What is better than dropshipping. What is Dropshipping: A detailed scheme for creating a business. Is dropshipping a scam

Many people are now moving their business online. You will not surprise anyone with an online store. But few people know and have tried another way of trading - dropshipping. What it is? What are the benefits of this sales scheme? What do you need to be prepared for when starting your own project?

New online business

Dropshipping is based on the familiar idea of ​​an online store. But you don’t puzzle over the question of where to get money for the purchase of goods. You do not solve the problem of how many of these same goods to purchase. Where to locate a warehouse, how to carry out delivery - these problems do not bother you anymore.

And all because you work on the dropshipping system. What is it for sales - let's figure it out.

In general terms, the idea is through which you will sell goods directly from the supplier. You are a kind of intermediary, dealer. Your responsibilities include promoting your store, making it popular, taking orders for items displayed in the store, and transferring those orders to the item holder. Usually, either manufacturing companies or wholesalers act as the latter. The supplier, having received the order, decides the issues with packaging and delivery.

Dropshipping system

Now let's take a closer look at the sales scheme for the new system. And at the same time, let's see what makes up the profit.

Suppose you decide to trade in jewelry. But you do not have the funds for the initial purchase of the goods, the rental of the warehouse, and there are also problems with delivery. Do not take loans, get into debt.

On the Internet, you look for sites that are willing to work with dropshippers. From the resulting list of potential suppliers, you find those who offer the product you need (according to the criteria you outlined) at the lowest prices.

After that, you contact the owners of the resource and submit an application. Usually without problems it turns out to arrange cooperation.

Now you start to place the product on the pages of your store. You set the price in the positions yourself. Of course, they will be higher than those offered by your supplier. But don't overdo it. Focus on the average offer for your category of goods. Otherwise, you will not attract a buyer.

Pictures are used either from the supplier's website, or from any available resource that has the necessary illustrations. Product descriptions are best written by yourself. If you are not good at creating sales texts, then find a good copywriter.

Working with a customer

If we work on a dropshipping system, then we process all the orders that come to us and redirect them to our supplier.

The supplier already decides the issues with packaging and shipping. Here you have almost nothing to decide. The quality and speed of delivery depends on your partner. But in order not to let everything take its course, connect the tracking service. This is an individual order number, it allows you to track the path of the ordered goods. This number does not interfere with voicing to your customer. This will be a plus for you. You will confirm your reliability and earn a reputation.

It does not hurt to discuss in advance with the supplier the condition not to indicate information about the initial cost of the goods on the parcel.

Advantages of the scheme

So, our first step is made in dropshipping. What is it in terms of benefits?

The advantages of this business are:

  • Lack of start-up capital. You are spared from the costs at the stage of launching the store. You will have to invest money, without this you will not open your own selling site, but this will not require large expenses from you.
  • You do not need to rent a warehouse and organize a delivery service. These responsibilities are assumed by your supplier, you just need to find and attract as many customers as possible.
  • The risk of miscalculating the price is minimized. You are not purchasing a product. Therefore, the situation in which you bought a product at one price, and managed to sell it only at a lower cost, is not about you.
  • You are not tied to the range. You don't have stock. Therefore, at any time you can leave electronics for the toy market. You only need to find new suppliers and change catalogs on the site.
  • You are free to choose your partners. One partner did not live up to expectations, find another, more reliable one.

At first glance, the scheme is reliable, you work as a dealer. Your supplier is satisfied with the constant orders, you are satisfied with the stable income that your store brings.

Cons of the system

The advantages are obvious, but what about the disadvantages that dropshipping has. What is it from the standpoint of the shortcomings of the system:

  • You cannot influence the speed of delivery of goods in any way, so all the shortcomings on the part of your supplier negatively affect your image. You must be ready to quickly deal with the situation when you placed an order, accepted money from a client, and he did not wait for his goods. Think ahead about your actions in such a conflict. In any case, the customer will demand the goods from you.
  • The quality of the goods can also be very "lame". Try to check the reliability of your future partner at the stage of concluding a contract.
  • Packaging, delivery of goods to the client, again, does not depend on you. Therefore, you will have to rely on the integrity of the supplier.


As you already understood, a lot in this business rests on the reliability of suppliers. Unfortunately, scams are very common. Therefore, carefully check your potential partners. Dropshipping suppliers are required to take a responsible approach to the issue of shipment and delivery of goods.

Do not be lazy and conclude an agreement with selected companies. This will make it easier for you to build business relationships.

Say goodbye to all unscrupulous suppliers immediately. You will be constantly in tension, your reputation will suffer, customers will start to leave you. Don't wait for problems, look for other suppliers.

Russian perspectives

Russian dropshipping is not so actively developing yet. Many are still worried about this business scheme. The point, most likely, is that there are too many unscrupulous suppliers, delivery mechanisms are too poorly debugged, and Russian customers are too distrustful.

To successfully promote a new type of trade in the domestic sector of the Internet, find yourself reliable partners among European, Chinese or American sellers. Now there is no problem to contact them directly. Some advanced users themselves use the possibility of ordering goods from these sites. You can serve as a seller for those who do not want or are afraid to buy on their own in the largest marketplaces.

You are creating a convenient store in Russian. With clear navigation, comfortable tools and act as an intermediary.

The profitability of an online project is influenced by a considerable list of factors. This is the level of demand for the goods, the value of the trade margin, the number of potential customers, and, of course, the costs. One of the interesting business ideas this year is the sale of goods via the Internet. With an emphasis on delivery directly from the manufacturer's warehouse, without creating your own stocks, without the cost of premises, staff. This direction is especially interesting during the global crisis, which has been observed over the past few years.

To start your small / medium business, it is enough to figure out where to start, what exactly the first steps should be, since dropshipping is available to everyone (in fact, this is how the new trend in online business is officially called). This topic is very popular and heatedly discussed on the Internet. There are different options for making a profit with this technology. After all, in the vast global network you can buy almost any product, regardless of the country where it is produced.

New online sales techniques

The transition to trading via the Internet allowed only partially solving the problem of significant costs for the maintenance of offline stores (premises, staff, etc.), so the idea of ​​dropshipping has become a real breakthrough - its concept offers a practical implementation of a “workplace on the couch”. The seller needs to organize a suitable advertisement for the product on the Internet through his own website and wait for the flow of customers.

The scheme of work in dropshipping is proposed as follows:

  • A list of suppliers with goods selected for sale is selected.
  • A commercial offer is drawn up (an Internet site is created, advertising is organized).
  • All orders are forwarded to the appropriate supplier for fulfillment.

In this case, no purchase costs will be required (stocks of products are kept by the manufacturer), the goods are paid to the supplier upon receipt of money from the customer to the seller’s electronic wallet or bank account. There is no dependence on the exchange rate if the goods are imported. It is enough to change the selling price on your own website and thus it is easy to avoid losses from exchange rate fluctuations in any direction. Understanding what dropshipping is, how to make a profit on it and where to start is no more difficult than learning how to work in social networks.

Important: the Internet allows you to sell products of any number of manufacturers using one page, which is why dropshipping has earned its popularity.

At the same time, it remains possible to work simultaneously with several suppliers of the same list of goods, which will provide the best purchase price, a guarantee that customers will receive an order (even if one has empty warehouses, you can always transfer an order to someone who still has product stocks). Dropshipping video tutorials regularly appear on the Internet, allowing you to get acquainted with the technology from scratch:

Obvious benefits

The full list of advantages of such a method of promoting goods as dropshipping is quite extensive, but some of the most important points are worth noting. They stand out from the mass of advantages by their compliance with the modern lifestyle, which are very different from the habits of even 5-10 years ago.

Glad to meet you again, friends.

Just yesterday, he promised to continue the topic of earning money through the dropshipping system, which is relevant for many, so he kept his word.

Today's article is again devoted to intermediary services, we will determine for whom this type of activity is suitable, what pitfalls it contains, how much you can earn on dropshipping and how to set up this business.

But first, let's answer the questions. : dropshipping system - what is it, what is it for, how much experience does it require. And is it necessary to get involved in such a business at all, if you have never been involved in trade.

1. What is dropshipping, how to start a business?

The system is based on a direct delivery agreement between the intermediary and the supplier. The recipient of the order (client) finds the goods he needs on the intermediary's website and through the intermediary makes an order, which the dropshipper passes to the supplier, he also transfers the customer's coordinates and the money received from the client. Keeps a certain percentage.

Actually - everything. This is where the dropshipper's participation in the deal ends. He has neither a warehouse for the goods, nor the goods themselves. His task is to attract as many buyers as possible for a partner and receive a well-deserved reward. Packing, shipping, selling leftovers is not his problem.

It seemed like the perfect business. You are aloof from the main process, you do not bear any responsibility, but at the same time you earn.

But is it really that simple? Let's figure out what dropshipping is and how to start the process of working in this direction.

The most important thing that is needed in this business is your own trading platform, for example, a website and the presence of a reliable supplier.

2. What should be the store

Of course, you can start working on the social network, or even on your page. But that would be disingenuous. You will not be able to decorate the “showcase” beautifully and in an original way. There are no such opportunities in the social. networks, as their own resource provides.

When creating an online market, you can use one of the options:

  • A full-fledged multi-page with large sections for a specific type of product;
  • Several one-pagers (each for a separate type of product);
  • Landing as an advertising site for a future online store.
It is important not to get lost among thousands of such sites, so it makes sense to invest in the original design and organization of promotions. Take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate with .

The fact that a dropshipper should not have a “headache” about the product is an absolute plus in running this type of business. But as far as I know, a responsible dropshipper always cares about their reputation. Therefore, he will not risk contacting a supplier whose majority of goods are of poor quality. And despite the lack of physical goods on hand, there is always enough work in the online store:

  • find high-quality product images from several angles;
  • add attractive and accurate descriptions;
  • if there is not enough information about the product, contact the supplier and demand a detailed description from him (the buyer will ask you);
  • constantly replenish and update the range;
  • look for new suppliers.

3. What should be the supplier

A reliable responsible supplier is 80% of the success of your store. If the company is well-known and holds the brand in every sense (both the quality of the goods and the quality of service), then this greatly simplifies the work of the dropshipper. The conscientiousness of the supplier is a kind of guarantee of your calm and fruitful work.

After all, if something is wrong with the product (it is of poor quality, does not match the description, was not sent on time), the buyer will file claims not with the supplier, but with the intermediary - the owner of the site on which he ordered the goods.

Therefore, choose your suppliers very carefully. Start not with Chinese, but with domestic ones. Google up to page 20 and start browsing from there - vendors don't do well with SEO, so they can't be found at the top of the feed.

The easiest way to reach a bona fide supplier is to use information from supplier catalogs, dropshipping is the only thing that keeps it going. The list of directories can be found in the article "".

4. Features of the dropshipping business, advantages and disadvantages

Some of the benefits of dropshipping include:

  • optional availability of start-up capital;
  • the need for a warehouse;
  • the need to have an office;
  • high percentage of profit.


  • inability to assess the quality of the goods;
  • high competition;
  • the presence of reputational risks (not every supplier is conscientious).

Now I will decipher the point about starting investments. They are really not needed big, but they are needed for money. Books on dropshipping by Western authors assure that thousands of dollars will be enough to get you started. At the current exchange rate for an ordinary Russian, a thousand cu. - a lot of money. Not everyone has this amount. But if you are serious about this business, you can start very successfully by taking a loan. The creation of an online store will pay off in two to three months. And when you get the job done (find a responsible supplier and regular customers), you can reach a monthly income of $ 1,000.

But you'll have to work hard. As I said before, dropshipping is a job and this type of income cannot be called passive.

5. Why do users trust intermediary stores?

The sales scheme has been worked out to the smallest detail and is very beneficial for all participants in the transaction. That is why dropshipping is so popular in Russia. Look who works according to this scheme - the giants Ulmart and Ozon! And the flow of customers in these markets is increasing daily.

In the same way, only on a smaller scale, any other online store can serve customers. But, again, I draw your attention to the level of responsibility of the supplier - buyers will not take poor-quality, unfashionable, stale products. Therefore, it is in your interest to find a reliable and honest partner.

The main task of a dropshipper, in addition to finding a supplier, is to monitor site traffic and increase the number of active buyers.

6. Pricing and competition

Keep track of attendance, attract customers… It sounds easy, but it takes a lot of effort. Therefore, I would not rush to call dropshipping trading easy and feasible for a beginner. In this area, you need to be a "shark", because the competition here is very high.

If you are serious about dropshipping and you already know how to organize everything, and at the same time you think that you can easily outperform competing companies only due to low prices, you are very mistaken. Although, I must admit, the low margin plays into the hands of the dropshipper - buyers are more willing to order goods at a more attractive price.

But, in addition to low cost, the buyer can be attracted by bonuses, discounts, promotions that he will not find in other stores. A very useful skill for any mediator is competent work with a proposal and the ability to convince.

7. Unpleasant features of working with suppliers

The section is relevant for all dropshippers who work with China, and everyone who plans to mediate between Russian buyers and Chinese suppliers. Not only is the delivery time very long (up to two months), and you need to overpay for fast delivery, failures can also happen: a dropshipping site can make mistakes in logistics, supplies, and other important points for the buyer.

Therefore, advice to those who are going to implement a dropshipping scheme with China: never promise delivery within two weeks. This will help you attract customers in the first place. But since the deadline is unrealistic, most buyers can refuse your services after the first delay in the order.

The second nuance is that the Chinese love to embellish reality. And those who have experienced this tough “heavenly” dropshipping (reviews of 2017) state that in 70% the picture of the product is very different from its real look. Especially many blunders are made by clothing manufacturers: they take branded models as a basis and turn them into nondescript, stretched rags that do not match the size. On Aliexpress, such suppliers are through one. Try to let the customer down by offering him a “chic” outfit from such a store, and you will be the last one, not the Chinese seller. Therefore, I emphasize once again: be very picky when choosing a supplier.

8. How Successful Dropshipping Starts

Dropshipping turned out to be such a convenient way of doing business that everyone who is not lazy began to engage in it, and it has somewhat lost its originality. Now it is easier to get lost among competitors than to stand out somehow. Therefore, I advise you to start with the choice of assortment.

The most popular product groups:

  • cloth;
  • shoes;
  • smartphones, mobile phones and accessories;
  • building materials;
  • auto parts;
  • cosmetics and hygiene products.

The assortment has been formed, the supplier has been found, the website is available. Consider a few more far from minor components of a successful business:

  • effective advertising campaign, I recommend reading my article about;
  • constant focus on the consumer;
  • creativity in the implementation of a business idea;
  • the right choice of marketing tools.

In this “simple” business, only the most creative and persistent survive.

9. Step-by-step guide to starting a dropshipping business

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​​​how to make money on dropshipping, you need to study all the nuances of this business and not burn out when faced with certain difficulties. Many believe that this is not a business, but a vacation, in which nothing needs to be done. No, it's necessary! And here's what:

  1. Choose a niche in which you will work. It is desirable that you understand the products that you will offer to customers.
  2. Test the chosen niche - if there is a demand for the product, feel free to start working.
  3. Create an internet site.
  4. Find several reliable suppliers, negotiate with them and conclude contracts.
  5. Start promoting your store and attract customers.
  6. If necessary, register a PP or LLC.

9.1. Dropshipping training from experts

Friends, this article is just a small introduction to the world of dropshipping, its basic principles, so to speak. And maybe I would have shared all the information in more detail, but now, I cannot take on such responsibility at the moment. If I have ever managed to sell sneakers and sneakers somewhere, then this is more luck than a well-established scheme.

[I will write about it a little later]

10. Who is this business for?

Not every newcomer just "from the lantern" who decided to become an intermediary, he will do. Dropshipping "loves" people who are persistent, creative, persuasive, good at negotiating and well versed in certain products. Management experience would be a plus.

This type of activity is ideal for owners of small sites, it is guaranteed to provide them with a steady income, if not a huge one.

What do you guys think about the profitability of dropshipping? Who has experience in this? I will be glad to your comments.

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

I have never been satisfied with the life that most people lead. I have always wanted to live more richly and vividly.

Hi all!

Today I want to express my point of view about such a method of working with suppliers as dropshipping.
For all its apparent simplicity, this method has a huge number of disadvantages, which, at first glance, are not particularly striking.

To begin with, we will analyze what dropshipping is and why it is needed at all.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a method of working without your own warehouse, when you send goods directly from the supplier to the buyer, bypassing your warehouse.

On the diagram it looks like this:

The expanded scheme looks like this:

  1. You receive an order from a buyer;
  2. The buyer, perhaps, pays for the order (variations are possible here, because some suppliers are ready to take over the cash service);
  3. You pay for the goods to the supplier;
  4. Report the buyer's details to the supplier;
  5. He sends the goods to the buyer;
  6. The buyer is happy. The supplier is happy. You are happy too.

Ideal scheme. It would seem that…

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of dropshipping.

Having figured out what dropshipping is, let's understand what is more: pluses or minuses?
Here is my video in which I talk about the main pros and cons of dropshipping:

Dropshipping Pros

No. 1. Work completely without own warehouse.

Indeed, you are working. And as soon as you receive an order, you immediately form a request for delivery to the supplier, and he already ships it to the buyer.

Money, since it is not necessary to redeem the goods;
Time, since the order can be immediately sent by the supplier to the buyer;
And places, since you don’t have to look for a warehouse to store goods.

No. 2. Easy expansion process.

This is true. The procedure is simple:
Connected a new supplier;
Uploaded his assortment to your site.

Again, you do not need to buy anything, as the work is carried out under the order.

No. 3. Minimum startup investment

In the process of launching an online store for the purchase of goods, they sometimes occupy almost the first place. And if you use dropshipping, then you simply do not have the cost of purchasing goods.

Actually, this is where the advantages of dropshipping end ...

Cons of dropshipping

No. 1. No added value.
I have a more precise definition of what dropshipping is - This is the transportation of goods from the supplier to the buyer at the expense of the buyer.

In fact, by its presence you do not create any additional value. You don't even see the product. It’s a mystery to you what actually goes to the buyer, what quality is there, you can’t check anything at all :)

They took money from the buyer, transferred it to the supplier, he sent it to the buyer, you left yourself a pretty penny.

Yes, you earn something and earn. But I have no interest in such a business. I'll explain why a little later.

No. 2. You are responsible for what you cannot directly influence.

Here are the main disadvantages of this scheme of work.

The supplier sent the wrong one - your fault.
The supplier sent a marriage - your fault.
The supplier sent at the wrong time - your fault.
The supplier did not pack enough - your fault.
The supplier does not care if the buyer redeems / picks up the package. After all, he has already received money from you.

If you had sent the goods yourself, all this could have been avoided.

No. 3. Almost always requires 100% prepayment from the buyer.

After all, otherwise what to do if you bought an order from a supplier?

According to my statistics, up to 5% of buyers are ready to make a 100% prepayment, and then only in trusted online stores.
And if you have dropshipping from China, only a few will be ready to make an advance payment and wait a month for the package to arrive from China.

But there are exceptions when suppliers are ready to take on cash services and cash receipts from the buyer. You should check this with your chosen providers.

No. 4. There is no possibility of customization of the order.

And making it unique due to your additional services or gifts.

Would you like to send thanks for an order? Will not work.
Want to add a gift to your order? Will not work.
Would you like to put your business card? And here, too, by.

But these are some of the best methods of growth that will not be available to you.

No. 5. It is not known what else the supplier puts in the order.

There were times when at one point the supplier began to put their promotional materials in orders. Is it worth saying what it leads to?

You do not control what else is put in the order to the buyer.
You will not even be able to check whether the product is sent in the order.

Of course, you can try to order from yourself and see what really comes to the buyer.

In justification, I will say that I have not seen anything like this from large suppliers for a long time, but in practice there have been such cases.

No. 6. Your customer base is not yours at all.

If you part ways with a supplier, you never know what will happen to your customer base.

Phones, emails, names - all this is with your direct potential competitor. Especially if he himself is engaged in retail sales.
The entire order history of each customer is also available to your supplier.

We won't speculate, but the mere fact that someone else has my client base leads me to certain negative thoughts.

No. 7. Packaging restrictions.

Suppliers most often use standard packaging without any frills.

And you will not have the opportunity to additionally pack fragile goods.
Or offer, for example, gift wrapping.

As you can see, solid restrictions ...

No. 8. You won't even be able to put a gift in the order.

I have already said many times that the simplest gift in the order significantly distinguishes you from other online stores. Do you remember the last time someone gave you gifts from the shops? Remembered? Draw your own conclusions.

Don't put gifts.
Thank you letter too.


For myself, I already made conclusions a long time ago. For me, dropshipping is a way to sell remotely without any added value on your part.

Well, they bought it, they sold it, they even earned something on it.

Not interested.

In business, what matters most is your game with the customer:

  1. Give something that others do not give;
  2. Do something more that the buyer does not even know;
  3. Give a gift that he will immediately post on Instagram for joy;
  4. Attach a letter of thanks to the order, where you address the buyer by name and write a big “Thank you!” with a ballpoint pen;
  5. And put it all in your branded package.

Such little things form a lot of positive emotions in the buyer. All. He is yours. Forever.

And the dropshipping scheme itself cuts everything in the bud.

Therefore, I am sure that by the end of the article you had the impression of what dropshipping is and whether it should be considered in your project at all. I would not:)

But if you still want to go this way, I suggest discussing the start algorithm.

Dropshipping start algorithm

Imagine that you have already chosen a niche and found dropshipping suppliers.

Stage 1. You just started

At the very beginning of the journey, you work completely from the supplier’s warehouse and at the moment the main task for you is to determine which products are most popular with buyers.

We start traffic and look:

  1. What are the customers ordering?
  2. What products are most often asked by phone?
  3. What are the most viewed products on the site? This will help you.

Having compiled a list of the most popular products, we move on to the next step.

Stage 2. There is an understanding of what they are buying

Once you have compiled a list of the most popular products, you can consider buying them from the supplier's warehouse. Here you will already have a wider list of suppliers, since you no longer have the task of working with a dropshipping supplier.

Divide this work into several stages too. If you're on a tight budget, buy items slowly. So you will gradually gain confidence in your abilities.

We pass to the third stage.

Stage 3. Choosing a further development strategy

At this stage, you have most likely already accumulated “fat” and this somewhat unties your hands.

  1. You refuse dropshipping completely, moving completely to your warehouse, albeit with a less wide range. But then you have the flexibility to make decisions.
  2. You refuse dropshipping completely, find a supplier who works “on a deposit” and form your own small warehouse. And the missing items are ordered from a new supplier.

At the same time, nothing prevents you from keeping “in reserve” the old dropshipping supplier, thanks to which you got back on your feet.

This whole scheme is described from my own experience, but, I assure you, not everything in it is so smooth. Each niche will have its own nuances and you will not get away from them. Verified :)

Personally, I disdain dropshipping and there is not the slightest desire to fully work with it, despite successful examples.

It's a really bad format.

Creating a business from scratch is akin to how we learn to swim: someone is given to classes in the pool, while others are mercilessly thrown into the pond with the words “Swim!”. The second case is work without dropshipping: it’s good if a person doesn’t drown, but in the end there is a risk of earning a lifelong phobia to never come close to water again (more precisely, to open one’s own business).

The first way, obviously, seems to be more humane, reasonable and civilized. But, despite all the advantages, there is still a risk of making many mistakes and not learning how to swim. And it's the same with dropshipping. Today Reconomica will consider typical mistakes when starting a business in the field of dropshipping.

for those in the tank)

Dropshipping- a form of partnership between an individual and an operating enterprise, when the partner provides an organization for the sale of goods (usually through a website or landing page), and the goods themselves are produced and shipped by the manufacturer.

This is Basin Lake in Kazakhstan. Try to get out of there on your own!

The dropshipper has no physical contact with the product. In fact, this is a truncated business, or a “light” business version - you are only engaged in marketing. That is why we compared dropshipping and regular retail business like a swimming pool and a natural reservoir.

And this is the Round Lake pool. It's hard to drown in it.

So the business benefits from getting a sales organization, and the dropshipper gets partnership revenues that potentially have no ceiling. Therefore, dropshipping is gaining popularity and is a good practical business school. Knowing how to sell, you can start your own production and switch sales to it.

Anyone can do dropshipping. But let's move on to the pitfalls.

Bad advice for new dropshippers (and just as much good advice)

And what needs to be done so that it is you who do not get fruitful cooperation in dropshipping? This is a rhetorical question, which is absolutely not necessary to understand. However, there are answers:

Tip 1. Never contact the supplier

How not to: We live in a wonderful 21st century, in which it is customary that decent people do not call. And really, why? It is enough just to go to the search engine, find the right supplier, save up money for the launch, and that's it.

How to do: And yet, we really live in the 21st century, when it is easier to create a new site than to remake an existing one. As a result, the information may already be out of date 25 times, and the stroller supplier has turned into an office furniture supplier. Therefore, you definitely need to call and do everything possible to have a dialogue like this:

Hello, are you a supplier?

Are you a wheelchair supplier?

And the supplier of baby carriages, not wheelchairs?

And after the third “yes”, when there is no chance for a mistake, you can safely start saving money to open your online store. But that's not all.

Remember that not all people in this world are conscientious. Someone sleeps peacefully at night, selling goods not at a wholesale price, but at a retail price. Someone doesn't even have a sane warehouse. And instead of getting into a mess and throwing 3 months of your life into the wind, you need to spend only one day - to come to the supplier and personally verify the availability of premises, people and signs of work. Trust but check.

How not to: Think about the details a lot, often and extremely diligently. Visualize your desires, for example, start right away with choosing a CMS for the site, then move on to ideas about the colors of the buttons on the site and complete the fantasies with some original product descriptions. Charge yourself for success and start practicing in 2-3 weeks, when the fuse subsides. Become a modern Ilya Ilyich Oblomov: think that you are doing something.

How to do: Less words and more action. You will not lose anything if you randomly choose the platform on which the site will work - you can always change it in the future. The more you think, the more problems you find instead of solving them as they come. The best advice that can be given to beginners in dropshipping is: get it and do it, without unnecessary curtsy.

Tip 3. Concentrate on advertising - the more, the better!

How not to: Spend as much money as possible on advertising. On contextual, native, targeted, in general, on any one that you can think of. Do not think about numbers and indicators, just plug all the channels of communication with the buyer so that you don’t go anywhere and place an order.

How to do: Get to know and make close friendships with services designed to measure website traffic, such as Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. End-to-end analytics is difficult, but useful. You need to know which advertising channels are working and which ones are just eating away at your budget. Advertising and working advertising are two diametrically different things, in the second case, you need to understand your target audience, know exactly where your potential buyers are located and the ability to choose the appropriate promotion method.

Mustaches, paws and statistics analysis - these are your documents.

Tip 4: Create a killer eye-catching design

How not to: Make a unique site design, polish every link and button, draw banners that no one else had. Just amaze everyone with your creativity and polish the look of your site. And then, that's when the orders will flow like a river, you can be calm.

How to do: Of course, at the initial stage, a colossal amount of work remains to be done, including in terms of design. But killing time by choosing the shade of the site header is a little unwise, just enough so that it doesn't just look like “gouge your eyes out”.

The primary task is to make a working and functional store, upload a product catalog, divide it into sections, etc. And only after receiving a stable number of orders per month, you can worry about the length of the fingers of the girl on the main banner.

How not to: Ask yourself the question “why would you pay money to someone if you can do everything yourself?”. That's right, there is no need, it is better to spend money on advertising that is already loved on all fronts. You yourself are able to figure out the difference between HTML, JavaScript and WordPress, you will quickly create a website just by looking at the example once.

How to do: The fact is that you will be able to draw the simplest house from codes in Pascal only after a week of learning this language. It will obviously take more time to create a site and its layout. Even on a ready-made engine, deploying a fancy and properly optimized store is not as easy as it seems.

Be prudent. The Programmer Programmer should pay the n-th amount, if only in the name of efficiency and a reasonable waste of time. Moreover, there are such dropshipping providers in the world who sell ready-made sites. For example, Supplier of Happiness, AdvantShop or InSales.


Despite the simplicity of dropshipping, none of us is immune from mistakes, because we are people, not robots. But folk wisdom says: do it right, it will be fine. That is, conscious, planned mistakes are the same trouble as a panicky desire for an ideal (which does not exist, by the way).

And now you are warned, which means you are armed.