How can a designer enter foreign freelance exchanges. Exchanges for designers, photographers and illustrators. Exchanges for actors, models, photographers

Just as people in the real world are greeted by their clothes, websites on the Internet are greeted by their design. Website design largely determines whether the user will become your client, customer, subscriber, or go in search of competitors.

Drawing pages is only half the battle. Website design development should ideally be carried out taking into account many important factors that experienced designers take into account. Our creative freelancers will offer you unique ideas that will become effective tools for selling and promoting your services. Interested? Then feel free to post your project.

Freelance web design for websites

High-quality design is able to emphasize the original style and unique content of the website, as well as make it recognizable both in the eyes of customers and business partners. Website development by a designer is considered a difficult task, since the key tasks of the project must be solved in parallel. Don't forget: a well-constructed design will set the right accents to increase visitor conversion and increase profitability, and not only be attractive to the eye. That is why you cannot do without the support of professionals.

Site Designer Marketplace

If you are interested in the highest quality implementation of your business ideas, then we recommend using the services of remote freelance website designers, who can be contacted on this page. Using the advantages of our service, you will be able to personally evaluate the artist's ideas for the implementation of your interactive and high-quality website that will generate income.

With the help of effective design tools, the specialists of our online freelance exchange will be able to create a comfortable environment for visitors and administrators, make the resource simple and functional, which will cause only positive emotions for all Internet users. After studying the reviews of specialists and evaluating the portfolios we have checked, you can easily find a good designer whose creative ideas will serve as an excellent foundation for the development of your business.

It is very easy to find a designer for websites with us

The level of professional skills of remote graphic design specialists is very high. At the same time, you get rid of unnecessary costs and pay directly for the work performed. If the search for a full-time specialist is unjustified and you need a website designer with unique views today, just post your project and wait for the response of the authors.

Designers are considered the most sought-after specialists on freelance exchanges, and this is not surprising, given the fact that new companies appear every day that need to develop their own logo, web resource, corporate identity, and so on. In addition, the work of a designer is paid quite high, and there are enough directions for choosing a specialization with a head to decide for a beginner what he wants to do. The only problem for a freelancer is where to go and what exchanges he should pay attention to in order to be able to earn.

We decided to analyze the most popular freelance exchanges in Runet: find out where and how many projects are published per day, how much customers are willing to pay for the work done, and how many competitors you have to get around to get a project on order.

So, let's start, perhaps, with one of the most popular exchanges, which has been actively developing in the last couple of years and has firmly taken a leading position in the freelance market.

It should immediately be noted that the advantage of the site is the convenient and easy navigation of the search for projects. In the "Web Design" section you will find only what belongs to this area - website design, layout, turnkey development, banners, etc. And in printing only the development of brochures, labels and nothing else.

But let's take a closer look at each of the sections:

Web design

Here a day is published order 60-65 projects , of which, 50-60% belongs to the category of "turnkey" website development, design development from scratch, landing page design. Order 10-12 customers are looking for specialists for site layout and about the same amount for other types of work: creating a module, restoring the site, re-designing the page, making some changes. The least projects are published related to the development of banners - there are only 3-4 orders per day.

Access to projects is clearly divided 50x50, half of the projects are available to all users, but only freelancers with a paid “Business Account” (which is not so expensive - author's note) can leave a response to other projects. As for the customers themselves, about a third of the projects are published by customers with zero accounts, and about 30 of the 65 customers have profiles with reviews.

Prices are as diverse as the orders themselves: starting from 500 rubles for creating a banner and ending with 50,000 for the development of an online store . On average, customers are willing to pay 12-15 thousand rubles for website design.

For a simple project “for 2-3 hours” with a small budget, 15-20 freelancers are ready to take on, but an average of 25-40 people agree to do the design of a site or layout costing from 5,000 and more. Sometimes, if the budget is solid, the number of responses reaches 60.

Graphic design

In this category, 13-15 projects are published per day, most of which are for creating a logo. Prices start at 500 rubles for the design of a simple flyer and end at 3-4 thousand rubles for logo design . Sometimes you can find orders at a price of 10-12 thousand for a complex design.

Almost all orders are available only for Business accounts. The average number of responses varies between 10-40 if this is a simple order with a small budget. But if it is a complex order or logo development for 4,000 rubles , then the number of responses reaches 80-70.

Print design

6-8 orders per day, with a budget of 500 to 3,000 rubles. 3-4 orders, both for paid accounts and for all users. For what to design a brochure or labels are willing to take on an average of 30-50 freelancers, depending on the pay.

Form style

Better known as "Identity", this category is the smallest in terms of projects. Here you will find a maximum of 2-3 projects per day, although sometimes it can be 5. For developing a corporate identity, you can get from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles , though you will have to compete with at least 50 other designers.

To summarize, a wide-profile designer has plenty to choose from at Approximately 100 new projects daily , many of which are on a good budget. It remains only to prove to the customer that it is you who should receive this order.

Unlike the previous exchange, the order filter here is much more complicated and confusing. So everything orders are divided into projects and vacancies , and already in these two sections you choose the category you need. There is no single category “web design” where a freelancer can easily find all available projects in his specialty. For example, turnkey website development and layout are in the category "Web programming / Websites", and just website design and banners in the "Design (Web / IT)" category.

Web design

For web designers, an average of 30-35 projects a day are published here, and this is mainly design and layout. The lowest prices for creating a banner are $10, but you can earn from $100 to $600 for website design or turnkey creation. True, as for high prices, these are usually zero accounts. So the average website design price 100 $-200 $ .

Graphic design

For logo developers and everything related to graphics, there is not much work here. 2-3 projects are published per day. In principle, there are few responses to them: very rarely the number reaches 20 people. For the revision of the logo you can get $10, and for its creation from scratch within $50. The development of outdoor advertising costs a little more - customers agree to pay for such work within $ 100.

Print design

Like the previous category, there are few orders here. For the design of a small flyer pay $ 10. You can get a little more for a brochure or label - $50. Most of the prices in the projects are not indicated , because the customer prefers to leave it to the discretion of freelancers. So here, most likely, the one who offers the most acceptable cost of work for the client will receive the order.

Form style

Well, and here, projects "like a cat cried." On the strength of 1-2 projects per day, or even every other day. For a "minimal and simple corporate identity package" - the client will fork out for $10. The maximum amount you can squeeze out is 50-60 dollars.

As can be seen from the analytical data on this site, “you can’t cook porridge.” However, many freelancers have had the chance to find good and regular clients on Weblancer.

Another giant of Russian freelancing is Of course, there are a huge number of projects published here. However, a significant part of them is nothing more than a fraud or a reprint of previously published projects. However, the number of orders is impressive.

Web design

On average, about 90 projects are published on the site per day for designers involved in the development of the site design itself, as well as for layout designers.

For creating a website, you can get an amount from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. And 30-40 thousand rubles for the creation of an online store. Prices for layout vary within 2,000 - 5,000 rubles for a site of medium complexity, but for the creation of 2-3 banners, the customer will pay you 1,000 -1,500 rubles. Although there are suggestions for 300 rubles for a quick design . Prices, of course, are not bad, but competition is high. The number of responses sometimes exceeds a hundred.

Graphic design

From graphics, most orders for creating a logo cost from 500 rubles to 5,000. Although basically the average price for creating a logo is one or two thousand rubles . It all depends on what level the customer's company is and how complex the pattern is needed by the customer. By the way, there are many times more people who want to get such orders than on web design.

Print design

As on the other two exchanges, there are significantly fewer projects in the polygraphy section than in all the others. For the design of a small booklet they pay 500 rubles, but for the development of a label for a whole series of dairy products you can get 15,000 rubles . By the way, there are far fewer competitors. Approximately 20-40 people per project.

Form style

We can say that this section is one of the highest paid. Despite only 3-4 projects published per day, a designer can receive an order to develop a corporate identity for 10-12 thousand rubles or “chop off” project with a budget of 80,000 rubles . Here the responses are divided somehow strange. About 90-100 people can apply for fairly simple projects, but only 30-40 freelancers want to take on an expensive order.

Now you, dear designers, have only to make your own choice where it will be better for you to work.

Hello friends and colleagues. On our agenda are freelance exchanges. We have already considered, however, freelancers are far from being only copywriters. Programmers, web and just designers, photographers, artists - representatives of all these, and not only, professions can try their hand at ordering - freelancing.

What should beginner freelancers do, where to get customers, and even such ones so that naive beginners are not deceived? Of course, you should look at the popular freelance exchanges. On such sites, as a rule, protection mechanisms are provided for both customers and performers.

Today I bring you a list of freelance exchanges suitable for beginners. There are many exchanges, it is easy to get confused in them. We will make our rating, consider their advantages and disadvantages. If you don’t understand at all what is at stake and what kind of freelancing is.

is one of my favorite new generation exchanges: it has been operating since 2015 and declares a fundamentally new approach to the relationship between the customer and the contractor (here they are called “buyer” and “seller”). There is a detailed article on the blog.

Beginning of work

We register (during the registration process you need to indicate whether you are a seller or a buyer, but when working on the site you can change the role) and fill out the profile, including information about yourself: specializations, experience, skills, etc.

After that, we create kworks:

Rules and features

What is a quork? This is a certain service (or set of services) that the seller is ready to perform for a fixed price of 400 rubles. (for the buyer, the price is 500 rubles, i.e. the exchange takes a commission of 20%). positions itself as a store that sells freelance services, and the purchase should be as quick and convenient as in a store, without tedious negotiations and misunderstandings, and this is precisely what the Kwork format serves:

When creating a quark, the seller describes his services in as much detail as possible, indicates what exactly is included in the quark for 500 rubles, what services can be provided for an additional fee, what is the deadline for completing the work, etc. We can say that, unlike traditional exchanges, here the conditions are dictated by the contractor. To some extent, of course, but still ...

After creating one or more kworks, the seller has to wait for orders from buyers. Of course, a beginner will have to try and make his kwork as attractive as possible - in terms of the number of services included in it, in terms of their quality, etc.

What services are most in demand on the site?

  • Design
  • Texts
  • Marketing, including internet marketing
  • Video and audio

Settlements between the parties - only through the site service.


In my opinion, an extremely interesting and promising service, the undisputed leader among new freelance exchanges. Its advantages are undeniable:

  • Convenience for both buyers and sellers. Unlike the traditional tender system, the seller can indicate what services he provides for a fixed amount, and the buyer sees this too and can agree or disagree immediately, without lengthy negotiations;
  • The ability for the buyer to find a contractor for tasks of any complexity;
  • Save time, again thanks to clearly defined conditions;
  • The security of transactions is guaranteed by the service;
  • The interface is user-friendly and understandable for both parties

Rating - 10.

- one of my favorite exchanges for remote work, I have already talked about it more than once and). Let's take another look at how good she is.

Beginning of work

To become a performer, you need:

  1. Register on the exchange.
  2. Pass a two-stage test: 1. the rules of the exchange and 2. a test for elementary literacy and knowledge of the basics of searching for information on the Internet. Apparently, in this way the exchange cuts off completely inadequate applicants.
  3. Pay 390 r. - three months subscription.
  4. Choose the specialization in which you are going to work.
  5. Follow orders.

There are several specializations on the stock exchange:

You can choose one specialization, you can choose several, and you will be shown tasks only in the selected areas.

As we can see from the job catalog, this exchange is suitable

  • for copywriters;
  • for programmers and webmasters;
  • for designers and photographers;
  • for those who provide various remote services such as calling, working with audio-video, filling out tables and more.

The customer creates a task, indicating the timing of its implementation and cost. This amount is blocked on his account until the execution of the order by the contractor and confirmation of this fact by the customer.

You see a list of orders, and if the conditions of the task suit you, you apply for its implementation.

The customer sees the applications from the performers and can choose the one who suits him. If you are chosen, you negotiate the terms of the task, if necessary, and complete it. After that, the order amount, minus 10% going to the exchange, is transferred to your account.

Rules and features

  • At, there is a rating system for the performer, which depends on the amount of completed tasks and the customer's ratings. The higher the rating and the better the reviews, the more assignments you get and the more likely customers are to approve you for the role of an executor.
  • You can also leave feedback to the customer - recommend it to future performers or warn them against cooperating with him.
  • On the exchange, settlement between the parties is prohibited, bypassing the exchange service.
  • In addition to the list of tasks, vacancies are regularly published on the site.

Tasks cost very differently, because the prices are set by customers. There may be a task like “make a turnkey website” for 2000 rubles, or “write a selling text for a landing page” for 100 rubles. You decide whether to take on such orders: perhaps at first it makes sense to fulfill them - to increase the rating, but the higher the rating, the more "delicious" orders you will get.


The exchange provides excellent opportunities for beginner freelancers: here you can both improve your professional skills and earn good money, of course, if you are not lazy, but work hard. A transparent payment system guarantees receipt of payment for the order if it is completed in accordance with the requirements and on time; the customer is also protected from unscrupulous performers.

In addition, the interaction interface between the customer and the contractor is quite simple, even for a beginner it is very easy to figure out what and how to do on the stock exchange. Try it, I think you will like this freelancing exchange.

Score on a 10-point scale - 10.

Speaking about the largest freelance exchanges, it is impossible to ignore This freelance exchange has been operating since 2005 (formerly called More than a million freelancers are registered on it, about 40 thousand tasks are performed per month.

Beginning of work

After registration, a novice performer needs to fill out their profile. It needs to specify:

  • Specialization - on a free account, you can choose only one;
  • Your data;
  • Portfolio and resume, where the performer can present examples of his work and tell about himself;
  • Optionally, add a “Standard Service”:

After filling out the profile in the "Job" menu, you can browse the order feed in search of a suitable job.

Rules and features

Settlement of the customer with the contractor is possible both through the "Safe deal" - an analogue of the payment system on, when the order amount is reserved on the customer's account and transferred to the contractor after the assignment is completed, or directly: the parties agree on the method of payment, prepayment, etc. .d.

  • profile completeness;
  • customer reviews;
  • account type;
  • completed work;
  • site visits

The main feature of at the moment is that, despite the theoretical possibility of working from a free account, in fact, in order to receive tasks, you need to switch to a paid account, the so-called. PRO. The vast majority of orders are marked "Only for Pro". Here are the rates:

Nothing like that, right? Especially compared to the cost of a Workzilla subscription.


This freelance exchange is one of the most promoted and popular. There are many different services here - freelance contests, advertising, services, and 60% of all Runet orders - here. You can find your niche. Among the shortcomings is the serious cost of starting work, which may not be able to recapture, given the high competition and the presence of many honored old-timers.
Score - 6

- the oldest freelance exchange in Runet, founded in 2003.

Beginning of work

As well as on, after registration, you must fill out a profile:

Fill in all the required fields, including placing a portfolio and a list of services. After that, in the "Work" menu, you see tasks.

Rules and features

All types of earnings on Weblancer can be divided into three categories:

  1. Projects - one-time tasks
  2. Contests are tasks for participation in which the performer submits his similar works, does some preliminary work, etc.
  3. Vacancies - offers of permanent work.

All these types of work are visible in the general order feed (you can configure it to see only selected types of work). uses the term "Tariff plan". Its essence is that you choose the categories with which you will work and pay for the opportunity to work with tasks from these categories. With a free account, you can only admire the tasks. To be able to leave requests for tasks, you need to pay a tariff plan. Let's see what rates are available:

We select the section “Web programming and Sites”, indicate all categories, and our tariff plan for a month is 10 USD, they are also dollars. The section "Texts and Translations" will cost 8 USD, "Web Design and Interfaces" - 10 USD.

However, do not forget that registration provides free access to 30 applications. Perhaps this is enough for a good income and a rating.

  • Another feature of Weblancer is that the performer is charged a fee of 5% of the order value for each positive review. A non-trivial approach, what to say.
  • The settlements of the parties are carried out in the same way as on either through secure transactions, or by agreement directly.
  • It is not forbidden to exchange contact information.
  • There is a forum where you can exchange views with colleagues and ask questions.


This freelancing exchange is not very friendly for beginners, but rather for professionals with a well-established portfolio that knows what they want and what they can do. For them, the tariffs are not terrible and easily pay off. Also, for beginners, the need to pay for reviews is not very pleasant. But the opportunity to get 30 applications for free is a definite plus of this exchange, you can try your hand.

Score - 7

is a large remote work exchange created in 2008, originally as a freelance forum.

Beginning of work

Standard registration (you must provide a phone number and choose whether you are a customer or a freelancer).

After registration, go to the "Find a job" menu and look for orders.

Rules and features

Like Weblancer, the work here is divided into three categories:

  1. Projects
  2. Contests (held on the partner site
  3. Jobs

The contractor has access to orders depending on his account.

Everything you need to know about paid and free accounts is given in this table:

Many tasks are available only to owners of paid accounts.

  • Settlements on the site are carried out both through the FairPlay secure transaction system and directly between participants
  • It is possible to sell finished works: photos, graphics, website templates, texts, etc.
  • On the site you can chat on the forum and blogs: is a communication service between participants.
  • The site is more suitable for programmers, for designers there are many tasks for designing and creating sites. However, copywriters also have something to do here.
  • The performer's rating is here called the business activity index and is made up of reviews, completeness of the portfolio and information about himself, use of paid services.


Of course, a beginner here will have to work hard to reach the heights. However, the opportunity to work and earn money without buying paid accounts, as well as the general benevolent atmosphere, encourages you to make an attempt and try to get promoted here.

Score - 7

It has been operating since 2006 and positions itself as a freelance exchange for professionals. What is it? Let's see.

Beginning of work

After registration, you must fill out a portfolio and information about yourself: select specializations (you can choose several), interests, indicate how you work - with or without prepayment, through a risk-free transaction, etc.

Then we go to "Offers from customers" and look for suitable orders.

Rules and features

You can work on the site in a free account, but, like on and, you will feel uncomfortable in this status. What are the ways to improve your account?

  1. VIP account. Owners of this account get a number of features, for example, displaying a freelance directory on the main page, the ability to immediately respond to orders, etc. It costs 150 rubles. per month.
  2. Placement on the main page. It costs from 30 rubles. per day up to 840 rubles. per month. The chance of being noticed increases.
  3. Improved account. Allows you to add an unlimited number of your works to the portfolio and an instant response to the order. It costs 500 r. in year.

In addition, the site has its own "trick": a directory of professionals. To get there, you need to submit an application, which (as well as your portfolio) will be considered by the jury, eventually making a verdict whether you are a professional or not.

Here in such an easy and unconstrained form it is proposed to undergo an “inspection”. Well, that's a really good suggestion. Of course, you need to have an excellent portfolio.

  • Payment, like on most of the exchanges we reviewed, is available in two options - secure transaction and direct payment
  • There is a forum of project participants
  • A lot of work for designers, programmers, webmasters, marketers, copywriters
  • The rating is calculated on the basis of reviews both for the work performed, and for the work in the portfolio and for the account as a whole


An interesting freelance exchange for beginners, you should register on it and try your hand. The prices for paid services are low, and a positive assessment of you as a professional can inspire and give new creative strength.

Score - 8

So far, we have considered the largest freelance exchanges that have been successfully providing services to customers and freelancers for a long time and have both loyal fans and opponents. The principles of their work are similar: the customer publishes the order, the performers fight for it. This is a tender system, and the differences are only in particulars.

But life does not stand still: let's look at new freelance exchanges that work differently.

- an exchange similar to the principles of operation, has existed since 2013. It also positions itself as a digital services store.

Beginning of work

As a standard, we register, fill out the profile and proceed to the creation of works (an analogue of kworks from

Rules and features

Like on, the performer determines the number of services included in the work, the deadline, services for an additional fee, but unlike, he sets the cost of his work:

For beginners, the “Ready to make a work for a review” option is of interest, as well as the ability to set any price for a work.

Please note: the exchange commission is 20% and is charged from the contractor. Calculations - through the site service.

This is a rather unusual freelancing exchange, starting with the name: moguza - means “I can for”. I can do something for so many rubles - this is how all the work begins.

In addition to standard services such as:

  • Website development
  • Marketing and social networks
  • Texts
  • Advertising

etc., here you can find many unusual and even strange vorks:

In general, for every taste: they will tell fortunes, and talk, and congratulate you on the New Year. Moguza expands our understanding of freelancing, doesn't it?


A good freelance exchange, a beginner can be quite comfortable here. You can sell any service (within reason, and of course the law), for which you have enough imagination, and for any product there is a buyer. Try it, at least it's interesting here.

Score - 8

- an exchange that differs from those previously considered by the specifics of customers: these are students. The service has been operating since 2012.

Beginning of work

We register, read a warning that the exchange of contact information between the contractor and the customer is prohibited, watch a presentation about working on the site (a useful "trick", by the way), go through a small test according to the rules of the service and fill out the profile. Quite a serious approach to a potential performer.

Rules and features uses the auction principle of submitting applications for fulfillment of orders: choose the task you are interested in:

and set the price:

The commission of the system, as we see, 20%, is charged from the customer. All calculations, as well as messaging - only through the site.

  • After completing the task and handing it over to the customer, a warranty period begins: within 20 days, the customer can ask for some improvements (students, on the other hand, must hand over the work). Only after the expiration of this period and confirmation by the customer of the completion of the work, the money is credited to the account of the contractor.
  • There is an opportunity to sell finished works.
  • The rating of the performer affects the choice of the customer, so it is very important. Calculated using a complex formula that takes into account the number of completed orders, completion grades, lead time, and other factors.

What activities are popular here? All for which students study:

  • Technical
  • Economic
  • Natural
  • Humanities

The works that are proposed to be performed can also be found in the program of any university:

  • Diploma works
  • Coursework
  • Laboratory works
  • Practice Reports
  • Problem solving
  • Blueprints
  • Reports

and much more.


If you are not embarrassed by the very idea of ​​​​such a service - doing educational work instead of students, then it is quite possible to try your hand at this exchange, especially if you are well versed in any university discipline. A beginner can offer their services at dumping prices and quickly gain a good rating.

Score - 7

Until now, we have considered only domestic services. Why not enter foreign freelance exchanges? In other countries, freelancing has a longer history than in Russia, there are more customers, prices are higher.

I’ll note right away that foreign exchanges are more suitable for programmers and other IT specialists, photographers, and possibly translators.

Let's take a look at international platforms.

- the largest foreign exchange, created in 2009 by merging several large freelance platforms. More than 20 million (!) users are registered on the site, it is possible to choose a Russian-language interface:

Beginning of work

Everything is in general as we are accustomed to:

  • we register, choosing what we want: to hire or work;
  • we select from the table the skills and experience - the specializations in which we will work. You can choose 20 skills for a free account.
  • After going through all the steps, verifying your email address, filling out a profile (you can attach a portfolio), we can start working.

Rules and features


A beginner will have a hard time on such a huge resource:

  1. Need to know English;
  2. It is necessary to study all the local "chips", of which there are many;
  3. You will have to face tough competition and work for a long time "for food", i.e. reputation.

But still the game is worth the candle. Prices here are higher than on Russian resources, there are more customers. If you have already achieved something locally and want to expand internationally, this resource is for you.

Score - 8

In 2015, the two largest international freelance exchanges and merged and turned into a mega exchange. The service positions itself as a workspace for cooperation between customers and contractors, unlike other exchanges that are “bulletin boards”. More than 12 million freelancers and more than 5 million customers are registered on the exchange.

Beginning of work

It is worth immediately considering that everything here is in English.

Register (choose who we are - a freelancer or a customer). We confirm the e-mail, fill out the profile: select the type of work, categories, attach a portfolio.

On this exchange, filling out a profile is taken seriously: you need to indicate a lot of information about yourself - education, years of study, photo, address, phone number ... If something is not filled out, the system will not let you go further. If the system cannot recognize a face in the photo, it will not let it through either.

  • In addition, you need to indicate how much you estimate the hour of your work - this can be useful for projects that require hourly wages.
  • It is advisable to pass tests in your specializations in order to increase customer confidence. The tests are free.
  • The completed profile is sent for moderation - they may not approve.

Rules and features

Based on the information from your profile, the service creates a job offer feed for you.

You can also search for a job yourself by enabling and disabling job categories:

You can spend a lot of time looking for the right job, so it's worth taking the time to correctly fill out your profile with all the skills so that the jobs that really suit you are displayed in the offer feed.

There are two types of jobs on

  1. Fixed payment. The contractor is selected on a tender basis.
  2. With hourly pay - work is carried out through a special application that tracks working time.

Upwork takes a commission of 10% from the order - usually deducted from the customer. Settlements between the parties are carried out through the service of the site.


As in the case of, a beginner here will have to puff, understanding the nuances. The competition on upwork is also very significant, you need to start with small projects with modest pay - according to user reviews, Indians and Pakistanis are greedy for such projects, but their qualifications are usually low, so applicants from other countries attract attention (especially true for IT).

Like, upwork is for those who have already achieved something locally.

Score - 8

So, we have reviewed the list of freelance exchanges. Based on my experience and careful consideration of the features of the exchange, I recommend two best freelance exchanges for beginner freelancers:

  • – as a reliable and proven resource, and
  • – as a new interesting concept of remote work.

Of course, my choice is subjective, you may not agree with me. By the way, we would like to consider 11 freelance exchanges, right? And now there are 10 of them. Tell us in the comments about your favorite exchange for remote work, which one else should be included in this list and why?

Let's digress a little, remember in the 2000s this character? I really liked this performance of his - I remember recording it on a video cassette when there was no YouTube yet:

Do you feel ready to quit your job, take control of your day, fight for a client, and only work on interesting tasks? It's time to try freelancing. It is not at all easy, and often more difficult than the office routine. In order not to be disappointed in the choice of the format of work, arrange a test drive for yourself - on holidays or on weekends. We have collected sites where you will find tasks to your liking.

For those who have been in the subject for a long time // The largest and most visited a large exchange of remote work. After registration, be sure to fill out a portfolio - it will help you get more orders. one of the largest freelance exchanges. It was originally a forum. exchange for freelancers of different specializations. To effectively promote your services, you need to buy a PRO account. labor exchange for programmers, designers, copywriters, other specialists. is positioned as an exchange for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.

printf("hello world"); // For developers remote work for 1C specialists. Lots of jobs with good budgets. service for developers, startups and IT companies. You can quickly assemble a team of any specialists to carry out any IT project. another exchange for 1C developers. an exchange for developers with a large number of interesting tasks and projects. We are sure that the Khabrovites are well acquainted with it.

freelanceweb market- foreign platform for developers.

Toptal- a closed platform, to get started you need to pass a selection, consisting of four stages: checking the level of English proficiency, an online coding test, a technical interview with a screen display and a test project. After that, the freelancer signs a contract and becomes one of the developers of Toptal, who is looking for projects for him and tries to load him with work. It is the exchange, and not the client, that pays developers for working on projects.

Play around with fonts // For designers and illustrators work for illustrators, new projects almost every day.

99designs- for each order, a competition is held, where participants send their solutions to the problem (an example of a logo or a site layout). The customer chooses the winner. The winner receives a predetermined fee, transfers the rights to the project to the client and becomes the priority contractor for subsequent orders from this employer.

Crowd Spring- a huge platform for designers and illustrators. Works on the principle of service above.

Coroflot- here is a list of vacancies and projects for designers that you can apply for. Coroflot does not charge a commission from any of the parties, but does not give any guarantees.

Krop- a lot of tasks for web-designers.

DesignCrowd- freelancers offer the client a quote, after which the client chooses a contractor and pays for the services. Then work on the project starts.

LogoMyWay- orders for logo makers. To get an order, you need to win the competition. exchange of images, illustrations. exchange of images, illustrations. There are entrance exams on the photo stock. You need to provide three photographs and pass a theory test.

Miscellaneous // Sites with different types of tasks and useful services

Programmer Meet Designer- the platform helps designers and programmers find each other to work on projects together.

Workzilla- orders are very different: from video editing to the creation of one-page sites. The customer forms the task, the performers respond and name their terms and price, after which the customer selects the contractor.

Many designers from Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR have faced a drop in earnings for local designers in recent years. This is not surprising - the economic situation leaves much to be desired, there is less money in business and the number of orders is falling.

At such a time, the logical decision for a designer, and for any other freelancer, is to enter new markets and search for customers from Europe and America. Business there is growing steadily, and with it the need for quality, besides, payment comes in dollars or euros, which, at the current exchange rate, cannot but rejoice.

Of course, specialized sites that help specialists and employers find each other are best suited for finding customers from abroad. In addition to the well-known exchanges covering all types of freelance work, there are a number of exchanges tailored exclusively for designers. Let's take a quick look at some of them.

99 designs

This portal operates on a competitive basis. To get an order, freelancers participate in competitions announced by customers.

Contests can be very different - for the best logo, illustration, website design, application or packaging design, clothing sketch or book cover, etc.

Within seven days, the customer selects the winner, who receives a predetermined fee, transfers the rights to the project to the client and becomes the priority executor of new orders for this client.


This platform, which is extremely popular in the West, but not so well known to designers from the CIS, also works on the basis of a competition. Competitions are held in four categories: web design, graphic design, printing and corporate identity. Designers offer their work in accordance with the brief of the customer, who, after discussion and making improvements, chooses the winner.

Unlike other sites, on DesignCrowd, designers are compensated for participating in the contest (about $20-$50), even if they don't win.

It is important to place your portfolio on the site, because sometimes customers simply choose a designer without holding a competition. Service commission is 13.3%


This service causes a lot of controversy in the design environment. He is often accused of dumping and extremely poor quality of work. This is not surprising, because one of the requirements of the service is to provide services for only $5.

Oddly enough, many offer the design of a logo, business card, banner, flyer, etc. for such a ridiculous price. However, not everyone knows that a designer working for Fiverr is required to provide only one, the most minimal service for $5. At the same time, additional services can be provided at a higher rate (necessarily a multiple of five dollars).

For example, creating a simple logo without a deadline, providing sources and rights can cost $5, and an urgent logo creation with the provision of sources and high-resolution files by a top-rated artist will cost no less than $50. Some highly rated power users make several thousand dollars a month offering packages of services for $50-100 each, and these services take only 2-3 hours to complete.

Below are 10 tips that will help designers from the CIS to correctly present themselves to a foreign customer, learn how to receive orders and successfully work on international design exchanges.

1. Pay special attention to the profile

Just like on the Russian stock exchange, your profile is your business card. The content of the profile becomes a decisive factor influencing the success in promoting the designer's services.

Come up with a catchy title that includes your specialization, work experience and skills; Remove descriptive words from there - everything is only on the case. Describe your professional experience and qualities in the format of an informative but concise cover letter. Competently formulate your thoughts, write only to the point. Put yourself in the place of the customer, think about what is important to him when he orders your services, and let him know that you have the right qualities. A potential customer must make sure not only that you have already successfully completed projects similar to his, but also in general in your adequacy and professionalism. If you are not sure about your English, give the text to friends for proofreading or order proofreading in an online agency. Be accurate and honest - then customers will perceive you exactly as you want.

Be careful with your profile picture, moderate business style on a neutral background is preferred. A friendly smile never hurts, it will emphasize your self-confidence and win over potential customers.

Look at the profiles of other highly rated designers - think about what elements of their profile, phrases and expressions you could use for yourself. Analyze which keywords are the most important for customers and are most often used in the profiles of successful competitors, and include them in your profile.

Include in your portfolio examples of your best, most presentable work done for US or European clients. This is much more important, albeit very high-quality, but made for customers from the CIS work. If you don't have any work for Western clients, it makes sense to design a flyer, website page or booklet cover for a fictitious project in English.

Constantly work on your profile, improve it, add new skills (more on that below), update your portfolio.

2. Pull up your English

Communication on international design exchanges is mainly in English. Many designers believe that knowing English is not necessary, and it will be enough to use Google Translator for work. This approach has a number of downsides.

First, without knowing the language, you will not always be able to accurately understand the task.

Secondly, you all know at what level online translators often translate. Do you want the letters and messages that you send to the customer to be written in incorrect and illiterate language, and sometimes with a distorted meaning? Good written communication will help you inspire confidence in the client, and it will just be more pleasant to work with you.

In addition, communication with the help of online translators requires much more time, you will feel this when it comes to chatting on Skype, and not in exchange chats. It is worth noting that many dumping designers from Southeast Asia suffer from poor English, so competent speech is a great way to additionally stand out among them and make the customer want to pay more for your work.

Therefore, if your level of English is below Intermediate, it's time to enroll in courses.

According to the experience of many designers, the easiest customers in terms of communication are from European countries where English is not native. As a rule, such clients speak at a comfortable slow pace, their speech consists of the most famous common words, they use little unfamiliar speech turns and slang, and they have a fairly easy-to-understand pronunciation.

3. Keep evolving and learning

It's no secret that in order to be a professional, you need to study every day. Your income directly depends on the level of your professionalism, and when you enter a market with global competition, it becomes especially important to constantly improve this level. In the global market, it is much easier for a customer to find a contractor with the right set of skills and competencies.

Therefore, you must not only develop and hone existing skills, but also constantly acquire new ones. On the international exchange, the chances of selling low-quality services tend to zero.

Therefore, constant work on improving your professional level is the key to success. Try to devote at least half an hour every day to studying authoritative thematic resources, forums and communities. Explore new trends and technologies - even if you do not use them in practice, you will be aware of industry trends and will be able to present yourself favorably to the customer.

Be sure to subscribe to popular English language design resources such as Behance, SmahingMagazine, UXMag, How Design, Just and many more. So you will not only be aware of global trends in design and technology, but also replenish your vocabulary with relevant English terminology.

4. Get ready to interact on a new level and embrace cultural differences

Western customers expect a responsible approach from the contractors and full immersion in the project. Doing projects for several customers in parallel and delaying the deadline for a day will not work here. When entering international exchanges, it is very important to earn quickly and maintain a high rating, so it is necessary to demonstrate maximum involvement in the project and high-quality results to customers. As with local exchanges, it is very important to develop a permanent client base, customer satisfaction must be put in the first place. The first task from a new customer may be small and inexpensive, but if you do it well, then there is a high probability of securing yourself a permanent job for a long time.

Pay special attention to high-quality and effective communication. A quick email response will show your willingness to always be in touch with the client. If you want to build a long-term relationship with a customer, respond promptly and whenever possible, always be in touch (of course, within reasonable limits). Send regular reports to the client informing about the status of the project, or schedule periodic Skype calls to discuss current issues.

5. Consider time difference and holidays

When working with overseas, especially US customers, be prepared to work after hours. Customers from other time zones will expect you to be available at least some of their business hours. Keep this in mind when planning your schedule. By the way, Europeans are very sensitive to personal time, and after 17:00 they are not ready to devote time to work issues. Therefore, if you send questions or edits to the layout in the evening, do not wait for an answer until the next morning.

Europe and the US do not have as many public holidays in early January, nor do they have May holidays, and your regular Western customers will expect you to be at least partially available during this period as their business is operating as normal. In turn, don't forget to wish your Western clients happy holidays like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving, and try to complete all projects before their holidays start.

6. Consider pricing

Dumping on international freelance exchanges is not the best strategy, there will always be performers who will offer an even lower price. Instead, quality, speed, professional approach and, as mentioned above, good English should be your competitive advantage. Keep in mind that the competition will only increase. Freelancers will make up 40% of America's workforce by 2020, according to Intuit. It is estimated that half of the UK's working population will go freelancing within the next five years, and India already has a whopping 15 million freelancers.

It is always useful to focus on average rates. According to , the average rate of freelancers in Russian-speaking countries is $18, in the whole world - $21. Russia is at the level with the world average ($21), Belarus comes second with a rate of $19, in Ukraine and Moldova they ask for slightly less than the average - $16. As for designers, the average rate for graphic designers, web designers and video editors is $19, and for illustrators $20.

Instead of asking customers how much they are willing to pay, tell them with . It is perfectly acceptable to inquire about the client's budget. Use this information to offer a range of services that will match your prices. You can also offer the client a staged payment or other conditions that satisfy both parties.

7. Think ahead about how you will get paid

Getting paid is one of the main difficulties designers from the CIS face when working on international exchanges. Many withdrawal methods offered by such exchanges are not available or available to a limited extent in some CIS countries. Many exchanges do not transfer funds to an account in a Russian or Ukrainian bank, even if it is opened in foreign currency, and opening an account abroad involves a number of difficulties and high costs for a designer. One solution to this problem is the Payoneer payment platform, which helps freelancers get paid from European and American clients.

Many international freelance exchanges (UpWork, 99design, Fiverr and others) offer Payoneer as one of the means of receiving payment, just enter your account details in the exchange settings. If the exchange does not work directly with Payoneer, you can simply enter the details of the virtual American or European account to receive payment, which Payoneer provides to all its users. Regardless of which of the two ways you receive money on Payoneer, you can withdraw it to your local bank account, withdraw it from an ATM, or use it to make a purchase with your Payoneer MasterCard.

Especially for readers, the Payoneer website provides a special bonus - they give $ 75 to a Payoneer account after registering and receiving payments in the amount of $ 100. To receive the bonus, simply register using this link.

8. Behave properly in case of late payment

By working on popular international freelance exchanges, you expect to get paid quickly. It should be noted right away that in matters of payment, Western customers are very obligatory and punctual. There are practically no lovers of getting a design and not paying here.

Unfortunately, there will always be those who do not pay or pay late. Sometimes the customer does not pay simply because he is busy or does not know how to properly organize the work. Send him a friendly reminder via the online exchange. Ask him if he has any questions about the work you have done. Keep all correspondence with the client, including through the exchange: this way you will have proof that you tried to receive payment.