Legostaev Bogdan Leonidovich biography. Hero of Russia Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan is a test pilot for the Sukhoi company. When will he join the troops?

The fourth day of the International Aerospace Salon has finally become like the good old MAX with its traffic jams and queues. The fact is that for the first three days the salon was open only to specialists and businessmen.

On Friday, it opened its gates to ordinary citizens. However, he opened it - that's a strong word. Rather, he opened it slightly. The new road to the airfield did not solve the problem of traffic jams at the entrance to the Gromov Flight Research Institute. Just as the parking problem has not been properly resolved. The number of open checkpoints has been reduced to one, through which only buses can pass. They, to the credit of the organizers, run virtually non-stop.

Once again, crowds at the entrance to the air show itself could not be avoided. Long lines at the metal detectors, thorough searches... But this does not stop those who want to look at the latest aircraft and military equipment. And, of course, watch what is happening in the sky. And there really was something to see on Friday. Vibrant programs of the Swifts, mesmerizing dances in the sky of the Rus aviation group, attacks by Ka-52 and Mi-28 helicopters... The highlight of the flight program this season is, naturally, the fifth-generation Russian aircraft T-50 - PAK FA (Advanced Frontline Aviation Complex aviation).

So far it is piloted only by test pilots, private people who do not indulge the press with their communications. According to the flight program, you can find out their last names - Sergei Bogdan, Roman Kondratyev and Yuri Vashchuk.

KP correspondents managed to find one of them and talk, as they say, face to face. Honored test pilot, Hero of Russia Sergei Bogdan shared his impressions of the new aircraft with Komsomolskaya Pravda readers ().

The T-50 aircraft differs from others precisely in that it is a fifth-generation fighter,” Sergei told KP special correspondents. - In terms of its aerobatic characteristics, it is close to the Su-35, which has the status of “4 two plus”, but this is a completely different aircraft. It is easier to control and even more maneuverable. And these characteristics will be improved during testing. The engines of the car have increased traction - it is easy to gain altitude, and it is quite easy to make angular turns. The fighter fully meets the requirements for fifth-generation aircraft - low visibility in radar and other ranges.

- Due to what?

This was achieved thanks to the specific shape of the aircraft and the composite materials of the fuselage. And the most important thing about the design feature of the T-50 is that all the weapons are located inside, in the cargo compartments. Thanks to this, stealth characteristics have been significantly improved and flight duration has significantly increased. I can say that this is the best fighter I have flown in my life. (Bogdan has 57 types and modifications of aircraft on which he conducted tests - Author)

- What is the difference from other cars?

Piloting this aircraft is very comfortable, thanks to the improved characteristics of the aircraft. I feel like I'm not driving a heavy fighter, which it is, but a lighter machine.

- Now there are a lot of foreign pilots at MAKS, how do they react to the Russian new product?

Even before the show, there was a meeting with the Indian delegation, which included pilots who got acquainted with the fighter. And the military pilots at MAKS are professionals and perfectly understand the subtleties and do not ask inappropriate questions. We communicate at the level of: hi-hi, how are you - good. Foreign pilots understand that the program is closed and why should we spoil the impression of each other? By the way, Russian pilots also maintain professional correctness.

- How realistic is the prospect of fifth-generation fighters entering the Russian Air Force?

This aircraft was not initially considered as an experimental aircraft, it was created as a fighter, which is under state defense order and is planned for entry into the troops. Tests of the T-50 are quite lengthy, which is due to the need to identify shortcomings that exist in any new facility being created. During the tests, the characteristics of the aircraft will be improved, it is possible that changes will be made, including in appearance, in small details. In general, the fighter is planned to be put into service with the troops in almost its current form.

- Sergey, why, if it’s not a secret, were you awarded the title of Hero of Russia?

You know how they joke among us: “Where knowledge ends, you have to show courage.” In the fate of every test pilot, emergency and abnormal situations occur, because we are talking about test flights, when it is necessary to check the flight characteristics of the machine. In the nomination for the award it was written: “According to the totality”...

You will be able to watch the flights of the PAK FA, as well as other aircraft, this coming weekend. The official closing of the air show will take place this Sunday.

The year 2017 is an anniversary year for one of the most famous test pilots of our time. Bogdan Sergei Leonidovich, Hero of the Russian Federation, famous for being the first to fly a fifth-generation fighter, celebrated his 55th birthday in March. What is known about this amazing man?

Path to the profession

A native of the Saratov region, Sergei Bogdan was born in 1962, but his childhood was spent in Voskresensk near Moscow, where his parents moved from Volsk. The city was located close to the landing course, so the most modern military aircraft flew over the residents. In addition, the father of the future celebrity served in aviation - all this predetermined his further choice of profession.

There is a known case when a young man, testing himself, climbed onto a crane, swinging it in all directions. Although he himself claims that he is afraid of heights and has never been an extreme sports enthusiast. Any person who does not feel support under his feet experiences some discomfort, but the uncertainty goes away after regular parachute jumps.

Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan is a graduate of the Borisoglebsk Military Pilot School. Since 1983, he flew the Su-17M2, rising to the rank of squadron commander (Naval Aviation Regiment, Black Sea Fleet).

Beginning of a test pilot career

After eight years of service in combat units, Sergei Bogdan entered the TsPLI (Akhtubinsk). This was not an unexpected decision. Even as a child, he read books about Gallai and Chkalov, although he pushed him to try out for Lieutenant Colonel Neznanov, who was responsible for airborne fire and tactical training. He carefully monitored the results of his ward, discerning the necessary inclinations.

The desire was realized only after 4 years. Before transferring to the navy, pilot Bogdan Sergei Leonidovich served in Mongolia, from where it was not possible to come to Russia. Having gone from Crimea to Akhtubinsk for an interview in 1991, he went straight to the entrance exams. I must say, these were such difficult tests that the officer lost 30 kg of weight.

At the same time, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute to obtain qualifications as a test engineer. Then he studied and worked at GLITs, owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. As a military man, he put more than 50 types of combat aircraft on the wing. He is responsible for the first landings of Su-25UTG fighters, as well as Su-33, on an aircraft-carrying cruiser. For this, in 2000 he received the Order of Courage. And in the same year he retired to the reserve with the rank of colonel.

Work at the Sukhoi company

After leaving the army, test pilot Bogdan Sergei Leonidovich remained in the profession. He continued to work at the Sukhoi Design Bureau, taking part in testing the Su-27SKM, Su-30 MK2, Su-47.

He had the opportunity to make demonstration flights in Russia and France during aviation exhibitions. In 2006, he was awarded the title of Honored Test Pilot. By the way, his record does not include a single ejection.

Bogdan admits that 80% is due to the human factor, so he considers honesty and reliability to be the main qualities of a professional. Sometimes, due to concealment of any information, an entire team of employees has to disassemble the aircraft almost screw by screw in search of a non-existent problem.

Reliability is important, because in order to conduct tests at extreme conditions, you have to prepare for each flight from 1.5 to 3 hours, and at the end of it, do a proper debriefing. Focus on results is also important. Thus, in the teams of test pilots, only a small part has reached a level that allows them to perform complex flights. Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan began preparing for testing fifth-generation fighters already in 2003. It was he who had the opportunity to lift the famous T-50 into the air.

Hero of the Russian Federation

The title awarded to Bogdan in 2011 is an assessment of his merits in testing and introducing new aircraft. The day before, in 2010, a test pilot lifted into the air from the Komsomolsk-on-Amur airfield a prototype of the future T-50. The flight lasted 45 minutes. And at the MAKS-2015 air show it was already officially presented, becoming its culmination.

Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan once compared the Su-27 to a passenger car that replaced trucks. Now the fourth generation fighter seems heavy and unnatural, and the 4++ generation (Su-35) has already demonstrated a new quality of controllability, leaving the legendary 27th modification far behind. The main advantage of the T-50 and its difference from the previous fighter is its low visibility on radar. If an aircraft of the same mass can be seen from 300 km away, then a modern model can be seen from 100 km away, and this seems to be a huge advantage in combat.

The test pilot personally met with President Putin, who was interested in the comparative characteristics of the T-50 and F-22, emphasizing that the improvement of Russian aircraft is in response to the threat. Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan believes that in terms of super-maneuverability and other characteristics, the domestic aircraft is in no way inferior to the American one. Only the F-22 is in service today, and the T-50 still requires improvement.

Today's day

Sergei Bogdan is still in service, heading the flight service of the Sukhoi company and personally carrying out test flights. He is an example for his subordinates. His dedication to the profession is evidenced by his attitude towards airplanes, the birth of which he compares to the birth of a child. The same 9 months are required. Moreover, over the past four years, from 20 to 50 people have been working around the clock on a new copy. The results of the work of many people, to whom he always feels responsible, depend on the skills of the tester.

Hero of Russia, Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation Sergei Bogdan, whose maneuvers in the sky above Le Bourget the audience watched with bated breath, told RIA Novosti correspondent Victoria Ivanova about aircraft testing, the advantages of the Su-35 fighter over foreign analogues, about travel and fear of heights .

Sergey, you literally just completed flying the Su-35 fighter for today. The spectators looked at you without stopping, and the landing of the plane was greeted with applause. Please tell us about how you work with your “swallow”.

— It so happens that I am the presenter of the Su-35 topic. This plane was “mine” from its very inception - when they just started drawing drawings and developing the future fighter. I was entrusted with leading the flight group - I am the leading pilot on this topic and had to track him and lead him until the first ascent. But we also took to the air together - on February 19, 2008. I was lucky enough to conduct basic tests related to the stability, maneuverability, and controllability of the aircraft. Of course, all Sukhoi pilots already fly these planes, but I controlled the main reference points. It turned out that I was also the first four Su-35 aircraft to fly into the air - at the airfields of Zhukovsky and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Then other pilots began to lift.

- Why is our fighter better than, say, the French Rafale?

- I wouldn’t really like to answer such questions - this is a very philosophical question, it’s more about tactics... But, if we don’t get personal - the French Rafale, the American F planes - then I’ll still tell you something.

Our aircraft belongs to the class of heavy fighters, therefore, it can take a large amount of fuel - 11.5 tons, which is two tons more than the Su-27 can take. At approximately the same engine costs, the flight range and air combat time will be longer. The Su-35 also has 14 hardpoints; we can take eight tons of weapons on board. There are other points, but I don’t want to offend anyone, because any phrase can offend. What is important is how all this is applied from a tactical point of view...

Over the course of your life, you have been able to work with 55 different types and modifications of aircraft. It is known that the fifth generation aircraft - the Perspective Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation (PAK FA) - is also being tested by you. What can you say about his trials?

— In total, today seven people are testing the T-50. I can say that testing of the aircraft continues as long as it flies. There are different phases of testing. Even those aircraft that have been in service for a long time are still being tested. But there is a certain stage after which the military begins to operate the aircraft. First, in a limited configuration, not at full capacity... Our management in this regard calls approximately 2015-2016.

Any aircraft has a certain stage of its development. The aircraft will complete the entire scope of the technical task after a certain time. When a plane takes off for the first time, it can do little, like a small child. You lead it as if by the hand: you can’t do this, you can’t do that, you can’t exceed it... And the fifth generation aircraft today can do less than the machines of previous generations. But every day his abilities expand, the restrictions become less and less from flight to flight. The range of his capabilities becomes greater, and his wings literally spread.

- Which of the two aircraft is more interesting and enjoyable for you to work on?

The most significant presentations of domestic aircraft at Le BourgetThe International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget is the largest and oldest air show in the world. It takes place every two years on odd-numbered years at Le Bourget Airport, 12 kilometers from Paris (France). The most significant presentations of Russian aircraft at the air show are in the RIA Novosti photo feed.

I want to say right away that for any pilot, no matter what plane he flies, this is a great pride. Pilots treat their aircraft with awe and respect. Sometimes it’s possible to fly on a third-generation aircraft—the Su-24, for example. And any pilot would be pleased to fly an airplane from an earlier era, because it is more difficult to fly and many things are more difficult to do. It’s the same as an athlete doing exercises in the morning, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. When flying on earlier planes, you need to constantly monitor yourself, monitor every parameter. Modern airplanes allow you to do a lot - you can even enter a “loop” at any speed, even from takeoff, which is about 300 kilometers per hour. And the third generation aircraft must be accelerated to 950-970 kilometers per hour.

Sergey, if we talk about “loops”, and about flying in general, is it scary to fly? Are there pilots who are afraid of heights?

- Of course have. For example me. I'm afraid of heights. It's all relative. If a person is afraid of something, you just need to be able to overcome yourself. And fear of heights is an instinct of self-preservation! Everyone should have it. After all, if you don’t be afraid of anything at all, it will happen that everyone will say - who needs this (show) anyway?! Caution is needed.

Air show in Le Bourget, MAKS in Zhukovsky, business trips, tests... You have to fly and travel a lot. Where have you not managed to fly yet, but would like to?

— There are a lot of such places. Now, I’ve never been to North America or Australia. I was in Asia, but very limited. I was mainly in Africa. I was in Yugoslavia, but once upon a time in childhood. So there are still places to visit.

Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan was born on March 27, 1962 in the city of Volsk, Saratov region; he spent his childhood in Voskresensk, Moscow region, where his parents moved shortly after his birth. The latest combat aircraft, which were tested at the airfield in Zhukovsky nearby, often flew over his house, so even as a child, Bogdan wanted to become a military pilot. Subsequently, he became an honorary citizen of Voskresensk.

In 1983, Bogdan graduated from the Borisoglebsk Higher Military Aviation School named after V.P. Chkalov and after that, until 1987, he served in the Leningrad Military District in the 67th fighter-bomber aviation regiment (Siversky airfield), where he piloted the Su-17M2 fighter-bomber , then served for three years at a Soviet base in Mongolia. In 1990-1991, Bogdan was deputy squadron commander of the 43rd separate naval assault aviation regiment of the Black Sea Fleet naval aviation (Gvardeyskoye airfield).

Bogdan began his career as a test pilot in 1991. He studied at the Test Pilot Training Center (TsPLI), and since 1993 at the State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GLITs, former Air Force Research Institute) he successively held the positions of test pilot, deputy and commander of an aviation squadron of the fighter aviation flight test service . At the same time, Bogdan studied and graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

At the state flight test center, Bogdan mastered 57 types and modifications of aircraft, including Su-17, Su-25, Su-27, MiG-23, MiG-29, Su-30MKK, Su-25TM and MiG-29S. In addition, he carried out the first landings of Su-25UTG and Su-33 aircraft on the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". In 2000, Bogdan was awarded the Order of Courage and in the same year he was transferred to the reserve with the rank of colonel.

Since 2000, after retiring, Bogdan continued his career as a test pilot at the flight test and development base of the Sukhoi company, testing various prototypes and production models of combat aircraft of this design bureau, including the Su-30MK2, Su-27SKM and experimental fighter with forward-swept wing Su-47. He made demonstration flights at aviation exhibitions in Russia (MAKS-1999 - MAKS-2005) and in France (Le Bourget 2005). In April 2006, Bogdan received the title of Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation.

Back in 2003, Bogdan began preparing to test the latest Russian fifth-generation fighter PAK FA (Advanced Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation, T-50), developed by the Sukhoi company. He took off his first prototype on January 29, 2010 from the factory airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and subsequently made the first flights on other copies of this fighter.

On May 23, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Leonidovich Bogdan was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism, high professional skill demonstrated during the testing and implementation of new aviation equipment. At a ceremony in the Kremlin, he was awarded a special distinction - the Gold Star medal.


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This was a must see. At the recent air show in Dubai, thousands of people - from ordinary visitors to well-fed Arab sheikhs and arrogant American generals - raised their heads and watched what the Russian Su-35 was doing in the sky. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart: crazy somersaults, fantastic turns, “Bell”, “Barrel”, “Cobra” and other complex aerobatic maneuvers followed one after another for 20 minutes.

Flew a fighter Hero of Russia, Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation, Head of the Sukhoi Design Bureau flight service Sergei Bogdan.

Igor Chernyak, AiF: Sergey, you have tested over 50 types of combat aircraft. And how do you like the Su-35?

Sergey Bogdan: It belongs to generation 4++. To make it clear: the 4th generation is the Su-27, the 4+ is the Su-30, equipped with a more advanced weapon system, and the 4++ is already an aircraft on the eve of the 5th generation, which has a powerful combat system. equipment. To put it simply, with all my deepest respect for the Su-27, I can say that in comparison with the Su-35, it’s like a truck and a car.

- Why is the Su-35 better?

It has a new locator that can see a target several hundred kilometers away - on land, at sea, and in the air. An expanded range of weapons - several dozen types of guided and unguided weapons. A very complex defense system - both jamming and active counteraction to missiles flying at you, plus an engine with controlled thrust vectoring. All this ensures high flight safety. Even at minimum speeds the plane does not fall into a tailspin. And you can fly without looking into the cockpit. Sergey Bogdan. Born in 1962 in the Saratov region. Reserve Colonel. Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation. Head of the flight service of the Sukhoi company. Tested 57 types and modifications of aircraft. Made the first landings on the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" on a Su-33. He mastered the Su-47 Berkut with a forward-swept wing. On January 29, 2010, the T-50 (now Su-57) took off for its first flight. Made more than 6,000 flights, 5,800 hours in the air (240 days). Of these, on the Su-35 - 700 hours. He has repeatedly performed demonstration flights on modern fighters at air shows for representatives of foreign delegations in the Russian Federation and abroad, including in Algeria, Libya, Venezuela, China, and France. Participated in a fighter flight without mid-air refueling across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. In his free time from flying, he plays hockey and supports Voskresensk Khimik. In 2000 he was awarded the Order of Courage. In 2011 he was awarded the title “Hero of Russia”.

How to fly blind

- So you can fly blind?

Not really. But in close air combat mode, the pilot can exclusively engage in observation of an air target. Let’s say the systems have found target designation - he doesn’t need to look at the instruments, and this will not lead to a situation the way out of which will require extraordinary measures.

I heard that the Su-35 is so smart that even the control stick, if you drop it, returns to its original state and locks.

Here's the thing: firstly, there is an autopilot that controls the aircraft in combat modes. But even if you drop the stick and the autopilot is not turned on, then there is a so-called “pseudo-adjustment to the horizon” mode.

- How is that?

On any other plane, if the pilot is distracted and throws the stick, the plane, like an out-of-control car, begins to shift somewhere, roll, roll over, which is unsafe. Here, in just a few seconds, he determines with his intellect that the pilot does not control him, and goes into horizontal flight.

At the Dubai Air Show, experts said that the artificial intelligence of the Su-35 itself identifies one target out of several and destroys it itself.

Yes. The aircraft is capable of seeing more than 30 targets and identifying the most dangerous ones - based on the criterion of range plus closing speed. After which it sets up a priority row, which is difficult for the pilot to calculate on his own.

- The closest?

The target may be further away than others, but it will be in the priority row due to the fact that it is the fastest to approach. As a result, the most dangerous targets identified by the aircraft are simultaneously fired upon. If the targets begin to perform some kind of maneuver to disrupt the attack, the aircraft builds another priority row - and again attacks the most dangerous ones.

Our aircraft of the Su-27 family, which are in service with the Air Forces of India, Malaysia and other countries, are constantly “at war” with aircraft of NATO countries during exercises. Statistically, the worst case scenario is when they lose 30% of air battles.

- And how did fellow pilots perceive the Su-35 in Dubai?

We have very good relations at all air shows. We communicate well with the same French people. We made friends with the Arabs in the summer at MAKS and had a warm welcome here.

- What about the Americans?

We met those who flew to Dubai. They showed us their plane as best they could.

- Which one?

F-22. We talked with the pilots and exchanged souvenirs.

Tail first

- Is it true that the Su-35 can fly tail first?

You can say that. I demonstrate this when performing a somersault-type loop. And on the Kolokol, when I brake on a hill, the plane seems to hover and actually stays in place.

- Who do you consider to be a competitor to the Su-35?

In principle, any aircraft can compete with it - both the 3rd generation and the 4th, but how successful? If you take the possibilities of 1-1 or pair-on-pair, it will be difficult to compete with the Su-35. Firstly, a very powerful radar: if there is a dueling situation, we converge from afar, we see the enemy much earlier. If they interfere with us, the plane is able to automatically adjust it, and the target will still be captured. Taking into account the fact that the Su-35 has 12 air-to-air missiles, we can launch many missiles at long ranges, and there will still be many left.

- Well, what if the adversary survives?

Let's move on to close combat. Here, since we have high thrust, the Su-35 will retain high energy for a long time - this is the specificity of aerodynamics. But when, in the end, this energy begins to fade for both aircraft, we move to those speeds where the use of a thrust vector is already relevant. And here we have the most powerful melee weapon. Like, say, for any sniper it’s good to have a pistol, a bayonet-knife, plus master hand-to-hand combat techniques. And as soon as close air combat begins, we have a tactical advantage.

Dmitry Medvedev awarded Sergei Bogdan the “Golden Star” of the Hero of Russia. July 28, 2011. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentyev

Watching your aerobatics, many noticed that the Su-35 was flying in a confined space. And if others went far beyond the horizon and were lost in the haze, then you were in sight all the time.

This shows that the aircraft has tremendous stability and controllability characteristics and is capable of demonstrating maneuvers in close proximity to the ground and spectators. And it does it safely. Others today can also perform a spin, but at an altitude of 6-8 km, but our plane does it 500 or even 250 meters from the ground. The difference is obvious.

- To be honest: in a battle between a Su-35 and an American F-22 heavy fighter, who will win?

I definitely won’t give preference to the F-22. And not because I love the Su-35 so much. I saw the F-22 aerobatics in super-maneuverability mode - our Su-30 demonstrated a much more advanced program 10 years ago. And since then we have come a long way. By the way, it is no secret that our Su-27 family aircraft, which are in service with the Air Forces of India, Malaysia and other countries, are constantly “at war” with aircraft of NATO countries during exercises. Statistically, the worst case scenario is when they lose 30% of air battles. But usually 90% win or even win dry.

Who isn't afraid of heights?

- But doesn’t the Su-35 really have any shortcomings?

Every plane has them. The test pilots' job is to find them. We never speak enthusiastically about an aircraft; we carry out flights to find as many points as possible that require adjustment. And all of them must be eliminated before the vehicle is put into service. Any product has shortcomings, even Maybach, Mercedes or BMW - and this is normal. But 10 years will pass, and another aircraft will be created, with better characteristics. Each next generation is created to eliminate some problem areas and move forward.

It is believed that a new item of uniform should always be flown in a less serious flight. If you put on new gloves, something will happen. Or boots, overalls. It is especially important to put on a new helmet or oxygen mask.

As far as I know, you tested Russia’s most secret aircraft, the 5th generation T-50, now called the Su-57. Is it even better than the Su-35?

The 5th generation complex, naturally, will surpass not only the Su-35, but also all the models we have. Many of its qualities are not present on previous machines. First of all, this is low radar signature, plus improved locator properties, even more powerful weapons, and new engines.

- When will he join the troops?

I won't give a specific date. But now I can say that the aircraft, in principle, fulfills all the main tasks, all technical solutions have been confirmed. Military test pilots actively fly it, and even two military non-test pilots have already flown - this is also an important fact.

What do the planes say?

-Are you a superstitious person?

Unfortunately yes. Like all pilots. For example, it is believed that a new item of uniform should always be flown in a less serious flight. If you put on new gloves, something will happen. Or boots, overalls. It is especially important to put on a new helmet or an oxygen mask - well, this is so, from the evil one. There are also traditional moments - for example, before the flight you need to inspect the plane. It would seem, well, why inspect it, there are so many people working there, everyone is responsible for every centimeter - but still the pilot must come up, inspect it carefully, walk around - this is the mood before the flight. For me, for example, it is very important to stroke the plane, pat its rump like a horse, and get on the same wavelength with it. At this time, you think through the flight, some details, and tune in.

Fear is when a person's will is paralyzed. And I haven’t felt this myself, that I’m starting to wedge, that I don’t know what to do from this horror, there’s just a colossal surge of adrenaline, but at the same time my head understands what and how to do.

- In one of the interviews you said that you are afraid of heights. It was a joke?

Partly. Every normal person should be afraid of heights. If you stand on the board at a height of at least 5 meters, it’s already unpleasant, but what if it’s 10, 20, 50? Of course it's scary. But it seems to me that if a person is afraid of something, he just needs to be able to overcome himself. And the fear of heights is an instinct of self-preservation. Everyone should have it.

-Have you ever been scared while flying?

What is fear? This is chemistry, the release of adrenaline in a stressful situation. There were moments when you suddenly realized that yes, unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to fly today. It's an unpleasant feeling, like annoyance. But then somehow it all went away. And this fear, adrenaline, was actively released in some emergency situations. Such situations during work are normal practice; this happens to all test pilots. But fear is when a person’s will is paralyzed. And I haven’t felt this myself, that I’m starting to wedge, that I don’t know what to do from this horror, there’s just a colossal surge of adrenaline, but at the same time my head understands what and how to do. Something like this. In general, I had to experience a feeling very close to fear. Anything could happen, but so far, as they say, God has been merciful.

- I also heard that you sometimes talk to your planes.

This was before the first flight on the T-50. Some questions suddenly appeared there and vibration began. We decided to postpone the flight for several hours, we needed to understand what was happening. The plane was rolled back into the hangar, the frost was very severe, the end of January. And somehow it happened: before this, for several months it was surrounded by people around the clock, about 50 people were hanging on it, everything was boiling around, but here there was no one nearby - the people had apparently left for lunch. It was about 10-15 minutes - a rare occurrence before the plane takes off. I went up to him, stroked him, and said: don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, you and I will fly off and fly back. There was such a moment. This is still an exciting phenomenon - the rise of a new aircraft.

- If not for aviation, what profession would you choose for yourself?

Don't know. I don’t know how to do anything else, just fly.