Lead generation only with a deposit. We do not work without advance payment. Contextual advertising with payment for results Target actions are recorded in CRM

The service will help you consistently receive clients from the Internet without delving into technical details. This completely eliminates the risk for the business owner. We agree on the result and how much to pay and get to work

The result influenced by an advertising specialist

The contractor cannot increase profits and sales. He cannot and should not control sales managers. Also, he will not be able to track the company's profits. No one will give an outsider access to the accounting system to see real profits.

Target actions are recorded in CRM

For each action, the business owner pays a certain amount.

Example: You agreed that for each call you pay 300 rubles, an application through the feedback form is 150 rubles, an appeal to a live consultant is 100 rubles.

During the week there were 20 calls, 3 requests via the form, 3 requests. You will pay the specialist 6,750 rubles.

This is a conditional example; in order for both parties to benefit, everything needs to be discussed in detail.

We discuss in detail all aspects of cooperation

When paying for results, you need to take into account all the nuances. Determine how much it is profitable for the advertiser to pay. How many calls can it handle? How to resolve controversial issues. What happens if one of the parties becomes unprofitable.

In such situations, we call each other and agree on other terms.

We discuss possible controversial situations

Not only potential clients can call. The same client can call several times. They may have the wrong number. Advertising agents call periodically. We agree on how to act in such situations.

How will this be implemented?

The cooperation will consist of several stages:

  • Questioning. Tell us about your business and your desired indicators.
  • Analysis. I will collect information and do a competitor analysis. If, according to preliminary estimates, it is beneficial for both to work, we discuss the details of cooperation.
  • Discussion of details of cooperation. How will we measure the results? How we will act in unexpected situations.
  • Preparation of proposal. I am preparing the text of the proposal.
  • Registration in CRM "Bitrix 24". All indicators will be collected in one place.
  • Website creation. The site is created using the Bitrix24 constructor.
  • Connecting a virtual number, feedback form, live consultant widget.
  • Setting up and launching advertising. We start with search advertising in Yandex or Google, depending on the level of competition.
  • Analysis of results. After launching a test advertising campaign, we discuss the results and further options for cooperation

Who is the service suitable for and who is not suitable for?

Will do

Won't fit

Business owners, private professionals, freelancers

Clearly in demand product

Innovative complex product

The product is beneficial

Forex, tobacco products, alcohol, dietary supplements

In an ideal world, people don’t die, it’s warm in winter, good triumphs over evil, we eat sweets and don’t get fat, gadgets work forever without recharging, and even candles in churches are free.

Have you started to fantasize?! This is exactly the same flight of thought that I call attracting clients with payment for results.

And in this article, on behalf of the agency, I will reveal the idea that in 9 out of 10 cases this is a failed scam that will only bring you losses in the form of money or time, or maybe something more. The slogan of this material is: “The whole truth, uncensored.”

The last straw of patience

A couple of days before writing the article, our company’s phone rang for the hundredth (or maybe even the thousandth) time with the question: “I want to order contextual advertising from you.

Do you pay for results?” Moreover, when reading the expression “Contextual advertising with payment for results,” you can read any other one.

For example: SEO with payment for leads, with a guarantee of increased sales, with a guarantee of transactions, with a guarantee of conversion, and so on.

This does not change the essence of the matter, because the result will be the same. But I continue the story.

This dear client (yes, we even love and respect such people) starts up like a steam locomotive when we answer “No” about the warranty.

And it begins to pour out its accumulated negativity over a lifetime on our gentle and caring customer service in the person of Alena.

Moreover, it does this with such pressure, as if we are Russian Post and there are no other offers on the market.

Oh wow

During the conversation, phrases like “I have a good product, even a stupid person can sell it”, “It doesn’t cost you anything anyway” constantly fly by. Show me the result and I’ll pay”, “I don’t need website promotion. I need results."

It all comes down to the idea “Am I just paying you for air?!” It is with this phrase that we will begin our entire constructive conversation.

An eye for an eye

I’ll reveal the intrigue a little, after all, the practice of paying for results exists, I’ll even say more, we have clients with whom we work this way.

1. Nostradamus

Please tell me, do you know what will happen in your life tomorrow? You guess, but you're not sure.

Do you know what the Russian Defense Minister will have tomorrow? If you are not his close friend, then all your knowledge will end with public sources, and this is the same thing as not knowing. Do you understand what I mean?! Okay, one more example.

Remember the rather loud story about Paul the octopus, who predicted the results of football matches?

Do you remember one of the most famous clairvoyants Vanga, who treated people and predicted the end of the world in 2012?

You're laughing in vain. That in the first case, many people made huge bets on the opinion of the octopus, that in the second case, people actually built bomb shelters so as not to die.

All these examples are not accidental. They only say that no one is 100% sure what will happen tomorrow, much less in a few weeks, months and years.

Therefore, when paying for services based on results, you ask the company to look into the future and determine how profitable it is to work with you or what guarantee they can give you.

2. Know everything and even more

This is not the first year you have been working on your topic. Can you say that you know everything about your customers' behavior and sales?

As in previous questions, the answer will also be negative, since even over the course of a lifetime it is impossible to know everything.

But nevertheless, it took you several years, perhaps even dozens, to understand the specifics.

And the most interesting thing is that when you thought that you understood your clients and finally found what they needed, or found a way to get clients at the lowest cost, how everything changed at once.

After all, the world does not stand still, competition is dynamic, products, selection criteria, trends, preferences - all this is also not constant. But you still want promotion with payment for leads.

For us, marketing agencies, this is another test where we run the baton for the whole team, and the baton that is passed on is each time a new discovery about your business.

Well, we can’t know everything about your field and confidently take on promotion with payment for results.

There are too many pitfalls that cannot be studied even in 1 month of intensive work.

Just remember how long it takes one employee in your company to adapt and finally begin to more or less understand your field.

I think about 3 months, and this is provided that you have a good system of employee adaptation and he is there the whole working day. And here again you want us to figure everything out in a tiny amount of time.


3. Responsibility

The final cry from the heart about responsibility. You are an entrepreneur, which means you are already on a slippery slope. Only not from the word “bad”, but from the word “risk”.

You take a risk and therefore get a lot of money for your costs. It's like bank robbers, big risks and big profits.

Moreover, all this rests on your shoulders, and not on your employees and contractors. And you are still dreaming “I need lead generation with payment for results. Who should bear this risk?!”

There are no problems when purchasing and using the product, since you receive a material thing.

In the case of services, everything is different; firstly, it is not clear how to evaluate the result, especially if you don’t understand anything at all in this direction.

And secondly, you are paying for something that does not exist and it seems that it is not worth the money (but more on that later).

Therefore, it is not reasonable to shift your risks and responsibilities to the same SEO specialist and pay for results.

After all, if he risks his time and his money, then he should become a full partner in your business, and not just a napkin person, used and thrown away (I know the praises about long-term cooperation, but that’s also further).

I want it, period

I myself have already let it slip that we also attract leads by paying for their quantity and quality, so the idea itself has a place in Russia and is called performance-based advertising.

The very idea of ​​PBA was initially different, but let’s not worry about it and agree that in common people now everything that comes down to a result is called a performance.

So, we decided that buying leads or clients exists, but its formats are different, as are the companies that are ready to take on this work.

Therefore, first, let’s discuss the factors that you must have in order for a normal agency to say: “We agree.” I’ll give you an example of how we make decisions.

  1. Conversion at stages. Before we agree, we need to see how your traffic is currently, at least approximately, converted. We need this in order to fully calculate and see profitability.
  2. High margins. If you have a very low margin, then there is a high probability that all the money that will be given to us in the form of remuneration simply will not cover our expenses for the team and advertising.
  3. Generated demand. Your product must be searched on the Internet, otherwise it is not profitable for us to work with you. Before selling a product, you will need to create demand, and this is not even a month’s work. In your case it's better.
  4. Average competition. We are of little interest to companies that have no competition; most likely there is none there because there is no money. But furious competition is not suitable for us, since the cost of attracting a client will be prohibitive.
  5. Sales department. So that you don’t throw stones in our direction after applications, we must make sure that your managers will process applications well and their feedback on the quality of leads will be objective.
  6. There is something. You really must have experience, cases, a team, an offer, etc. After all, if you are a beginner or you have nothing to pack, then we automatically understand that everyone we attract will leave.

It is very important to understand that when we take on work with payment based on the final result, we invest our own money (team payment and advertising budget).

This means that we a priori consider the profitability of these investments. And if we are faced with an “uncertain” company, then why take on this matter? If you have the same attitude, you can invest in MMM or cryptocurrency mining.

Remembering the client I spoke about at the beginning, his phrase appears in my head: “My prices are higher than the market, the offer is not the best. What, did you want greenhouse conditions?”

With lead generation, we are responsible for traffic and packaging of what is, and not the development of your business.

When you want to pay for results, you don’t need to dump the entire business on us. This is a different area of ​​responsibility and scope of work.

To summarize all the above words. A good specialist will take on you if there is a good springboard.

OR first he will work with you with payment, develop all the elements of a successful company, and after a few months he will be ready to start working with payment.

It is the second option that we most often practice with clients who have been working with us for several months or even a year.

It's not difficult to deceive

On the Internet you can find dozens of loud statements about website promotion. Moreover, this is everywhere in marketing.

Some craftsmen even promise to make you a website with a conversion guarantee. But you and I know that this is a myth. And if you are still looking for a wizard, then you will simply find a storyteller.

As a rule, companies that otherwise cannot find customers agree to non-greenhouse conditions.

For you, this should already be an indicator of the quality of their work. Of course, there are exceptions and there are very cool specialists who pay for results. But as I already said, these are more often exceptions than practice.

I do not urge you not to work with newcomers or companies that directly offer to pay them money depending on the result.

But be prepared that you may be deceived or lead to consequences that you will regret for a long time:

  1. Crooked delivery. You may be presented in the wrong light or from the wrong angle. And no one will listen to your criticism, because “I am an artist, that’s what I see.”
  2. Frodo. This is not the name of a hobbit from the book “The Lord of the Rings”, but it is slang for a fake client.

    In order to make money from you, they will give you fake applications. They may even torture the manager and place an order, but the result will be the same - there are no purchases, the managers are to blame for everything.

  3. Cunning . You need customers who will buy, right?! But these miracle specialists will attract clients who will just want to look or touch.

    One way to implement this is to create a capture form on the “Get a free test drive” website. Who would refuse a freebie? M?

These three cases alone make you think about working with just anyone. Although even more such dangers can be written.

If your company is new and there is no goal to become more efficient, you can take a risk. Since in case of problems you do not lose anything, you will simply change the name of the company, and you will send real clients to hell.

We pay for results

Fine. Let's imagine that you have found a company with which you will work with payment for results.

This, of course, is great, but first you still need to decide what the result is for that same company and for you. Because these can be completely different things.

And as a result, different results. Let's figure it out. Payment for results can be in 3 different cases:

  1. Payment for positions. The most ephemeral concept. Since your site may be in the TOP for dozens of positions, but this may not bring customers for the service you are interested in.

    In fact, it turns out that this is the most incomprehensible result for a business owner.

  2. Pay per click. Here. The result is already more or less clear. How many people went to your site.

    All services work on this principle (well, actually, out of 2 - Yandex Direct and Google Adwords).

  3. Payment for . Probably one of the most preferred ways of working for everyone.

    The only point is that you need to immediately decide who is a qualified lead (meeting your requirements). Otherwise, why would you pay for empty applications?

  4. Payment per client. Yes, yes, lead and client are different concepts. To make it clearer, a lead is a potential client, and a client is someone who bought your product/service.

    As a rule, lead generators do not really like to work according to this scheme, since they are not responsible for your sales department and so on.

    Or they will charge very dearly for such clients (the average price on the market is from 20% of the transaction amount). Thus, the choice is yours 😉

Briefly about the main thing

You don’t come to a beauty salon and say, “I’ll pay for a hairstyle only when a girl falls for it and I marry her”?!

By default, you believe the master, and he does everything so that you achieve your goal. It’s the same in marketing, everyone wants to do the best they can.

The only question that arises is who can do it how well. Therefore, carefully choose a company and see how professional they are in their topic.

In the case of SEO with payment for results, setting up Yandex.Direct for leads, and any other advertising channels, it is recommended to first work with companies for money.

This way you will have every right to ask and make your own edits. And only then, when you go direct, you can discuss other conditions so that there is motivation not only to maintain, but also to reduce the cost, while simultaneously increasing the quantity.

Today, in the field of Internet management, advertising is gaining more and more popularity, payment for which is made upon completion of certain actions by clients. If the site looks good, promotion in this way can guarantee a significant increase in the conversion of visitors.

A prerequisite for all resources ordering promotion with payment for results is a pleasant and convenient interface. It is highly desirable that the site have a search bar. Customers should always be able to ask managers a question or find the information they need on your portal. This way, it can guarantee an excellent end result of your work.

A pay-per-action advertising campaign is by no means a quick process. This is not a one-day process. In the West, a similar method of website promotion is called CPA, that is, Cost Per Action, which translates, accordingly, as payment for action. In simple words, the advertiser pays exclusively for the end result - attracted leads.

  • Behavioral;
  • Age;
  • Industry;
  • Sexual;
  • Geographical;

It is this kind of lead generation with an accentuated approach that allows us to hope for a successful result.

Promotion with payment for leads - the main advantages

  • Banners;
  • Text ads;
  • Activity on social networks;
  • Contextual advertising;

The technology itself is not that important. If a client places an order for leads, then he doesn’t care where they come from. A completely logical question arises: What action will ultimately be paid for by the customer? This could be:

  • Efficient transition. Client visits to certain pages;
  • Ordering a service or purchasing a product on the portal;
  • Phone call;
  • Downloading files or prices for products;
  • Request for consultation;
  • A specific action of a potential client - application, registration, leaving personal data, etc.;

Practice shows that any of the above actions leads to an increase in sales of a particular company.

Order pay-per-action advertising and increase your traffic!

Our company offers to place an order for leads through payment for the client on the most favorable terms. Nowadays there are managers who have no idea about the nuances of correctly formatting selling information on their website. The vast majority of customers forget that in order for their company to develop, it is necessary to make every effort to establish connections with potential consumers. Only such an approach will guarantee increased sales. We dare to assure you that we will take on all the problems of attracting new clients using pay-for-result advertising services.

At the first stage, we will carefully analyze your resource in order to find out whether lead generation using a CPA scheme is suitable for you. If we determine that your site is not optimized enough to support pay-per-action advertising, you will be offered a partial site redesign.

By placing an order with us for leads and website promotion using CPA technology, a program will be developed for you to promote your resource and make a profit. Traffic does not matter with this technique. The primary indicator is leads, that is, customers who visited your website and took certain actions. They are directly responsible for the final result.

Our company guarantees that the introduction of CPA advertising in the promotion of your portal will have the most positive impact on the number of calls and applications from clients. Your only task is to convince them of the need to purchase a particular product or specific service.