Occurrence of rocks. Interactive test test in geography (grade 6) on the topic. During the excursion, students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry

Entrance test for geography 7th grade with answers. The test includes 2 options. There are 11 tasks in each option.

Option 1

1. Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from the spring to the well. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write the answer in numbers.

2. Determine from the map in which direction from the well the spring is located.


1) 1:100 000
2) 1:500 000
3) 1:50 000
4) 1:20 000

4. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the picture in order increase their age (from youngest to oldest).

Write down the numbers that represent the rock layers in the correct sequence.

1) limestone
2) loam with boulders
3) quartzite

5. Using the atlas, determine for which of the listed countries tsunamis pose the greatest danger.

1) Bolivia
2) Mongolia
3) Finland
4) Japan

6. A continent washed by the waters of 4 oceans

1) Eurasia
2) North America
3) Africa
4) South America

7. Inland sea

1) Arabian
2) Black
3) Beringovo
4) Karaskoye

8. Match:

1) Earth's crust
2) Mantle
3) Core

A) Thickness from 5 to 80 km
B) The main element of the composition is iron
B) Thickness up to approximately 2900 km

9. Match:

1) a depression in which water flows
2) the territory from which water flows into the river
3) the main river with all its tributaries
4) the beginning of the river

A) Swimming pool
B) channel
B) source
D) river system

10. Determine which of the points having the following geographical coordinates is located on the island?

1) 48° N 52°E
2) 40° N 44°E
3) 52° N 36°E
4) 16° S 48°W

11. In December 2006, off the coast of the island of Sumatra, at a point with coordinates 2° N. latitude. 98°E An earthquake with a magnitude of 8 occurred, followed by a series of aftershocks. A wave formed after an earthquake hit a fishing village on the island of Sumatra, destroying hundreds of residential buildings.

Off the coast of which country did the earthquake described in the text occur?

Option 2

Tasks 1 and 2 are completed using the fragment of the topographic map below

1. Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from point A to a separate tree. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write the answer in numbers.

2. Determine from the map in which direction from point A the free-standing tree is located.

3. What scale map can show the territory in the greatest detail?

1) 1:10 000
2) 1:100 000
3) 1:50 000
4) 1:20 000

4. The earth's crust under continents and under oceans has a different structure. Determine which picture correctly shows the structure of the continental crust.

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D

5. Which representative of Canada's vegetation is depicted on the country's national flag?

1) birch
2) maple
3) pine
4) larch

6. Geographical feature that is a strait

1) Panamanian
2) Suez
3) Magellan
4) Belomorsky

7. Part of the world's oceans with the highest salinity

1) Baltic
2) White
3) Red
4) Arabian

8. Match:

1) a piece of land surrounded on all sides by water
2) a piece of land surrounded on three sides by water
3) part of the sea or ocean that juts into land

A) peninsula
B) Island
B) Bay

9. Match the traveler's names with the discovery he made.

1) H. Columbus
2) A. Nikitin
3) A. Tasman
4) F.F. Bellingshausen, M.P. Lazarev

A) Travel from Russia to India
B) Discovery of Antarctica
B) Discovery of a single continent of Australia
D) Discovery of America

10. Determine which of the points having the following geographical coordinates is located in the lowland?

1) 48° N 52°E
2) 40° N 44°E
3) 52° N 36°E
4) 16° S 48°W

11. Using the Plate Boundaries map, explain why strong earthquakes often occur off the coast of Sumatra?

Answers to the entrance test for geography 7th grade
Option 1
1. 200 210 220
2. Yu
8. 1A 2B 3B
9. 1G 2A 3B 4B
11. Indonesia
Option 2
1. 200 210 220
2. NW
8. 1B 2A 3B
9. 1B 2A 3D 4B
11. Earth's crust fracture

Main state exam OGE Geography task No. 26 During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the picture in order increase their age (from youngest to oldest).
Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.
1) limestone
2) loam with boulders
3) quartzite

Demo version 2018 – 2017


When rocks occur horizontally, the oldest rocks lie at the bottom, the youngest rocks at the top.

Answer: 213

1) yellow sand 2) gray sand 3) loam

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) loam 2) clay 3) limestone

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) clay 2) granite 3) sand

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) loam 2) clay 3) sand

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) sandstone 2) shale 3) limestone

Earth's crust and lithosphere. Hydrosphere. Biosphere. Geographical envelope.

1) gray clay 2) dolomite 3) sand and gravel

Which of the following statements refers to karst processes?

1) These caves were formed as a result of very long dissolution of limestone by rain or melted snow water seeping through cracks in the rock layers.

2) When mining coal, “waste” rock is stored near mine shafts in the form of waste heaps up to 60–80 m high.

3) Ground creep occurs more often on slopes composed of clayey rocks, or where layers of clayey rocks are found in the rock mass.

4) The rivers of Kamchatka are characterized by slow self-purification, therefore water management activities in this region should be aimed at stopping the discharge of wastewater into the rivers.

Which of the following rocks is considered igneous?

1) marble 2) granite 3) limestone 4) coal

Which of the following rocks is sedimentary in origin?

1) limestone 2) basalt 3) pumice 4) granite

5. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

1) granite 2) quartzite 3) limestone

6. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

1) limestone 2) fine sand 3) coarse sand

Which of the following countries has a desert located in tropical latitudes along the ocean coast?

1) China 2) Egypt 3) Turkmenistan 4) Chile

This phenomenon is the propagation of waves in the ocean caused by earthquakes occurring under the ocean floor.

In the deep ocean, these waves travel at speeds of over 700 km/h. When reaching shallow areas of the coast, the speed of the waves quickly decreases, and their height increases to 50 meters, while the destructive power of the waves becomes enormous.

9 . In which of the following countries are earthquakes most likely?

1) Finland2) Belarus3) Australia4) Mexico

What is the name of a natural phenomenon, which is discussed in the text below?

Mountain residents call this phenomenon “white death.” A calm, silent snow slope can suddenly turn into a boiling, roaring cauldron. A giant shaft of snow, dust, fragments of rocks and trees rushes down the slope, sweeping away everything in its path. Sometimes the volume of moving snow reaches hundreds of thousands and even millions of cubic meters. Gaining speed and mass, the snow whirlwind becomes more powerful every moment.

What is the name of the natural phenomenon discussed in the text below?

On the high right bank of the Volga River stood the old Russian village of Fedorovka. One summer night in 1889, the village population was awakened by an extraordinary phenomenon. The walls of the huts were shaking and cracks appeared. Residents poured out of their houses into the street. They saw that the village, along with an entire section of the coast, was slowly moving down towards the Volga. The move lasted about three days. Several dozen houses were completely destroyed.

Which of the following ocean currents is cold?

1) Peruvian 2) Gulf Stream 3) Brazilian 4) Guinean

Which of the following islands have active volcanoes?

1) Madagascar 2) Ireland 3) Cuba 4) Honshu

What is the name of the natural phenomenon discussed in the text below?

This happened in 1884 in Saratov on the high bank of the Volga. At first, the earth began to slowly move down towards the river, becoming covered with cracks on the surface. For several days at night the crash of breaking houses and the clinking of glass could be heard. Many of the prudent residents, noticing these ominous phenomena, hastily left their homes. At 11 o'clock in the morning on September 20, the movement of the earth suddenly became rapid, and a significant part of the mountain noisily collapsed into the river.