How to develop instructions on labor protection at an enterprise - the procedure for developing and approving instructions. The procedure for developing, agreeing and approving labor safety instructions for workers. Who in the organization develops and who approves the instructions for

Question from Konstantin

Hello Anton! Tell me if there is any document that shows who should develop labor safety instructions or manufacturing instructions? Thanks in advance.

Reply to Konstantin

Hello, Konstantin!

By virtue of para. 22 hours 2 tbsp. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to develop and approve rules and instructions on labor protection for employees.

Since there are a lot of responsibilities to ensure safe working conditions, it is clear that the manager, as a representative of the employer, will not be able to implement everything on his own, but he can involve other officials of the organization.

It is worth noting that with regard to a labor protection specialist (if there is one in the organization), guided by the section “Qualification characteristics of positions of specialists carrying out work in the field of labor protection” of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17. 2012 N 559n (which came into force on July 1, 2013), he mainly carries out organizational and control activities, and the development of labor protection instructions is not his responsibility. Therefore, their development, as a rule, is entrusted to department heads.

In the Republic of Belarus, for example, there is a Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for the adoption of local regulations on labor protection for professions and certain types of work (services).” dated November 28, 2008 No. 176. Where it is clearly stated:

14. Labor protection instructions are developed by the heads of the organization’s structural units (shops, sections, departments, laboratories, departments and others) with the participation of trade unions (authorized persons for labor protection of the organization’s employees).
15. Management of the development of labor protection instructions is assigned to the head of the organization or his deputy, whose job responsibilities include issues of organizing labor protection.
16. If necessary, the head of the organization involves other organizations or individual specialists providing services in the field of labor protection in the development of instructions on labor protection.
24. The draft labor safety instructions are signed by the head of the structural unit (developer) and submitted for approval:
labor protection service (labor safety specialist or specialist entrusted with these responsibilities);
if necessary, at the discretion of the labor protection service (labor safety specialist or specialist assigned these responsibilities) - to other interested structural units and officials of the organization;
trade union (authorized person for labor protection of the organization’s employees).

In Russia, this is implied, but not written down anywhere... but, in the end, it’s the other way around, a labor safety engineer is responsible for developing labor safety instructions... It’s nonsense, isn’t it?!

The direct responsibilities of the employer include the creation and approval of labor protection documentation that can ensure safe working conditions at the enterprise for each employee. Not all organizations know about this.

We will tell you how to develop documentation on labor protection, determine how to change existing instructions and approve new ones.

Who develops labor safety instructions at the enterprise?

According to Articles 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Of course, the employer is “imposed” with obligations to create all the necessary documentation.

In addition, he must create conditions for safe and best work, taking into account the equipment of workplaces, work schedules and other important details that will affect the performance of their duties by employees of the company or enterprise.

When developing documentation, it is imperative to draw up rules and requirements, which will ensure the safety of life and health of specialists working in the organization. This is stated in Part 1 of Article 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

And in the second part of this article it is stated that instructions and other documents on labor protection should be developed, both legal entities and individuals.

The employer can develop the documentation independently or involve occupational safety specialist. This is, of course, not necessary.

According to Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia number 524n, adopted on August 4, 2014, the responsibilities of such a professional will include not only the development of labor protection instructions, but also:

  1. Cooperation with employers or direct supervisors of employees working at a particular enterprise and identification of all working conditions for each employee separately.
  2. Maintaining labor safety documentation, making changes and updating it.
  3. Assisting managers in creating training programs for employees who need to be trained in safety rules, special methods and techniques.

It is important to appoint a person responsible for the development of occupational safety instructions, the corresponding one should be written and approved order about it.


remember, that instructions for each employee must be separate, since the positions of specialists may be different, the nature of the work performed may also be different.

When forming it, they must take into account the provisions of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and “Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions on labor protection”, adopted by the Ministry of Labor on May 13, 2004.

Even if the employer himself did not prepare documentation on labor protection, he must deal approval of documents and checking instructions for their execution.

The procedure for developing labor safety instructions - how are they drawn up?

Drawing up labor protection documentation is not so easy. The main thing is to follow the rules and guidelines that we mentioned above.

So, let's figure out what the procedure for developing instructions is.

1. Designing a cover for a document

Be sure to include information that you know. If the cover is not suitable, the document may not be accepted.

The cover is like this:

2. Development of document sections and rules

It is worth knowing that the instructions must include some important sections, without which it will not work. Let's look at what each section should include and how it might look using examples of different instructions:

1) General OT requirements

This section should provide general information such as:

  1. The need to comply with these rules.
  2. Work and rest schedule requirements.
  3. The nature of the work of this specialist, the conditions of admission to it. For example, you can indicate at what age a given position can be held, what the employee’s health status should be and other important characteristics of the specialist.
  4. Workplace and its equipment.
  5. Standards for issuing special clothing or footwear for protection.
  6. All kinds of dangerous situations that may arise from this nature of the work performed.
  7. The procedure for contacting authorities, as well as management, in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
  8. Rules for first aid.
  9. Requirements for explosion and fire safety.
  10. Responsibility of the employee for violation of these requirements.

Here are two examples of this section for the profession “cashier”. They can be designed in different ways:

2) Labor requirements before starting work

In this paragraph, you must indicate how to prepare the workplace before performing your duties, how to check equipment and other important equipment, what industrial sanitation requirements should be met, and how to accept and hand over a shift.

Examples of the design of this section based on the same instructions:

3) Labor requirements during work

Here you should consider all the rules and requirements relating to the employee’s work.

For example:

  1. Rules for handling equipment, products, goods, etc.
  2. Conditions for maintaining a place of work.
  3. Vehicle operation requirements.
  4. Rules for the use of protective equipment.
  5. Methods for troubleshooting and errors during operation.

There can be many examples of the design of this section. The main thing is to take into account the nature of the work of each specialist.

Here are a couple of examples of the design of such a section for cashiers-operators:

4) Safety requirements in emergency situations

Here you should list what situations may occur, and also determine how a company employee should behave in front of them, and how to provide first aid to the victims.

Examples of the design of this section:

5) Labor requirements upon completion of work

This is the last section of the instructions. It can indicate how to end the working day, how to hand over a shift to another employee, how to turn off equipment, how to tidy up the workplace and other important nuances.

If necessary you can include other sections into the document. No one can stop you from doing this.

3. Design of the last page of the document

Here you cannot simply take and sign the instructions, putting only your signature as the leader and the seal of the organization. The page should be designed in accordance with the requirements.

Sample and example:

  1. All instructions pages must be numbered.
  2. It is better not to use introductory words when writing and expressions as well as abbreviations.
  3. The completed safety instructions should be handed over to department heads companies that will inform every employee about it.

In addition, it should be taken into account that documentation should be accessible to employees; it is better to store it in a publicly accessible place.

Coordination and approval of labor protection instructions - when does the document come into effect?

The document must be coordinated and approved special commission, which includes important specialists responsible for maintaining favorable working conditions.

It usually happens like this:

  1. A commission is being assembled that will check the instructions for action or in practice.
  2. The document itself is checked for errors and typos, and if necessary, changed.
  3. The workplaces of specialists are being inspected.
  4. The equipment and machinery on which people will work are diagnosed.
  5. The full-time staff of employees is examined and it is determined whether they can be allowed to perform certain jobs.
  6. The production itself is checked for harmfulness and danger. By the way, it is important to indicate these indicators in the instructions, otherwise experts will identify shortcomings in the document and will have to redo it.
  7. Personal protective equipment and special clothing for work are considered for their availability.
  8. It is determined whether workers were informed about the use of these protective equipment, as well as safety precautions at the enterprise.

According to Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an enterprise may be assigned trade union organization, which should coordinate this documentation.

The period for reviewing documents by the organization is no more than 5 days. The employer must then submit their decision regarding this instruction.

Then the head of the enterprise either re-issues the documents and comes to the same opinion with the trade union, or draws up a protocol in which these disagreements of the parties are indicated.

Even after this, the document can still be accepted and approved - but then there may be problems disputes in court between the employer and the trade union.

When accepted and approved, the document should be marked signatures and seals relevant specialists who carried out the inspection.

Please note that the instruction is approved by order. Here are some examples of orders:

Amendments to the labor protection instructions

Change approved documentation no one has the right.

To change something in a document, you should entrust this matter to a labor protection specialist, again, assemble a commission and send them a new, amended document for approval.

If the document has not been approved, then the employer or occupational safety officer can easily change it until he is ready.

Afterwards, the instructions will need to be sent to the commission or trade union for approval.

The procedure for checking and revising labor safety instructions at the enterprise

There is a concept of “revision” of instructions. If the employer finds errors in the document, there is no need to correct them immediately and collect a commission. Follows the annual plan of work and activities in advance include a clause about this type of work and carry it out on time.

Remember that OT documentation needs to be reviewed Once every 3 years(for dangerous and harmful enterprises) or in 5 years(for any companies). All changes must be made to the instructions.

Before this deadline, you can change documents ahead of schedule under certain conditions:

  1. New laws and acts have come into force affecting the content of labor documentation.
  2. Laws and acts have come into force that change methodological recommendations for the development or articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which instructions are drawn up.
  3. The working conditions of specialists at the enterprise were changed.
  4. New equipment, technology was introduced, or it was modernized.
  5. New technological processes have been introduced.
  6. A check was carried out for the presence of accidents or emergencies, as well as to identify diseases that may arise due to work, and changes in documentation were determined.
  • Are the obligations of the debtor-account holder subject to fulfillment by the bank according to the claims of creditors of the 1st-3rd priority?
  • The head of the LLC was convicted under Art. 173.1. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. What are the consequences for deals entered into by this executive?
  • What are the features of hiring a part-time foreigner with a patent to work in a specific profession?
  • Is it necessary for the institution to approve the access control regulations?
  • Does the State Budgetary Institution have the right to purchase other services to provide public services if their use is not provided for by technical regulations?


The organization does not have an elected body of a primary trade union organization; a collective agreement or other agreements have not been concluded between the organization’s employees, giving the authority to individual employees to coordinate local regulations. However, on the basis of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure the development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another body authorized by employees in the manner established by Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations. Should occupational safety instructions be agreed upon with anyone given the situation existing in the organization? With whom and in what order should the organization’s labor protection instructions be agreed upon in the absence of a trade union body?


Labor safety instructions are agreed upon with the trade union (other authorized representative of workers) if there is one. If there is no trade union or authorized employee representative in the organization, labor safety instructions are developed by the heads of the relevant structural units with the participation of labor safety service specialists, and approved by the head of the organization.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the “Personnel System” .

« Regulations

Which document regulates the procedure for developing and requirements for the content of labor protection instructions?

The procedure for the development and approval of labor protection instructions, as well as the requirements for their content, are regulated by approved.

Types of instructions

What types of labor protection instructions exist?

Labor safety instructions can be developed both for employees of certain professions (positions) and for certain types of work.

Instructions for employees are developed on the basis of inter-industry or industry standard instructions, and in its absence - on the basis of inter-industry or industry rules on labor protection, safety requirements set out in the technical documentation of the equipment manufacturer, taking into account the specific working conditions of a given employer. Such requirements are established in paragraphs of the Methodological Recommendations approved by.

Development of instructions

How to develop labor safety instructions

The development of labor protection instructions for employees is carried out on the basis of an order from the employer and a list of professions (positions) and types of work for which instructions are developed. The list of professions (positions) is determined on the basis of the organization’s staffing table. The instructions must indicate:

  • requirements for safe operation of equipment;
  • requirements for the safe execution of technological processes and general issues of working conditions;
  • safe labor methods and techniques, as well as the sequence of their implementation.

For newly commissioned and reconstructed production facilities, it is allowed to develop temporary instructions on labor protection.

When developing instructions, use standard industry or cross-industry instructions on labor protection as a basis. Standard intersectoral instructions are approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor, and sectoral instructions are approved by the relevant federal executive body ().

For example, when developing labor safety instructions for forklift drivers, an employer can use standard instructions approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on March 17, 2000, and for employees who work on a computer - standard instructions approved.

In the absence of standard instructions, use inter-industry or sectoral labor protection rules, safety requirements set out in the operational and repair documentation of equipment manufacturers, as well as in technological documentation.

Labor safety instructions for employees are developed by the heads of the relevant structural units with the participation of labor safety service specialists, and approved by the head of the organization after agreement with the trade union (if any)*.

Question from practice: Is it possible to develop labor safety instructions for the department?

Current legislation does not provide for the possibility of developing such instructions.

In general, labor safety instructions are developed according to employee positions or types of work performed, a list of which is approved by the organization (Approved Methodological Recommendations).

They are developed by the heads of the relevant structural divisions of the organization on the basis of intersectoral or industry standard instructions on labor protection (Recommendations, approved).

Since the legislation does not provide for the development of instructions on labor protection by department, it is not recommended for employers to independently adopt such instructions.

What sections does the labor protection instruction consist of?

As a general rule, labor safety instructions are drawn up in any form, and include at least the following sections:

  1. General labor protection requirements.
  2. Labor safety requirements before starting work.
  3. Labor protection requirements during work.
  4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations.
  5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work.

Such rules are established in paragraphs

The question of who in an organization or enterprise develops labor safety instructions, at first glance, may seem very simple. People who are less familiar with this topic will definitely think that occupational safety and health engineers should take on this task. Some bosses often think the same way and, without delving into the depth of the problem, force the enterprise’s labor safety engineers to develop labor safety instructions.

However, if you turn to the legislation and carefully study the responsibilities assigned to specialists involved in labor protection, it will turn out differently. By law, the employer ensures the development and approval of labor protection instructions for employees. This is obvious based on Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There is no link to a specific position in the article. Naturally, the manager himself will not do this, but will decide who among his subordinates develops labor safety instructions.

Next, you should carefully study the job responsibilities of representatives of the engineering and technical service in order to understand who should develop labor safety instructions. The recommendations for the work of the occupational safety service indicate what operations the person responsible for occupational safety should perform when instructions are developed for workers :

  • Make a list of professions and positions of the organization’s employees for which it is necessary to prepare documents;
  • Provide assistance to department heads in developing labor safety instructions.

Consequently, the development of labor protection instructions should be entrusted to the heads of structural units. This is the correct solution to the problem. The shop foreman or site manager visits the department assigned to him every day and knows better than others the conditions under which workers perform their duties.

An occupational safety engineer may not know all the intricacies of the profession and will not take into account important aspects of the work process when drawing up a document. And he must take into account all the nuances that can happen in production and prepare recommendations for the employee on the correct behavior. Employees responsible for developing instructions must be assigned by order of the manager. In addition, the order should indicate a list of professions and the time frame within which labor protection instructions are developed.

Application in practice

Types of instructions

For the first time, a citizen encounters such a guiding document when applying for a job. On the same day, an introductory briefing is held, during which the newcomer is introduced to safety issues. Both the first and all subsequent briefings are carried out in accordance with the developed instructions on labor protection for workers. The fact of familiarization by the employee must be documented. This is recorded in a specially designated journal or familiarization sheet. The worker himself can not only read this manual, he must know it well and put it into practice. At his workplace, he is required to have a copy of this document for everyday use, which is usually placed in an accessible place on a specially designed stand. The head of the enterprise is obliged to create conditions for studying the instructions and monitor compliance with its requirements. If a worker does not fulfill them, it is considered that he is not fulfilling his labor duties. This fact will be sufficient grounds for dismissal.

  • Instructions must be developed for all positions that are on the staffing table. They are drawn up in order to establish the procedure for carrying out work and ensure the safety of the production process. They can be composed:
  • For certain types of activities (for example, installation or welding);
  • For every profession;
  • For an entire unit, if employees perform similar work;

Each company has the right to independently decide what types of labor protection instructions to apply in their work, taking into account the specifics of the production process. The text of the document must reflect the requirements of regulations on labor protection of national importance and internal standards of the organization.

There are two main types of instructions:

  1. Typical. These are industry and interindustry documents.
  2. Individual. They are compiled for workers of a particular enterprise or its division.

Employees are required to study them and strictly follow their requirements in their activities.

Document structure

Standard instructions developed by state labor protection authorities consist of five main sections. They set rules at different stages of work:

  • General safety rules;
  • Requirements before the start of work;
  • Security on the main part of operations;
  • Compliance with requirements at the end of the process;
  • Actions in case of emergencies.

The same structure should be followed in the document that is developed at the enterprise. If there are production features that need to be included in the document and highlighted as a separate section, they can be added to the instructions.

Registration procedure

The occupational safety specialist, when starting work on the design, must explain to the line managers who are the developers of the document the basic requirements that must be adhered to. In addition, you should be familiar with the procedure for approval and approval of instructions. When presenting information in the text, you should ensure that it is clear and concise. This is necessary so that employees can quickly find answers to their questions. The signature of the manager approving the document is placed on the first page. The last page must contain the approvals of the responsible specialists.

In many sectors of the economy, standard instructions have been prepared for individual professions and positions. Based on them, you can draw up a document that takes into account all the nuances of a particular production. In addition, you can use various operational documentation. This includes passports, operating manuals containing rules for the safe use of equipment and devices. In addition to technical data, it always contains information about compliance with safety rules.

Carrying out approvals

Instructions for workers are developed jointly with specialists involved in equipping workplaces, operating production equipment without harm to health, and preventing occupational injuries. Technologists, engineers, and labor protection specialists check the contents of the document and put their signature on the last page.

Important! If the enterprise has an elected trade union organization that unites at least 50% of employees, its opinion must be taken into account when drawing up instructions. The obligation to coordinate instructions with the trade union must be reflected when adopting a collective agreement.

Draft documents must be sent to the trade union committee with a covering letter attached. The response of the trade union organization must also be in writing. If there is no trade union body at the enterprise, you need to obtain the approval of the labor council. After signing by all involved persons, the document is approved by the manager. For this purpose, a separate order is drawn up for the enterprise, to which an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the trade union committee is attached. The validity period of the instructions begins from the date the order is issued and lasts five years. If there is a need to make additions, the procedure for registration will be the same as for the initial creation of documents. After five years of use, the document can be re-approved in the same form. Professions and safety requirements remain unchanged, so adjustments to instructions are not necessary. The developer draws up a validity extension sheet and attaches it to the original.

17.06.2016 12:50:00

There are quite a few professions and jobs in which certain safety measures must be observed. And the employer must teach such measures to employees. And for this it is necessary to develop a lot of instructions, which is one of the responsibilities of employers established by the Labor Code. However, not all organizations have such instructions, and sometimes they exist, but were adopted, as they say, under Tsar Pea. In the article we will tell you how and by whom labor safety instructions are developed, how they are approved, what they should include and where they should be stored.

There are quite a few professions and jobs in which certain safety measures must be observed. And the employer must teach such measures to employees. And for this it is necessary to develop a lot of instructions, which is one of the responsibilities of employers established by the Labor Code. However, not all organizations have such instructions, and sometimes they exist, but were adopted, as they say, under Tsar Pea. In the article we will tell you how and by whom labor safety instructions are developed, how they are approved, what they should include and where they should be stored.

By virtue of Art. Art. 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the responsibility to ensure safe conditions and labor protection lies with the employer. To this end, he must first of all provide workers with instructions on labor protection, organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, provide workers with protective equipment, special clothing, etc.

And of course, like any other standards, all safety and labor protection rules in a single organization must be enshrined in local regulations. The obligation to develop and approve rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, along with other responsibilities of the employer, is directly enshrined in Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Now let's figure it out. But first, we note that the Ministry of Labor approved the Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions on labor protection on May 13, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations), to which we will refer further.


What labor safety instructions should an organization have and are they needed for every employee?

Labor protection instructions are drawn up for each position, profession or type of work performed. For example, by position (profession) it could be “Occupational safety instructions for a forklift driver”, “Occupational safety instructions for a welder”; by type of work performed - “Instructions on labor protection when performing loading and unloading operations”, “Instructions on labor protection during sporting events”, “Instructions on working with a computer”. These may not be instructions, but rules, for example, “Rules for working with copying equipment.” Such acts apply to a group of employees engaged in the same type of work.

In addition to instructions for positions (professions) and types of work, there may be instructions that apply to all employees of the organization, for example, “Fire Safety Instructions.”

The law does not require that instructions be developed for each employee. This document should be developed for each position (profession), and then it will apply to all employees holding such positions.


What can be used as a basis when developing occupational safety instructions?

Labor protection instructions for employees are developed on the basis of inter-industry or industry standard instructions or labor protection rules. For example, Order No. 213 of Rosleskhoz dated December 23, 1998 approved Standard Instructions on Labor Safety for the main professions and types of work in forestry. For some industries, the Ministry of Labor has developed separate Methodological Recommendations, for example, on the development of instructions on labor protection for the main professions and types of work in furniture production (dated 05/11/2004), for workers engaged in consumer services (dated 05/18/2004).

If standard instructions are not available, the employer develops them independently, guided by the safety requirements set out in the operational and repair documentation of equipment manufacturers, technological documentation of the organization, sanitary and hygienic rules. The working conditions characteristic of the relevant position or work are also taken into account.


Which employee of the organization can the employer entrust with developing instructions? Should an occupational safety specialist do this?

According to Part 2 of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must ensure the development and approval of labor protection instructions. But no recommendations are given regarding who exactly the employer should assign this job function to. Many people believe that this should be the responsibility of an occupational safety specialist.

However, in accordance with the Professional Standard “Specialist in the field of labor protection”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08/04/2014 No. 524n, the labor function of such a specialist, in particular, includes:

  • interaction with representative bodies of workers on issues of labor conditions and safety and coordination of local documentation on labor safety issues;
  • revision of local regulations on labor protection issues in the event of new ones entering into force or amendments to existing acts containing labor law standards;
  • providing methodological assistance to heads of structural divisions in the development of training programs for workers in safe labor methods and techniques, and instructions on labor protection.

If we are guided by this Professional Standard, the development of labor protection instructions for positions and types of work should be entrusted to the heads of departments (divisions), since they are the ones who have complete information about the labor functions of their subordinates, and the labor protection inspector provides assistance in such development. You can also connect the legal department and human resources department to it. In addition, as a rule, official approval of the already developed draft instructions is carried out with the labor safety inspector.

Note! Whichever employee develops instructions, this task should be included in his job responsibilities (in the employment contract, job description).


What to pay attention to when developing instructions?

When drawing up labor safety instructions, it is recommended to adhere to the structure established by the Recommendations, in particular to include the following sections and paragraphs.

1. “General labor protection requirements.” In this section it is recommended to reflect:

  • instructions on the need to comply with internal regulations;
  • requirements for compliance with work and rest schedules;
  • a list of dangerous and harmful production factors that can affect an employee during work;
  • a list of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment issued to employees in accordance with established rules and regulations;
  • the procedure for notifying the administration about cases of injury to an employee and malfunction of equipment, devices and tools;
  • rules of personal hygiene that an employee must know and observe when performing work.

2. “Occupational safety requirements before starting work.” In this section you can set out the order:

  • preparation of the workplace, personal protective equipment;
  • checking the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.;
  • checking source materials (blanks, semi-finished products);
  • reception and transfer of shifts in the case of a continuous technological process and equipment operation.
  • methods and techniques for the safe performance of work, use of equipment, vehicles, lifting mechanisms, devices and tools;
  • requirements for safe handling of starting materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products);
  • instructions for maintaining a safe workplace;
  • actions aimed at preventing emergency situations;
  • requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers.

4. “Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations.” Need to reflect:

  • a list of the main possible emergency situations and the reasons that cause them;
  • actions of workers in the event of accidents and emergencies;
  • actions to provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning and other health damage.

5. “Occupational safety requirements upon completion of work.” This section specifies:

  • the procedure for disconnecting, stopping, disassembling, cleaning and lubricating equipment, devices, machines, mechanisms and equipment;
  • procedure for cleaning waste generated during production activities;
  • personal hygiene requirements;
  • the procedure for notifying the work manager about deficiencies affecting labor safety discovered during work.


What is the procedure for developing and approving labor safety instructions?

The procedure for developing and approving instructions begins with the issuance by the head of the organization of an order, which determines the list of instructions, the employees responsible for the development and the deadlines for execution. Here is a sample of such an order.

(Visma LLC)


30.12.2015 № 125


“On the development of labor protection instructions”

Based on Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation


1. Head of the sales department V.M. Galkin, head of the purchasing department M.V. Sorokin, P.T. Voronin, head of the warehouse. by 02/15/2016, develop draft instructions on labor protection for workers of all positions, professions and specialties in accordance with the staffing table in the relevant structural unit and the list of professions and positions (Appendix No. 1).

2. Until February 28, 2016, the employees specified in clause 1 of this order must agree on draft instructions with legal adviser S.N. Vorobyeva. and occupational safety specialist L.N. Petukhova

3. By March 4, 2016, to labor safety specialist L.N. Petukhova. send draft instructions to the trade union of employees of Visma LLC to obtain a reasoned opinion.

4. By March 17, 2016, to labor safety specialist L.N. Petukhova. submit instructions for approval.

5. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Head of Sales Department Galkin/Galkin V.M./

For your information. The procedure for developing labor safety instructions can also be established by a local act of the organization.

The instructions should be agreed upon with a labor protection specialist, and, if necessary, with other officials and departments.

Before approval of the instructions by the manager, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another body authorized by employees in the manner established by Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If such a body exists, the draft instructions are sent to it for approval. No later than five working days from the date of receipt of the draft, the trade union sends the employer a reasoned opinion on the draft in writing. If the trade union’s opinion does not contain agreement with the draft instruction or contains proposals for its improvement, the employer may agree or, within three days after receiving such an opinion, conduct additional consultations with the trade union in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution. If agreement is not reached, disagreements are documented in a protocol, after which the employer has the right to accept the instructions. In turn, the trade union can appeal this act to the labor inspectorate or the court, or begin the procedure for a collective labor dispute in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code. If the union agrees, a corresponding mark is made on the title page of the instructions.

For your information. It is recommended that the title page of the labor protection instructions for workers be drawn up in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Recommendations.

The instructions should be numbered, stitched and sealed with the organization’s seal (if available). Although such a registration requirement has not been established, it is better to do this so that the regulatory authorities do not have unnecessary questions. Instructions are approved and put into effect by order of the manager; on their title page the manager puts the stamp “I approve”, date and signature. Here is a sample of such an order.

Limited Liability Company "Visma"
(Visma LLC)


18.03.2016 № 9


“On approval and implementation of labor protection instructions for workers”

Based on Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 4 of the Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions on labor protection, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 13, 2004.


1. Approve labor safety instructions for workers, taking into account the reasoned opinion of the Visma LLC trade union in accordance with the list of instructions (in duplicate).

2. Enact labor safety instructions from 03/21/2016.

3. Head of the sales department V.M. Galkin, head of the purchasing department M.V. Sorokin, P.T. Voronin, head of the warehouse. no later than two working days:

- transfer instructions for registration in the logbook of instructions to labor protection specialist L.N. Petukhova, leaving one copy for storage in the labor protection service, the second for storage in the relevant structural unit;
- familiarize employees of their departments with the instructions against signature and provide employees with copies of the instructions;
- ensure proper storage of second copies of instructions in departments.

4. Labor protection specialist L.N. Petukhova ensure proper storage of instructions in the labor protection service.

5. Entrust control over the execution of the order to labor protection specialist L.N. Petukhova.

General Director Pavlinov /V.V. Pavlinov/

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Head of Sales Department Galkin /Galkin V.M./

Head of Purchasing Department Sorokin /Sorokin M.V./

Warehouse manager Voronin /Voronin P.T./

Labor protection specialist Petukhova /Petukhova L.N./


Where should instructions be kept?

As a rule, the employer approves several copies of instructions, which the labor protection service registers in a special log of labor protection instructions for workers (in the form of Appendix 2 to the Recommendations).

One copy is kept in the labor protection service, and the others are issued to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise organization with their mandatory registration in the logbook for the issuance of labor protection instructions for workers (in the form of Appendix 3 to the Recommendations). If there is only one copy, department heads are given a copy.

Employees who are subject to the provisions of the instruction must be familiarized with it against signature. For this purpose, a familiarization sheet is drawn up or a special journal is started. In addition, copies of the instructions should be made and given to employees against signature or placed in electronic or printed form in an accessible place for review.

Note! The employer is obliged to familiarize employees with labor safety instructions when hiring, transferring to another place of work, conducting labor safety briefings and retraining, revising or adopting new instructions.


What is the validity period of labor safety instructions?

The validity period of the labor protection instructions is five years. Rather, according to the Recommendations, after five years, the instructions should be revised. Their validity period can be extended if the working conditions of workers have not changed over the past period, inter-industry and sectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection have not been revised. The extension of the validity of the instructions is carried out by order of the employer, which is recorded on the first page of the instructions, namely the current date, the mark “Revised” and the signature of the person responsible for revising the instructions, indicating his position and a transcript of the signature. The period for which the instruction is extended is also indicated.

If, before the expiration of the five-year validity period of the labor protection instructions, the working conditions of workers have changed or inter-sectoral and sectoral rules and standard labor protection instructions have been revised, the labor protection instructions for workers must be revised by the employer ahead of schedule and, if necessary, new ones approved. It is necessary to revise the instructions ahead of schedule when introducing new equipment and technology, based on the results of an analysis of materials from the investigation of accidents, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as at the request of representatives of the State Inspectorate. Speaking about the validity period of the instructions, we note that the Recommendations allow the development of temporary instructions on labor protection for employees of new and reconstructed production facilities. Temporary labor protection instructions for workers ensure the safe conduct of technological processes (work) and the safe operation of equipment. They are developed for the period until the specified production facilities are accepted into operation.


Let us briefly recall the procedure for developing and adopting labor safety instructions for workers. First of all, the employer should determine the list of positions (professions) and types of work for which there are no labor protection instructions or for which their revision is required. Then the workers responsible for the development and approval of instructions are identified. If the organization has a trade union, do not forget to take its opinion into account. The agreed project is approved and recorded in the instructions log. And the final stage is familiarization with the approved instructions of workers and ensuring their storage.

We also note that since the obligation to develop labor safety instructions for employees is provided for by labor legislation, in case of failure to comply with it, the employer may be held administratively liable. Therefore, this issue should not be neglected. Without delay, check whether you have labor protection instructions for all positions (professions) - if not, they need to be developed, and if there are, they may need to be revised.