Long-term planning for program sections. Detailed long-term planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. Features of long-term planning according to federal state standards


1. Topic: “My parents and I.”

(Games and problem situations for discussion.) Providing assistance: “Grandma is sick,” “Learn to live together,” “Getting ready for the holiday.” Appendix pp. 12-13.

2. Topic: “Rules of family etiquette thatis mastered by a preschooler.”I.N. Kurochkina: “Culture of child behavior” p. 8.

3. Topic: “Conversation about culture of behavior.”

N.V. Durova pp. 16-17.

4. Topic: “Learning to understand the experiences of relatives andpeople close to us."Lesson No. 5. S.I. Semenak. pp19-20


1. Topic: “My home.”

(Games and problem situations for discussion) Appendix p. 13.

  • Providing assistance to adults in caring for the home, at work, in the garden, in the vegetable garden.
  • Comparison of two norms of behavior - dramatization of Russian fairy tales “Maybe to Heaven”, “Oh yes Ah”.
  • Moral choice is a discussion of situations close to the saying “It’s time for business, but time for fun.”

2. Topic: “Guest etiquette rules thata preschooler can learn while celebrating his daybirth with friends."I.N.Kurochkina p.8.

3. Topic: “Conversation about kindness and greed.”N.V. Durova pp. 8-9.

4. Topic: “Our grandparents.”Lesson No. 6 S.I. Semenak p.21-22.


1. Topic: “My parents and I.”

(Games and problem situations for discussion.) Appendix pp. 12-13.

  • Analysis of the positive and negative aspects of behavior: “I’m having fun, although it’s late, but I want to dance.”
  • Assessment of desires: “I want to go for a walk.”
  • A comparison of two norms of behavior is a dramatization of the Russian folk tale “The Needlewoman and the Sloth.”

2.Topic: “What to do when your babyinvited to visit?I.N. Kurochkina pp. 13-14.

3. Conversation “What does it mean to be kind and caring." N.V. Durova p.12-13.

4. Lesson: “Box of good deeds.”

(Formation of moral health of preschool children) pp. 35-36.


1. Topic: “Family Traditions.”

(Games and problem situations for discussion.) Appendix p. 14.

  • A situation of providing assistance using the example of the Christmas Eve tradition, lighting candles on the window.
  • Analysis of the positive and negative aspects of behavior: “I want to give my friend a toy.”

2. Topic: “I give money for a ticket on the bus.”

3. Topic: “Conversation about sensitivity.”N.V. Durova p.18-19.

4.Theme “A friend will not leave you in trouble.” pp.25-28 S.I. Semenak.


1. Topic: “My home.”

(Games and problem situations for discussion.) Appendix p. 13.

  • Analysis of the positive and negative aspects of behavior: “I want to wash my mother’s cup.”

2. Topic: “How to accept a gift.”I.N. Kurochkina page 15.

3. Topic: “Conversation about caring”N.V. Durova p.12-13.

4.Theme “A friend got sick”Lessons No. 2. pp. 28-30


1. Topic: “My parents and I.”

  • Situation: “Grandfather sees poorly.”
  • Situation of moral choice “It’s my birthday, but my mother is sick.”

2. Topic: “How to behave at a party.”I.N. Kurochkina page 16

3. Topic: “Conversation about joint work.”N.V. Durova pp.41-43.

4. Topic “Learning to understand the pain of another person”Lesson No. 4 S.I. Semenak pp.32-36.


1. Topic: “Everyone I Love.”

(Games and problem situations for discussion.)

  • Helping friends and family.
  • Desire rating: “I want to invite a friend for the whole day.”

2. Topic: “How to teach proper table setting.”I.N. Kurochkina pp. 18-20.

3. Topic: “Conversation about “magic words”N.V. Durova pp.74-77.

4. Topic: “A friend is always there in joy and in sorrow”S.I. Semenak. pp.35-37.


1. Topic: “My parents.”

  • Conversation: “Mom, dad are at work.”
  • Analysis of the positive and negative aspects of behavior: “I want to fix the alarm clock.”

2. Topic: “How to use cutlery.”I.N. Kurochkina pp. 20-21.

3. Topic: “Conversation about polite words”N.V. Durova pp. 5-7.

4. Topic: “All works are good, choose according to your taste”Conversation about the medical profession.


1. Topic: “Clarification of ideas about the characteristics of the body.”

  • Conversation about the purpose of individual organs (ear, eye, nose, etc.).

2. Topic: “Is it necessary to teach a child good table manners.”I.N. Kurochkina pp. 21-22.

3. Topic: “Conversation about attitude towards younger people.”N.V. Durova p.80-81.

4. Topic: “We eat in public transport.”Lesson No. 11 pp. 18-19 “Social and moral education” by I.F. Mulko.

Long-term planning is done before the start of the school year by the joint efforts of the methodologist, teachers and kindergarten administration. There are several types of design of a long-term plan for a preschool educational institution, but each of them must be built on compliance with the same principles. We will tell you in the article what rules are used to build a long-term plan for the year.

Planning is one of the key management functions. A clear understanding of where the organization is going, what its goals are and what is needed to achieve them makes work not only effective, but also enjoyable - both for management and for other employees. Planning in kindergarten is regulated by a long-standing, but still relevant document - Order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated September 20, 1988 No. 41 “On the documentation of preschool institutions.”

Features of long-term planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the approach to the content of long-term planning for the year has changed. The objectives of the plan today are approved with a focus on the development of the child’s personality and competencies, and not on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, as was customary before the change in the educational paradigm.


Read recommendations for planning the activities of the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution in the magazine “Handbook of a senior teacher of a preschool institution”:
- How to draw up a long-term calendar plan for working with children (instructions for your teachers)
- Methodological developments that will help plan educational activities in a new way (expert recommendations)

Also, the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education determines the place of the long-term plan in the planning structure of preschool educational institutions. So, there are only five types of plans:

    Long-term plan for the development of a kindergarten for three years.

    Annual plan.

    Thematic plans in the areas of Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education.

    Individual plans for teachers.

    Calendar and long-term planning in junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups.

Thus, long-term planning in kindergarten is a project that determines what tasks should be solved in a preschool educational institution in the next year or three, and what educational activities will be carried out for this every month. The long-term plan outlines the sequence and content of the monthly work of the kindergarten administration and teachers in the junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups.

The senior teacher is responsible for long-term planning - for a year and a month, although other teachers must also participate in drawing up a long-term plan. It should be remembered that without a long-term plan, i.e. Without understanding the educational route of the entire organization and the development of a separate group, the teacher will make mistakes. Calendar planning structures the day of the teacher and the group, but in itself does not help achieve the distant goal.

General principles for drawing up a long-term plan in a preschool educational institution

It should be remembered that the annual plan in the preschool educational institution must be correctly drawn up.

    The plan must have a title page.

    You must have a printed version of the document.

    Each planning begins with a review of the tasks set and completed in the previous school year.

    Long-term planning in kindergarten is done before the start of the school year and covers the period from September to May.

    At the beginning of the document, tasks that should be solved in a given period are written down.

    The plan should take into account the characteristics of a particular group, the capabilities of preschool educational institutions and climatic conditions.

The long-term plan for the year must be built in accordance with the main educational program approved by the preschool educational institution. Despite the fact that there are ready-made plans for various educational programs on the Internet, each organization should independently develop its own document. Firstly, this will allow us to take into account the characteristics of the contingent of children in groups. Secondly, it will help to rationally assess the resources of the kindergarten for the implementation of the tasks set by the educational program.

How to make a long-term plan in kindergarten

To make the long-term plan for the year suitable for work, it is divided into smaller time blocks: six months, a quarter, a month. Each educational organization determines the time step for itself, but quarterly planning is most often used.

Scheduling is an integral part of long-term planning, since it determines the sequence and volume of the educational process. Those. With a long-term plan we outline the goal and reference points of the educational route, and with a calendar plan we determine monthly and daily activities in groups.

Despite the fact that the teacher’s work is thought out in advance, the Federal State Educational Standard for Education requires remaining flexible when implementing long-term and calendar plans. The teacher must keep in mind the tasks that need to be solved according to the plan, but implement them not according to the calendar grid, but according to the readiness of the students and the appropriateness of the moment.

Long-term planning in kindergarten necessarily includes:

    Start and end dates of the planned activity.

    Monthly goals and objectives.

    List of teaching materials for work.

    Children's activities in all areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

    • social interaction;

      play activities;

      sports and recreational work;

      educational and research activities;

      creative component;

  1. Activities with parents.

We suggest downloading the file

Example of long-term planning in the middle group

For example, this is what a sample of long-term calendar-thematic planning in the middle group looks like. First of all, the general directions of the group’s development for the month are indicated:

    The teacher indicates the forms and dates of events for parents.

    Identifies children with whom individual work is required and indicates the content of these classes.

    The senior teacher determines the time and topics of training and methodological events for preschool teachers.

    Topics for professional self-study of educators are selected.

    The changes that need to be made to the developing subject-spatial environment are prescribed.

Then the daily classes in the middle preschool group are scheduled, which will be held in the next four weeks.

After that, it remains to form a cyclogram of the group’s activities in the areas of the Federal State Educational Standard and distribute it relative to the regime moments: at the beginning of the day, in the first half, immediately after sleep and in the afternoon.

Detailed examples of the design of long-term calendar and thematic planning in junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups can be downloaded from the links:

Methods for preparing long-term planning

In the presented samples, long-term plans are presented in the form of tables. In addition to this method, alternative options for drawing up a document are also used: text and block.

The text version of the long-term plan is the most detailed. This option is recommended for beginning educators, for whom, in addition to the types and activities and tasks, it is important to describe the forms and methods of working with children.

Block planning is also more detailed than schematic or tabular planning. As a rule, it is used in groups of early and younger ages, when one topic is discussed in different forms over the course of a week. In this case, the teacher breaks the group work plan into three blocks:

    Direct educational activities (DEA).

    Collaborative work between teacher and students.

    Free children's activities.

The first block must strictly correspond to the objectives of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution and take into account the capabilities of the subject-spatial environment of a particular kindergarten. This section also prescribes individual correctional work with individual children who need it.

The second section of long-term planning in a “block” form reveals the content of students’ activities in all areas of the Federal State Educational Standard. Those. covers:

    physical development;

    social interaction between children and teachers, as well as between children within the group;

    aesthetic and artistic development;

    cognitive and work activities.

The third block describes the direction of independent play and creative work of children of a specific age group: junior, middle or preparatory.

Whatever the design of long-term planning, it will be correct and “working” only if three conditions are met: knowledge of program tasks, understanding of the individual capabilities of children and taking into account the resources that the kindergarten has.

Long-term (approximate comprehensive thematic) planning of work in the senior group is compiled on the basis of the educational program edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school." In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, such planning allows the teacher to integrate various forms of work and educational areas for the comprehensive development of the preschooler’s personality.

According to modern trends in the education system, a teacher has the opportunity to creatively organize the process of education and training. In this regard, the long-term plan in the senior group contains a list of tasks corresponding to a specific thematic period, as well as program content implemented in the course of educational activities.

Building the educational process around one topic for 2-3 weeks allows you to maximize the potential of children and achieve the best results, as well as ensure the development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

Volume of educational load

According to the “From Birth to School” program, the amount of educational load per day does not exceed 50 minutes; the teacher has the opportunity to organize educational activities at a time convenient for him and the children, focusing on the program content and topic of the period. Long-term planning in the senior group reflects the objectives of educational activities:

  • physical training 2 times a week indoors, 1 time outdoors,
  • acquaintance with the outside world 2 times a month,
  • acquaintance with nature 2 times a month,
  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts once a week,
  • speech development 2 times a week,
  • drawing 2 times a week,
  • modeling once every two weeks,
  • application once every two weeks,
  • music 2 times a week.

When planning work in the senior group, it is necessary to take into account that the block of interaction between an adult and children in various types of activities contains constructive-model, game, cognitive-research activities and reading fiction.

Activities aimed at consolidating the material proposed during educational activities are reflected in the calendar plan for the senior group and correspond to five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. The week themes of the calendar plan correspond to the week themes and thematic periods presented in the long-term planning for .

The long-term plan is approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the region, preschool institution and the specifics of the educational program.

When drawing up the plan, the following literature was used:

  • Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the program “From birth to school”, senior group, for classes with children 5-6 years old. Complies with Federal State Educational Standard, ed. 2016
  • An exemplary general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, ed. year 2014.

Check out a fragment of the long-term plan

Topic of the weekObjectives of the periodProgram content implemented during educational activitiesWorking with parents
September, 1 weekDevelop cognitive motivation in children,
interest in school, books. Form friendships
friendly relationships between children.
Continue to introduce kindergarten as
the child's immediate social environment.
Form generalized ideas about
autumn as a season, fitness
plants and animals to changes in nature,
natural phenomena. Form primary
ideas about ecosystems and natural areas.
Expand your understanding of inanimate nature.
Getting to know the world around you
Show children the social significance of kindergarten. To form the concept that kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, respected for their work, and treated with care.
Clarifying children's knowledge in the field of mathematics through didactic games.
Speech development 1
Give children the opportunity to feel proud that they are now senior preschoolers. Remind them of what they do in speech development classes.
Speech development 2
Recall with the children the names of Russian folk tales and introduce them to a new work.
Drawing 1
Continue to develop imaginative thinking and perception, learn to reflect in a drawing the impressions received in the summer. Strengthen the ability to draw various trees, bushes and flowers. Strengthen the ability to place an image on a strip at the bottom of a sheet. Learn to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of others.
Drawing 2
Introduce children to watercolor paints and their features. Learn how to work with watercolors (wet the paints before painting, dilute the paint with water to obtain different shades of color, etc.).
Strengthen the ability to convey the shape of various vegetables in modeling. Learn to compare the shape of vegetables with geometric shapes, find similarities and differences. Learn to convey the characteristic features of each vegetable in modeling, using the techniques of rolling, smoothing and pulling, and develop fine motor skills.
Introduce children to the concept of “knowledge”, give an idea that in music classes they also gain knowledge about music, composers, learn to sing and dance. Cultivate an interest in acquiring knowledge, develop a desire to participate in conversation.
Indoor physical education
Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, running in all directions, maintaining stable balance, jumping forward and throwing a ball.
Outdoor physical education
Exercise children in formation in columns, repeat exercises in balance and jumping.
Setting up a parent's corner
theme "Day of Knowledge". Meeting families
pupils, questioning. Informing
parents about the progress of the educational process:
open days, individual
consulting. Parent meeting,
introduction to wellness activities
at the preschool educational institution. Recommendations for home reading.
September, 2 weekExpand children's knowledge about autumn,
plants and animals of the forest in autumn
period, berries. Pin views
about how cooling and contraction
Day lengths change lives
plants, animals and humans. Meet
children with the way some animals are prepared
for winter (frogs, lizards, turtles, hedgehogs, bears
hibernate, hares molt, some birds
(geese, ducks, cranes) fly to warmer regions).
Continue to introduce agricultural
professions. Reinforce knowledge about the rules
safe behavior in nature.
Getting to know nature
Expand ideas about the diversity of the plant world, talk about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. Learn to name the distinctive features of trees and shrubs.
Strengthen counting skills within 5, the ability to form the number 5 based on comparison of two groups of objects expressed by neighboring numbers 4 and 5. Improve the ability to distinguish and name flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle; ball, cube, cylinder) . Clarify ideas about the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night
Speech development 1
Help children make a plan for retelling a fairy tale; learn to retell a fairy tale, adhering to the plan.
Speech development 2
Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds z-s. Exercise children in clear pronunciation of sounds z-s and their differentiation; introduce the tongue twister.
Drawing 1
Teach children to create a fairy-tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of “golden” apples. Strengthen the ability to paint with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Learn to arrange images beautifully on a sheet of paper.
Drawing 2
Learn to reflect autumn impressions in a drawing, draw a variety of trees, depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints.
Design of booklets and information
sheets for parents on the topic of the week.
Informing parents about progress
educational process, recommendations
for home reading. Recommendations
parents on choosing music
works for listening with children.
Involvement in joint observations of
seasonal changes. Photo report or
presentation “How our family relaxes in the forest.”

    The work program shows how, taking into account specific conditions, educational needs and developmental characteristics of students, a teacher creates an individual pedagogical model of education based on federal state requirements.
    The work program contains classes that are grouped into sections of the program:
    Quantity and counting.
    Geometric figures.
    Time orientation.
    Orientation in space.
    Logic problems.
    It is based on the program of education and training of children in kindergarten, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova, V. V. Gerbova.

    Cyclogram of long-term calendar planning in the 2nd junior group in accordance with FGT
    The cyclogram was developed according to the Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. 2007. The cyclogram presents daily forms of work with children and directions in working with parents in accordance with the implementation of the main educational areas of the program during the week. Memos are attached: a cyclogram for planning organized educational activities, forms of work with parents, a regional component.
    The material can also be used when planning work on the program “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

    Direction “Artistic and aesthetic development”
    Educational field: Artistic creativity of children of senior preschool age
    Pages: 90
    Program description
    Explanatory note.
    The structure of the organization of the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.
    Principles of artistic creativity.
    Forms of organization of the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.
    Material and technical (spatial) conditions for organizing the artistic creativity of children in the senior group.
    Age and individual characteristics of the senior group of children.
    Organizational living conditions for children.
    Long-term planning of the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.
    The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.
    Integration of the content of the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.
    Content - organizational model of the work program.
    Planned intermediate results of mastering the program.
    A system for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of the program.
    Monitoring the educational process.
    Monitoring child development.
    A list of programs, technologies, and teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the educational process.
    It is based on the Education and Training Program in Kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva., V.V. Gerbova., T.S. Komarova.

    The document presents:
    Long-term planning of classes on sensory development in the senior group (MSD, systemic speech impairment).
    Long-term planning of classes on sensory development in the preparatory group.
    Long-term thematic planning of classes on the development of fine motor skills and sensory development with children with mental retardation (senior group).
    Author: Teacher-defectologist Krutova I.E.
    Literature used in preparation:
    Markova L.S. Organization of correctional and developmental education for preschoolers with mental retardation. M., 2002, Arkti Publishing House.