How to create the best flyer designs. Rules and tips. How to make a flyer? Flyer layout

One of the inexpensive and very effective ways to promote goods or services. It performs both advertising and information functions for the consumer. And if there is a need to promote your business in such a simple way, then in this case you can visit the offices of various agencies specializing in advertising printing and look at the samples of advertising leaflets that they provide in order to familiarize yourself with their products.

What should a flyer contain?

Its most important goal is business promotion. However, it is worth noting that the first step here is to think very carefully about what exactly you are going to advertise. It should be said that the most striking examples of advertising leaflets are those that represent both an individual and an entire organization. Everything is clear and understandable here. The card indicates a specific person or an entire organization that sells a certain type of goods or provides certain services.

Samples of advertising leaflets that hired employees distribute on the streets or through mailboxes are a completely different matter. Sometimes you get the impression that companies or private entrepreneurs are ready to sell you almost everything they can. At the same time, there is no specific information indicating that by purchasing the product offered from them, the potential client receives any kind of benefit.

First steps on the path to success

Once you have decided on the choice of advertising and printing agency and your subject, you can safely begin to develop templates for advertising leaflets. Here, the organization’s employees will provide qualified advice and will always help:

  • Develop an original design. Success largely depends on it.
  • Compose a text that will subsequently be printed on a leaflet. However, in order for this point to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to determine the target audience of advertising products.
  • Choose the correct format for the future leaflet.
  • Decide on the text font.

Choosing a printing house

Not all agencies provide printing services. For this reason, before submitting flyer templates for test printing, you need to visit the printing house and familiarize yourself with the material from which printed products can be made. It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality and method of printing, the possibility of color reproduction and other technical issues. This is due to the need to eliminate the possibility that test samples of advertising leaflets may differ significantly from the layout. If this does happen, it means that everything will have to be redone. And this, as you understand, will take a lot of time and may require additional financial costs.

Let's sum it up

  • They must have a format convenient for potential consumers and contain information about a specific product or service.
  • It should contain a call to cooperate with you. This may be expressed in any specific discounts or contact information that may contribute to this.
  • Nothing extra. Everything should look casual.
  • Advertising products should be designed for a specific circle of consumers who can really benefit from your services or product.
  • The text must contain a certain specific proposal addressed to the potential consumer.
  • Try not to skimp on the design and material from which advertising printing will be made.

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The simplest, but still effective, method of conducting advertising campaigns is the use of various types of advertising leaflets. One of the main advantages of this type of marketing materials is its versatility. A flyer can attract potential customers to almost any business. However, in order to not only spend money on printing flyers and distributing them, but also to get the maximum effect in the form of new customers, you need to invest time and attention in developing the layout of the flyer. The text and design of the flyer are no less important than the places and methods of distribution of advertising leaflets. The SlovoDelo printing house offers you a brief excursion into the basic rules that will help you make an advertising leaflet that will capture the attention of your target audience.

What do flyers look like?

The definition of a flyer is known to all marketers. But the information in this article will also be useful to those who are truly interested in the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, owners and directors, as well as specialists who care about the quality of their work.

According to the dictionary, flyers are a type of printed advertising, a small-format printed publication. This promotion option is capable of massively attracting potential customers with very little investment. However, in order for the distribution of advertising leaflets through boxes or any other method not only to pay off, but also to bring multiple profits, it is important to understand and correctly use the following rules:

If you look closely at the definition of an advertising leaflet, another feature becomes no less important - small size, so special attention should be paid to the content. The text of the advertising leaflet must contain the advertising message and contact information of the company in a clear form.

Advertising leaflets and flyers can act as coupons for a discount or a gift with a purchase. In this case, the probability increases that the person who receives the leaflet will not only read it, but also use it. As a last resort, he will give it to someone he knows who is interested in the promotional offer.

You can also distribute flyers to inform about various events: a store opening, a seasonal or closed sale, a party, a charity concert, etc. Thematic images will help a potential client remember the information better, and in the case of distributing flyers to mailboxes, they will prevent it from getting lost in other correspondence.

The style and design of advertising leaflets must be carefully thought out in advance. A high-quality and professional flyer can be presented as an invitation. These are usually used in cinemas, clubs, cafes and restaurants, as well as for organizing public events. A beautiful flyer printed on high-quality paper is perceived as no worse than a paid ticket to a concert of your favorite artist.

Advertising leaflets are so widespread today that even the most distant person from marketing and advertising knows what a flyer is, or at least used it as a buyer. Interestingly, despite their popularity, flyers remain a marketing tool with very high effectiveness.

The main reason for the popularity of this method lies in the fact that the production and printing of advertising leaflets is relatively cheap, but at the same time they can attract potential new customers in huge quantities. Agree, even a 5% discount or a chocolate bar as a gift is nice for everyone.

What types of advertising leaflets are there?

With all the diversity of marketing imagination, the most understandable is the classification of advertising leaflets according to their purpose:

1) Mass advertising of goods or services. Advertising leaflets are made to reach a mass audience. Suitable for goods and services with a wide target audience, for goods and services of mass consumption. Such advertising leaflets are distributed at exhibitions, near and inside large shopping centers and in other places with high traffic.

2) Related (targeted) advertising. A customer who has already purchased something is always better than someone just passing by, so leaflets included with the purchase are very effective. Such a flyer can talk about a company, an event, a loyalty program, or other products. In addition, these could be flyers from other companies interested in the same clients: for example, flyers for a cinema or a beauty salon could be distributed in a cafe.

3) Flyer, invitation, discount coupon. These are small-sized leaflets, they are also called “flyers” or “fliers”. These are usually the size of a banknote, allowing them to be tucked away in your wallet. In addition, such a leaflet can carry not just information with advertising, but also be the equivalent of a specific discount when presented. This, by the way, will allow you to track the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

4) Printing flyers for restaurants and clubs. This type is worth highlighting separately, since new events take place almost every evening, and the establishments themselves are limited in capacity. Printing of advertising leaflets is urgently required, and circulation of many thousands is not always justified. For such clients, digital printing is used, which allows printing small and medium-sized editions in an extremely short time.

5) Stickers– self-adhesive leaflets. This type of advertising leaflets has created a whole trend in printing services. Modern technologies make it possible to produce adhesive-based advertising materials that can be used on a wide variety of surfaces, and their adhesive strength can withstand even extreme conditions. You can find out more about this direction of printing advertising leaflets in a special section of our website.

6) Booklet, leaflet, eurobooklet– these are no longer advertising leaflets in their pure form, but extremely close marketing tools.

Most often, small-format advertising leaflets are used to transfer from hand to hand. Larger options are optimal for distribution through mailboxes, since in this case the recipient has more time to study the offer, which means the format can be increased.

Creating a flyer: 4 options

1. Create flyers online. This is the easiest way to prepare advertising leaflets, which does not require any special expenditure of money or installation of special programs. On the Internet you can easily find many different designers for creating marketing materials online.

Most of these services have constantly updated catalogs of flyer templates that will help you create a high-quality layout for further printing. Users have access to professional photographic materials (stock photos), sets of standard graphic elements, as well as sets of various fonts.

Based on the finished layout, you can print circulation of advertising leaflets in any printing house. However, here it is worth immediately taking into account the fact that on most “free” services the downloading of the finished layout itself will be paid, which is sometimes compensated by a discount when ordering the printing of advertising leaflets from partner printing houses. In general, read the terms carefully before starting to create a layout so as not to waste time.

2. Creating a flyer in Word. For many users of the popular office program MS Word, it is still a surprise that it can create more than just simple text documents. Moreover, Microsoft took care of its users and prepared ready-made templates designed to simplify the life of a beginner. Flyer templates can be found in the following path: File – Create – Brochures – Booklets. The choice, of course, is very small and quite the same type, but still. Again, no one forbids spending a few hours and creating a unique flyer design yourself using such a standard program.

3. Create advertising flyers yourself in Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is a powerful program for creating professional raster graphics designs. If you have good knowledge of this program, you can create a good layout of an advertising leaflet.

The main disadvantage of this option, as well as the options for using other professional design programs, is that it will take a lot of time and effort to master these tools at a proper level.

4. Creation of custom flyers. The best option. And this opinion is connected not only with the fact that we represent a printing house. Creating custom flyers is truly the most sustainable method. High quality work, enormous time savings and reasonable prices. To order, you can create both simple and fairly cheap advertising leaflets and elite printing.

When ordering a layout from a printing house, all responsibility for the final result falls on the professionals. They know how to conduct and control the entire process from creating a layout to the final delivery of finished printed products to the client. Modern equipment and high professionalism in working with special programs allow us to fulfill almost any order in the shortest possible time.

At the SlovoDelo printing house you can order the production of advertising leaflets either according to your own layouts or use the help of our design department. Professional designers will take into account all your wishes and, based on their experience, will create for you a truly working flyer design. In addition to producing advertising leaflets, the SlovoDelo printing house is ready to produce for you postcards, certificates, announcements, booklets, business cards, envelopes, flyers, calendars, posters, mugs, banners and a host of other marketing assistants.

5 rules for creating effective flyers that won’t be thrown into the trash

1. Design your design correctly with font and pictures. Particular attention in the design of advertising leaflets should be paid to the reason for which they are created, i.e. conveying the meaning. Therefore, your advertising message and its essence should be readable even with a quick glance at the flyer. Please note that when first viewed, advertising materials are not read from top to bottom, but from larger to smaller elements. With relative equality, diagonally from the upper left corner to the lower right. Keep this rule in mind and capture attention with the essence of the sentence, highlighting it in the largest font in a color that contrasts with the background.

At the first meeting with your advertising leaflet, the recipient should immediately determine whether it is for him or not. Therefore, forget about pride and highlight not the company logo, but the essence: clothes, food delivery, apartment, etc. Then, even at a distance, a person for whom your offer is relevant will at least take the leaflet to find out the details.

2. Draw attention to individual elements. After the basic definition, we lead the potential client further along the leaflet. The next thing a person who receives an advertising leaflet should see is a “tasty” offer, the so-called “hooks”. These may be special conditions, for example, discounts, interest rates on banking products, clothing sizes, etc.

The font for this step is smaller than in the previous paragraph, but noticeably larger than the main text. This point is mandatory, otherwise an advertising leaflet, even with a beautiful design and relevant essence, simply will not interest a potential client and will easily get lost among other pieces of paper.

3. The advertising text of the leaflet should be simple and sound affirmative. Always remember that not all potential clients like to read. The world is accelerating, people are becoming more and more lazy and do not want to spend time and effort analyzing what is written in advertising. Write the text of the advertising leaflet simply and clearly: in short sentences (optimally up to six words) without complex long words.

Try to avoid the word “NOT” in advertising offers and slogans. Of course, many are aware that the subconscious does not perceive negative particles. At the same time, few people understand that such a trifle can change the effect of an advertising campaign tenfold. Moreover, psychologically, the particle “not” provokes doubts, and, in certain formulations, a desire to argue. We all think straightforwardly, skipping the “not”, since there is no such image, so we imagine the opposite image.

Judge for yourself:

  • “Our computer doesn’t glitch” - I’m tempted to add “it turns off immediately”;
  • “Don’t forget to come see us” - a pertinent question arises: “what else?”;
  • “There will be no problems with us” - “why did you start talking about this?”;
  • Think about the phrase “Don't eat sweets.”

The list can be extended, but the main thing is to catch this idea. If you wish, you can rephrase almost any phrase into a positive sentence, you just need to think a little.

4. There should not be a lot of text. Of course, the simplest thing is to make the font smaller to accommodate all the information you want to indicate. Spare your readers and your money. Few will strain their eyes and waste time reading something advertising, especially while running, in transport or with poor eyesight.

It’s better to write the most important things in large, easy-to-read font. The text of an advertising flyer is not the best place for creative experiments and twisted fonts. By the way, less details means more intrigue and interest in your proposal.

5. The flyer must have its own value. Ideally, an advertising leaflet should not only convey an advertising message once, but also have a reason to save it. There are several options for increasing value. A leaflet can guarantee the bearer a discount, a gift, or be a ticket to an event.

If a flyer informs about some deferred event or provides a bonus for a certain period, then its value can be enhanced by various benefits. Such tricks are often used in business cards, but they are also quite acceptable in advertising leaflets. This could be: a metro map, a list of useful telephone numbers and addresses, a table of correspondence between different sizes, a table of food additives, etc. Such useful things will allow you to remind your clients about yourself and your offer more often, even without direct contact with them. Just don’t forget to duplicate your offer and contacts on the side with the bonus, otherwise it will just be a useful little thing on the refrigerator from an unknown well-wisher.

If you want to make an advertising campaign effective, then first of all analyze your target audience. When preparing to create your flyers, look at them from your client's point of view and honestly answer the question: “Would you come in or call?” Honest brainstorming will allow you to come up with a truly interesting proposal.

The above rules will help you avoid many mistakes and make the distribution of advertising leaflets a truly effective move.

5 more tips to make sure you get the right advertising leaflet

1. Vivid headline. The essence of your advertising offer should be immediately apparent. It is desirable that from a distance of three meters one can read the main idea of ​​the leaflet without much effort. This is not so difficult to achieve: a large sans-serif font, no more than six words, a color contrasting with the background. It is also acceptable for the main text to be a different color from the title.

2. In addition to conveying the meaning through text, it would be a good idea to fix it in the client’s memory. the essence of the sentence in a visual way. The picture should be large and clear and not blend into the background of the advertising leaflet. It is optimal if the picture clearly depicts the offer. Happy American families, of course, work well, but not here. If you sell teapots, then place a bright photo of a stylish teapot. The effect will be much better.

3. What to do next placement of the main text. When positioned vertically - immediately below the picture, in the lower third of the advertising leaflet. In the case of a horizontal layout, the right side of the flyer is closer to the bottom. The main text of the advertising leaflet should be informative, just do not include Tolstoy, limit yourself to three or four lines. It would be a good idea to highlight the main points - clues, for example, the words “guarantee”, “free”, etc. in capital letters or in bold type.

4. After completing the basics, add equally important information - Your contacts. Don’t laugh, it’s a common mistake to get carried away with creativity and design and not show the client what to do next. It makes no sense to indicate details and all addresses with an index. But there must be a phone number and at least one address. If you are located in a shopping center, then a small sign will also be useful, for example: “second floor, from the stairs to the right.”

5. Check. This is a really important stage. Take a close look at your flyer. Step back and check to see if the colors are merging, if the text is visible, if it attracts attention. And check all the text again for errors. It’s also worth checking phone numbers and Internet addresses. It’s better to spend 10 minutes checking it than to discover, after printing and distributing flyers, that the phone number, for example, is missing a digit.

Advertising leaflets: samples and examples of the SlovoDelo printing house

Advertising leaflets, the price of which does not bite at all


A3 (297×420), 4+4

A3 (297×420), 4+0

A4 (210×297), 4+4

A4 (210×297), 4+0

A5 (148×210), 4+4

A5 (148×210), 4+0

A6 (105х×48), 4+4

A6 (105×148), 4+0

* Prices for offset printing of leaflets are indicated in rubles per circulation. For the exact cost, please contact our managers by calling +7 495 207-75-77‎.

9 signs that your flyers are WRONG

Sign No. 1. The text of the advertising leaflet begins with the phrase “if you want.” In this case, the potential client automatically begins to think: “what if we don’t want to?” Simply put, with such a headline you sow doubt, and it is always easier for a person to postpone a decision than to make it.

Sign No. 2. The ability to put pressure on a client’s “pain” in order to sell is a very subtle skill. If you do not master it at least at an acceptable level, then you should not experiment. There is a high probability that with your advertising you are more likely to provoke aggression in the client than to provoke a desire to buy from you. By the way, both unnecessary jabs at the client’s shortcomings and overly positive questions work equally poorly in the text of an advertising leaflet. The latter create tension from the expectation of something bad. Take a look for yourself: “Are you doing a good job? High salary? Great family?". Don't look for a catch, it's just the specifics of the mentality.

Sign No. 3. You make deliberately false promises or “pouring water.” There is no panacea, and everyone knows this. Of course, you want to believe in a miracle, but the advertising leaflet should attract the buyer, and not make him smile.

Sign No. 4. Emphasis on your “brand”, for example, in the format: “Rogalik Company presents...”. If you are not a representative of a large business whose brand is truly famous, then you should not console yourself with the thought of the brand’s effect. Distribution of advertising leaflets is a method of quick direct response, which means it must carry a specific offer for the fastest response from the buyer. Don’t waste the length of your headline on just another ego boost.

Sign No. 5. Variety of fonts. Don't get too creative when creating your flyer. This is especially true for fonts. No matter how simple the font may seem to you, it has a much higher chance of being read than the text of an advertising leaflet written in a decorative font with a lot of curls.

Sign No. 6. Everything is important. Of course, you need to highlight thoughts or individual words in capital letters or in bold, but DO NOT SCREAM the entire text. Firstly, it overloads the eyes, and secondly, all the secretions immediately become useless: if everything is important, then nothing is important. In the text of the advertising leaflet, highlight only really important points.

Sign No. 7. Technical overload. Entrepreneurs often become so immersed in their professional field that they forget about their customers. Understand that the benefits of your offer should be clear not only to you and your employees, but also to customers. Yes, consumers are now more informed and know a lot, but the phrase in the advertising leaflet “storage capacity for 10,000 favorite photos” sells better than the number of megabytes. Show benefits in simple and understandable language - buyers don’t like to feel like dropouts. It’s easier to refuse a purchase than to study the terms.

Sign No. 8. A sheet of text and a love of turns. Along with excesses of design and highlighting, boring long text is no less harmful. The essence of the text of the advertising leaflet is completely lost. Try to avoid long sentences with complex phrases. And remember about punctuation marks, indentations and the possibility of dividing into paragraphs if you want your flyers to be read and not just thrown in the trash.

Sign No. 9. Evidence and teaching. Equally ridiculous in advertising materials are obvious phrases from the series “You, of course, know” or “Everyone knows”, as well as attempts at intrusive learning, for example, “You don’t even suspect that...”, “In fact, you need...” And so on. You need to write simply and clearly, but without making the reader look like a fool. Remember that the purpose of a flyer is to generate interest in the proposal, not to make you look like a philosopher.

Distributing flyers: 4 important nuances to consider

1. Audience to be covered when distributing leaflets.

Before distributing flyers, you need to decide on the method of delivering them to the client. And here it all depends on who your target audience is. In certain cases, distributing advertising leaflets near shopping centers or subways will be effective. This option is good when you yourself are close to the place of distribution, so that the person who received the leaflet can quickly come to you, and not postpone their visit indefinitely. Placing advertising leaflets under the windshield wipers of parked cars is suitable for those whose clients are car owners. If you are interested in residents of certain areas or houses, then placing flyers in boxes can have a good effect. There is also the option of inserting leaflets into magazines and newspapers, which, by the way, will be cheaper than advertising in the print media themselves.

There are a lot of options, they are limited mainly by your imagination.

2. What is leaflet distribution used for?

Distributing flyers is a rare marketing tool with quick results. This method allows you to quickly, usually within two to seven days, massively attract new potential customers to the point of sale.

In addition to the rapid influx of new customers, advertising leaflets can also have a delayed effect. If there is an additional bonus (discount, gift with purchase, metro map, size chart, etc.), those who receive the leaflet are more likely to keep it, which means that at the moment when your product or service is needed, your company and offer will catch the eye of the client before all competitors.

Advertising leaflets can act not only as an independent marketing channel. They also do an excellent job as an additional promotion tool, enhancing the effect of any promotions and promotional events.

The distribution of leaflets in high-traffic areas can be enhanced by the good work of promoters. Add branded slogans or slogans to them, arm them with a short cheat sheet with answers to possible questions, and you will receive a manifold increase in efficiency from the distribution of advertising leaflets.

3. Returns from handing out leaflets. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to predict the effectiveness of the distribution of advertising leaflets. According to statistics, the effectiveness of this tool ranges from 0.5 to 10%. The range is quite large, and besides, the accuracy and purity of these figures cannot be verified. Still, there are a lot of factors that influence efficiency, so it’s stupid to make any predictions on this matter. The only thing we can say with certainty is that the distribution of advertising leaflets is effective only with a large circulation - at least 1000 pieces.

4. How to increase the effectiveness of leaflet distribution:

Firstly, at the first glance at your advertising leaflet, the person who receives it should immediately understand whether this is an offer for him or not. Those who are not relevant will most likely refuse, but the target audience will probably get hooked.

Secondly, It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing places to distribute advertising leaflets. Ideally, this should be a combination of high traffic and target audience. Simply put, leaflet distribution should be done in places where there are most of those who are likely to be your clients.

Third, In addition to the location, the timing of distribution of advertising leaflets plays an important role. For example, on Monday morning at the metro, people are rushing to work and are not very receptive to information.

Fourthly, spend time and effort training promoters. Tell us in advance who should be given leaflets so as not to “shoot flies with a cannon”, prepare branded slogans and phrases. It also helps to have a cheat sheet on the main questions that potential clients might ask. And, of course, take care of monitoring the work of the promoters, so as not to wait at the window for the effect of a bunch of advertising leaflets simply thrown into the nearest trash can.

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There are many different ways to promote products or services. Some of them cost a lot. So, you will have to pay a tidy sum for placing your poster on a billboard or broadcasting a video on television. Of course, not all organizations, firms and stores can afford such costs. That is why perhaps the most popular method of promotion is the distribution of special advertising materials - bright and enticing leaflets.

What is a flyer?

A leaflet is a paper product, usually A5 format, that contains information about a promoted product, service, special promotions or discounts. As a rule, such flyers also contain catchy color images, company logos, brand names, etc. Leaflets can have very different forms and contents, depending on the wishes of the entrepreneur and the specialization of a particular organization, company or outlet. Such advertising materials, as a rule, are handed out to passers-by, distributed through mailboxes, or pasted on special advertising stands.

Pros and cons of leaflets

  1. Low cost. Compared to other types of advertising, printing leaflets costs entrepreneurs very little money. However, remember, if an advertising agency offers a very low price for such a service, you should check the quality of the product before you receive a ready-made batch.
  2. Availability. In fact, similar promotional materials can be made at home by printing them on a regular printer. However, it is still better to entrust this task to professionals who can not only design and print leaflets, but also properly process them after printing.
  3. Opportunity to reach a wide audience. Leaflets can be distributed almost anywhere, near metro stations, shopping centers and complexes, left in mailboxes and under car wipers.
  4. Small size and compactness. These promotional materials are also good because after a person reads the text, he can put the leaflet in his bag or pocket. Of course, the consumer does this only if the offer interests him. Otherwise, the leaflet will most likely go to the nearest trash bin.
  5. Manufacturing speed. If you urgently need an advertising campaign, you can order leaflets from an advertising agency, and then properly organize the work of promoters. This will be enough to distribute promotional material throughout the city within one day. However, to do this, you need to ensure that your employees do not violate the established rules.

However, leaflets also have their disadvantages, namely:

  1. A considerable amount of preliminary work. If you do not go through all the necessary preparatory stages, do not pay due attention to the design, design, and printing features, you will not receive a high-quality product, but an attractive appearance is the key to the effectiveness of a leaflet.
  2. Ineffectiveness of leaflets as an independent advertising tool. To prevent leaflets from being thrown into the trash bin immediately after receipt, it is better to accompany their distribution with music, and give promoters a special form with the logo of the company or retail outlet. In other words, flyers need to be supported by other attention-grabbing methods.
  3. Lack of information content. The need to quickly “catch” the consumer’s attention greatly influences the size and content of the message. So you can't describe your proposal in detail, but it's a sacrifice that will have to be made anyway.
  4. Quality of staff work. Promoters don't always look friendly or happy, and sullenness scares off buyers. Try to supervise your workers, at least as much as possible.

Thus, despite the presence of certain disadvantages, with the right and reasonable approach, you can get the maximum benefit from this promotional material

The effectiveness of leaflets taking into account the profile of the enterprise

Leaflets are an effective means of promotion for almost any company, retail outlet and organization. These include:

  • Catering establishments: cafes, restaurants, fast food outlets;
  • Shops of various profiles, from pet stores to grocery stores;
  • Beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure salons, barbershops;
  • Wedding salons, clothing and shoe stores;
  • Real estate agencies and travel companies;
  • Educational institutions - kindergartens, private schools;
  • Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes;
  • Jewelry salons.

However, flyers will not be effective for the following businesses:

  • Hostels and hotels;
  • Gas stations;
  • Manufacturing enterprises.

Types of leaflets and their differences

Leaflets can have different designs, shapes and text. However, they differ precisely in the method of distribution, as well as in their main functions. So, there are the following types of these advertising materials:

  1. Leaflets accompanying the product. Such products are included in the packaging of an already purchased item or issued separately. Such leaflets can be purely advertising, or inform the client about a promotion, discount or special event.
  2. Leaflets for presentation. Such materials usually indicate that the client or buyer who presents the flyer will receive a special discount or bonus. Such materials are least likely to be sent to the trash can, because they promise a person very real benefits. Often such flyers are used to attract customers to various establishments.
  3. Invitation leaflets. Such materials do not necessarily have to confer any privileges on the bearer. Their main purpose is to notify about some event. Such leaflets can be distributed on the tables of cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, etc.
  4. Adhesive flyers and advertisements. Similar materials can be found near entrances, on advertising stands, lamp posts, etc. In general, such materials can be very effective, but you will have to coordinate their placement with municipal authorities or advertising site owners.
  5. Flyers for mass distribution. This is the most popular type of such products. As a rule, promoters with such advertising materials can be found near all crowded places.

Price of advertising leaflets

The cost of leaflets will depend on many factors, including:

  • Type of material used;
  • Number of copies;
  • Post-print processing;
  • Brightness of colors;
  • Leaflet format (single-sided or double-sided);
  • Design development;
  • Sheet size.

In general, printing leaflets is one of the most inexpensive types of advertising. Thus, prices for a batch of 100 pieces can vary from 500 to 4,000 rubles.

How to attract attention to a leaflet

Remember, to ensure that your money is not wasted, you need to follow a few simple rules that will make your flyer bright and attractive.

  1. Try to stand out, “catch” the attention of a potential client, using large photos that should attract your audience (for example, if the leaflet is designed to advertise products for men, you can use photos of attractive women), as well as a large and easy to read font.
  2. Don't limit your imagination, use non-standard options. So, for example, you can order leaflets of unusual shapes, for example, round, triangular, etc.
  3. Make sure that the essence of your advertising offer is evident even from a quick glance at the flyer. Focus on keywords such as “children’s clothing”, “building materials”, “beer on tap” and so on. However, simply highlighting keywords is not enough. You need to briefly and sharply explain why your offer is unique and what its advantage is compared to the offers of other companies of the same profile. Such “signal” sentences should be written in large font. It does not matter whether they are at the top, bottom or in the middle of the leaflet, since it will be read from the large text.
  4. Use so-called “eye-stoppers” - elements that attract the eye and bright, contrasting colors.
  5. Style the leaflets to match the object being promoted - use corporate colors and logos.
  6. Remember, you shouldn’t write entire passages about your product or service. The less text, the easier and faster it is read and perceived. The sentence should contain no more than 6 words, and its meaning should be clear even to a child. So, you should not use too complex words or expressions, because your potential client may not understand the message the first time, and he will definitely not read the text for a long time.
  7. Humor can greatly increase the effectiveness of a leaflet as a promotional tool. Many entrepreneurs deliberately rely on funny and even eccentric slogans or slogans, knowing full well that they are great at attracting attention.
  8. Use specific numbers. So, if, for example, you are organizing a seasonal shoe sale, the “flashy” 50% can attract more customers.
  9. Use eye-catching marker words such as “first time”, “urgent”, “stop”, etc. For greater effect, you need to put exclamation marks after such words.
  10. Remember, the text on the flyer must be affirmative. Completely eliminate all denials, because they are poorly perceived by consciousness. So, a person can “omit” the particle “not”, and this, of course, will greatly change your information message. Moreover, phrases such as “you don’t have to worry about being scammed” are not the best option for attracting customers.
  11. Try to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and develop a text that would attract you personally.

Where to order leaflets

You can order a batch of leaflets from an advertising agency or printing house. In advertising companies, in addition to printing, a flyer design is usually developed, while in a printing house, only the material is printed. In general, you can save a lot by choosing your own text and images, creating the flyer layout on a PC and printing a batch, but the flyers will likely look less attractive than products created on special equipment.

Where and how to distribute leaflets

For your advertising to be truly effective, you need to carefully consider all the places where you distribute leaflets. In most cases, entrepreneurs should not try to inform all passersby, but only those who are representatives of their target audience. If you, for example, are trying to increase the number of clients of a wedding salon, leaflets should be distributed in registry offices, youth institutions, shopping centers and shopping centers, near institutes and universities in the city. If a travel company is advertising, advertising material should be distributed in parks and other places where people spend their free time.

Leaflets can also be distributed through mailboxes (this is especially true if you sell mass-market products) or pasted on special advertising stands. However, you should not organize posting materials on fences and other unattractive surfaces - this will more likely cause harm than benefit the business.

Before distributing leaflets, it is better to conduct a detailed analysis that will help you find out in which places certain groups of people gather. Study the city press, ask friends and acquaintances, or even specialists - knowing the locations of your target audience will significantly increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

In addition, in order for leaflet distribution to bring tangible benefits to your business, your promoters will need to follow a few simple guidelines and rules, each of which is described below.

  1. Smile. This makes a good impression on passers-by and often encourages them to take the leaflet.
  2. You should not try to distribute materials to everyone without exception. Sudden and unsystematic movements and jerks only scare away passers-by. You need to give out leaflets calmly, as if you were giving something to an old friend.
  3. Passing men should hold out the piece of paper with their right hand. This gesture is subconsciously perceived as a handshake and encourages you to take materials
  4. For women, it is better to give the leaflet with your left hand and as smoothly as possible. In this case, it is better to hide the text, i.e. presenting the piece of paper with the text facing down stimulates curiosity.
  5. After the leaflet is given, you should remove your hand smoothly. At the same time, you can gently say the advertising slogan and thank the passerby.

Examples of leaflets by type of business

To see examples of flyers for businesses you are interested in, use the search form or follow the link below.

It doesn’t matter what you do, sell clothes, provide legal services or sell baked goods, do manicures for dogs or provide overnight accommodation for tourists - you need customers.

And in order to increase the flow of clients, entrepreneurs in the field use various tricks. In essence, these are usually various advertising campaigns. And often they contain a seemingly insignificant, but still important, item called leaflets or, as they are also called, flyers.

A leaflet is a very convenient way for the client and a relatively cheap way of advertising for business. The person she is interested in will have at hand contacts and a list of services provided and special offers.

And everyone seems to be happy, but... Usually passers-by throw away a piece of paper that they received from a person in a funny suit.

How to make the right advertising leaflet?

Initially, it should attract attention. No monotony or “acidity” (it makes sense to use acidic colors only in rare cases, usually to emphasize youth style or parties).

Colors should be balanced and rich, but not irritating. You need to think carefully before using a dark background, and many people sin with this.

The flyer design should first of all match the overall style of your business and you need to test the impact of different design options.

In practice, leaflets that are simpler in design with a white background and highlighting key texts in red usually work more effectively, but not always.

Write the essence of your activity clearly and concisely in the largest font (clothing, shoes, food, concrete). Next, in slightly smaller letters, briefly write a promotion or offer (50% discount, sale, large sizes, exclusive arrival).

Or, on the contrary, we highlight information about the promotion in greater detail; it is advisable to test several options.

We write the main text in a smaller font. But, make sure that your eyes are not dazzled by different fonts, try to minimize the style options to two.

And fewer curlicues, otherwise in the contacts column the buyer will take a long time to sort out exactly what number you wrote on the phone. And when he gets tired of sorting it out, he’ll simply throw out the leaflet.

By the way, it is better to write contacts on the same side as the main text. It’s more convenient for the client.

The less text the better

The ideal flyer contains an image of the product or logo, an offer and contact information indicating the required action.

If a person is interested in the offer, he will visit you or call you to clarify the details. And if he is not interested in the action, then the leaflet will go into the trash bin. With or without text.

But once again I draw your attention to the fact that it is not enough to write the address or telephone number; it is very important to write “come in”, “call”, etc. in the imperative mood.

A person will take and save the leaflet that contains useful information. But useful information must be presented correctly.

Eliminate negations

Eliminate the expressions “If you…” and negations from the text. The text should be clear, without double meaning, without professional terms (the buyer simply will not understand what is being said), in short sentences, and do not forget that a potential client is reading it.

This means that the product must be presented in the best possible way by the client.

It is better to highlight the main elements in bullets, but limit the listing based on 7 +/- 2, i.e. optimally from 5 to 9, less is possible, but not more. Do not use bullets in the form of ‘-’, since on a subconscious level this is psychologically perceived as denial. It is better to highlight items with ticks or large dots.

Who are they intended for?

Pay attention to which contingent your clients belong to. If you sell exclusive clothing and young wives or children of oligarchs buy it, then emphasize exclusivity in the text. In your clothes, the buyer will be “ahead of the rest.”

If your clothes are purchased by a business woman, then quality is important to her! She earned this money herself, and does not want to pay for junk.

The paper on which the leaflet is made must be of high quality. And give it value. Let the flyer be a discount coupon or offer to exchange it for a gift from the company. And then no one will pass by your little paper trick. This means that the circle of your potential clients has expanded significantly.


Never, I repeat never limit yourself to a single flyer option.
The effectiveness of any advertising medium must be tested. Always! And ultimately choose the most effective options.

Happy selling!

Sergey Berdachuk
Client acquisition expert.

If you need to make a website or a sales page, set up Internet advertising, build selling funnels on your website, or help with SEO promotion, then please contact us.
We are always ready to help.

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Planning a PR campaign includes a set of activities, including the publication of various types of printed products, and the most popular among them are advertising leaflets. Rational use of this effective way of conveying information to the consumer audience will help attract the attention of potential partners and clients.

Challenges and opportunities

In the world of marketing, a printed leaflet (flyer) is known and popular. She reports on new products, promotions, and cultural events. The main feature is the small format, which makes it possible to present a significant circulation to the mass consumer. Low cost and ease of distribution make flyers popular. The price allows you to release flyers systematically, updating relevant information.

For this purpose, an effective design of advertising leaflets is developed that arouses interest and a desire to get to know the presented product better and subsequently purchase it. Slogans, appeals, logos, a combination of text, graphics, drawings, photos, and the correct interaction of colors will help make PR products exclusive and effective.

A few secrets to increase efficiency

  • discount coupons located on one of the fields of the flyer guarantee that a certain part of the target audience will definitely use the service or purchase the product;
  • a message about gifts and bonuses helps to intrigue the reader and is distributed among his immediate circle;
  • An invitation card is an excellent tool for attracting the public to the opening of a store, restaurant or fashion salon, presentation, sale, charity event, music festival.

You can order advertising leaflets on high-quality thick paper at an affordable price in any required quantity. Printing of small editions is carried out using digital printing; large editions can be produced using digital or offset technologies.

Order flyers

  • flyers to attract a wide audience of buyers are distributed in large shopping and entertainment centers or at places of residence;
  • flyers with accompanying advertising attached to an already completed purchase represent a production or company that may be of interest to a given visitor to a fashion store, cafe, concert, that is, they contain targeted content;
  • small flyers that fit in a wallet or notebook, representing a coupon for a discount or bonus or a free ticket to a beauty salon, cultural and entertainment event, etc. (samples of advertising leaflets in the format of a bank card or banknote are posted in the electronic catalogue);
  • a compact sticker placed on surfaces in the consumer’s field of view, for example, in public transport;
  • flyer-booklet, which is a sheet with 2-3 folds, convenient for mailing.

How to make a flyer yourself?

You can create a flyer layout yourself using special services on the Internet. Templates have been developed in MS Word, Microsoft Office Publisher and Adobe Photoshop, with the help of which the layout is “assembled”, like a designer, and then goes to print. You can place any type of materials in such blanks: author’s photos, pictures, flowcharts, etc.

Designers provide collections of fonts, autoshapes, graphic elements, and allow you to choose a specific color design. Making your own flyers will help you save money. But it is unlikely that you will be able to save time and effort, as well as get a quality product. The right decision is to immediately order flyers from a professional designer in a printing studio.

Reasonable price, quality and short deadlines are the three fundamental principles of the studio for the production of PR materials. The website contains samples of advertising leaflets that give an idea of ​​the printing house's activities.

Its employees undertake not only the development of the layout, taking into account all the wishes of the ordering party, but also provide advice on increasing the effectiveness of promotions, carry out production and delivery. Professional equipment and certified computer programs ensure the printing of elite-class advertising leaflets.

The designer ensures that the content on the flyer is positioned correctly:

  1. Highlighting relevant “selling” semantic blocks using large letters and color on the top margin of the page;
  2. The predominance of simple syntactic constructions of short words;
  3. Inclusion of diagrams, graphics, stickers;
  4. "Gifts", bonuses and additional useful information.

Creating flyers can increase sales if you follow a few simple tips. You should not place complete, exhaustive information about a product or service on a flyer so that the consumer wants to ask questions personally.

There is no point in publishing data about the company, its history, leaders and achievements: they are not needed, as they will distract from the central idea. Slogans and all content are aimed at creating a positive reaction from the addressee, therefore they should not contain “negative”, “intimidating” text and graphic content, “no” particles, prohibitions, or warnings.

As a result, the design of advertising leaflets is structured in such a way as to create an attractive image that forms positive motivation and evokes positive emotions by indicating the advantages, benefits, compliance with fashion trends and the personal significance of the advertised product group. You can order inexpensive leaflet printing by studying the printing house’s offers and choosing the best option.

Flyer design

A flyer is a printed product that attracts attention with its brightness and originality. Examples of advertising leaflets posted on the site show that the element that determines success is a “selling” headline, accompanied by a visual representation of the product or service, which is perceived instantly and remains in the memory for a long time.

If pictures or photos are inserted, they must be clear, clear, with clearly visible details. Visual materials illustrate the advantages of the product, and the visual image helps the potential buyer evaluate the significance of the presented brand for himself.

Contact information that is easy to find and easy to remember is required. The address can be accompanied by simple landmarks and a route on a city map. Most clients prefer to call first or study articles, reviews, prices and catalogs on the site, so the phone number and email address are written quite large and legibly.

Having prepared layouts of advertising leaflets, look at them through the eyes of the reading public: will they attract your attention, will they make you want to read to the end and become the owner of a unique package of VIP services. If you want to answer “yes!” to all these questions, then the original layout can be put into production.

Production of advertising leaflets

  • do not use the conjunction “if”, which awakens the desire to reflect, analyze the situation and make a choice, since a person will most likely postpone solving the problem indefinitely and will not contact the advertiser’s office, even if the services are cheap;
  • do not promise “fairy-tale” prospects, cures for all diseases, that is, do not present deliberately false information;
  • When ordering the printing of advertising leaflets, do not strive for an abundance of extraordinary design techniques, since a “variegated” sheet is perceived worse, and extravagant decorative fonts and complex pictures are distracting;
  • the creation of advertising leaflets is designed to highlight significant points that will attract recipients;
  • use terminology that is understandable to the reader, do not dive into the details of the technological process and do not “scare off” with an abundance of technical terms;
  • do not point out to the reader his shortcomings and problems (excess weight, age, insufficient income, lack of success, etc.);
  • You shouldn’t “teach” how to live, give advice, or philosophize, so as not to provoke a negative reaction to what you read.

Each PR campaign ends with performance analysis and adjustments in order to increase the effect of the production of advertising leaflets.

How to distribute flyers correctly

You want your advertising to reach the consumer and arouse his interest, and not be a waste of money. Depending on the purpose of the PR campaign, flyer distribution channels are thought through. One of the ways is to distribute advertising leaflets “from hand to hand”, in the immediate vicinity of the cafe, store, or entertainment center that is being advertised.

A fairly effective way is to distribute leaflets through mailboxes. Together with the correspondence, they fall into the hands of the recipients and in most cases are read at home, when a person is not in a hurry, is not busy solving production issues and is able to study them seriously and thoughtfully.

One of the most effective ways is to distribute related advertising among the client group that is most likely to be interested in your offer. Distributing advertising leaflets is a current way of non-aggressive and prompt delivery of information, which gives the main effect within a period of one day to a week, and is also aimed at a delayed result.

It is used as a single promotion tool or in a program of comprehensive promotional events. The key to success in creating a corporate style and image of an organization is versatility, mobility, budget and the ability to quickly act, necessary for business development.