Tariffs for mobile communication. How to call Rostelecom technical support, the number to call the Rostelecom hotline is on duty


Problems often occur with the Internet and telephone communications, this also applies to subscribers of the Rostelecom provider. Sometimes you can deal with the problem yourself, but there are also cases when the user is powerless and needs the help of an operator. How to call Rostelecom technical support for free?

We solve issues with telephony Rostelecom

Rostelecom provider numbers Vary, depending on the questions that have arisen over telephony or the Internet, the subscriber must know exactly which number to dial.

In order to call the operator on the issue of incorrect operation of the home phone, dial the number + 7-495-727-49-77.

At this number, operators accept verbal complaints about the quality of fixed communication services provided.

Calls from fixed numbers of Rostelecom for a subscriber are free, even if a limited tariff is used, but if you call from a cell phone, the call will be paid and charged according to the tariff conditions of the operator used.

Not only a "live operator" works on this number, but also an automatic informer, it will come in handy if necessary:

  • clarify the current balance;
  • receive information about services;
  • learn codes of cities and countries.

The number can be reached around the clock, including weekends and holidays.

If the subscriber only has a desire to connect a home phone, then to clarify information on tariffs and connection conditions, you can call 8-800-100-08-00.

In addition, by calling the specified number, you can quickly apply for connection in remote mode. You can call this number at any time of the day, on weekends and holidays.

If for some reason the subscriber does not want to call the operator, then he can use the feedback button, which is located on the Rostelecom website. By clicking on the button, you need to write your question regarding landline telephony - communication problems, or connection conditions. Operators working on the line will quickly and efficiently answer the question of interest.

Cellular communications from Rostelecom still exist for subscribers connected more than five years ago, but it is impossible to connect to it, since Rostelecom's mobile subscribers were transferred to the Tele2 operator. What to do and where to turn if the connection started to malfunction, or other questions appeared.

In order to get help and an answer to a question, you need to call the toll-free technical support number of the Tele2 operator - 611. Calls are free from mobile and landline phones.

You can call 611 at any time of the day, including weekends and holidays.

How to call Rostelecom for free about the Internet?

If you have problems with the Internet or digital television, you can call the numbers specially designed for this case. You can resolve issues both from a landline and from a mobile number.

Each Rostelecom subscriber is aware that these services in Moscow and the Moscow Region are provided by a provider under the Online brand. Technical support here is also its own, so the following numbers will come in handy for users:

  1. 8-800-707-80-00 - by this number you can only clarify the conditions for connecting the Internet, digital television and home phone. Also, by calling the number, you can apply for connection, operators will remotely acquaint the client with the most interesting and profitable offers.
  2. 8-800-707-12-12 - the number is aimed at those who want to call Rostelecom about problems with the provided communication services, and digital interactive television. You can safely call from home and mobile phones to the number, as calls will be free. For subscribers who call this number, technical support consultants will quickly help you deal with the problem that has arisen.

If you can’t get through to one number, there will be no point in dialing the one that is intended to resolve other issues. You just need to call later, or use the feedback on the provider's website.

Rostelecom is the largest Russian provider of broadband Internet access. For 12 years, this company has served more than 11 million subscribers in Russia. Of course, any client may have questions about the work of the provider. For this purpose, a technical support service was created at Rostelecom.

The Rostelecom technical support service is one of the most responsible and efficient. You can call the Rostelecom technical support service for free at any time of the day - the operator will listen to the subscriber with due attention and answer his questions. Rostelecom technical support service contains many phone numbers specializing in a particular service.

— 8 800 707 18 11.

  • Help Desk - personal account status, tariff plans, "Promised Payment" service - 8 800 707 18 00.
  • Rostelecom technical support service

for mobile connection subscribers - 8 800 300 18 02.

  • Rostelecom support phone

for subscribers of mobile connection CDMA — 8 800 450 01 56.

  • Rostelecom technical support phone number

on issues of connecting different countries and cities - 8 800 300 18 01.

issues related to access to broadband Internet - 8 800 300 18 03.

  • Rostelecom technical support phone

for receiving complaints and claims - 8 800 300 18 19.

Internet speed measurement

For Rostelecom subscribers, there is an interesting service - Rostelecom Internet speed testing.
This is very useful, since providers are not always conscientious about subscribers and can limit the speed of the Internet. For this reason, the provider decides to create a speed test. In order for subscribers to be able to test the speed of Rostelecom, the provider has created a special website that measures connection speed - Speedtest. To start the test, you need to click "Start testing". Rostelecom's testing speed is quite fast: verification will take only a couple of minutes from the subscriber.
If the Rostelecom Internet test showed disappointing results, contact Rostelecom support.

One of the largest providers in the Russian Federation is Rostelecom. The steady increase in the number of customers and the regular introduction of new services obliges the operator to provide its users with technical support. To get advice, you need to know the specific number of the Rostelecom operator, since he provided a multi-channel phone to solve all kinds of problems.

High-quality service of the company implies free communication with employees throughout the 24 hours a day. To satisfy the curiosity of users who are attracted by the range of services of a popular provider, it is advisable to have information on how to call the Rostelecom operator without any questions. So that the employee can explain the whole situation, and most importantly, respond quickly. Due to the fact that the company does not stand still, the subscriber has the right to count on such a development of events. In particular, below we present several possible options for communicating with a “live” specialist.

1. Single support number. Even the presence of a provider's branch in each city does not negate the need for the existence of a so-called single number in order to contact the Rostelecom operator. And he has two of them. If you couldn't wait for a consultation by calling 88001000800, you might want to try your luck by dialing 88001002525. These combinations of numbers allow you to call Rostelecom from your mobile, especially if short numbers are overloaded. By the way, about the latter. There are the following numbers for contacting a specialist: 611 and 000. However, these options are not lightning fast, as the contact center serves customers on a fair first-come, first-served basis. In addition, short numbers can only be used from a mobile phone.

2. Individual numbers in specific departments. This is one of the best options in the entire operator service. Instead of finding out in Rostelecom how to call the operator with a specific question, it is enough to decide on its subject and connect immediately with the right specialist. For each issue, there is a dedicated line where users can ask their questions. For example, the following may be noted:

  • 8-800-300-01-00 - user's telephone system service;
  • 8-800-300-18-02 or 118-02 - technical support for all mobile subscribers;
  • 8-800-707-18-11 - technical support on issues related to equipment settings. Here you can ask any technical questions, as the operator will be able to easily answer them. This number can be contacted not only regarding the Internet, but also about the installation of TV. A call to Rostelecom, along with the setting, does not involve payment;
  • 8-800-300-18-03 or 118-03 - nevertheless, the operator has provided a separate line for the World Wide Web user support service. This number will allow you to no longer wonder how to call Rostelecom to discuss your problems with access to the Internet;
  • 8-800-300-18-05 or 118-05 - and this is already a number that allows you to leave a request for quick activation of a particular service;
  • 8-800-300-18-17 - if there is a reason for complaints, why not do it at the indicated call service number;
  • 8-800-707-18-00 - similar actions can be taken by calling the service number for reference. The Rostelecom operator provided a number where the subscriber is informed about the status of his account, new tariff plans, etc. Here you can also complain about negligent employees if the previous method did not satisfy the user;
  • 8-800-100-08-00 - and this set is responsible for how to call the Rostelecom operator to get directly to the sales service;
  • 8-800-707-33-33 - and, finally, the auto-informing department, where communication with the operator of the Rostelecom company allows you to almost instantly receive information about the change in tariff conditions.

3. Landline number. A modern service provider provides the number 8-800-300-18-01 for users of city networks, since not only cell owners want to contact a live Rostelecom operator. This support phone number is also free 24 hours a day.

4. Number for roaming.
It is also possible to call a Rostelecom number from the territory of another country, since the international dialing format +7 902 18 81 810 allows you to use the roaming service. Similarly, there is no call charge.

Regional numbers of Rostelecom

In addition to the above public numbers, in each region of the Russian Federation there are local communication options. To learn about them, you can visit the contact page on the official website of Rostelecom (https://rt.ru/service/). There you will need to manually determine your own location, if for some reason the provider could not do this automatically. For example, in Moscow there is a regional one - 84957274977. However, do not forget that for almost every region there is a free one - 8-800-100-08-00.

Alternative ways to contact Rostelecom

Since we live in an era of virtual technology, not everyone is interested in a cell phone for communication. In particular, many people prefer to solve the questions that have arisen on the Internet. It is quite simple to do this: just find the help page on the official website of the provider and use the “Ask a question” button.

However, the best option is to authorize the subscriber in your personal account. Since the latter provides many other functions, in addition to access to a specialist in Rostelecom-Internet. It is quite possible that after getting used to the personal account service, the subscriber's questions will be resolved by themselves. At the very beginning, you can use the online communication mode, which is located on the main page of the personal account and is called “Write to support”.


A decent service in the era of high-speed digital technologies is as much a necessity as the quality of the connection itself. Rostelecom is well aware of this, as it has provided many options for users to contact. After dialing one or another combination of numbers, experienced specialists will contact the subscribers to solve the problem. You can call the technical support number from anywhere, and it's completely free. In addition, the provider strongly recommends getting used to your personal account, where you can find answers to most of the user's questions. If neither the personal account nor the toll-free number helped to contact the operator, then in this case you should use the “Ask a question” button on the official website of the provider.

Rostelecom is the largest telecommunications service provider in Russia. The company also acts as an Internet provider, connects the services of analog and interactive TV, landline phones. To solve customer problems in all these areas, a technical support service was created.

To get on the customer service line, you need to dial Rostelecom's phone number - 8 800 100 08 00, and then wait for a connection with one of the operators.

If the operator cannot help, he will redirect you to another operator or connect you to the department that is more competent in solving the subscriber's problem. In other words, this is the starting point in any situation.

The Internet is buggy, the phone does not work, the TV from Rostelecom does not show - we call here. If they can’t decide there, they will redirect to where they can. Most of the problems - disconnect, connect the tariff, check the status of the account, balance, etc., can be solved thanks to a call to this one number.

What to expect from technical support, its pros and cons

It’s worth starting with a good thing, you can call support from a mobile and landline phone absolutely free of charge from anywhere in Russia. And it also works in roaming. In addition, you can call at any time of the day - those. support works around the clock.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the shortcomings of the Rostelecom support service.

  • Contacting the necessary department, or rather, its operator, can be problematic, which is facilitated by long periods of waiting and connection.
  • Rostelecom technical support is the least likely to provide you with the necessary technical assistance without calling a wizard. In most cases, you will receive template responses, such as: reboot the router, follow the instructions described in that section, and so on. Unless you come across an operator who understands this, and there are very few of them.
  • Often they can switch from operator to operator, if it is impossible to solve the problem, which also takes a lot of time and does not help to solve the problem.

Information that can be obtained if necessary in the help desk

By contacting the technical support of the operator, you have the right to receive information:

  • about the performance of a particular service,
  • setting up the subscriber's office,
  • leave a request for line repair if damage to the network or equipment is detected.

You can also order, refuse the services and tariffs of mobile communications, the Internet, TV and entire service packages during a conversation with a Rostelecom employee.

At the same time, there are separate numbers for legal entities - offices and individuals - ordinary users.

Don't know the hotline number for your city or region? Then call the national

It works for all cities, if anything, they will simply tell you the number you can call in those. support for your region.

For St. Petersburg there is a separate number of Rostelecom free reference -

for fixed phones.

In the Moscow region you can dial from your mobile or get technical support after dialing a short number. CDMA users - .

By these numbers you can get general information, change the tariff, etc.:

  • Find out the reason for crediting and debiting funds.
  • Get information on errors that occur during connection.
  • Find out why the Internet speed has decreased, TV does not show, there is no telephone connection, this or that site does not load.
  • Solve some problems with setting up various equipment.
  • Order additional services.

Reference numbers for legal entities

For legal entities that are interested in connecting any Rostelecom service, the hotline is available at