Geodetic surveying works. Surveying works. Surveying work during underground mining

There are topographic tablets for the work area at scales 1:100,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000, compiled based on materials from a 1:25,000 survey carried out in 1959.

The starting points for transferring into nature the design position of geological exploration objects and determining their planned coordinates and heights were points of the state geodetic network of the 2nd category. Between these points or solid reference points, defined by serifs, theodolite passages were laid with an accuracy of at least 1:2000. The angles of the passages were measured with a 2T 5K theodolite in one complete step. Distances between points were measured with a 20-meter measuring tape in the forward and reverse directions. The transfer of design wells to nature was carried out instrumentally from theodolite traverse points with the measurement of angular and linear values.

The removal of the center of the shaft of inclined pit No. 2 was also carried out using a theodolite traverse of the same scale. At a horizon of 40 m, surveying theodolite passages were laid along all crosscuts and drifts, short orts were tied from the points of theodolite passages. The parameters of underground mine workings were taken in real life. Plans of scales 1: 500 and 1: 100 have been drawn up for all underground mine workings. The coordinate system is 1942, the Baltic elevation system.

During 2001, Namys LLP carried out a 1:2000 scale topographic survey of the area of ​​the Komarovskoye field.

The survey was carried out from shooting justification points or transition points using a nomogram kipregel - an KA-2 automatic machine and a leveling staff with centimeter divisions. At the same time, the distances from survey points to high-altitude and contour pickets are maintained and do not exceed the tolerances of the technical instructions.

During the field period, according to the work program of Metal Trading LLP and on the basis of technical instructions for topographic and geodetic support of geological exploration work (1984 edition), the following types of topographic and geodetic work were carried out:

Preparation, placement and fixation on the ground of the location of the mouths of design wells, followed by their alignment and obtaining rectangular coordinates and heights after drilling;

Reconnaissance and marking of centers of geodetic network points (2nd grade triangulation), measurement of horizontal angles at 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade triangulation points.

Reconnaissance, external design of survey network points and establishment of centers and their external design for long-term preservation.

Transfer of heights to points of the geodetic and survey network;

Mensular topographic survey of scales 1:2000 and 1:1000 with a relief section every 0.5 m.

Reconnaissance, laying out centers and measuring angles at points of the geodetic network (triangulation 2 categories).

Due to the fact that the geological exploration area at the Komarovskoye field is closed (forest plantations), the points of the geodetic network had to be moved outside its boundaries. A number of points (No. 2, 3, 6) are located at the ends of forest plantations. The second row of points are kilometer pillars of the asphalt highway Zhitikara - Kamysty. Here it was necessary to shift the sighting targets (landmarks) by a constant amount (20 cm to the southeast) from the centers of the pillars.

Points No. 2, 3 and 6 are fixed according to the type of long-term fixation of filming network points. When measuring angles, observations were made on poles placed under the centers on stretch marks.

Angles were measured with a 2T 5K theodolite using two circular techniques. The values ​​are 2C, the horizon is not closed and the discrepancy between the values ​​in the two steps is within the tolerance.

The resulting residuals in triangles are 2/3 lower than acceptable. Mean square errors in measuring angles, calculated from residuals in triangles below those allowed by the instructions.

Triangulation points of the 3rd and 4th classes "Stolbovaya" and "Kinessary" were used as starting points.

Table 5.1.1 Technical characteristics of planned geodetic and survey justification

Geodeic figures

Minimum corner

Wed. sq. error (inconsistent triangle)

Maximum residuals

Linear residuals at a weak point

1. Planned geodetic justification

Geodesic quadrilateral

T-cov chain on the side

Central system

2. Survey network (microtriangulation)

Central def. system t. 12,11,10,9,8,7

Chain between sides P.3-P.6 and 48/8 and t.10

Def.t.19,18,14,638,15,16,17,7 …

The circuit between the parties is def. vol. 5 and 4

Inserting into a gesture ug.

Geodesic quadrilateral

The transfer of heights to the points of the geodetic and survey networks was carried out by separate technical leveling moves from the triangulation points "Stolbovaya", "Kinessary" on the Komarovsky site. All specified triangulation points have IV class leveling marks.

The maximum travel length was 5.9 km, the minimum was 0.7 km, and the average was 2.44 km.

Leveling was carried out with a NZ level with a self-aligning line of sight and double-sided folding leveling staffs with centimeter divisions. The qualitative characteristics of the high-altitude survey justification are given in Table 5.1.2.

Table 5.1.2 Technical characteristics of high-altitude survey justification

Name of move

Stroke length, km

Number of stations

Stroke discrepancies, mm

Move "Stolbovaya" - point 2 - point 1 - 49/7 - 48/8 - "Kinisary"

Move 48/8 - t.823 - 372 - 638 - 865 - t.4 - t.5 - p.2

Closed stroke: GG 88 - 48/8 - Vr.r-r 12 - t.11 - GG 88

Closed stroke: GG 88 - t.9 - t.8 - Vr.r-r 13 - t.7 - GG 88

Progress: t.638 - t.14 - Time reference GG 2 - 852 - t.965

Progress: t.5 - t.20 - t.21 - t.865

Progress: t.14 - t.19 - t.18 - P.3 - P.6 - p.48/8 - t.16 - t.314 - t.15 - t.116 - well 638 - t. 14

Specific surveying work

Specific surveying work at the Komarovsky mine includes the following types of work performed by the surveying service:

Creation and thickening of a surveying support network, planned and high-altitude geodetic justification at the industrial site;

Surveying and geodetic work to support construction and installation works;

Creation (reconstruction) of a support network;

Office processing of measurements in the core network;

Profiling of railways and roads;

Office processing and construction of the route profile;

Surveying the earth's surface on a master plan;

Desk processing of field measurement results and building the basis of a master plan;

Topographical survey of the area;

Surveying work during land reclamation;

Surveying work during the construction of maps;

Shooting of a mineral deposit;

Surveying a dump of marketable crushed stone, sand, overburden;

Surveying services during the development of the Earth's subsoil are considered the most complex and responsible type of activity, which has a direct impact on the safety and efficiency of the functioning of a mining enterprise. Their high-quality implementation requires an appropriate level of personnel qualifications and a modern instrument fleet.

Directions of surveying work

This is a responsible activity that can only be performed by specialists; it is conventionally divided into two areas of work:

  1. During the construction and operation of underground structures.
  2. When developing mineral deposits.

NVK Gorgeomech LLC carries out the following types of surveying work:

  • monitoring of buildings, structures and natural objects located in the zone of influence of mining operations;
  • creation of a distribution network for transferring basic design solutions to the real world;
  • identification of hazardous areas and development of protection measures;
  • carrying out instrumental measurements of the processes of displacement and deformation of rocks and the earth's surface;
  • creation of a survey justification for the boundaries of mining allotments;
  • determination of mining volumes;
  • production of as-built survey and calculation of the excavated rock mass;
  • design;
  • transfer of coordinates and marks from the surface to underground horizons, profiling of mine shafts;
  • performing surveying support for environmental surveys of territories.

The company's modern instrumentation base, which includes high-precision electronic total stations, precision digital and optical levels, sets of GNSS equipment and laser scanning, allows us to make surveying work more accessible to the customer and implement it at a high technical level. This allows you to significantly reduce financial costs by reducing auxiliary operations.

Stages of performing surveying services

  • design;
  • reconnaissance survey;
  • field stage (creation of survey justification, survey, observation of deformations, etc.);
  • desk processing of measurement results;
  • preparation of reporting documentation.

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Surveying services by NVK Gorgeomekh

One of the important tasks before the implementation of mining operations is the creation of a survey justification, carried out in strict accordance with current regulatory documents. This determines how well the planned work will comply with the design decisions.

Thanks to the enterprise’s extensive instrument base and many years of experience of specialists, we ensure high accuracy of the research carried out. The customer receives high-quality analysis and reliable forecasting of future production processes.

A team of professionals will assess the risks and efficiency of the enterprise, and thanks to the use of proven modern equipment, will be able to perform surveying work cheaper than competitors and in the shortest possible time.

The result is the organization and conduct of surveying and geodetic work, ensuring the safe conduct of work, the creation of technical reports and graphic surveying documentation, carried out in strict accordance with regulatory documents.

Mine surveying work has much in common with geodetic surveys: some types of work are carried out using the same methodology using geodetic equipment. Unlike geodesy, these works are in demand for open-pit and underground mining. If you need high-quality surveying work in Moscow, contact our company “Topline”.

Where are surveying works used in Moscow?

Without a surveying service, it is impossible to build a subway, develop quarries and mine fields. The accuracy of surveying measurements is much higher than with . When constructing a subway or breaking up mine workings, the slightest mistakes can lead to serious losses.

Our work is necessary at any stage of the enterprise:

  • during design;
  • during the development and extraction of minerals;
  • upon liquidation.

We carry out the following surveying work in Moscow:

  • we build a support network and temporary points for measurements;
  • We carry out surveying of ledges (for open-pit mining);
  • We take part in the excavation of mine workings, carry out cutting (for underground mining);
  • We keep records of inventories and technological losses;
  • We draw up graphic documentation: plans, sections, road profiles;
  • control balances in finished product warehouses;
  • We carry out observations of deformations of the earth's surface in places where underground workings pass.

Attention! Surveying allows you to control the correct development of the field, maintain the necessary graphic documentation, and plan the development of the enterprise. In a word, normal operation of the mining industry is impossible without it.

Surveying for enterprises with open-pit mining

The Moscow region has large mineral deposits. Regardless of the method of mineral development (underground or open-pit), surveying is one of the components of the proper operation of the enterprise.

Our work is necessary for the extraction of:

  1. granite;
  2. iron ore;
  3. limestone;
  4. sand;
  5. chalk;
  6. clay.

At enterprises with open-pit mining, the services of a surveyor are necessary for planning the movement of benches, accounting for residues and carrying out drilling and blasting operations.

Drilling and blasting is an important part in the extraction of solid minerals. The task of the surveyor is to plan places for explosions, calculate the volume of blasted mass for the stable operation of the organization's technological process. Moreover, the surveyor plans the enterprise development strategy for the years ahead.

When accompanying drilling and blasting operations, our engineers perform:

  • designing the future block (drilling grid is laid out, depths are set for each well, and the volume of the planned explosion is calculated);
  • control drilling operations (check the actual depths of wells with design data, keep records of water cut);
  • draw up documents for carrying out an explosion;
  • carry out measurements of the actual volume of rock mass;
  • take a survey and indicate measurements on the plan.

Cost of surveying work in the Moscow region

Type of work Price, rub
Mine surveying work negotiable

Price for surveying work in “Topline”

To name cost of work, we need to study the characteristics of the area and the assigned tasks. Therefore, the price for surveying work is calculated for each client separately.

The cost of our services is influenced by the following factors:

  1. type and volume of work;
  2. complexity of measurements;
  3. method of mineral development;
  4. terrain features (the built-up area or elevation changes complicate the work);
  5. territorial location of the area;
  6. type of devices;
  7. speed of work.

The price of surveying work is influenced by the equipment we use. When working with a tacheometer, measurements are carried out faster and easier. Data after shooting is easier to process. When measurements are performed using mechanical equipment, the information obtained must be calculated manually, which requires more time for processing information and drawing up graphic documents.

If the work needs to be carried out on the outskirts of the region, the price for surveying work will be higher. We include the cost of fuel for the journey to you.

How do we provide surveying services in Moscow?

Regardless of your goals, we try to work quickly. To do this, we divide the work into three stages:

  1. preparation (we study the goals and archival documentation, select the necessary equipment, calculate the cost of services and draw up an agreement with the client);
  2. field measurements (we create a survey base, take measurements, transfer data to the processing department);
  3. desk (we perform adjustments, calculations, create or update graphic documentation, calculate volumes).

After the work is completed, we prepare a technical report for the client. It describes:

  • purpose of the work;
  • details of measurements;
  • calculations;
  • graphic part (plans, sections, diagrams).

Important! For the convenience of further use of our documentation, we provide the client with an electronic copy of the report in dwg and pdf format.

What instruments do we use to carry out surveying work?

Depending on the specifics of the tasks, the type of activity and the method of development of the enterprise, we use the following devices:

  • theodolite;
  • level;
  • gyro-compass;
  • total station;
  • GPS receiver;
  • laser and mechanical roulette.

If it is necessary to perform the services of a surveyor at a quarry or during the construction of a subway, we use modern equipment: total stations and GPS receivers. The devices allow you to quickly take measurements with high accuracy.

For the coal industry, surveys are carried out with theodolites and mechanical levels (in accordance with safety rules). The devices are less accurate than modern total stations and levels. They are safe and cannot cause accidents at enterprises with methane emissions. When taking measurements in open areas, we rarely use mechanical instruments.

Attention! We have certificates confirming the serviceability and accuracy of the devices.

Why is it worth ordering the services of a surveyor from us at Topline?

You can order any surveying work from our company. Over 10 years of practice, we have learned to solve all kinds of problems efficiently, in the shortest possible time.

When ordering our surveying services in Moscow, we guarantee:

  • conducting mining operations in accordance with regulatory documents and GOSTs;
  • efficiency of problem solving and high quality of measurements;
  • detailed technical report + digital copy;
  • use of modern techniques and tools;
  • affordable prices and discounts with constant cooperation with Topline-Izyskaniya;
  • carrying out work of any complexity.

If you need surveying services in Moscow, call us or leave a request on the website.

Our specialists

The professionalism of TOPLINE-Izyskaniya specialists is confirmed by diplomas of specialized education and advanced training, personal certificates giving the right to carry out land management and other geodetic work. Many of our engineers and surveyors have long-term work experience and experience, allowing them to solve problems of any complexity. The level of skill of our employees is also evidenced by the grateful reviews from our clients.

Our projects

Among the projects in which our company took an active part are several hundred construction projects for civil, industrial and other purposes. Many of the construction projects were carried out with our comprehensive support, starting with the design of land allotment and ending with executive geodetic surveys of finished buildings. All our clients, from ordinary citizens to managers and technical specialists of large enterprises, remain, invariably, satisfied with the quality of services of the TOPLINE-Izyskaniya company, the efficiency of fulfilling technical tasks and the price level.

Geodetic surveying work is carried out throughout the Russian Federation when performing geological exploration; they are part of all mining industries. The main goal of geodetic surveying work is to carry out underground measurements of a spatial-geometric nature, as well as on certain areas of the surface. After such surveys, plans, maps and diagrams are drawn up, according to which underground work is carried out.

Mine surveying work

A surveyor is a specialist who plans and controls the production of all stages of the construction of underground engineering structures. The surveyor is responsible for organizing the production process and, if necessary, makes adjustments as the work progresses.

Surveying work is:

  • breakdown of the axes of the underground structure;
  • calculation of volumes of extracted and transported raw materials;
  • calculation of the amount of bulk materials in warehouses and open storage areas;
  • constant monitoring of mining allotments, maintaining technical documentation to the extent required by SNiP, and much more.

License for surveying work

Only those specialized companies and organizations that have received licenses to carry out this type of survey have the right to carry out geodetic surveying work in Moscow. This document is issued by Rostechnadzor after a number of requirements are met and the necessary documents are completed. The license is valid for 5 years from the date of issue. One of the main requirements when obtaining a license is the presence in the company’s staff of highly qualified specialists with specialized education in “mine surveying” and work experience, as well as appropriate modern equipment and instruments for geodetic surveying work.

Surveying geodetic work: relevance

Geodetic surveying works mainly relate to the mining industry, but it is impossible to do without them during the construction of tunnels, subways, underground utility networks and communications.

Mine surveying

This is a separate type of geodetic survey, during which complex measurements and calculations are made. The main task of such work is to accurately determine the condition of mine workings. Also, during surveying surveys, the position of the underground structure in relation to other such objects, as well as to those structures located on the surface, is determined and clarified.

Surveying surveys are divided into 4 types: surveying the surface above an underground object; shooting in a bunker; measurements at open storage areas for raw materials and finished products, and underground surveying in workings.

In some cases - if there is a possibility of fire or explosion of firedamp - the inaccuracy with which geodetic surveying work is carried out is taken into account.

Mine surveying in quarries

Geodetic surveying work in open mine workings makes it possible to accurately calculate the volume of work performed for a specific period, and the amount of raw materials remaining in warehouses is also calculated.

Ground surveys

Mine surveying geodetic surveys are not limited to surveys in underground workings; they also include surveys of the earth's surface above an underground structure. This is due to the peculiarities of mining production and ensuring its efficient operation and safety.

Surveyor(from German mark - border and scheiden - to divide) is a specialist who works in the exploration of mineral deposits, at mining enterprises under construction and in operation, and in the construction of underground structures. He is engaged in geodetic measurements and markings, and the quality of the work of tunnellers, builders, etc. depends on their accuracy. Usually a surveyor is on the staff of a surveying service. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and drawing (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Description of the profession

When exploring a deposit, this specialist conducts a survey of the area (spatial-geometric measurements) and marks the location of the explored areas on the map. Marks the locations of exploration wells on the ground (in accordance with the exploration project). Together with geologists, he calculates mineral resources, draws up drawings that reflect the features of the earth’s surface, the size and other parameters of mineral deposits, etc.

In the mining industry. The surveyor participates in the design of the boundaries of mining enterprises, deposit development systems, and the placement of buildings and structures. He transfers the elements of the construction project to the area (carries out markings), and when construction is underway, he controls the geometric correctness of the structures.

When the enterprise is launched and production begins, surveyors control the process: it must comply with the project and technical rules.

In the construction of underground structures, surveyors play the same important role as in working with deposits. Their participation begins at the preparatory stage and continues during the construction process.

First, the surveyor gets acquainted with the design drawings and marks the places where the mines will be laid and above-ground buildings will be erected.

During the construction process, he monitors the correctness of underground work, periodically takes measurements and corrects deviations from the project.

A specialist who will work in mineral deposits must have a higher geological education. A surveyor who is engaged in the construction of a subway or other underground infrastructure usually has a secondary specialized education in the specialty “Mine Surveyor Worker” or a higher technical education in the specialty “Transport Construction”.

In addition, the surveyor must be able to use special instruments, computer programs, and be able to read drawings. Despite modern measuring technology, a surveyor needs a good eye, which develops during the work process. A surveyor must be a person not only knowledgeable, attentive and precise in his actions, but also physically resilient, because his work often involves traveling and walking.


Salary as of 01/27/2020

Russia 30000—120000 ₽

Moscow 40000—100000 ₽

Mine surveyor training

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