A beautiful chicken lived oh what. "Hen". Entertainment for younger preschoolers based on the poem by K. Chukovsky “Chicken

Evgenia Kalyuzhnaya
"Hen". Entertainment for younger preschoolers based on the poem by K. Chukovsky "The Hen"

Target: create a joyful atmosphere, introduce pets and their onomatopoeia.

Tasks: develop emotional responsiveness in children, introduce children to singing, sing along and imitate, encourage kids to join in singing songs.

Equipment: chicken mask, cockerel mask, chicken masks by the number of children, cat mask, didactic game "Guess whose house?".

Characters: the host is an adult, she can also be a fun grandmother, a chicken is an adult, children.

Leading: Guys, Grandma-Zabavushka invited us to visit again. She has for us new fairy tale. Shall we go?

Children: let's go!

A song is being performed "Car" Popatenko T. (children around the hall imitate driving a car)

B-Z: Hello. guys! How was the ride? Fine? Well done!

I have prepared a story for you. Everyone will like it. Sit back and listen. But about whom I will not say a fairy tale. But you listen to the riddle and find out who the story is about.

He walks in the yard, leads the chicken,

nibbling grass, looking for grains.

how to find, so kids calling:

ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko. (hen)

children: hen.

B-Z: right, the fairy tale is called "Chicken"

A beautiful chicken lived with me,

oh what a smart chicken she was.

A song is being performed "Chicken" Filippenko A.

(chicken exits)

Chicken: ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, where are my chickens?

They fled to the corners, now we can’t find them. (crying)

B-Z: do not Cry hen the guys and I will help you find them,

Let's play a game "Guess whose house?"

Conducted didactic game "Guess whose house"

After the game, the children put on chicken hats.

Chicken: oh my guys, my chickens, how glad I am that you were found.

Ko-ko-ko, do not go far, the cat lives nearby, it will pick you up and take you away.

The game is being played "Cat and Chickens"

Chicken: you played well, had fun with all your heart, and now everyone is at the lesson, dad Cockerel is waiting for you.

Cockerel: (the same funny grandmother put on a cockerel mask)

Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku, the kids have been waiting for you for a long time.

Now we are going to sing with you.


Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ka-re-ku marching for the cock

We walk together across the bridge.

We raise our legs, try to raise our knees

We play with wings. They hit with their hands on the sides.

Coo-ka-re-coo, coo-ka-re-coo

We paddle with our feet. Leg movements

We'll find the worm now. Imitate - peck

And now let's drink some water raise and bow your head

From an iron trough.

And all together avidly stretch their necks

How we live happily beat hands on sides

Coo-ka-re-coo, coo-ka-re-coo. Syllables are pronounced loudly.

Chicken: ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko it's already late and dark,

It is necessary for the children to wash their legs and go to the crib.

Held motor exercise "Bathing-washing"

We will clean the feathers one, two, three, raise your hands in turn.

Scallop and beard three, three, three. smooth the beard and head.

Let's knock our feet one, two, one. They knock with their feet.

Let's jump on the perch - one. Jump and squat down.

Chicken: my children lay down and they need to sing a lullaby.

A lullaby is being sung

B_Z: oh, what a smart chicken she was, she sewed caftans for me,

She sewed boots, baked sweet ruddy pies for me,

And when he manages, he sits at the gate, tells a fairy tale, sings a song.

(shows illustrations for words)

caregiver: what an interesting fairy tale, right, guys? Thank you funny grandma. Well, now it's time for us to go home. Yes, and my grandmother is completely tired with us, she is old. (collects masks).

B-Z: and thank you for not forgetting your grandmother, visiting. And here's to you the hen handed over the gift. Sweet, rosy pies.

Children: Thank you.

Gentle, magical, quiet music sounds, B-Z and the teacher distribute pies

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A beautiful chicken lived with me.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!

She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,
Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.

And when he manages, he will sit at the gate -
Tell a story, sing a song.
Korney Chukovsky

The hen laid an egg.
She put it under the porch.
sat there again
And took down five more.
And then the Rooster came
I counted all the eggs out loud.
How many birds now
Is there an egg under the porch?
Chernyaeva V.

A mother hen quolls:
- I found the worm for the kids!
Rushing to the house at full speed:
- Praise me, cock!

Hen - mother hen
Helps kids:
Wants the chicks
Were all right!
yellow lumps
Happy quotation.
Everyone follows mom
Worms are found!
Zich E.

Pestrushechka hen,
Sew a pillow for us
With flowers, lace
For our daughter Tanya.
Tanya will sleep
Sweet on the pillow.
Loseva S.

Chickens, chickens, how are you?
Chickens, chickens, what are you eating?
- Well, as long as we live,
But, sorry, we do not chew.
We PICK quickly
On the grain path.

Although winged is not a bird.
It doesn't even aim for the sky.
All day the grain pecks,
At night it goes to six.
domesticated bird -
You will lay an egg in the morning:
wonderful omelet,
Will be for lunch tomorrow!
Mazanko E.

Knock-Knock. Knock-Knock.
Who is knocking here?
The hen was sitting in the nest
It took a long time to heat the eggs.
ten little chicks
They want to get out of the eggs.
On the shell knock-knock-knock.
Hello mommy, we are here!
Now our quote has
Daughters and sons are yellow lumps.
Gorenburgova R.

Hen Gypsy
I got up early
"Ko-Ko-ko" said
And went to the street
Grass nibbled,
Flies pecked,
Walked here and there
And laid an egg on us.

Looks mother chicken
On chickens and squints.
Though they sit in the shade
They are like the sun.
It is a pity that soon from the nest
Who will run away.

Hen teaches chicks
Avoid angry kittens:
- There is no more dangerous animal for us,
Don't go to the back door.
Co-co-co ... co-co-co!
Where are you so far away?!
At the gate Vaska cat,
He has been waiting for you fools for a long time!
- Eka is an unseen kitten, -
One chicken says
I'm not afraid of anyone
Even Vaska himself!
Meanwhile, our red cat
I thought the opposite;
Lie down in the grass and hide
He covered himself with loupochki
Looking forward to victory:
- Murr, I haven't had lunch for a long time.
And the appetizer is just "class",
Here I am now!..
So it would be eaten with Panama,
Yes, Klusha-mother intervened.
And let's peck the cat.
"Will you offend children?!"
Happy I.

The chickens made a noise in the morning:
“Why are you Petya, gloomy,
Don't sing ringing songs
Are you pecking at the grain, are you pecking?"
Well, Ryabushka said:
"I felt sorry for the rooster,
Our good cock
Golden, scallop.
Let him sing, sing in the morning
WITH Good morning kids!”
Letter Z.

Who cackles all day long?
She is not too lazy to sit in the nest.
her yellow boys
They're called chickens.
Bogdan S.

I'm sitting in the chicken coop
And I count chickens.
Chicken is not stupid.
I know about everything.
Standing behind me
A couple of little chicks..
I won't squint
I'm their mother chicken..
Cultural A.

Ko-ko-ko! - The mother hen screams,
He calls the children to the house.
Ko-ko-ko! It's already dark
Don't go far.
Pee-pee-pee! - The chickens are chirping.
We are already going back.
Chickens have a warm home
At the hen under the wing.
Alekseenko Yu.

The hen pecks the grain
And lays eggs to us
He says to the chickens: Ko - Ko
Don't go far.
Klementeva V.

Hen - mother hen
She brought out the chickens.
little kids
They squeak all day long.

Days flew by
And there is no peace.
I gave them soup
Bread and meatballs.

What didn't you eat?
What is the secret here?
Or are you not brave?
Or a bad lunch?

Can they have cookies?
Maybe milk?
Or tea with jam
Let them have a drink?

I cooked porridge
Delicious for chickens.
And they are insects
Fools want.

In the morning at dawn
Rejoicing in the spring
Kwok da kwok mother hen,
And chickens with her.

They are all happy
Looking for worms.
Good at will
Even squeak.

Three hens all of a sudden
We ran in a circle, in a circle.
paws stomped,
Wings flapped:
"Where-where" yes "where-where"!
Everyone here, here, here!
Chickens are called birds
Oh, and we like to have fun!
Though the wings are non-flying,
But the legs are stomping!
Sysoeva Ya.

Where-where? Where-where?
Come on, come on, everybody here!
Come on, under the wing of your mother!
Where did it take you?
Berestov V.

A mother hen quolls:
- I found the worm for the kids!
Rushing to the house at full speed:
- Praise me, cock!
Chudinova T.

- You tell us, chicken,
Where is our street?
- Yes, very close!
There, across the river! Ko-Ko-Ko!
Alekseenko Yu.

Two chicken neighbors
Met on the street
"Kud-kudah" yes "ko-ko-ko",
- Where were you?
- Far!
I went to the fair
Yes, I bought gifts.
- What will you give the rooster?
- A padded jacket with fur.
And more boots
So that the legs do not freeze.
- What about your kids?
- A book for each.
- What about the cat and the cat?
- A pipe and an accordion.
- And the lame turkey?
- A wooden stick!
And you, girlfriend
Red pillow.
And to his neighbor -
New checkered apron.
Both the cow and the bull
And the owner's son...
- What did you buy for yourself?
- I completely forgot about myself!
"Kud-kudah" yes "ko-ko-ko",
It's hard to remember everyone!

Met Corydalis
bowed to each other
Two red scallops.
And, raking paws
Dung warm rubbish,
They lead the suave
Chicken talk.
- You are somewhere
You are somewhere
Where are you going?
- I ko-ko-ko,
I'm ko-ko-ko
I walk straight into the rye.
- Oh, where, where,
Oh, somewhere
Take me there.
- But ko-ko-ko,
But ko-ko-ko
After all, it's far away.
- Ah, it doesn't matter.
Ah, don't worry
We'll rest after.
So ko-ko-ko
And somewhere
Let's go for a walk together!
Oseeva V.

Nadezhda Andrusenko
The mother hens clucked:
– Did you hear? At the neighbor's
Five chickens appeared
Mouths open and squeak!
Every minute they ask to eat,
Everyone around is tired of listening!
So many screams to hear
We'll tell the rooster everything!
Now that he has become a father,
Let him find food for the little ones!
Cockerel for small children
He brought green branches
Black little bugs
Fat, fat worms
Eight handfuls of grain
Bright yellow wheat
Half an orange
Apples - a whole basket,
Two dried cockroaches
Even a banana peel.
- Eat, kids, get better.
Enjoy, don't be shy.
The whole family in the evening together
Gathered for a sumptuous dinner!
To make it more fun
Decided to invite guests -
All neighbors were invited
They treated millet porridge,
The owners have a proud look -
Chicks birthday!

Elena Stekvashova
The chicken clucks: "Whoa!
How I want peas."
And the cock to her: "Do not crack.
Better get up and look."

Iraida Mordovina
Hen-Pestrushka, kind fatty,
He walks around the yard, calls the children:
- Ko-ko-ko, guys, where are you, chickens,
Yellow lumps, daughters and sons?
Hurry to mom: we will eat with you
Seeds and crumbs, take out the spoons.
There is some porridge in the mongrel's bowl.
She sleeps, doesn't bark, doesn't bite you.
We'll drink milk from a mischievous cat.
He catches wrappers and won't remember us.
And then we will go to the garden and fall asleep under the cherry.
It's cool in the shade. What else do we need?

Zinaida Alexandrova
In the meadow by the river
Whitened snow -
It's the chickens out
Morning on the meadow.
Near the poultry farm
All of them are white
Like there are snowdrifts
During the night it has piled up
As if not melted
Ice by the river...
Hens Tanya
Look goes.
Grandmother Ulyana
Raised them -
White, fluffy
Their hens.
Hen - Snowflake,
Cockerel - Ice.
White as winter
bird town,
Where lazily slumbers
Hiding his nose in his paws,
Red like a fox
Grandma Barbos.

Agniya Barto
The mother hen led her chickens,
Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, there was a roar,
Shines rain slanting mesh,
And immediately the rivers flowed.

The road is wet, damp,
The mother hen rushes about: what to do?
Do not run her to the barn,
You can't shelter chickens from the downpour...

Try to hide them in the rain!
Suddenly people see from the window:
What a weird chicken
She sits in the rain!

She sits with her wings outstretched
Decided to wait out the rain...
She sheltered chickens under her wings
And boldly wet in the rain.

author: Alexander Izmailov Mitrofanovich
Walks, quacks:
- Kwok, kwok, kwok.
The cat is running around.
goose and turkey
Will win for sure.
Stepping on her heels
yellow-mouth chicks
- All here, - calls the mother hen, -
- I found the worm, kids.
The kids are tired
They want to rest in silence.
Climb to mom under the wing-
It's good and warm.
- Pi, pi, pi, - they squeak, - It's not fair!
You took my place here!
- Children, all sit quietly!
-In crowded but not mad.
She loves all the chickens
She warms everyone, she squeaks.
The mother hen has no favorites -
All of them are children.

Author: Viktor Gvozdev
The chicken went out into the yard for a walk,
It is quiet and she has no one to play with.
But the chicken walks in silence all the same,
Hoping to find at least some grain.
Only now there are no friends, no grain
And the chicken is very, very sad.
But somewhere lies, lurking, it -
Her consolation is a simple grain.

Andrey Usachev
Chicken cackles all day -
Worried about the chicks
Jump from the roof - high,
Swimming in the river is deep,
And behind the house - KO-KO-CAT ...
Don't go far!

P. Volkov
Once upon a time there were chickens
At the owner Shura.
All the beautiful laying hens,
Aunt Brother-in-law obedience.
Only one in a big family
Wasn't born like that.
Her name was Klusha
Somehow in the heat
She cackled: "I'm going to die!
I can not take it anymore,
I immediately run to the shower.
Shower, heard, water
Refreshing in the summer heat!
Explain to her that the shower -
For people, not for Klush.
"I don't believe Where-where,
I'll run over there!"
Came running in a hurry
Opens the water: "Ah!"
Klusha rolled out
Somersault from the soul!
The whole street laughs:
"You wet chicken!
You will remember that water -
Chickens grief and trouble!"
Right after shower
Klusha has changed.
Became good-natured
Smart and obedient.
Aunt Shura is happy -
There is no discord in the family.

(Natalya Berestova)
ran down the street
yellow hen,
Very much
Very much
She hurried.
-Where are you going,
Where are you going,
Hurry Chicken?
Tell us
We'll go there too!
- Where-tah,
Get out of the way
I need a chicken coop
Take the egg!

L. Safronov
From eggs, as from diapers,
The chicken just got out -
And the fluff went on foot
A real rooster.

L. Krug
lost chicken
All the chickens in the street.
Where-where, where-where
Get everyone here.
Pee-pee-pee, chickens squeak,
We were called by the Indians.
We played worm
We listened to the cricket concert.
And now we're running home
To mom - pockmarked chicken.

A. Mlynash
I can't figure out what it is?
Darkness, no light.
I don't want to live without light
And knock a little!
Behind the wall is my family...
Hello mother!
It's me!

Two chicken brothers have become,
Like goats, butting.
They will not give in to trifles -

O. Dimakova
Yellow small lump
Couldn't get out for a long time.
From shell diapers.
The baby's name is chicken
Just got out of the egg
And already run. From the porch!
And where does the mother hen look?
- Do not dry yet eccentric ...
Oh, hold on: "Shmyak!"
"Shmyak!" "Shmyak!"

T. Lavrova
bright, fluffy,
Yellow lumps -
little kids
Our motley quote.
Like dandelions
In a small bowl.
Beaks open
They ask for bread crumbs.
I'll take it quietly
golden wonder,
I'm a chicken - honey
I will not offend.

L. Lukanova
Chick, chick, chick my chickens.
Who is playing hide and seek with me?
Do not find and do not catch
Impossible to count.
Who ran away,
You will never catch!

R. Aldonina
Two little chickens
Two yellow guns.
Who are the two chickens?
Are they two cockerels?
The mother answered her son:
Wait, buddy
Who will sing Ku-ka-river,
That and the cockerel!

Yellow ball on the grass
Rolled merrily.
They say to the white light
He was born yesterday.
He is happy with the sun and warmth
Like any child
Midges, crumbs, worms...
After all, the baby is a chicken.

V. Gvozdev
Our chicken Chick-Chick -
Just a little sun.
The rain fell in drops
And looked at him in the window,
Drummed and pounded -
The rain was playing with the chick.
He murmured:
- You're a miracle,
I'm pouring some water into your dish!
Chick is scared to answer.
The rain also got boring.
Chick is afraid of droplets -

Ten yellow lumps
Ten little chickens.
One boy, nine daughters
They talk loudly with mom.
An eye and an eye behind them is needed,
Oh, and they are slick.
They will climb into the puddle together,
They get smeared in the mud.
Mom walks across the lawn.
Looking for grains in the ground
And behind her a flock of chickens,
Like balls in the grass.
Mother chicken is busy
And scolds children loving.
One boy, nine daughters
Ten yellow chickens.
D. Miloslavsky
"One two three four five!" -
Vova started counting the chickens.
Only nimble chickens
They decided to play hide and seek with him -
They ran through the bushes:
Two are here and three are there.
Vova calls them: "Chick, chick!"
Even a little hoarse.
Don't want chickens again
To be counted by Vova.
Doesn't he know:
They are counted in autumn?!

E. Shevtsova
little chick
Born from an egg
Came out of the shell
Very surprised!
How bright it is outside
How much space is a lot
There, inside the shell,
There was no such thing!
Yellow lump
I saw my mother
mom fed
Baby with millet porridge.
Suddenly in another testicle
There was a soft knock
In a hole in the shell
The beak appeared.
Ten in the evening
yellow lumps
Chirping merrily,
Surrounding the quoit.
Mom is very gentle
Wings open,
And, having gathered the children,
Presses to the heart.

N. Rodivilina
We are chickens, we are brothers.
All of us kids know
Maybe they held us in their hands?
Or stroked? Hardly!
We are fearful little ones.
We are most afraid of cats.
They scare us with an evil kite -
They say it flies!
We have never seen
They hide us from him right away
The house is cozy, the best is the best -
Under the wing of our mother.

L. Danube
- Oh, fluffy lumps!
Whose sons and daughters are these?
They walk, they puff, they squeak...
WHAT do they want to say?
- Mom, the bird does not fly!
I follow her - she runs ...
- That chickens, my son,
But next to me, mom, kvochka,
Calls them: ko-ko, ko-ko!
Don't go too far!!!
Collect the spiders
Peck grass and bugs!
Grandma gives grains -
Feathers will be strong!
By autumn - grow up -
Be sure to lay eggs!
Sing a song: Kud-kud-dah!
The hen is not a wild bird!
Cockerels - KU-ka-re-ku !!!
They will sing, and on the run
Protect the corydalis,
And give birth to chickens!
In the morning - wake up your grandmother,
Serve the early sun!!!
All you know...
Our chicken Chick-Chick -
Just a little sun.
The rain fell in drops
And looked at him in the window,
Drummed and pounded -
The rain was playing with the chick.
He murmured:
- You're a miracle,
I'm pouring some water into your dish!
Chick is scared to answer.
The rain also got boring.
Chick is afraid of droplets -
Let the rain knock on the ducks!

Vladimir Stepanov
On the porch the goose boasted:
- I'm not afraid of anyone.
If I only want
I will crush the turkey.
And the goat, ha-ha-ha,
I'll break off the horns.
I'll drown a pig in a trough -
You are not joking with me!
He hissed like an iron, -
A turkey flew up on the fence,
And a horned goat
She immediately hid somewhere.
The pig screamed:
"Help, I'm dying!"
Only one chicken
Cock wife -
Sat boldly on the porch,
Laid an egg on the porch.
From eggs, as from diapers,
A little chicken came out.
How to grab a goose's paw!
How to peck him!
The goose trembled with fear,
He ran away without looking back.
The turkey shouted: "Friends,
I got the braggart off!
And the goat: "Me-me-me!
You say thank you to me."
The pig laughed:
"The goose got scared of me!"
Only one chicken
Cock wife -
She gave her son a grain
She took me for a walk.
Came up to the chicken dad
And shook the chicken's paw!

The image is scaled down. Click to see original.

A chicken - a beauty lived with me,
Oh, what a clever chicken she was,
She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,
Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me,
And when he gets tired, he sits at the gate,
Tell a story, sing a song.

© K. Chukovsky

I have an incubator, it would seem convenient - according to my desire, you can always get young animals. But rearing chickens with a mother hen is incomparably easier and more pleasant for the hostess. I appreciated this as soon as one of the pullets decided to become a mother. Fortunately, my favorite chicken Nigella decided to become a mother. For a couple of days Nigella sat on a nest in a common chicken coop. And when she went out to peck, the rooster furiously drove her away from the feeder. Animals are always interesting to watch. Their behavior is subject to the wise laws of nature, and we, the owners, can only respond correctly to these signals.

In this case, our Petya unmistakably established that it's time for Chernushka to become a mother hen, and a decent mother hen should be in her workplace, and not in a general get-together. So I built a cozy nest, put 17 testicles in there - quite an acceptable amount, and Nigella got down to business. At the beginning of the term, the hen sat behind a screen in a common chicken coop, but it soon became clear that other hens greatly interfere with the process, so I transferred both the nest and the hen to another room. The barn, which was empty in June, became this room. Along the way, she also connected the incubator, hoping to give the newly-made mother the foster children for education. However, my idea was not destined to come true. Once I forgot to close the lid of the incubator. It stayed open all night and it didn't go unnoticed. All but two died. Here's an unfortunate statistic. Well, everyone makes mistakes. But Chernushka did not disappoint. All of her 17 testicles became cute chickens. I slipped two incubator orphans under the wing of Chernushka while they were still wet.

Chicks develop much better with their mother. Nimble, already at a week old they are not so easy to catch. No antibiotics and vitamins can replace a warm mother's wing, a walk around the yard, worms dug out by the mother's paw, sand baths and much more. All my concern, as a hostess, is to feed on time.

I feed a chicken family without any schedule. They themselves come to the feeder when they are very hungry, and so they are always busy “digging” They come to the feeder 4-5 times a day. The chicken will keep them warm and protected. We have a very arrogant cat with a respectful nickname San Sanych, so he paid dearly for his excessive feline curiosity. Blackie pounced on him so much that the cat nearly lost an eye.

Today, many poultry farmers are not happy that the chicken, instead of laying “golden” eggs, goes to maternity leave. Domestic eggs are indeed valued well, but if you think about healthy replenishment, then you need to give the hens the green light. It is a pity that many modern breeds of chickens have practically lost the instinct of incubation. Although there are simple methods for awakening this instinct, it is still better when a bird that is really suitable for this becomes a hen.