid", 5 "Blue Watch", 6 "Katyusha"

The kitchen is regal.


On the road, harsh,

Rides kitchen regiment.

Cook in a white cap

With cook in hand.

Holiday script on May 9. Victory Day

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Scenario of the school holiday dedicated to the Victory Day.

A detailed and detailed scenario of holding a festive concert dedicated to the holiday of Victory Day for schoolchildren and students.

"Thanks to say veterans but that the homeland saved!"

The lobby of the school sounds songs of military years. Veterans meet students (on their heads in children, blue berets), they lead veterans to the assembly hall of the school. In the corridors of the school on the walls, the wall newsgastes dedicated to the holiday are hung. Each veteran is handed a colorful card with congratulations made by children; The emblem icon "Happy Victory Day" icon is added to the chest. The hall has an exhibition of drawings of children, crafts dedicated to the Victory Day. But from two sides, two drummers appear on the stage. The center of the scene comes out the town. There is a drum fraction. Then the city is alarm: "Listen to everything!". The representative of the school administration comes out, congratulates the gathered on the holiday. Sounds march. Leading.

1st presenter.

With a great holiday, Power,

With victorious light on the way!

The lighter holiday is perhaps

On the entire planet not to find!

Vl. Firsov.

2nd presenter.

This day is a warm tear warmed.

How much time would not be

All who quietly say:

"Victory Day!" -

No need to explain anything.

1st presenter.

"Victory Day!" - So died

Our grandfathers are far from vain

The earth was injured,

So that the peaceful rushing.

2nd presenter.

"Victory Day!" - So

no fascism

It means that Russia is quiet light,

So children are born for life,

For happy, peaceful long years.

N. Motorina. "Victory Day"

1st presenter. You bringing off the war on your own shoulders, we give our concert.

The "May Waltz" dance (on the melody of the song "Spring of the 45th year") is performed. Sounds march. The readers are published - students of primary classes.

Today is a special day for us:

Happy day, Great Victory Day,

She was achieved by our great-grandfathers and grandfathers,

And we will tell you about it now.

That's forty first year, the end of June,

And people went to sleep calmly on the eve,

But the whole country already knew in the morning,

What began a terrible war.

But our homeland Germany attacked.

And our army retreated first,

And the Germans quickly went to Moscow itself,

And blood flowed across the native land.

And the fascists broke through to Moscow,

And they had an evil Hitler led by

A little more, and Moscow would have taken

But our warriors stood to death.

There was a war four long year.

We fought for their freedom:

Enemies wanted our land to capture

And we turn into slaves obedient.

There were many very scary battles,

In which the enemy damned was broken:

Great battle near Moscow

In which we are an enemy

they said Grozno: "Stay!"

Of course, you need to remember

And the environment of the enemy near Stalingrad,

And Kursk arc, and Crimea, and Leningrad.

He was Hitler, which attacked us, is no longer happy.

And we went to liberate Europe:

Our soldiers are in dugouts, in the trenches,

In dugouts, tanks, dotes, feeding,

On ships and airplanes ...

The fascist invaders won,

Before Berlin Nemtsov chas.

Berlin was taken, and on Reichstag

Our flag was goldly, our flag was delivered.

And it was the celebration of the whole country.

And again, celebrating this holiday,

Heroes remember we must

Come on the enemies to the answer.

O. Perezovova, E. Nefedova. "Victory Day"

Song "Farewell Slavica". Readers come out.

The station was quiet,

Little and sad,

Chewed with the crunch of Horse Oats.

But under the sleeper sharply gravel chirped,

And shredded rails from the wheels,

And the berthushki was floated to the gesture.

Birza at Perron stood up.

And he was captured by a chastushka,

Filled pain and longing:

Cute rides fighting

Put on white shirt.

I will wait all the time

Damage will not do.

And burst instantly tensions,

Whipped in the heart is hot and tight.

And how are we ... yourself beat! "

And he went, already soldiers of Russia,

To heat shoes, to the sump countrymen,

And sons with him barely bare

Adult steps on the sides.

And the woman remained small,

From her sorrive would write Russian!

She in pockets fussily shake

And all the scarf can not find.

And in the crowd, she managed to warm up -

Kisses the husband of crying guys ...

And through the village, as if through the heart,

Run the composition in the flaming sunset.

V. Solovyov. "Film"

"I not know ... you ...

For their homeland ...

With enemies ... "

In mourning cut five short lines.

Came in a chance of the Borean,

Hardened under the legs

Put the humpback ceiling on the shoulders.


The nodule got.


Blown away the sortie from the pitch,

Clever hair curl ...

Quiet, straight, light stood,

Neither the polystone from the dried lips was disappeared.

Began to calm down

Crying postman

Drawing neighbors

Spent on the porch.

And the circle danced, buzzed fire green

And the fire oledenheney beat in an open face.

Looked around:

Edge dawn, road -

Everything was as it was -

Both sand, and distance, and angry ...

And stingy not hiding tears,

Dry hand paper stopudova

- Will, Babonki. Developed.

It's time to hay.

I. Grigoriev. "Mother"

Anxious thoughts come to visit

In blue eyes - a cashed sadness.

An old letters are pulled by a ribbon.

Everyone remembers her by heart.

Not even fused in the lines of ink,

All to the leaflet she saved,

All before the leaflet she saved,

Only funeral silently burned.

Nights cold pull long.

Windows of neighboring houses dark.

In the Russian antique village over the Volga

Woman waiting for the lieutenant from the war!

Y. Lednev. "Memory"

Behind the fence of the shop,

Above the pipe smoke.

In two windows light,

In the third - no.

Fixed son Mother

To write war

Nothing hears

Just writes, writes:

"How many dark nights

I do not sleep, my son.

Mendress soon

Put the sorrow!

The wind in the field is circling,

Oh, and very wise.

Blizzard anything

Kohl will freeze.

Came out in the morning in the Senza -

Hardened heart:

Hung a snowdrift

Well, just like a coffin. "

Mother on son crying

Tears in a dress hide: -

No, it can not be,

To be killed!

On the Bugre Domoche

Over the pipe smoke.

Mortalized day

Spank light flashed.

Mother sits, sighs,

Sorrow does not subside.

Nothing hears anything

Writes ... writes ... writes!

V. Bok. "Mother"

She long lives alone,

Sulbly prayed to God

And looks, looks out of the window

On the numb road.

Hopefully did not wait ...

I experienced what thunderstorms!

Four years blood flowed,

And so many years as tears pour.

S. Chukhin. "Mother"

Easier heart to execute your heart,

It is easier to be in the discord.

With maternal grief compare

You can only Maternal Mountain ...

T. Taticheyeva. "Maternal Mountain"

Performed song about the mother.

Rushing time racing fast

Through my whole country.

How many salts, how many shots

Thundered for war! ..

Walked in the principle of general

Our brothers and fathers

Bened close and distant -

And the Urals, and the Donctions ...

There were days: from furious guns

The ball shuddered ...

Suddenly - the last! May!

Glad!!! -

Credited shot above the ground!

Peace to you, my fatherland!

In the sheath sword. Silent war.

But keeps for anything

This sword is my country.

Put, pipes, song victory!

May, noise for the whole country! ..

Glory to shoot the latter

Finished war!

P. Kudryavtsev. "Song about the last shot"

Performed song.

8th readers. We are on old cards

Grandma was looking for

In a nurse-girl

Suddenly they found out.

Next to her saved

Wounded fighter.

That's what grandmother,

Just well done!

Rounded over the trenches

Mines and shells,

Young grandmother

Walked with fighters near

In boots, in a pilot,

Like a fighter!

That's what grandmother,

Just well done!

There is a grandmother

Order and medals.

For the salvation of the wounded

She was given awards.

And her sister

Called fighter.

That's what grandmother,

Just well done!

I. Chernetsova. "That's what grandmother."

Performed song "About my grandmother".

1st presenter (against the background of the music "Victory Day").

Ninth May - Great Date!

Who knows what was B then, in forty-fifth,

Whether our great-grandfathers and grandfathers

For us, the Great Victory was not mined,

When the Barbaross plan would not be broken

About the will, about the strength, about the courage of the republic ...

2nd presenter.

Today, the heads are shon ...

But no extra words and tears do not need.

We remember all the dead, friendly

Obelisk will stand.

E. Shvetsov

1st lead

Remember! Through the century

After years, - remember!

About those who no longer come -

Do not Cry! In the throat, hold the moans,

Bitter moans.

Memory of the fallen be decent!

Always worthy!

2nd presenter.

Minute silence!

Minute silence!

Minute silence! ..

The music number is executed.

I want the world to have no screams,

There were no screams, fear and pain.

I want people to forget in the world

Screams born by horror wars.

I want shouts in the world,

The cries of newborns were heard.

I want songs in the world they sound,

Songs of happy, songs of lovers.

5th Reader. The world is the air that breathe.

6th readers. The world is the air to which I live.

7th readers. The world is all that I love since childhood.

8th readers. The world is a house in the corner of the edge.

9th readers. The world is all that since childhood we love!

10th readers. The world is life! The world is people!

A. Boyko. "The world is people"

Performed song "Sunny Circle". The march or melody of the song "Victory Day" sounds.

I've gotten again the last fight once

And played the cityist War Issue,

But the whole people remember the holy

And we must be this silence!

No, do not forget us, dear veterans,

Your feat root on the extruded land.

Although we fought, looking at the screens,

Mattered with pride stories about the war!

How did you fight all these years,


































