An example of a letter in English EGE. How to write a letter EGE in English? Personal letter in English. Tasks

One of the tasks in the exam in English is writing a personal letter In response to the letter "English-speaking friend on correspondence." Writing a letter in a foreign language is a simple task that needs to be performed as quickly as possible to leave the time to perform other tasks. So, consider the uniform rules for writing a personal letter.

This manual is relevant for EGEbut it can be used on OGE Taking into account that:
● The exam is asked to ask 3 questions, and on OGE - no;
● The volume of letters on the ege is 100-140 words, and on OGE 100-120.

In the upper right corner Specify the address in the following order:
house number, street name

It is allowed to specify the address in short form, for example:

Under the address saving a stringYou must write a letter date:
June 4th, 2019
4 June 2019.

or less formally:

The letter begins with informal treatment. If the name of your interlocutor is not specified in the task, it should be invented:
Dear rebecca,

After the appeal necessarily puts the comma!

Divide the text of the letter into several logical paragraphs, each of which start from the red string.
1. In the first paragraph, you should thank your friend for his letter:
Thanks (A lot) for Your (Last) Letter.
Your Last Letter Was a Real Surprise.
I Was Glad to Get Your Letter.
IT Was Great to Hear from You! / It Was Great To Hear That ... / I Was Happy To Hear ...

You can also apologize for not writing before:
Sorry I Haven't Written for So Long But ... / Sorry I Haven't Been in Touch for So Long.
I "M Sorry I Haven" T Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School.

and / or mention any fact from the resulting letter:
I'm Glad You Passed Your History Test!
Sounds Like You Had A Great Time in London!
Great News about your ...!

2. The bulk of the letter (2-3 paragraphs). In it, you must disclose all aspects specified in the task. Do not forget to ask the necessary questions.
It is assumed that the letter must be written in an informal style, so you can use informal words-ligaments, such as well, by The Way., anyway., sO., spoken expressions like Guess What? Or Wish Me Luck! as well as exclamation marks.

3. In the last paragraph should be explained why you finish the letter:
Well, I'D Better Go NOW AS I Have to Do My Homework.
Anyway, I Have to Go Now Because My Mum Asked Me to Help Her With The Washing Up.
I'Ve Got to Go Now! IT's Time for My Favourite TV Show.

and mention further contacts:
Write (Back) Soon!
Take Care and Keep in Touch!
Drop Me a Letter WHEN YOU CAN.
Hope to Hear from You Soon.
I Can't Wait to Hear From You!

At the end of the letter on a separate line It is indicated by the final phrase-cliché, which depends on the proximity of the author and the addressee. After it always puts a comma! Below are possible options from the least formal (1) to a more formal (7):
1) LOVE,
2) Lots of Love,
3) All My Love,
4) All The Best,
5) Best Wishes,
6) With Best Wishes,
7) Yours,

The next line under the final phrase indicates the name of the author (without last name!). For example:
Andy. or Kate.

Thus, the letter to a friend has the following form:

So, we give some successful examples of the task of the English language. For convenience, we will not specify the address and the date on the right.

You Have Received A Letter From Your English-Speaking Pen-Friend Mary Who Writes

... IT Was Great to Hear That You Went to Italy During Your Spring Holidays. I Have Always Wanted To Visit This Wonderful Country. Did You Enjoy Your Journey? What Places of Interest Did You Visit? What impressed you most of all? Did You Like Your Hotel?

Write A Letter to Mary.
In Your Letter.
Tell Her About Your Journey to Italy
ASK 3 Questions About Her Plans For The Summer

Thanks a lot for your letter. I Hope You Passed All Your Tests!
First of all, Let ME Tell You about My One-Week Package Holiday to Rome. Everything WAS OK, But We Didn't Like Our Hotel. IT WAS TOO Noisy and The Food Was awful. We Even Had A Stomachache and Consulted A Doctor. However, All The Excursions Were Extremely Interesting. We Visited The Vatican and Were Impressed by The Famous St. Peter's Cathedral. I ALSO Enjoyed The Colosseum and Other Sights of Rome. All in all, We enjoyed Our Holiday.
And what about you? What Are Your Plans for the Summer? Will You Come to Visit US? RUSSIA IS A UNIQUE COUNTRY AND ILL SHOW YOU LOTS OF INTERESTING THINGS. If You Make Up Your Mind, Let Me Know What Cities You Would Like to Visit.
Hope to Hear from You Soon.
Lots of love

... Do You often Have Arguments with Your Parents? I do. My Mother Thinks That I Spend Too Much Time Hanging Around With My Friends. Do you often MEET Your Friends?
What do you usually do together? And What do you do you do you disagree with your parents about how you spend your free time?
Write Back Soon.

Write Back to Ann.
In Your Letter.
Answer Her Questions
ASK 3 Questions About Her Relass With Her Young Sister

Thanks for your letter. I'm Glad You Passed Your History Test!
I'm Sorry You Don't Get On Well With Your Parents. As for Me, I Have Practically No Problems with Mine, Althought We Do Quarrel Sometimes Because I Spend Too Much Time Playing Computer Games. In This Case I Try to Talk to Them and Find The Way Out. Unfortunately, I Can Meet My Friends Only At Weekends and We Usually Play Football Together. IT's Our Favourite Game.
And how do you get on with your sister? Do You Play Together? Do You Help Her With Her Homework? I Wish I Had A Sister Or A Brother!
Anyway, Keep Smiling WHATEVER HAPPENS! I'd Better Go NOW AS I've Got Loads of Homework to Do (As Always).
Write Back Soon!
Lots of love

You Have Received A Letter from Your Russian Speaking Pen-Friend Who Writes

... We Moved to a New House a Few Weeks Ago and I Changed School. AT First I Was a Bit Afraid But i Made New Friends Sooner Than I Expected. The Teachers Are Nice and Everything Sems To Be Working Out Well. And what about you? Have you Made Any Friends in Your New School? Do You Enjoy Studying There? Have You Got Any New Subjects This Year?
I'Ve Got to Go Now! IT's Time for My Music Lesson. DROP ME A LINE WHEN YOU CAN.
Lots of love

Write A Letter to Emily.
In Your Letter.
ASK 3 Questions ABOUT HER Preferences in Music

Thank you for your letter. IT Was Great to Hear About Your New House!
As for My New School, It's Very Big! IT HAS Three Computer Rooms and Wonderful Sports Facilities. Actually, IT Sems A Nice Place and I Enjoy Studying There. The Kids in My Class Are Very Friendly. I'Ve Already Made Some New Friends and We Often Meet After Classies. I'Ve Got Only One New Subject This Year. IT's Economics and I'm Beginning to Think That It's Not Difficult, After All!
By The Way, What Music Styles Do You Enjoy? Have you Got Any Favourite Bands? Would You Like to Go to their Concert? As for me, I Prefer Radiohead. THEY ARE COOL!
I'd better go now. Mum Wants Me to Help with the HousWork. Take Care and Stay in Touch!
Lots of love

This is part of a letter from Harry, Your English Pen-Friend.

... I'm Fine But i've Got A Very Busy Week ahead. I'm a Member of the School Team and We Are Preparing for An Important Match in the National Championship. Are you Fond of Football? Do You Watch Football Matches on TV? What other sports do you enjoy?
Well, i'd Better Go now. I've Got to Do Some More Training - I DONL WANT TO LOSE This Match.
Take Care and Write Back Soon.

Write Back to Harry.
In Your Letter.
Answer His Questions
ASK 3 Questions ABOUT HIS Preparation for the Match

Hi! How's IT Going? Thanks for your Last Letter. I'm Glad You Are In Your School Football Team Now!
In Your Letter You Asked Me About Football. Well, I'm Really Fond of IT. IT's A Great Game and I'm Always Happy WHEN MY Team Wins. But i don't Watch Football Matches on TV BECAUSE It's Rather Boring. I Prefer Playing To Watching As It's More Exciting. I'm Also Keen on Roller-Skating. IT's Fun to Take Part in Street Competitions and to Perform Different Tricks.
Anyway, What About Your Preparation for the National Championship? Do You Work Hard? How Many Times A Week Do You Train? Do You Get On Well With Your Team-Mates?
Well, I'D Better Go NOW AS I Have to Tidy Up My Room. Write Back Soon!
All The Best,

You Have Received A Letter from Your English- Speaking Pen-Friend George Who Writes

... at School We Are Doing Projects On Famous Singers from Different Countries. COULD You Teli Me About Any Famous Russian Singer? What is He or She Famous for? Howl Long Has He / She Been Singing? Do You Enjoy His / Her Songs? Have You Ever Been to His / Her Concerts?
AS for My School Trip to London Last Week, It Was Really Wonderful ...

Write A Letter to George.
In Your Letter.

Dear george,
Thanks a lot for your letter. Sounds Like You Had A Great Time in London! What impressed you most of all? Did You Take Any Pictures? Were You Tired?
I'm Glad I Can Help You with your Project on Famous Singers. Well, My Favourite Singer Is Dima Bilan. He Made His Debut At The Festival 'New Wave' In 2002 So He Has Already Been Singing for 10 years. NOW DIMA IS A FAMOUS POP SINGER KNOWN FOR HIS SONGS LIKE 'NEVER LET YOU GO' AND 'BELIEVE'. I enjoy his songs because of his beautiful vocation. Un-Fortunately, I'Ve Never Been to His Concerts But i'd Love To.
Anyway, Let Me Know if You Have Any Other Questions. I'd Better Go NOW AS I Have to Take My Dog for a Walk. Write Soon!

This is part of a letter from your English-Speaking Pen-Friend.

... So you See That I Enjoy Films Based On True Historic Facts Whereas Most of My Friends Are Fond of Soap Operas. Do you AGREE THAT SOAPS DON'T SHOW LIFE REALISTICALLY? What Kind of Films Do You Like Watching? Do You Prefer Watching Films in the Cinema or At Home? Why?
WE ALL MISS You, Too. Everybody Sends Their Love. CAN't Wait to See You in the Summer. Write Back Soon.
All My Love,

Write Back to Tina.
In Your Letter.
Answer Her Questions

Thanks for your letter. I'm Glad You Liked The Postcard I Sent You!
In Your Letter You Asked Me About My Attitude to Soaps. WELL, I AGREE THAT SOAPS DON'T SHOW LIFE REALISTICALLY BECAUSE THEIR PLOTS ARE RATHER UNBELIEVABLE AND ALL EMOTIONS ARE EXAGGERATED. As for Me, I Prefer Whodunits, Which Keep Me in Suspense Till The Very End. I USUALY Watch Films At Home But I Never Miss a Chance to Go to the Cinema with Friends. IT's Much more Exciting to Watch Films Together.
I Miss You Greatly! Write Back Soon and Tell Me All Your Latest News. How Is Your Sister? HAS SHE PASSED HER DRIVING TEST? And what about your mother? HAS SHE GOT OVER THE FLU?
I'd Better Go NOW AS I Promised Mum to Help Her With The Washing.

You Have Received A Letter from Your English- Speaking Pen-Friend Rob Who Writes

... AND THEN THERE'S THIS CHESS TURNAMENT ON SATURDAY. If I Win, I'll Be The Champion of Our School. Who Knows?
Oh, Yeah. I Wanted to Ask You Something. We Have to Write A Report on Technology for School. Could You Tell Me a Few Things About How You Use Technology in Your Life? You know, Computers, Mobiles, TV, That Sort of Things. Oh, and Tell Me Something About The Other Members of Your Family, Tooo, And How Thely Use Technology.
Anyway, I Was Talking to Sam The Other Day and He Says That ...

Write Back to Rob.
In Your Letter.
Answer His Questions
ASK 3 Questions ABOUT Playing Chess

IT Was Great to Hear from You! I'm glad you managed to talk to sam. Please Give My Best Regards to Him.
You asked me about technology. WELL, I'VE GOT A NEW MOBILE. It's Got A Camera SO I'm Taking Lots of Pictures at the Moment. I've Also Got A Computer But i Use It Mainly for Surfing The Net. Of Course We've Got Things Like A TV, A DVD Player and a Music Center. My parents Usually Watch TV Whereas My Brother Spends Hours Playing Computer Games.
Anyway, I'm Glad You've Made Such Progress in Chess. Is it Difficult to Learn How to Play IT? Will I Be Able to Do It ON MY OWN? How Can I Get Started?
I'Ve Got to Go NOW AS I'm Helping My Dad in the Garage.
All The Best,

This is part of a letter from Jane, Your English Pen-Friend.

... My Home Town IS Rather Small But i Like It. The People Here Are Very Friendly And They Try and Keep Our Town Clean and Beautiful. And do you enjoy live in a big city? How Do You Spend Your Spare Time There?
Anyway, I'm Thinking Of Travelling Around Russia Next Summer. Could You Tell Me What Weather To Expect? Should I Take Warm Clothes with Me? ..

Write a letter to jane.
In Your Letter.
Answer Her Questions
ASK 3 Questions ABOUT HER Home Town

Dear Jane
Thanks for your letter. I'm glad you're Going to Visit Russia. The Weather in Summer Is Usually Hot So I Don't Think You'll Need Lots Of Warm Clothes. However, You'd Better Take A Jacket As Nights CAN BE QUITE COOL.
In Your Letter You Asked Me About the Life in a Big City. As For Me, I Enjoy Living In Moscow As There Are Lots of Parks and Cosy Cafes, Museums and galleries. In The Evenings I use My Friends and At The Weekend We Go to the Theater or Visit a Museum. Have You Got Any Museums in Your Town? Are Free for Students? Are theere Any Sports Facilities?
I'd Better Go Now As I'Ve Got to Do My Homework - Boring! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!
Lots of love

This Is Part of a Letter from Your German Pen-Friend.

... i Find It A Bit Difficult to Understand English Grammar. What about you? Do You Do Grammar Exercises? Do You Town It's Necessary to Remember All Grammar Rules?
Have you Got Any Plans for the Summer? I WAS Thinking of Going to A Language School in the UK to Improve My English. IT Would be a lot more fun if We Went Together. What do you think?
Anyway, I Have to Go NOW AS I'm Helping My Dad in the Shop.
Hope to Hear from You Soon.
All The Best,

Write Back to Kerstin.
In Your Letter.
Answer Her Questions

Dear kerstin
Thanks for your letter. I'm Glad Your Arm Is Out Of Plaster Now!
I Agree With You Town English Grammar Is Rather DiffiCult So I Think It's Necessary to Learn Grammar Rules and To Do Exercises. As for me, I do it on a regular basis.
Going to A Language School Together Is a Great Idea! We Could Practise Our English and Visit Lots of Places of Interest. I'm Absolutely Free This Summer So I Can Go Whenever You Like.
Write And Tell Me What Dates Suit You Best. Which Course Would You Like to Do? What Level Do You Think We Are? Where Would You Prefer to Stay? Meanwhile, I'll make some Enquiries about Language Schools in the UK. I'll Get In Touch Soon. I Hope IT All Works Out!
Lots of love

This is part of a letter from Adam, Your English Pen-Friend, Whom You're Going to Visit in Summer.

... As for me, I'm Crazy About Skateboarding and I Love Rock and Pop Music. I Think My Favourite Band at the Moment Is Radiohead. Do You Know Them? What Kind of Things Do You Like Doing And What Music Do You Enjoy?
Is there Anything You Particularly Want To Do While You're Here? / Guess You'll Be Busy At The Language School During The Day, But We Can Do Something in The Evenings and At Weekends. Also, Let Me Know If Any Any Kinds of Food You Don't Like ...

Write Back to Adam.
In Your Letter.
Answer His Questions
ASK 3 Questions ABOUT HIS Family and The Language School

Thanks for your letter. IT Was Great to Hear from You. I Can't Wait to Meet You and Your Parents in July!
WELL, WE'VE OBVIOUSLY GOT A LOT IN COMMON. I'm Also Crazy About Rock Music and My Favourite Band IS Radiohead, Too! I've Never Done SkateBoarding, Though, But i'd Love To Try. I Enjoy Basketball and I Love Playing Computer Games. Do you?
I'm a Bit Worried about the Language School. Is it Far From Your House? Should I Bring Any Books with Me? Will I Have to Do Much Homework? If I Have, I'm Afraid I'll Be Busy In The Evenings. Actually, I Wouldn't Mind Any Activity. IT Will Be Fun Just to Be in Another Country.
Anyway, I Know We're Going to Be Really Good Friends. Please Write Back Soon.
All The Best,

It will be very useful before passing exams Write a letter template for which you will perform the task on the exam.
In our selection of materials, in addition to many useful materials, you can find 31 Ready letter, as well as letter writing template:
Materials in English (EGE)
Materials in English (OGE)

Preparation for OGE and EGE

Secondary education

Line Ukk M. V. Verbicky. English "Forward" (10-11) (bases)

Line UMK O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheyeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow english" (10-11) (bases)


We understand the ege in English: section "Letter"

The analysis of the tasks section "Letter" with the teacher. Methodical prompts, building the logic of the response, examples of the letter and essay.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of the English language teachers "Profi-edge" 2015. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 2014, the diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010 .. Work experience - 23 years.

Rezhekovskaya Natalia Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPP 2007 The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Expert GIA OGE in English. Pedagogical examination of educational publications under RA 2015-2016. Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, the diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Potina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNO 2008 The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Pedagogical examination of educational publications under RA 2015-2016. Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 2015, the grade of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010. Work experience is 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013. Work experience is 15 years.

According to the rules of the exam in English, the student at the final exam is given a task of writing a letter. For example:

Task 12:

The task of the USE is given in English: Translation of the task of ege:
You have received a letter from your English-speaking Pen-Friend Ann Who Writes:
... at School I Won An Annual Prize for The Best Reseach Into The Culture Of A Foreign Country ...
AS For Our News We Decided to Move Into a house in a new Neighbourhood Which is Considered The Best in Our City ...
Write A Letter To Ann.
- ASK 3 Questions About Her New House
Write 100-140 Words.
Remember The Rules of Letter Writing.
You received a letter from your English-speaking friend on Ann's correspondence, which wrote: Write an Ann letter.
In his letter:
- Congratulate Anne
- Set 3 questions about her new home
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the writing rules.

It is necessary to write a letter according to this task.

Rules of writing the letter of the exam in English

At the end of each task, the English language is worth the phrase - Remember The Rules of Letter Writing - Remember the rules for writing the letter.
Below are these rules:

Style and language of personal writing EEG in English

The style of writing is unofficial, simple, emotional.
- For a personal letter, the abbreviations adopted in oral speech are characterized by: I "M, I Haven" T, What "s ...
- Characterized by the use of phrase verbs: Back Off, Come on, Go Away and others.
- The use of idiomatic expressions is allowed - the combination of words that are not literal, and the semantic translation: What about ...? (How about ...?), ON Account of (due to, due to), etc.
- It is permissible to use Slang - bright and accurate "non-strained" words and phrases adopted in a specific environment (for example, youth). So, the word DOG in a youth English-speaking environment is, in a specific context, a heavy exam or a failed date with a girl.

Structure of personal writing exam in English

We will analyze the structure of the emge letter in more detail. The structure of the EE EGE in English consists of:

  • Sender addresses.
  • Writing dates.
  • Appeals or greetings.
  • The basic text of the letter - the body of the letter:
    • Thanks for the resulting letter.
    • Link to previous contacts.
    • Reactions to news written by another correspondence.
    • Answers to friend questions.
    • Formulation of your questions to a friend.
    • I apologize for the end of the letter.
    • Phrases about future contacts.
  • Final formula of courtesy.
  • Signatures - your name.

Sender's address in the letter of EGE in English

The letter begins with writing its address (sender address) in the upper right corner of the sheet. The sequence is as follows:

  • 1st line - Apartment number,
  • 2nd row - house number, then the name of the street,
  • 3rd line - first the city, then the zip code,
  • The 4th line is a country.
For example:

Date in the letter of the EGE in English

Subject to the sender in the emge letter, the date of writing is set, for example:
17 March, 2013.
In details . However, the exam in English is better to use the format proposed above.

Appeal or greeting in the writing of the English language

Sometimes a personal letter begins with the appeal, for example:

As a rule, a personal letter begins with an informal greeting -
Hi, Jane,
Hello, Kate,

After the appeal or greeting is a comma.
The appeal is written on the left side of the sheet without an arrogant to the red string.

The main text of the letter of the EGE in English

At the beginning of the main text, as a rule, grateful for the resulting letter, this is required by the norms adopted in English-language countries:

A letter to previous contacts also need to include a link to previous contacts:

I Was Glad to Get Your Letter! I was glad to get your letter!
IT "S Always Nice To Get Your Letters! Always please get your letters!
So wonderful to get the news from you!
IT Was Great to Hear from You! It's great - get a news from you!
IT Was Great to Hear Front You So Soon. It was nice to get the answer from you so soon.

Then, one or two phrases need to respond to the content of the resulting letter:

The next, important point of the letter in the format of the EGE in English is the answer to the question (or questions) of your friend on the correspondence. This, as a rule, is devoted to a whole paragraph from several proposals. First, the introductory phrase is written, which allows you to smoothly go to your answer to a friend's question:

You Asked Me to Tell You About Moscow. You asked me to tell about Moscow.
In Your Letter You Write About Yours Problem. In your letter you write about your problem.
IT "S Great That You Like Rap Because I am Fond of IT. It's great that you like rap, because I love it.
As for My New School IT "S Very Big! As for my new school, it is very big!
You Ask Me Hower Summer. You ask me how I spent the summer.

Next, in line with the task of the EGE, you need to write the basic text of the letter based on the task received, applying introductory words, as well as words linking individual parts of the sentence:
Supplements fIRST, ALSO, FINALLY first, also finally
Opposition but, However but, however
Examples sUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE such as, for example
Reasoning aS, Because. how because
About the time when, While. when, while
At the beginning of the phrase Anyway, Well, Right Anyway, well, right

At the end of the main part of the letter, you need to ask three questions on the subject defined by the task of the USE. For example, in Question No. 12, which is presented at the beginning of this article, is written - ASK 3 Questions About Her New House - Set 3 questions about her new home.

The next step of writing the letter of the EGE in English is an apology for the end of the letter:

I Must Go Now, My Mother Is Waiting For Me. I have to go, Mom is waiting for me.
Well, i'd Better Go now. I'Ve Got to Get Ready for My Piano Class. Well, I have time to go. I have to prepare for my piano classes.
WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW. IT's Already 11 O'Clock. Well, it's time for me to finish. Now for 11 hours.
Sorry, I Have to Go Now. Write Back Soon! Sorry, I have to go. I will write to you soon!
Sorry, I Have to Finish My Report. Keep In Touch! Unfortunately, I must finish my report. Stay Connected!

Final form of courtesy in the letter of the English language

The final form of courtesy is the final phrase - must be written in accordance with the unofficial style, for example:

After this phrase necessarily put the comma.
After the final form of courtesy, you need to subscribe, i.e. Write your name. Only the name, without last name. Signature put on a separate line. After signature, the point is not written!

In the task of 39 EGE in English, an excerpt is given from the letter of your friend in which he talks about some events from his life. You need to write a response letter.

The letter must be clearly structured and include the following components:






Thanks. Apologies + reason. Connecting phrase

Answers on questions

3 questions on the topic


Final phrase

Signature (name)

Example address in the exam in English

In the upper right corner, specify the address (brief)



If you write a full address, do not forget about the principle of "from smaller to more", namely:

- House number, street name

- city

- country

Example date in ege 2018

Under the address by skipping the string, specify the date of the letter in one of the formats:

  • June 5th 2017.
  • 4 June 2017.
  • 04/05/16

Remember that the dates of June 5th 2017 and 4 June 2017 contain 3 words, while 05/06/16 is considered one word.

EGE template

It consists only of two words: Far. + friend name ( Far. T.oM.,) . After the appeal, you must definitely put the comma! Do not put - lose the score.

Gratitude template in the English language

  • Thanks (A lot) for Your (Last) Letter.
  • I Was Glad to Get Your Letter.
  • IT Was Great to Hear from You!

Apologies + reason in the exam

Then you need to apologize for not answering before, and explain the reason:

  • Sorry I Have't Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School.
  • Sorry I Have't Written Earlier But ...
  • Sorry I Haven't Been In Touch for So Long for So Long But ...

Connecting phrase

Here you can mention any fact from the received letter ( I.'M. glad. you. passed. your. Physics. test!) or write a universal phrase: either I. 'M. glad. you. 'Re. OK. ! (if a friend is doing well) or I. miss. you. greatly. ! (If we learn from the letter of a friend that he, for example, broke his leg and lies in the hospital).

Answers to questions in Ege 2018

Here you need to remember three points:

a) how many questions, so many answers. For example, a friend asked: What Extreme Sports Would You Like To Try, If Any and Why? So you need not just write I'd Like To Try Raftingbut also argue: bECAUSE IT IMPLies a Well Coordinated Team Work, Good Reaction and Nerves of Steel;

b) We comply with the grammatical structure of questions and answers. If a friend asks What would you. do. if. you. wERE me.?, it is necessary to answer the design If I. wERE you., I. would (DO. Their sAME.);

c) it is not necessary to respond to questions in the order in which they are specified. The main thing is that they are logically connected.

We ask 3 questions

No more, no less. They must correspond to the topic specified in the task. If said about hIS. project. paper.So, you need to ask exactly about the project, and not about the performance or lessons. Different types of questions (for example, general, special and alternative) are encouraged, but are not mandatory (you can ask three special questions).

Furnishing completion of the letter in the exam

Explain why we finish the letter:

  • Well, i'd Better Go NOW AS I Have To Do My Homework
  • Anyway, I Have to Go Now: My Mum Asked Me to Help Her With Our Dinner
  • Actually, I'Ve Got to Go Now! IT's Time for My Favourite TV Show

We write that we will be happy to get a letter from this friend:

  • Write (Back) Soon!
  • Take Care and Keep in Touch!
  • FROMan't Wait to Hear from You!

Finishing phrase

At the end of the letter, the final phrase is specified on a separate line:

  • Love
  • Lots of love
  • Best wishes

After it always puts a comma! Do not put - lose the score.

Signature (name)

On the last line under the final phrase, we specify your name without the last name and points! ( Vlad.Ann.)

Letter Template for EGE in English




Dear ...

Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I Have't Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School. I'm glad you're OK! / I Miss You Greatly!

In Your Letter You Asked Me About .... Well.... (answer all questions)

By The Way, Tell Me (About) ... (Specify 3 question)

Actually, i'd Better Go Now As I Have To Study for My Exams / I'Ve Got My Aerobic Class. Take Care and Stay in Touch! /Write Back Soon!



Sample assignment and ready letters for the exam in English

You Have Received A Letter From Your English- Speaking Pen-Friend Who Writes

..Last Summer My Parents and I Went Hiking To the Mountains. WE SPENT THE WHOLE WEEK TOGETHER AND ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH. How Often Do You Take Active Holidays? WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST COMPANY FOR YOU? What Extreme Sports Would You Like To Try, If Any and Why?


Write a Letter to Tom. In Your Letter Answer His Questions, Ask 3 Questions About His Project Paper. Write 100-140 Words.





Thanks for your letter. Sorry I Have't Answered Earlier But I Was Busy With My School Project. Hope You Didn't Have Accidents While Hiking!

As for Me, I Don't Have Much Time On Active Holidays Because I Have a Lot of Homework. My Family Is more The Stay-At-Home Sort, So I Can't Spend The Time with Them Somehow Actively. My Company Is My Friend and, You Know, Our Trips Are Usually Very Jolly. I'd Like To Try Rafting This Spring, Because It Implies a Well Coordinated Team Work, Good Reaction and Nerves of Steel.

Anyway, You've Mentioned A Project. Do You Like Writing ABOUT EVENTS OF THE PAST? What events Did You Choose for Your Project? Are the Same Historical Period?

I'd Better Go NOW AS My Dad Wants Me to Help Him With Is Car. Write Soon!



Useful Tips for writing EGE

  • Consider words

Be sure to meet in the specified volume: 100-140 words are golden middle, but a deviation is allowed to 10% in both directions, i.e. 90-154 words. If in the letter ≤89 words, then 0 points are set for the task. If ≥155 words, only the first 140 words are checked. This means that due to one extra word, you can lose a few points!

Remember that 1 word is everything that is between two spaces. Defisites (-), apostrophes (') and slashes (/) are not spaces, so words from the category that's, Twenty-Two, Open-Minded, UK, TV and date in format 05/06/16 are considered for one word. Sporting writing letters on exam form - so you learn how to identify the number of words on the eyes and will spend less time on their counting.

  • Write in unofficial style

"Enjoy" a letter to abbreviations ( I'm, can't, i'd like.), informal ligaphrices ( well, Also, by The Way, Anyway, So, Actually), spoken expressions ( Guess What? Wish Me Luck!) and interjections ( Hurray! Yahoo! HA-HA!).

  • Calculate Time

To fulfill this task, highlight yourself 20 minutes: 8 min. on Chernovik, 8 min. for a cleanstik and 4 minutes. on counting words and check. Be sure to check the letter before passing!