Name for law firm options list of the best. Choose a name for the company. Company name depending on the type of activity

The question of how to name an LLC is a very serious one. Simply put, how the ship is named also depends on how it sails.

And speaking specifically, the name of the LLC refers to a marketing tool, and there are known cases of changes in the financial condition of the organization after changing its name.

In addition, the business card of the company - its name, should evoke positive associations and impressions among consumers and others. Especially if customers are still not familiar with the company.

Gone are the days when the same signs hung on all stores; in times of competition, choosing a company name requires a special approach.

Basic rules for choosing the name of an LLC

How to choose the name of a firm or company, based on the laws of the Russian Federation?

The Civil Code, Article 1473, part 4, confirms that a legal entity must choose an individual name, reflected in the main documents of a commercial organization. It must be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

There are certain rules that explain how to choose the name of the organization. Violation of the conditions for choosing a name may result in refusal of registration in the register.

Rules for the formation of the name of a legal entity:

  1. There should be a reflection of the legal form, for example, CJSC or LLC.
  2. If it is composed of Latin, English or any foreign words, there should be a variant of the name in Russian.
  3. There is a restriction on word combinations with parts "Mos" or "Ros" that are derived from "Moscow" or "Russia". Permission is required to use them.
  4. There should not be coincidences with the names of various departments, law enforcement agencies and ministries.

The LLC sign must be memorable and sonorous. It is desirable that it be associated with the profile of the organization.

Note: invented phrases must be based on Federal Law No. 14 of the Civil Code, adopted on February 8, 1998, describing the requirements for limited liability companies.

How to name a company

How to come up with an interesting, memorable name? Even customers will be happy with a simple and pleasant name of the organization, it will serve as an advertising tool.

How to choose the right brand name?

An easy-to-pronounce, positive-emotion sign can:

  1. Be related to the product, but do not describe it.
  2. Consist of the surname of the owner and the prefix K +, or his name. Although it is possible that in the future a situation may arise when it is necessary to change the surname or name. Of the well-known, there is a concern "Mercedes", bearing the name of the owner's daughter.
  3. Display the concept of the organization, for example, "Windows - home".
  4. Be an abbreviation of initials or objects, e.g. "OiD" means "windows and doors".
  5. Be original through the use of sonorous foreign words such as "Corporation" or "Promotion".
  6. Include characters from history or Greek myths, such as the Perseus pool.
  7. Be compiled according to Feng Shui, harmoniously combining symbols and positive meaning.

Lucky titles should not have a time frame, they are aimed at the future prosperity of the organization. For example, "Sport - 2001" will not be relevant in 2018.

It is worth noting: do not look for a list of free titles. If the name matches the one already listed in the Unified Register, your organization will differ in registration number. Therefore, name your company whatever you want, but within reasonable limits.

How is it forbidden to call an LLC

The main condition that must be observed when choosing the designation of an organization is the inadmissibility of designations that violate the principles of morality, public interests and humanity.

Prohibited use:

  • patented names, there can be no second "Adidas";
  • full or abbreviated names of any state;
  • names of bodies related to state power at any level;
  • profanity, slang, obscene words;
  • complex words and words that have a negative meaning;
  • hackneyed phrases and patterns;
  • full or abbreviated names of public associations and international organizations.

Consider: if you want to add a part of “Ros” or “Mos” to the name, you must obtain permission from the Interdepartmental Commission, where you will need to pay a state duty of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Permission to use the words "Russia" or "Ros" is obtained if:

  • the organization has representative offices in the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, occupying half of the country;
  • the organization is considered a large taxpayer, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the company plays a leading role in the market for a particular product.

The use of the word "Moscow" is justified by the Decree of the Government of the capital No. 147, issued on March 27, 2015. It discusses the order in which the state symbols of the capital can be used.

Violation of certain rules for composing the name threatens with legal claims and lawsuits that may result in bans on this name and financial losses.

Examples of beautiful company names

Creative LLC names can be obtained from naming agencies that can be contacted online. The options proposed by them can be very different, the main thing is that they be happy.

And experts select them as they like, sometimes just alphabetically. For example, listing beautiful words with the letter "A".

However, their services will not be free.


Brand names for construction companies can be justified by the reliability, trust and competitiveness of the organization.

Construction company name options:

  • "Uyutdom";
  • "Your home";
  • "Build House Service";
  • "In order" and others.

Here you need to be very careful. Clients are unlikely to believe that the builders of Mig Dom Stroy can build, for example, a medical center with high quality and on time.


Trade objects need to be decorated with memorable and accurate signs, rich, reflecting the type of activity of trading companies:

  • assortment of purchases - "Books", "Stockings";
  • the scale of the display of goods - “Lavka”, “Bazaar”;
  • product quality - "Budget", "Extra";
  • the relevance of the types of purchases - "Second Hand", "Fashion";
  • gender and age characteristics of buyers - "Modnik", "Cavalier", "Madame".


Brands of transport companies should stand out from competitors.

Their names may be:

  • using English words, for example, artway - translates as "road with art";
  • with the union of the initials or part of the owner's surname with the prefix "trans" or "auto", for example, "AlexTrans";
  • with the association of transportation, road, speed, for example, "Trajectory";
  • using the abbreviation BNK, which stands for Speed, Reliability, Quality.

Examples of the names of companies engaged in cargo transportation are Avtotrans, Transservice.

For taxis often use - "Mustang", "Fast and Furious".

The prefix "Auto" is widely used, for example, "Favorite auto".

Furniture organizations

The names of furniture enterprises can be justified:

  • creation of elite furniture - "Vip Style", "Elite Style";
  • production of furniture items of certain styles - "Empire House", "Baroco - Style";
  • using cool popular words - “Stool”, “Papa Carlo”;
  • the presence of style and luxury - "Furniture Style", "Prima - M".

law firms

Such organizations have weighty and unshakable names: "Partner", "Advisor", "Themis". Such brands create an opinion about the high qualification of the company's employees who are able to solve any legal issue. The best of them achieve high goals.


Brands in tourism depend on the specialization of the company.

For a beach holiday suitable: "Sea Breeze" and "Sunny Beach".

In the presence of sightseeing trips - "Oasis", "Columbus", "Traveler". Prefixes "Cruise", "Travel", "Line" and "Tour" are common.

Neutral names are given to companies with a diversified business, those that do not cling to any profile. For example, a historical name or the name of a mythical hero.

If you do not consider yourself an idea generator, you cannot come up with an original and successful name for your company, then re-read the article and the answer will come by itself. Good luck!

Watch a video that gives practical advice on how best to name an LLC:

The name of the company is the first thing that potential customers, suppliers and other partners pay attention to. Therefore, choosing it is an important step in building a successful business. The name should be unique, catchy and memorable in order to stand out from the competition and evoke a positive reaction from consumers.

Below are tips for choosing a company name for an LLC, examples of company names from various industries, and legal restrictions.

How to choose a business name that brings good luck?

Choosing a name, the company should build on the reaction of customers. If it is understandable to the consumer, causes positive emotions and thus contributes to sales growth, then it can be considered successful.

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • The name of the company should not mislead the client. For example, Bogatyr LLC should not be called if the company sells flowers.
  • It is better to refuse variants of names with reference to the location of the company. This may become a problem in case of expanding the geography of sales and may require renaming.
  • The name does not have to be directly related to the organization's activities or products. It is better to focus on memorability and ease of pronunciation.

Advice: using foreign words in the name of the LLC, clarify their meaning so that consumers do not have problems with interpretation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant S b E YU I

To find out whether the energy of the name of an LLC corresponds to the type of activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to represent each letter of the name as a number and sum up until a single digit remains. Example:

  • "Magnet" - 5 (M) + 1 (A) + 4 (G) + 6 (H) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) \u003d 19.
  • 19 is 1+9 = 10.
  • 10 is 1+0 = 1.

After doing the calculations, you need to turn to the decryption:

  • 1 - a good choice for firms involved in innovative developments, new technologies, etc.;
  • 2 - suitable for medical and educational organizations, design firms, hairdressing, cleaning companies;
  • 3 - for business in the field of entertainment, catering, advertising;
  • 4 - a number that brings good luck to large LLCs whose activities are related to agriculture, engineering, design, construction;
  • 5 - the energy of the five favors the field of sports and recreation (sale of inventory, sanatorium complexes, fishing accessories);
  • 6 - will bring good luck in creative industries, floristry, decor, cosmetology and medicine;
  • 7 - suitable for companies producing expensive and exotic products;
  • 8 - contributes to the success of the accounting, auditing business and everything related to finance;
  • 9 - promises good luck to charitable and educational organizations.

LLC name - examples (list)

Consider options for different companies.

Construction company name

In this area, it is important to create a sense of reliability in customers. The most popular prefixes in the names of construction companies are "house" and "build". List of examples:

  • "DobroStroy";
  • "Your home";
  • "ZhilStroy";
  • "MasterStroy";
  • Comfort Town.

Law Firm Names

The name should inspire the client with confidence that his problem will be solved by competent specialists. The sonorous names of the founders and words associated with law and law are often used. List of examples:

  • "Smirnov and partners";
  • "Your right";
  • "Hand of Themis";
  • "Code of honor";
  • "Letter of the law".

Names of the transport organization

The name of the transport company, as a rule, should evoke associations with the road, delivery and cargo. List of examples:

  • "Cargo Technologies";
  • "Vesta-Trans";
  • "Azimuth";
  • Alfa Logistic;
  • "Steam Trans".

Travel company names

Associations with the sea, sun and relaxation will be appropriate. If the company is highly specialized (only last-minute tours, trips to certain countries, etc.), this should be reflected in the name. List of examples:

  • "Let's go with us";
  • "Fire tours";
  • "Fly Asia";
  • "Tropic Tour";
  • Holiday Time.

Accounting company names

For a positive perception of the company, you should choose solid names that directly or indirectly indicate the type of activity. You can play around with the words "audit", "expert", "balance", "accounting", etc. List of examples:

  • "Audit Premier";
  • "Predicate";
  • "BukhBuro";
  • "Audit 911";
  • Phoenix Account.

Names of the medical organization

Clients perceive medical terms and words related to health best of all. List of examples:

  • "Best Clinic";
  • "Good doctor";
  • "Harmony of health";
  • "Family doctor";
  • "Paracelsus".

Furniture company names

The name of the company can be associated with luxury, comfort, style or interior items. List of examples:

  • "Trio-Interior";
  • "Pan Divan";
  • "Chair and table";
  • "Mebellion";
  • "33 dressers".

Advice: if you are planning to open a business, check out.

What is not allowed in a company name?

According to the norms of Russian legislation, prescribed in Article 1473 of the Civil Code, the following cannot be used in the name of an LLC:

  • offensive designations and words in relation to individuals or groups of the population;
  • full or abbreviated names of foreign countries - for example, Sweden LLC;
  • names of public associations;
  • names of state authorities and local self-government;
  • the words "Russian Federation", "Russia" without special permission;
  • names that are intellectual property and protected by copyright law.

In general, the following requirements are imposed on the names of an LLC:

  1. The full name of the enterprise must consist of letters of the Russian alphabet - transcription is used for foreign words, Roman and Arabic numerals can also be included.
  2. In constituent documents, the name must be written in Cyrillic, Latin is used only when filling out forms in a foreign language.
  3. The unique name of the LLC is indicated in quotation marks and follows the legal form; an example is the Key of Health limited liability company.

In addition to what is prohibited by law, the name is not recommended:

  • use long and hard to pronounce words - they are difficult to remember, and they often look too formal;
  • abuse abbreviations - the name can turn out to be faceless;
  • speculate on the names of popular brands - as a rule, names like "Adibas" and "Dolci Goban" cause only mistrust among customers;
  • use the adjectives “selective”, “exclusive”, “elite” - they often have the opposite effect, and the name looks cheap in the eyes of consumers.

Where can I order a name for my organization?

Often, businessmen entrust the development of a name for their company to professionals in the field of naming - this is the name of the process of creating an original name for an organization. The specialist's task is to come up with a commercially successful name that will be used as a marketing tool.

You can turn to numerous design studios for help by entering the phrase “order naming” in the search engine. Freelance copywriters also provide this service. You can find a contractor for an order or hold a competition among authors, for example, on the site

Summing up

When coming up with the name of an LLC, it is recommended to focus on ease of pronunciation, memorability and originality. If you need a name that brings good luck, you can create it based on the principles of numerology. The name must not be offensive or violate intellectual property rights. You can order a company name in a studio that provides naming services.

The names of existing law firms, taken from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, clearly show that lawyers do not fully understand the meaning of the name for the success of their business.

The specificity of this type of activity lies in the fact that in recent years there have been many organizations that are not entirely conscientious and provide low-quality legal services. Therefore, before asking for help, potential clients search the Internet not only for the names of law firms themselves, but also for reviews of their activities.

An analysis of the identified list of names in the search results shows that quite often the same name is used by completely different organizations!

And it’s already really bad when negative reviews are en masse about the work of one of them. In this case, people do not want to figure out who is who, and they simply look for other lawyers.

When working on this thesis when choosing a name for your law firm, you need to take into account that search engines combine similar phrases in the search results. Therefore, the firm "Your Rights" and the company "Your Rights" can be shown side by side and are practically indistinguishable for users.

Another common mistake when choosing the name of a law firm is the use of foreign words or de jure expressions that are correct, but incomprehensible to the average person. For example, "Legal Consultants", "Art de Lex", "Versus Legal", "TiTiNP League", "DILPiper", etc.

Such variants of names sound mysterious and solid, but for an ordinary person they are too confused and incomprehensible, and therefore do not attract him.

Some law firms even use apostrophes, aksangraves and aksantagyu in their names to emphasize solidity and a high level of knowledge, which, in addition to rejection, also complicates writing. Moreover, some computer storage media using databases do not accept such characters at all, because they consider them to be control commands used by hackers!

Lawyers who open their own business, in the process of receiving special education, have forgotten how to feel and think like their future clients. They mistakenly believe that the use of the words “your”, law, themis, league, right, court and derivatives from them (“Legal Business”, “League of Rights”, “Judicial Immunity”, “Legal Status”, “Synergy of Law”) in the name ”) are accommodating.

In reality, this is far from true!

Although people are forced to seek legal assistance, in reality they do not want to deal with the court and the law, and do not believe much in the blind Themis. According to psychologists, “defense” on a subconscious level is always associated with an attack, and the word “your” seems to fix the problem with this person.

A good name for a law firm is simple and clear, does not elevate lawyers to unattainable heights, does not dramatize the situation and does not fix it for a person. Examples of such names: "Practitioner Lawyers", "Legal Consultation", "Experienced Lawyer", "Business Support by Professional Lawyers".

As the analytics of the Center for the Study of Small and Medium Business Problems shows, the best names of law firms are:

  • allow customers to feel cared for;
  • give an understanding that professionals work here;
  • inspire confidence that they will definitely be helped here;
  • give the feeling that the situation in which the client has fallen is just an accidental combination of unfavorable circumstances, and the matter is quite fixable.

Examples of such names: “Decision”, “Legal Assistance”, “Service of Professional Lawyers”, “Wise Advice”, “Blagovest”, “YurService”, “YurHelp to the Population”, etc.

To select a customer-specific name, you need to use the following procedure:

  • look in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for the names of existing companies working in the field of law;
  • choose those that are engaged in similar activities;
  • take one from that sample and modify it in a way that suits you.

If this operation fails, then:

  1. find the word that defines the essence of your team. For example: group, center, service, practice, consortium, department, consultation, house, club;
  2. study the Dictionary of legal terms available on the Internet and take phrases from it that characterize your future activity;
  3. combine the information from item 1 and item 2. We get "Legal House", "Center for Legal Protection", "Professional Legal Practice";
  4. add a means of individualization - "Themis Legal House", "Legal Counsel in the South-West", "Legal Service of Moscow", "Sochi Lawyers Club".

If you understand in which direction you need to look in order to choose the best name for a law firm, then you will certainly succeed!

Copyright "All-Russian Business Club"

The name of the company is an integral image element of any business. Many entrepreneurs, when registering a company, do not pay due attention to this issue: they have more important activities, and coming up with a name is not a problem. As a result, almost every city has its own "Aphrodites" and "Worlds of Windows", and sometimes several companies with overlapping "original" names. Meanwhile, the name is a person, a part of the brand, which should be associated by customers with a specific manufacturer, service, store. It is advisable to think at the stage of developing a business idea how to name the company so that it is successful.

How to choose a name for a company

Uniqueness is an important, but not the only criterion for naming a company. Marketers have developed a whole set of naming rules - the process of creating names for companies and their products:

  1. “Brevity is the sister of talent” will also come in handy in the case of a company name: it should be concise for easy memorization and recognition by potential and existing customers. A word of one or two syllables is preferable to a long compound name.
  2. When choosing a name, think about your customers - whether they will be comfortable using the phrase you have fantasized about. It should be easy to pronounce, not cause doubts about the stress, fit well to the ear, have an unambiguous spelling. If you decide to use a non-existent word, do not be too smart: test it for the adequacy of perception.
  3. Avoid ambiguous expressions and words that cause negative associations. An example of not the most successful use is the word "escort" in the name of a taxi service.
  4. Look into the future: if there is a possibility of developing a business to an international level, the name should be “user friendly” for foreign clients and partners. How to name a company so that it sounds good in different languages ​​- take a word with an international root. Be sure to check its value in the countries of your future market. A good option is fictitious words, abbreviations.
  5. Try to distance your name from the names of competing companies, avoid resemblance to well-known brands.
  6. It will be great if the name of the company will have at least some relation to the profile of its activities or be neutral.

How can and how not to name a company

Before gushing ideas about how to name an LLC, do not forget that in addition to the “creative” component in the name of commercial organizations, there are legal nuances.

  1. If you intentionally or unknowingly "take" someone else's name, properly registered, you risk getting yourself into big trouble. In large well-known companies, all branded elements are patented as trademarks, and this is copyright infringement on your part.
  2. A name that looks suspiciously like a competitor's name can also land you in court. The concepts of identity and degree of confusion, which civil law operates in this case, do not have a clear interpretation. Therefore, the question of originality or borrowing of your "notion" is decided at the discretion of the judge.
  3. "Mere mortals" are not allowed to name their companies using the word "Russia", the mention of the subjects of the federation and authorities, the official names of foreign states, international and public organizations and derivatives of their names.
  4. The name of the company should not be offensive, obscene, violate legal and moral standards.
  5. The name of the LLC should not be misleading as to the scope of its activities.

In addition to these "forbidden" tricks, the rest of the fantasy in creating names is not limited by anything. In naming, there are many ways to form unique names, the most common of them are:

  1. "Mercedes", "Ford", "Heinz" are the most famous examples of names showing how you can name a company using proper names. The names and surnames of the founders of companies, their families, lovers are immortalized in the history of many famous brands. You can do the same, but remember about uniqueness: it will work great if you have an unusual name or your last name can be played in an original way in the title.
  2. Mention of the field of activity. Compose the name of the company from the words that characterize the goods and services that you offer (“furniture”, “auto”, “build”). Marketers recommend avoiding words in compound names that are oversaturated with naming: “super”, “ultra”, “plus”, “express” and others.
  3. Acronyms, hybrids, abbreviations. You can take several words and make an abbreviation out of them, cut out and “glue” parts of words, cut off the ending, etc.
  4. Transcription from other languages. From foreign words written in Cyrillic and adapted to the Russian "ear", bright and memorable names are obtained.
  5. Pure creativity. Just make up your own word. The name that does not carry meaning and does not even remotely hint at the scope of activity has a right to exist if it sounds good and attracts attention.

Naming: professional approach

It is important for an entrepreneur not so much to find a “beautiful” name as to figure out how to name the company so that it generates income. A well-chosen name is a full-fledged marketing tool: it helps positioning and recognizing the company in the market, promoting the offered goods and services.

In order for the name to be not just a “sign”, but become a brand that works for you, you need to do a lot of work, which in marketing is called naming. The process of creating a trademark, the company's motto begins long before the direct search for the right words.

Naming includes several stages:

  1. Company analysis: field of activity, concept of development, etc. It is necessary to understand what are the features, advantages of the company in question. What goods and services will it produce, what are their price categories, quality, benefits for the buyer.
  2. Target audience analysis. The task of naming a store, for example, women's clothing, involves completely different implementation options, if it is a youth brand or a boutique for ladies of an "elegant" age - the difference is fundamental. Therefore, you need to find out who the potential customers of the company are: their age, gender, social status, income level. What are the features of the purchasing behavior of this segment of consumers. The formed image should be purposefully designed for a specific audience, its values, colloquial vocabulary, etc.
  3. Market research of similar companies. It is important to identify the main competitors, evaluate their names, and study the reaction of consumers to popular brands. Mark the pros and cons of "brothers" in the niche, analyze advertising channels and promotion methods.
  4. Formulation of requirements for the name. Based on the previous analysis, a wish list is compiled for the future name: what idea it should reflect, preferred and forbidden words, number of words / letters, and other details.
  5. Generation of ideas. This is the most creative part of naming - "on the mountain" options are issued that meet the stated requirements. The greater the number of proposed names, the greater the choice, the main thing is that the riot of fantasy does not go beyond the outlined parameters.
  6. Selection of the most liked options. Each of them is analyzed for compliance with the main criteria of the “correct” name: brevity, readability, euphony, spelling variability, meaning, etc. As a result, there are several options that are subjected to further examination.
  7. Testing the name on real people representing the target consumer group. Do they like the proposed option, is it easy to remember, what associations does it evoke, does it increase confidence in the company - that is, they get an opinion on how best to name the company, directly from the company's potential customers.
  8. Legal examination of names: whether they comply with current legislation, whether they violate copyright.

Where to order naming

A serious business is sensitive to its image, and large companies leave the development of corporate identity in the hands of professional naming agencies. The service is not cheap: ordinary entrepreneurs who do not have "space" budgets cannot afford it. Most people have to manage on their own. But it turns out that it’s not so easy to come up with an original, “catchy” name for a company on your own. There is a problem: where to get ideas for inspiration? Where to "spy" interesting thoughts?

An excellent solution is to arrange a “brainstorming” and choose the most successful option from the mass of creativity. And if professional copywriters act as generators of ideas, don’t even hesitate, the result will suit you 100%. Can't think of a suitable name for your company? Do not know how to name an online store, choose a domain for the site, write a slogan? You can order naming online on the TurboText copywriting exchange! For a nominal fee, you will receive hundreds of original titles, "tailored" to your requirements. You just have to decide on the winner and get a unique brand at your disposal.

So, in order to order naming on TT, you must first register on the site. Then you select the "Naming" tab and click "Create Order".

Now you need to choose what exactly you need - a domain name, a name or a slogan.

Be sure to check the boxes wherever necessary.

Ready! Now it remains only to consider the proposed options in order to choose the best one.

Choosing a good company name, brand or firm is a very responsible step. The name should “work” for the business, embody its values ​​and characterize your company from the best side.

Large businessmen even hire marketing professionals who, for a very substantial amount, are ready to develop the name itself, and the logo, and even help in its promotion. But what about aspiring entrepreneurs whose budget does not allow using the services of hired specialists, but want to come up with a beautiful name?

Exit one- do the work yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with examples of successfully invented options. I have compiled such a list of titles in English.

The most beautiful names of firms, companies and brands


  • Apple- a simple, concise and beautiful name was not included in the original plans of Steve Jobs, but since his partners could not come up with anything worthwhile, he had to name the company after his favorite fruit. By the way, this is where the name of one of the products came from - Makintosh (a popular variety of apples in the USA).
  • Canon- a popular manufacturer of photographic equipment got its name in honor of the Buddhist god of mercy Kwanon, but in order to avoid litigation with religious organizations and to improve the perception of foreign buyers, the name was simplified.
  • Daewoo– Kim Woo Chong, the owner of the company, came up with a modest and sonorous name for the brand, which means “big universe” in Korean.
  • LG- the company was formed as a result of the merger of two little-known brands Lucky and Goldstar and has become one of the most famous manufacturers of various electronic devices and household appliances.
  • nintendo- three Japanese characters "nin", "ten", "do" are taken as a basis. The literal translation of the phrase: "heaven bless hard work." In my opinion, original, fresh and beautiful.


  • Pepsi- the Pepsi-Cola trademark does not have an official version of the origin of the name, but there are more than enough "fan" theories. Some believe that Pepsi-Cola is an anagram of the word Episcopal (next to the pharmacy where the creator of the brand worked, there was an Episcopal Cathedral). Others consider the word Pepsi an acronym that stands for "Pay Every Pence to Save Israel" (give every penny to save Israel). The latter theory arose on the basis of the suspicions of the beverage manufacturers in collusion with the Zionists.
  • Knorr- The history of the company is rather banal. Its creator, Karl Heinrich Theodor Knorr, simply decided to perpetuate his name by inscribing it in the title.
  • coca-cola- the most valuable brand in the world from 2005 to 2011. His name comes from the two main ingredients of the original version of the drink. The leaves of the coca tree (from which, by the way, one of the most potent drugs, cocaine, is produced) and tropical kola nuts.
  • lego- this brand has long been synonymous with the phrase "children's designer". The name coined by Ole Kirk Kritiansen comes from two Danish words: leg and godt, and literally translates as “play well”. According to another version, this is a translation from Latin. Lego - "I connect." Both are suitable. It is difficult to judge how beautiful it is, but it is definitely sonorous and memorable.
  • hot mail- Contrary to popular belief, the word "hot" in the name of this e-mail service was not originally assigned any meaning. Founder Jack Smith just noticed that the name contains the acronym HTML, which is the name of the Web Page Markup Language, and decided to leave this option.


  • Kalypso is a company providing a full range of travel services. The logic of the name for such an organization is questionable, because Calypso in the myths of ancient Greece was called a nymph from the island of Ogygia, where Odysseus was thrown after a shipwreck. But it sounds nice.
  • LegalHelp- an excellent, understandable and beautiful name, briefly and clearly reflecting the essence of what the law office does. Legal help in translation from English means “legal assistance”.
  • DoggyStyleDesigns- the owners of this company, engaged in tailoring clothes for dogs, approached the compilation of the name with humor. In almost any adult, after reading, completely different associations arise in the head.


How could you make sure everything ingenious is simple. The above beautiful English names are simple, concise, original in their own way and can easily remain in the memory of business partners and customers. So why not come up with something of your own using these developments?

Just do not get too carried away, imitating well-known firms. The legal departments of well-known companies are on the alert and can easily drag you through the courts, causing significant losses. And, even worse, a reputation will be hit, which will be very difficult to restore.