Job responsibilities of Deputy Chief Engineer. Job description for deputy chief engineer Job description for deputy chief construction engineer

"I affirm"

Director of LLC "____________"




Deputy Chief Engineer for Construction Control


1. General Provisions

1.1. A person with a higher technical education and management experience in engineering, technical and management positions of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of deputy chief engineer for construction control.

1.2. The deputy chief engineer for construction control is appointed and dismissed by the director on the proposal of the chief engineer.

1.3. In work he reports to the chief engineer and director.

1.4. In his work, he must be guided by regulations, decrees, regulations, instructions, and other governing documents on issues governing the rules of production planning and production management, orders, instructions of the manager, and internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

1.5. Must know:

Types of built-up objects;

Rules for production planning of enterprise activities, prospects for its development;

Profile of the activity of the enterprise, its structural divisions;

Rules for drawing up production schedules, as well as production plans;

Production capacity of the enterprise;

Rules for organizing accounting of production activities of an enterprise, basics of production technology;

Fundamentals of warehousing, transport, loading and unloading operations of the enterprise;

Fundamentals of economics and labor legislation.

2. Rights

2.1. Familiarizes with documentation directly related to the task being performed.

2.2. Gets acquainted with the orders and instructions of the employer.

2.3. Engages specialists to perform assigned duties.

2.4. Personally or on behalf of the manager makes the necessary requests from structural divisions.

2.5. Makes proposals for improving and modernizing the work of the enterprise on issues within its jurisdiction.

2.6. Requires management to comply with guarantees of their rights and obligations.

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Organizes the development and clarification of calendar schedules for construction and installation works, as well as production plans for the enterprise.

3.2. Monitors the construction process, provides the enterprise with the necessary technical documentation, equipment, components, tools, transport, etc.

3.3. Supervises the preparation for construction and installation work.

3.4. Monitors the progress of construction, the fulfillment of monthly standards for construction and installation work, and requires reporting on the volume of work performed from the managers of production sites.

3.5. Considers design changes that arise during the construction of the facility. Resolves issues regarding changes to design documentation.

3.6. Controls the preparation, accounting, and regulation of order execution.

3.7. Carries out general control over the operation of enterprise vehicles.

3.8. Performs work to prevent and eliminate existing violations of the production process at the enterprise.

3.9. Organizes the participation of the production department in inventory work of work in progress.

3.10. Studies the results of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise for the reporting period, identifies opportunities for improving their work.

3.11. Monitors the completion of loading and unloading operations on time.

3.12. Accepts completed construction projects.

  1. Responsibility

4.1. For failure to fulfill the duties provided for by this job description, internal labor regulations and employment contract, he bears disciplinary liability in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For the commission of administrative offenses or a criminal offense during the performance of official duties, he is liable in accordance with administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. In case of causing material damage to the Company, he bears full financial responsibility. When concluding an employment contract, an agreement on full financial responsibility is concluded with him.




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OJSC "Company"
____________ V.V. Umnikov

"___"___________ 2018.

Job description
chief engineer
OJSC "Company"

1. General Provisions

1.2 A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in management positions in the relevant industry sector of the enterprise for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of chief engineer.

1.3 The chief engineer reports directly to the general director.

1.4 The chief engineer is appointed and dismissed from his position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the general director.

1.5 The following are directly subordinate to the Chief Engineer:

Head of the Capital Construction Department - Deputy Chief Engineer;
- chief mechanical engineer;
- Chief Power Engineer;
- Head of the Department of Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection;
- head of the design department;
- Head of the department of software processing of parts
- head of the automatic telephone exchange.

1.6 The chief engineer in his work is guided by:

The current legislation of the Russian Federation, resolutions of state bodies of the Russian Federation, instructions and other regulatory documents regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;

Current regulatory and technological documents of the enterprise;

The company's quality policy;

Documentation of the enterprise quality management system;

Directives and orders from the management of the enterprise;

1.7 In case of temporary absence, the duties of the chief engineer are performed by the deputy chief engineer or a person appointed by order of the general director, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for their proper execution.

1.8 In addition to the orders of the executive director, the chief engineer carries out written and oral orders of the general director.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1 The chief engineer is obliged to:

2.1.1 Determine the technical policy and directions of technical development of the enterprise in a market economy, ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, the level of specialization and diversification of production for the future.

2.1.2 Ensure the necessary level of technical preparation of production, increasing production efficiency, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources.

2.1.3 Ensure the effectiveness of design solutions, timely preparation of production, uninterrupted operation of equipment, technical operation and modernization of equipment.

2.1.4 Organize work to ensure the safety of operating production equipment, to modernize and replace equipment that does not meet safety requirements.

2.1.5 Monitor compliance with rules and regulations on occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and industrial safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.

2.1.6 Manage the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production.

2.1.7 Based on modern achievements of science and technology, best practices, organize work on the design and implementation into production of means of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, on the development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for their production, consistent implementation of savings regime and cost reduction.
Organize the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment, carrying out organizational and technical activities, and development work.

2.1.8 Approve the list of high-risk work performed under the work permit.

2.1.9 Ensure the development of plans for eliminating industrial accidents, their adjustment when production conditions change, the investigation and recording of accidents, the development of measures to prevent accidents and monitoring the implementation of these measures.

2.1.10 Ensure recording of industrial accidents, timely conduct, registration and submission in the prescribed manner of accident investigation materials, analysis of industrial injuries, development and implementation of measures to prevent them.

2.1.11 Ensure the inclusion of labor protection measures and the mechanization of manual operations in plans for the introduction of new equipment and in the developed technological processes, as well as in plans for the rationalization of workplaces.

2.1.12 Conclude agreements with research, design (engineering and technological) organizations and higher educational institutions for the development of new equipment, projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise, its divisions, renewal and modernization of equipment, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, organize the review and implementation of projects technical re-equipment developed by third-party organizations, drawing up applications for the purchase of equipment.

2.1.13 Coordinate work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.

2.1.14 Manage the activities and ensure the improvement of the work of the technical services of the enterprise, monitor the results of their work, the state of labor, financial and production discipline in subordinate departments.

2.1.15 Analyze the activities of subordinate services and bring the results of the analysis to the attention of the General Director.

2.1.16 Determine the responsibilities, duties and powers of the personnel of subordinate services in the relevant job descriptions.

2.1.17 Determine the actions that need to be taken in relation to any problems requiring preventive and corrective actions.

2.1.18 Constantly improve the results of your professional activities.

2.1.19 Know the relevant quality management system documentation required for the work and comply with its requirements.

2.1.20 Ensure understanding of the Quality Policy by subordinate personnel.

2.1.21 Ensure that subordinate personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and contribution to the achievement of quality objectives.

2.1.22 Determine the need for training of subordinate personnel, evaluate the effectiveness of their training.

2.1.23 Ensure the implementation of the processes “Providing infrastructure”, “Providing the production environment” and related activities and tasks.

2.1.24 Perform the duties provided for in the instructions “Functional responsibilities of the process”.

2.1.25 Provide general management and control over the implementation of fire safety requirements in subordinate departments.

3. Professional requirements

3.1 The chief engineer must know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and management, defining priority directions for the development of the industry;

Production capacity of the enterprise;

Technology of production of the enterprise's products;

The procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

The procedure for concluding and executing financial and business contracts;

Economics and organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of environmental and labor legislation;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

The structure and staff of the enterprise, profile, specialization and prospects for its development;

Reporting procedure;

Documentation of the enterprise quality management system.

4.1 The chief engineer has the right:

Request and receive information necessary to perform job duties from all structural divisions;

Check the activities of the enterprise’s structural divisions in the field of technical preparation of production;

Approve and change the work plans of employees of subordinate services, submit for promotion and make proposals to hold them accountable;

Use information technology and other resources of the enterprise in order to implement their job responsibilities;

Approve work plans of subordinate services on all issues of their production and economic activities;

Cancel orders of his subordinate managers that contradict the requirements of regulatory documents;

Represent the company in third-party organizations on issues of production activities within its competence.

5. Service relationships

5.1 The chief engineer interacts with all structural divisions of the enterprise.

6.1 The chief engineer is responsible in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation for:

Failure to fulfill the duties assigned to him by this job description;

Violation of safety rules, fire safety rules and industrial sanitation rules;

Failure to comply with orders, assignments, instructions and instructions of higher management of the enterprise;

Untimely and unreliable provision of information to senior managers, as well as functionally related employees of the enterprise divisions;

Violation of financial and staff discipline;

Violation of local regulatory documents adopted by the enterprise.

deputy chief engineer for repairs


1.1. The Deputy Chief Engineer for Repairs (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”) is classified as a manager.
1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Employee when performing work in his specialty and directly at the workplace at "________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer").
1.3. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.
1.4. The employee reports directly to the chief engineer.
1.5. The employee must know:
- decrees, orders, orders and other regulatory, guidance and methodological documents on the maintenance and repair of nuclear power plant (NP) equipment;
- prospects for technical, economic and social development of nuclear energy and nuclear power plants;
- organizational structure of NPP management;
- the procedure for developing and approving NPP production and technical activity plans;
- organization of maintenance and repair of NPP equipment;
- technical characteristics, design features and operational data of the main equipment of the plant, planning methods and technology for carrying out repair work;
- the procedure for preparing documentation for the repair of NPP equipment;
- procedure for action in case of accidents at the nuclear power plant;
- the procedure for concluding and executing business contracts;
- methods and means of ensuring nuclear safety of reactor installations during transportation of spent nuclear fuel, storage and transportation of nuclear hazardous fissile materials;
- rules for the safe operation of NPPs, NPP equipment and pipelines;
- labor protection requirements during the operation of thermal mechanical equipment, power plants and heating networks;
- rules for working with radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation;
- radiation safety standards;
- the procedure for investigating and recording violations in the operation of the plant;
- basics of economics;
- labor protection and fire safety rules;
- Internal labor regulations.
Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Energy, power engineering and electrical engineering" and work experience as a plant manager or his deputy for at least 3 years.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to ________________ (position).
1.7. The Employee is subordinate to: ________________________________.


Manages the preparation and organization of repairs, maintenance, and modernization of nuclear power plant equipment. Provides a high technical level of repair work in accordance with the requirements of norms and regulations in the field of atomic energy use, technical specifications and other regulatory documents. Ensures the creation of safe conditions during repair work. Coordinates the implementation of repair work by all organizations involved in the repair. Provides solutions to organizational and technical issues related to the repair and modernization of NPP equipment, buildings and structures, and takes part in resolving issues related to their reconstruction. Organizes the development of long-term, annual and monthly schedules of preventive maintenance, equipment modernization plans, and monitors their implementation. Organizes the execution of contracts for the repair of equipment, buildings and structures of nuclear power plants, signs contracts and estimates for the performance of repair work in an economic and contract manner. Participates in the work of commissions for handing over major equipment for repair and acceptance from repair. Ensures the production of spare parts, repair equipment and other devices for equipment repair by NPP personnel, as well as placing orders for their production at other enterprises. Ensures rational use of materials and spare parts during repair work. Organizes the preparation of requests for materials, spare parts and equipment, monitoring their implementation. Manages the development of regulatory documents for equipment repair, technological processes for standard and non-standard repair work, consumption standards for spare parts, equipment and materials. Organizes the preparation and execution of reporting documentation for equipment repairs. Participates in the preparation of proposals for the modernization of equipment and reconstruction of buildings and structures of nuclear power plants, the introduction of new equipment, and in drawing up plans for increasing production efficiency. Manages the development and implementation of measures to increase turnaround times and improve the quality of repair work. Provides accommodation for NPP maintenance and repair personnel and contractor employees at production sites. Carries out work to improve labor organization, develop and implement new progressive repair methods, restore parts, assemblies and mechanisms, and introduce mechanization means. Participates in the development and implementation of labor protection and industrial sanitation measures, reducing the impact of ionizing radiation on plant personnel. Monitors compliance with labor safety rules and environmental protection measures. Manages work to study and improve working conditions for NPP maintenance and repair personnel. Participates in the work of commissions to investigate accidents and injuries that occur during equipment repair. Takes measures to reduce the labor intensity of repair maintenance, increase labor productivity, develop and implement progressive time standards for equipment repairs. Monitors compliance by NPP maintenance and repair personnel with the requirements of rules, regulations, instructions and standards for repair technology. Provides training and maintenance of qualifications for NPP maintenance and repair personnel.


The employee has the right to:
- management of subordinates;
- providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract;
- a workplace that complies with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;
- complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;
- professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;
- obtaining materials and documents related to their activities;
- interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

The employee is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer.
4.4. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.


5.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.
5.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

[organizational and legal form,
name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other
official authorized to approve
job description]

[day month Year]

Job description of the deputy chief engineer of the project[Business name]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, 4th edition, supplemented, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37, and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1.1. The deputy chief engineer of the project belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [name of the manager's position].

1.2. A person with a higher professional education and experience in design or scientific and pedagogical work in the relevant field of knowledge of at least [fill in the required] years, and in the design of particularly large and complex objects - at least [fill in the required] years, is accepted for the position of deputy chief engineer of the project. years.

1.3. During the absence of the deputy chief engineer of the project, his official duties are performed by [position, full name].

1.4. The Deputy Chief Project Engineer must know:

Prospects for the development of the relevant sector of the economy, science and technology;

Organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction;

Fundamentals of standardization, certification and patent science;

Resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities, guidelines, methodological and regulatory materials on the design, construction and operation of facilities;

Technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the facilities being designed;

Labor organization requirements when designing objects for various purposes;

Building regulations;

Modern technical means for designing and performing computational work;

Standards, technical specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation;

The procedure for concluding and executing contracts for the creation (transfer) of scientific and technical products;

Economics and organization of construction;

Automation tools for design work;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

The Deputy Chief Engineer of the project is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Along with the chief engineer of the project, he carries out technical supervision of design and survey work during the design of the facility and supervision of its construction, commissioning and development of design capacities.

2.2. Based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology, the most appropriate and economical design solutions ensure a high technical and economic level of the designed objects.

2.3. Takes measures aimed at improving the quality of design estimates and reducing the consumption of material resources during the construction of facilities, reducing the cost of their operation based on improving the quality of design, urban planning and architectural planning solutions.

2.4. Participates in the preparation of data for concluding contracts with customers for the development (transfer) of scientific and technical products, including the justification of contract prices.

2.5. If necessary, participates in the work of commissions for the selection of sites (routes) for construction, in the preparation of design assignments and in the organization of engineering surveys for the development of design estimates and other technical documentation.

2.6. Organizes its development for the facilities assigned to him, participates in the preparation of comprehensive plans and schedules for the implementation of research, design, engineering and technological work for facilities where new technological processes and equipment with a long development, design and manufacturing cycle will be used. Organizes the preparation of all project documentation, support of design and estimate documentation during the examination.

2.7. Participates in the preparation of calendar plans for the production of scientific and technical products.

2.8. Participates in the development of proposals on the composition of project developers, distributes tasks between them according to sections and parts of the project, volumes and costs of work.

2.9. Forms assignments for subcontractors to perform the work entrusted to them and provides these organizations with the necessary initial data.

2.10. Within the limits of their competence, resolves issues that arise during the development of documentation.

2.11. Monitors the technical level of design, urban planning and architectural planning decisions taken, the economical expenditure of funds for design and survey work, and the timing of development of design and estimate documentation.

2.12. Guarantees compliance of the developed design and estimate documentation with state standards, norms, rules and instructions.

2.13. Along with the chief engineer of the project, he ensures verification of patent purity and patentability of technological processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and products first used in the project or developed for it.

2.14. In the absence of the chief engineer of the project, he defends the project in higher organizations and examination bodies.

2.15. Participates in the review and approval of design and estimate documentation by the general contracting construction organization.

2.16. Resolves issues that arise in the process of construction design, commissioning of a facility, and development of design capacities.

2.17. Organizes work to eliminate detected defects in design estimates and other technical documentation, as well as to record the expenditure of approved estimates.

2.18. Prepares proposals to the management of the design organization and the customer to make changes to the working documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents, taking into account the actual state of construction.

2.19. Provides analysis and generalization of experience in the design, construction and operation of constructed facilities and preparation on this basis of proposals to improve the technical and economic level of design solutions.

2.20. Prepares reviews and conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.

2.21. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and drawing up applications for inventions, in seminars and conferences in his specialty.

2.22. [Other responsibilities].

The Deputy Chief Engineer of the project has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Submit proposals to improve the activities of the enterprise for management's consideration.

3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.4. Receive materials and information on your activities.

3.5. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the enterprise relating to his activities.

3.6. Give orders and instructions to subordinate employees regarding the activities of the enterprise and monitor their implementation.

3.7. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.8. [Other rights].

The Deputy Chief Project Engineer is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of the duties provided for in this instruction, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document]

Job Description for Deputy Chief Operations Engineer

_________________________________ (name of company)

JOB DESCRIPTION for Deputy Chief Operations Engineer

1.2. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the manager _______________________.

1.3. The employee reports directly to _____________________.

1.4. Qualification requirements:

Higher professional education in the specialty "Energy, power engineering and electrical engineering" and work experience in management positions at nuclear power plants for at least 8 years, including in positions not lower than deputy head of the main technological workshop of a nuclear power plant or shift supervisor for a nuclear power plant for at least 4 years.

1.5. The employee in his activities is guided by:

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization;

This job description.

1.6. The employee must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation defining the directions of development of nuclear energy;

Norms and rules for ensuring nuclear, radiation, industrial, fire, and environmental safety during the operation of a nuclear power plant (NP) and NPP operational documentation necessary to perform job duties;

Profile, specialization, production capacity and structural features of the AS;

Prospects for the technical development of nuclear power plants;

Design features and technical characteristics of NPP equipment and technological systems;

Basic technological schemes of the NPP;

Procedure in case of accidents and fires at nuclear power plants;

Basic rules for ensuring the operation of nuclear power plants;

Requirements for organizing work with personnel at nuclear power plants;

Regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording violations in the operation of nuclear power plants;

Regulations on the organization of investigation of violations in the operation of nuclear power plants by the operating organization;

Technological regulations for the operation of nuclear power plants;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of nuclear energy;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations.

1.7. In the absence of the Employee, his functions are performed by _____________________.

2.1. Ensures compliance of the technical condition and level of operation of NPP equipment and systems with operational limits and conditions, including conditions for safe work, implementation of nuclear, radiation, industrial and fire safety measures during NPP operation.

2.2. Manages the work of the plant operating personnel.

2.3. Monitors the implementation of load bearing schedules in order to ensure compliance with the state plan-order for the supply of electricity.

2.4. Organizes the development of operating schedules for NPP equipment and testing of safety systems, shutdown schedules, unit startups, and monitors their implementation.

2.5. Organizes the analysis of the results of testing the NPP safety systems.

2.6. Reviews and approves technical solutions, technological instructions, test programs, inspection methods, schedules for current and major repairs of main equipment.

2.7. Makes decisions on applications for equipment removal for repair that do not require permission from the power system dispatcher, accepts equipment from repair and reconstruction.

2.8. Organizes activities to improve the technical and economic performance of equipment.

2.9. Performs periodic monitoring of the condition of workplaces, equipment, and operational documentation.

2.10. Organizes the development of technical documentation for the operation of equipment, investigates cases of unscheduled equipment shutdowns and deviations from normal operation modes, develops measures aimed at eliminating similar cases.

2.11. Coordinates operational instructions and monitors the timeliness of their revision.

2.12. Organizes the development and coordination of regulations on AS divisions and job descriptions of subordinate personnel.

2.13. Organizes work to ensure the training and maintenance of qualifications of NPP operating personnel.

2.14. Organizes emergency and fire drills.

2.15. Organizes labor protection work for subordinate personnel.

2.16. Participates in the consideration of rationalization proposals, development and implementation of safety measures, reducing the impact of ionizing radiation on personnel.

2.17. Monitors compliance with labor safety rules and implementation of necessary environmental protection measures.

2.18. Provides management of work to study and improve working conditions for NPP personnel, implementation of advanced domestic and foreign experience in operating NPP equipment.

2.19. Participates in work on certification and certification of workplaces.

2.20. Organizes work with the operational personnel of the plant to create a safety culture, strengthen labor discipline, comply with the Labor Code, internal labor regulations; Ensures healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate personnel.

The employee has the right to:

3.1. Providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract.

3.2. A workplace that meets state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions stipulated by the collective agreement.

3.3. Timely and full payment of wages in accordance with your qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.

3.4. Rest ensured by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, the provision of weekly days off, non-working holidays, and paid annual leave.

3.5. Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

3.6. Professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.7. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.8. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement.

3.9. Conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements.

3.10. Protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law.

3.11. Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.12. Compensation for damage caused to him in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.13. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

3.14. Receiving materials and documents related to your activities.

3.15. Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

3.16. Give subordinate employees instructions and tasks on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.17. Monitor the implementation of planned tasks, timely completion of individual instructions and tasks, and the work of subordinate employees.

3.18. Require the head of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of his duties.

3.19. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization concerning the activities of the Employee.

3.20. Make proposals to the head of the organization on issues of its activities.

3.21. Receive official information necessary to perform your duties.

Conscientiously fulfill his labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract and job description;

Comply with internal labor regulations;

Maintain labor discipline;

Comply with established labor standards;

Comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements;

Treat with care the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;

Immediately inform the Employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer’s property (including property of third parties owned by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).

The employee is responsible:

5.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Employer.

6.2. Job evaluation:

Regular - carried out by the immediate supervisor in the process of the Employee performing labor functions;

This job description was developed in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977 “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Employees of Nuclear Energy Organizations”.

Chief engineer - job responsibilities

The range of job responsibilities of the chief engineer is very wide and directly depends on the specifics of the enterprise. All of them are specified and formulated in the job description. It is compiled with a focus on the specifics of the enterprise and contains a list of rights and responsibilities relating to the position.

Job description of the chief engineer of the enterprise

The chief engineer is in charge of the entire technical policy of the company - from the production focus to the technologies and equipment used, from the organization of the production process to determining the prospects for the direction being implemented. It is this specialist who makes decisions about equipping buildings, workshops and workplaces themselves. Not only purely technological operations are taken into account, but also compliance with safety regulations and ensuring proper working conditions. The main job responsibilities of the chief engineer of an enterprise include the following.

  • Identification of promising directions and development of an enterprise development strategy.
  • Implementation of measures for technical re-equipment and reconstruction.
  • Strict confidentiality in communications with representatives of competitors.
  • Correction of the technical training of the company and its specialists.
  • Control over the specialization of the production process.
  • Analysis of the use of human and technical resources.
  • Increasing the labor efficiency of the entire team, rationalizing financial and technical resources.
  • Ensuring that products comply with current standards, attractiveness, safety and hygiene criteria.
  • Participation in the development of the technical plan.
  • Introduction of modern technologies in relation to the production process and ensuring healthy working conditions.

Occupying this position, the specialist directly coordinates work with patents and inventions, heads the commissions for the development of technical documentation, and is responsible for the accuracy of the drawings. The tasks of the chief engineer include the implementation of measures to increase productivity and improve the competitiveness of manufactured products.

There are strict requirements for training a specialist of this level.

  • Impeccable knowledge of the regulatory framework governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • Knowledge of the company structure and industry subordination, the mechanism for making management decisions.
  • Industry-appropriate technical training – higher education and qualifications in the specialty.
  • Free orientation in the technologies used and implemented.
  • Possession of knowledge in the development, preparation and implementation of business plans.
  • Methodology of market management.
  • Legal basis for organizing production, labor legislation.

To fulfill his immediate duties, the chief engineer is allowed to receive information from any services of the enterprise. He has the right to check and make claims to the heads of departments, workshops and units for technical equipment and personnel training. This specialist is required to participate in the consideration of commercial proposals from suppliers and contractors, having the right to vote when making strategic decisions on behalf of the company. Reports directly to the director, takes part in production meetings, giving instructions to the heads of departments, workshops and units on re-equipment and advanced training of employees.

Job description of the chief engineer of a construction organization

A construction project is considered like any production project - there is a goal: the construction and commissioning of the facility. Equipment, materials, specialists are involved in its implementation, and a deadline has been determined. The chief engineer is responsible for the implementation of all stages. The job responsibilities of a chief engineer in construction include the following.

  • Selection of material resources necessary to implement the task and their acquisition.
  • Determination of construction stages and the required amount of human resources.
  • Drawing up and maintaining design and accounting documentation for the construction of the facility.
  • Participation in the preparation of business plans.
  • Distribution of financial proceeds to different stages of construction.
  • Organization of work process without downtime.
  • Delivery of the finished facility to the customer and its commissioning.
  • Prompt elimination of errors and shortcomings, replacement of materials, equipment and specialists.
  • Responsibility for the rational use of materials, technologies and financial investments.

At a construction site, the chief engineer plays the role of the main boss. All the nuances of construction are discussed and agreed upon by the head of the developer company only with him. Next, at the site, the chief engineer independently makes management decisions. This position requires a specialist with at least 8 years of experience (for large socially significant facilities - from 10 years).

The wide range of responsibilities of the chief engineer does not allow him to perform all the functions assigned to him independently. For this reason, the unit of Deputy Chief Engineer is being introduced. Depending on the scale and specifics of the object - production or construction - there may be several deputies. Each of them carries out a number of functions from the sphere of the chief engineer, to whom they directly report. Typically, the distribution of functions is based on areas of responsibility: personnel, technical equipment, safety, compliance of materials and technologies with hygiene and safety standards.

At regular meetings, deputies report the situation to the chief engineer, discuss problems, issues and make decisions. They directly carry out his instructions and are the connecting link between the chief engineer, heads of workshops, departments and foremen. The training and qualifications of deputies are subject to similar requirements as for the position of chief engineer. The difference lies in experience and specialization - the HR deputy does not need to have a thorough understanding of materials and technologies and vice versa.

Chief project engineer job description

The abbreviation GIP, denoting the position of chief project engineer, is primarily applicable to design organizations. It is in them that this specialist is responsible for projects ordered by clients. But, within the framework of large production complexes, the functions of the chief engineer of the project are also implemented. The object is the development of design documentation. The range of his tasks in both cases is very wide.

  • Technical management of design and survey work.
  • Author's supervision of the construction and commissioning of the facility.
  • Improving the quality and information content of project documentation.
  • Information preparation for concluding contracts with customers.
  • Drawing up calendar plans for contractors.
  • Control over the timing and quality of work assigned to contractors.
  • Determination of optimal materials and equipment for the implementation of the project from the point of view of patentability.
  • Justification of deviations from current standards and application of those specified in the project documentation.
  • Selection of narrow specialists - designers to participate in the work on the project.
  • Project protection.
  • Risk assessment, development of ways to minimize them.
  • Conducting examinations and drawing up conclusions.

In each specific case, the specifics of the project matter. To work on each, a highly specialized team of electrical engineers, heat power engineers, utility workers, etc. is selected. The ISU's job is to coordinate their activities and get the most out of them.

Job descriptions of the chief engineer in other areas

Position chief There are engineers in every industry.

The job description of the chief engineer in production provides for responsibilities for checking and compliance of equipment, premises, and workplaces with safety regulations. His tasks include overseeing compliance with internal regulations at the enterprise. The efficiency of the entire production process depends on this. In production, it is important to make timely decisions on modernization, replacement of technological lines, and introduction of new methods and equipment. Personnel composition is no less important. All these issues are the responsibility of the chief production engineer.

The job description of the chief housing and communal services engineer indicates the main responsibility for the delivery and operation of residential facilities. He is in charge of all communications systems. He supervises the work of contractors and is a member of the technical control commission. All questions regarding the operation of the water supply system, heat and power supply, ventilation, and the condition of supporting structures are under the control of Ch. housing and communal services engineer.

Area of ​​responsibility: the entire technical park. Garages, service workshops, their equipment, transport fleet, and personnel serving it - Ch. is responsible for all this. engineer. From the health of the driver behind the wheel to the condition of the vehicle they are driving - this is the area of ​​responsibility of the chief engineer.

Large agro-industrial enterprises also have such a position. It implies responsibility for the entire technical component of the complex, from the units themselves, equipment to the team servicing it all.

1.1. The Deputy Chief Engineer reports directly to the Chief Engineer of the fuel dispenser.

1.2. The deputy chief engineer is hired and fired by order of the General Director of the Broadcasting Company on the recommendation of the chief engineer.

1.3. Methodological supervision of the work of the deputy chief engineer is carried out by the chief engineer.

1.4. In his practical work, Deputy The chief engineer is guided by:

a) this job description;

b) orders and instructions from the management of the broadcasting company;

c) work plan, etc.;

d) regulatory, technical and other regulatory documentation in force at the enterprise;

e) internal regulations, safety regulations, fire safety and industrial sanitation rules, in relation to the use of the duties assigned to him.

1.5. For health reasons, meet the requirements for working on e-mail. Installations of 1000V and at an altitude of over 70 meters.

2. Qualification requirements

2.1. For the position of deputy The chief engineer is appointed a person with a higher education and at least 3 years of work experience as an engineer.

2.2. Deputy The chief engineer should know:

a) the design and principle of operation of the equipment used at the fuel dispenser.

b) current standards, technical conditions, “PTB for the construction and operation of radio communication enterprises”, PTB for the operation of radio relay transmission lines;

c) prospects for the development of equipment and technologies used in fuel dispensers.

2.3. Deputy The chief engineer must have sufficient organizational skills.

2.4. Deputy The chief engineer must be able to:

a) plan and control the work of people subordinate to him;

b) correctly assess the technical qualifications of people subordinate to him.

3.1. Ensure uninterrupted operation of technical equipment in the television company.

3.2. Carry out orders and instructions from the management of the broadcasting company and the immediate supervisor.

3.3. Carry out work in accordance with plans, schedules and facilitate their implementation by engineering service employees;

3.4. Develop annual and monthly plans and schedules for technical inspections, routine repairs, electrical measurements and tests on all types of equipment.

3.5. Organization and control of work execution according to technical inspection schedules.

3.6. Monitoring the work of the technical service personnel on duty and maintaining PTE logs.

3.7. Organization and control of measurements of equipment parameters in accordance with the technical specifications.

3.8. Organization of work on current and major repairs of fuel dispenser equipment.

3.9. Organization of personnel training in safe labor methods, development of measures for safety, industrial safety and industrial sanitation.

3.10. Development of instructions and monitoring the implementation of rules on TB, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

3.11. Conducting training on safety, industrial safety and industrial sanitation (including when carrying out work on repairing pharmaceutical equipment).

3.12. Responsible for compliance with safety regulations, electrical safety, safety regulations by engineering service employees;

3.13. Conducting technical training with technical service personnel and equipment operating personnel.

3.14. Participation in the development of technical specifications for the reconstruction of shopping center sections, preparation of the necessary documents for the State Communications Supervision authorities.

3.15. Organize emergency repairs of equipment.

3.16. Prepare proposals for replacing equipment and introducing new equipment and technologies.

3.17. Consult technical service employees on complex technical issues.

3.18. Replace the chief engineer during his absence.

3.19. Follow the internal regulations of the shopping mall and demand their compliance from subordinates.

3.20. Development of duty schedules for technical service engineers.

4.1. Deputy The chief engineer has the right:

a) raise issues with the management of the TV and Radio Company on improving the organization of work, introducing advanced achievements of science and technology in the field of television and radio broadcasting.

b) demand from the immediate manager the timely coordination and approval of work plans of the technical service and resolution of issues related to the technical service within the competence of the management of the distribution center;

c) demand from the people subordinate to him the execution of orders and instructions, compliance with labor discipline, job descriptions and other documents in force at the shopping mall;

d) carry out the selection and placement of technical service personnel.

5.1. Deputy The chief engineer is responsible for:

a) untimely and poor quality work;

b) poor quality work of the technical service;

c) failure of technical service employees to comply with internal regulations and safety regulations.

d) improper performance of the duties assigned to him, according to the job description, incomplete use of the rights granted to him.


Hardware and studio complex engineer

No._____ “___”_____________200__g.

General provisions

· The ASK engineer belongs to the category of specialists of the TV Company, is hired and dismissed by the president (vice-president) of the TV Company, based on the recommendation of the head of the Hardware and Studio Complex.

· The ASK engineer reports directly to the head of the Hardware and Studio Complex.

· The ASK engineer provides operational management of the ASK technicians and broadcast operators.

· Together with ASK technicians, resolves current issues to ensure uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of the hardware and studio complex, which includes: editing control rooms, on-air and central control rooms, filming pavilions, radio relay stations, satellite receiving stations, viewing workstations.

· In his activities, the ASK engineer is guided by: legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the enterprise, orders and instructions of the management of the enterprise, methodological materials on television production, this job description.

2. Qualification requirements

· Persons with a special radio engineering education, work experience at the enterprise of at least 3 years, and with access to PTE of at least category 3 are appointed to the position of ASK engineer.

· The ASK engineer must possess:

Technical safety rules for broadcast television.

Safety regulations.

Completely know the design, rules and operating procedures of the equipment being serviced, the scheme of signal generation and transmission.

Possible options for working in emergency situations.

3. Must be able to:

· Operate broadcast equipment correctly.

· Perform maintenance of equipment located in the ASK.

· Use measuring instruments used in measuring, setting and monitoring the operation of equipment in use.

· Use fire extinguishing equipment.

· Provide first aid for injuries and electric shocks.

Responsibilities of an ASK engineer

The ASK engineer ensures, with the help of ASK technicians or independently, the functionality of the entire broadcast complex.

· Report daily about all malfunctions and deviations from established standards in the operation of the equipment in use and the broadcast network to the head of the ASK.

· Carry out routine maintenance according to the preventive maintenance schedule.

· Strictly follow the rules of technical operation of equipment, safety regulations, safety regulations, safety regulations, and carry out the orders of the head of the automated control system.

· Participate in all housekeeping activities.


· The ASK engineer has the right to demand that employees of all related departments and organizations comply with instructions and regulations regarding the correct performance of their duties.

· If necessary, call the head of the ASK at any time of the day to eliminate technical problems, accidents and malfunctions that affect the operation of equipment, broadcasting programs, recording programs.

6. The ASK ether engineer is prohibited from:

· Remove warning signs.

· During a thunderstorm, go onto the roof and touch metal parts of structures.

· Smoking in the wrong place, drinking alcoholic beverages.


The ASK engineer, regardless of category, bears full responsibility for:

For following these instructions

For the quality of work performed

For compliance with safety rules, fire safety rules, rules for technical operation of equipment

For the safety of equipment.

Head of department ________________ _________________

(signature) (Last name, initials)

The following have been familiarized with the job description:


Technical service engineer

1. The engineer reports directly to the chief engineer.

2. An engineer is hired and dismissed by order of the General Director on the recommendation of the chief engineer.

3. The methodological supervision of the engineer’s work is carried out by the deputy. chief engineer

4. In his practical work, the engineer is guided by:

4.1. this job description;

4.2. orders and instructions of the management of the Broadcasting Company, ch. engineer;

4.3. work plans;

4.4. regulatory, technical and other regulatory documentation in force at the enterprise;

4.5. internal regulations, duty schedules, safety regulations, safety regulations, industrial sanitation rules, in relation to the performance of his duties.

5. Due to health reasons, the engineer must meet the requirements for working on electrical installations up to 1000 V and at a height of over 70 m.

II. Qualification requirements

1. A person with a higher or secondary specialized education and at least 3 years of work experience in this specialty is appointed to the position of engineer.

2. The engineer must know:

2.1. The design and principle of operation of the equipment being serviced, radio and television transmitters;

2.2. Electrical and structural diagrams of the equipment being serviced;

2.3. Current standards, PTE095, technical specifications, PTE. PTB, “Safety rules for the construction and operation of radio enterprises”, “Safety rules for the operation of radio relay transmission lines”;

2.4. Basic equipment parameters

2.5 Frequency and methods of measurements, methods of monitoring individual parameters of the SVT and VHF FM transmitter during broadcasting.

1. Ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment (in the assigned area)

2. Carry out orders and instructions from the management of the shopping mall and the immediate supervisor.

3. Carry out work in accordance with plans, activities, schedules.

4. Perform the duties of a technical service engineer on duty in accordance with duty schedules.

5. Carry out technical inspection and routine repairs and adjustment of equipment;

6. Carry out repair and maintenance work on antenna-feeder devices;

7. Implement and maintain software used in the fuel dispenser;

8. Prepare proposals for the re-equipment of serviced areas and the introduction of new technologies;

9. Participate in technical training with personnel operating the equipment;

10. Inform the chief engineer about the technical condition of the equipment and, if necessary, submit it for repair;

11. Coordinate all possible design changes in process equipment with the chief engineer or his deputy and make appropriate entries in the appropriate journal;

12. Comply with the internal regulations of the shopping mall, safety regulations, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

13. Carry out technical quality control of SVT and VHF MF broadcasting;

14. Carry out major repairs of fuel dispenser equipment;

15. Perform work on maintaining the emergency warning system and its development;

16. Carry out work on repairing household appliances, installing television and satellite antennas for the population.

17. Perform work under concluded contracts on time and with high quality.

18. Monitor compliance with safety, fire safety, and industrial sanitation rules by personnel operating the equipment.

19. Notify the chief engineer or his deputy in all cases of violation of safety rules or violation of equipment operation rules.

The engineer has the right:

1. Raise questions to the chief engineer on improving the organization of work, introducing advanced achievements of science and technology.

2. Demand that the immediate supervisor issue the assignment in a timely manner.

3. If necessary, seek advice from Ch. engineer or deputy chief engineer

4. Require personnel operating the equipment to comply with safety regulations, fire safety regulations, and industrial sanitation.

The engineer is responsible for:

Untimely and poor quality work, errors in work;

Incorrect use of your working time;

Failure to comply with internal regulations, safety regulations, safety regulations and industrial sanitation;

Improper fulfillment of the duties assigned by the job description and incomplete use of the rights granted to him.


Telecommunication engineer

General provisions

1.1. The main goal of a telecommunications engineer is to ensure uninterrupted, economical and reliable operation of CSPT (collective television reception systems).

1.2. A telecommunications engineer is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The telecommunications engineer reports directly to the chief engineer and studio manager.

1.4. A telecommunications engineer in his work is guided by:

GOSTs and Rules for the technical operation of broadcast television;

Manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and operation of technical equipment and other technical documentation for equipment;

Work plans and schedules;

Current regulatory and technical documents on equipment maintenance;

Orders and instructions for the enterprise, instructions from the chief engineer and studio manager;

Directive instructions of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation on technical operation issues;

PTE, PTB, PPB and additional instructions for the enterprise;

Internal regulations.

1.5. The main responsibilities of a telecommunications engineer are:

1.5.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of planned tasks;

1.5.2. Increasing the reliability of technical equipment;

1.5.3. Reducing time lost due to failures and failures due to technical reasons and malfunctions.

1.5.4. Timely and high-quality elimination of technical faults.

1.5.5. Eliminating the possibility of disruptions to the broadcast of television programs.

1.5.6. Compliance with internal regulations, fire and safety regulations, and industrial sanitation.

1.5.7. Issuance of proposals that improve labor organization, technical and economic performance of the enterprise.

1.5.8. Ensuring proper technical operation, uninterrupted and reliable operation of technical equipment.

1.5.9. Participation, together with the management of the enterprise, in the development of long-term and annual plans, preventive maintenance and maintenance schedules, measures to improve the operation of equipment, and prevent failures and defects in operation.

1.5.10. Carrying out technical inspections of devices and components, monitoring equipment operating parameters, conducting test checks in order to timely detect faults and eliminate them.

1.5.11. Carrying out adjustment of equipment elements and components.

1.5.12. Carrying out technical maintenance of equipment, ensuring its rational use, operability, carrying out preventive and routine repairs.

1.5.13. Monitoring compliance with operating instructions, technical maintenance of equipment, preventing the operation of faulty equipment and devices.

1.5.14. Keeping records and analyzing equipment performance indicators, its operating conditions, developing proposals for improving the operating and maintenance conditions of equipment.

1.5.15. Timely preparation of requests for equipment, spare parts, materials and accessories.

1.5.16. Timely preparation of work reports.

1.5.17. Monitoring the timely provision of equipment with spare parts and materials.

1.5.18. Rational use of working time, compliance with internal regulations, PUE, PTE, PTB and PPB at the level of requirements of electrical safety group III.

1.5.20. Fulfilling orders of the chief engineer and studio manager.

Rights of a telecommunications engineer

A telecommunications engineer has the right:

2.1. Require personnel operating the equipment to follow operating rules.

2.2. Require the management of the enterprise to provide timely spare parts, materials, accessories and supplies.

2.3. Require management to timely issue planned assignments and work schedules.

2.4. Make specific proposals when developing work plans and schedules.

2.5. Require management to ensure normal working conditions in accordance with industrial sanitation requirements.


The telecommunications engineer is responsible for:

3.1. For timely and high-quality implementation of planned tasks, repair schedules and professional maintenance of technical equipment.

3.2. For failure to fulfill the obligations of these Instructions.

3.3. For failure to comply with the instructions of the enterprise management.

3.4. For the efficiency and quality of troubleshooting.

3.5. For the rational use of working time.

3.6. For violation of PTE, PUE, PTB and PPB, internal regulations.

3.7. For damaged equipment and tools.

4. A telecommunications engineer must know:

4.1. Guiding and regulatory documents for the operation and repair of technical equipment.

4.2. Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of equipment, rules for its technical operation.

4.3. SKPT operating technology.

4.4. The procedure for developing plans, work schedules, and reporting.

4.5. Organization of repair maintenance of equipment.

4.6. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and maintenance of television and radio equipment.

4.7. The procedure for drawing up applications for equipment, spare parts, technical documentation.

4.8. Fundamentals of economics and production organization.

4.9. Methods for checking the quality performance of equipment.

4.10. Methods of working with measuring equipment.

4.11. Rules and regulations of labor protection, PTE, PTB, PUE and PPB.

4.12. These Instructions.

5. Qualification requirements(No ratings yet)

In job responsibilities chief engineer includes the development of the company's technical policy, increasing production efficiency and measures to modernize the enterprise. The job description of the chief engineer also contains strict requirements for the experience of candidates for this position - at least five years and, as a rule, necessarily in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise.

Job description of the chief engineer

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The chief engineer belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. The chief engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director.
1.3. The chief engineer reports directly to the general director.
1.4. During the absence of the chief engineer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of chief engineer: higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in managerial positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years.
1.6. The chief engineer must know:
- legislative and regulatory acts regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
- profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure;
- prospects for technical, economic and social development of the relevant industry and enterprise;
- production technology;
- the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;
- scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry.
1.7. The chief engineer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The organization’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other company regulations;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the chief engineer

The chief engineer performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Determines the technical policy and direction of the technical development of the enterprise.
2.2. Ensures increased production efficiency and labor productivity, cost reduction, rational use of production resources, and compliance of manufactured products with current state standards.
2.3. Manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise.
2.4. Organizes work to improve the range and quality, improve and update manufactured products.
2.5. Monitors compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.
2.6. Ensures timely preparation of technical documentation.
2.7. Organizes scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment and technology, as well as work in the field of scientific and technical information, rationalization and invention, dissemination of advanced production experience.
2.8. Organizes training and advanced training for workers and engineers and ensures continuous improvement of personnel training.
2.9. Manages the activities of the technical services of the enterprise, monitors the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate departments.

3. Rights of the chief engineer

The chief engineer has the right:
3.1. Act on behalf of the technical services of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations and government bodies.
3.2. Request and receive necessary information from heads of structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.
3.3. Check the activities of the enterprise’s structural divisions on issues of technical preparation of production.
3.4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, directions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the production activities of the enterprise.
3.5. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on issues of production activities of the enterprise.
3.6. Give instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on production issues.
3.7. Within your competence, sign and endorse documents; issue, with his signature, orders for the enterprise on issues of production activities.
3.8. Establish job responsibilities for subordinate employees.
3.9. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3.10. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the chief engineer

The chief engineer is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Limited Liability Company "Beta"
LLC "Beta"

LLC "Beta"
___________________ A.I. Petrov


Job Description of Deputy Chief Engineer

02.11.2011 № 75-DI



1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Chief EngineerLLC "Beta".

1.2. The deputy chief engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed by order upon presentationchief engineer.

1.3. Deputy Chief Engineer reports directlychief engineer.

1.4. A person who hashigher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in management positions in the relevant industry sector of Beta LLC for at least four years.

1.5. The Deputy Chief Engineer must know:
– laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating production, economic and financial and economic activitiesLLC "Beta", federal regulations, regional and local government and government bodies that determine priority directions for the development of the economy and industry;
– organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activitiesLLC "Beta";
– profile, specialization and structure featuresLLC "Beta";
prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and business planLLC "Beta";
- production capacityLLC "Beta";
– product production technologyLLC "Beta";
– the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for production and economic activitiesLLC "Beta";
– market methods of management and managementLLC "Beta";
– the procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts;
– scientific and technical achievements in the production sector and the experience of leading enterprises;
– economics and organization of production, labor and management;
– basics of environmental legislation;
– basics of labor legislation;
– labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. In his activities, the Deputy Chief Engineer is guided by:
– laws and other normative legal acts regulating productioneconomic and financial-economic activitiesLLC "Beta", decrees of federal, regional and local government authorities and management, defining priority directions for the development of the economy and industry;
– local regulationsLLC "Beta", including internal labor regulations;
- orders (instructions)General Director of Beta LLCand immediate supervisor;
– rules on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
– real D official instructions.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the Deputy Chief Engineer, his duties are assigned to an official appointed by orderGeneral Director of Beta LLC.


The Deputy Chief Engineer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Together with the chief engineerdefines technical policy and directions of technical developmentLLC "Beta", ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production, level of specialization and diversification of production for the future.

2.2. Organized by:
development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technologies, carrying out organizational and technical activities, research and development work;
– conducting scientific research and experiments, testing new equipment and technology, as well as work in the field of scientific and technical information, rationalization and invention, dissemination of advanced production experience;
– training and advanced training of workers and engineers and technicians and ensures continuous improvement of personnel training;
work to improve the range and quality, improve and update manufactured products, work (services), equipment and technology, create fundamentally new competitive types of products, design and introduce into production means of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment , the development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for their production, the consistent implementation of a savings regime and cost reduction.

2.3. Provides:
the required level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of construction products, works or services, compliance of manufactured products with current standards, technical conditions and requirements of technical aesthetics, as well as their reliability and durability;
efficiency of design solutions, timely and high-quality preparation of production, technical operation, repair and renewal of equipment, achievement of high quality products in the process of its development and production;
timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical specifications, technological maps).

2.4. Directed by:
– development of measures for reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, preventionthe harmful impact of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production;
activities of technical servicesLLC "Beta", monitors the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate structural units.

2.5. TO monitors compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, labor protection and fire safety rules, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.

2.6. Coordinates work on issues of patent and invention activity, unification, standardization and certification of products, conducting a special assessment of working conditions and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.


The Deputy Chief Engineer has the right:
3.1. Require from General Director of Beta LLCassistance in the performance of official duties and the exercise of rights.
3.2. Improve your skills.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees reports and documents necessary to perform job duties.
3.4. Get acquainted with the project solutionsGeneral Director of Beta LLC, relating to the activities of the Deputy Chief Engineer.
3.5. Submit for considerationGeneral Director of Beta LLCproposals regarding their activities. Including raising questions about improving your work, improving organizational and technical working conditions, increasing wages, paying overtime in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the employee remuneration systemLLC "Beta".
3.6. Receive from employeesLLC "Beta"information necessary to conduct its activities.


The Deputy Chief Engineer is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for in this job description - in accordance with current labor legislation.
4.2. For other offenses committed during the period of its activities (including those related to causing material damage and damage to business reputationLLC "Beta"), – in accordance with current labor, civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

Deputy Chief Operations Engineer

Job responsibilities. Ensures compliance of the technical condition and level of operation of NPP equipment and systems with operational limits and conditions, including conditions for safe work, implementation of nuclear, radiation, industrial and fire safety measures during NPP operation. Manages the work of the plant operating personnel. Monitors the implementation of load bearing schedules in order to ensure compliance with the state plan-order for the supply of electricity. Organizes the development of operating schedules for NPP equipment and testing of safety systems, shutdown schedules, unit startups, and monitors their implementation. Organizes the analysis of the results of testing the NPP safety systems. Reviews and approves technical solutions, technological instructions, test programs, inspection methods, schedules for current and major repairs of main equipment. Makes decisions on applications for equipment removal for repair that do not require permission from the power system dispatcher, accepts equipment from repair and reconstruction. Organizes activities to improve the technical and economic performance of equipment. Performs periodic monitoring of the condition of workplaces, equipment, and operational documentation. Organizes the development of technical documentation for the operation of equipment, investigates cases of unscheduled equipment shutdowns and deviations from normal operation modes, develops measures aimed at eliminating similar cases. Coordinates operational instructions and monitors the timeliness of their revision. Organizes the development and coordination of regulations on AS divisions and job descriptions of subordinate personnel. Organizes work to ensure the training and maintenance of qualifications of NPP operating personnel. Organizes emergency and fire drills. Organizes labor protection work for subordinate personnel. Participates in the consideration of rationalization proposals, development and implementation of safety measures, reducing the impact of ionizing radiation on personnel. Monitors compliance with labor safety rules and implementation of necessary environmental protection measures. Provides management of work to study and improve working conditions for NPP personnel, implementation of advanced domestic and foreign experience in operating NPP equipment. Participates in work on certification and certification of workplaces. Organizes work with NPP operational personnel to develop a safety culture, strengthen labor discipline, comply with the labor code, and internal labor regulations; Ensures healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate personnel.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation defining the directions of development of nuclear energy; norms and regulations to ensure nuclear, radiation, industrial, fire, and environmental safety during NPP operation and NPP operational documentation necessary to perform job duties; profile, specialization, production capacity and structural features of the AS; prospects for technical development of nuclear power plants; design, features and technical characteristics of equipment and technological systems of nuclear power plants; basic technological schemes of the NPP; procedure for action in case of accidents and fires at nuclear power plants; basic rules for ensuring NPP operation; requirements for organizing work with personnel at nuclear power plants; regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording violations in the operation of nuclear power plants; regulations on organizing an investigation of violations in the operation of nuclear power plants by the operating organization; technological regulations for NPP operation; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of nuclear energy; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Energy, power engineering and electrical engineering" and work experience in management positions at nuclear power plants for at least 8 years, including in positions not lower than deputy head of the main technological workshop of a nuclear power plant or shift supervisor for a nuclear power plant for at least 4 years.