Understand that a new life begins. How to start a new life and change yourself. The seven-pointed star is a magical tool for determining the rhythm of the week

Everyone wants to live in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years. And you just need to be able to enjoy life every day. Find out how.

I am sure that the application of these rules will help you enjoy life. But, as they say, ignorance is no excuse. If you do not take into account these rules of life, this does not mean that they do not work in your life. Just knowing these rules allows you to apply them and enjoy life, and ignorance can lead, and more than once, to unpleasant consequences. Just like your desire to go outside not through the door, but through the window of the third floor, will most likely lead you to a hospital bed, even if you did not know about the law of universal gravitation.

Rules of life

  1. Emptiness rule. Everything starts from the void. But the void is always filled. In order for something to change or manifest in our lives, we need to make room and prepare the ground, getting rid of false beliefs and old habits.
  2. Barrier rule. Opportunities are not given in advance. They appear after an internal decision has been made. It is important to decide to cross the barrier as a conditional obstacle. The power of intention will open the way for its realization. Desire never appears without the possibility of fulfilling it.
  3. Neutral Rule. In order to change and change the direction of your life, you must first stop.
  4. Pay rule. We pay both for action and for inaction - however, a different price. Inaction costs more, and avoiding mistakes and failures does not make us happy. And if you delay making a decision, it means that you have already decided to leave everything as it was.
  5. The rule of thought. The thought is material. Everything that we think, dream about and fear, invariably manifests itself in our reality. We attract into our lives what we think about the most. Moreover, if we think about the good at the same time as the anxiety that this good may not happen, then our attention is paid, to a greater extent, to fear, and therefore it is this fear that materializes, instead of the good that we thought about.
  6. The rule of cause and effect. Everything that happens in our life is the result of our thoughts and actions. And if something goes wrong, then the reason must be sought not in the outside world, but within oneself.
  7. similarity rule. Like attracts like. There are no accidents and coincidences in our life. We attract into our lives that which corresponds to us, our intentions, expectations and thoughts.
  8. mirror rule. The world around us works like a big mirror. It is enough to look around and take a closer look at what is happening around us in order to understand what should be studied and what should be worked on. Everything that happens around us is only a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings and actions.
  9. acceptance rule. It is not given to us to know what is right in our life and what is not, which path is right and which is not. And the extent to which we are able to trust life determines our confidence in the future. What we expect is what we get. If we live with the conviction that everything is for the best, then this is what happens as a result. Success comes not from avoiding problems, but by solving them. Things always turn out in the best way for those who each time benefit from any situation.
  10. request rule. If we don't ask anything from life, we don't get anything. Ask and it will be given to you. Our request attracts the corresponding reality. True, you first have to find out your true desires.
  11. Limitation rule. It is impossible to foresee everything. Each of us sees and hears what we are able to see, understand and accept. Our perception depends on our inner limitations. With all our desire, we cannot control everything that happens in our lives. But it is worth remembering that an event that happened once can be an accident, an event that happened twice can be a coincidence, and three times is already a pattern. And if the same situation is constantly repeated, then we need to understand what it teaches us and learn the lesson.
  12. The rule of change. You can't change your life without doing something about it. If we want change, we must take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives and become a change, become the helmsman of our destiny and choose the right direction. When a person does not know to which pier he is heading, not a single wind will be favorable for him.
  13. development rule. Problems, the solution of which we postpone, so to speak, avoid solving them, will still have to be solved. And the longer we delay, the more difficult will be the circumstances in which we will have to make a decision.
  14. taxi rule. If we do not choose the route of our life, then we can end up anywhere. And the longer we move along someone else's path, the more difficult it is for us to return to our own.
  15. Selection rule. The life we ​​live is the result of our conscious or unconscious choices. We are constantly making choices. We always have a choice. And even when we do not choose anything, we also make a choice.
  16. Balance rule. Nobody likes change. The desire to change always meets resistance - the old keeps us in place. It is important to find a way to break away from the past - then the new life will already obey the law of balance. Big changes are never easy. It is in difficult circumstances that a person is able to change.
  17. Rule of harmony. For complete happiness, we always lack something. We often look for harmony outside, not inside. While everything we need to be happy is within us. Finding yourself, accepting and loving yourself means finding harmony.
  18. Chain reaction rule. If we don't control our thoughts, they control us. And mild anxiety can quickly develop into an obsessive phobia. It is important to learn how to switch and direct the flow of our thoughts. The habit of savoring experiences sets off a chain reaction that attracts new negative events into our lives. Once we develop the habit of acting rather than suffering, we focus on the solution rather than the experience, thus stopping the chain reaction.
  19. Energy exchange rule. The higher the level of our development, the more opportunities open up for us, the more we can take from the world and give it. But it is important to establish a fair exchange. Giving more than taking will upset our balance and lead to emotional exhaustion. And just as if you take more than you give, then this will prevent you from enjoying life.

The irony of our modern life is that although new technologies are constantly emerging, which saves us time, we use this time to do more and more things, and therefore our lives become more fast-paced and stressful.

Life moves at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it.

However, this need not be the case. Let's rise up against the hectic lifestyle and slow down to start enjoying life.

A slower life means spending time enjoying the morning instead of rushing and working like crazy. This means you need to spend time enjoying what you are doing, appreciating nature, focusing on who you are talking to or spending time with - instead of always being immersed in Blackberry (Blackberry) or iPhone (iPhone) or a laptop, instead of always thinking about work tasks and emails. This means single-tasking, not switching between multiple tasks and focusing on none of them.

Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it will lead you to appreciate life more and increase your happiness levels.

Here's how to do it.

Do less. It's hard to slow down when you're trying to do a million things at once. Instead, make a conscious choice to do less. Focus on what really matters, what really needs to be done, and let go of the rest. Create some free space between tasks and meetings so you can go through your days at a more relaxed pace.

The state of here and now. It's not enough to just slow down, you need to really be mindful of what you're doing in the moment. This means that when you catch yourself thinking about something you need to do, or something that has already happened, or something that might happen... gently bring your attention back to the present moment. Focus on what is happening right now. On your actions, your environment, the people around you. This takes practice, but is essential.

Disconnection. Don't always be connected. If you always carry your iPhone or Blackberry or other mobile device with you, turn it off. Better yet, learn to leave it whenever possible. If you work on a computer most of the day, you will have time when you turn off to focus on other things. Being online all the time means we are easily interrupted, we constantly notice that information is coming in, we are at the mercy of the demands of others. It's hard to slow down when you're always checking for new messages.

Focus on people. Too often we spend time with friends and family, or meet colleagues, but we are not really with them. We talk to them, but get distracted by the devices. We are there, but our mind is elsewhere - it thinks about the tasks that need to be completed. We listen, but what we really think about is ourselves and what we want to say.

None of us are immune to this, but with a conscious effort, you can turn off the outside world and just be present with the person you are working with. This means that just a little time spent with family and friends can go a long way - much more effective use your time, by the way. This means that we really immerse ourselves in a person, and not just meet him for show.

Appreciate nature. Many of us are closed in our homes, offices, cars and trains most of the time, and we rarely get a chance to go outside. And often, even when people go out, they are busy with their cell phones. Instead, you should take the time to go outside and really observe nature, take a deep breath of fresh air, enjoy the tranquility of water and greenery.

Exercise outdoors whenever you can or find other outdoor activities such as nature walks, hiking, swimming, etc. Feel the touch of water and wind and earth on your skin. Try to do this daily - alone or with loved ones.

Eat slowly. Instead of stuffing food down your throat as quickly as possible, which leads to overeating and a lack of enjoyment of food, learn to eat slowly. Remember every bite. Appreciate flavors and textures. Eating slowly has the double benefit of filling us up with less food and making food taste better. I suggest learning to eat more natural food, seasoning it with some quality spices (instead of fat, salt and sugar and frying for flavor).

Drive your car more slowly. Fast driving is a fairly common habit in our fast paced world, but it also leads to traffic accidents, stress and wasted fuel. Instead, make it a habit to slow down when you drive. Appreciate your surroundings. Give yourself time to contemplate your life and the things that pass you by. Driving will be more enjoyable and safer. You will also use less fuel.

Find reasons to be happy in the little things. You are in the here and now, but at the same time you are taking a step into the future. No matter what you do, be present with yourself in the present... and also appreciate all aspects of it and find pleasant moments. For example, when washing dishes, instead of skipping it as a boring chore that needs to be completed quickly, really feel the water, the foam, the dishes.

It can really be fun if you learn to see it. The same goes for other jobs - car washing, sweeping, mopping, laundry - and everything else you do, really. Life can be much more enjoyable if you develop this simple habit.

Single-tasking. The opposite of multitasking. Focus on one thing at a time. When you feel the urge to switch to other tasks, pause, take a breath, and bring yourself back to the present moment.

Breathe. When you find yourself accelerating and stop and take a deep breath. Make a couple more. Really feel how the air enters your body and drives out the stress. By fully focusing on each breath, you return to the present and slow yourself down. It's nice to take a deep breath or two - try it now and see what I mean.

Do you often think about what true pleasure is? Business, work, home life - all this sucks, distracts from the essence, takes away energy. Vanity, dissatisfaction with life, criticism, complaints - all this is incompatible with pleasure.

In general, any suffering and negative emotions give rise to just another trouble in your life. Well, who needs a constantly tired, "confused", unhappy woman? Such men are bypassed. And they can be understood. On an intuitive level, they feel that for such a woman they will have to take all the responsibility on themselves, make her happy by solving her endless problems. Not everyone will take that risk.

A completely different thing is a woman who enjoys life even when there is no strong shoulder nearby. She is pleased with herself, her body, her eyes shine - not because everything in her life is so beautiful, but because she knows how to enjoy what is around and what she feels inside. And such a woman is almost never alone - dozens of men are chasing her.

After all, this often happens - it seems to be not a beauty, but there is no end to boyfriends. The answer lies in the fact that a woman knows how to enjoy and attracts caring men into her life.

How to learn to enjoy the moment?

This, of course, is not about the pleasure associated with buying your beloved new dresses, shoes and everything else. The pleasure of buying things is fleeting and does not affect our sense of self in a global sense. When we talk about the ability to enjoy the moment, we are talking about deep pleasure at the level of feelings.

You can enjoy the sensations anytime, anywhere. For example, get up early in the morning and go out onto the balcony with a cup of your favorite coffee. Feel this fragrance. Take a small sip. listen to taste sensations. Think about plans for the day. Look at the greenery outside the window, at the rising sun. Feel this moment and be only in it.

Just enjoy what's happening.
Izaya Orihara

Do not regret the past, do not remember yesterday's problems, do not worry about the future. Being mentally here and now and enjoying the sensations of what is happening at the moment is the basis of the true ability to enjoy and be charged with positive energy, which will then come from you, attracting only the beautiful into life.

It is important to remember that each of our thoughts carries a creative or destructive energy. If you want not to destroy, but to build, not to cry into your pillow, but to shape your successful destiny, just learn to enjoy.

Where does pleasure "live"?

Living consciously is not so easy and not too comfortable. Being constantly aware of yourself in the present moment is a matter of constant practice. But this does not require any special conditions or circumstances. Every moment of your life is a reason to enjoy it.

For example, you came to a boutique. Perhaps there are things that you can not afford. Or the ones you would never dare to wear. Take them and go to the fitting room. Put it on, admire your reflection in the mirror. Feel your beauty and attractiveness. Enjoy the moment!

Live today, do not wait until your health or loved ones are taken away from you, or even life itself. Live! Enjoy every day, don't put it off for "sometime later, when things are over." Things never end, but life is lost behind them.
Oleg Roy

When you're cooking dinner, whether it's for the whole family or just for yourself, don't treat it like just another monotonous meal or snack on the go. Get some pretty dishes. Set the table like you would for an Instagram photo. Put the food on the plate the way they do in expensive restaurants. Turn on some nice music.

Dinner in such an environment, you will get real pleasure, and you will want to continue to spend your time in this way - beautifully and with pleasure.

You can even wash dishes or wash your face while enjoying the moment. The more a woman allows herself to enjoy herself, the better not only her life will become, but also the life of those who are close to her. And the more the whole life will resemble the process of pleasure.

Formula: Pleasure = realize yourself here and now + enjoy what is happening at the moment.

How to attract love and success into your life?

You need to glow and radiate not thanks to him, but in response to all the good that this world gives you every second. First, it is important to learn how to enjoy, and then someone will definitely appear who will appreciate it, who deserves to be around, who will sincerely love and for whom you will become the best and only.

I don't need you
I enjoy you.
Christina Kashkan

Forget about living “on the machine”, give up complaining and whining, wake up the feminine beauty in yourself, and drive the hardened worker-housewife away. Remember how nice it is to dress up, spin in front of a mirror, feel beautiful and tell yourself about it, choose and buy things you want, do your favorite activities.

Life is so beautiful if you only allow yourself to accept all its gifts! And as soon as you tune in to the right wave - the wave of pleasure - the main prize awaits you: the loving and caring man of your dreams!

Sometimes a dream is a symbol new era in life

Her story is that she was married for many years to a man who drank and died a few years ago. However, they have two grown children. Our dreamer also had a tense relationship all her life with her mother, who interfered in her life, shamed her and tried to "improve" her. This dreamer is doing powerful personal work, attending a therapy group. And the dream I am attaching reflected the results she achieved.
“I dreamed that I lived in an apartment of two rooms: one large, the other small. The apartment has only beds and a large window filled with potted flowers.
The children are still small, 5-7 years old, even our dog, who died a long time ago, runs around. In the same bed is my mother, very old, almost incorporeal. The children have their own beds and there is a matrimonial bed. All in the big room.
My husband comes home, terribly drunk. And immediately there is a mess in the house, there is such rubbish on the floor that you can’t get through. I'm starting to get hysterical that my husband is drunk again. And most importantly, I understand that I can’t lie down either in a marital bed with a drunken husband, or with my mother, and I walk around the apartment, trying to sort out the mess.
And then an unfamiliar and very calm woman comes, shows me a warrant and says that she will live in a small room according to the law. I say: "Can you really live in such a nightmare?"
She replied that this did not frighten her, and began to make her bed, arrange things in the closet, and wash the floor. Her room is so comfortable. And the children immediately fell in love with her. And I also went to her and began to help her, and her room began to grow and became huge.
And in the other room, my mother fell asleep on the bed, and my husband and dog fell asleep on the floor. The room became small and the lights went out. I woke up happy and happy to this day.”
The dream is amazingly transparent! There is no bed of her own - this is a symbol of the fact that in that life with children, a mother, a drunken husband, the dreamer did not have her own place, she was dissolved in relationships with loved ones. Now a new one has come, she has claimed her place, her order in the mess that was. She arranged her room, her life, and went there with the children. In the room, which had become dark and small, she left those images that are no longer sources of suffering: the husband and the dog fell asleep on the floor, that is, they died and took their place next to each other. Her mother also stayed in that room, but on the bed. I think this symbolizes the fact that she is alive, but remains in the room with her husband, as her influence on the dreamer's life is weakening.
And the room where he lives new woman and children are a symbol of a new era in her life, new opportunities that open up with putting things in order and organizing life according to their own rights and rules. Agree, it looks like a small miracle!
What are you dreaming about?

Maria Dyachkova, psychologist, family therapist and training leader personal growth Training Center Marik Khazin