How to make a good resume without work experience. An example of writing work experience in a resume. In the experience and skills column in the resume it is written

What to indicate in the “Work Experience” column on your resume to find a job faster? Each resume contains a section "experience", in which the applicant describes his entire work history. However, not everyone knows how to do it correctly. By paying more attention to this section, you will be able to better present yourself to the recruiter, and thereby quickly find your dream job.

Work experience on resume— what to indicate?

  1. Dates of all jobs

It is necessary to indicate not only the year, but also the month when listing the companies in which you had the honor to work! Do not forget that you need to start from the last place of work and go in reverse chronological order: from the last to the very first.

2. More about the company

It will not be enough to simply name the companies you have worked for. Introduce the HR manager to each company in more detail, telling in 2-3 sentences about its activities, products or services. Especially if some of the companies are little known and they don’t tell the recruiter anything. Also, do not forget to indicate the country and city in which you worked.

3. Position

An effective way to present your work experience is to focus on the title of the position you have held in companies. Some titles look and sound better than others, although they cover work of a similar nature. Instead of writing “Secretary”, try “Assistant or assistant manager” or instead of the dry “Seller”, try a foreign word - “Consultant”.

4. Job responsibilities

Many resumes lack a detailed description of the responsibilities that the applicant performed in a particular position. First, list your primary responsibilities, that is, the primary ones that you did every day, and then your secondary responsibilities, that is, the secondary ones, which include additional assignments from your boss that happen from time to time. This could be participation in projects or new launches in the company.

5. Focus on facts

Remember, a resume should not resemble an essay. Focus only on what is important, omitting unnecessary details. You can talk about them at the interview. Your work experience must be relevant. This means that those jobs and positions that are not directly related to the current position for which you are applying should not be mentioned.

6. Achievements

If while working in a company you managed to win a competition, receive an award, exceed sales plans, increase company revenues and reduce expenses, then you can safely write about it. For example: “Won the nomination “Best Manager of the Year”, or “With my team, won a tender for the construction of a shopping center”, or “Optimized business processes in the company, thanks to which the company’s profit increased by 35%.” Don't forget that concrete actions are important!

Just graduated from university and haven’t worked anywhere?

The problem of lack of experience or lack thereof can be successfully solved with the right approach to the matter. There is no need to give up and give up your desired position, but instead thoroughly research your past. during studies are a big advantage. After all, this is your first work experience. Tell us about each of them in detail, as this is very valuable information for the employer.
If you held other roles during your studies, such as being a prefect or organizing student events, this is also worth mentioning. Thus, the employer will perceive you as a hardworking, proactive and responsible person.

The above method of describing work experience in a resume looks much better and more effective than simply listing places of work. A well-written employment history undoubtedly increases your chances of receiving an interview and the desired position.

Work experience is what a company looks at first when selecting an employee. How to describe your career path in such a way as to interest an employer, read the material.

The description of work experience should be as specific as possible. Each new company in your track record should have a separate line indicating the period of work, the name of the company, its brief description, your position, responsibilities and achievements.

Indicate the period of work in the organization to the nearest month: This will allow the HR manager to accurately estimate exactly how long you worked there. “2014-2015” - such dating leaves a number of questions. If, for example, you got a job in an organization in January 2014 and left in December 2015, then you worked in the company for almost two years, and if you joined in December 2014 and left in February 2015, then your experience at your last place of work is only two months - the difference is significant. Don't keep the recruiter guessing: a resume with inaccurate job dates will likely end up in the trash.

The name of the organization should be written in full, without relying on the fact that its abbreviated name is familiar to everyone. As a rule, recruiting portals offer to provide brief information about the organization - its location (it is enough to indicate the city, in some cases also the country), field of activity, number of personnel, etc. "Edelweiss LLC". Sales of soft drinks (office in Tyumen). The number of employees is 100 people” - a completely acceptable option for a resume.

The position should be stated clearly and clearly- “sales manager”, “chief accountant”, “nurse”. But writing a general title - “specialist”, “manager”, “employee” - is ineffective: already from the title of the position it should be clear what exactly you did at your previous places of work.

Match the job description to the purpose of the resume. When filling out the column in your resume called “Job responsibilities and achievements,” you should not describe the content of your work in too much detail - it is better to focus on the main thing. Based on the position you are applying for. To correctly place the emphasis, carefully read the advertisement about the vacancy you are interested in and think: what exactly from your previous experience is especially important for obtaining the desired position? For example, an applicant applying for the position of marketing manager, but who does not have work experience confirmed by a previous position, should emphasize that it is related to marketing: if you were involved in ordering souvenirs or, for example, helped organize promotional events, all this should be reflected in list of responsibilities. Are you applying for a leadership position? Pay special attention to your organizational experience.

If in your work you used special tools, technologies, software, be sure to name them: it is possible that this will be your competitive advantage. “Design of parts and assemblies using the NX system”; “Calculation of employee salaries in the 1C program”; “Development of website interfaces in Axure” - such lines will undoubtedly decorate a resume.

Particular attention is paid to specific achievements at previous places of work. Avoid vague phrases and formulations like: “extensive experience”; “increasing the efficiency of the department”; “establishing contacts with the media,” etc. Remember that when describing your achievements, you should be guided by the rule: the more specific, the better. Give numbers and give real examples of your initiatives. “Increasing the company’s sales level by 40% per year”; “Increasing the citation rate of company newsmakers by 3 times” - just a few similar points are enough for your resume to stand out among hundreds of others.

If the resume indicates several places of work, and the list of responsibilities and achievements is almost the same, such a CV is unlikely to be of interest to the recruiter, because the candidate does not demonstrate any professional development. But each of your places of work probably had its own achievements! And even if they seem small to you, they are worth talking about.

If you were promoted while working at a company, be sure to reflect this on your resume. To do this, add a new place of work, enter the previous company name and, in the appropriate fields, indicate the name of the new position, period of work and a list of changed responsibilities and achievements.

Avoid abbreviations and inaccuracies. The name of the educational institution, place of work, listing of responsibilities, achievements - write all this in detail. If your resume is full of abbreviations, the employer most likely will not guess what is hidden behind the letters that are incomprehensible to him.

Never include false information in your resume! You should not invent non-existent jobs, responsibilities and skills. It is unlikely that you will be able to get your dream job this way: and the very first days in the company will make it obvious. It’s better to focus on a competent presentation of your real experience and the correct placement of accents.

Good luck with your resume and job search!

Work experience is the next most important information that a recruiter is interested in. The information in this section helps you evaluate the quality of your skills.

Most of the questions that await you at the interview will be based on the work experience that you have previously received. Especially in the last place, which interests the recruiter the most.

Therefore, start describing your experience from your last job:

  • Please enter your company name.
  • Describe this company very briefly (2-3 sentences about the scope of its activities).
  • Indicate the title of the position and dates of entry/dismissal.

And so all work experience over the last 5-7 years (or the last three places of work).

Description of responsibilities in resume.

An important component of a successful resume is a competent description of job responsibilities. Therefore, you should not approach the description of your activities at previous places of work as a simple listing of all your responsibilities.

Instead, try to look at it from the other side - from the recruiter's point of view. What kind of candidate does he want to find?

A HR employee receives dozens of resumes a day. And this is only for one open position! And all these documents contain lists like this:

  • Consulting customers on assortment
  • Working with a cash register
  • Sales volume promotion
  • Maintaining primary documentation

Is it possible to evaluate your professionalism using this list?

That's it! How can a recruiter distinguish a professional from a mediocre candidate if the resumes of both are reported the same information, which says nothing about the professionalism of the applicant?

This is a situation in which both the personnel officer and the applicant play the lottery. The recruiter has to select resumes almost at random. Because candidates don’t bother to provide important information that the recruiter is waiting to receive from the applicant so that he can exclaim: “Here is the candidate our company so desperately needs!”

Do you really think that it gives an HR specialist great pleasure to sift through this whole heap of stupid resumes - on job sites, sent by fax or email?

The main task of the personnel officer is to fill the vacancy as soon as possible. Therefore, add more useful information to your resume so that the open vacancy is closed YOUR candidacy!

The “SO WHAT NEXT?” principle

Use the principle "So, what is next?" whenever you describe your job responsibilities. The meaning of this principle is very simple. Each organization pursues a specific goal - that is why it is not the activity itself that is important, but its result.

They often write on a resume: "Sales volume promotion". And here the recruiter just wants to ask: "So, what is next? What do you want to tell me? Yes, we are looking for an employee who must be able to sell, BUT we also need an employee who will do this EFFECTIVE

There is no need to explain that there are those who work well, and there are those who work carelessly...

So we have to invite dozens of candidates for interviews. And at the end of it, start looking for the right person again. And all because 90% of those whose resumes were selected by the recruiter only cause despondency.

Make life easier for both yourself and the recruiter - create a situation that in the business world is called “Win-Win” - this is a professional approach to both employment and business management in general.

Every time you describe what you had to do in previous jobs, do not forget to support what you wrote with two or three words that describe the result. Always remember the principle “SO WHAT NEXT?”

Let's try to improve our list of responsibilities by briefly describing the results. This is what it should look like.

  • consultations on assortment, with a high threshold of successfully completed sales
  • stimulating sales volume through additional sales, successfully achieving planned targets
  • working with a cash register
  • maintaining primary documentation

Now our list has a more professional look.

This is an example of a description of the responsibilities of a sales consultant. Please note that the first two points put pressure on "sore spot" this position is sales effectiveness. That is why they are placed at the beginning of the list. And the last two are just technical details.

Offer in your resume a cure for the “sore spot” of the position for which you are applying!

How it will look on a resume

The example above shows a description of the experience of only one recent job. However, in most cases, the recruiter is interested in at least the last three places.

It is important for a personnel officer to understand how your professional development has progressed over the past 5-7 years. The greatest preference is given to those candidates whose work history is more uniform - without “twists” far away from their main profession.

We have already said that every professional is different in that he has a clear career goal and systematically moves towards it. Therefore, it is important to try to ensure that previous experience does not get out of line, especially in the direction of demotion (downshifting).

It is no secret that often the title of a job position differs from the duties actually performed. Therefore, when writing a resume, the names of positions held can be described more relevant to the position listed in the vacancy.

However, it is worth considering that this should only be done if you have a “problematic” work history that includes “non-core” positions. Although the described method allows you to significantly increase employers’ interest in your candidacy, it also requires that the difference be adequately explained to the recruiter during the interview. After all, as practice shows, questions about this will definitely arise.

Why is it so important to carefully write about the experience?

By focusing on results rather than responsibilities, you'll highlight your accomplishments and ensure your resume gets the attention it deserves.

Also, remember what we talked about when we looked at a common mistake when writing a resume. Writing a resume is directly related to preparing for an interview- for everything that is written in this document you will have to answer on it. And carefully reviewing your experience will allow you to prepare for most interview questions!

If you have already figured out how to describe your own experience in your resume and have compiled your track record, then go to the next page. And you will learn how to describe your professional achievements in such a way that the personnel officer reading your resume is finally convinced of your professionalism and firmly decides to immediately invite you for an interview!

Work experience on a resume is the main thing any recruiter wants to see. Whether you will be invited to attend or not depends on how competently you present your professional experience in your resume.

Would you like to receive a resume with a competent and effective description of your professional experience?

With our help, you can stand out among other applicants and impress employers.

We offer. Our team finds an individual approach to each client, and therefore you will receive a truly unique professional resume.

I offer you 5 simple rules for describing professional work experience in a resume:

  1. We indicate places of work for the last 10 years in reverse chronological order. First, the month and year of starting work - month and year of ending - position indicating employment (full-time, part-time); then the name of the company (in full) and its form of ownership, indicating a link to the company’s website and the city of its location; further – the scope of the company’s activities; and finally (briefly, 5-7 main ones).
  2. We indicate work experience, even if it is not confirmed in the work book. For example, you worked under a contract or without registration. First of all, it is important for an employer to see what you know and can do. To avoid unnecessary questions during the interview, be sure to indicate in your resume: month and year of starting work – month and year of ending – position indicating employment (contractor agreement; without registration)
  3. If you held several positions within one company (for example, first you were an assistant, then a specialist, then a manager), indicate this in one entry. Job responsibilities are indicated according to the last position.
  4. We allocate one entry for working in one company. If the name of the organization changed, you worked in several organizations within the same holding, you moved to the same job for the same owner in another organization (the functionality did not change), we record this as one place of work. It will be easier for the recruiter to perceive your experience and will not give the impression that you have changed jobs frequently.
  5. If your work experience is more than 10 years, previous places of work can be briefly outlined in the format: year of starting work - year of ending - name of the organization and its form of ownership - position.

The most difficult and responsible step is applying for your first job. First of all, because in the absence of work experience this can cause quite logical, but not always justified fears of something new and unknown. The above or should help you clear some doubts.

You can start your work history at any age. Most often, students without work experience look for their first job. The tips given are suitable for any occasion. First of all, you need to decide which vacancy you want to fill. without experience you are writing a resume. Examples of vacancies that require employees without work experience may be: trainee, assistant, sales consultant, operator, junior waiter, office manager, etc.

Resume without work experience has a significant difference from other cases. The most significant thing for an employer when choosing a candidate for a position is his work experience. Since there is no work experience, the main effort in compiling resume without work experience should be directed to other sections, for example, personal qualities for a resume. For student resume example More attention should be paid to basic and additional education. And vice versa, if there was work experience, the importance of these sections for the resume would be significantly lower. Let's give or sample resume without work experience.

Example of a resume without work experience or example of a student's resume

Full Name

City: Moscow, t. 011-111-22-33 e-mai: [email protected]



The assistant manager is responsible and purposeful, with an active life position, focused on results.
Date of birth: 02/29/1995
Expected salary level: 15,000 rubles.
Work schedule: part-time


Basic education: incomplete higher education
MF Leningrad State University named after. A. S. Pushkin, 2009-2012
Years of study: from 2009 to present.
3rd year student.
Specialty: management

From September 2011 to April 2012. Worked as a laboratory assistant at the department.
Conducting practical and laboratory classes for preparatory courses, assisting teachers in preparing seminars and lectures. Layout of drawings. Editing drawings and their subsequent preparation for printing. Extensive experience working with applicants of different age groups.


Advanced user of PC, Internet and computer programs Microsoft Word, Excel, AutoCad, some experience with 1C programs
I have skills in working with IT technologies in terms of assembling and repairing computers, setting up peer-to-peer local networks, installing operating systems and office applications, collecting, storing and transmitting information.
I understand modern technology, computers and gadgets. I can explain the differences between the models of modern cell phones, IPod and IPad, I understand navigators and the principles of their operation.
Mobile, punctual, hardy, decent, sociable, charming, I can navigate the map and the area, I know the city’s transport system, I can choose the shortest routes, neat, honest, polite.
Having your own car.


Relationship status: Single
Children: no
Foreign language:
French: Beginner
English: beginner
Possibility of business trips: yes
Possibility of moving to another city: no

Sociable, purposeful, responsible, neat, a workaholic with a desire to develop and a great desire to work.

If you are making up resume without work experience, then you should not write a student or no work experience as a resume objective. Firstly, vacancies in this particular formulation are extremely rare. Secondly, by this the candidate emphasizes that he does not yet know how to do anything. The employer already understands this from the content of the vacancy and there is no need to emphasize his weak side once again.

But, on the contrary, if you are posting your resume online or in a newspaper, it is better to indicate a more general purpose. In this case, an “intern” would be perfect. After all, you don’t know employers from what areas of activity will look at your resume. Moreover, for reverse searches, the word “intern” in the title of a resume can be very useful.

In the resume purpose section, write exactly the name of the vacancy for which you are sending your resume, as shown in the above resume example without work experience. Create different resumes for different non-related jobs. For example, a resume for a courier position and a resume for a waiter position should be different.

Essential for resume without work experience have personal qualities and education - basic and additional. As shown, be sure to indicate information about the courses you have completed, practical work, if any, seminars in which you took part, provided, of course, that this corresponds to the vacancy for which you are writing a resume. For example, if you are writing a resume for an assistant manager position, you do not need to indicate that you have completed a dog grooming course. Conversely, if you are planning to work as an intern at a veterinary clinic, information about animal grooming courses will be very useful on your resume.

For more information about writing a resume, we recommend that you look at the tips that are described in the sections example of a resume and how to write a resume. These tips are very detailed and the question how to write a resume without work experience, attention is also paid there. A separate article on whether a photograph is needed in a resume will give you the answer to this question, which arises not only among beginners, but also among very experienced applicants.

Personal qualities for a student resume or for a resume without work experience

  • Easily trained.
  • The desire to develop.
  • Independence.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Ability to make decisions quickly and independently.
  • Honesty.
  • Grammatically correct speech.
  • Excellent communication skills. Communication skills.
  • Able to achieve a goal.
  • Persistent. Persistence in achieving your goals.
  • Focus on results.
  • Active.
  • Active life position.
  • Mobile.
  • Creative.
  • Experience with office equipment.
  • Initiative.
  • Decency.
  • Desire to make a career in some field.
  • Ability to persuade.
  • The desire to earn more and more.