Postcards from scrapbooking paper for the New Year. DIY scrapbooking for the New Year: postcard with a step-by-step master class. Postcard making styles

Approaching New Year- the most troublesome time for needlewomen. Preparing gifts takes time and patience, so the next task is “New Year's composition.” We will learn how to decorate our scrap works with New Year's compositions. To create New Year's floral arrangements, in principle, you can use any flowers, giving them a New Year's look (you can cover them with white paint, glitter, pastes with imitation snow, crystal paste). We associate this holiday with coniferous branches, with bare or snow-covered tree branches, cones and red berries. Therefore, it is advisable to use them in compositions. Using two postcards as an example, I will show the stages of compiling New Year's compositions.


In Russia, New Year and Christmas are one holiday. Although the color combination red-green-gold refers specifically to Christmas. I'm sure you can use any combination you want. But still, I made a Christmas card in traditional colors.
I colored the stamp with colored pencils, covered it with glossy, and highlighted the red berries with a red outline for glass.

I also used a traditional Christmas flower - a poinsettia, a spruce branch, a twig with red berries.

Since the flower and spruce branch are large, I decided not to add more flowers to the composition. The shape of the composition is oval. First I glued a fir branch. Please note that I first glue only the base of the branch, so that I can tear it off and re-glue it if it turns out that it is not in place. This is how it happened now (the photo shows the place of gluing).

I glued a poinsettia to the center of the composition. At this stage, you need to ensure that the branch seems to come out from the center of the flower (composition). All other elements should also come out from the center of the composition.

Under a spruce branch I placed a branch with berries. To prevent the leaves from appearing summer and blending in with the spruce, I tinted them with brown distress. The branch also seems to come out of the center of the flower.

I glued the same branch to the top of the card.

The composition turned out to be two-color, it looks a little dark. Therefore, to brighten the composition and connect it with the white frame of the picture, I added white snowflakes.

Please note that I made the flower semi-voluminous and bent the petals along the central vein. I glued them together only in the center so that the petals could be placed freely on top of each other. The leaves are also glued only at the base.

I really wanted to cover the flower and leaves with gold glitter, but I stopped in time. I only added the Star of Bethlehem, small stars and a frame - contour stickers.


The blue card is decorated with a triangular composition.

For the composition I used a paper blue gardenia (I assembled it in separate parts), a blue poinsettia (they had yellow stamens, and I changed them to white), two white spruce branches, leaves, a curl and a twig with openwork leaves. I tinted the spruce needles that are in the picture with blue paint (so as not to blend in with the white background). I also tinted the leaves and curl.

It is advisable to make the “tails” of a triangular composition of different lengths. Therefore, I glued the lower horizontal branch further from the center of the composition (the center of the composition will be in the center of the large flower). Thus, I “extended” the horizontal branch.

I glued the central flower, placed the top poinsettia closer to the center, and the bottom one further from the center (the horizontal branch is longer, so the flower is a little further away). I glued the leaves: two leaves are close to each other, one is separate (it kind of “fits” onto the poinsettia). The leaves are arranged as if they are coming out from the center of the composition.

Looking at the composition, you can see that an empty space appeared to the left of the large flower, so I added the tip of a spruce branch there. I didn't have any more leaves, so I added a curl. A white branch with delicate leaves blends in with the white branches, so I painted it with blue paint of a different shade. I also used the same paint to paint the bird.

I did not glue the flowers and leaves completely, but so that they created volume and looked natural.

The card was decorated with silver outline stickers. When the card was ready, I covered the composition with pearlescent glitter, mixing it with PVA glue.

Hello dear readers. But the New Year is just around the corner. I started thinking about creating New Year's cards. Since I am not a professional scrapbooker, I need ideas to create beauty later. After all, you need to buy elements for a New Year's card. On Saturday I was at the craft store, a lot of New Year's decor is already appearing. I wanted to start buying various elements for New Year's cards, but I decided to first decide what I would do and what I might need for this.

I have been studying the topic of New Year cards using scrapbooking technique for a long time. You need to decide on postcards, as there are quite a lot of ideas.

But you can give a wonderful hand-made postcard to friends, family, and loved ones. Congratulate the teacher or teacher if you have children. Even children are very pleased to give gifts to their teachers. And even if this is not an expensive gift, I’m not talking about the price now, but in fact such a gift is expensive, as it is made with love.

Scrapbooking New Year cards and ideas

Perhaps someone will find some ideas for decorating New Year's cards useful. I chose for myself the ones that I liked the most. And also something that can be repeated. Not exactly, but do it your own way. Or perhaps make your own changes to the design of the postcard.

New Year, what a holiday without a Christmas tree. The idea can be transferred to a postcard. There are quite a lot of options. You can choose if you like.

As an option, such a postcard looks quite beautiful and bright. In my opinion, it is not at all complicated. I love everything with polka dots. I really like the red color and the polka dots on it. I have a yellow polka dot ribbon, but the red one looks much more chic.

Here is a card that is a little simpler, but also beautiful, decorated with buttons. Consists of three Christmas trees glued to one another. As you can see, the card stands perfectly on the table, thanks to the trunk of the Christmas tree.

Another thing I really liked were the mittens. You can make a card with mittens, or you can make a card in the shape of a mitten.

It looks very beautiful and unusual, quite suitable for a winter postcard. I was already looking for templates to make one. You can also draw a template yourself or print it from the Internet.

I also like the fact that you can put a knitted element on a New Year’s card. For example, a snowflake, a flower, or decorate the edge of a card with a knitted pattern.

I even saw a postcard decorated with a knitted hat, mittens and scarf. But all these details are miniature. They look gorgeous on a postcard.

From the same series you can make a postcard in the form Christmas decorations. In my opinion, such a postcard would even be suitable as a Christmas tree toy.

Everything can be done according to the template. In my opinion, it is very beautiful, original and unusual. Such cards bring a feeling of celebration and the approach of a new year. You can design a postcard in different ways.

From the same series, you can consider an idea for a New Year's card using the scrapbooking technique with a sock. You can make a card in the shape of a sock. Or you can glue a sock as a decorative element to a postcard.

A friend of mine really likes to hang socks in a row on the fireplace for New Year. And then place gifts in them.

You can design the card in any way you like, if you like the idea of ​​a sock. Such cards exude comfort and warmth.)))

What else did I like? Here's a card that looks gorgeous. But the details, I don't know if I can find everything in our craft store. Although they sell a lot of little things there.

Well, in any case, I’ll come up with something, I already have ideas on how to make the details for a New Year’s card, all that’s left is to do it.

Everything seems simple, but at the same time there are a lot of little things that you shouldn’t forget about when making a postcard.

For me, postcards using scrapbooking technique - original postcards. Which can really surprise and even please.

There are many ideas, the main thing is to choose and decide. I am for minimalism. But sometimes you really want to decorate a card with bright colors, add different elements that look “cluttery”.

I really enjoy creating beauty. Making postcards is more of a hobby. I don't sell postcards, but give them to friends. Therefore, I don’t buy everything and always decide what I will do and what I will need for it.

You can choose simpler postcards. Where multiple elements are present. Such cards can be made with children, because making cards is enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children.

Our daughter also became interested in New Year’s cards using the scrapbooking technique. I have already drawn the templates for the bell and mittens. But she’s not doing anything complicated yet. I am glad that she likes this hobby. For Teacher's Day, she happily gave it to the teacher, which we specially made for this holiday.

New Year is magic. I think it’s worth adding elements such as sparkles, beads, lace, snowflakes, twigs, and pine cones to cards. Which will add a little magic to the card. Which New Year cards did you like?

Close people expect signs of attention from us in the New Year. A New Year's card will help us congratulate them on the holiday. Scrapbooking is a type of handicraft and creativity. This type of needlework is needed to create albums, covers, postcards, photo frames, all kinds of notebooks, calendars and so on. There are different types of albums: accordion albums, house albums, box albums. Various templates, blanks, and special paper are used for decoration.

The paper can be decorated with glitter and velvet details. For scrapbooking, it is better to use sets of three-dimensional elements (eyelets, rhinestones, pearls, letters, frames). For decoration, you may need decorative elements such as anchors, brads, eyelets.

For the postcard you will need:

  1. Paper.
  2. Lace napkin.
  3. New Year's picture.
  4. Beads.
  5. Ribbon.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Stationery glue.
  8. Glitter.
  9. Beads.

First, let's prepare a napkin. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself using scissors or a hole punch.

We need the flower to be larger than the napkin, it should protrude. Take a paper length of 55-58 cm. Glue the middle of our flower. Apply glue to the middle and hold for a while until the glue dries.

Cut out our New Year's picture. It should be smaller than a napkin. It is better to decorate the picture. You can glue pieces of padding polyester to give it volume. If you glue snowflakes made of glitter or white beads, the card will become even more elegant.

We glue a snowflake on the back for poems and congratulations.

More details. Branches made of beads and wire. Dip the tip of the wire into glue and then into small beads.

Snowflake made of cardboard. Apply glue to the snowflake with a brush and glue the beads.

Scrapbooking is an extremely popular Lately a technique for decorating postcards, family albums and panels, which allows you to create absolutely amazing gift compositions. We invite you not only to get acquainted with the basic principles of scrapbooking, but also to please your friends and loved ones with original multi-layer New Year cards.

The beauty of the scrapbooking technique is not only maximum creative freedom, but also the ability to use completely different materials the kind that you’ll love in a craft store or end up at home. Therefore, most of the decor options we offer are advisory in nature, and you can easily replace them with those that happen to be available to you. Magazine clippings, stickers, yellowed pages of old notebooks or fancy wrapping paper - absolutely anything can be used.

Materials and tools for creating a New Year's card using scrapbooking technique:

  • thick paper for the base (minimum: 35×30 cm)
  • colored paper, old books or sheet music, or special paper for scrapbooking
  • aging effect mascara or brown pastel
  • beads, ribbons, buttons, stickers for decoration
  • volumetric adhesive pads
  • scissors, pencil, glue

How to make a New Year's card with your own hands

Using the postcard design or style and color palette we offer, you can experiment with the decor yourself. First you need to roughly imagine the theme and color scheme future work and, based on this, select materials that will be useful to you. It is possible that during the creative process all this will undergo significant changes.

To begin, cut out the base for the card from thick paper and fold it in half. In our case, the dimensions were as follows: 32x28 cm. The outer corners of the postcard can be made rounded.

After this, we decide on the main compositional elements. In our case, it will be a round background in the center of the card, 3 schematic Christmas trees and a stylized ribbon. You can modify this diagram as you wish or use our template.

It is better to choose neutral colored paper for the background, and make the Christmas trees and ribbon more contrasting. If you want to give your postcard a vintage look, but you don’t have any old notes or notes on hand, you can artificially age any sheet of paper. To do this, just briefly place it in a container with tea, and then dry it under pressure. Obviously, the stronger the tea leaves, the darker the result.

To tint the edges of the application, you can use a pad with special ink that gives an aging effect. Such ink can easily be found in any craft and scrapbooking store.

Using a foam sponge, ink is applied to the edges and background of the paper parts using a tapping motion.

Advice: if you don’t have special ink on hand, you can use alternative way age the paper. To do this, just take a pastel chalk or a soft brown pencil, grind off the lead with a stationery knife and gently rub the resulting fine crumbs over the surface with a napkin or finger.

We begin to select small decor for the main elements of the postcard. These can be magazine clippings, stickers, ready-made cardboard blanks, bows, ribbons, buttons, beads and inscriptions. This process is purely creative, so there is little chance of getting two identical cards using one template. As you can see from the photo, initially it was planned to decorate the postcard with traditional green and red elements, but then a more harmonious, in our opinion, option was found.

What other decorative techniques are often used in scrapbooking? In addition to tinting and artificial aging, this technique widely uses a variety of stamps and seals. You can purchase factory blanks, or type the inscription using separate stamp letters.

Options for seals and ink pads for stamps

Using alphabet stamps you can type any desired inscription. Of course, you can write a card by hand, however, if you are not confident in your handwriting, we do not recommend you experiment. At the very least, it's best to practice writing on a rough draft first.

The order in which the card is framed and glued is of great importance in scrapbooking. We tint the edges, draw and write on the parts while they are not yet fastened together. Then we lay them out on the base, and if everything is satisfactory, we begin gluing them.

The beauty of postcards using the scrapbooking technique is their volume. To ensure that the elements of the composition effectively protrude above the plane of the paper, special adhesive pads are used. If you don’t have them at hand, felt stickers on furniture legs can play a similar role (they are used to prevent the furniture from scratching the floor).

Small scrapbooking pads, felt pads for furniture, thin double-sided tape and different kinds glue - all this may be useful for making cards

First, we glue Christmas trees, ribbon and other decor to the round base using overlays.

We attach the finished composition with large overlays to the cover of the postcard. We glue small parts (snowflake, flags, etc.) with glue, since only the main parts should protrude from the plane.

Advice: a very interesting effect can be achieved not only with the help of volumetric overlays, but also through the use of a sewing machine. Several sheets of paper can be easily stitched together, which will also look very interesting.

A card made entirely of paper may look a little boring, so feel free to use braid, ribbons and other textiles, and also complement it with crazy beads as a unique Christmas tree decorations. It is better to glue fabric and plastic with a hot glue gun or transparent, reliable glue such as “Moment-Crystal”.

The inscription and small designs, such as stars, can be drawn by hand or using ready-made stamps. After that all that remains is to write the postcard to the addressee!

There is very little left until the New Year. The time has come when it's time to think about decorating gifts and cards for loved ones and relatives. Of course, we can buy them in the store, but it’s much more pleasant to make them ourselves. Such a direction of needlework as New Year's scrapbooking will help us with this. Nowadays you can find anything to make beautiful crafts. Various decorative elements, colored cardboard, sparkles and rhinestones can be easily found in handicraft departments, as well as in stationery and hypermarkets. But before you start working, it’s worth finding ideas for inspiration or templates that you will stick to.

New Year's scrapbooking - New Year cards(Ideas)

New Year cards using the scrapbooking technique are the most relevant. The creation process is simple and interesting. All you need is colored cardboard, glue, cutting templates and a little imagination.

For example, a scrapbooking New Year's card can be filled not only with kind words and wishes, but also with interesting photos of the people for whom it is intended.

Or the card can be made in a classic style and simply express the New Year and Christmas mood. It could be Santa Claus and a Christmas tree or an Advent wreath.

And if you already have creative experience in scrapbooking, you can create complex crafts of extraordinary beauty, consisting of many elements: snowflakes, beads, ribbons and other decor.

Scrapbooking - Christmas balls(Ideas)

Decorating the New Year tree is an important and responsible process. After all, it is she who creates the necessary festive atmosphere in your home. And if you want to create something unique, you can use scrapbooking ideas. New Year's balls using the scrapbooking technique look quite impressive. In your work, you can use any available materials and decorate your crafts with all kinds of New Year's attributes: snowflakes, beads, tinsel. You can cut out ready-made images of animals, birds or characters and use them as decoration. Everything is in the hands of your imagination.

New Year scrapbooking - Gift wrapping ideas for New Year and Christmas (Ideas)

And finally it comes to decorating gifts. Everyone knows the indescribable feeling when there are beautifully decorated boxes lying next to the Christmas tree, which you open with special trepidation. Here, too, you can show your individuality and create unique packaging that conveys the entire festive spirit of the New Year. To make interesting packaging for a New Year's gift, use the suggested ideas. You can use ready-made boxes that you probably have somewhere and decorate them as you wish.