Algorithm writing letters in English OGE. Letter to OGE. Educational video. EGE in English. Personal letter. Rules of the game

How to write a personal letter in GIA-9 format?

Assignment of GIA in English (writing the letter)

According to the rules of GIA in English, a schoolboy at the end of the 9th grade is given several tasks, including the task of writing a letter. For example:

Task C1

The task of GIA-9 is given in English: Translation of the assignment of GIA-9:
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have Reced A Letter from Your English-Speaking Pen Friend David.
...My Mother Complains That I Am Lazy and Don't Help Her Much. Do You Or Your Friends Often Help Your Parents? How? What Duties Does Every Member of You Family Have In The House? ...
Write Him A Letter and Answer His 3 Questions.
Write 80-100 Words. Remember The Rules of Letter Writing.
You have 30 minutes to make this task.
You received a letter from your English
Talking friend according to David's correspondence.
... Mom complains that I am lazy and hardly help her. Do you or your friends often help your parents? How? What duties have every member of your familyin the House? ...
Write to him a letter and answer it 3 questions.
Write 100-120 words. Remember the writing rules.

It is necessary to write a letter according to this task.

Rules for writing letters GIA-9 in English

At the end of each task, GIA-9 in English is a phrase - Remember The Rules of Letter Writing - Remember the rules for writing the letter.
Below are these rules:

Evaluation Criteria GIA in English

The maximum number of points that the letter is estimated in English on GIA is 10 points. Of these, 4 evaluation criteria are distinguished:
  • the solution of the communicative task is the maximum rating - 3 points. Full answers are given to three questions asked. Correctly selected appeal, the final phrase and the signature. There is gratitude, mention of previous contacts, expressed hope for future contacts.
  • organization of text - 2 points. The text is logical and divided into paragraphs. Properly used language tools for logical transmission. Text design complies with standards.
  • lexico-grammatical design of text - 3 points. A variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures corresponding to the delivered communicative task are used.
  • ordography and punctuation - 2 points. Specographic and punctuation errors are practically absent (no more than 2, not impeding text understanding).


We will analyze the structure of the letter GIA-9 in more detail. The structure of the letter GIA-9 in English consists of:
  • Sender addresses.
  • Writing dates.
  • Appeals.
  • The basic text of the letter - the body of the letter:
    • Thanks for the resulting letter.
    • Link to previous contacts.
    • Answers to friend questions.
    • I apologize for the end of the letter.
    • Phrase about future contacts.
  • Final phrase
  • Signatures - your name.

Sender's address in the letter GIA-9 in English

The letter begins with writing its address (sender address) in the upper right corner of the sheet. The sequence is as follows:
  • 1st line - Apartment number,
  • 2nd row - house number, then the name of the street,
  • 3rd line - first the city, then the zip code,
  • The 4th line is a country.
For example:

See also:

Date in the letter GIA-9 in English

Subject to the sender in the letter of GIA-9 format is the date of writing, for example:
18 Deceptber, 2013.
In details . However, the GIA in English is better to use the format proposed above.

Appeal in the letter GIA-9 in English

As a rule, a letter in English in the format of GIA-9 begins with informal circulation -

Dear Helen,

The main text of the letter GIA-9 in English

At the beginning of the main text, as a rule, grateful for the resulting letter, this is required by the norms adopted in English-language countries:

At the beginning of the letter of GIA, it is also necessary to include a reference to previous contacts:

Next should be responsible for questions that your English-speaking in your letter is in your letter. These questions are three. All of them are asked for the same general topic. This topic should be revealed. Read the example of the above example - an excerpt from the letter:

The general topic of all three questions is helping parents. It is important to understand to write a first sentence that will be introduced into the bulk of the letter.
Below are some samples of the introductory supply, which determines the subject of the entire letter to a friend:

Further, in line with the task of GIA, it is necessary to write the basic text of the letter.
The letter must be logical, structured and connected.
Logicity is consistent and detailed answers to all the questions asked. Answers can be in the form of a narrative, description or justification of their own opinion. They should not be brief or monosyllars.
Under the structure of the letter it is understood to divide it into semantic paragraphs.
When writing a letter in the format of GIA, the text is very important, which is achieved through the use of introductory words, unions, etc.:

aS FOR ME as for me
unfortunately. unfortunately
however. however, nevertheless, at the same time
aS A Rule. usually
although. although despite
by The Way. by the way, by the way, by the way
eTC. and so on and so forth

The letter in the format of GIA-9 implies the use of phrases to express their emotions, for example:
well oh well
of Course. of course, of course
I "M SO Glad i'm so happy
I "M SO Pleased i'm so pleased

In the last paragraph of the main part of the letter will appropriate to apologize for the end of the letter, reflecting any circumstances:

Final phrase in the letter of GIA in English

The final phrase must be written in accordance with the informal style of the letter itself, for example:
Best Wishes. With the unlawful wishes
All The Best. All the best
Take Care. Take care of yourself
WITH LOVE. With love
Lots Of Love. With love

After this phrase necessarily put the comma.
After the final phrase you need to subscribe, i.e. Write your name. Only the name, without last name. Signature put on a separate line. After signature, the point is not writing!

An example of a letter GIA-9 in English

The following is an example of a letter of GIA written in accordance with the requirements of the state final certification in accordance with the task C1 (see letter-incentive at the beginning of this page):
SEPTEMBER 23, 2013

Thank you for your letter. It Was Nice To Get A Reply From You So Soon.
You Asked Me to Tell You How I Help My Parents. WELL, I CAN SAY THAT I OFTEN HELP MY PARENTS. By The Way, Like My Friends. As Far As I Know, Everybody Tries Help Their Parents. And Who Will Help Them, If Not Their Children?
As a rule, I am Help in the Garden. I Dig The Ground, Do Irrigation Of Vegetables, Gather Berries.
As for the house, We Have a Separation of Duties. MOM COOKES THE FOOD AND WASHES CLOTHES, DAD TAKES OUT THE GARBAGE ANDrEPAIRS THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE, and I Wash The Dishes and Particular About Cleanlinss of Rooms.
WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW. IT's Already 11 O'Clock.
With Best Regards,

Letter translation into Russian:

Yekaterinburg, Russia

Dear William
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to get the answer from you so soon.
You asked me to tell how I helped my parents. Well, I can say that he often helps his parents. By the way, like my friends. As far as I know, everyone is trying to help their parents. And who will help them, if not native children?
As a rule, I help a lot in the garden. Pop the earth, watering the bed with vegetables, collect the harvest of berries.
As for the apartment, then in our family the division of responsibilities. Mom prepares food and erases underwear, dad makes garbage and makes repairs, and I my dishes and watching the cleanliness of the rooms.
Well, it's time for me to finish. Now for 10 hours.

The question is why to take the OGE and EGE exams in English disappears by itself, because it is explained in almost all schools in Russia. Therefore, our task is not to convince you to take exams, but to help and explain all the subtleties of each of them. If you have already passed the KET or Pet for Schools Cambridge exams, you will find a lot of common tasks, and you will be easier to prepare for Russian exams.

Preparation for OGE in English

(based on FIPI)

How to prepare for OGE? First of all, you should

Explore all the requirements and types of tasks;

Examine the criteria for estimating the tasks of the oral part and section No. 4 of the writing part.

This will help you understand how to prepare for the exam and what aspects of the language should pay special attention when preparing.

What do you need to know about OGE in English?

OGE consists of four partitions of the written part (№1 audition, No. 2 reading, №3 grammar and vocabulary, №4 letter) and oral part. The exam lasts two hours.


Audio recording (1.5-2 minutes), recorded by native speakers, sounds twice.

Fire estimation system

Maximum you can get 70 points: 55 points in the writing part and 15 points in the oral part.

In the written part (Section 1,2,3) for the correct execution of each task with a brief response and with a choice of response, you will receive 1 point if you have not made a spelling error in brief response. If there is a spelling error in response, then you will receive 0 points.

For the correct answer in tasks №№ 1, 2 (audition) and No. 9 (reading) you will receive 1 point. Thus, you can get:

from 0 to 4 points for task number 1

from 0 to 5 points for Task number 2

from 0 to 7 points for Task number 9

The level of difficulty of fire

The tasks of two levels of the complexity of OGE do not exceed the requirements of the level A2 on the pan-European scale.

Section 4 (Letter)

Remember that only 120 words of letters are checked. This means that if in response more than 130 words, the last 10 words will not be checked, and such a letter when checking automatically will automatically lose the final phrases and signatures.

How to consider words in a letter:

Nutritive, abbreviations, and complex words written through a hyphen, consider as one word.

You will receive 0 points in section №4 for the letter, in the event

If you did not respond to two of the three questions set in the task;

If your letter has less than 90 words.

In order to get a high score for the letter and speaking OGE, it is necessary to carefully familiarize themselves with the criteria for their assessment, and clearly understand what skills and how evaluated.

Evaluation Criteria Letter (10 points)

The criterion "Solution of the Communicative Task" assesses the content of the letter and the correctness of the speech style on a three-point scale;

The criterion "Text Organization" assesses the structure of the letter and linguistic means of logical communication (alliances, word-ligaments, introductory words, pronouns) on a two-point scale;

The criterion "lexico-grammatical design of the text" assesses the adequacy of the vocabulary and grammatical structures on a three-point scale;

The "spelling and punctuation" criterion estimates the error in writing words and the relevance of punctuation signs on a two-point scale.

Oral OGE (section No. 5)

You have 15 min. At the answer itself and preparation for it. You can get 15 points. Your answer is recorded.

Task number What to do How many minutes to prepare and answer What is estimated How many points
1 read out loud text 1.5 min. on preparation

2 minutes. On the answer

phonetics: proper pronunciation of words, phrases, intonation and semantic stress, lack of unnecessary pauses 2
2 Give an answer to six questions that you hear 40 sec. On response to every question fullness answer to the question, no phonetic,

grammatical, lexical inaccuracies

6 (one for each question)
3 Talk about the topic using three issues indicated in the plan 1.5 min. - preparation

2 minutes. Answer from

10-12 sentences

- Fullness of disclosure of all aspects of the topic

Connectivity and logical statement

Vocabulary, grammatical structures and phonetics


You will receive 0 balls in the oral OGE

In the task number 1, if you make a large number of errors in the pronunciation of words and phrases and if we incorrect stress in words, read with unnatural pauses and often stuff or made more

7 errors on phonetics * or 4 phonetic errors that distort meaning;

In task number 2, if you did not answer the question or answer does not meet the question, or the answer consists of phrases, or errors make it difficult to understand;

In task number 3, if the two aspects of the content are not disclosed, and you only told 5 or less phrases.

* Note: It should be remembered, for example, that in the British version of the English language in such words as ASK, Plant, Dance, is pronounced [A:], and not [æ] (as in the American language).

How to get the maximum number of points for the letter in OGE

Reply to all questions set in the task;

Use the unofficial speech style, i.e. Abbreviated forms of auxiliary verbs, spoken expressions, relevant for personal writing, etc.;

Write the desired number of words (at least 100 words, but no more than - 120 words);

Comply with the scheme of writing a personal letter (address, paragraphs, appeal, completion, signature, etc.);

It is logical to build your response using the necessary language tools;

Use words and phrases, revealing theme, and the necessary grammatical structures;

Do not make mistakes (lexical, grammatical and spelling).

How to get the maximum number of points in the oral part

Speak clearly and clearly with the right pronunciation, emphasis and intonation;

To disclose full and exactly all aspects of the task, saying the recommended number of phrases in the allotted time (see table for OGE);

Use a good word stock on the topic of tasks and the necessary grammatical structures;

Talk connected and logical, without checking and unreasonable pauses;

Do not make mistakes (lexico-grammatical and phonetic), and if you made a mistake, correct it and keep talking.

When preparing for OGE in English, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of topics that is given on the site

Remember that your "letter" or "speaking" will not be checked by your teacher or school, and experts on OGE on the criteria that are given on the site

The exam offers an excerpt from the letter from your possible pen-friend. The letter contains some news and a few questions where you ask opinions, councils, etc.

It is required to write a letter-response, starting with your short return address in the upper right corner, dates under the address, greetings and ending with the farewell phrase and name.

First of all, to write a letter, you need to know the rules of spelling and punching English and try to follow - to the one you addressed the letter, it will be nice to read a competently composed letter.

One of the tasks in English both in the USE and in OGE is writing a personal letter In response to the letter "English-speaking friend on correspondence." It is part of part C, as well as writing an essay in English. At the same time, if the volume of the letter is 100-140 words, the limit in 100-120 words is installed in the OGE, since The exam is given a task to ask 3 questions, and in OGE - just answer the letter, although, in any case, if you write questions, it will be a plus.

Writing a letter in a foreign language is a simple task that needs to be performed as quickly as possible to leave the time to perform other tasks. So, consider the uniform rules for writing a personal letter. To make it easier to understand everything, check the specially selected video site:

In the upper right corner Specify the address in the following order (order inverse Russian):

  • flat
  • house number, street name
  • city
  • country

It is allowed to specify the address in short form, for example:

Under the address saving a stringYou must write a letter date:
June 4th, 2012
4 June 2012.

or less formally:

The letter begins with informal treatment. If the name of your interlocutor is not specified in the task, it should be invented:
Dear rebecca,

After the appeal, you need to put a comma!

Divide the text of the letter into several logical paragraphs, each of which start from the red string.

1. In the first paragraph, you should thank your friend for his letter:
Thanks (A lot) for Your (Last) Letter.
Your Last Letter Was a Real Surprise.
I Was Glad to Get Your Letter.
IT Was Great to Hear from You! / It Was Great To Hear That ... / I Was Happy To Hear ...

You can also apologize for not writing before:
Sorry I Haven't Written for So Long But ... / Sorry I Haven't Been in Touch for So Long.
I'm Sorry I Haven't Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School.

and / or mention any fact from the resulting letter:
I'm Glad You Passed Your History Test!
Sounds Like You Had A Great Time in London!
Great News about your ...!

2. The bulk of the letter (2-3 paragraphs). In it, you must disclose all aspects specified in the task. Do not forget to ask the necessary questions.

It is assumed that the letter must be written in an informal style, so you can use informal words-ligaments, such as well, by The Way., anyway., sO., spoken expressions like Guess What? Or Wish Me Luck !, as well as exclamation marks.

3. In the last paragraph, explain why you finish the letter:
Well, I'D Better Go NOW AS I Have to Do My Homework.
Anyway, I Have to Go Now Because My Mum Asked Me to Help Her With The Washing Up.
I'Ve Got to Go Now! IT's Time for My Favourite TV Show.

and mention further contacts:
Write (Back) Soon!
Take Care and Keep In Touch!
Drop Me a Letter WHEN YOU CAN.
Hope to Hear from You Soon.
I Can't Wait to Hear From You!

At the end of the letter on a separate line, the final phrase-cliché is indicated, which depends on how close the author and the addressee is. After it, the comma is always put! Below are possible options from the least formal (1) to a more formal (8):

  1. Love
  2. Lots of love
  3. All My Love,
  4. All The Best,
  5. Best Wishes
  6. With Best Wishes,
  7. Yours
  8. Warm Regards,

The next line under the final phrase indicates the name of the author (without last name!). For example:
Andy. or Kate.

Thus, the letter to a friend has the following form:

The address of the writing (indicated in the upper right corner)
Letter date (under the address)

At the beginning of the letter, the author is usually a) thanks the addressee for the previously received correspondence; b) apologizes that he did not write before.
The bulk of the letter (2-3 paragraphs). It should be disclosed in it.
All aspects specified in the task.
Do not forget to ask all the necessary questions.
At the end of the letter, the author usually mentions the reason for the end of the letter, as well as further contacts (the phrases-clichés are used).
Final phrase
Signature author (name)

Template for writing writing in English

13 OstoZhenka Street.

I WAS SO Happy to Get Your Letter! I Can't Wait to Meet You in July! I'm Sorry I Haven't Answered Earlier But I Was Really Busy With My School.


By The Way, ...? ...? ...?

Unfortunately, I'd Better Go NOW AS I'VE GOT Loads of Homework to Do (As Always). Take Care and Keep in Touch!

At the final exam, one of the proposed tasks is to draw up an answer to the letter. This exercise is the last in the block. The task is an excerpt from the personal message of your friend, where a small fragment of events from privacy is covered.
For competent execution of this task, 10 points can be maximally scored.
The main requirements for the letter are:

  • compliance with the rules for the preparation of the structure of the text, the correspondence of the semantic value of the part of the text of its structural part. This means that it is impossible to confuse greeting and conclusion, logically rearrange paragraphs in places in the main part of the text, etc.;
  • a letter in English should consist of 100-120 words. However, a deviation is allowed by 10% in both directions. So, the letter may consist of 90 to 132 words. In case the letter consists of 89 words, the task is not counted. If from 133 - only the first 132 words are checked;
  • the use of a wide spectrum of words without the use of jargon. Since the letter is unofficial (unlike essay), a journalistic informal style is allowed. The plus is considered to use informal revolutions: "and so?" or "HA-HA".
  • literacy letter. It is very important to observe all spelling and grammatical rules so that the text is easy to read. Packs, corrections and errors in the preparation of a separate word significantly reduce the final score.
  • it is necessary to use as many designs, stable phrases and introductory, summarizing words. This will fully disclose the student's potential on the basis of the rules for building letters;
  • we meet no more than 30 minutes for a letter, since the rest of the tasks also require serious time costs in the framework of the total time on the exam;
  • reductions "IT's", "don't", etc. are considered in one word;
  • the use of numbers or percent is also considered in one word;
  • grammatically incorrectly decorated words are also taken into account when counting the number of words. In this case, the counting is carried out on the fact of the written text. So, the correctly written word "e-mail" according to the rules of OGE in 2018 is one word. At the same time, the erroneous "e mail" is considered two words, despite the error.

If the examiner is not sure how the word is written correctly, it is recommended to skip this word. More points will bring properly decorated work with simple expressions than working with errors, but with complex structures.

Writing plan for OGE

The letter is required not only to competently compile, but also appropriate to position the structural parts on the sheet of paper. The location of the parts occurs in accordance with the parts of the plan. So:

  1. Address sending paper. It is prescribed in the increasing sequence: house number, street, city, country. Must be in the upper right corner of the sheet.
  2. Date. Prescribed under the address, that is, in the upper right corner. It is important to know that the date written as "11 October 2017" is three words, and "11/10/2017" - one.
  3. Appeal. It is prescribed to the left of the sheet. The "Dear Friend" design is usually used, you can also substitute the name of the friend. Note - After the appeal is strictly required to put a comma! For example: "DEAR LILY, ..." No semicolon means lost score!
  4. Introduction. The conditions of English etiquette regarding the compilation of letters require to indicate at the very beginning that the sender is grateful for a previously read letter or feels guilty that he has not sent a response for a long time.
  5. Main part. Makes up 2 or 3 paragraphs. It is necessary to answer the questions asked by another in his letter. That is, if a friend asked two questions, there should also be a response. All responses must be interconnected by showing the structure of thought. This implies that it is not necessary to respond in the same sequence in which questions came.
  6. Conclusion. Here it is necessary to specify the reason for which the letter ends. Often use the design in which it is indicated that the author urgently needs to do a certain case.
  7. Contact designation. It is assumed to indicate the author of the expectation of the future correspondence.
  8. Wishes. Often, a standard design expressing goodwill is used. Just as after the appeal, it is strictly necessary to put a comma. No semicolon means lost score!
  9. Signature. The name of the author should be indicated below the text in the left side of the sheet. It does not put any punctuation sign. The presence of a point or exclamation mark means the lost score!

An example of a letter in English (OGE task)

55, Gurova.
Dear Ben,

Thanks for your letter. IT Was Great to Hear from You!

I am Happy to Know You Have Chosen Your Future Profession. I'm Also Interested in Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Cultures. And I Hope to Visit The USA Next Summer.

As for me, I Have Already Made Up My Mind to Become a Teacher of Foreign Languages. I Like to Work with Children. THEY MAKE ME FEEL HAPPY.

I Have Already Been to Italy and France. But I Recommend You to Visit Russia First for the Ter Many Places of Interest. If You Travelled to Russia, I Would be Your Guide Thatn.

Give My Best To Your Parents. I Look Forward To Hearing From You Soon.

Best Wishes

  1. In circulation, it is recommended to use the turnover "Dear Lily, ..." or "My Dear Friend Lily, ...".
  2. To express gratitude, it is recommended to use: "Thank You for Your Letter" or "I Was Glad to Hear From You!"
  3. Also, at the discretion of the author, you can apologize to the addressee for a long lack of response. This can be done by such phrases: "Sorry I Have Not Answered Earlier. I Was Very Busy With My School "or" Sorry That I Have Not Written Earlier, The Reason Is ... ".
  4. The rule of good tone is the writing of the connecting phrase. She puts in the same paragraph as an apology. Usually, this phrase is "I Am Very Happy You Are Good".
  5. Next are the answers to the questions set. An important feature of this paragraph is argument. For example, if a friend asked: "What Book Would You Like to Read, Why?" Will not write enough: "The Lord of the Rings". The correct answer will be: "I Would Like to Read" The Lord of The Rings ", Because It Has Good Reactions of Critics and Great Film Based On Book. It is important to comply with the grammatical approach of the issue. So, if the question is based on the form "What Would You Do If You Were Here's" form, the correct answer will be: "If I Were There, I Would ..."
  6. At the end, it is necessary to explain the reason why the author stops writing. Structures are used: "I Should Go Away Now! My Girlfriend Waits for Me! " or "Actually, I Have To Go Now. MY DAD ASKED ME TO HELP HIM WITH COMPUTER.
  7. The desire to write off in the future is often expressed with the help of letters templates: "Write Back Soon" or "Cannot Wait Your Answer!".
  8. The end of the letter becomes the phrase: "Best Wishes" or "Take Care of Yourself!". After it, you must specify your name, and the letter is considered complete.

Our training courses for OGE in English will help you perfectly master the art of writing English texts. Experienced school teachers will not only help you learn the necessary knowledge, but also provide lexically rich and grammatically faithful examples of texts that will help disassemble errors and benefits of using certain techniques. Choosing our training courses, you choose sustainable and complete knowledge on the subject, as well as a high score at the final exam.