Modern forms of youth leisure. Social work with youth as one of the areas of theory and practice of social work Hobbies of active young people

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Increased interest in the sociological study of leisure is also determined by changes in the content and structure of leisure under the influence of sociocultural transformations that have occurred in the country (changes in the value systems of Russian youth, the development of social infrastructure, the emergence of new information technologies). This dictates the need to typologize the leisure behavior of young people in accordance with the current sociocultural situation in modern Russia.

The actualization of youth leisure issues is also due to the fact that the younger generation, in accordance with their sociocultural needs, devotes their leisure time mainly to communication in youth companies and peer groups, where a special youth subculture is formed, influencing the formation of the personality of a young person. Youth subcultures are a phenomenon determined both by the nature of culture and social interactions of modern society, and by a fundamental change within its framework in the place and role of youth. Due to the fact that negative manifestations in the sphere of leisure are largely due to its disorganization, there is a need to determine ways to regulate the leisure sphere of young people’s life. Thus, leisure as a sociocultural sphere of life of modern Russian youth requires deep scientific understanding.

The degree of development of the problem. The topic of the course research is a broad and multifaceted problem. In foreign and domestic sociological science, the study of leisure and free time is represented by the names of such scientists as B.L. Grushin, J. Dumazedieu, M. Kaplan, T. Kendo, S.G. Strumilin. They laid down the basic approaches to the study of free time and leisure.

V.A. devoted his works to the study of time budgets and clarification of the role and place of leisure in the structure of free time. Artemov, V.I. Bolgov, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov, V.D. Patrushev, E.V. Sokolov.

Various aspects of youth issues are fairly thoroughly covered in the scientific literature. In his monographs and I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, V.Yu. Vishnevsky, L.V. Genin V.A. consider youth as a special socio-demographic group, analyze their problems in the conditions of a transforming society.

The study of youth leisure is very multifaceted and implies the study of various processes and phenomena in the life of young people, namely socialization, education of youth, professional development, lifestyle, value orientations, etc.

Due to the fact that the sphere of leisure activities of young people is sensitive to all changes occurring in society, there is a need to study this social phenomenon, and this requires, first of all, a sociological understanding of the processes occurring in the sphere of leisure activities of young people based on a reliable empirical basis.

Object of study- the youth of modern Russia as a special sociocultural group.

Subject of research the main signs and features of modern forms of leisure as a specific sphere of life of modern Russian youth appear.

Purpose of the course work. Determining the role of youth leisure in the formation of a socially active personality, as well as identifying the interests of modern youth.

Coursework objectives:

Determine how young people spend their leisure time;

Study the structure and functions of the leisure sphere of life;

Does the state need to influence leisure;

Identify forms of leisure for young people;

Enrich specialists with the information necessary for professional activities; conduct a sociological study on this topic to answer the questions posed.

The structure of the course work. The work consists of two parts.
The main part where I consider the question of whether youth’s leisure plays a role in the formation of a socially active personality. The practical part, in which we will conduct research on these issues. The main research methods were questionnaires and interviews. The object of the study was the youth of Samara.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of sociological analysis of youth leisure

1.1. Leisure as a form of realizing freedom of choice for young people

Youth is a period of trial and error, a period of choice. Each of us has the right to choose from the whole variety of moral, political, aesthetic and other values. This diversity is enormous: the multitude of spiritual cultures “from Marx to Buddha” accumulated by humanity gives everyone an almost unlimited opportunity to choose spiritual values ​​that correspond to tastes, abilities, and living conditions. However, the objective conditions of existence have already placed us in a certain way in a limited range of possibilities, determined by genetic, socio-political, national, economic, and similar factors. Today's times in Russia make such a choice quite difficult. On the one hand, several generations of Russians, due to understandable historical reasons, are cut off from the origins of their culture. On the other hand, beautifully packaged surrogates of other cultures, products of mass culture, diverse and often contradictory political, ideological and religious ideas and myths are actively imposed on young people.
Freedom to choose your life path is relative. It is limited by the achieved level of social development.

The problem is whether the young man is ready to deal with the immeasurably increased variety of choice of products of material and spiritual production. He has to choose among moving values ​​and goals, the number of which is steadily increasing. Thus, the search for oneself, one’s individuality and social status is complicated by the abundance and complexity of choice.

To make a statement, society must be surprised, amazed, horrified. This is what the clothes, manners, jargon, and specific hobbies of young people are designed for.

On an individual psychological level, young people are characterized by a not always conscious desire to free themselves from external control, increased emotionality, excitability, idealization of certain life ideas, maximalism, as well as instability of moral positions, often based on the perception of negative social phenomena.
However, a person can preserve his uniqueness, remain himself even in the most difficult conditions, only by preserving his personality.
The richer the world and the more complex life options, the more pressing the problem of choosing one’s own life position.

The period of apprenticeship, studenthood, in which most young people find themselves, is the time when, on the one hand, the controlling and regulating function of the family weakens, and on the other hand, there are still no professional responsibilities and the burden of caring for one’s family. Thus, youth leisure is a unique form of realizing such freedom and a field for self-realization.

Leisure is the simplest and most accessible platform for specific tasks. In it you can show your own independence - the ability to make decisions and lead, organize.

Leisure is not only communication, but also a kind of social game. The lack of skills in such games in youth leads to the fact that a person considers himself free from obligations even in adulthood.
The concept of “leisure” as an independent or organized form of recreation in free time from study does not have a clear definition. The famous French sociologist J. Dumazedieu, defining “leisure”, speaks of it as “a certain activity that an individual carries out of his own free will - rest, entertainment, self-improvement of knowledge, improvement of his qualifications, participation in public life - after he has completed their professional and social responsibilities."

Often young people do not know what to do with this time. What is the reason? There are several of them, and most importantly - the inability and reluctance to independently organize her life so that leisure, like school time, will be a source of life experience for her in the future. The inability to organize it leads to the fact that “this time” is organized by the environment, and then the young man is subject to its influence, including negative ones.
One of the types of youth leisure is a youth disco
In the mid-70s, the musical style “disco” (today “techno”) appeared, the main feature of which is primarily in special effects, possible only with modern sound recording. The second feature of “disco” is its danceability. Discos and “discos” in the 70s provided an opportunity to relax and socialize. Domestic discos gave our people the opportunity for creative self-expression. Appearing in the early 70s, discos gained popularity thanks to the universal love of dancing and became a means of protest against boring forms of leisure - lectures, concerts, clubs... According to the “Approximate Regulations on Youth Discos,” they could be professional and amateur. Thanks to the disco, such areas of youth subculture as metalheads, punk, hippies, etc. were born. Since the mid-80s, courses for disc jockeys (now called DJs) have appeared. The most popular type of disco to this day remains dance. The second most popular by the 90s was a thematic disco program, which has now lost its power. More often, a themed disco is replaced by dating evenings.

Large show discos consist of alternating a recorded disco program with performances by artists and a dance group. Now such discos are practiced in many cities for seasonal holidays (City Day, Youth Day). The main figure in such a disco is the host, who takes on the main role of communicating with the audience, introducing the artists and connecting the numbers. Often the presenter improvises during the course of the program, especially in the event of unforeseen situations (a drunk person coming on stage, a fight, technical difficulties with the music).
Modern discos are just a means to get high, make new acquaintances or kill time.

Competitive and leisure programs are popular among people of all ages. Entertaining competitive programs - their purpose is to relax and create an atmosphere of good mood; such programs are often built in a playful form. Educational competitive programs - their goal is primarily to obtain new knowledge on certain topics and broaden the horizons of participants. Competitive show programs are spectacular concert programs, the purpose of which is to identify winners in certain categories.

The forms and methods of entertaining and educational competitive programs are very diverse: these are quizzes (“Scrabble”), game programs (conducting competitions built into a specific scenario - “Visiting the Merry Clowns”, “Lukomorye”, where the presenters become the main characters of the program). Nowadays, games based on the plots of popular television quiz shows (Guess the Melody, Brain Ring, KVN, Play Harmony and many others) have become widespread, since building a program based on a ready-made “scenario” scheme is much more easier. The forms of conducting competitive show programs are also very diverse: these are all kinds of “Miss...”, pop song competitions, ballroom dance competitions.

Clubs in cultural and leisure institutions (KDU). A circle is a creative association of people with common interests in the field of creativity, based on the KDU, whose main activity is mastering certain skills and applying them in life. Participants come to the circle on a voluntary basis, choosing an activity to their liking. In the conditions of the new economic situation with the beginning of perestroika, circles that were unable to “earn money” for themselves were forced to cease to exist - this is how “skillful hands” circles disappeared from our lives, the number of technical circles was reduced to a minimum. By the 90s, those circles that could exist in conditions of self-sufficiency remained functioning in the Russian Federation - pop, choreographic, puppet, theater - that is, those whose purpose of activity is paid concert activity and achieving professional status through the results of their work. Now most of them work on the studio or ensemble principle.

On the basis of modern KDUs there are clubs for amateur art, children's and adult artistic creativity, and technical creativity. Most often, these associations operate on self-sufficiency or with funds from patrons.

Amateur artistic clubs: dance, theater, vocal, puppetry, guitar club, etc.
Artistic creativity circles: decorative and applied arts, fine arts, soft toys, etc. Technical creativity circles: technical modeling, clothing modeling, etc.
Circles are characterized by freedom of communication and accessibility of material.
Amateur associations are an association of people based on the KDU due to common interests and hobbies.

Profiles of amateur associations: social and political clubs, war and labor veterans club, local history club, dog breeders club, discussion club, military-patriotic clubs, clubs for veterans of the war in Afghanistan, future warrior club, search clubs, production and technical clubs, mentors club, club innovators, amateur radio club.

Artistic associations: song lovers club, music lovers club, school for creative youth, theater lovers club, film lovers club, photo club.

Natural scientific associations (clubs of nature lovers, naturalists, flower growers, astronomers). Sports and recreational associations (tourism, mountaineering, riding clubs, hunters, fishermen). Multidisciplinary areas - women's, men's, teenagers, connoisseurs, weekends, pensioners, young mothers, dating, parent clubs).

Amateur associations are created by the participants themselves on the basis of the KDU; they are distinguished, first of all, by voluntariness, freedom of communication, freedom to choose forms of work (interesting meetings, tea parties and relaxation evenings, group classes, attracting professionals for consultations and meetings).

Intimate forms of organizing leisure time: salon, living room.
Thus, leisure is a set of various types of activities carried out in the world, as a result of which the development of a person’s personal qualities occurs, his spiritual needs, physical and other socially significant needs are satisfied. Social and cultural workers should use all forms of leisure activities to attract young people

1.2. Problems of youth leisure

Research data show that leisure self-realization of young people is carried out, as a rule, outside cultural institutions and is often due to the influence of television - the most influential source of aesthetic and socializing influence or friends. Folk culture (traditions, customs, folklore, etc.) is perceived by most young people as an anachronism. Attempts to introduce ethnocultural content into the process of socialization in most cases are limited to the propaganda of ancient Russian customs and Orthodoxy. Against this background, youth subcultures are actively developing, which appeared back in the 70s and by the end of the 20th century were taking on more and more aggressive features (bikers, skinheads, Satanists and other aggressive informal groups were added to the more or less peaceful hippies, punks, and metalheads).

Young people choose a democratic form of government, taking into account even the negative aspects of modern social development of society. One cannot count on effective cultural self-realization of the younger generation in a sick society, especially since the cultural level of other age and socio-demographic groups of the Russian population is also gradually declining. There is a tendency towards demoralization in the content of art, which manifests itself primarily in the belittlement and destruction of the image of a person (scenes and episodes of violence and sex, cruelty), which contradicts the laws of human morality and has a negative impact on the youth (in particular) audience. This effect is confirmed by numerous studies.

The situation in our mass art, especially in screen forms of art, began to change dramatically, becoming more and more negative. In particular, “idols of consumption” (pop/rock/etc. musicians, showmen, beauty queens, bodybuilders, astrologers,...) have replaced “idols of production” on television/cinema/video screens. The television repertoire of the late 20s and early 21s consists of 90% foreign films, the genre repertoire of which is headed by action and erotica.

In the current situation, it is cultural and leisure institutions that have to play the role of a “center of culture”, attract young people and teenagers to their associations to organize their social leisure, and instill artistic taste in young people.

1.3. Unorganized forms of leisure

Young people are reoriented from parents, teachers and generally elders to their peers, more or less equal in status. In this regard, interpersonal communication becomes the leading activity during this period, friendship and association in informal groups appear. Bright, but usually replacing each other, hobbies arise: intellectual-aesthetic, egocentric, bodily-manual, hoarding, informational-manipulative.

Let us highlight two main forms of leisure for young people: organized and unorganized. The sphere of organized leisure includes youth and teenage organizations, cultural centers, social centers, art and sports clubs, clubs, sections, etc. Formally formed organizations engaged in youth leisure activities contribute to the inclusion of boys and girls in new social relationships, their self-realization, socialization of the individual, assist the family in raising the younger generation, and contribute to the prevention of neglect and deviant behavior among minors.
However, in addition to belonging to an organized group (youth, creative), my peer may be a member of a spontaneous group that arises more or less spontaneously and functions outside of pedagogical and parental control and guidance.

In general, school groups or other youth groups created by adults are often not a priority for young people. Young people crave new acquaintances, adventures, and experiences. A peculiar, often unconscious, inner restlessness drives them away from home, from the familiar, established atmosphere. This is the expectation of something new, unexpected. Communication with peers and possibly older people outside the usual family and school restrictions here acts as a necessary factor in adaptation to the surrounding social reality.

Leisure is a field for self-realization and self-identification. The search for emotional and moral content, on the one hand, and entertainment content, on the other, in the cultural sphere is accompanied by the phenomenon of group stereotypes and group behavior within the boundaries of one’s generation. The most obvious example is fashion, with its eclecticism and blurred individuality. First of all, the group stereotype is explained by the insufficient level of formation of the personality itself during the period of socialization; the individual has not yet acquired personal certainty and completeness. An important role in increasing the cohesion of spontaneous groups of young people is played by socio-psychological mechanisms of imitation and mental infection. Belonging to an informal group provides a young person with a certain social status and satisfies the need for social protection due to a high degree of intra-group solidarity. This often leads to self-identification with a group of peers, renunciation of individuality, and complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. In such informal groups, the unifying core is the way of life, one’s own morality, spiritual values, paraphernalia, slang, that is, a kind of subculture, different from the generally accepted culture of adults, which applies only to members of the group, regardless of the rest of those around them. To make a statement, society must be surprised and amazed. This is embodied in clothing, manners, jargon, and specific hobbies. Quite often, everything is limited only by eccentric behavior, violation of moral standards, interests around music, parties, sex, drugs. The difference between a spontaneous group as an agent of socialization lies primarily in the fact that it is not regulated by any legislation, is unpredictable and often poses a danger both to boys and girls and to others.

It would be wrong to see every, even the most extravagant youth group as potential criminals. However, it should be noted that group isolation, corporatism, isolation of youth informal groups, not included in the wider system, creates the direction, “transformation”, development of prosocial leisure associations into asocial, antisocial groups, and the vast majority of offenses are committed by youth groups or teenagers under the influence crowds.
An unorganized form of leisure, communication in the company of peers, a young person needs to be a member organically, and the facts of the formation of youth groups are a natural process. Indeed, according to many surveys of boys and girls, preferences for leisure activities are given to informal communication with friends and peers. Of course, the danger lies not in communication and informal groups in general, but only in those whose membership leads to deviations in behavior, those that have an antisocial or even criminal orientation.

The education and culture systems, as the main ones, ensure the process of integration of individuals into society, and are also of decisive importance for reducing the cultural gap between different social strata of society. Education and culture play a vital role in improving the relationship between man and the environment, they create new things and launch them into society, which becomes a reality only as a result of the interaction of individuals.
There are at least three systems of socialization. The first, so-called directed socialization, is created by the social system. The second is a system of “spontaneous” socialization. This usually includes everything that is summarized by the word “street” (children’s and teenage companies), as well as the influence of the media, books, art, etc. And the third system is the self-education of the individual, his ability to make competent decisions.

Socialization connects different generations, through it the transfer of social and cultural experience is carried out. The central link of socialization is meaningful activity. And if it is not there, the energy is directed to a “disco-consumer” pastime, to asserting oneself only in the entertainment sector. This is how “eternally resting” young people appear, for whom the main thing is not study and work, but “eternal buzz.”

According to forecasts, in the middle of the 21st century, people under 30 years of age may make up about half of the total population of the planet.

What ideals and values ​​will they inherit? What political views will they adhere to? What kind of parents will they become? What specialties and professions will attract them? What will be their religious views?

It is now very difficult to predict the answers to these questions. Another important thing is to believe and hope that the continuity of generations and the dialogue of cultures will not be interrupted, that consumer psychology will not become the meaning of life, that the fate of the country will not be indifferent to young people.

World experience teaches that insufficient attention to the young generation entering life turns it into a powerful factor of destabilization of society. Socialization of the younger generation should be proactive, taking into account possible changes in the future
Sociologists rightfully sound the alarm that the process of shock commercialization is destroying the professional development of an individual. For obtaining a profession does not provide material well-being, public recognition and high social status. At the same time, the speculative market largely distorts work motivation, destroys the moral foundations of the individual, and forms his asocial type.

Science must empirically destroy the sphere of dogmas and prejudices that arise in society, show the real state of affairs and in no case idealize reality. Unfortunately, some scientists, losing the objectivity and criticality necessary for honest sociology, “do not notice” the most pressing social problems (moreover, they prove without a shadow of embarrassment that the majority of young people have successfully adapted to life in a market economy), do not notice mass unemployment , an uncontrollable increase in crime, drunkenness and drug addiction, prostitution and suicide.
Embittered young people who do not believe in anything are “combustible material” for extremists and nationalists of all stripes. Who will they follow? Will they become mercenaries of the organizers of interethnic conflicts, militants in gangs of racketeers, will they end up homeless or refugees?

The leading mechanism of socialization of youth is the reference group, the method of socialization is referential-significant activity, that is, activity on the basis of which, in the conditions of a reference group of peers, the teenager’s self-affirmation occurs.

Thus, on the one hand, informal youth groups cultivate protest against adult society and its values ​​and authorities, and on the other hand, they are called upon to facilitate the adaptation of young people to the same society. The need for communication and self-affirmation must be realized on the basis of socially significant useful activities. If social adaptation occurs in conditions, according to the laws and norms of an informal group with an asocial orientation, this inevitably leads to deviations in the individual’s behavior.

A socially active personality is a human individual as a subject of interpersonal and social relations and conscious activity, a law-abiding, highly educated, spiritually and physically healthy citizen who has a high motivation for self-realization in all spheres of active creative activity for the benefit of the individual, society and the state.

Activity and creativity can give thoughts the most unexpected direction. So what should a young man’s leisure time be like for it to become the most effective means of self-expression? The task of cultural institutions through organizing leisure time for young people is to educate a socially active personality.

Chapter 2. Practical aspects of organizing youth leisure


Creative approach to organizing leisure time for youth

Everyday communication, wide social contacts, leisure preferences, which form the type of social life of various groups of modern youth, are the most important characteristics of the lifestyle they choose, one of the main criteria for a young person’s self-identification with a certain group or environment. Is youth leisure qualitatively different compared to other age groups or does it just complement the traditionally established and generally accepted type of spending free time, significantly expanding it in some parameters, and in others – on the contrary, following it as part of the original Russian mainstream.

People often prefer to relax at home and therefore the most common forms of spending free time at home that do not require any additional costs (TV, reading, household chores or simply doing nothing) in the absence of any social activity outside the home and any attempts to somehow diversify their leisure time inside the house are represents the “simplest” type of leisure activity. Adding certain hobbies to these home “entertainments”, including books, music, videos, computer classes, self-education, hobbies, more active communication aimed at staying outside the family, enriches free time and carries a more pronounced developmental component. While remaining domestic in its essence, this type of leisure is still more varied and interesting than simple television consumption and household chores, and it is generally more “traditional” for Russia, since it is actually practiced by the vast majority of the population (note - the population generally).

Moreover, recently people have more and more opportunities to further enrich their home leisure (Internet, DVD, MP3, satellite television, a varied range of printed materials, etc.), which, of course, affects the structure and quality of free time, significantly expanding consumer and development part in people's lives.

However, that part of the population that uses only simple or traditional forms of filling their free time remains unable to demonstrate active social and cultural participation outside the home, which is a sign of meaningful leisure time and an important condition for a high quality of life. It is the last condition that characterizes the position and aspirations of the middle classes in any developed country in the world, and it was this factor, according to our previous studies, that had the most significant influence on the choice by young people, as the most receptive and dynamic group, of a style of communication, entertainment, and recreation aimed primarily at out-of-home activities. leisure activity. Already from the data in the table above, it is clearly evident that the communication of younger segments of the population extends beyond the traditional family circle, and there are noticeably more often people with whom young people have fun, socialize, and have common interests.

Youth, like all social strata, is not something homogeneous, completely standardized. If we consider the development of forms of youth leisure in dynamics, we note that over time, the interests and passions of the younger generation were by no means limited to entertainment alone. Such forms of filling free time as reading, hobbies, and various additional activities remain important today.

Active leisure, which is discussed as a parameter of quality of life, begins only if the range of leisure preferences is expanded due to non-domestic types of cultural, recreational, social or other significant activities. Entertainment activities alone are clearly not enough for this. Visiting cinemas, theaters, museums, concerts, clubs, restaurants, cafes, etc., involvement in various educational, recreational, socio-political or any other social activity outside the home requires significant additional costs (both material and intellectual plan). However, this is precisely what gives people’s social life the greatest completeness. Therefore, the “active” out-of-home type of leisure, which crowns the hierarchical ladder of the typology of leisure activity, is the richest, most diverse and socially attractive for the most advanced social strata, including educated and socialized youth.

In recent years, there have been some very positive changes, in particular a clear shift in the leisure interests of young people towards an increasing desire for information. Over the past few years, among young people the importance of such media as radio and periodicals has increased significantly, interest in television has increased, and in subgroups under 26 years of age the popularity of the computer is growing at a faster pace both as a means of education and as a form of entertainment for leisure time. On average, every third young Russian now states that in his free time he is passionate about computers, programming, the Internet, and computer games. The same applies to the desire of young people for self-improvement, obtaining additional knowledge, abilities, skills, and advanced training - interest in these forms of leisure activities has also gradually increased in recent years.

In general, we can say that Russian youth have almost completely mastered computer literacy (largely thanks to computer science lessons in high school) and are ready to apply their knowledge in practice, not only for gaming purposes, but also for educational purposes. Only 16% of young Russians surveyed said that they do not own a computer (for comparison, among the generation of “fathers” there were no less than 40% of them in 2007, and if we talk about the situation ten years ago, then even 65%). By the way, every third young person in 1997 admitted that he was not familiar with a computer, even at the level of a simple user. Today, the traditionally weakest groups of Russian youth remain the most deprived in terms of access to mastering computer technology: rural residents and representatives of poor families.

Young respondents who directly state that they do not need a computer for work, in half of the cases use it either at home, with friends, or in an Internet cafe. Obviously they do this in order to enrich and diversify their own leisure time. In addition, every third adult states that they use a computer from time to time, although they either no longer work (which is most often) or their work does not require computer skills. Thus, new information technologies (satellite and cable television, and for the most advanced, the Internet) “did their job” - people stopped having complexes about the fact that they won’t see, hear or read something, since everything comes on its own to their home through new means of mass telecommunications. And this is another characteristic feature of new ways of leisure activity. By the way, the problem of mass consumption of cultural values ​​and the unification of ways of spending free time is not only a problem for Russia, since the whole world lives in an era of global changes, where new technologies dictate their own rules of the game.

In addition, young people continue to actively watch an increasingly diverse range of television programs (television, as in traditional times, is one of the most preferred ways to fill free time, and in recent years its popularity among the younger generation has even increased somewhat).

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the main typologizing factor that determines the specificity and quality of free time of the Russian population as a whole is the direction of its leisure activity. Depending on whether a person spends his free time at home or outside, whether he can afford to pay for his own recreation and entertainment, or is content with what is publicly available, does nothing at home (“just relaxing”), or is passionate about searching for new information - and will depend the type of leisure he chooses. However, it is obvious that the changes in leisure practices occurring in recent years occur with varying degrees of intensity for different social groups, and what I would like to especially emphasize, for different age categories. Pay attention to the predominant leisure activities of different generations of Russians living in the same country.

2.2. Analysis of leisure activities for youth in Samara

In the process of fundamental social changes, the specificity and sphere of people's leisure time changes, their interests are restructured, and the amount of time spent in certain areas of specific activity changes. Some young people exhibit a psychology of passive waiting and a tendency to implement a “rental” attitude, which sometimes displaces their own activity and desire to consciously build their lives. The psychology of passive waiting creates in the younger generation a position of helplessness and uncertainty, dependence, and sometimes a feeling of humiliation.

The variety of ways to organize, distribute and use a temporary budget now becomes completely dependent on the activity of the individual himself, on the sources of his income and the channels for obtaining them, on the specifics of the social group to which he belongs, but in combination with the values ​​and life plans of the individual himself.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the question “How do the youth of Samara spend their leisure time?

The objects of the study were students living in our dormitory and my classmates in Samara. Naturally, such a choice narrows the circle of information consumers, since the majority of young people from universities or working youth are automatically excluded.

However, among my classmates there are representatives of all groups of youth. Therefore, we can assume that this shift does not affect the research results for this market.

The main objectives of the study were the following:

Determine how young people spend their free time;

Is it necessary to help young people organize their leisure time;

Determine the reasons for possible idleness;

To identify what is a priority for young people in choosing leisure time.

The study was carried out using a survey method using a systematic, irrevocable sample of young people aged 17-25 using a questionnaire survey of real people and document analysis. During the research process, 100 people were interviewed.

Research stages:

1. Collection of theoretical material and development of research methods.

2. Conducting research: distributing and collecting questionnaires.

3. Data processing and analysis.

As a result of studying the theoretical literature, the following research hypotheses were put forward:

1. in general, young people find something to do with themselves; many do not have enough money to go in for sports

2. some young people need help with spending time

3. the reasons for idleness lie in passivity, laziness, and less often - finances

4. priority in the choice of leisure activities is given to the opinions of friends, television, senior colleagues, clubs in Houses of Culture
in order to find out how young people spend their leisure time. The respondents were asked:

1. How do you spend your free time? (Appendix No. 2 Fig. 1)

a) I hang out with friends, go to discos (20%)

b) I watch TV, sit at the computer (56%)

c) I spend a lot of time in sections, circles, etc. (4%)

d) I study homework and do extra work (16%)

e) Yes, I would go for a walk, but there is a crime situation on the street, I have to stay at home (4%)

The second question was more specific:

2. Do you visit any sections or studios? (Appendix No. 2 Fig. 2)

b) No (64%)

In order to find out the reasons why young people do not attend clubs and sections, the third question was asked:

3. If you don’t go to any clubs, then why? (Appendix No. 2 Fig. 3)

a) I don’t like it (4%)

b) No time (48%)

c) Who needs it (16%)

What do my peers prefer can be learned from the fourth question:

4. What do you and your friends prefer in their leisure time? (Appendix No. 2 Fig. 4)

a) Beer, cigarettes (36%)

b) Discos (20%)

d) Computer, TV (28%)

e) I have no free time at all (12%)

Thus, after analyzing all the answers to the questions I posed, I identified the following problems:

1. Many of the guys I interviewed said that they spend most of their time playing computer games. And here it is necessary to remember such a problem as violence in computer games and their impact on the psyche and health. Less than half of the respondents attend clubs and sections, the rest either do not find time for this (which is a little pleasing - they are still busy), or consider it stupid, which indicates the low role of socio-cultural activities, little funding from the state or lack of finances.

2. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco among teenagers is much greater than the passion for books, although just yesterday we were one of the most read nations in the world, and not a single one of the respondents is involved in sports - this also indicates, first of all, the lag of government policy (where yard football teams, free skating rinks and slides?).

The reasons why young people start drinking alcohol are very different: from family (dysfunctional families, alcohol abuse by one of the parents) and ending with personal mental changes, but given the topic of my project, I would like to consider the reason directly related to the pastime of my peers - Many people start drinking alcohol in groups, because... The main meaning-forming relationship becomes the relationship between “me and the group.”

The next question, accordingly, became:

5. Do you drink alcohol? (Appendix No. 2 Fig.5)

b) no (25%)

6. Do you consider alcohol a desirable element of spending time? (Appendix No. 2 Fig.6)

b) no (55%)

c) according to circumstances (9%)

In order to find out what is the priority in choosing leisure time for my peers, we asked the following question:

7. Does your choice of leisure time depend on the company of friends? (Appendix No. 2 Fig. 7)

a) yes (80.6%)

b) no (3.9%)

c) sometimes (15.5%)

8. In what environment does spending leisure time give you the most pleasure? (Appendix No. 2 Fig. 8)

a) alone (3.9%)

b) in the company of elders or in circles, sections (28.2%)

c) in a company (38.5%)

d) at the computer or TV (18%)

In order to find out about sports, the question was asked:
9. How often do you play sports? (Appendix No. 2 Fig.9)

a) rarely (23%)

b) twice a week or more (20.5%)

c) sometimes (23%)

d) when there are funds (15.5%)

e) occasionally (18%)

Judging by the respondents' answers, the majority of young people go in for sports; none of the respondents said that this was unnecessary. But almost a third of boys and girls abuse alcohol. The choice of leisure time for most young people is influenced by company, less by older friends (parents, teachers, mentors), and even less by TV or computer.

According to a survey regarding the topic of alcohol, it cannot be said that this topic is not relevant and problematic - this directly concerns the leisure time of young people, because many simply consider drinking alcohol in a company the best pastime for themselves. And after this, can’t we say that this is a problem of youth’s leisure time?
As for youth employment, everything is not so sad here.

On average, 60% of respondents attended various studios, clubs and sections, although these high figures do not make it possible to say that the problems of youth leisure do not concern our region.
The process of learning about the world around us and finding one’s place in it can, to a large extent, be carried out through one’s leisure time. To the question “Does anything prevent you from spending your leisure time the way you want, and if so, what exactly?” The answers were distributed as follows: I have no one to go (2.2%), I don’t know how to organize my time (7.6%), I don’t have enough time (15.4%), I don’t have problems organizing leisure time (20.8%), not enough money (28.2%), nowhere to go (21.2%).

As a general conclusion, we can say that young people need to be helped with their leisure time, yard companies, interest groups, and in them, due to the psychology of the youth environment, my peers feel best, they need to be directed in the right direction through forms of SKD, youth leisure.
As a result of the study, the research hypotheses were confirmed.

To increase the role of youth leisure and its formation through a socially significant personality in the socio-cultural life of society, the following recommendations were developed:

1. Youth leisure in the formation of a socially active personality

2. The state should pay the closest attention to the organization of youth leisure; all youth policy should be aimed at this not on paper, but in practice.

3. Young, creative people, enthusiasts, as altruists, will not do much, and they don’t exist now, so funding is needed.

4. Popular cries – “Children are our wealth”, “Youth are our future”, “Everything for the people” - it’s time to turn them into reality. Otherwise there will be no point. Let's look at the buildings of schools, Palaces of Culture, schoolchildren, colleges - old, dilapidated, poor both in time and in design. But various shopping centers, offices and banks are elegant, fashionable, attractive, and modern.

5. In choosing a pastime for young people, SKD organizations should become direct assistants.

6. Unorganized forms of leisure should be controlled, there should be less of them. Leisure needs to be organized so that young people do not shy away from an active role in the life of the state and do not consider bad activities, for example, drinking alcohol or “cleaning up Russia” as a wonderful pastime.

7. There are many forms of leisure, they need to be revived, cleaned, updated, modernized in order to attract young people.

2.3. Methodological recommendations for improving forms of organizing leisure time for youth

Activity and creativity can give thoughts the most unexpected direction. So what should a young man’s leisure time be like for it to become the most effective means of self-expression?

It seems to us that, first of all, we need to diversify our leisure time.

Probably, many young people have a favorite thing, something they love and know how to do most in their free time. In this case, he naturally needs to continue to master his favorite activity and deepen his knowledge in the area of ​​interest. Over time, he will probably be able to achieve good results in this area, not to mention the fact that he will simply enjoy doing what he loves.

But, in our opinion, we should not limit ourselves to just one thing. After all, we are surrounded by so many interesting and unusual things, and it is simply irrational to isolate ourselves from all this diversity with one thing, even a favorite one. If a young man, among all this abundance, has not yet chosen the most attractive activity for himself, he should definitely take a close look at the world around him, using his imagination. Perhaps, looking at the world from a slightly different angle, he will see how much beautiful and amazing there is in it. The nature that surrounds us is amazing, people with their inherent spiritual qualities and feelings are amazing and unique. The world of art and sports is amazing and unique. Having realized this, he will probably want to comprehend and learn as much as possible.

By and large, you don’t need to make a lot of effort to try to choose an activity you like, or just learn something new. Now we have so many options, and they are all literally at our fingertips.

For example, music. It occupies an essential place in the life of every person. It can be anything - classical, popular, folk, rock or ultra modern - “progressive”. The main thing is that it is talented, reaches the heart, touches the soul. Do you like modern breakbeat? Well, great. This music corresponds to the rhythm of today's life. But perhaps you should listen to some popular classical work, and you will understand how inspiring this music can be, and discover something new for yourself. What about The Beatles? The unique song art of this ensemble is accessible to all generations. Surprisingly, but true, the lyrics of The Beatles songs are studied in English schools during literature and language arts classes. The Beatles ensemble itself is no longer there, it broke up, and one of the musicians, John Lennon, is no longer alive. But the remarkable power of talent of Liverpool musicians remains, capable of giving the brightest feelings to any person. Maybe someday our schools will study the poems of Igor Talkov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Dolsky, and Viktor Tsoi.

Or let's turn to painting. Those who want to truly feel the power of this genre should visit the Hermitage. You can walk around the Hermitage endlessly, there are so many works of art collected there. But if you don't find it interesting to look at the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci or Rembrandt, you shouldn't conclude that painting is not for you. Maybe you will discover your understanding of painting in the paintings of impressionist artists, for example, Matisse or Manet. Perhaps you will be attracted by the original approach to Mitki painting. It is possible that you will be attracted by the brush of avant-garde artists Chagall or Malevich. After all, the avant-garde has today become a generally accepted classical direction of painting. Thus, in 1999, a painting by our fellow countryman, Ufa resident Alexei Buganin, was recognized by UNESCO as a work of painting that most fully reflects the symbols of the 20th century. (for comparison, a similar work in the field of literature was G. G. Marquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude).

What if you just pick up some paint and a brush and try to draw something. Even if you do not draw an outstanding masterpiece of our time, this drawing can become an expression of your feelings, a way to relax and detach yourself from the hustle and bustle of life. The main thing is not to limit the area of ​​your interests. It seems to us that in every form of art you can find something interesting for yourself.

Probably everyone just likes to watch a good movie. Let it be a popular blockbuster starring a superstar, a police detective story, a horror film, an exciting thriller, a brutal action film, a crazy comedy or a melodrama - you can take something useful for yourself from every quality film. It can be just a set of certain facts, various emotions (horror, joy, sadness, indignation, misunderstanding), or it can also be deep reflections that change your point of view, changing your worldview. But here, you shouldn’t limit yourself to your favorite movie genre or films with your favorite actor. After all, it is very interesting to watch sometimes not the most box-office and popular film, but, for example, new European avant-garde cinema, old films with Marilyn Monroe or Charlie Chaplin, or a classic western.

In our opinion, an interesting and very popular way of spending leisure time among young people is the martial arts of the East. They concentrate external beauty and aesthetics of movements; focus on a healthy lifestyle and the value of longevity; the connection between martial arts and other arts; ritualism; meditativeness; the opportunity to learn how to defend yourself physically and psychologically; physical and spiritual improvement; the desire to imitate nature, to unite with it. Due to the unstable situation in today's Russia, many people (especially young people) have a feeling of social discomfort. Involvement in Eastern martial arts can help solve this problem. And if a person is distinguished by an interest in everything unusual, a special plasticity of views, the martial arts of the East can become for him the best way of self-expression. A study of this interest among young people was carried out in 1997-1998. within the framework of dissertation work using questionnaires.

When identifying the value orientations of young people involved in martial arts, it was discovered that development, health and life wisdom are essential for them. In our opinion, these positions are especially significant for a modern young person.

All these ways of spending leisure time are becoming more and more accessible to almost every city resident. But often we get tired of city life. To relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you can simply walk through the forest, listen to the birds singing, and breathe in the forest air. The forest, as a life-giving force, gives us a good mood and helps us relax. This is necessary for both children and adults, young and old.

One could go on for a very long time to give examples and evidence of the enormous paramount national importance of youth leisure and the formation of a socially oriented personality by it.

In our work, we tried to place some emphasis on the issues of free time and leisure from the point of view of the interests of young people. Social aspects remained outside the scope of this work: after all, the general term “youth” includes refined university circles, and schematized students of technical universities, and the less educated part of students of special educational institutions, and working youth, and other social layers of youth. Different age limits also lead to differentiation of interests. After all, one cannot expect that the interests of teenagers and people who have crossed the 25-30 year mark will completely coincide. Different financial capabilities also lead to different interests. Of course, the above groups are arbitrary, and the boundaries between them are blurred. But all young people have the same desire to organize their leisure time in accordance with their interests, and this process must be guided.

The problem of lack of interests, the presence of a large amount of unoccupied free time and the release of unclaimed energy among another group of young people is very relevant. It sounds somewhat sketchy to say that these factors lead to drug addiction, crime, personality degradation, and simply to the fact that a person does not grow up to be a full-fledged member of society.

This means that the problem of a creative approach to organizing leisure time for young people is a task at the state level. And its decision has national significance. Therefore, it needs to be given great attention at all levels. But still, in our opinion, it is most effectively solved at the individual, personal level. Therefore, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the individual, stimulate the desire of young people to actively spend leisure time, and minimize the unoccupied free time of young people. And everyone will benefit from this. After all, youth are not only an active, living part of society, but also its foundation in the future.

The conclusions that were made in the process of working on the course work can be useful to everyone who is interested in youth affairs, employees of Palaces of Culture, school organizers, heads of sports sections, cultural centers and, of course, the youth themselves.

1. Develop and expand sports culture, because sport is the key to health.

2. Pay great attention to the cultural policy of youth and, in particular, leisure activities: discos, clubs, sections, cultural and leisure programs, amateur associations. The management should be led by SKD specialists - creative, interested, educated people who follow modernity, keep up with the times, develop the latest programs using new technologies.

3. Leisure should be given great attention by the state.

4. Financing leisure time is one of the problems of state policy; it should be solved in the direction of leisure and faster. Commerce will not always be able to provide leisure in the right direction, for example, the work of night clubs in Samara.

5. Initiative, creativity, enthusiasm, talent, and determination should be welcomed and encouraged both at the federal, regional and local levels.

6. Activity, determination, movement, and not infantilism should be promoted among young people.

List of used literature

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Appendix No. 1

Dear friend! We are conducting a sociological study on the topic “How do young people spend their leisure time?” By answering our questions, you will help us with this!

1. How do you spend your free time?

2. Do you visit any sections or studios?

3. If you don’t go to any clubs, then why?

4. What do you and your friends prefer in their leisure time?

5. Do you drink alcohol?

6. Do you consider alcohol a desirable element of spending time?

7. Does your choice of leisure time depend on the company of friends?

8. In what environment does spending your leisure time give you the most pleasure?

9. How often do you play sports?

10. Does anything prevent you from spending your leisure time the way you want, and if so, what exactly?_________________________________________________

Modern youth are active and cheerful people. They do not like to sit idle - they are constantly looking for new experiences, emotions and a positive mood. Whether with friends or alone, late at night or early in the morning, young people are constantly looking for exciting entertainment.

"The true character of a man can be determined by the way he entertains himself."
(Joshua Reynolds)

Hobbies of active young people

The opinion that young people spend most of their free time at the computer is only partly true. In fact, young people play sports, have fun with friends and enjoy an active life. One of my favorite pastimes is walking around the city. Having called with friends and discussed the route, girls and boys wander through familiar streets, remember interesting events from life and treat themselves to ice cream. If there is an amusement park nearby, they will definitely ride the most extreme types of carousels. A large influx of adrenaline and a good mood are guaranteed!

Painball club- a favorite place not only for guys, but also for girls. Nature, fresh air, and most importantly excitement and sport are the advantages of this type of entertainment. Having built their strategy, the team tries to “kill” the enemy with a paint gun, while maintaining the number of their “fighters”. This game fosters not only dexterity, but also patriotism.

“What about nightclubs?”- you ask. Well, where would youth be without them? Numerous nightclubs offer exciting dances, new acquaintances and cheerful music for their visitors. Today's youth prefer a nocturnal lifestyle, which is probably why discos and parties are so close to them.

No matter how strange it may sound, young people are gradually moving away from their attachment to computer games. Why are they needed if you can play in reality? Don't control your character with the mouse, but be the main character of the game yourself! Quest in Ufa is a great opportunity to test your intelligence, dexterity and courage in reality. Sometimes young people become so immersed in the game that it becomes very important for them to complete quest and emerge victorious. Entertainment of this type is popular among young people, both on ordinary days and holidays, birthdays.

Watching your favorite movie is also fun

Leisure, despite its usefulness, not all representatives of modern youth like it. Going to the cinema is also an entertainment that brings a lot of positive emotions. How nice it is to sit on a chair, holding your beloved’s hand, and worry about the hero of the film! And then, on the way home, discuss all the details and put forward your theories for the film’s denouement. Exciting, interesting and fun!

The “desperate homebody” finds on the Internet not only an escape from boredom, but also virtual friends. Here young people communicate, share photos, play and fight. The main thing is not to get lost and not to lose your way to the real world.

Not only girls, but also boys love to be photographed. When young people get together, they arrange a photo shoot for themselves or simply take a selfie, which has become very popular.

To write this article, materials from the site were used.

The sponsor of the article is

Article Editor: Arianne Frank


In modern state youth policy, the main Conceptual provisions are spelled out in the Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993. No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, which until January 2005. was the main document dictating state youth policy.

Objects of state youth policy:

Citizens of the Russian Federation, including persons with dual citizenship from 14 to 30 years of age during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, if this entails the responsibilities of federal government bodies;

Young families - families in the first 3 years after marriage, in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the period of marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached 30 years of age, as well as single-parent families in which the father or mother has not reached 30 years;

Youth associations.

Subjects of state youth policy:

State bodies and officials (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000 No. 867, the State Committee for Youth Policy was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

Youth organizations and associations;

Young citizens.

Principles of state youth policy:

The combination of state, public interests and individual rights in the implementation of state youth policy;

Involving young citizens to participate in the formation of policies and programs for youth;

Ensuring legal and social protection of young citizens;

Providing a young citizen with a state guarantee of a minimum of social services for training, education, spiritual and physical development, health care, employment;

Priority of public initiatives in comparison with the corresponding activities of government bodies and institutions when financing activities and programs related to youth.


Ensuring respect for the rights of youth;

Ensuring employment guarantees;

Promoting youth entrepreneurship;

State support for a young family;

Guarantees for the provision of social services;

Support for talented youth;

Creation of conditions for the physical and spiritual development of youth;

Supporting the activities of youth and children's associations;

Promoting international youth exchanges.

Implementation measures:

Adoption of special legislation and other legal acts, decisions of local authorities and management;

Making changes and additions to legislation and other acts;

Development and implementation of state youth policy of a comprehensive and targeted nature;

Creation of the Russian Fund for Federal Youth Programs for the organization and financial support of priority youth development programs, as well as the formation of similar regional and territorial funds;

Allocation of separate allocations in the federal and local budgets to finance activities in the field of youth policy;

Creation of state bodies for youth affairs and social services of various profiles.

In 1994, the Federal Program “Youth of Russia” was adopted. To create a mechanism for solving youth problems, provide budget funds for the development of priority areas of youth policy.

In 1998, a new Federal program “Youth of Russia for 1998-2000” was adopted. Its main part was the formation and strengthening of legal, economic and organizational conditions for the civic development and social self-realization of youth. The program provided for the formation of a legislative and regulatory framework, the development and phased implementation of a long-term lending system and other forms of support for young people in order to obtain an education, support business activity, housing construction, and household management. Also, the formation of a system of bodies for temporary and secondary employment of youth, development of entrepreneurship. Development of conditions for spiritual and moral education, civic and patriotic formation of youth.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the program “Youth of Russia for 2006-2010”.

An analysis of the three previous programs allows us to notice that the first two programs are aimed at creating a legal framework and a system of social services, and the third and subsequent fourth clearly highlight areas of support and social protection for youth.

The youth social protection system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has an approved structure with a mandatory minimum for a city or region:

1. comprehensive social service center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

2. center for social assistance to families and children;

3. social rehabilitation center for minors;

4. social hotel;

5. social shelter for children and teenagers.

Currently, work continues on the regulatory legal support of state youth policy. A number of documents have been developed:

The bill “On state support for young families in the housing sector” (together with the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation);

Project of the federal interdepartmental program “Students of Russia”;

Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of model provisions on the establishment of bodies for youth affairs”;

Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On state support for ensuring temporary and seasonal employment and placement of students in temporary jobs during extracurricular hours”;

Draft Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation;

An approximate provision on the certification of workers in the field of state youth policy, which will be included in the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On improving the sectoral system of remuneration for workers in education and the field of youth policy”;

Draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the support of student labor groups.”

The number of federal target programs, the implementation of which is coordinated by the Department of Youth Policy, has increased - the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” was supplemented by the subprogram of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of the state program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, the subprogram “Providing Housing for Young Families” of the Federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010. Under this subprogram “Providing housing for young families,” the Russian Ministry of Education held a competition to provide federal budget funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for providing subsidies to young families for compensation from the federal budget for part of the cost of housing in the event of the birth (adoption) of a child has been agreed upon. A Coordination Council for the implementation of the subprogram has been created.

In the field of supporting youth entrepreneurship and promoting youth employment, special attention is paid to supporting the movement of student groups, working and rural youth. Interdepartmental programs to promote youth employment have been developed and are being implemented; rallies and competitions of student teaching and labor teams are held.

The modern Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation has been developed for the period until 2016 and defines a set of priority areas focused on youth.

The state youth policy implemented within the framework of the Strategy is designed to combine state and non-state resources, which assumes the interdepartmental nature of interaction in order to:

Systematic involvement of youth in public life and development of independent life skills of young residents of the country, informing all young people about the opportunities for their development in Russia and in the world community, as well as a culture of using the opportunities for personal and social development created in the country, which will allow a young person to more fully realize his potential, will strengthen his confidence in his abilities and his future;

Identification, promotion, support of activity and its achievements in the socio-economic, socio-political, creative and sports spheres, which will give young people the opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential and receive well-deserved recognition in Russia;

Involving young people who have problems integrating into society into a full life.

To implement the priority area, including involving young people in public life and informing them about potential development opportunities in Russia, the following projects are envisaged: “Russian youth information network “New Look”; "Volunteer of Russia"; "Career"; "Young Family of Russia".

To implement the priority area, including the development of creative activity of youth, the “Team” and “Success is in your hands” projects are envisaged.

To implement the priority area, including the integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society, the “Step Towards” project is envisaged.

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  • 2016

    The proposed event contributes to the development of the intellectual and physical abilities of students, awakening in them a desire to take care of their health, saturates school life, making it interesting and exciting. Children learn to form their own opinions, listen and hear others, work actively and creatively in a team, showing their individuality. The game format is convenient to use within one physical education lesson. Teams take turns performing tasks at different sites.

  • Correctional and developmental lesson “Now I am a fifth grader!”


  • Correctional and developmental classes are conducted with the aim of adapting children to secondary school. The lesson helps every fifth grader enter a new stage of schooling as easily and joyfully as possible; supports and develops children's interest in knowledge; helps them communicate with new classmates and teachers.

    Interdepartmental interaction in solving social and pedagogical problems of a child in an educational organization 2016

  • The range of activities of a social teacher is very wide: from working with the immediate environment of students to coordinating actions with various social partners, subjects of prevention, without whose participation it is often impossible to effectively, efficiently and effectively solve the problems of a child and his family. The development reflects not only the problems resolved with the subjects of interdepartmental interaction, but also the regulatory requirements for mandatory notification of each other about the presence of such problems.

  • Parent meeting "Causes of teenage suicide. The role of adults in helping teenagers in crisis situations" 2016

    Socially Insecure Kids 2016

  • In order for a child to feel happy, to be able to better adapt and overcome difficulties, he needs to have a positive image of himself and of society.

    Campaign "Green light for health!"

  • 2016

    Modern research on deviant behavior places emphasis not so much on issues of its correction, although this is certainly important, but on the prevention of behavioral deviations. Undoubtedly, prevention is better than correction. And one of the most effective and accessible methods of prevention is knowledge of the age characteristics of adolescents and the ability to use this knowledge in the educational process.

  • Psychological training for teenagers using parables and fiction “The World of Your Home” 2016

    Psychological training is a form of specially organized training for self-improvement of a student’s personality, during which adolescents develop ideas about family as a basic value of life and society, and develop the qualities necessary for favorable coexistence with family and friends. This development can be used in the work of educational psychologists, social educators, and teachers of grades 4–11.

  • 2016

    The project is being implemented in reflective-dialogue technology; in modern conditions, dialogue acquires new meaning and quality, acting as the basic principle of the communicative content of education. The ability of students to conduct a fruitful, effective dialogue in various areas of the sociocultural sphere, to understand the world dialogically, becomes the most important communicative property.

  • 2016

    Now any child has the opportunity to play with a ball. However, surveys of parents in recent years have shown that little attention is paid to ball games. We have been using ball games for correctional work in our practice for a long time. We taught parents how to play ball at a parent meeting. Ball games are of great importance in the development of a child.

  • Preventive hour “Live in peace with yourself and in harmony with others” 2016

    The preventive hour helps create conditions for the formation of tolerant behavior of participants in the educational process. Promotes the formation of interpersonal relationships among students in the spirit of acceptance, understanding, recognition; develops the ability to adequately and fully know oneself and other people.

  • Scenario of the holiday for National Unity Day "We are one country" 2016

    This event is aimed at instilling patriotic feelings in children: love for the Motherland, native land, tolerance for people of all nationalities living in our country. To develop children's interest in the history of Russia, in the history of their native land and city.

  • Integrated lesson (psychology + religious studies) “Cultural, religious and psychological aspects of attitudes towards death” 2016

    Purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​death as the most important stage in a person’s spiritual development and of the psychological factors accompanying the process of dying.

  • Vocational guidance for preschoolers through acquaintance with spatio-temporal types of creativity as part of training at the theater studio "Nomads" 2016

    Stage activity synthesizes such types of creativity as acting, dance, vocals, artistic reading, etc. The task of a theater teacher is to create favorable conditions for bright and useful experiences for preschoolers. With excellent career guidance work, the child will be introduced to various professions in the performing arts.

  • Help from a mentor in developing a teenager’s personality 2016

    The formation of a person’s worldview is influenced by 4 main factors. Family is the influence of parents, family traditions, personal experience of parents and other relatives, preschool, school and professional institutions. The surrounding world is nature, friends, the media, everything that surrounds a person in life. Internal desire for self-knowledge and self-development. A harmonious personality grows if the influence of these four main factors is equally felt in its development.

  • Development of a morally free personality of adolescents brought up in various social conditions 2016

    In educational institutions, the characteristics of adolescents should be taken into account in the practice of the educational process. It is necessary to expand the understanding of the psychological characteristics of the formation of value orientations and moral consciousness of modern teenagers, making it possible to improve the methods and techniques of an individual approach to teenagers in the process of their education and moral education.


    1. Socio-demographic characteristics of youth

    1 Features of the socio-demographic group of youth in modern conditions

    2 Concepts in the study of youth issues

    1 Legal framework for social work with youth

    2 The current state of social work with youth in the Russian Federation





    Youth plays a significant role in the socio-demographic, economic, political and cultural life of society. The role and importance of youth in society increases as its structures become more complex and developed.

    Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and at a more mature age having already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; Depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for young people can range from 14 to 30 years.

    Today the youth of the Russian Federation is 39.6 million young citizens, i.e. 27% of the country's total population.

    Social problems of young people are due to the fact that youth is closely connected with the idea of ​​dependence. Most of the youth (students, students, etc.) have not yet been included in the production process and therefore “live on credit.” Most young people do not have personal autonomy in making decisions affecting their lives. Young people solve the problem of moral and spiritual self-determination. It is necessary to highlight that young people are faced with the problem of choosing a field of work, choosing a profession. Problems are also caused by the need for marriage choice and childbearing.

    The degree of development of the study. In social work there is a direction dedicated to youth; many textbooks and teaching aids have been written (Volkov, Pavlenok, Vishnevsky, etc.). There are studies devoted to the problems of youth: I.M. Ilyinsky developed the concept of youth and the youth movement, K. Mannheim defined the purpose of youth.

    The object of the study is social work with youth.

    The subject of the study is forms of social work with youth in the context of public associations.

    Purpose of the study: to analyze the features of social work

    with youth.

    characterize youth as a socio-demographic group,

    analyze the legal framework for social work with youth,

    identify the direction of social work with youth.

    Methods that were used in the work: analysis of recent statistical data on young people, study and analysis of sources and legal framework, systemic-structural method, questioning.

    All this determines the need for social work with this demographic group.

    1. Socio-demographic characteristics of youth

    1 Features of the socio-demographic group of youth in modern conditions

    Studying trends in social changes among modern youth is impossible without considering the demographic processes occurring in society. Socio-demographic indicators of modern Russian society, on the one hand, are a consequence of the negative impact of transformation processes, on the other hand, a reflection of objective trends that are characteristic of many developed countries and have a general civilizational character.

    Youth is a state at the stage of a person’s life when the social potential formed in “childhood” and “adolescence” enters its active phase in terms of changing the social status of a person, saturating his social life with social roles. On the other hand, “youth” as a concept has an evaluative meaning and refers to the characteristics of the entire age group of the population, which is usually called youth, and in this sense it has a single content. Therefore, it is used in relation to both 16-year-olds and 30-year-olds, i.e. “youth”, as a socio-demographic group of the population, is heterogeneous and has an internal structure: these are groups of young people by gender and age, by marital status and the amount of property a person owns, by level of education and qualifications, by occupation, etc. . Moreover, according to current legislation, the concept of “youth” includes people under 30 years of age, and the concept of “young family” includes spouses whose age does not exceed 35 years.

    In this sense, the concept of “youth” contributes more to the understanding of youth as a social phenomenon. Youth is an organic part of various classes and social strata, ethnic and religious groups of the population, their product, the bearer of their qualitative characterological characteristics. At the same time, youth and youth, although they have their own specific interests and needs, reproduce the basic qualities of the social structure of society and social relations in general.

    The concept of “youth” means not just a socio-demographic group, but a specific integrity that synthesizes the most typical properties of the subject, while the factor that unites youth into such integrity is the fact that they have specific, unique interests, both current and long-term .

    Young people, in large part, have a level of mobility, intellectual activity and health that distinguishes them favorably from other groups of the population. At the same time, any society faces the question of the need to minimize the costs and losses that the country incurs due to problems associated with the socialization of young people and their integration into a single economic, political and socio-cultural space.

    The German sociologist K. Mannheim (1893-1947) determined that youth are a kind of reserve that comes to the fore when such revitalization becomes necessary to adapt to rapidly changing or qualitatively new circumstances. Dynamic societies sooner or later must activate and even organize them (resources that in a traditional society are not mobilized and integrated, but are often suppressed).

    Youth, according to K. Mannheim, performs the function of a revitalizing mediator of social life; This function has as its important element incomplete inclusion in the status of society. This parameter is universal and is not limited by either place or time. The decisive factor that determines the age of puberty is that at this age young people enter public life and in modern society for the first time encounter the chaos of antagonistic<#"center">1.2 Concepts in the study of youth issues

    youth policy social

    Among sociologists and demographers, discussions have been ongoing for more than three decades regarding the definition of the concept of “youth” as an age cohort and the age boundaries for this socio-age group of the population. Age cohorts are understood as “life stages, stages of an individual’s life cycle, identified in the sociocultural tradition of a given society, with which a certain range of activities, occupations, statuses, social roles, psychological comfort, worldview, and self-identification are associated.”

    The age boundaries of the period of “youth” are quite flexible and are largely socially determined. In various spheres of a young person’s life in society, both the lower and upper limits of youth age are determined differently, and this period itself has different time durations. The lower limit in modern youthology, as a rule, is set according to biopsychic parameters: puberty, physical growth, the formation of a stable psyche and the transition to the internal problems of the individual, his self-determination in the world. The upper limit is associated with the onset of social “adulthood,” which is characterized by the fact that a person here has the right to freedom of choice and make independent decisions, as well as full responsibility for the results of his choice and actions to implement it.

    Among scientists studying the problems of sociology of youth, V.T. Lisovsky was one of the first to define the concept of “youth”: “Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, learning, and at a more mature age have already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for youth can range from 14 to 30 years.”

    Consideration of the concepts of youth makes it possible to determine its characteristics as an object of social work.

    The first concepts of youth appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, when in the USA (G. Stanley, Hall), and a little later in Germany (S. Bühler, E. Spranger, V. Stern, etc.) and Russia (V.I. Lenin, L.S. Vygotsky, A.B. Zalkind, etc.) three main directions of theoretical understanding of this phenomenon have emerged:

    ) interpretation of youth as bearers of the psychophysical properties of youth;

    ) understanding of youth as a cultural group;

    ) comprehension of youth as an object and subject of the process of continuity and change of generations.

    In my opinion, the concept of youth and the youth movement by I.M. is of greatest interest. Ilyinsky, recognized in the scientific community and one of the most influential in our country.

    Generalizations by I.M. Ilyinsky’s relatively younger generation can with full justification be called a humanistic concept of youth. In it, the development of a young man’s personality and the formation of his vitality are placed in first place.

    According to I.M. Ilyinsky, “youth is a special kind of value, it is the main value of society, it is not only a demographic concept, but also an economic, social, political concept.” If in society and in the activities of the state a focus is placed on youth, then this changes not only the future, but also the present, since politics begins to be built based on managing processes, on being ahead of events, pushing aside the policy of belated reactions to what has already happened.

    Concept by I.M. Ilyinsky includes eight basic provisions:

    Youth is an objective social phenomenon, always acting as a large specific age subgroup. The key to understanding the nature of youth is the dialectic of the whole and the part (“youth are part of society; youth are part of society”). The specific age-related problems of youth in any society are that:

    a) youth is closely related to the idea of ​​dependence;

    b) most of the youth (pupils, students, etc.) are not yet included in the production process and therefore “live on credit”;

    c) the majority of young people do not have personal independence in making decisions concerning their lives;

    d) young people are faced with the problem of choosing a field of work, choosing a profession;

    e) young people solve the problem of moral and spiritual self-determination;

    f) they solve the problem of marriage choice and childbearing.

    Youth is dual in nature: it is a biological and social phenomenon, which determines the connection between its psychophysical and social development.

    Youth is a concrete historical phenomenon.

    Young people are the bearers of enormous intellectual potential and special abilities for creativity.

    Youth is both an object and a subject of socialization, which determines its social status.

    Young people acquire subjectivity as they self-identify, become self-aware of their interests, and grow in their organization.

    Young people are the bearer of processes that will unfold in full force in the future.

    Youth is the object of complex, interdisciplinary research, which only in its entirety can give a fairly reliable picture of it. Concept by I.M. Ilyinsky is based on the innovative potential of young people, their political inexperience, romanticism, physical endurance, etc.

    Thus, it is not enough to understand youth in the traditional sense, only as the future of society. It must be assessed as an organic part of modern society, bearing a special function, irreplaceable by other social groups, of responsibility for the preservation and development of our country, for the continuity of its history and culture, the life of elders and the reproduction of subsequent generations, and ultimately - for the survival of peoples as cultural -historical communities. Youth has its own special functions in society that cannot be replaced or implemented by any other socio-demographic group.

    Based on the main characteristics of youth as a socio-demographic group, the goals and objectives of social work with youth are identified.

    The purpose of social work with youth in Russia is:

    development and realization of the potential of youth in the interests of stable democratic development of the country, ensuring its sovereignty, competitiveness and security.

    The objectives of social work with youth in Russia are:

    ) creation of a system of services, proposals, and projects that are accessible and in demand by youth, promoting the process of social development of youth, ensuring that young people receive social practice and independent life skills;

    ) creating conditions for young people to independently solve their problems, including through increasing the subjectivity of youth public associations, developing student self-government;

    ) assistance in obtaining quality education, career guidance and employment for young people, and solving housing problems;

    ) ensuring the social and physical health of the younger generation, the formation and promotion of positive role models, fashion for a healthy lifestyle.

    Social work with youth should not be built on guardianship and paternalism, but on stimulating the activity of young people themselves, creating conditions for independently solving the problems they face. Social work with youth is not focused on creating benefits for young people. This is a targeted and systematic investment policy that provides for investing in young people through the organization and stimulation of work initiated, organized and carried out, primarily by the youth themselves. Financing of youth work should be carried out from budgets of all levels and from extra-budgetary sources, based on the principles of investment, through the creation of effective mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of this work.

    To ensure its effectiveness, the adopted directions and programs of social work with youth must be systematic, long-term and stable.

    To coordinate and develop the main directions of youth work, it is necessary to improve the structure of youth work management from the federal to the municipal level.

    1 Legal framework for social work with youth

    In modern state youth policy, the main Conceptual provisions are spelled out in the Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993. No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, which until January 2005. was the main document dictating state youth policy.

    Objects of state youth policy:

    citizens of the Russian Federation, including persons with dual citizenship from 14 to 30 years of age during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, if this entails the responsibilities of federal government bodies;

    young families - families in the first 3 years after marriage, in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the period of marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached 30 years of age, as well as single-parent families in which the father or mother has not reached 30 years;

    youth associations.

    Subjects of state youth policy:

    state bodies and officials (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000 No. 867, the State Committee for Youth Policy was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

    youth groups and associations;

    young citizens.

    Principles of state youth policy:

    a combination of state, public interests and individual rights in the implementation of state youth policy;

    involving young citizens in the formation of policies and programs for youth;

    ensuring legal and social protection of young citizens;

    providing a young citizen with a state guarantee of a minimum of social services for training, education, spiritual and physical development, health care, and employment;

    priority of public initiatives in comparison with the corresponding activities of government bodies and institutions when financing activities and programs related to youth.


    ensuring respect for the rights of young people;

    ensuring employment guarantees;

    promoting youth entrepreneurship;

    state support for a young family;

    guarantees for the provision of social services;

    support for talented youth;

    creating conditions for the physical and spiritual development of youth;

    supporting the activities of youth and children's associations;

    promoting international youth exchanges.

    Implementation measures:

    adoption of special legislation and other legal acts, decisions of local authorities and management;

    introducing amendments and additions to legislation and other acts;

    development and implementation of state youth policy of a comprehensive and targeted nature;

    creation of the Russian Fund for Federal Youth Programs for the organization and financial support of priority youth development programs, as well as the formation of similar regional and territorial funds;

    allocation of separate allocations in the federal and local budgets to finance activities in the field of youth policy;

    creation of state bodies for youth affairs and social services of various profiles.

    In 1994, the Federal Program “Youth of Russia” was adopted. To create a mechanism for solving youth problems, provide budget funds for the development of priority areas of youth policy.

    In 1998, a new Federal program “Youth of Russia for 1998-2000” was adopted. Its main part was the formation and strengthening of legal, economic and organizational conditions for the civic development and social self-realization of youth. The program provided for the formation of a legislative and regulatory framework, the development and phased implementation of a long-term lending system and other forms of support for young people in order to obtain an education, support business activity, housing construction, and household management. Also, the formation of a system of bodies for temporary and secondary employment of youth, development of entrepreneurship. Development of conditions for spiritual and moral education, civic and patriotic formation of youth.

    In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the program “Youth of Russia for 2006-2010”.

    An analysis of the three previous programs allows us to notice that the first two programs are aimed at creating a legal framework and a system of social services, and the third and subsequent fourth clearly highlight areas of support and social protection for youth.

    The youth social protection system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has an approved structure with a mandatory minimum for a city or region:

    Comprehensive social service center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

    Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children;

    Social rehabilitation center for minors;

    Social hotel;

    Social shelter for children and teenagers.

    Currently, work continues on the regulatory legal support of state youth policy. A number of documents have been developed:

    bill “On state support for young families in the housing sector” (together with the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation);

    project of the federal interdepartmental program “Students of Russia”;

    draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of model provisions on the establishment of bodies for youth affairs”;

    draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On state support for ensuring temporary and seasonal employment and placement of students in temporary jobs during extracurricular hours”;

    draft Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation;

    an approximate provision on the certification of workers in the field of state youth policy, which will be included in the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On improving the sectoral system of remuneration for workers in education and the field of youth policy”;

    draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the support of student labor groups”.

    The number of federal target programs, the implementation of which is coordinated by the Department of Youth Policy, has increased - the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” was supplemented by the subprogram of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of the state program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, the subprogram “Providing Housing for Young Families” of the Federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010. Under this subprogram “Providing housing for young families,” the Russian Ministry of Education held a competition to provide federal budget funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for providing subsidies to young families for compensation from the federal budget for part of the cost of housing in the event of the birth (adoption) of a child has been agreed upon. A Coordination Council for the implementation of the subprogram has been created.

    In the field of supporting youth entrepreneurship and promoting youth employment, special attention is paid to supporting the movement of student groups, working and rural youth. Interdepartmental programs to promote youth employment have been developed and are being implemented; rallies and competitions of student teaching and labor teams are held.

    The modern Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation has been developed for the period until 2016 and defines a set of priority areas focused on youth.

    The state youth policy implemented within the framework of the Strategy is designed to combine state and non-state resources, which assumes the interdepartmental nature of interaction in order to:

    systemic involvement of youth in public life and development of independent life skills of young residents of the country, informing all young people about the opportunities for their development in Russia and in the world community, as well as a culture of using the opportunities for personal and social development created in the country, which will allow the young person to more fully realize their potential, will strengthen his confidence in his abilities and his future;

    identifying, promoting, supporting activity and its achievements in the socio-economic, socio-political, creative and sports spheres, which will give young people the opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential and receive well-deserved recognition in Russia;

    involving young people who have problems integrating into society into a full life.

    To implement the priority area, including involving young people in public life and informing them about potential development opportunities in Russia, the following projects are envisaged: “Russian youth information network “New Look”; "Volunteer of Russia"; "Career"; "Young Family of Russia".

    To implement the priority area, including the development of creative activity of youth, the “Team” and “Success is in your hands” projects are envisaged.

    To implement the priority area, including the integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society, the “Step Towards” project is envisaged.

    2.2 The current state of social work with youth in the Russian Federation

    Currently, a number of negative trends and phenomena are observed among the youth of our country.

    a culture of responsible civic behavior, social activity and self-government skills are slowly developing;

    the problems of a young family are getting worse;

    the physical and mental health of the younger generation is deteriorating;

    the criminalization of youth is growing;

    the availability of quality education is decreasing;

    income stratification among young people is growing;

    there is a degradation of the employment structure, destruction of the work motivation of young workers - young people are integrated mainly into the sphere of exchange and redistribution;

    The involvement of young people in the government system is minimal.

    On the other hand, a number of positive trends are strengthening among young people:

    the innovative potential of youth is developing;

    independence, practicality and mobility, responsibility for one’s destiny, and receptivity to new things increase;

    the number of young people choosing personal initiative as the main way to solve their problems is increasing;

    the prestige of quality education and training is increasing;

    the formal-status attitude towards education gives way to the practical use of acquired knowledge as the basis for personal and professional success and future well-being;

    interest in improving one’s health is growing;

    modern Russian youth is becoming a full-fledged part

    international youth community, actively integrates into global economic, political and humanitarian processes.

    The development of positive trends and the use of the potential of innovative activity of youth in the interests of creation and civic service can be sustainable only with the creation of an adequate system of participation of the state and society in the processes of socialization of youth, the formation of effective mechanisms of partnership between the “adult” society and the new generations entering it.

    In order to prevent neglect and homelessness of minors, a network of youth clubs, centers, and the yard sector in municipalities is being developed, social services for youth are being created, and the volunteer movement is being supported. According to data at the beginning of 2004, there are 1,542 youth social service institutions operating in the regions of the Russian Federation, operating in more than 20 areas.

    In order to support talented youth and organize youth leisure, the Department of Youth Policy annually holds a competition of youth creative projects. An important component of programs for the development of leisure and artistic creativity for children and youth (Russian Student Spring, etc.) is work with youth media. In messages from youth information centers, much attention is paid to issues of creative festivals and competitions. In the regions there are programs of a non-governmental all-Russian public organization - the Russian Youth Union - “Student Science”, “Information Space”, “Law and Order in Universities”, “Employment”, “Student Camps”, “Movement of Pedagogical and Construction Brigades”.

    The Association of Student Youth, part of the Russian Youth Union, helps create organizations in educational institutions that defend the rights and interests of student youth at various levels.

    Modern phenomena - the growth of extremism and aggression among young people, the formation of asocial subcultures and countercultures - indicate the insufficient effectiveness of existing institutions of socialization and demonstrate their systemic crisis.

    The destruction of traditional social ties and the state education system has significantly reduced the role of the previously dominant institutions of socialization - family, school, university, and enterprise.

    The influence of such traditional institutions of socialization as the army and trade unions has also been largely lost. Public youth associations play an insufficient role.

    The leading position in the formation of consciousness and worldview, life values, and role models has been taken by the media, which often exploit the base instincts of young people for the sake of their own commercial interests. The dominant products of mass consumer culture largely contribute to the growth of aggression and moral depravity among young people, reinforcing negative trends in them.

    The task is to, by improving and developing institutions of socialization, achieve their balanced and productive influence on the processes of socialization of young people.

    Meanwhile, today “the model of social work with youth in the Russian Federation that exists at the present stage does not meet the complexity and scale of the tasks facing Russian society and the state.”

    The regulatory legal framework for state policy regarding youth in a number of areas exists, but it is fragmented, eclectic and requires changes, as it does not correspond to the modern political and socio-economic situation. It should be noted that the legislation regarding youth was basically formed before 1995.

    The existing youth management bodies failed to ensure the proper level and scale of work, which to a certain extent was the result of frequent changes in management models. This has led to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of state policy towards youth and the real level of state influence on solving youth problems, as well as to a lack of interaction with other areas of state policy, and the artificial isolation of youth issues.

    The unsystematic and multidirectional nature of practical actions and duplication in the activities of departments reduces the effectiveness of social work with youth. Systematic everyday social work with young people is being replaced by fragmented image-building activities.

    Social work with youth in most regions of the Russian Federation and at the municipal level is also not systematic. It should be noted that in some regions it is quite diverse, and in terms of content and depth of solving youth problems, it is more productive than activities at the federal level.

    Most youth and children's public associations are concentrated in large cities. In small towns and rural areas, youth associations are rather poorly represented.

    At the same time, nationalist, extremist, and criminal youth formations are having an increasingly noticeable influence on young people.

    Problems of a conceptual, strategic nature, legal regulation, financial and scientific support that have not been resolved at the federal level seriously reduce the effectiveness of social work with youth at all levels.

    Social work with youth is also carried out by various public associations.

    Public youth associations are the main form of self-organization of youth; their activities should be aimed at:

    Increasing social activity of the younger generation, developing tolerance among young people;

    Gaining skills for young people to effectively and efficiently integrate into modern life;

    Participation of young people in the development and implementation of decisions in the field of state and municipal government, through work in public and government structures at all levels, through the development of student self-government;

    Creating attractive models of positive activities and involving young people in them.

    Public associations can be given resources to solve problems that they can handle on their own. At the same time, public associations take full responsibility for solving these problems with the help of the youth themselves.

    Russia is undergoing a process of social transformation, striving to get rid of the remnants of totalitarianism and become a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Scientists tracking changes in the social order record the emergence of certain features of civil society.

    Society is changing, and the role of man in it is changing. If previously a person was relegated to the role of a conscientious performer, now a person is an active transformer of social space. Personal activity is one of the basic characteristics of a person in modern civil society. This change increases human responsibility. It fills the concept of “citizen” with a new ethical and moral meaning. Thus, the famous sociologist V.T. Lisovsky writes: “A citizen is a member of a political community, having rights and obligations associated with his membership in it.” This interpretation reflects a two-way relationship between the individual and society. However, most Russians do not have a real awareness of this relationship (in our opinion), since the history of the Soviet Union presupposed a formal one-way relationship of subordination from the state to the individual. The citizen was a vassal of the state and gratefully performed his duty towards the state, which granted him certain rights. This was the case before the well-known perestroika events, when the image of the patron state was discredited. The unequal interaction was interrupted. The integrity of “individual-society-state” has been violated. People found themselves disunited and isolated from the state. According to data obtained in a monitoring study of identification processes, in 1992 not a single respondent said that he was a Russian, a citizen of Russia. The concept of a citizen has lost its social prestige and meaning for a long time.

    The modern Russian has to restore lost connections in society and the state and, moreover, make them reverse: from the individual to society, and through it to the state. Much time will pass before every Russian person understands that the declared democracy as a connection between an individual, society and the state will be effective if and only when everyone realizes that he can influence the activities of the state and society, that he is the master of his own fate. A person who has achieved such awareness is a “new” citizen. The totality of such citizens constitutes civil society.

    B.I. Koval writes that civil society is “the highest form of human solidarity in the modern world.” Solidarity is active sympathy, a state of personality when a citizen cannot fulfill his life program without the assistance, empathy, and help of others.

    The first years of perestroika forced a person to withdraw, withdraw into himself, or, at best, realize himself within the framework of his family and circle of friends. The active position of a person in civil society brings a person to the public level of interaction. After all, democracy in its most primitive definition is the power of the people, and the people are a community conscious of unity, community, and solidarity. And it is useless to hope for the implementation of democracy before a sense of solidarity manifests itself.

    Solidarity makes people unite. The moral of the children's fairy tale "Teremok" - "Better together" - is probably present in everyone. Guided by this principle, people unite within the framework of public organizations, associations, movements that increase the importance of each person, make them feel like a free, full-fledged subject of democratic governance, and therefore have the opportunity to be heard by the state. Democracy is a dialogue between the state and civil society, where everyone's voice is heard.

    American political scientist D. Patrick notes: “Most theorists of democracy believe that a network of associations and organizations forms the basis of civil society.” Another American scientist R. Putnam insists: “People interested in democracy (its consolidation and effectiveness) must first of all contribute to the formation of civil society.” Long-term research conducted by Putnam in Italy confirmed that a viable network of local voluntary organizations creates social capital - civic values, skills and knowledge, the capital necessary for the consolidation of democracy. R. Putnam's conclusion is this: citizens, having acquired social capital through participation in civil society organizations, can later use it to strengthen democratic principles in government.

    The issues of functioning of children's and youth public organizations are very relevant in our time. Against the backdrop of acute problems of budgetary financing of social programs, the crisis of the family institution, unfavorable demographic processes of reforming school education, the youth movement seems to be an effective channel for resolving or at least defusing the particular tension of some issues related to the successful socialization of the younger generation.

    Among the many problems that can be solved through the active functioning of youth public formations, in the first place are the problems of civic and patriotic education of the younger generation of Russians. The true formation of civil society in our country is possible with the rooting of its traditions among the youth, therefore an organized youth movement is the primary condition for strengthening and developing democracy in the state.

    The hopes that youth public associations can play a positive role in the educational process and make up for the lack of attention to children from the older generation are to some extent not groundless. The experience of the Soviet past confirms the validity of such hopes, bearing in mind the active work of the All-Union Pioneer Organization and the Komsomol. However, the same history of the Pioneers and the Komsomol also speaks of significant shortcomings in the activities of these organizations. In new historical conditions, simply reproducing the organizational structures and forms of work of youth public associations is impossible and impractical, but their rethinking and reassessment is necessary. For example, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, held in April 2003 in Chelyabinsk on the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Scientific and Practical Center SPO-FDO of the Federation of Children's Organizations of the Chelyabinsk areas.

    The modern youth movement in Russia is contradictory. It involves associations that differ in the focus of their activities, age and numerical composition. According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, “today in Russia there are more than 427 thousand youth and children's public associations of various territorial spheres of activity.”

    So, the most important problem today is youth employment and self-realization. Youth public associations allow you not only to realize yourself, but also to gain a lot of experience for future not only political and professional activities. Since the problems of youth public associations have been dealt with by a rather narrow circle of scientists, as evidenced by the small number of monographs, it is necessary to study in this area to organize more and better amateur performances and self-organization of youth.

    Based on existing definitions of such concepts as youth, public association, organization, it is possible to formulate a definition of a Youth Public Association. A youth public association is an association of youth (people aged 14 to 30 years), jointly pursuing interests, programs or goals based on certain norms and rules. One of the components of the social structure of society is an initiative, self-made, self-governing association of young people, whose common will is aimed at jointly solving common problems and protecting the common interests of other people and groups. Interactions in IOOs are determined by formal rules and regulated norms of behavior.

    The educational function of youth and children's public associations is based on the satisfaction and implementation of the needs and interests of a young person, the formation of the younger generation as a social and creative force.

    The peculiarity of the implementation of the educational functions of youth organizations is the exceptional importance of amateur performances and creativity of children, adolescents, and young people. They themselves mainly form the standards for general activity, including its stimulation, organization and coercion.


    Youth can be defined as a vast set of group communities formed on the basis of age characteristics and associated subcultures, mentality, social psychology and basic specific activities in various spheres of life. In a narrower (sociological) sense, youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of age-related characteristics of the social status of young people, their place and functions in the social structure of society, specific interests and values, needs and types of life activities.

    The purpose of youth in the modern world lies in the indisputable fact that it is not so much an object of upbringing, education and socialization, but rather an active subject of social reproduction, the innovative potential of society, an essential guarantor of its development. It is the young generation that acts both as an important condition for further socio-economic changes and as an innovative force.

    The specificity of social work with youth lies in the fact that youth are considered not as an object of education, but as a subject of social action, social renewal.

    Social work with youth should be of a public-state nature and be aimed at intensifying actions and developing partnerships among its main subjects: state authorities, local governments, civil society institutions, commercial and non-profit organizations, the youth themselves to ensure the effective implementation of state and public interests in the process of social formation and self-realization of youth.

    Social work with youth should be carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in a variable manner, taking into account the specifics of regions and local conditions, but with unconditional compliance with basic federal standards. Young people in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation must be guaranteed participation in social and state construction, protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

    To carry out the research part of this work, a questionnaire was developed covering various aspects of the life of young people, their needs, as well as questions that help to understand how young people live at the present time. The questionnaire is aimed at identifying public opinion about young people; the respondents are CSU students. Among the 40 respondents, there were first- and second-year students of the Faculty of Economics. Of these, 70% were girls and 30% boys.


    1. Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993. No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”

    Basov, N.F. Social work with youth / N.F. Basov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2009. - 328 p.

    Grigoriev, S.I. Social work with youth: main directions and modern forms: textbook for universities / S. I. Grigoriev, L. G. Guslyakova, S.N. Pavlov. - M.: KnoRus, 2011. - 213 p.

    Technology of social work: textbook for bachelors / [V. A. Petrosyan and others] ; edited by E.I. Kholostovoy, L.I. Kononova. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2011. - 503 p.

    Youth in Russian regions: prospects for civic and professional development: collection of materials / Ed. M.K. Gorshkova, A.A. Nelyubina. - Publication of the Federation Council, 2006. - 192 p.

    Fundamentals of social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / N.F. Basov, V.M. Basova, O.N. Bessonova and others; edited by N.F. Basova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2005. - 288 p.

    Firsov, M.V. Theory of social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / M.V. Firsov, E.G. Studenova. - M.: VLADOS, 2005. - 268 p.

    Shkurin, V. Youth: free time and club / V. Shkurin. - M.: Leisure, 2008. - 203 p.

    Sorokin, P.A. Human. Civilization, Society / P.A. Sorokin. - M.: Politizdat, 2007. - 55 p.

    Bovkun, V.V. Lifestyle of modern youth: trends, problems, prospects / V.V. Bovkun. - M.: Leisure, 2007. - 432 p.

    Social work with youth: Textbook. Publisher: Dashkov i K, 2010. - 327 p.

    Nechaeva L.A. Volunteerism as a form of work with youth. - [Electronic source]. - Access mode: #"center">APPLICATION

    Research tools (questionnaire)


    We invite you to take part in the questionnaire survey.

    The questionnaire is anonymous, you do not need to indicate your first and last name. Please circle the correct answer.

    Do you think youth play a significant role in the socio-demographic, economic, political and cultural life of society?

    What are the most significant problems (social, personal) that concern you currently? _____________________________________________

    What problems of Russian youth, in your opinion, are the most pressing at the moment? ____________________________________________________________

    What do you think the youth of our country need most?


    Do you know the laws of the Russian Federation on youth and youth policy?

    Do you plan to continue your education after graduation in this area?

    Do you think it will be easy for you to find a job in your specialty?

    How do you see your future?

    I would like to work in the public sector

    I would like to start my own business

    I would like to work in a private company


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    Male. Female.

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    Youth plays a significant role in the socio-demographic, economic, political and cultural life of society. The role and importance of youth in society increases as its structures become more complex and developed.

    Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and at a more mature age having already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; Depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for young people can range from 14 to 30 years.

    Today the youth of the Russian Federation is 39.6 million young citizens, i.e. 27% of the country's total population.

    Social problems of young people are due to the fact that youth is closely connected with the idea of ​​dependence. Most of the youth (students, students, etc.) have not yet been included in the production process and therefore “live on credit.” Most young people do not have personal autonomy in making decisions affecting their lives. Young people solve the problem of moral and spiritual self-determination. It is necessary to highlight that young people are faced with the problem of choosing a field of work, choosing a profession. Problems are also caused by the need for marriage choice and childbearing.

    The degree of development of the study. In social work there is a direction dedicated to youth; many textbooks and teaching aids have been written (Volkov, Pavlenok, Vishnevsky, etc.). There are studies devoted to the problems of youth: I.M. Ilyinsky developed the concept of youth and the youth movement, K. Mannheim defined the purpose of youth.

    The object of the study is social work with youth.

    The subject of the study is forms of social work with youth in the context of public associations.

    Purpose of the study: to analyze the features of social work

    with youth.

    To characterize youth as a socio-demographic group,

    Analyze the legal framework for social work with youth,

    Identify the direction of social work with youth.

    Methods that were used in the work: analysis of recent statistical data on young people, study and analysis of sources and legal framework, systemic-structural method, questioning.

    All this determines the need for social work with this demographic group.

    1. Socio-demographic characteristics of youth

    1.1 Features of the socio-demographic group of youth in modern conditions

    Studying trends in social changes among modern youth is impossible without considering the demographic processes occurring in society. Socio-demographic indicators of modern Russian society, on the one hand, are a consequence of the negative impact of transformation processes, on the other hand, a reflection of objective trends that are characteristic of many developed countries and have a general civilizational character.

    Youth is a state at the stage of a person’s life when the social potential formed in “childhood” and “adolescence” enters its active phase in terms of changing the social status of a person, saturating his social life with social roles. On the other hand, “youth” as a concept has an evaluative meaning and refers to the characteristics of the entire age group of the population, which is usually called youth, and in this sense it has a single content. Therefore, it is used in relation to both 16-year-olds and 30-year-olds, i.e. “youth”, as a socio-demographic group of the population, is heterogeneous and has an internal structure: these are groups of young people by gender and age, by marital status and the amount of property a person owns, by level of education and qualifications, by occupation, etc. . Moreover, according to current legislation, the concept of “youth” includes people under 30 years of age, and the concept of “young family” includes spouses whose age does not exceed 35 years.

    In this sense, the concept of “youth” contributes more to the understanding of youth as a social phenomenon. Youth is an organic part of various classes and social strata, ethnic and religious groups of the population, their product, the bearer of their qualitative characterological characteristics. At the same time, youth and youth, although they have their own specific interests and needs, reproduce the basic qualities of the social structure of society and social relations in general.

    The concept of “youth” means not just a socio-demographic group, but a specific integrity that synthesizes the most typical properties of the subject, while the factor that unites youth into such integrity is the fact that they have specific, unique interests, both current and long-term .

    Young people, in large part, have a level of mobility, intellectual activity and health that distinguishes them favorably from other groups of the population. At the same time, any society faces the question of the need to minimize the costs and losses that the country incurs due to problems associated with the socialization of young people and their integration into a single economic, political and socio-cultural space.

    The German sociologist K. Mannheim (1893-1947) determined that youth are a kind of reserve that comes to the fore when such revitalization becomes necessary to adapt to rapidly changing or qualitatively new circumstances. Dynamic societies sooner or later must activate and even organize them (resources that in a traditional society are not mobilized and integrated, but are often suppressed).

    Youth, according to K. Mannheim, performs the function of a revitalizing mediator of social life; This function has as its important element incomplete inclusion in the status of society. This parameter is universal and is not limited by either place or time. The decisive factor that determines the age of puberty is that at this age young people enter public life and in modern society for the first time encounter the chaos of antagonistic assessments.

    Young people, according to K. Mannheim, are neither progressive nor conservative by nature, they are potential, ready for any undertaking.

    Young people, as a special age and social group, have always perceived the values ​​of culture in their own way, which at different times gave rise to youth slang and shocking forms of subculture. Their representatives were hippies, beatniks, dudes in the USSR and the post-Soviet space - informals. Every young person needs to learn the norms of values, attitudes, ideas and stereotypes developed by society and various groups. Technologies for social work with youth are an important part of the technological arsenal of social services, not only because the problems of this socio-demographic category of the population are very extensive and difficult, but also because it is young people who will determine the fate of our country in the 21st century.

    Youth is characterized by those social relations and social forms that define it as an independent socio-demographic group. Youth has a number of characteristics that arise, first of all, from its very objective essence. The social characteristics of young people are determined by the specific position that they occupy in the process of reproduction of the social structure, as well as the ability not only to inherit, but also to transform existing social relations. The contradictions that arise within this process underlie a whole complex of specific youth problems.

    Young people aged 15 to 29 years old on average make up about 22-25% of the country's total population. Changes in the birth rate in the Russian Federation have led to the “aging” of young people, i.e. an increase in the proportion of 25-29 year olds. The reproductive rate of young families (which account for the bulk of child births) is low, which is usually due to unsettled life, an uncertain future, and the presence of various social risks. The number of women-mothers who are not in a registered marriage is increasing, a significant portion of whom are under the age of 20, which reflects the trend of a decrease in the age at which sexual activity begins and an increase in premarital pregnancies.

    According to the annual Report of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Youth Affairs, we can come to the conclusion that a decrease in the population, a low birth rate, along with a significant deterioration in the health of young people leads to a deterioration in the gene pool of the nation, which, in turn, can pose a threat to the national security of the country. The deterioration of the health status of the Russian population, according to experts, has no precedent in industrialized countries in peacetime.

    A significant decline in the level and quality of life of the majority of young Russians, an increase in social tension that causes stress, aggravation of environmental problems, especially in cities, and other similar reasons lead to an increase in the number of diseases, including the emergence of epidemics and socially determined diseases.

    Faster puberty and earlier onset of sexual activity have led to the emergence of the phenomenon of “teenage motherhood,” which negatively affects the health of both newborns and their mothers. The problem of abortion among young people is especially pressing. Every year, up to 250-280 thousand abortions are performed, i.e. Every tenth abortion in the country occurs in this age group.

    Factors unfavorable for youth development include the spread of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse. Suicide rates among young people remain high. The desire to escape from real problems into an illusory world contributes to the massive spread of alcoholism and drug addiction among teenagers. Drug addiction today is becoming a powerful factor of social disorganization, posing a great threat to the normal functioning of the entire social organism. According to experts, the reasons for the growth of drug addiction are, to a certain extent, the result of a conflict between the individual and society, which is especially clearly manifested in the crisis of socialization.

    The number of young people among workers in industry, construction, and transport is falling. In connection with the changes taking place in the Russian economy, the share of young people in the non-productive sector is growing. At the same time, the alienation of some young people from work, which is characterized by the reluctance of young people to work well and with high quality, and the lack of desire for professional, qualified and job growth. The number of young people in the village has decreased because... young people prefer to work not in agricultural production, but in urban enterprises and organizations. Recently, many have actively rushed into the field of trade. In this regard, there is a danger of the emergence of a “lost generation” during the transition to the market and a further expansion of the social base to replenish risk groups, criminalization and an increase in the level of violence among youth.

    Traditionally, risk groups include people without a fixed place of residence, prostitutes, alcoholics, and drug addicts.

    The introduction of market relations in its current forms has exacerbated the problem of social protection of young people in the world of work. Young workers are the first to be laid off and join the ranks of the unemployed.

    Particularly alarming trends in the current situation in the youth sphere include the lag in the level of education from the level achieved by the most developed countries; the growing decline in the prestige of general and vocational education; an increase in the number of young people entering the workforce with a low level of education and not focused on continuing their education; unpreparedness of higher, vocational and secondary school personnel to work in new conditions; a decline in the intellectual level of the graduate student body - the future of Russian science, an outflow of gifted young men and women from many universities and from the country. Economic reform has aggravated serious problems of young people in the sphere of everyday life. The earnings of young workers and employees are often lower than those of workers in the public sector of the economy in general. Creating families and having children further worsens the financial situation of young people. Single-parent young families and families with children find themselves in a particularly difficult social and financial situation. A factor that largely determines the image and lifestyle of young people is the criminalization and commercialization of their leisure time. The problem of personal safety of young people is becoming increasingly urgent: sociological studies show that about 50% of them have ever been subjected to physical violence from peers or adults, and 40% have experienced assault from their parents. Violence as a way of life is increasingly taking on organized forms in the youth sphere. In Russia, over 50% of all crimes are committed by young people aged 14-29 years. Solving the diverse and pressing problems of youth in Russia is possible only with the implementation of a consistent state youth policy.

    Social work with youth in our country and in many other countries is part of state youth policy. State youth policy is “the activity of the state to create socio-economic, legal, organizational conditions and guarantees for the social formation and development of young citizens, the fullest realization of the creative potential of youth in the interests of the whole society.”

    The objects of state policy are young people from 14 to 30 years old, young families and youth associations.

    The main goals of the state youth policy are:

    Promoting the social, cultural, cultural and physical development of youth;

    Preventing discrimination against young citizens based on age qualifications;

    Creating conditions for the full participation of young people in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society;

    Expanding the opportunities of a young person to choose his life path and achieve personal success;

    Realization of the innovative potential of youth in the interests of social development and youth themselves.

    The implementation of state youth policy, and, consequently, social work with youth, is carried out on the following principles.

    1. Unity and integrity of approaches and mechanisms of youth work in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is ensured by the definition of federal standards in this area.

    2. Mutual responsibility. The state is responsible to new generations of Russians for the socio-economic, environmental, cultural state of the country, and new generations are responsible for preserving and enhancing its potential, ensuring continuity and progression of development.

    3. A variety of forms, methods, technologies of work to optimally meet the needs of various groups of youth, harmonious relations between youth, society and the state.

    4. Social work with youth is an integral system of measures of a legal, organizational, managerial, financial, economic, scientific, informational, and personnel nature.

    5. Social work with youth is based on the principle of equal basic opportunities for youth throughout the Russian Federation.

    Society and the state consider youth as a basic strategic resource, as a real subject of socio-economic policy. This means increasing attention to the problems of youth, a fundamental change in attitude towards them at all levels of government, as well as building a public-state system of youth work.

    The basic principles, directions and standards of social work with youth, state policies regarding youth are formulated and defined at the federal level in the form of main strategic directions and priorities, which should be reflected in the regulatory framework, in decisions and documents of federal executive authorities. The non-state (public) component of social work with youth is based on the participation of civil society institutions, primarily on the initiative of the organized youth community.

    1.2 Concepts in the study of youth issues

    youth policy social

    Among sociologists and demographers, discussions have been ongoing for more than three decades regarding the definition of the concept of “youth” as an age cohort and the age boundaries for this socio-age group of the population. Age cohorts are understood as “life stages, stages of an individual’s life cycle, identified in the sociocultural tradition of a given society, with which a certain range of activities, occupations, statuses, social roles, psychological comfort, worldview, and self-identification are associated.”

    The age boundaries of the period of “youth” are quite flexible and are largely socially determined. In various spheres of a young person’s life in society, both the lower and upper limits of youth age are determined differently, and this period itself has different time durations. The lower limit in modern youthology, as a rule, is set according to biopsychic parameters: puberty, physical growth, the formation of a stable psyche and the transition to the internal problems of the individual, his self-determination in the world. The upper limit is associated with the onset of social “adulthood,” which is characterized by the fact that a person here has the right to freedom of choice and make independent decisions, as well as full responsibility for the results of his choice and actions to implement it.

    Among scientists studying the problems of sociology of youth, V.T. Lisovsky was one of the first to define the concept of “youth”: “Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, learning, and at a more mature age have already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for youth can range from 14 to 30 years.”

    Consideration of the concepts of youth makes it possible to determine its characteristics as an object of social work.

    The first concepts of youth appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, when in the USA (G. Stanley, Hall), and a little later in Germany (S. Bühler, E. Spranger, V. Stern, etc.) and Russia (V.I. Lenin, L.S. Vygotsky, A.B. Zalkind, etc.) three main directions of theoretical understanding of this phenomenon have emerged:

    1) interpretation of youth as bearers of the psychophysical properties of youth;

    2) understanding of youth as a cultural group;

    3) comprehension of youth as an object and subject of the process of continuity and change of generations.

    In my opinion, the concept of youth and the youth movement by I.M. is of greatest interest. Ilyinsky, recognized in the scientific community and one of the most influential in our country.

    Generalizations by I.M. Ilyinsky’s relatively younger generation can with full justification be called a humanistic concept of youth. In it, the development of a young man’s personality and the formation of his vitality are placed in first place.

    According to I.M. Ilyinsky, “youth is a special kind of value, it is the main value of society, it is not only a demographic concept, but also an economic, social, political concept.” If in society and in the activities of the state a focus is placed on youth, then this changes not only the future, but also the present, since politics begins to be built based on managing processes, on being ahead of events, pushing aside the policy of belated reactions to what has already happened.

    Concept by I.M. Ilyinsky includes eight basic provisions:

    1. Youth is an objective social phenomenon, always acting as a large specific age subgroup. The key to understanding the nature of youth is the dialectic of the whole and the part (“youth are part of society; youth are part of society”). The specific age-related problems of youth in any society are that:

    a) youth is closely related to the idea of ​​dependence;

    b) most of the youth (pupils, students, etc.) are not yet included in the production process and therefore “live on credit”;

    c) the majority of young people do not have personal independence in making decisions concerning their lives;

    d) young people are faced with the problem of choosing a field of work, choosing a profession;

    e) young people solve the problem of moral and spiritual self-determination;

    f) they solve the problem of marriage choice and childbearing.

    2. Youth is dual in nature: it is a biological and social phenomenon, which determines the connection between its psychophysical and social development.

    3. Youth is a concrete historical phenomenon.

    4. Young people are the bearers of enormous intellectual potential and special abilities for creativity.

    5. Young people are both an object and a subject of socialization, which determines their social status.

    6. Young people acquire subjectivity as they self-identify, become self-aware of their interests, and grow in their organization.

    7. Youth are the bearer of processes that will unfold in full force in the future.

    8. Youth is the object of complex, interdisciplinary research, which only in its entirety can give a fairly reliable picture of it. Concept by I.M. Ilyinsky is based on the innovative potential of young people, their political inexperience, romanticism, physical endurance, etc.

    Thus, it is not enough to understand youth in the traditional sense, only as the future of society. It must be assessed as an organic part of modern society, bearing a special function, irreplaceable by other social groups, of responsibility for the preservation and development of our country, for the continuity of its history and culture, the life of elders and the reproduction of subsequent generations, and ultimately - for the survival of peoples as cultural -historical communities. Youth has its own special functions in society that cannot be replaced or implemented by any other socio-demographic group.

    Based on the main characteristics of youth as a socio-demographic group, the goals and objectives of social work with youth are identified.

    The purpose of social work with youth in Russia is:

    development and realization of the potential of youth in the interests of stable democratic development of the country, ensuring its sovereignty, competitiveness and security.

    The objectives of social work with youth in Russia are:

    1) creation of a system of services, proposals, and projects that are accessible and in demand by young people, facilitating the process of social development of young people, ensuring that young people receive social practice and independent life skills;

    2) creating conditions for young people to independently solve their problems, including through increasing the subjectivity of youth public associations and developing student self-government;

    3) improving the regulatory legal framework for youth work, the system of personnel, scientific, methodological and information support that contribute to achieving the goals;

    4) assistance in obtaining quality education, career guidance and employment for young people, and solving housing problems;

    5) ensuring the social and physical health of the younger generation, forming and promoting positive role models, fashion for a healthy lifestyle.

    Social work with youth should not be built on guardianship and paternalism, but on stimulating the activity of young people themselves, creating conditions for independently solving the problems they face. Social work with youth is not focused on creating benefits for young people. This is a targeted and systematic investment policy that provides for investing in young people through the organization and stimulation of work initiated, organized and carried out, primarily by the youth themselves. Financing of youth work should be carried out from budgets of all levels and from extra-budgetary sources, based on the principles of investment, through the creation of effective mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of this work.

    To ensure its effectiveness, the adopted directions and programs of social work with youth must be systematic, long-term and stable.

    To coordinate and develop the main directions of youth work, it is necessary to improve the structure of youth work management from the federal to the municipal level.

    2.1 Legal framework for social work with youth

    In modern state youth policy, the main Conceptual provisions are spelled out in the Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993. No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, which until January 2005. was the main document dictating state youth policy.

    Objects of state youth policy:

    Citizens of the Russian Federation, including persons with dual citizenship from 14 to 30 years of age during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, if this entails the responsibilities of federal government bodies;

    Young families - families in the first 3 years after marriage, in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the period of marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached 30 years of age, as well as single-parent families in which the father or mother has not reached 30 years;

    Youth associations.

    Subjects of state youth policy:

    State bodies and officials (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000 No. 867, the State Committee for Youth Policy was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

    Youth organizations and associations;

    Young citizens.

    Principles of state youth policy:

    The combination of state, public interests and individual rights in the implementation of state youth policy;

    Involving young citizens to participate in the formation of policies and programs for youth;

    Ensuring legal and social protection of young citizens;

    Providing a young citizen with a state guarantee of a minimum of social services for training, education, spiritual and physical development, health care, employment;

    Priority of public initiatives in comparison with the corresponding activities of government bodies and institutions when financing activities and programs related to youth.


    Ensuring respect for the rights of youth;

    Ensuring employment guarantees;

    Promoting youth entrepreneurship;

    State support for a young family;

    Guarantees for the provision of social services;

    Support for talented youth;

    Creation of conditions for the physical and spiritual development of youth;

    Supporting the activities of youth and children's associations;

    Promoting international youth exchanges.

    Implementation measures:

    Adoption of special legislation and other legal acts, decisions of local authorities and management;

    Making changes and additions to legislation and other acts;

    Development and implementation of state youth policy of a comprehensive and targeted nature;

    Creation of the Russian Fund for Federal Youth Programs for the organization and financial support of priority youth development programs, as well as the formation of similar regional and territorial funds;

    Allocation of separate allocations in the federal and local budgets to finance activities in the field of youth policy;

    Creation of state bodies for youth affairs and social services of various profiles.

    In 1994, the Federal Program “Youth of Russia” was adopted. To create a mechanism for solving youth problems, provide budget funds for the development of priority areas of youth policy.

    In 1998, a new Federal program “Youth of Russia for 1998-2000” was adopted. Its main part was the formation and strengthening of legal, economic and organizational conditions for the civic development and social self-realization of youth. The program provided for the formation of a legislative and regulatory framework, the development and phased implementation of a long-term lending system and other forms of support for young people in order to obtain an education, support business activity, housing construction, and household management. Also, the formation of a system of bodies for temporary and secondary employment of youth, development of entrepreneurship. Development of conditions for spiritual and moral education, civic and patriotic formation of youth.

    In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the program “Youth of Russia for 2006-2010”.

    An analysis of the three previous programs allows us to notice that the first two programs are aimed at creating a legal framework and a system of social services, and the third and subsequent fourth clearly highlight areas of support and social protection for youth.

    The youth social protection system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has an approved structure with a mandatory minimum for a city or region:

    1. comprehensive social service center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

    2. center for social assistance to families and children;

    3. social rehabilitation center for minors;

    4. social hotel;

    5. social shelter for children and teenagers.

    Currently, work continues on the regulatory legal support of state youth policy. A number of documents have been developed:

    The bill “On state support for young families in the housing sector” (together with the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation);

    Project of the federal interdepartmental program “Students of Russia”;

    Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of model provisions on the establishment of bodies for youth affairs”;

    Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On state support for ensuring temporary and seasonal employment and placement of students in temporary jobs during extracurricular hours”;

    Draft Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation;

    An approximate provision on the certification of workers in the field of state youth policy, which will be included in the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On improving the sectoral system of remuneration for workers in education and the field of youth policy”;

    Draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the support of student labor groups.”

    The number of federal target programs, the implementation of which is coordinated by the Department of Youth Policy, has increased - the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” was supplemented by the subprogram of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of the state program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, the subprogram “Providing Housing for Young Families” of the Federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010. Under this subprogram “Providing housing for young families,” the Russian Ministry of Education held a competition to provide federal budget funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for providing subsidies to young families for compensation from the federal budget for part of the cost of housing in the event of the birth (adoption) of a child has been agreed upon. A Coordination Council for the implementation of the subprogram has been created.

    In the field of supporting youth entrepreneurship and promoting youth employment, special attention is paid to supporting the movement of student groups, working and rural youth. Interdepartmental programs to promote youth employment have been developed and are being implemented; rallies and competitions of student teaching and labor teams are held.

    The modern Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation has been developed for the period until 2016 and defines a set of priority areas focused on youth.

    The state youth policy implemented within the framework of the Strategy is designed to combine state and non-state resources, which assumes the interdepartmental nature of interaction in order to:

    Systematic involvement of youth in public life and development of independent life skills of young residents of the country, informing all young people about the opportunities for their development in Russia and in the world community, as well as a culture of using the opportunities for personal and social development created in the country, which will allow a young person to more fully realize his potential, will strengthen his confidence in his abilities and his future;

    Identification, promotion, support of activity and its achievements in the socio-economic, socio-political, creative and sports spheres, which will give young people the opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential and receive well-deserved recognition in Russia;

    Involving young people who have problems integrating into society into a full life.

    To implement the priority area, including involving young people in public life and informing them about potential development opportunities in Russia, the following projects are envisaged: “Russian youth information network “New Look”; "Volunteer of Russia"; "Career"; "Young Family of Russia".

    To implement the priority area, including the development of creative activity of youth, the “Team” and “Success is in your hands” projects are envisaged.

    To implement the priority area, including the integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society, the “Step Towards” project is envisaged.

    2.2 The current state of social work with youth in the Russian Federation

    Currently, a number of negative trends and phenomena are observed among the youth of our country.

    The deformation of spiritual and moral values ​​continues, moral limits on the path to achieving personal success are eroded;

    A culture of responsible civic behavior, social activity and self-government skills are slowly developing;

    The problems of a young family are getting worse;

    The physical and mental health of the younger generation is deteriorating;

    The criminalization of youth is growing;

    The availability of quality education is decreasing;

    Wealth stratification among young people is growing;

    There is a degradation of the employment structure, destruction of the work motivation of young workers - young people are integrated mainly into the sphere of exchange and redistribution;

    The involvement of young people in the government system is minimal.

    On the other hand, a number of positive trends are strengthening among young people:

    The innovative potential of youth is developing;

    Independence, practicality and mobility, responsibility for one’s destiny, and receptivity to new things are growing;

    The number of young people choosing personal initiative as the main way to solve their problems is increasing;

    The prestige of quality education and training is increasing;

    The formal-status attitude towards education gives way to the practical use of acquired knowledge as the basis for personal and professional success and future well-being;

    Interest in improving one's health is growing;

    Modern Russian youth is becoming a full-fledged part

    international youth community, actively integrates into global economic, political and humanitarian processes.

    The development of positive trends and the use of the potential of innovative activity of youth in the interests of creation and civic service can be sustainable only with the creation of an adequate system of participation of the state and society in the processes of socialization of youth, the formation of effective mechanisms of partnership between the “adult” society and the new generations entering it.

    In order to prevent neglect and homelessness of minors, a network of youth clubs, centers, and the yard sector in municipalities is being developed, social services for youth are being created, and the volunteer movement is being supported. According to data at the beginning of 2004, there are 1,542 youth social service institutions operating in the regions of the Russian Federation, operating in more than 20 areas.

    In order to support talented youth and organize youth leisure, the Department of Youth Policy annually holds a competition of youth creative projects. An important component of programs for the development of leisure and artistic creativity for children and youth (Russian Student Spring, etc.) is work with youth media. In messages from youth information centers, much attention is paid to issues of creative festivals and competitions. In the regions there are programs of a non-governmental all-Russian public organization - the Russian Youth Union - “Student Science”, “Information Space”, “Law and Order in Universities”, “Employment”, “Student Camps”, “Movement of Pedagogical and Construction Brigades”.

    The Association of Student Youth, part of the Russian Youth Union, helps create organizations in educational institutions that defend the rights and interests of student youth at various levels.

    Modern phenomena - the growth of extremism and aggression among young people, the formation of asocial subcultures and countercultures - indicate the insufficient effectiveness of existing institutions of socialization and demonstrate their systemic crisis.

    The destruction of traditional social ties and the state education system has significantly reduced the role of the previously dominant institutions of socialization - family, school, university, and enterprise.

    The influence of such traditional institutions of socialization as the army and trade unions has also been largely lost. Public youth associations play an insufficient role.

    The leading position in the formation of consciousness and worldview, life values, and role models has been taken by the media, which often exploit the base instincts of young people for the sake of their own commercial interests. The dominant products of mass consumer culture largely contribute to the growth of aggression and moral depravity among young people, reinforcing negative trends in them.

    The task is to, by improving and developing institutions of socialization, achieve their balanced and productive influence on the processes of socialization of young people.

    Meanwhile, today “the model of social work with youth in the Russian Federation that exists at the present stage does not meet the complexity and scale of the tasks facing Russian society and the state.”

    The regulatory legal framework for state policy regarding youth in a number of areas exists, but it is fragmented, eclectic and requires changes, as it does not correspond to the modern political and socio-economic situation. It should be noted that the legislation regarding youth was basically formed before 1995.

    The existing youth management bodies failed to ensure the proper level and scale of work, which to a certain extent was the result of frequent changes in management models. This has led to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of state policy towards youth and the real level of state influence on solving youth problems, as well as to a lack of interaction with other areas of state policy, and the artificial isolation of youth issues.

    The unsystematic and multidirectional nature of practical actions and duplication in the activities of departments reduces the effectiveness of social work with youth. Systematic everyday social work with young people is being replaced by fragmented image-building activities.

    Social work with youth in most regions of the Russian Federation and at the municipal level is also not systematic. It should be noted that in some regions it is quite diverse, and in terms of content and depth of solving youth problems, it is more productive than activities at the federal level.

    Most youth and children's public associations are concentrated in large cities. In small towns and rural areas, youth associations are rather poorly represented.

    At the same time, nationalist, extremist, and criminal youth formations are having an increasingly noticeable influence on young people.

    Problems of a conceptual, strategic nature, legal regulation, financial and scientific support that have not been resolved at the federal level seriously reduce the effectiveness of social work with youth at all levels.

    Social work with youth is also carried out by various public associations.

    Public youth associations are the main form of self-organization of youth; their activities should be aimed at:

    1.Increasing social activity of the younger generation, developing tolerance among young people;

    2. Young people obtaining skills for effective and productive inclusion in modern life;

    3. Participation of young people in the development and implementation of decisions in the field of state and municipal government, through work in public and government structures at all levels, through the development of student self-government;

    4.Create attractive models of positive activities and involve young people in them.

    Public associations can be given resources to solve problems that they can handle on their own. At the same time, public associations take full responsibility for solving these problems with the help of the youth themselves.

    Russia is undergoing a process of social transformation, striving to get rid of the remnants of totalitarianism and become a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Scientists tracking changes in the social order record the emergence of certain features of civil society.

    Society is changing, and the role of man in it is changing. If previously a person was relegated to the role of a conscientious performer, now a person is an active transformer of social space. Personal activity is one of the basic characteristics of a person in modern civil society. This change increases human responsibility. It fills the concept of “citizen” with a new ethical and moral meaning. Thus, the famous sociologist V.T. Lisovsky writes: “A citizen is a member of a political community, having rights and obligations associated with his membership in it.” This interpretation reflects a two-way relationship between the individual and society. However, most Russians do not have a real awareness of this relationship (in our opinion), since the history of the Soviet Union presupposed a formal one-way relationship of subordination from the state to the individual. The citizen was a vassal of the state and gratefully performed his duty towards the state, which granted him certain rights. This was the case before the well-known perestroika events, when the image of the patron state was discredited. The unequal interaction was interrupted. The integrity of “individual-society-state” has been violated. People found themselves disunited and isolated from the state. According to data obtained in a monitoring study of identification processes, in 1992 not a single respondent said that he was a Russian, a citizen of Russia. The concept of a citizen has lost its social prestige and meaning for a long time.

    The modern Russian has to restore lost connections in society and the state and, moreover, make them reverse: from the individual to society, and through it to the state. Much time will pass before every Russian person understands that the declared democracy as a connection between an individual, society and the state will be effective if and only when everyone realizes that he can influence the activities of the state and society, that he is the master of his own fate. A person who has achieved such awareness is a “new” citizen. The totality of such citizens constitutes civil society.

    B.I. Koval writes that civil society is “the highest form of human solidarity in the modern world.” Solidarity is active sympathy, a state of personality when a citizen cannot fulfill his life program without the assistance, empathy, and help of others.

    The first years of perestroika forced a person to withdraw, withdraw into himself, or, at best, realize himself within the framework of his family and circle of friends. The active position of a person in civil society brings a person to the public level of interaction. After all, democracy in its most primitive definition is the power of the people, and the people are a community conscious of unity, community, and solidarity. And it is useless to hope for the implementation of democracy before a sense of solidarity manifests itself.

    Solidarity makes people unite. The moral of the children's fairy tale "Teremok" - "Better together" - is probably present in everyone. Guided by this principle, people unite within the framework of public organizations, associations, movements that increase the importance of each person, make them feel like a free, full-fledged subject of democratic governance, and therefore have the opportunity to be heard by the state. Democracy is a dialogue between the state and civil society, where everyone's voice is heard.

    American political scientist D. Patrick notes: “Most theorists of democracy believe that a network of associations and organizations forms the basis of civil society.” Another American scientist R. Putnam insists: “People interested in democracy (its consolidation and effectiveness) must first of all contribute to the formation of civil society.” Long-term research conducted by Putnam in Italy confirmed that a viable network of local voluntary organizations creates social capital - civic values, skills and knowledge, the capital necessary for the consolidation of democracy. R. Putnam's conclusion is this: citizens, having acquired social capital through participation in civil society organizations, can later use it to strengthen democratic principles in government.

    The issues of functioning of children's and youth public organizations are very relevant in our time. Against the backdrop of acute problems of budgetary financing of social programs, the crisis of the family institution, unfavorable demographic processes of reforming school education, the youth movement seems to be an effective channel for resolving or at least defusing the particular tension of some issues related to the successful socialization of the younger generation.

    Among the many problems that can be solved through the active functioning of youth public formations, in the first place are the problems of civic and patriotic education of the younger generation of Russians. The true formation of civil society in our country is possible with the rooting of its traditions among the youth, therefore an organized youth movement is the primary condition for strengthening and developing democracy in the state.

    The hopes that youth public associations can play a positive role in the educational process and make up for the lack of attention to children from the older generation are to some extent not groundless. The experience of the Soviet past confirms the validity of such hopes, bearing in mind the active work of the All-Union Pioneer Organization and the Komsomol. However, the same history of the Pioneers and the Komsomol also speaks of significant shortcomings in the activities of these organizations. In new historical conditions, simply reproducing the organizational structures and forms of work of youth public associations is impossible and impractical, but their rethinking and reassessment is necessary. For example, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, held in April 2003 in Chelyabinsk on the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Scientific and Practical Center SPO-FDO of the Federation of Children's Organizations of the Chelyabinsk areas.

    The modern youth movement in Russia is contradictory. It involves associations that differ in the focus of their activities, age and numerical composition. According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, “today in Russia there are more than 427 thousand youth and children's public associations of various territorial spheres of activity.”

    So, the most important problem today is youth employment and self-realization. Youth public associations allow you not only to realize yourself, but also to gain a lot of experience for future not only political and professional activities. Since the problems of youth public associations have been dealt with by a rather narrow circle of scientists, as evidenced by the small number of monographs, it is necessary to study in this area to organize more and better amateur performances and self-organization of youth.

    Based on existing definitions of such concepts as youth, public association, organization, it is possible to formulate a definition of a Youth Public Association. A youth public association is an association of youth (people aged 14 to 30 years), jointly pursuing interests, programs or goals based on certain norms and rules. One of the components of the social structure of society is an initiative, self-made, self-governing association of young people, whose common will is aimed at jointly solving common problems and protecting the common interests of other people and groups. Interactions in IOOs are determined by formal rules and regulated norms of behavior.

    The educational function of youth and children's public associations is based on the satisfaction and implementation of the needs and interests of a young person, the formation of the younger generation as a social and creative force.

    The peculiarity of the implementation of the educational functions of youth organizations is the exceptional importance of amateur performances and creativity of children, adolescents, and young people. They themselves mainly form the standards for general activity, including its stimulation, organization and coercion.


    Youth can be defined as a vast set of group communities formed on the basis of age characteristics and associated subcultures, mentality, social psychology and basic specific activities in various spheres of life. In a narrower (sociological) sense, youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of age-related characteristics of the social status of young people, their place and functions in the social structure of society, specific interests and values, needs and types of life activities.

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