Cases of targeted advertising for an advertising workshop. Pavel Shiryaev. How to increase the click-through rate of VKontakte ads

This story is not only about our setup, but also about the right customer funnel. Principle 3P - advertising, mailing, result. How to use these tools most effectively, read in the case.

To bookmarks

“Mom, I have already walked around the whole museum. And you know what I'll tell you? I don’t like anything here, ”the little boy said to his mother when we walked around the gallery. Indeed, there is a problem: parents want to develop a child, but they do it in an adult way. Our regular client, the guide Aleksey Pashkov, thought about this and created a program of excursions especially for children.

In this case, I talk about how to interest parents, keep their attention and bring them to a sale. After all, if the user is met by the correct and targeted funnel, then sales success will increase several times. He will not leave immediately after watching the ad, he will not leave after useful materials, but will become your client.

about the project

Alexey Pashkov is the founder of the Excursions for Children project. He thought over the routes of excursions, the content in social networks, created an effective sales funnel. Without a special education in marketing, having faith in their own business and interest in promotion tools. The case when the work is done not because they have to, but because they want to.

In order for the work done to bring greater results, the client applied for the services of targeted advertising. The auto funnel and targeted advertising gave excellent results.

And now in detail about how it was.

Attracting traffic


The most photogenic network did not generate much response. The results for it were about the same as for Facebook, but more expensive than VKontakte. An application of 27 rubles turned out to be expensive for the client. As a result, he abandoned this social network after a basic advertising campaign in favor of cheaper and more effective traffic channels.


The audiences with the interests of motherhood performed best in the intersection with interests in museums and art. A further advertising campaign on Facebook lasted for several months. During this time, the download price increased to 28 rubles.

The overall result is 2591 downloads of the guide at an average price of 27 rubles. Since 2017, we have stopped working with him.

"In contact with"

  1. Direct competitors - children's excursions.
  2. Indirect competitors - excursions, museums.
  3. Narrow interests - children's holidays.
  4. Broad interests - culture, motherhood, home and family.
  5. Interest category - culture and art, home and family, marital status "married".
  6. Analysis of new clients and competitors who joined the group through Cerebro Target to search for groups where there is a target audience.

Can't wait to find out which audiences brought the maximum number of applications? There were two leaders who gave a wow effect:

  • members of groups on excursions and museums;
  • members of groups organizing children's holidays.

Almost immediately, the project began to receive downloads of 10-15 rubles, for us this was an excellent result. The ads engaged users well, they liked them and shared the posts.

Statistics from 2017, as traffic was directed to the landing page, and group growth was not our goal

Although it is worth paying tribute to the content. No one would subscribe to an empty or uninteresting group.

Working with ad formats

The now popular GIF-animation format did not bring the desired cheap result. The carousel format gave a good CTR, but the downloads were expensive. As a result, live photos and minimal design turned out to be the best ads.

And banners without children proved to be the worst. For example, just the building of the Hermitage. An ad with such a banner gave a low CTR and expensive downloads:

In 2016, 139,861 rubles were spent on VKontakte.

And it didn't stop in 2018 either.


  1. Groups "VKontakte" - children's excursions, children's holidays.
  2. Search by request - the Hermitage, excursions.
  3. Odnoklassniki groups - culture and art, children.
  4. user interests.

And although this result was included in the set KPI, the client refused this network. Has he lost much? No. Saved the budget? Yes.

Statistics after the basic advertising campaign of the Odnoklassniki social network

What didn't work?

The surprising fact was that classrooms in kindergartens and children's educational institutions did not work. Also, other methods did not work - the category of interests: children, groups with children's clothes, and so on. Although it seemed that this ad was created for them. But no.

landing pad

Advertising is just one of several parts of success. After a good advertisement, the client should fall into an equally good funnel. As happens in our case. Users move from advertising to a very simple landing page.

Just two fields to fill out, a call to action and even an arrow on it. So that the user is definitely not confused and poked where needed. And so that he definitely subscribes, we offer usefulness - a children's guide. Such a lead magnet is popular because it fits perfectly with the preferences of the target audience.

Attention retention

How now not to let the client forget about his existence? That's right, a useful newsletter with interesting author's materials.

Subscribers receive a weekly newsletter with educational materials: how to go to museums with children, tell them about art, and so on. Not a bad move - the interest of users is constantly fueled by interesting materials that fall directly into the hands.

The open rate was very good at first (about 30%), then it began to gradually decrease. Now it is about 12%.

Some users who do not like to go to landing pages click on the link to the group in advertisements. There they will find interesting content.

We've covered what wiki posts are and how to create them.

There I briefly mentioned cases. Now I want to take a closer look at this point.

  1. What was the project. What kind of business.
  2. What was the situation before the launch of advertising. For example, how many subscribers were in the community.
  3. Link to the site/community where we ran ads.
  4. What tasks did the client set before launching. Usually marketers call them KPI (Key Performance Indicator), which can be translated as key performance indicators.
  5. How much money was spent on advertising.
  6. How many referrals/applications we received.
  7. The average cost of the transition / application / subscriber in the public. To do this, we divide the total amount of money spent by the total number of clicks/applications/subscribers. We can track conversions and subscribers in the advertising account. How to determine exactly where the applications came from on the site, I told in
  8. How much did the client earn in the end. If he, of course, is ready to publicly share this information.
  9. Return on advertising. To calculate it, we divide the received profit by investments. By this we show potential clients how much they can earn by contacting us.

It is best to create cases on . Of course, you can create your own website and carefully collect them there, but in principle, the functionality of wiki pages is quite enough for this.

All the points mentioned above must be supported by evidence - screenshots.

You write that there were 11,000 applications from the target, show this with screenshots from the metric.

You say that 7100 people have joined the public, show a screen from the advertising account.


You say that you spent 549,000 rubles, also show a screen from the office.


This is an important point, because the screenshots confirm our words and inspire confidence.

In general, people tend to trust facts and figures. Try to use more numbers and screenshots in all the moments about which the reader may have doubts.

It's also great if a customer left a review. Then you can attach a screenshot of this review to the case.

When the case is ready, there are 2 options with which you can start attracting customers.

  1. Publish a case through “Submit news” in marketing publics. Communities like Cerebro Target give a particularly good return. If you use a parser when setting up ads, mention it in the case, and then try to have it published in the community of this parser. If the case is good, then it will be an advertisement for both you and the service. Sometimes pages get 2-3 thousand views and give a dozen applications from people who want to work with you.
  2. You can also launch targeted advertising on the case. Straight to the wiki page.

Let's analyze the second point in more detail.

Agree, every entrepreneur wants to know what kind of monetary output he will receive from investing in advertising.

A clear way to show him the potential profit is through case studies that describe the process of setting up advertising for the same business as his.

Look, I once conducted an experiment for which I took two of my already old cases:

  1. Setting up an advertising campaign to attract customers to purchase a franchise. Link to case
  2. Setting up targeted advertising for a beauty school in Novosibirsk. Link to case.

I completed the cases literally within an hour. Made according to all the rules - more screenshots, numbers, statistics.

When the cases are ready, you need to gather an audience that is engaged in the same business that we described in them.

For example, for the first project, I gathered people who are administrators of Franchise communities. In most cases, these are people who sell franchises.

For the second project, I gathered the admins of the groups with the names: Beauty Salon, Beauty School, Permanent Makeup, Manicure, Shellac, Pedicure, Permanent Makeup, Extension, etc.

Launched several ads for each project:


The best announcement for a case with franchises:


The best ad for a case with beauty salons:


File with applications, which I found in the evening in Google Docs. Pay attention to the number of applications with franchises and beauty salons.

If there are numbers - the estimated date of the start of the advertising campaign.

“Not answered” - the client has not yet read the message or is in thought, but some of them will also close.

I think this is an excellent result for the spent 1553 rubles.


Look at the cases of our students that we collect on this page. Pay attention to how the guys arrange them. Highlight for yourself the moments that you liked, hooked and which not so much - .

Try this method for yourself as well. I wish you many clients!

The audience immediately seemed to us a very interesting, active and really burning topic of traffic arbitrage in social networks.

How nice it was to know that one of the students not only merged into a plus, but even prepared his own case - “From zero to a thousand leads in a week”

We were tormented for a long time in VK Avalanche and finally tormented 🙂 Today, as part of this cool column, I share with you my most interesting, though not the most profitable drain from VK Target.

- limited budget
– a game offer (it has yet to be chosen),
– the need for a quick turnover of money (choice of PP),
- the maximum number of leads - in the first place,
- traffic - as impersonal as possible.

Step 1 is the most important. Choosing an offer and PP.

Everyone is looking for an offer in different ways, I was looking for it through CPA aggregators.

How did you choose? Easy and simple: section - online games - browser - sorted by geo of the Russian Federation and by hold. The choice fell on two offers: Hero Rage and League of Angels 2. Both offers were present in several networks. But I liked

Step 2 - creatives and RC.

It’s not for me to tell you how convenient it is to peep creatives on AdvanceTS 🙂
In general, during the tests, the maximum response (but not the envelope) was received for these creatives:

These audience group ads (deeper test) yielded the following results:
By offer Hero Rage– 523.68 rubles wasted (560 clicks), 3 effective regs + 2a active players received: 305 rubles.
Outcome: minus 218 rubles, the cost of a click is 0.93 kopecks.

Then the thought occurred to me: if there is traffic, in large quantities and it is cheap, then you need to somehow monetize it, that is, engage in traffic arbitrage. The decision was made remake THE SAME ads to another offer.

According to the offer League of Angels 2: 3099.38 rubles was merged (3308 clicks), 192 leads received + 15 target: 4860 rubles.
Outcome: plus 1760 rubles, the cost of a click is 0.93-0.94 kopecks.

It was exactly what was needed! The drain continued in this mode.

Step 3 - drain and result

Everything is simple and easy here - we identify the time of the best envelope, specify the geo (in my case, we exclude cities), and segment the audience in more detail. The drain went like this:

Drain time: 20/01-23/01/17 – tests.
Draining an offer for these two ads: from 22/01-30/01/2017


Step 4 - Conclusions

- Earn money
- Not confused
- Recreated
— The retarget base is not collected
- Edited by hand
- Greedy on bets
And there are very, very many mistakes that are not visible here - but they exist and they are the most important, but this is my personal experience and my personal space;-P

And the best part is, this was just the beginning!
Leopoldushka was able to reach 1000 leads per day:

Thank you for providing the case.
the Conversion command and