Assigning a personnel number to an employee. How is a personnel number assigned to an employee? Specific examples. Why do you need a personnel number?

Employees of enterprises and organizations do not always come across such a concept as a personnel number. Moreover, ordinary workers may simply not even know about its existence. But HR department specialists are required to keep personnel records. And this is only part of personnel records management, which is a real science that has its own laws, rules and procedures. At the same time, the section on personnel numbers occupies a rather significant place in it, although not entirely official.

What is a personnel number

As is already clear from the name itself, in fact, Personnel Number– this is a special digital employee code. It is assigned to a person from the moment he begins to perform his job duties. Personnel numbers are not repeated and such a code is strictly individual for each employee. Throughout the entire period of a person’s work in a particular company, his personnel number remains unchanged.

Even if an employee at some point left the organization, but then decided to return to it, he will be assigned the same personnel number.

It must be said that timekeeping is rarely used in small companies, but, as a rule, it is mandatory in medium and large enterprises.

Why are personnel numbers needed?

Assigning special digital combinations to employees of an enterprise serves several purposes:

  • facilitating the work of accounting department specialists in processing and recording data on internal movements of employees;
  • the personnel number is used to enter various marks for a particular employee, which make it possible in the future to more simply and correctly calculate parameters such as wages and related taxes;
  • These figures make it possible to easily find all the information about salaries, sick leave, time off, overtime, vacations, etc. for this or that employee.

But, nevertheless, the main purpose of the personnel number is to record the time spent by the employee directly at the workplace. To do this, authorized employees of the enterprise record the time of arrival of personnel from work and departure home, all kinds of absences for lunch, for personal matters, etc. In the future, this information makes it possible to determine whether the person worked the allotted time or whether he had overtime, and, based on this, calculate his wages.

If we talk about the time that an employee should spend at the workplace, then there are three main options.

  1. Full time (40 hours per week).
  2. Shortened working hours (20 hours per week or less).
  3. Part-time work (the number of hours is determined individually by a separate agreement between the employer and employee).

Most often, the last two points apply to students, minors, pensioners, people with disabilities and some other categories of citizens.

Who assigns a personnel number to an employee

Each organization that maintains such personnel records must have a specialist assigned this responsibility. As a rule, this is either the head of a department or an employee of the personnel department, who subsequently transfers the data to the accounting department, either directly as an accountant, or as a special timekeeper. The latter is especially common in large industrial enterprises. An authorized employee maintains a register and record of assigned ciphers, monitoring the correctness of their assignment and use

Who is assigned personnel codes?

Personnel numbers must be assigned to all employees of the enterprise where personnel records are maintained. In particular:

  • those who are employed on a permanent basis;
  • temporary employees;
  • external part-time workers;
  • seasonal workers.

Attention! If an employee combines positions within one structural unit or department, there is no need to create a separate personnel number for him. However, if his second job is outside this organization or in another department, then assigning a personnel number is quite appropriate.

How is a personnel number assigned?

According to generally accepted rules of personnel and accounting, personnel numbers should be assigned from a single value. As the number of employees increases, this figure correspondingly grows in chronological order, without omissions. To encrypt the personnel number, only Arabic numerals are used, without adding any other symbols, such as periods, quotation marks, hyphens, etc.

However, the above information is not strictly mandatory. The fact is that the law does not have any special clauses or any regulations regulating the assignment of personnel numbers. So, purely theoretically, each enterprise has the right to independently decide how exactly to develop and apply these digital codes to employees, as well as adjust them in the future.

Since personnel records allow you to keep order in internal documentation, when assigning personnel numbers it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. A strictly defined employee must be involved in timekeeping;
  2. A personnel number must be assigned immediately after the newly hired employee submits all the necessary documents for registration or on his first working day;
  3. When assigning personnel digital combinations, you must follow the chronology, excluding omissions;
  4. It is necessary to bring to the attention of the employee the digital code assigned to him;
  5. Be sure to enter your individual number in .

Assigning personnel numbers of resigned employees to newly hired employees

Sooner or later, almost all specialists involved in timekeeping at enterprises and organizations ask themselves the question: is it possible to re-assign personnel numbers? Since this is not regulated in any way by law, we have to rely on established practice. And it is such that usually numbers that have already been used either do not find further use, or are assigned to new employees after at least one year has passed from the time the previously registered employee was fired.

Where is personnel number accounting registered?

Enterprises that use employee time sheets, as a rule, also personnel number register. It records the following data:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • date of hiring;
  • position and specialty;
  • number of the employment contract and its date;
  • the structural unit in which he is registered;
  • the personnel number itself.


Summarizing the above information, we can say that keeping time records is a fairly important component of personnel and accounting records. However, when assigning personnel numbers, you should be guided by certain rules that each enterprise has the right to develop independently. However, their violation does not lead to any sanctions from regulatory authorities. However, impeccable timesheets significantly facilitate and optimize the work of HR and accounting departments, allowing you to avoid errors in calculating wages and other payments.

Not all employees of organizations know what a personnel number is, and many do not even realize that it exists. But HR department employees are required to keep personnel records using a personnel number. We will consider the assignment procedure, as well as the main features of this concept in more detail.


A personnel number can be understood as a special digital code of an employee. The assignment of a personnel number to an employee occurs at the beginning of his or her working career in a specific organization. Personnel numbers are not repeated, and there is an individual code for each employee. Throughout his entire career in a particular company, the employee number does not change.

Even if a person left the organization for some reason, but returned after some time, he is assigned the same personnel number.

What is it needed for

Assigning a personnel number to an employee of an organization is necessary in order to:

  1. Facilitate the work of the accounting department in processing data on the internal movement of personnel.
  2. Enter notes for a particular employee that will allow you to make further calculations.
  3. Find the necessary information about wages, sick leave, vacation pay, time off, etc. by employees.

The most important purpose of a personnel number is to record the working time of each employee. To do this, an authorized employee records the time of arrival and departure of each of the personnel, as well as the periods of time spent on lunch, absences, etc. In the future, this will help calculate how effectively the employee worked the required working hours. Based on this, salaries are calculated.

There are certain clock standards that must be followed:

  • 40 hours - full working day;
  • 20 hours - shortened working day;
  • part-time (depending on certain conditions agreed upon between the parties upon hiring).

Who should assign and to whom

The employee's personnel number is assigned by an authorized person who conducts personnel records of the organization. This could be the manager himself, an accountant, a secretary, or a HR employee. This employee must maintain a register and record of assigned numbers and monitor their correct use.

Each employee who officially works at the enterprise must have a personnel number. The procedure for assigning personnel numbers is not established by any regulations, so the organization has the right to determine it independently. The personnel number is assigned:

  • working on a permanent basis;
  • are temporary employees;
  • who are external part-time workers;
  • working under a fixed-term contract.

It is important to remember that if it comes to an internal part-time worker, then there is no need to assign him another personnel number. But this is quite advisable.

How to assign a number

According to personnel and accounting records, each employee must be assigned a personnel number. The order in which the code is assigned is based on chronological order. In other words, each employee has his own unit value. And for each subsequent employee, the code increases according to the account. Arabic numerals are used for encoding. You cannot use other characters - periods, quotation marks, etc.

But not a single legislative standard states exactly how a personnel number is assigned. This does not regulate labor law either. The employment contract must also contain the employee code, which is assigned upon hiring.

Since timesheets allow you to keep all documentation in order, when assigning an employee’s digital code it is best to adhere to the following rules:

  1. One person must keep time records.
  2. The code must be assigned as soon as the newly arrived employee submits documents for registration.
  3. Chronology must be observed when assigning numbers.
  4. The digital code must be included in the employee’s hiring order.

Numbers of those who quit

Many specialists who keep time records ask the question: is it possible to assign the personnel number of an employee who has already resigned to a newly hired employee? This issue is not addressed by either federal legislation or labor law. The employment contract also does not contain any information about personnel numbers. Consequently, HR managers have to rely on existing practices. Namely, some companies may do the following: if after 12 months the employee has not returned to the workplace, his personnel number can be assigned to a new employee.


It was explained above what a personnel number is, the procedure for assigning this code and some of its features. Next, we will find out how personnel numbers are kept track of. For this purpose, the company maintains a special journal where the following information is recorded:

  1. Employee details (last name, first name, patronymic).
  2. Employment date.
  3. Job title.
  4. Speciality.
  5. Number of the employment agreement, date of its preparation.
  6. The structural unit in which the employee works.
  7. Employee personnel number.

Keeping time records is a fairly important factor in office work. And as it turned out, when assigning a number to each employee, you need to follow certain rules. However, each organization can develop its own personnel accounting model and follow it. Since there are no regulated rules, deviation from the above does not lead to any penalties. The main thing to remember is that properly organized time sheets will greatly facilitate the work of both accounting departments and HR specialists.

Will an employee's personnel number change when transferred to another department or position? More details in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Personnel number is a requisite widely used in personnel records. With its help, an employee - a specific person, and not a staff unit of an enterprise - is designated in internal documents. Personnel numbers in 2017 appear along with personnel passport data in personal files and cards, , payrolls.

Important: if an organization uses internal personnel records and unified forms of the State Statistics Committee, the employee’s personnel number becomes a mandatory detail, without which it is impossible to correctly fill out the forms.

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What is an employee's personnel number

A personnel number is a unique digital code assigned to an employee within a given enterprise. The code should be simple enough and allow each employee to be uniquely identified, so that there is no confusion when filling out accounting forms. If a structural unit has its own personnel department and accounting department, its employees are assigned codes within the department. This can be found in large enterprises.

Personnel number assigned to an employee once , remains unchanged throughout the entire period while the employment relationship between the employee and the employer continues. As a rule, after the dismissal of an employee, his personnel number remains unoccupied and, if the former employee decides to return, he will be assigned the previous identifier.

In the future, each newcomer admitted to the staff is assigned his own code - in ascending order, in chronological order. Once received, the code does not change when or in case of a change in the employee’s passport details.

These employee identification numbers are assigned to:

  • those working under open-ended employment contracts;
  • employed by ;
  • external part-time workers;
  • seasonal workers.

Personnel numbers are intended for internal use. Therefore, they almost never appear in the employer’s outgoing documentation, but are used to record time worked and automate salary calculations when registering and so on.

Using such identifiers allows you to:

  • simplify and facilitate the processing of employee data;
  • track their movement between departments during the transfer process;
  • when assigning a personnel number, make special notes in it to facilitate accounting and establish, for example, a special accrual procedure ;
  • promptly generate requests for each employee and receive full information about accrued and paid salaries, , time off, overtime, vacations, etc.

But still, the main reason that makes it particularly appropriate to assign personnel numbers to employees is the working hours worked by each of them. These unique numbers are used for accounting, including automated ones, and recording the time of arrival and departure from work, lunch breaks, and absences for personal matters. Thanks to their use, the employer has the opportunity to obtain reliable information about how fully the employee uses his working time, control this and take it into account in the remuneration system, for example, when calculating bonuses.

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Every employee must receive their own unique code, even if it is an external part-time worker working at half or quarter rate.

Employee personnel number: how the code is assigned to an internal part-time worker

- a common phenomenon, the essence of which comes down to performing work in several positions within one organization. An internal part-time worker carries out additional assignments from the employer only during his free time from working in his main position, on the basis of a separate employment contract.

Since when the parties enter into not one, but several employment contracts - according to the number of positions held by the employee - it is advisable to assign a personnel number for each of them. A specialist who works in two positions receives two different personnel numbers, in three positions - three, and so on. This simplifies the procedure for recording the time worked by a part-time worker. Hours worked in the main position are counted separately from the time worked in Download completed sample
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In 2017, personnel numbers are assigned to all employees with whom the employer establishes labor relations. Including homeworkers, and specialists employed on a part-time or weekly basis. Personnel numbers 2017 are not assigned only to persons with whom cooperation is carried out on the basis (contract, provision of services).

What is a personnel number, where does it come from and is it required? Read our article to find out whether you can use the numbers of dismissed employees

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Procedure for assigning a personnel number

The Labor Code does not define what an employee's personnel number is. This concept appeared in the Letter of the USSR State Committee for Labor N 75-AB, the USSR Ministry of Finance N 89, the USSR Central Statistical Office N 10-80 dated 04/27/1973. When a person gets a job, the HR department assigns him a digital code - a personnel number. This combination of numbers is unique and not repeated; each employee has their own. The code remains unchanged throughout the entire period of employment between the person and the company.

In very large companies with many thousands of employees, this can be done by a separate specialist - a timekeeper. In other companies, such responsibilities are assigned to a specialist in the HR or accounting department.

The legislation does not regulate this encoding and its assignment in any way, and theoretically, any company has the right to invent its own cipher using Roman numerals, symbols and letters. But usually timekeepers follow the practice that has developed over the years.

The process of assigning a personnel number to a new employee is traditionally as follows:

  • the specialist registering the newly arrived employee requests a free combination from the responsible employee;
  • the code assigned to the person is entered into the employment order and personal card;
  • information about the specialist hired and the number assigned to him is entered into the accounting journal.

Is a personnel number required?

Since the legislation has not made employee personnel numbers mandatory, small companies consisting of 2-3 employees can do without them. But in medium and large companies they are most often used. This codification allows:

  • facilitate the work of accountants in processing and recording information about internal movements of employees;
  • taxes are also simpler and more correct, thanks to the marks entered according to the employee’s personnel number;
  • simplify the search for information about salary, sick leave, time off, etc. for each employee.

Personnel number of the employee upon re-employment

The code assigned to an employee upon joining does not change until the person leaves the organization. To avoid confusion, it is recommended not to assign his code to new specialists for 1-2 years after the dismissal of an employee.

In this case, if the employee decides to return to the company, he should return his previous ID. In case of a later return, the person will receive the previous code only if they do not have time to give it to one of the new specialists.

Not every employee comes across such a concept as “employee personnel number”. Often those who work in a large or medium-sized enterprise know about this. The accounting department of a small-scale LLC usually does not notify employees. Large factories always tell employees their personnel numbers. Whether employees know about it or not, the assignment of a serial number is carried out by the personnel department or accounting department. This is regulated by current legislation, and the absence of this clause is a violation.

Personnel number - what is it?

In principle, from the name itself it becomes clear what a personnel number is. This is a kind of numerical value that is assigned to a specific employee. This is a code that identifies an employee.

The peculiarities of personnel numbers include the fact that they are individual. That is, there are no workers whose code would completely match. At the same time, the personnel number is retained for the dismissed employee. If he subsequently continues his employment relationship with this employer, then he is assigned his old number.

It is also worth noting that the employee’s personnel number is assigned to him upon employment; it does not change in the future. That is, registration for a job assigns a certain code, which in the future remains the same, regardless of a change of position or salary increase.

The need for personnel numbers. What are they needed for?

Still, it’s better to figure out why the employer needs personnel numbers. The employee gets nothing from this. As mentioned above, the employee may not be aware of the existence of such a code. However, why was the employee’s personnel number initially introduced? How is this cipher assigned and what does it mean?

Personnel numbers help the accounting department of an LLC or enterprise. Thanks to them, electronic document management becomes easier. Although it is worth noting that personnel numbers at large factories have been used for quite a long time, even before the advent of the 1C program.

What are the main points that allow you to use this cipher? This is, first of all:

  • Facilitating the work of HR specialists. This is due to the fact that tracking the personnel number helps not to “lose” an employee when he changes positions.
  • Assisting the accounting department in working with the calculation and issuance of wages. Personnel numbers in 1C are directly related here. It is this program that helps you select an employee not by name or position, but by personnel number.
  • Tracking an employee's presence at work. Relevant for enterprises that are equipped with an electronic pass system.

Specific examples. Why do you need a personnel number?

To understand who and how assigns a personnel number to an employee, you need to fully understand why this parameter is needed.

First of all, it helps to avoid unnecessary gossip. So, if, when calculating wages, an accountant or a specialist in standardization and remuneration sees only personnel numbers. He cannot understand exactly what amount Ivanov received and what amount Petrov received. That is, this allows us to further enhance secrecy.

The personnel number also helps you avoid mistakes. This is another parameter that allows you to check the correctness of the document. This is especially true when there are namesakes or full namesakes. Of course, you can also check parameters by position or date of hire. However, personnel numbers should not be discounted.

Who can appropriate?

Personnel numbers are assigned to employees by a HR specialist. However, it is worth noting that the legislation does not regulate the position of the employee involved in assigning ciphers. However, when applying for a job, it is the HR engineers who are directly present.

This can also be done by the heads of structural divisions or even by the head of the enterprise. In the absence of a personnel employee, an accountant may take his place in this matter.

Who can be assigned a personnel number

Can all employees be assigned a code? Personnel numbers are usually kept for all employees of an enterprise. Namely:

  • For employees working on a permanent basis.
  • Temporary or seasonal workers.
  • External part-time workers.
  • For those who work part-time.

In fact, each employee has his own personnel number, regardless of how long he is employed. It is noteworthy that even students who apply for internships in any department receive their own code.

It is worth noting that if an employee has any combination of jobs or professions within one enterprise, he still receives one personnel number. An employee who works part-time in two companies has his own individual code in each of them.

How is an employee's personnel number assigned? What does the law say?

It is immediately worth noting that the legislation is quite vague about assigning a personnel number at an enterprise. In fact, there are no specific articles in the Labor Code or federal laws regulating how personnel numbers are assigned to employees. Each employer develops for himself a system that helps him maintain competent and convenient records of these ciphers. Here, the internal documents of the organization play an important role. In them, for example, you can determine the position of the employee involved in assigning numbers.

It is generally accepted that a personnel number is assigned to each employee, and one should start with the first number. In fact, it becomes identical to the concept of “ordinal number”.

Such accounting can be carried out in two ways:

  • Using special programs.
  • Manually by an employee.

The latter method is used less and less. This is due to the fact that the most popular 1C program allows you to automatically assign numbers to each newly hired employee of the enterprise.

Assigning a personnel number may seem like a time-consuming process. However, it is not. Just follow a few simple rules and this action will be carried out automatically.

First of all, the internal documents of the organization must assign this obligation to a specific employee. This will help avoid arguments in the future. This will also eliminate the situation when no one is responsible for this operation.

Secondly, the direct assignment of a number to an employee should be carried out on the employee’s first working day, and ideally at the time of concluding an employment contract. In this case, the numbering will be correct and without gaps.

A specific numeric code must be conveyed to employees, as this not only increases their importance in their eyes, but also helps to avoid errors when calculating wages. This is due to the fact that when writing any applications for financial assistance or for taking leave, the employee will indicate, among other things, his personnel number.

This parameter must also be indicated in the employment order. It can be typed in the program or handwritten by a HR representative.

Logbook. Recording personnel numbers

Enterprises that are forced to use personnel numbers for their employees often use a document such as a personnel number register.

This internal document of the enterprise may indicate the following parameters:

  • The employee’s passport data, including his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the number and series of the document.
  • The date the employee was hired at his main workplace.
  • The number of the employment contract, as well as the date of its preparation.
  • Specialist position.
  • The department in which the employee will work.
  • Direct personnel number.

A personnel number is mandatory for large enterprises. However, small companies also use this method to make life easier for employees of the HR department or accounting department. In a general sense, this is the numbering of employees. Since each number is unique, it helps ensure that funds are credited to the right person. This is especially true when employing namesakes or namesakes. Keeping records of personnel numbers itself is not a complex or time-consuming procedure. Basically, it is entrusted to the HR specialist. However, the law allows you to assign this mission to another employee. This fact is stated in the documents of the organization itself.