How to cook shank on the grill. Oak barrels. Grilled pork knuckle recipe

This BBQ pork knuckle recipe is very simple. To make this part juicy, it should be properly marinated. Moreover, the quality of the dish is influenced by such features as the freshness of the meat and the cooking time. It is very important that the grilled pork knuckle is not overcooked. Otherwise, it will turn out dry and tasteless. The barbecue temperature should be moderate. Thanks to this feature, this part of the pork will be cooked correctly and, most importantly, will be perfectly saturated with smoke.

Required Ingredients

The classic grilled shank recipe calls for the following ingredients:

  • pork knuckle;
  • onions;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt or soy sauce;
  • garlic;
  • greenery;
  • mixture of peppers (if a person is a spicy lover).

Preparing the knuckle

The initial stage is cutting the onion into half rings and placing it on the shank. Then you should carefully grind the bay leaf and sprinkle it over the meat. After completing this step, you can begin making small but fairly deep cuts throughout the leg. This stage involves the use of a sharp knife. Soy sauce or salt should be poured into the resulting cuts and over the entire area of ​​the shank. It is not recommended to combine these ingredients, as the pork may end up over-salted. Then we start cutting the garlic into thin slices and inserting it into the cuts of the meat. The next step is to sprinkle the shanks with a mixture of peppers and herbs. After wrapping this part of the pork in cling film, it should be placed in the refrigerator for about 12 hours or a day.

The shank is ready for grilling. As a rule, this will require at least 1.5 hours. The cooking time for this dish depends on the temperature of the barbecue. It is desirable that it be medium. This temperature allows the pork knuckle to become smoky and cook evenly. If it is too high, then there is a risk of getting pork burnt on top and raw inside.

This dish goes well with vegetables, baked potatoes and some aromatic sauce. To cook them, we recommend using charcoal or

After the Nativity fast I wanted meat. Almost immediately I wanted beer.
Since it was in the area New Year's holidays, then I also wanted some kind of miracle, so I went to YouTube.
After watching 10-15 videos, I came up with a plan.

And so, one fine January day:

The main dish is knuckle grilled in beer.
It's just outrageous, but it takes a long time. You need to cook it for three hours, and then crust it on the grill for another 20-30 minutes. I’ll say right away that it was +5 and I really froze a couple of places in the street during half a day.

What you need:

  1. How many shanks can you eat?

  2. Dark beer to pour and top up. For three shanks (one, the bastard, didn’t fit into the cauldron, but did fit into the oven) it took up to 5 liters, as I remember. This is for cooking, for drinking as much as your heart desires.

  3. Spices. Well, here's a flight of fancy. Black peppercorns, bay leaves are essential

  4. Garlic

I also tied the shanks with cotton thread. This is necessary in order to try to maintain the original shape of the shank. You don't have to do it. This thread then needs to be removed before the grill, which adds extra fuss, but, in my opinion, it’s worth it.

We dump the whole thing into a cauldron and pour in some beer.

That's it, now let's gather around the cauldron, drink beer with friends, keep the fire going or top up the leaking beer.

A couple of hours later, hunger forces us to perform another feat:

Everything is very simple here too:

  1. Potato

  2. Spices

We cut/plant, sprinkle with salt/spices, as in the picture, and wrap in foil:

I can’t say exactly how long it was in the foil on the grill; I had already drunk a fair amount of beer. Approximately around 20-30 minutes. More is better than less; potatoes cook slowly in these conditions.

Now you need to remove the foil and give it a presentation:

The dish is incomparable!

The third hour has passed. We take out the shanks (I left a thread on one, for the sake of experiment) and put them on the grill:


This BBQ pork knuckle recipe is very simple. To make this part juicy, it should be properly marinated. Moreover, the quality of the dish is influenced by such features as the freshness of the meat and the cooking time. It is very important that the grilled pork knuckle is not overcooked. Otherwise, it will turn out dry and tasteless. The barbecue temperature should be moderate. Thanks to this feature, this part of the pork will be cooked correctly and, most importantly, will be perfectly saturated with smoke.

Required Ingredients

The classic grilled shank recipe calls for the following ingredients:

  • pork knuckle;
  • onions;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt or soy sauce;
  • garlic;
  • greenery;
  • mixture of peppers (if a person is a spicy lover).

Preparing the knuckle

The initial stage is cutting the onion into half rings and placing it on the shank. Then you should carefully grind the bay leaf and sprinkle it over the meat. After completing this step, you can begin making small but fairly deep cuts throughout the leg. This stage involves the use of a sharp knife. Soy sauce or salt should be poured into the resulting cuts and over the entire area of ​​the shank. It is not recommended to combine these ingredients, as the pork may end up over-salted. Then we start cutting the garlic into thin slices and inserting it into the cuts of the meat. The next step is to sprinkle the shanks with a mixture of peppers and herbs. After wrapping this part of the pork in cling film, it should be placed in the refrigerator for about 12 hours or a day.

The shank is ready for grilling. As a rule, this will require at least 1.5 hours. The cooking time for this dish depends on the temperature of the barbecue. It is desirable that it be medium. This temperature allows the pork knuckle to become smoky and cook evenly. If it is too high, then there is a risk of getting pork burnt on top and raw inside.

This dish goes well with vegetables, baked potatoes and some aromatic sauce. To cook them, we recommend using a charcoal or gas grill.

Once again, getting ready to go to the dacha, I decided to pamper my family with knuckle on the fire.

This is how delicious it turns out, it makes my mouth water)

At home, I boiled it, adding to the cooking water: salt, unpeeled onion (gives a golden color), peppercorns, bay leaf. Cooked over low heat for about 3 hours (I had a large shank), watch the weight so that it does not overcook, otherwise it will fall off the skewers. We need to cook it, but not overcook it.
I pulled it out of the water, cooled it down and went to the dacha.
We prick the boiled shank with beer (if you can’t prick it, just wipe it off).

Now peel the garlic and grind it with salt.

Add spices: pepper, paprika, chili to taste. Rub the shank with this mixture.

While the knuckle is soaking, light a fire. We need high heat and a little fire, the skin of the shank is tight and we need to fry it until golden brown.
We thread the shank onto the skewers crosswise so that it does not fall under the weight.

And we send it to roast on the fire.

Once it's browned, turn it over. The shank itself is already prepared, so fry it to the desired color.
The shank is ready, you can serve it to the table.

The taste is simply amazing: it’s very soft, juicy, you don’t even need to chew) It ends very quickly) So we didn’t have enough. Next time I will take at least 2 shanks, and ideally one shank for each. Then everyone will have enough to eat.
Excellent with salad

So we will try to give you a recipe for what has recently become a good delicacy in the diet of a home cook-summer resident who has our wonderful professional barbecue.

The beginning of our research in the field of application of our MFP (multifunctional device) “Gorynych” led us to reasoning on the topic: “What generally uncharacteristic for a barbecue can be prepared on this miracle?” Of course, to answer this question, we delved into the wilds of the Internet and discovered a great variety of all kinds of recipes and tips. And this is what we liked from what was proposed and after some adaptation it turned out...

How to cook knuckle at Gorynych

Not afraid of the influx of information and well aware of the impossibility of cooking shanks without using an oven at home, we began cooking 3 shanks by cooking them in a large saucepan. Having seasoned it generously with spices and salt, we left it all to cook for about 2 hours. While our pan was smoking on one “Gorynych”, we thought: “How to make an oven from the second steel barbecue “Gorynych?”, After all, our ardent mind is always at the stage of searching for something new and deliciously beautiful. So, we used a “Wok” frying pan, although it was cast iron and looked like a cauldron, and therefore very suitable for testing at our culinary testing ground of passions. Then there was a small problem, how to bake the shank and not burn this delicacy on this stationary grill “Gorynych”.

After a fair amount of digging in the vast and all-consuming jungle of the basement of the house on the hacienda, we found a shiny mesh, and who knows what this mesh is from, BUT this means that there is EVERYTHING in the basement! In high spirits, since the images of using this grid arose in the basement, we all ran together in a crowd to try to use the product of someone’s intellect. To the amazement of the people, the mesh lay neatly on the walls of the cauldron (Wok), forming a space under the mesh - this is what we wanted!!!

About 2 hours of tedious waiting passed until the shanks were cooked in the pan, and now the happy moment of truth: to be or not to be... Next, the preparation of the stationary barbecue “Gorynych” began for baking the shanks in the open air. First you need to heat the grill, that is, light a bunch of wood or something else (in this case it’s not important) that gives the temperature. Don't try to cook with coal - it makes bad food!!! After the metal has warmed up (and the thickness of 4 mm still gives its effect), we put a cauldron or a Wok pan on to heat up and bring it to... well, until the surface becomes oh-so-very hot.

Let’s immediately make a small digression from the topic and talk a little about cauldrons, pots, frying pans, etc. So, on Russian market there is a great variety of these products from small to large. When developing our stationary barbecue "Gorynych", we primarily focused on simplicity and quality, and also provided for the use of additional equipment or devices that were not inferior in quality in order to avoid deformations or other damage during operation. Why is all this said? Exist different materials and alloys from which these products (utensils) are made, and in order not to fall into unnecessary lyricism at all, you need to remember a simple truth: do not heat aluminum-colored utensils (light gray), because the melting point may not be comparable to the temperature of the grill - BE CAREFUL!!!

So, we heated up the grill, cooked the shanks...

After 15–20 minutes have passed, we place the shank on a mesh in a Wok pan (cauldron) and cover with a glass lid in anticipation of waiting for the delicacy to be ready.

By the way, the lid did not close tightly, but stood on the stops and formed a gap of about 10 mm, so that the fat, draining and burning, naturally formed smoke, gently enveloping our meat.

As a result, the shank was cooked, or it’s correct to say baked, just like in an oven, for about 15–25 minutes - everyone determined the readiness in their own way, so we kept the average time at general approval participants of the action. The result exceeded all expectations!


Cook the shank for 2 hours (we use ingredients from points 2 to 13), put it on a plate, dry it, prepare the sauce, make cuts on the skin of the shank with a knife so that a diamond-shaped grid is formed (don’t be overzealous!), heat the cauldron, bake on the grid , pouring sauce and turning the shanks, about 15–20 minutes.


1) Knuckle – 3 pcs.
2) Onions – 3 pcs. (do not cut, but clean)
3) Leek – sprig (cut)
4) Salt – to taste (it’s better to over-salt)
5) Parsley – 5 pcs.
6) Carrots – 1 piece (medium size, do not cut)
7) Black pepper (peas) – 10 pcs.
8) Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
9) Ginger – 3 cloves (2mm thickness)
10) Rosemary – a little
11) Thyme – a little Juniper berry – 4 pcs.
12) Allspice – 2 pcs.
13) Juniper berry – 4 pcs.
14) Semi-sweet wine – 1 glass (200 ml)
15) Honey – 2 tsp.