The relationship between the concepts of “professional definition” and “choice of profession.” Professional self-determination of high school students Professional self-determination of students


ChapterITheoretical aspects of professional self-determination of high school students

1.1 Features of high school age. Life plan

1.2 Characteristics of professional self-determination in high school age

1.3 Self-knowledge in choosing a profession

1.4 The role of self-esteem in professional self-determination

ChapterIIFeatures of professional self-determination in high school age.

2.1 Goals, objectives, organization of the study

2.2 Study of types of professional activities according to Klimov

2.3 Study of the predominant personality type using Holland’s method


List of used literature

Application Introduction.

At the moment, the situation is such that there are fewer and fewer real specialists working with enthusiasm and raising our country to higher levels of development. Why is this happening? Even despite the fact that in our country there are many higher and secondary educational institutions with a high level and quality of education, which graduate “specialists” every year, their competence and professionalism leave much to be desired.

Analyzing the facts of modern reality, one involuntarily thinks: what is the reason for these failures and disappointments of young people?

Perhaps one of the reasons is the wrong choice of profession in his youth. It is known that adolescence (14-18 years) is the age of self-determination. Who to be? What to be? Where am I most needed? These and many questions arise for older schoolchildren.

The world of professions is very large. It includes thousands of different interesting specialties. In adolescence, everyone faces a choice. Every fifth person will talk about their misconceptions and fluctuations in professional self-determination. A high school student is attracted by dozens of professions. What are they? Different types of work require different and sometimes contradictory qualities from a person. In one case, this is the ability to get along with people, to manage and obey, in another - a high culture of movements, in the third - the acuity of observations. Of course, if you are 15-17 years old, it is not easy to understand such a variety of your personal qualities and abilities.

Making a social and deeply personal choice in professional self-determination is not a simple or easy task.

Independent choice of profession is the “second birth of a person.” After all, the social value of a person, his place among other people, job satisfaction, physical and neuro-mental health, joy and happiness depend on how correctly his life path is chosen.

The society expands the opportunities for self-determination of young people. She has opportunities to apply her strengths and abilities in a variety of areas of activity for the benefit of society.

Thus, professional work activity, which is preceded by the right choice, is one of the most important factors that determine much in the life of a modern person.

The great advantage of man lies in his ability to choose.

Purpose: to study the types of professions chosen by schoolchildren.

Object: professional self-determination of high school students.

Subject: personality types and the types of professions they choose

1) analysis of literature on this topic;

2) study types of professions;

3) analyze the results obtained

Hypothesis: the predominance of humanitarian orientation in the choice of professional activity and social type of personality.

Methods: analysis, testing, survey, methods for interpreting the results obtained.

ChapterITheoretical aspects of professional self-determination of a high school student’s personality

1.1 Features of high school age and choice of profession. Life plan.

General ideological searches are grounded and concretized in life plans. Life plan is a broad concept. It covers the entire sphere of personal self-determination - moral character, lifestyle, level of aspirations.

The most important, urgent and difficult thing for a high school student is choosing a profession. Psychologically directed towards the future and inclined to even mentally “jump” over unfinished stages, the young man is already internally burdened by school; school life seems to him temporary, unreal, the threshold of another, richer and more authentic life, which simultaneously attracts and frightens him.

He understands well that the content of this future life, first of all, depends on whether he will be able to choose the right profession. No matter how frivolous and carefree the young man may appear, the choice of profession is his main and constant concern.

At the time of youth, the individual appearance of each young man becomes more and more definite and distinct; those individual characteristics of his, which in their totality determine the make-up of his personality, become more and more clear.

High school students differ significantly from each other not only in temperament and character, but also in their abilities, needs, aspirations and interests, and varying degrees of self-awareness. Individual characteristics also manifest themselves in the choice of life path. Youth is the age when a worldview takes shape, value orientations and attitudes are formed. In fact, this is the period when there is a transition from childhood to the beginning of adulthood, a corresponding degree of responsibility, independence, the ability to actively participate in the life of society and in one’s personal life, to constructive solutions to various problems, and professional development. Adolescence, according to Erikson, is built around the process of identity, consisting of a series of social and individual personal choices, identification, and professional development.

As already mentioned, professional self-determination begins in childhood and ends in early adolescence. Experimental study of the significance of motives for educational activity and professional choice of adolescents and young men. Self-determination and narrowly practical motives acquire decisive importance in educational activities; in choosing a profession, the motivation for choosing a profession among young men is not subject to change with age. Girls undergo a transition from motivation for social needs to general motivation for the profession.

Choosing a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. At this stage, students should quite realistically formulate for themselves the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources. At this time, students develop attitudes towards certain professions and select educational subjects in accordance with the chosen profession.

1.2. Professional self-determination.

Vocational education, which performs the functions of vocational training, is identified with the concept of “special education”, and involves two ways of obtaining it – self-education or training in educational institutions of vocational education. . The success of vocational education is determined by such an important psychological moment as “readiness” (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

Professional self-determination is a form of personal choice that reflects the process of searching for and acquiring a profession. Self-determination is realized in the process of analyzing personal capabilities and abilities in relation to professional requirements. Currently, the understanding of professional self-determination takes into account the problems of the relationship with the life self-determination of the individual, and also includes the influence of the influence of the social environment on the individual and his active position. In a market economy, the problem of freedom to choose a profession and ensuring the competitiveness of an employee is acute.

Professional self-determination of students

Self-determination of students is the process of formation by an individual of a personal attitude towards professional activity and the method of its implementation through the coordination of socio-professional and personal needs.

Professional self-determination of students is part of life self-determination, since it is part of the social group for choosing a profession and lifestyle.

There are different approaches to professional self-determination: sociological - when society sets tasks for the individual, socio-psychological - step-by-step decision-making by the individual, as well as coordination of the needs of society and personal preferences, differential psychological - the formation of an individual way of life.

The interrelated stages of students’ professional self-determination are symbolically identified:

— preschool stage, including the formation of initial labor skills;

- primary school, which includes awareness of the role of work in the life of an individual through participation in various types of activities: educational, play, work.

Awareness of one's abilities and interests related to professional choice occurs in grades 5-7, and the formation of professional self-awareness occurs in grades 8-9.

In the professional self-determination of students, a significant role is assigned to the family and the state-social structure (vocational and general educational institutions; institutions of further education, employment services).

Psychological and pedagogical support for students’ self-determination is aimed at realizing a conscious choice of profession.

Students are determined to choose a profession in the process of learning basic sciences, as well as during vocational training.

So, the professional self-determination of students includes the process of formation by an individual of a personal attitude towards the work sphere, as well as the method of his self-realization through the coordination of professional and intrapersonal needs.

Professional self-determination of high school students

Determining high school students with a future profession is one of the forms of personal self-determination and is characterized by the process of acquisition, as well as the search for a profession, analysis of personal capabilities and abilities in comparison with the requirements of the profession.

At the age of fifteen, it is very difficult for a high school student to choose a profession. Often, professional intentions are vague and diffuse, and professionally oriented dreams, as well as romantic aspirations, are impossible to realize.

The unsatisfied coming future stimulates the development of awareness of the personal “I”. A high school student is “defined”: who he is, what his abilities are, what his life ideal is, what he wants to become. Self-analysis is a delayed psychological basis for professional self-determination for most vocational school students.

Those high school students who receive complete secondary general education feel more comfortable. At the time of graduation, high school students choose the most acceptable and realistic options from fantastic, imaginary professions. Children understand that success and well-being in life, first of all, depend on the right choice of profession.

By assessing their capabilities and abilities, the prestige of the profession, and the socio-economic situation, high school students self-determine in obtaining a vocational education.

Thus, for high school students, educational and professional self-determination acts as a conscious choice of paths to vocational education and training.

Professional self-determination of personality

Psychologists refer to professional and personal self-determination as the process of forming a person’s personal attitude towards the professional work sphere, as well as self-realization through the coordination of social, professional and intrapersonal needs.

Let's consider professional self-determination, including different stages of personality development.

In preschool childhood, children imitate adults in play activities and reproduce their actions. Role-playing games, some of which are professionally oriented, become widespread in preschool age. While playing, children assume the roles of sellers, doctors, builders, educators, cooks, and vehicle drivers.

Initial labor actions are of great importance in professional self-determination - performing simple actions to care for plants, clothes, and cleaning premises. These actions help children develop interest in the work of adults. Professional role-playing games, performing elementary types of work, observing the work of adults contribute to the self-determination of preschoolers. At primary school age, children willingly imitate the actions of adults and, based on this, they are oriented toward the professions of relatives, parents, teachers, and close friends. An important feature of schoolchildren is the motivation of achievements in educational activities. A child’s awareness of his or her capabilities, as well as abilities based on existing experience in gaming, educational, and work activities, forms an idea of ​​​​the future profession.

The end of primary school age is marked by a significant increase in individual differences in the development of abilities between children, and this in turn affects a significant expansion of the range of professional preferences. Work and educational activities influence the development of children’s imagination, both creative and recreative. Thanks to this ability, ideas about various types of work are enriched, and the ability to see oneself in a certain profession develops. Often, a child has professionally colored fantasies that have a huge impact on professional self-determination in the future.

Adolescence is marked by the laying of the foundations of a moral attitude towards various types of work; a teenager develops a system of personal values ​​that determine selectivity in relation to professions. Psychologists consider this period to be responsible for the formation of personality.

Teenage boys, imitating external forms of adult behavior, focus on romantic professions that have endurance, strong will, courage, courage, for example, astronaut, test pilot, race driver. Girls prefer the professions of “real women” - these are charming, popular, attractive top models, pop singers, and TV presenters.

Orientation towards romantic professions is directed under the influence of the media, which replicate examples of “real adults”. Such professional romantic orientation is facilitated by adolescents’ desire for self-affirmation and self-expression. A differentiated attitude towards various activities in clubs and academic subjects shapes children’s intentions and dreams. Dreams, examples of the desired future are touches of self-determination.

Professional self-determination of an individual in early adolescence is the most important task. Often, a teenager’s plans are very amorphous, vague, and represent the nature of a dream.

A teenager most often imagines himself in various emotionally attractive roles and cannot make a psychologically sound choice of profession on his own. And at the beginning of adolescence, this problem arises for boys and girls who leave the basic secondary school. They make up a third of older teenagers who enter secondary and primary vocational education institutions, while others are forced to begin independent work.

Psychologists have found that often students receiving education in vocational schools, vocational schools, colleges and technical schools have not finally decided and their choice of educational institution was not psychologically justified.

The vast majority of young people aged 16 - 23 years old receive education or undergo vocational training in institutions or enterprises. Often, romantic aspirations and dreams are left in the past, but the desired future has already become the present, and many experience disappointment and dissatisfaction from the choice made. Some are making attempts to make adjustments to their professional start, and most boys and girls, during their training, gain confidence in the correctness of their choice.

At the age of 27, social and professional activity is noted. Already have a job and some experience. Professional growth and achievements become relevant. However, the vast majority begin to experience psychological discomfort, which is caused by lofty, unrealized plans, as well as work saturation.

Uncertainty of career prospects and lack of achievements actualize the reflection of personal existence, giving rise to self-esteem of the “I-concept” and introspection. This period is characterized by mental turmoil. The audit of professional life pushes us to define new significant goals. Some of these include professional development and advancement; changing jobs and initiating promotions; choosing a new profession or related specialty.

For many people, by the age of 30, the problem of professional self-determination again becomes relevant. There are two possible ways here: either to establish yourself further in your chosen profession and become a professional, or to change your place of work, as well as your profession.

The age period up to 60 years is considered the most productive. This period is marked by the realization of oneself as an individual, and is also characterized by the use of professional and psychological potential. It is during this period that life plans are realized and a person’s meaningful existence is justified. The profession provides a unique opportunity, using one’s abilities at work, to realize the need to be an individual, as well as to develop an individual style of activity.

After reaching retirement age, people leave the profession, but by the age of 60 a person does not have time to fully exhaust his potential. This period is marked by an alarming state, since stereotypes that have developed over decades, as well as a way of life, collapse overnight. Skills, knowledge, important qualities - everything becomes unclaimed. Such negative aspects accelerate social aging. Most pensioners experience psychological confusion, worrying about their uselessness and uselessness. The problem of self-determination arises again, however, in a socially useful, social life.

Psychology of professional self-determination

Domestic psychology connects the processes of professional self-determination with personal self-determination and lifestyle choice. By choosing this or that profession, a person plans his way of existence, while correlating his future professional personal status with life values.

The following researchers worked on this problem: M.R. Ginzburg, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, N.S. Pryazhnikov, E.I. Golovakhi, E.F. Zeer, E.A. Klimov.

The most comprehensive and consistent issues of professional self-determination of the subject were studied in the works of N.S. Pryazhnikova, E.A. Klimova, E.F. Zeera.

E.A. Klimov attributed professional self-determination to the quality of the mental manifestation of human development. Over the course of his life, an individual develops a certain attitude towards different areas of work, develops an idea of ​​his capabilities, professions, and identifies preferences.

According to E.A. Klimov, the most important component in self-determination is the formation of self-awareness.

The structure of professional identity includes:

— awareness of personal belonging to a specific professional community (“we are builders”);

— assessment of one’s place and personal compliance with standards in the profession (one of the best specialists, a beginner);

- the individual’s knowledge of his recognition in a social group (“I am considered a good specialist”);

- knowledge of strengths and weaknesses, individual and successful methods of action and ways of self-improvement;

- personal idea of ​​yourself, as well as work in the future.

E.A. Klimov notes two levels in professional self-determination:

- Gnostic (restructuring of self-awareness and consciousness);

— practical (changes in a person’s social status).

E.F. Zeer highlights the problem of individual self-determination in the context of applied psychology, where professional self-determination is noted:

- selectivity in the individual’s attitude to the world of professions;

— choice taking into account the individual qualities and characteristics of a person, as well as socio-economic conditions and requirements in the profession;

— constant self-determination of the subject throughout life;

— determination of external events (change of place of residence, graduation);

- a manifestation of the social maturity of the individual with a close connection with self-realization.

Problems in self-determination are solved differently at each stage of professional development. They are determined by interpersonal relationships in the team, socio-economic conditions, professional and age-related crises, but the leading role remains with the activity of the individual and his responsibility for personal development.

E.F. Zeer believes that self-determination is an important factor in an individual’s self-realization in a particular profession.

N. S. Pryazhnikov proposed his own model of self-determination, which includes the following components:

— awareness by the individual of the values ​​of socially useful work, as well as the need for professional training;

— orientation in the socio-economic situation, as well as forecasting the prestige of the chosen work;

— defining a professional dream goal;

— highlighting immediate professional goals as stages for achieving further goals;

— search for information about specialties and professions corresponding to educational institutions and places of employment;

— an idea of ​​the personal qualities necessary to implement the plans, as well as possible difficulties in achieving goals;

- availability of backup options in choosing a profession in case of failure with the main option of self-determination;

— practical implementation of personal perspective, adjustment of plans.

Professional self-determination according to N.S. Pryazhnikov occurs at the following levels:

— self-determination in a specific labor function (the employee sees the meaning of activity in the high-quality performance of operations or individual labor functions, while the freedom of choice of actions by the individual is limited);

- self-determination in a specific work position (a work position is marked by a limited production environment, which includes certain rights, means of labor, and responsibilities), while the performance of diverse functions provides the opportunity for self-realization of the activities performed, and a change in work position has a negative impact on the quality of work, causing employee dissatisfaction;

— self-determination at the level of a certain specialty provides for a change of job positions, which allows expanding the opportunities for self-realization of the individual;

— self-determination in a specific profession;

— life self-determination is associated with the choice of lifestyle, which includes leisure and self-education;

- personal self-determination is determined by finding the image of the Self and its affirmation among the surrounding individuals (the individual rises above social roles, profession, becomes the master of his personal life, and the people around him classify him as both a good specialist and a respected, unique person);

— the self-determination of an individual in culture is marked by the individual’s focus on “continuing” himself in other people and is characterized by a significant contribution to the development of culture, which makes it possible to talk about the social immortality of the individual.

The problem of professional self-determination

The experience of career counseling shows that students who have not chosen a profession often seek help from a psychologist to determine the type of activity where they will be most capable. Behind this lies an unconscious desire to shift the solution to a life problem to another individual. Difficulties of this kind often arise due to the lack of adequate ideas among schoolchildren about professional suitability, the inability to assess their abilities and capabilities, and also relate them to the world of professions.

Many students cannot answer: “What activities would you like to engage in?”, “What abilities do you see in yourself?”; “What qualities are important for success in mastering a future profession?”

A low culture of knowledge, as well as ignorance of modern professions, complicates the choice of a life path for high school students.

The career guidance work of a psychologist should turn from diagnostic to formative, developmental, diagnostic and correctional. The stages of consulting work should be aimed at activating students to form a desire for a conscious, independent choice of profession, taking into account the knowledge gained about themselves.

2.1 The relationship between the concepts of “professional definition” and “choice of profession”

There are two approaches to defining the concept of “professional self-determination”. One group of authors believes that professional self-determination is consonant with the choice of profession, others, and this point of view is currently the most common, that the concept of “professional identity” is synonymous. Because, literally, this is how a professional “defines himself.” E.A. Klimov clarifies that this approach does not at all mean a lack of professional self-determination among people just choosing a future profession, because “potentially he is a professional: he is a future professional.” N.N. Gordeeva believes that the problem of professional self-determination becomes especially important during school years. The same opinion is shared by E.Yu. Pryazhnikova and N.S. Pryazhnikov, here is a quote from their work “Career Guidance”: “The essence of professional self-determination consists in searching and finding personal meaning in the chosen, mastered and already performed work activity, as well as in the process of self-determination."

2.2 Problems of the concept of “professional self-determination” in different psychological schools (humanistic, existential psychology and cultural-historical direction)

E.Yu.Pryazhnikova and N.S.Pryazhnikov compare the concept of “self-determination” with such concepts as “self-actualization”, “self-realization”, “self-transcendence”. Such well-known humanistic and existential psychologists as A. Maslow wrote about this (he believes that passion for meaningful work is one of the main determinants of self-actualization), K. Jaspers and I. S. Kohn (they suggest that self-realization manifests itself through work, “deeds”). ”, which a person does), V. Frankl (adds that self-determination is also self-transcendence, the ability to go beyond oneself).

Within the framework of the cultural-historical direction, the problem of professional self-determination is considered from the other side, for example, S.L. Rubinstein and K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya write that the central point is self-determination, the desire to take a certain position in life, M.R. Ginzburg says, that defining oneself as a professional forms the value-semantic sphere of the individual, the psychological present and future.

We see that professional self-determination is viewed differently in different psychological schools, but there is a constant: the presentation of this process as central to personal development. From here we can conclude that the result of an incorrect course of professional development and personality formation can be total destruction, loss of meaning, personal identity, and the impossibility of achieving self-realization.

2.3 Features of professional self-determination at different stages of professional development of the individual

Since in the previous paragraph we decided that professional self-determination and professional development are inseparable processes, it is necessary to understand how the first is implemented within the second.

The first three stages of E.A. Klimov’s periodization are the stages of pre-game (0 - 3 years), play (6 - 8 years) and mastery of educational activities (6-8 years - 11-12), at which it is still quite difficult to distinguish professional self-determination , so we will talk about the development of motivation and a general positive attitude towards work. If we consistently rely on V.D. Shadrikov’s concept of the psychological system of activity, we will see that the first stage is the development of the motivational structure: “In the process of further mastering the profession, in the course of training and work, the development and transformation of the motivational structure of the subject of activity occurs. This development proceeds in two directions: firstly, there is a transformation of the general motives of the individual into work motives; secondly, with a change in the level of professionalization, the system of professional motives also changes."

The option stage (11-12 years - 14-18) should be considered in more detail.

Who is an optant? A person who is either preoccupied with the problem of choice (adolescence and adolescence) or is in a situation of a forced change of profession (if we consider a situation where a person needs to go through the stages of periodization again, the same phenomenon can occur in age development due to psychological or physical injury) and makes this choice. This phase corresponds to the process of professional determination as the first step towards the professional development of the individual.

The next stage is the stage of the adept. Here we are talking about a starting professional, a person who made a choice of path at the previous stage and is now beginning to master the necessary knowledge and skills. The duration of this phase depends on the complexity of the profession and the required level of qualifications.

At the next stage, the “child” begins to take his first independent steps - the phase of adaptation of the young specialist to work. A person gets used to production activities, professional and social norms are learned, all this is accompanied by some personal changes. One of the most important processes at this stage is the formation of an attitude towards one’s activities. Klimov writes that at the next stage a positive attitude has already been formed, but does not mention what will happen if a negative attitude is formed. From my point of view, this will lead to personality crises and the impossibility of further development, as a consequence of degradation, or a return to the option phase.

The internal phase, here we see an already experienced worker who can completely independently, reliably and successfully cope with the basic professional functions of a given job position. The internal receives recognition from colleagues and, according to Shadrikov, begins to form an individual style of activity. If at this stage a person is quite successful, professional development proceeds at a very fast pace, but at some point it slows down and here we can already talk about volitional regulation of professionalization - additional education, training and other means that will be discussed below.

With professional development and length of service, the employee enters the mastery phase. Here he can solve quite complex problems that not all of his colleagues can cope with. He stands out either for some special qualities, skills, or for his universalism and broad orientation in the professional field.

A good specialist usually becomes famous within his professional circle or even beyond it. If we move a little away from Klimov’s periodization into the current situation on the labor market and recruitment methods, a professional of this phase is a “target for a headhunter,” that is, they are trying to “lure” him to other organizations. This is the authority phase. It is important that even if at this stage of a career an employee no longer has as much strength and energy, he still successfully solves professional problems due to extensive experience, the ability to organize work and surround himself with assistants.

An authoritative professional has enough experience to convey it; moreover, in most cases, he develops a need for this due to his age, level of self-awareness and self-esteem. Therefore, in the mentoring phase, a person has students, followers and like-minded people, whose training helps his life remain filled with meaning.

Features of the stages of professional development are the absence of exact age boundaries, which Klimov himself notes; he explains this by differences in living conditions and culture. There may be a sharp break at any stage and a return to the optant, if the professional for some reason decides to learn a new profession.

A.K. Markova proposed her own periodization of professional development based on the criteria of individual professionalism.

Markova suggests that, despite the fact that different people have different paths to professionalism, everyone goes through certain milestones and identifies a pre-professional level, in which there is a stage of initial acquaintance with the profession.

From the pre-professional level, the employee moves to professionalism, consistently mastering the qualities of a professional, assimilating norms and rules. This level combines the adapter and internal phases according to Klimov and includes the stages of a person’s adaptation to the profession, self-actualization and harmonization with the profession.

If a person includes creativity and innovative ideas in his activities, this is a level of super-professionalism, “a person goes beyond the boundaries of the profession.” If in some cases, at this level, mastery of other, related professions occurs, the person becomes a professional – a generalist. The super-professional level includes the following stages: fluency in a profession in the form of creativity, fluency in several professional transition techniques, creative definition of oneself as a professional personality.

Markova also highlights the level of post-professionalism, which corresponds to Klimov’s mentor phase, however, it speaks of the completion of professional activity, while Klimov does not include this process in the periodization.

What is unique in Markova’s concept is the level of unprofessionalism, such as the lack of necessary professional knowledge and skills. At the same time, a person develops outwardly active work activity, but at the same time, deformations are observed, such as ineffectiveness of work, workaholism and exclusion of personal development, and defective spiritual and moral guidelines.

Here the author clarifies that some people can be “stuck” for a long time at one of the stages; one of the reasons she names certain contradictory tendencies (for example, “the contradiction between self-development and self-preservation: self-development requires intensively investing all efforts and accelerating professional growth, and self-preservation dictates the need count on strength for the entire marathon of life” (Markova)), which in turn can lead to a crisis in professional development.

Another scientist who developed his own periodization is J. Super. The peculiarity of its concept is its focus on what a person strives for and what he needs during his professional development. Periodization consists of 4 main stages:

Growth stage (0 – 14 years) development of interests and abilities, identification of one’s preferences.

Research stage (14-25) testing one’s strengths, trying to understand one’s needs, interests, values, abilities and capabilities - as a result, choosing a profession and starting to master it.

The approval stage (25-44) is the desire to establish yourself in your chosen profession, gain professional skill and status, and strengthen your position in society. Towards the end - a decrease in the likelihood of changing professions.

Decline stage (65 ->) fading of physical and mental capabilities and, as a consequence, a decrease in professional activity or cessation of work.

Super's concept is important to consider because it was developed for other socio-cultural conditions, which determines its differences from previous ones. In addition, he noted that the transition from stage to stage can be carried out not only sequentially, but also in parallel, repeated passage of stages, rollbacks and crises is possible.

The process of choosing a profession by a young person is carried out in three stages: choosing a profession in childhood (up to 11 years old) based on fantasy, a trial choice of a profession in adolescence (11-17 years old) and a real choice of profession, starting from 17 years old and until adulthood.


about the Moscow city competition of career guidance technologies

"PROF Definition - 2017"

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the conditions, procedure for organizing and conducting the Moscow City Competition of Career Guidance Technologies "PROF Definition - 2017"(hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The competition is held by the State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow for additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists by the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - GBOU GMC DOGM) in order to implement the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012–2018) “Development of city education Moscow (“Capital education”).”

1.3. Participation in the Competition is based on the principles of voluntariness, openness, transparency and equal conditions for all participants.

1.4. The forms, content of mandatory competitive tests and evaluation criteria at each stage of the Competition are determined by modern requirements for the professional and social competencies of a teaching worker.

1.5. The Competition is managed by the organizing committee of the Moscow City Competition of Career Guidance Technologies "PROF Definition - 2017"(hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).

1.6. Information about the Competition is posted on the unified information portal of secondary vocational education in Moscow.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. The competition is held With purpose support and dissemination of current initiatives in career guidance work.

2.2.Main objectives of the Competition:

– promoting professional development and expanding the professional competencies of teaching staff;

– creating conditions for self-realization of specialists, revealing their creative potential;

– improving approaches to organizing the educational process focused on personal development;

– presentation to the pedagogical community of the best examples of pedagogical activity, professional competencies that ensure high results in the professional self-determination of students, their education and development;

– promotion of best practices in career guidance activities;

– formation of a professional community of people with common value orientations.

3. Competition nominations

3.1. The competition is held in three categories:

3.1.1. Career guidance event: new format.

Presentation of modern formats in the field of career guidance (foresights, quests, discussion platforms, trainings, etc.).

3.1.2. Integrated lesson: interconnection and integrity.

Development of a lesson scenario with extensive use of interdisciplinary connections of a professional orientation, including a scenario for a school technology lesson on the territory of a professional educational organization.

3.1.3. Career guidance tools: effectiveness and reliability.

3.2. A mandatory condition for providing materials within each nomination is the opportunity to demonstrate an element of development in the second round of the Competition (see clause 7).

4. Participants of the Competition

4.1. Teaching staff from educational organizations in Moscow take part in the Competition.

5. Dates and stages of the Competition

5.2. First stage of the Competition passes from October 7 to October 30, 2016 remotely.

At this stage, the selection of participants for the Competition is carried out based on the results of technical expertise and expert assessment of the provided material. The examination is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the design of competitive material.

I round– master class on career guidance technology;

2nd round– solution to a situational case task from the Competition experts.

During this stage, the finalists of the Competition are determined based on an assessment of the level of professional competencies. Assessment of professional competencies occurs in accordance with developed criteria.

At this stage, the absolute winner and prize-winners of the Competition in the relevant nominations are determined based on an assessment of the level of general competencies of the teaching staff. Assessment of general competencies occurs in accordance with developed criteria.

6. First stage of the Competition

6.1. To participate in the first stage of the Competition until October 2, 2016 the candidate undergoes electronic registration and fills out the participant form on the website.

6.2. After receiving confirmation of participation in competitive tests, on time until October 30 2016 The participant sends a package of competitive documents to the Organizing Committee indicating the competitive nomination in the subject line of the letter. Email address of the Organizing Committee of the Competition: [email protected]

6.3. On time until October 7, 2016 the Competition operator organizes a preliminary event - a training seminar for participants on the preparation of competition materials for the first stage.

6.4. During from October 8 to October 30, 2016 The Competition operator carries out a technical examination of the competitive testing of the first stage.

6.5. Requirements for registration, regulations and criteria for evaluating competitive developments:

6.5.1. The material should include:

– information block: title page, explanatory note, implementation plan, summary of the event blocks (lesson script, conference progress, description of the methodology, etc.);

– didactic material.


– information block volume – up to 10 pages;

– the title page indicates the full name of the participant’s educational organization, the name of the Competition, the exact name of the career guidance event, the name of the competitive nomination, the surname and initials of the author and co-authors, city, year of completion of the work;

– the explanatory note substantiates the relevance and novelty of the approach used, indicates the main goals and objectives of the event, the target audience, information about the methods or technologies used, the theoretical foundations of the method used – the volume is no more than 1–2 sheets;

– the plan must include the stages of implementation, the place and time of the event, a brief summary of each stage, a description of the necessary materials and equipment, an indication of officials, social partners and other participants included in the implementation of the event (if necessary) – the volume is no more than 1–2 sheets ;

– a brief description of the structure and content of each stage of the event – ​​no more than 1–2 sheets;

– conclusions about the results (expected results) of the career guidance event, description of the resource capabilities of the proposed material – no more than 1–2 sheets.

Requirements for text formatting:

– document format *.doc, font Times New Roman, font size 14, single line spacing, hyphenation – automatic, formatting of the main text and links – in the “width” parameter, font color – black, red line (indent 1.25 cm);

– headers are typed bold(12 pt spacing), centered, no dot at the end of the title; a heading consisting of two or more lines is printed with one line spacing; the title has no hyphens, that is, at the end of the line the word must be complete.

6.5.2. Evaluation criteria:

– compliance with regulations;

– literacy;

– clarity and clarity of presentation;

– accuracy of terminology;

– independence of reasoning;

– correctness of definition of educational, educational and career guidance goals;

– the ability to formulate the importance and significance of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities for the formation of an educational and professional trajectory;

– persuasiveness and evidence of the main provisions;

– reflection of the latest achievements of science, technology, as well as prospects for the development of this scientific and practical area;

– validity of goals and objectives, relevance and novelty;

– the effectiveness of using methodological techniques aimed at developing organizational and practical skills;

– creating conditions for students to improve their knowledge and practical skills;

– visibility of training, use of ICT;

– adequacy of assessing the results of a career guidance event.

6.6. During from October 30 to November 15, 2016 Experts conduct an examination of the competitive materials of the first stage participants.

6.7. On time until November 18, 2016 of the year the results of the expert assessment of the competition materials of the first stage participants are summed up, a rating table is drawn up and submitted to the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

6.8. The list of participants in the second stage of the Competition is formed and approved by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

6.9. The list of participants in the second stage of the Competition is published on the website until November 20, 2016.

6.10. Participants who do not score enough points to qualify for the second stage of the Competition receive a certificate of participation in the first stage in electronic form.

7. Second stage of the Competition

7.1. On time from November 21 to November 25, 2016 The operator of the Competition organizes the second stage.

7.2. For participants of the second stage the operator of the Competition on time until November 20, 2016 An introductory webinar is being held on the procedure, regulations and evaluation criteria for competitive tests of the second stage.

7.3. On time until November 21, 2016 the Competition operator organizes a preliminary event - training for participants in the second stage.

7.4. Competitive events of the second stage:

7.4.1. Master Class on career guidance technology, which passed the examination at the first stage of the competition. The master class should reflect the importance of the method used for the formation of worldview, general cultural competencies and professional self-determination. The technology is being tested on a group of teaching staff consisting of 7 people.

Time limit: up to 20 minutes (including 2 minutes for self-analysis and 3 minutes for answering jury questions).

Evaluation criteria:

– depth and originality of content;

– scientific and methodological value;

– social significance;

– ability to interact with a wide audience;

– flexibility of thinking and behavior;

– self-control;

- goodwill.

7.4.2. Case assignment– solving a situational case proposed by experts without prior preparation.

Time limit: 5 minutes (including 1 minute for preparation, 1 minute for self-analysis and 1 minute for feedback from the expert).

Evaluation criteria:

– general intellectual and cultural level;

– breadth of outlook;

– ability to present one’s position.

7.5. Based on the results of the second stage of the Competition, winners and laureates are determined.

7.5.1. The winners of the Competition at the third stage participate in a career guidance briefing.

7.5.2. Participants who do not qualify for the third stage of the Competition receive laureate diplomas and certificates of participants in the second stage.

8. Third stage of the Competition

8.1. On time from December 1 to December 8, 2016 The operator of the Competition organizes the third stage.

The venue is determined by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

8.2. On time until December 5, 2016 the Competition operator organizes a preliminary event - training for participants in the third stage.

8.3. The regulations for the third stage involve participation in a career guidance briefing - a discussion of current issues of career guidance in modern education with the participation of leading experts and the public.

Time interval: 60–90 minutes.

Evaluation criteria:

– knowledge and understanding of modern trends in career guidance;

– scale, depth and originality of judgments;

– reasoned, balanced, constructive proposals.

8.4. Based on the results of the third stage, the absolute winner and prize-winners of the Moscow City Competition of Career Guidance Technologies are determined "PROF Definition - 2017".

9. Management of the Competition

9.1. The Organizing Committee organizes and conducts the Competition.

9.1.1. The Organizing Committee includes representatives of the Moscow Department of Education and subordinate educational organizations (Appendix).

9.1.2. The Organizing Committee performs the following functions:

– approves the procedure for conducting and maintaining competition tasks at each stage of the Competition;

– approves and creates the composition of the expert groups, jury and counting commission of the Competition;

– determines the timing and place of issuing diplomas of laureates and finalists of the Competition.

9.2. The expert groups include representatives of educational organizations, public organizations, methodological services, and professional teaching communities.

9.3. To evaluate the competitive tests of the first stage, the Organizing Committee approves the composition of the expert group.

9.4. To evaluate the tests of the second and third stages of the Competition, the Organizing Committee forms a jury. The composition of the jury is approved by the Organizing Committee no later than November 21, 2016. The main principle of forming the jury is the inclusion of well-known and/or authoritative experts in the pedagogical community. Among them are representatives of the Moscow Department of Education, the City Methodological Center, the legislative and executive authorities of Russia and Moscow, the media, public organizations, parents, scientists, cultural and educational figures.

9.5. The jury performs the following functions:

– conducts an expert assessment of the professional and creative abilities of the Competition participants demonstrated during the tests;

– evaluates the performance of competitive tests in points in accordance with the criteria approved by the Organizing Committee;

– determines the laureates, prize-winners and winners of the Competition.

9.6. When considering the issue of laureates, prize-winners and winners, the decision of the jury is considered valid if more than half of the approved number of jury members are present at the meeting.

9.7. Members of the jury who were not present at the main competitive tests have only an advisory vote.

9.8. The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol.

9.9. The jury secretary is responsible for maintaining the jury's records, storing and using its documents.

9.10. To conduct the drawing, organize the calculation of points scored by the participants of the Competition, and prepare summary score sheets based on the results of completing the competitive tasks of the second and third stages, a counting commission is formed, the composition of which is approved by the Organizing Committee.

9.11. An appeal based on the results of the technical examination, as well as the assessment of competitive tests by experts and the jury, will not be accepted.

10. Determination and awarding of laureates and winners

10.1. After the first and second stages of the Competition, the laureates who scored the most points based on the results of competitive tests are determined.

10.2. The winner of the Competition who scores the most points based on the results of the third stage after the completion of the career guidance briefing is declared the absolute winner of the Competition. If two participants have equal points, each is awarded an absolute victory in the nomination.

Laureates who score high, but do not become absolute winners, become winners of the Competition. The winners are awarded II and III places. If two participants have equal points, each is awarded a prize in the nomination.

Additional prize nominations for the Competition are determined by members of the jury and the expert community based on the results of calculating points for the entire competition period in accordance with the career guidance of the pedagogical activities of the Competition participant.

10.3. The finalists, laureates and winners of the Competition are awarded at events, the location of which is determined by the decision of the Organizing Committee.


Composition of the Organizing Committee and Experts

Moscow city competition of career guidance technologies "PROF Definition - 2017"



Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna, director of the State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists of the city of Moscow, City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.


Lukmanova Elena Vladimirovna, Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine.

Members of the Organizing Committee, technical experts:

Glezer Tatyana Viktorovna, methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine;

Grishukova Natalya Vladimirovna, methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Sciences;

Mirchuk Marina Valentinovna, methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Children's Education;

Lyubakh Tatyana Valerievna, methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine;

Drugina Marina Valerievna, methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine.


Pryazhnikova Elena Yurievna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MSUPE;

Rezapkina Galina Vladimirovna, psychologist, senior researcher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of Social Management", Federal State Institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development", head of the network of experimental sites on the topic "Psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of schoolchildren", member of the Union of Writers of Russia, author of books and methods on issues of self-determination of youth;

Asencio Martinez Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Institute of Business Economics;

Alieva Natalya Khanifeevna, head of the project “Zasoboy”;

Karandasheva Marina Gennadievna, head of the career guidance department of the State Public Institution CZM;

Pass Yulia Valerievna, general director of the “ProektPro” project, child psychologist;

Smirnov Anton Yurievich, general producer of the Paramult Film Company, leading developer of game career guidance materials "Navigatum", director, screenwriter;

Zhabbarov Timur, co-founder and partner of the Smart Course company - a system of adolescent development, co-author of career guidance training for teenagers “Informed Choice”;

Altukhov Vitaly Vladislavovich, director for development and research of the PROFILUM project;

Rudenko Alexander Evseevich, head of the Career Guidance Center, School No. 1394 Educational Center “On the Embankment”

Butuzova Olga Gennadievna, methodologist at GBPOU PC named after. N.N. Godovikova;

Chikina Olga Nikolaevna, psychologist, senior methodologist, State Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 1561;

Evseeva Anna Anatolyevna, educational psychologist, State Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum of Information Technologies No. 1537;

Mednikova Oksana Anatolyevna, responsible for the preschool department “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 14”;

Olga Anatolyevna Kuvaeva, career guidance specialist, State Budgetary Educational Institution School with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​No. 1288 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.V. Trojan;

Glushkova Tatyana Petrovna, methodologist in the subject "Technology" GBOU GMC DOGM.



PROF…(neol.). Abbreviation, used. in new compound words meaning: 1 ) professional (in 1 and 2 digits), e.g. vocational education, occupational diseases; 2 ) trade union, e.g. professional card, professional work, professional active, professional apparatus, professional delegate, professional discipline.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what “prof...” is in other dictionaries:

    prof.- Prof. professor Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. prof. prof. profile trade union organization professional... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    prof- a, m. professeur m. stud. Professor. Warming up while reading either poetry or prose. They took turns scolding the authors: the associate professors and young professors started. Forsh Crazy. ship 112. Who are we meeting? What carriage? Is this the prof over there? In torn jeans? ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (new). Abbreviation, used. in new compound words in the meaning: 1) professional (in 1 and 2 meanings), for example. vocational education, occupational diseases; 2) trade union, for example. professional card, professional work, professional active, professional apparatus, professional delegate, professional discipline. Dictionary … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Prof. Professor, professional Culturology. XX century Encyclopedia. 1998 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    Prof... I The initial part of complex words, introducing the meaning of the word: professional (occupational hazards, occupational hygiene, vocational education, etc.). II The initial part of complex words, introducing the meaning of the word: trade union (trade union, professional card, trade union meeting and ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Prof... The first part of compound words with: 1) related to the profession, professional, for example. vocational education, career guidance, vocational selection, vocational school; 2) related to a trade union, trade union, for example. trade union asset, trade union card, trade union delegate, trade union work,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    PROF... The first part of difficult words. 1. Indicates affiliation with a trade union, trade union work; trade union. Trade union activist, trade union card, trade union bureau, trade union movement, trade union leader, trade union worker. 2. Indicates affiliation with the profession; professional... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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