What is a book binding made of? Types of book bindings. What materials are binding covers made from?

Let me make a reservation right away - we are not talking about the elements of the text (introduction, main part, etc.). Namely, about the parts of the book, as a carrier of this very text. The vast majority of modern books are produced in the form of a block of sheets bound together, enclosed in a durable cover. This form was called a code book and was formed even before the advent of printing. I’ll tell you about the structure of such a book.

The outermost part of the book is the dust jacket. It performs a decorative function and also protects the binding from dirt and damage. The dust jacket is held in place by folded flaps. A traditional dust jacket contains information about the book. Recently, comic options have become widespread, for example, like this.

The binding covers of “hard cover” editions are made of thick cardboard, covered with fabric on the outside, and covered with various films. Expensive editions are trimmed with leather, etc. To decorate the binding cover, a wide variety of materials and image printing technologies are used. The spine of the binding cover can be straight or round. Sometimes special corrugated decorative elements are applied to it - bandages (see picture below). For paperback books, the covers are made from paper that is thicker than book block paper.

Opening the binding cover, we find the following part of the book- endpaper This is a thick sheet of paper, one side glued to the lid. It connects the lid and the book block. Sometimes the endpapers contain artistic decoration. Following the endpaper are such rarely seen parts of the book as the front title, counter title and frontispiece. The front title contains some information about the book (series name, publisher, etc.), thus unloading the title page. The counter-title is the reverse side of the fore-title. Contains the title of the book and the name of the author in the original language or is left blank. Sometimes instead of or along with them there is a frontispiece - a page with a portrait of the author (hero) or a key illustration for.

Finally, we get to the title page. The title of the book, the name of the author, the year of publication, the name of the publisher, etc. are placed here. A detailed bibliographic description (including ISBN number) and a brief abstract are placed on the back of the title page. Some books contain titles - title pages for each chapter (part). Nowadays it is not customary to decorate the edge of a book block (with the exception of expensive gift editions). Previously, it was covered with paint or even gold.

Naturally, all these parts of the book are not found in every edition. Mass book publishing, focused on reducing the cost of the final product, seeks to get rid of unnecessary decorative elements. However, it seems to me that knowing what a book consists of is useful and interesting.

Structure of the book
From ancient handwritten books to modern gift editions, the structure and its basic elements have remained unchanged.
A book is a non-periodical publication consisting of a book block bound on one side and trimmed on three sides, a binding cover/cover in which the block is enclosed, and endpapers that serve to secure the block to the binding cover.

Book structure

A book block consists of printed paper sheets, folded (folded) into notebooks, selected in a sequential order and fastened together.
The place where notebooks (sheets) are folded and fastened together, as well as the corresponding places in a separate notebook or finished book, is called the spine; the plane opposite to it is the front edge, the upper and lower planes, respectively, are the upper and lower edges of the block (book).
The edge of a book block can be painted over, sprinkled or decorated with gilding, color printing, or embossing. The top and bottom of the block's spine is decorated with captal. In some editions, a ribbon is attached to the spine of the block, acting as a bookmark.
The book block and the binding cover are connected to each other by endpapers made of thick paper. The binding is all the elements of fastening the book block, the cover with the block and the binding cover.
The book cover, made of thick cardboard, can be covered with one material or a combination of materials. Genuine leather, artificial materials, fabrics, paper, matte and glossy films are used for coating. Texts and images are applied to the binding cover using ink printing, foil stamping, relief embossing, and the use of stickers.
The spine of the binding cover can be straight or rounded, using special relief decorations - bandages.
A dust jacket is often used to protect the binding cover and additionally decorate the publication. It is a cover made of paper or synthetic film, which is placed on the binding cover.

Book elements

The first notebook of a book block always begins with the title elements.
The foretitle, the first page, usually contains some information about the book - this could be the name of the series, the name of the publisher, etc.
The second page - the counter-title - can be left blank or represent the title of the book in the original language. In mass editions, the foretitle and countertitle may be absent, while in elite, gift editions these parts are almost always present.
The title page contains basic information about the book: author's name, title, genre of the work, translator's name, publisher's name, year of publication. On the back of the title page, less significant information about the book is placed: a brief summary, copyright notices, bibliographic indexes. A frontispiece can be glued to the front title or title page, on which a portrait of the author is often placed.
Elements of a book can be separated from each other by titles - pages with the names of parts. Each new part begins with a trigger strip, which can be decorated with a headband or initial letter.
Illustrations in a book can be printed on the same paper as the text, but often they are printed on a different type of paper and placed in the book in the form of inserts and tabs.
Pages are usually numbered for ease of reference. At the end of the book, the contents or table of contents are placed, with the exception of reference and educational publications, where the contents or table of contents are placed at the beginning of the book, after the title elements.
The last page contains the book's output data: the author's surname, the title of the book, the surnames and positions of the persons who took part in the creation of the book, the address of the publishing house and the printing house where the book was printed.
The use of certain elements of the book is determined by the structure, content and purpose of the book publication.
There are several types of books depending on their design.

Types of books

Alligate (reverse book, double-entry book) is a book publication containing two texts that begin on both sides of the cover or binding cover, with each text having its own title page. Bilingual dictionaries are designed in this way.

Convolute (from Latin convolutus - rolled up, woven) is a collection compiled by its owner from several independently published printed works or manuscripts, bound into one volume, published at different times. Convolutes are most often created by bibliophiles, but in the old days they were also compiled by market second-hand book dealers.

A book with “its own” endpaper - the first and last sheets of the book block are used as endpapers.

The book is paperback - instead of a binding cover, it uses a soft cover, like a brochure, as a binding.

A brochure is a publication of small volume (up to 48 pages), designed for a short period of use, representing a block bound and trimmed on three sides, enclosed in a soft cover of thick paper, thin cardboard (sometimes with a dust jacket). A brochure, in comparison with a book, is simpler in design: it does not have endpapers, captal and consists of notebooks inserted into one another or matched to one another and fastened with wire staples, threads or a seamless adhesive method.

Incunabula are book publications of the early, “cradle” period of printing (conditionally before January 1, 1501), outwardly similar to handwritten books.

A handwritten book is a monument of writing, dating primarily to the time before the advent of printing. In religious temples and monasteries, the production and storage of handwritten books was and is widely used.


Avantitul (from French Avant - before and Latin Titulus - inscription, title) - the first page of a double title page. It has compositional and design significance and allows you to unload the main title page. Overhead data and output data can be printed on the front title; The publisher's mark is also placed on it, and sometimes the author's surname and title are repeated.

Bandages are convex transverse decorative elements on the leather spine of the binding.

Blind embossing (from German blind - blind) is a colorless print (flat-recessed image) on a binding cover, obtained by pressing a metal stamp heated to 90-120 C into it. The image is clearly visible on plain material when illuminated from the side.

Vignette (French vignette, from vigne - grape bush) is an element of book decoration, a small drawing of an ornamental, subject or subject-thematic nature. Used on a binding, title page, or other special page; can serve as an intro or ending.

Paste - a separate illustration pasted inside the notebook, as well as the process of pasting it.

Doublure (from the French doublure - lining) is a binding in which not only the outer, but also the inner side of the binding covers is decorated. May include gold embossed ornamental borders along the edges of the inside of the lid. The middle part is covered with fabric or embossed parchment.

Inlaying is a method of applying an image to a finished binding cover by cutting and gluing a cover material of a different type and color or a multi-color print. It is rarely used - when designing improved and gift-type publications.

Edge - the edges of the binding lid or cover protruding beyond the edge of the block. The edging protects the block from damage and contamination, improves the opening of a book or brochure.

Kaptal (German Kaptal, short for Kaptalband) is a cotton, silk or semi-silk ribbon with a white or colored thickened edge. Sticks to the top and bottom edges of the book's spine. Captal - an element of the external design of the book, together with a paper strip glued to the spine on top of it, also serves as a reinforcing element of the book block.

Book block - a set of notebooks or sheets and other parts of a future book publication in a cover or binding cover, combined in a given sequence (fastened along the spine).

Calico (from the French calencar - chintz fabric, Persian kalamkar) - cover binding material made of cotton fabric with a starch-kaolin coating. Used in book publishing for making binding covers.

Embossing (on behalf of the English inventor William Congreve, who proposed this embossing method) is relief embossing, producing a convex image on a binding cover or on thin cardboard and thick paper by compressing the material between a recessed heated metal stamp and a convex matrix.

Countertitle (from Lat. Сontra against and Lat. Titulus - inscription, title) - the second page of a double title page, located on the same spread as the main title page. The information on the title page is repeated on the countertitle, but in the original language (for translated publications).

Spine - the end surface of a book block in which the notebooks or sheets that make it up are fastened.

Lasse (from German Lesezeichen - bookmark) - bookmark ribbon, braid (silk, semi-silk, cotton, wicker). It is glued to the top of the spine of the book block and inserted into the block.

The cover is a paper illustrated or text covering of a publication that protects its pages from destruction and contamination, contains a number of imprint information, and is also an element of external design.

Edge - the edge of a book block. It can be covered with gold, decorated with special ornaments or designs.

The frame is a decorative covering for the binding cover of an ancient book, made of hard materials. Settings in the form of an independent continuous covering are especially characteristic of the Western European and Byzantine-Slavic Middle Ages. They were created from ivory, gold, silver, tin using chasing, casting, stamping, forging, niello, filigree; decorated with applied enamel and precious stones.

Passepartout is a structural element of a publication in the form of a sheet of thick paper or thin cardboard onto which illustration material is pasted, sometimes embossed.

Binding - the totality of the binding cover and all elements of fastening the book block and the cover to the block.

The binding cover is the main element of the binding of a book edition, designed for medium and long service life. It is made of strong and wear-resistant materials and is connected to the book block by flaps of the spine or edging material and the outer sides of the endpapers.

The fold is part of the covering of the binding covers, folded onto their inner side. Can be decorated with a border.

Half-leather binding is a type of binding in which the spine and corners are covered with leather, and the covers or parts thereof are glued with colorful handmade paper with different patterns.

Dust jacket (from Latin super - above) is an element of the external design of a book: a rectangular sheet of paper or a material replacing it, carrying additional information (text, image) and wrapping the book. Its functions are to protect the book from damage and contamination, but informative and aesthetic purposes prevail.

Super ex-libris (from the Latin super - above and ex-libris) is a special owner's sign, usually imprinted on the cover (covers) or spine of a leather binding of a book. It represents a heraldic, monogram or other composition.

Gold stamping is the production of an imprint (drawing or text) on binding covers or spines using printing foil as a result of the force of a heated metal stamp.

Flyleaf (from German Vorsatz) is usually a sheet of paper folded in half, placed between the binding cover and the book block. According to the nature of the design, there are simple, thematic and decorative-ornamental endpapers.

Case - (German Futteral, from Late Latin fotrum, fotrale - scabbard, box) - a cardboard box to protect the most valuable publications from damage during transportation. Can be an additional decorative and graphic means of book design.

Frontispiece (French frontispiece, from Latin frons - forehead, front side, specio - looking) - an illustration in a book, usually placed on the left side of the title page. This could be a portrait of the author of the book or its main character, a drawing reflecting the main idea, an illustration for a key episode, a photograph, a map.

A stamp is a printing form with a relief image of text, decor or design, used for embossing on the spine or binding cover.

Bookplate - (from Latin ex liblis - from books) - a book sign, a paper label, pasted by library owners onto a book, often on the inside of the binding. Typically, the bookplate contains the owner's surname and a drawing indicating his profession, interests, or the composition of the library.

Book's spine- the side part of the book, it can have bandages, embossing, it can be round or straight.

Captal is an intertwined braid that covers the spine of a book block by 1-2 mm, used to decorate and hide assembly defects.

Lasse - a ribbon bookmark, 5 mm wide, has many different colors.

Endpaper is a sheet folded in half, which is glued to the first page of the book and glued to the cover (binding cover).

Nachsatz is the same endpaper, only attached to the last page of the block.

Title page - a sheet to which the flyleaf is glued; the author, title of the book, and publisher are indicated on it.

The backlog is the spine. It has a thickness of 0.5 - 3 mm, and is made of bookbinding or cellulose cardboard.

Rastas - a book has 2 rastas, this is the distance from the spine of the book to the cardboard side.

Cardboard side- a hardcover book has 2 cardboard sides, which are covered with binding materials and form a binding cover.

Binding cover- cardboard covered with binding material (or paper), which has a thickness of 0.5 - 5 mm, consists of 2 cardboard sides, 2 borders and 1 margin.

Binding material- the material, as a rule, is paper-based, which has increased strength (compared to 7b and 7bts paper binding), requires an expensive type of printing on the cover - embossing, because Printing on such a cover is impossible, with the exception of UV printing (direct printing on any materials), which is used very rarely, because has a number of negative qualities - fragility, cracks, low quality, expensive for large quantities.

Design and functionality

The binding consists of a binding cover and additional functional elements glued to it, such as endpapers, gauze flaps, captal (cotton or silk braid with a thickened edge, attached to the spine of the book block for the purpose of most firmly fastening the sheets of the book, as well as its decoration).

The binding and elements of the external design of the publication perform an advertising and information function. There are two structural types of binding - solid and composite. Binding can be soft (flexible) or hard, edged or with edging, integral.

Types of bindings

Bindings are divided into the following types
No. 1 - all-cardboard edged;
No. 2 - all-cardboard with edging;
No. 3 - all-fabric soft edged;
No. 4 - hard all-paper with edging;
No. 5 - composite with a fabric spine and sides covered with cover paper;
No. 6 - all-fabric soft with edging;
No. 7 - all-fabric hard with edging;
No. 8 - composite with edging, with sides covered with one type of fabric, and with a spine made of another type of fabric;
No. 9zh - rigid plastic made of two layers of elastic plastic, between which cardboard sides are laid;
No. 9 m - soft plastic made of one layer of elastic plastic;
No. 9pzh - semi-rigid plastic made from a layer of elastic plastic, on the inside of which sides made of hard plastic are welded.

Application of bindings

The use of binding of one type or another is determined, among other things, by the design of the book block. The following types of its configuration have been established:

  • “inlay” - with the block completed with an inlay, a glued endpaper and edging of the block (together with the endpaper) with a strip of fabric or gauze, with wire sewing into the connector (bindings No. 1-3 are used);
  • “lifting” - with the block completed by lifting, glued endpaper, sewing with thread or wire (bindings No. 1-7 are used for books up to 160 pp.);
  • “lifting with captal” - differs from the subtype “lifting” by the use of rounding and laminating (folding the spine of notebooks) of the spine, captal and pasting the spine of the block with paper (bindings No. 2-8 are used for volumes up to 160 pages);
  • “lift with edged endpaper” - distinguished by the edge of the first and last notebooks with glued endpaper (bindings No. 5-8 are used for volumes up to 320 pp.);
  • “lifting with a stitched endpaper with a fold” (bindings No. 7-8 are used for volumes of 480 pages or more).


  • Stefanov S.I. Advertising and printing. Dictionary-reference experience
  • How to make a simple hardcover book

see also

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    See what “Binding” is in other dictionaries: binding - binding, and...

    Russian spelling dictionary Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? binding, why? binding, (I see) what? binding, what? bound, about what? about binding; pl. What? bindings, (no) what? bindings, why? bindings, (I see) what? bindings, what? bindings, oh... ...

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Binding, bindings, binding, bindings, binding, bindings, binding, bindings, binding, bindings, binding, bindings (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words BINDING, binding, husband. 1. units only Action under Ch. intertwine into 1 value intertwine Give the book to be bound. Binding books. 2. A cover made of some hard material (mainly cardboard, covered with leather or pasted over... ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary BINDING, huh, husband. 1. see intertwine. 2. A hard cover, usually covered with soft material, into which, while binding, a book is inserted and papers are placed. Calico item 3. Window frame with crossbars. Window item 4. Confused and... ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary BINDING, binding, husband. 1. units only Action under Ch. intertwine into 1 value intertwine Give the book to be bound. Binding books. 2. A cover made of some hard material (mainly cardboard, covered with leather or pasted over... ...

    BROADED, intertwined, intertwined, intertwined. past vr. from intertwine, intertwine. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … A; m. 1. to Intertwine intertwine (1 sign). Give the book to point 2. What kind of cover is it from? durable material in which a book, notebook, etc. is enclosed or bound. Leather item 3. Lattice, frame, fence, etc., formed by crisscrossing...

    See what “Binding” is in other dictionaries: encyclopedic Dictionary - *** binding (BSRZh) ...

    Dictionary of the use of the letter E intertwined - *** binding (BSRZh) ...

    See what “Binding” is in other dictionaries:- BINDING, a, m Part of an object - a book, notebook, which is a cover made of durable material with a spine, into which sheets are inserted, specially stitched and fastened. In the empty hall, on the table lay thick, supposedly antique, leather... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Binding. From currency ordeals to the Baikal miracle by Dasha Namdakova, Bronshtein Viktor Vladimirovich, Member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of Russia, sociologist, businessman, collector, philanthropist V.V. Bronstein continues the conversation begun in his two previous books, “The Pendulum of Business. Between... Category:

Staple brochures are the most popular solution for brochures with a small number of pages that do not require complex manufacturing processes. The cover of such a binding is usually made of paper with a density of 160 - 250 g. Then it is fastened with 1, 2 or 3 metal staples to the product block. We recommend choosing this type of binding for publications with the number of pages no more than 80. It is also worth noting that to produce this type of binding, technologically the number of pages in a block must be a multiple of four.

For this type of binding, preliminary preparation of sheets is necessary, which, when folded together, form pages. After folding, the sheets are folded in accordance with the page numbering order and then stapled together. Bonding is carried out either on a digital printing machine (if the cover is made from the same paper as the block) or on special wire sewing equipment. The option of stitching with staples in the middle of the spread is called “saddle stitching” and is used for book blocks of no more than 128 pages. For thicker books, “stitch sewing” is used, when staples are stitched through the entire block along the edge of the stack.
You can order brochures with sewing on a metal bracket from the HSE printing house online on the following pages of our website:
Magazines on a paper clip
Black and white printing and copying
Color printing and copying
Printing abstracts

Binding with plastic spring

Binding with a plastic spring is one of the most economical and quickly produced bindings, which we do in almost all areas of the printing house. This type of binding is most often used for binding course projects, workbooks, calendars (quarterly, desktop, wall sheets, etc.), various accounting documents, presentations and reports, reports and abstracts.

You can order brochures with sewing on a plastic spring from the HSE printing house online on the following pages of our website:
Brochures and notepads on a plastic spring
Homework, study guides, course projects, final qualifying papers

Binding with double wire loop “Wire-O”

The basis of the binding is a wire thread, forming a series of double loops. At the moment of binding, the machine opens the loops for inserting sheets of the book block, with square and round holes pre-punched in them.

The binding is intended for publications no thicker than an inch and is most often used for printing notebooks, calendars and handouts in medium editions. Depending on the thickness of the wire, the pitch of the holes punched on a standard A4 sheet changes. The HSE printing house has powerful professional equipment for binding with metal springs at its main site and, if necessary, is capable of producing up to a thousand such brochures per day. You can order brochures with sewing on a plastic spring from the HSE printing house online on the following pages of our website:
Brochures and notepads on a metal spring
Desk calendars

Binding with loop staples

It is a type of saddle stitch.

The difference is in the use of a special stitching head. In the process of stitching the block, a loop is formed on the outside of the spine. This loop holds the book in a removable cover (a standard three-ring binder). No additional drilling of holes in the book block is required. You can order brochures with sewing on curly metal staples from the HSE printing house online on the next page of our website - Magazines on a paper clip, indicating additional information about the staples in the comments.

Softcover (KBS)

Soft binding is also one of the most inexpensive and quickly produced bindings when printing multi-page publications in circulations of 50 copies or more. The cover of the KBS binding (adhesive seamless binding) is made of binding material or paper, pre-printed and laminated, with a density of 170 to 300 g/m 2. After the cover and block are ready, the cover is creased “to open” and attached to the block using special glue machines.

Soft binding with adhesive seamless connection is one of the most affordable and popular in modern book production. You can order brochures or books in paperback adhesive covers from the HSE printing house online on the following pages of our website:
Softcover books with adhesive backing
Softcover photo albums

Thermal binding

The principle of thermal binding is similar to the method of adhesive seamless connection based on hot glue. However, instead of glue, they use an adhesive layer placed on the cover in the form of a folder. After installing a book block into such a cover, heating occurs in the joint zone, resulting in the process of fastening the binding elements. The printing house for such binding uses special folders with transparent film or hard covers of the Unibind brand. For greater strength, sometimes the block is pre-fastened “into a wheelbarrow” with metal clips.
You can order brochures or books in soft thermal binding Unibind from the HSE printing house online on the next page of our website - Brochures in thermal binding folders


A modern, quickly produced binding made by a metal “channel” that tightly clamps the document together with the cover. Pre-perforation of sheets is not required. It is almost impossible to take a leaf out of such a brochure. However, if necessary, the finished binding can be opened using special equipment, while the sheets of the block remain in perfect condition. The safety factor is designed for 3-4 bindings and unclamping.
The finished product, indistinguishable from a standard hardcover book, is produced in a printing house within 5-10 minutes. And it is usually ordered for graduation projects, thesis or dissertations. Such books are often ordered to have texts or images embossed with metallized foil on the cover.
You can order brochures or hardcover books from the HSE printing house online on the following pages of our website:
Hardcover books
photo albums and hardcover photo books
Diplomas, diplomas and dissertations in hardcover

Binding with printing screws

The exotic type of binding is familiar to many from the “demobilization” albums. The essence of binding is simple: holes of the required number are perforated in the block, through which screws are then passed, which are fixed with mating parts at the exit from the block. The rigidity of the binding is given by dense sides at the top and bottom, on which a mark is applied along the border of the binding field.

Another option is rigid strips along the width of the field at the beginning and end of the block. This binding is made in our printing house upon request within a week.
It is better to order brochures or books in similar binding from the HSE printing house by phone or mail

Premium photobook binding

This type of binding is used in the production of photo books. An integral element of this type of binding are spreads (photos of two adjacent pages printed on one sheet). Punched and folded along the spine line, the spreads are glued to the base (plastic or cardboard) in a certain sequence.

The use of new modern materials made it possible to insert the resulting block with photo-quality images into binding covers of different designs and decorative designs.