Demand for sewage cleaning services. Is business with a sewage disposal machine profitable?

* The calculations use average data for Russia

A business based on serving individuals and businesses can be very profitable. If we consider sewage disposal services, it turns out that such an unattractive type of business at first glance can bring a lot of money to the organizer. There is always a demand for such services; it fluctuates slightly, which means we can expect stability and a not too high level of risk. However, in any city there are already companies that are already engaged in similar activities, so a newcomer will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time to take their place in the market. But at the same time, you should not think that there is no chance of starting your own business if several competing companies are already operating, because not each of them offers a full range of services, and not every company performs its duties efficiently at the best prices. That is, by studying the market, you can understand your possible strengths and weaknesses.

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In order to get started, you need to contact your local tax office, where you need to register as a business entity. Formally, the activities of a vacuum cleaner fall under the definition of other services for the population, but in the process of work they will have to somehow deal with the disposal of collected waste. And here it is a rare enterprise that has the capabilities to neutralize such substances; to work in this direction, you will have to spend a lot of effort and money on registration and obtaining licenses, you will need to obtain permission to operate the site where burials will take place, so it is advisable to simply contact a third-party company, which will do this work. That is, find an outsourcer for this business process. Therefore, after completing all the bureaucratic procedures, it is worth finding a company that is ready to accept waste for disposal and entering into a permanent service agreement with it. The cost of services is usually not too high, especially if you contact the public service; usually, with long-term cooperation, you can count on a symbolic price, since such enterprises accept waste from all companies and individuals. In connection with local waste disposal programs, permission may be obtained to broker the removal of hazardous substances from the site. For example, the cost of the contract per year will be no more than 10 thousand rubles, usually even an order of magnitude less - 2-3 thousand rubles, depending on the region. When an agreement with a company has been concluded, you can contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (also known as the Ministry of Natural Resources). There, based on the capacities available to the entrepreneur and, most importantly, the concluded agreement with the municipal service, a permit for waste removal will be issued. Note that the waste disposal process does not affect the entrepreneur himself - his car arrives at the recycling facility, dumps the collected waste and leaves the territory - this is where its mission ends.

When all the issues have been resolved, you can finally start looking for your place of work. Here it should be noted that it does not always make sense to have your own office, because clients order a car that simply arrives on site; it is unlikely that any negotiations will have to be held, unless there are orders for constant service from some large enterprises. That is, you can rent an office somewhere in an inexpensive quarter of the city, where employees involved in administrative and organizational issues will work. However, at first you can do without your own office. On the other hand, if you open a large enterprise that contains a large number of special vehicles and offers its customers a variety of services, then you will need to find a site where you can build a car service station and garages. Much here, of course, depends on certain factors, but since we are considering the option of opening a small company that has one car, we will focus on renting a small office somewhere in a residential area. Here you will have to count on an amount of approximately 500 thousand rubles per square meter of area, that is, a small office of 20 m2 will cost 10 thousand rubles. Another 50-100 thousand will need to be spent on furniture and equipment.

The next important point is the purchase of equipment. The most important thing is to purchase a car that is designed for pumping wastewater. Finding such a vehicle, in general, is not a problem; today there are many offers both from manufacturers who offer new vehicles, and from previous users who offer used equipment. A businessman chooses what is more important to him - economy or the quality of his transport. It is clear that new cars are under warranty, and for the first few years of work there should be no problems with them, while when purchasing used equipment, the buyer runs the risk of encountering maintenance difficulties. The cost of a car can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and year of manufacture. The minimum price is approximately 600-700 thousand rubles, but the average amount for a good car is one and a half million rubles. Good transport is sold at a price of more than 3 million rubles. Additionally, you need to buy the tank itself, into which the waste will be collected, as well as small equipment for cleaning pipes and servicing drainage systems. The cost of a tank starts from 100 thousand rubles - this is for a typical volume of 10 cubic meters, there are both smaller and larger products, so here the entrepreneur chooses exactly the equipment that suits his work format. As a result, a fully equipped car will cost 200 thousand rubles - that is, together with the cost of an average vehicle, the entrepreneur will have to allocate 1.7 million. It is also worth noting that this is the cost of a simple sewer truck that pumps waste from small private plots; for example, a sludge sucker, which is designed for more complex cleaning, costs significantly more, considering its complete set. However, such transport may be needed if you develop your own business, that is, at first there is no need to purchase such installations. But later, when a client base has been developed and the entrepreneur has earned a positive reputation, the acquisition of such equipment will become a new stage in the development of his own enterprise. Even then it’s worth thinking about opening your own serviced vehicle fleet. It must be said that it does not always make sense to immediately buy a large-volume tank, because customers are unlikely to make large orders at first, and a large tank means large maintenance costs. Therefore, many start with a car that can pump out no more than 5 cubic meters of waste at a time. The cost of a 3-4 cubic meter tank is 50-70 thousand rubles. Hence the principle of pricing - no calculation is made of exactly how much waste was pumped out; the customer pays for the call itself; Many companies set hourly rates. And here, a small machine can, due to the fact that it costs the entrepreneur less to maintain, cost less per hour for the client. Thus, the client orders a car to his site, specialists come and carry out the procedure within a relatively short time.

Next, you need to find employees who are ready to deal with such an unpleasant task. Be that as it may, there are not too many people willing to work in this area, hence the relatively high level of wages. A standard call involves 2 people, one of whom is also a transport driver. The salary level of each employee is from 30 thousand rubles, they also receive a small percentage from each order, so in the end their salary is at least 50 thousand. Of course, these numbers may vary depending on the region, but this is the average level. Ideally, you need to have 4 employees so that you can work any day of the week, but usually at first, during the development of your company, there are not too many orders, so employees can go to work only as needed. Subsequently, it will be possible to supplement the staff. In addition to these specialists, it is necessary to hire administrative personnel who work with clients and organize processes. In general, at first, again, there is no critical need for such workers, and the entrepreneur or founders can independently deal with all these issues. At the same time, all business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making can be outsourced. The most striking example is accounting, because hiring a full-time accountant will cost a considerable amount every month, but outsourcers are unlikely to require more than 5 thousand rubles per month in this format of activity. If we take into account two office workers, then they will have to allocate a maximum of 25 thousand rubles for their salaries - that is, another 50 thousand.

Now we need to dwell in more detail on the principle of business organization. Sewage services, at their core, are a whole range of activities, and an enterprise can offer its clients comprehensive maintenance of sewerage systems. However, the simplest thing is pumping out wastewater, which is what the start-up company does. As you develop, you can switch to pipeline cleaning services, repair them, install septic tanks and replace them. Rarely will you have to stay longer than an hour at an average site, but you still need to calculate the time it will take to travel there and back, as well as to dispose of waste. Thus, one machine cannot fulfill too many orders per day; even 5-7 orders per day is quite a lot. The productivity of an average machine is 3 cubic meters per hour; at least another hour is needed to get to the place of call and return back. If you purchased a small tank, then with private orders you will also have to go to the waste disposal point almost every day. Large vehicles can work on a slightly tighter schedule, so the income per day from them can be quite good.

Let's calculate the starting capital:

    Registration – 20 thousand rubles (legal entity).

    Waste disposal agreement for a year – 10 thousand rubles.

    Office rent for six months and equipment – ​​110 thousand rubles.

    Buying a car – 1.5 million.

    Sewage tank and equipment – ​​200 thousand rubles.

  • Salary – from 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million 940 thousand rubles, rounded can be taken equal to 2 million.

Savings can be achieved by purchasing used equipment. The monthly expenses are 110-120 thousand rubles (including outsourcing services and office rental). The cost of one call starts at about 500 rubles, and this is only if a small car is called. Since there is no difference in exactly how much waste was collected by the machine, the entrepreneur always receives a fixed amount from one order. At the same time, large cars (that is, with a tank larger than 5 cubic meters) are already more expensive - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles per call or hour of work. At the same time, you need to understand that more than half of this amount goes to cover expenses, because you need to pay for fuel for the car. And, in fact, some more goes to the workers themselves. So to cover your expenses you have to take on a large number of orders; So, if there are even only 2 people working at the enterprise, then with an order cost of 2 thousand rubles (the average figure is taken into account - that is, at some sites it is possible to earn more due to the duration of work) you need at least three orders per day (taking into account the five-day working week) to perform to cover your expenses. If you fulfill 4 orders on average per day, then the income will be 176 thousand rubles, and the operating profit will be 56 thousand rubles. Net profit after taxes is 47.6 thousand rubles per month (according to the simplified taxation system). Be that as it may, it is unlikely that this business will be classified as an enterprise with too high profitability indicators (in our example, no more than 30%). The payback period for such a project also cannot be called short - from 3 years, provided that good equipment is purchased. But there are prospects for development here, and with a successful organization, it will be possible, albeit for a considerable time, to count on good profits.

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Matthias Laudanum
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There is no need to convince anyone that money doesn’t smell. If only there was an opportunity to earn them legally and with adequate investments. If you have some capital, then it can be directed to an area of ​​activity that you have hardly thought about. We propose an idea - a sewer truck as a business.

2 options for making a profit

  1. Purchasing a sewer truck for the purpose of renting it out. For example, based on the GAZ-53 with a capacity of 3.8 cubic meters.
  2. Providing services for pumping out liquid waste, personally driving a sewer truck or hiring a driver.

What features do you need to know first?

Attention! The implementation of such activities requires official registration. You can risk it “this way” at the initial stage, but it is worth considering that the competent authorities are “not asleep” and if they discover that the activity is illegal, the driver will lose his right to drive a vehicle.

What is a sewer machine

A vehicle for pumping out and transporting sewage and waste for further disposal is called a sewer truck. Its design solution assumes the presence of:

  • sealed tank;
  • powerful vacuum pump;
  • hose (sleeve) for collecting waste water.

The operating principle of such special equipment when filling a tank is based on the technology of vacuum created by a vacuum pump. In turn, this unit is put into operation by the vehicle engine. The principle of emptying the internal volume of the tank is gravity.

Attention! A sewer truck as a business can be domestically assembled or foreign. There are differences in the volume of waste that can be carried away in one trip. And the power of the pump, as well as the performance of the vehicle itself and, in particular, the chassis, accordingly depend on this parameter.

The essence and price of the issue

The cost of a sewer truck is a key factor influencing the price of pumping services. If we talk about the usual pumping of sewage from a cesspool or sewer well, then the cost will be approximately equal to 1,000 rubles per 1 cubic meter of wastewater. However, the sewage disposal service is not limited to such work only. At the request of the client it is possible to produce:

  • collection and removal of toxic waste;
  • cleaning drainage wells;
  • drainage of pits;
  • drainage of reservoirs;
  • tank cleaning;
  • cleaning of settling tanks;
  • cleaning dry closets;
  • pumping out wastewater in car washes, etc.

If an individual entrepreneur sits behind the wheel of a sewer truck, has invested in advertising and has a certain client audience, then he will make about 10 trips a day. The price of such equipment on the secondary market (domestic production) in good technical condition is from 500,000 rubles. The average volume of a cesspool or well is 3 cubic meters. Based on such data, an approximate calculation of profitability is obtained:

(1 pit x 3 cubic meters x 1000 rubles) x 10 = 30,000 rubles - this is revenue for one day

If we assume that 20 days will be worked at this pace in a month, we will get:

20 x 30,000 = 600,000 rubles

From here, of course, you need to deduct the costs of fuel, maintenance, taxes and issuance of permits, parking and the driver’s salary, if he is hired, etc. In any case, when fully loaded, the investment will pay off in about six months.

Important! Practical experience shows that in a settlement with a population of 50,000 people, the presence of 2 sewer trucks (like a transport business for two different individual entrepreneurs) will not be able to satisfy consumer demands. In this case, a situation will arise when a queue forms to receive a service and it is not a fact that, having called once and received a temporary refusal, the consumer will again turn to the same specialist, and not to his competitor.

What to offer clients

  1. Working seven days a week – focusing on providing services at a time convenient for the client.
  2. Removal of not only liquid sewage, but also sediment at the bottom of pits.
  3. We offer regular clients the cost of services on individual terms.
  4. The client should not hear the word “no”. If you often have to refuse due to lack of time, then you need to expand your activities by purchasing or renting another sewer truck as a business tool.

In conclusion: relationship with the traffic police

In this regard, the individual entrepreneur will not experience any problems. Road inspectors practically never stop such cars. Firstly, the cargo does not belong to the category of dangerous. Secondly, there is a certain psychological motive - traffic cops do not want to take documents from the driver of such a specific car for inspection.

Well, okay! The main thing is that if you “scour” the advertisements on regional Internet boards and in the local press, then the services of a vacuum cleaner are offered very sparingly. This means that it is easier to build a profitable business in this area than in other business areas.

In the old days, vacuum cleaners were called gold diggers. This nickname came from the name of the waste that they transported from cities at night - “night gold”. Thus, the profitability of this business attracted attention back in the Middle Ages. This business is still profitable today. Moreover, modern equipment reliably protects the driver and workers from unpleasant odors and other costs of this traditionally considered unaesthetic production. Looking at a modern sewage disposal machine, it is hardly possible to determine the specific type of its operation.

Statistics that know everything say that in Russia there are more than 45 million houses that are serviced by sewer machines. This fact alone indicates the profitability of such a business.

At first glance, a completely unattractive sewage disposal business can bring quite a lot of money to the organizer. There has always been, is and will be a demand for such a service. The workload of orders fluctuates slightly, increasing in the spring-summer season.

If there are already competitors operating where you are planning to organize the provision of sewage disposal services, you should not give up your idea. You just need to study their business well, find weaknesses and offer consumers a better and at the same time cheaper service. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time, but the result is worth the effort. A properly drawn up business plan will help you achieve success.

The need for a business plan

The beginning of the proper organization of any business is drawing up a detailed business plan. Although the organization and provision of sanitation services has its own specific characteristics, in any case it is necessary to adhere to the general rules for drawing up such a document.

A business plan is a document that needs to reflect as fully as possible a comprehensive analysis of both the market for the provision of the planned service, and describe the technical and legal support, as well as calculate the necessary financing to put the project into practice and its successful operation.

Any business plan involves a comprehensive analysis of the future project and consists of the following main subsections: summary, strategy, market analysis, workforce (management and personnel), technology, finance. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

First section - summary

Many sections of the business plan at first glance seem unnecessary, so clear is the need to take into account certain nuances in future activities. However, do not be lazy to put them on paper. You will find that a detailed description of a particular topic will reveal something that is not visible at first glance. As successful businessmen say, the devil is in the details. It is precisely accurate calculation and anticipation of future difficulties, ready-made solutions in response to suddenly arising problems that distinguish profitable business from gradually fading enterprises.

The section provides a brief description of the future business. It needs to reflect:

  • the purpose of the business being created;

Having written down, for example, the provision of services to private homeowners for cleaning cesspools, think about who else in your area may need services for the removal of liquid or similar waste, note to yourself the need to constantly search for such clients.

  • plans for possible development for the next two to three years;
  • a detailed description of the service you are going to provide;
  • list of existing competitors;
  • anticipate the possibility of competitors emerging in the future;
  • a description of a competitive market that already exists;
  • describe the segment of the existing market that you plan to occupy;
  • indicate a feature of your service that will make your business more attractive than that of competitors;
  • the planned time to enter the market for such services;
  • a brief forecast of possible future financial third-party flows that can be invested in business development - both the most optimistic and the most pessimistic forecasts must be taken into account;
  • an indication of the need for additional investments, or a justification for why they can be dispensed with.

The modern organization of a sewage disposal business includes three fundamental points:

  • the ability to establish contacts with the consumer of the service, as well as with the management staff of various regulatory and permitting organizations;
  • knowledge of processes, as well as sanitary standards for waste disposal;
  • modern high-performance equipment that consumes a minimum amount of fuel.

However, before you invest real money in this business, you need to find out how many of them are located in your city or within reach of where the sewer truck is parked. The distance should not exceed the limit, an increase in which will make the business unprofitable due to fuel and lubricant costs. When calculating the distance, you must also take into account the road to the place where the contents of the car are drained.

When determining the circle of future clients, it is rational to proceed from the fact that not only owners of private houses need such services. The list includes:

  • companies that own dry closets;
  • swimming pools;
  • car washes;
  • settling tanks;
  • sewerage systems;
  • septic tanks;
  • waste from medical institutions and food industry enterprises.

The possibility of providing services in cases of emergency flooding of basements should not be excluded.

As the owners of such businesses note, they receive the greatest income during the spring-summer season when working in resort areas. The list of main customers includes summer mobile cafeterias and other points equipped with dry closets.

Determining the cost of the service provided

The cost of the service provided is calculated as follows:

  1. Initially, you should decide in what radius from where you park your car you intend to provide services.
  2. Conduct marketing research - call all the numbers indicated in the advertisements for advertisements advertising the same service, find out about the cost of the sewer truck service, do not forget to inquire about the bonuses and discounts that you can get by ordering a sewer truck in reality. Go around private houses whose owners use the services of sewerage machines, ask what they are dissatisfied with, what they would like to receive in the form of bonuses. This way, you can calculate what price future customers are willing to pay you.

Calculate how much fuel and lubricants you need to spend, the time it takes to get there, do the work itself, deliver the contents to the dump site, and the dump itself. You can then use this data when calculating the time to complete specific orders and plan work for the current and subsequent days.

The first part of the work is to get to the address specified by the customer. You should not expect that you will always have to drive on an excellent asphalt highway. Many of those who need such a service live in houses with access to a dirt road.


When thinking about your future activities, decide what kind of car you need.

Modern highly profitable companies use several types of machines:

  • vacuum machine;
  • drainage units and installations;
  • vacuum units;
  • self-propelled vehicles.

Also, the following basic requirements are imposed on sewage disposal machines:

  • the machine must be safe for workers and fully comply with relevant safety requirements;
  • the machine must not only load quickly, but also unload quickly;
  • to prevent leaks, the equipment must have sufficient sealing;
  • equipment should be as automated as possible;
  • The design of the machine must ensure its quick cleaning.

The main parts of a high-quality sewage disposal machine are:

  • vacuum pump with drive;
  • tank;
  • receiving hatch with suction hose;
  • control valves with pipeline;
  • signaling and safety device;
  • platforms, as well as additional equipment.

The tank is filled due to the lower pressure in it created by the pump. Today's equipment can provide sewage collection speeds of up to 360 mᵌ/hour.

There are vehicles on the market with different volumes of tanks for transporting sewage and liquid waste. The most common volumes are 3 mᵌ, 10 mᵌ, 16 mᵌ. There are vehicles equipped with tanks with a large volume of 25 mᵌ.

The tanks can be installed on GAZ, MAZ, KAMAZ vehicles.

When planning your future business and considering the purchase of a car, you can proceed from the average prices on the market. An imported high-performance machine can cost up to five million rubles; domestic manufacturers offer machines in the price range of one million rubles. A used sewage disposal machine can be found for 100,000-150,000 rubles. But the benefits of cheapness often turn out to be illusory. Such a machine requires more fuel and lubricants, it needs maintenance more often, and this is not only the cost of spare parts, but also the fact that every downtime will deprive you of earnings. Consider whether it would be better to attract an investor. A well-drafted business plan will help you with this, which will show not only your passion for your future business, but also your qualifications.

The waste collected in the tank is disposed of in special places at drainage stations or in sewage disposal fields. Such fields are specially allocated plots of land. The feces brought to them undergo special treatment and are subsequently used as fertilizer. Drain stations are located on drain collectors. It is a system of channels into which the contents of tanks are drained.

A certain fee is charged for using such recycling services. And these are additional expenses that need to be taken into account in the business plan. Prices for the number of cubic meters. Don't count on uncontrolled drainage. The fines for this are high enough to affect the well-being of even those running a big business.

Required Documentation

In addition to registering as an individual entrepreneur, you need to decide which taxation system will be most suitable specifically for starting a business. When registering, you must accurately indicate OKVED, so that in the future it does not turn out that you are engaged in unauthorized activities.

The next step is opening a bank account.

The third step is obtaining a waste disposal license. This will require the development and approval of a control procedure regarding the management of consumer and industrial waste.

The license itself is issued by a government organization such as the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. The application for a license will need to be accompanied by an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor regarding waste management.

The package of documents for obtaining a license also includes:

  • application requesting a license;
  • a copy of the constituent documents;
  • the package of documents includes a copy of the certificate of state registration as a legal entity or a copy of the certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax office, and also indicate the taxpayer identification number;
  • a document confirming payment of the license fee;
  • information from those specialists who will carry out the declared type of activity in practice, as well as documents that confirm their right to work with hazardous waste;
  • You will need to provide data on regulatory and methodological support, as well as organizational and technical capabilities, information about previous activities confirming the presence of relevant experience
  • documents on relevant logistics;
  • documentary data on the compliance of the vehicle and equipment with the requirements that are presented for the performance of licensed activities;
  • documents confirming the possibility of monitoring compliance with the impact on nature determined by the relevant standards as a result of licensed activities;
  • a copy of the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service on the possibility of collecting and transporting hazardous waste;
  • payment of the license fee.

As you can see, the package of required documents is quite large, and the slightest mistake will lead to a refusal to issue a license. Therefore, without having the relevant experience and without keeping track of emerging changes in requirements, it is best to contact specialists who provide services for preparing and obtaining the appropriate license. The costs of such a service should also be included in the business plan.

The maximum period for studying the submitted documents, making a decision and issuing a license is two months. Licenses are issued with a validity period of three to five years.

Premises and staff

The competent organization of any business includes the creation of an office. You will need an employee with sufficient qualifications to handle bookkeeping. Someone will have to take calls and requests from clients. Someone will have to conduct monitoring studies and look for ways to optimize and expand the business. Of course, if the business is not very large, all these functions can be performed by one person. You must take all this into account and reflect it in your business plan. Today, many types of office work and accounting reporting are automated; many issues can be resolved without visiting the relevant institution online. Therefore, you should worry about the appropriate technical equipment of the office and Internet connection.

The sewer truck must have a place where it will be parked, undergo appropriate maintenance, and, if necessary, both routine and major repairs will be carried out. If you do not have your own garage and intend to rent it, you should look for a suitable one in places located as close as possible to the locations of future clients.

For practical work, a driver will be required. If you do not intend to do this work yourself, but use hired labor, you need to hire only someone who has the relevant experience. At the same time, it would not be amiss to ask his previous place of work about his professionalism and the reasons for his dismissal.

In addition to private property owners, large industrial enterprises may be interested in the services of vacuum cleaners. Since industrial development often does not involve a connection to a central sewer system, there is a need to clean autonomous sewer systems.

When drawing up a business plan, keep in mind that during the warm season of the year there is much more work. Therefore, you should consider the possibility of working in several shifts or renting another car for this period.

For proper business planning, it is customary to initially count expenses, rather than profits.

The main expenses will have to be incurred on the purchase of machinery and equipment.

As an analysis of the activities of a successful business in the field of removal of liquid fecal waste shows, the most successful are those who use imported equipment. The initial costs in this case are of course higher, but as the business progresses, the positions level out and subsequently the profitability of using imported equipment turns out to be significantly higher.

Japanese sewer trucks are considered the most profitable. They have a number of advantages:

  • low consumption of fuel and lubricants, Japanese cars, as a rule, have diesel engines, while pumping out waste is carried out practically at idle speed;
  • long hose length, Japanese equipment is equipped with an automatic hose reeling system, you can use hoses up to 100 meters long (more on some models), and this will allow you to perform even complex work that would be inaccessible to competitors;
  • there is no need to talk about the quality and reliability of Japanese technology;
  • design features: in Japanese technology, the inside of the barrel is welded with partitions that prevent compression of the walls of the tank, the inside of the tank is galvanized, and this guarantees the absence of rust if you expect to run your business for many years, the measuring window is made from the very top to the bottom, so it is easy and it is possible to monitor the process of filling the barrel;
  • reliability of the pumps, a cooling system that uses oil, as well as an effective lubrication system, which ensures very long and high-quality operation of the pumps for a long time without breakdowns.

New Japanese sewer trucks are quite expensive, for example, the new Japanese sewer truck Hyundai HD250 equipped with an 11 m tank costs around five million rubles. On the used car market you can find around one and a half million rubles. Of course, in comparison with a used GAZ 3307, which was released in 2000 and costs around 180,000 rubles and the cost of a tank with a set of equipment is 120,000 rubles, such a car seems very expensive. However, this difference in cost is very quickly repaid due to the efficiency of the Japanese model and low fuel consumption.

Despite the increase in start-up costs, it is more profitable to buy a sludge pump (for example, a KO-510K sludge pump. This will significantly expand the scope of services provided; it will be possible not only to pump out and transport septic tanks, but also to transport non-explosive and non-aggressive waste, clean sewers and wells of sludge, deliver technical water.

The average cost of sewage treatment services ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per cubic meter. Let's take an average cost of 1,750 rubles per cubic meter. Suppose you need to remove ten cubic meters of waste. A GAZ vehicle with a tank of 3 cubic meters will be able to transport in one trip to sewerage fields or to a drainage station the amount of material for which consumers will pay 3x1750 = 5250 rubles. Thus, to remove 10 mᵌ of waste, three trips will be required and earnings will be 15,750 rubles. A Japanese car with a tank capacity of ten cubic meters can earn 10x1750 = 17,000 rubles in one trip. At the same time, fuel costs are only for the mileage from the location of the vehicle to the consumer - from the consumer to the drainage point - from the drainage location to the deployment location. A GAZ car will need to cover the distance from the consumer to the drainage point five times. This means not only additional costs for fuel and lubricants, but also increasing depreciation costs.

Business development prospects

This paragraph reflects plans to increase the number of services provided, improve its quality, and as a result, increase business profitability. There are two strategies for such development. At least one of them must be reflected in the business plan.

  1. Extensive business development strategy. This strategy is based on a constant increase in the number of pumpings performed. This can be achieved by hiring another driver to provide services in two shifts. The second step is purchasing another car. If you park this car in another place, you can significantly expand the boundaries of the territory in which the service is provided.
  2. Intensive development strategy. In case of oversaturation of the market for the provision of sewerage services and great competition, it is worth using this strategy. Within its framework, the main attention is paid to the quality of the service provided, convenience for customers, and the formation of a base of regular customers. The business organizer will be required to constantly ensure that the ordered vehicles arrive at exactly the agreed time, are pumped out promptly and do not leave dirt behind. The only excuse for not arriving on time is an accident. But even in this case, work with the client does not stop. You need to call, apologize, explain the reason for the order failure and try to solve the client’s problem, sometimes even incurring personal costs - for example, finding a free car from a competitor and fulfilling the order. In this way, you can develop a circle of clients and ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise, which means increasing its profitability.

Financial part

This section displays and lists by position:

  • the amount of funds you have;
  • how much funds and at what percentage can be raised additionally;
  • describes in detail point by point where and on what the funds will be spent;
  • the minimum number of orders that must be completed is calculated to ensure the financial stability of the business and payment of obligations;
  • profitability and profitability are determined taking into account all taxes and the so-called “hidden payments”, which depend on the conditions prevailing in your locality;
  • the possibility of business development is calculated and the possibility of directing profits to development or the lack of such an opportunity is justified.

These are, in brief, the general requirements that apply to a business plan for organizing the provision of sewage disposal services.

Each of us wants to earn good money, but not everyone knows how to do it. There are many different ways, but it is always better to work for yourself. One of the ways to make money in the service market is the sewage cleaning business. It would seem that it could be simpler - buy yourself a car with a barrel, and the job is done. But no, like any other business, there are pitfalls here, which the purpose of this article is to tell you.

Pros and cons of business

Of course, not everyone agrees to work with human waste and other obscenities. But given the relatively little competition in the market for these services, it’s worth it. Also, the undoubted advantages of the sewage disposal business include low labor costs. If you have certain skills, you can do it yourself, without resorting to the services of hired workers. But it is worth remembering that there are different vehicles: there are vacuum trucks based on passenger Gazelle cars, and there are cargo vacuum trucks, in order to operate them you need to be retrained, at least for category C1, and if the truck is more than 7.5 tons, then even category C.

The disadvantages of the sewage disposal business include a number of key points necessary to start this business, which we will discuss below.

Business registration

Naturally, to open your own business, the first thing you need to do is register with the tax authority. Whatever form of enterprise you open, be it individual entrepreneurship, limited liability company or any other form of activity, you must comply with current legislation, since the basis for future earnings will be the concluded agreements with enterprises. And without the appropriate documents, no one will deal with you. You can, of course, eke out a living by serving the private population and other dacha cooperatives. But this is far from the idea of ​​a truly working business.

Choice of legal form

So, in the modern world there is nothing easier than registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur. The easiest way is to submit a notification in the appropriate section of your personal account on the website of the federal tax service If this is not possible, go to the nearest tax authority and submit an application.

It is important to remember that when registering an individual entrepreneur, you can choose a special tax regime: a single tax on imputed income (UTI) or a patent. The main disadvantages of ENDV include the fact that the scope of activity in which it can be used is very limited. A patent has a limited list of activities with which it can be applied. However, if you have a friend or a relative who wants to show some concern, then you can register a limited liability company. This organizational and legal form undoubtedly provides greater advantages in terms of an extensive list of clients and various forms of ownership. But it is difficult to maintain more serious accounting.

OKVED codes

When registering, do not forget to indicate OKVED codes. This is either 37.00 - collection and treatment of wastewater, or 38.21 - treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste (this will help you save a little on disposal).

Required documents

Of course, do not forget that for registration you need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a taxpayer identification number (TIN), as well as the necessary receipts for payment of state fees. In case of registration of a legal entity - a certificate of the existence of an account with a balance of at least 10 thousand rubles.

Variants of sewage disposal machines

So, half the battle is done. Now the most important thing remains - choosing a tool for the job. That is, the choice of a sewer truck. Conventionally, they can be classified into several groups:

Automobile Vehicle category Tonnage Note
Gazelle and other light-duty trucks IN Up to 3.5 tons Considering the weight itself, the volume of sewage collected is not large, only a cube or 1.5.
Medium-duty trucks (GAZ, ZIL, Valdai and others) C1 Up to 7.5 tons Can transport up to 3.5 cubic meters of wastewater.
Trucks, including all-terrain vehicles WITH From 7.5 tons It is unprofitable for small volumes of transportation, as well as in small cities and on narrow streets.

It follows that you need to select a car for work strictly for your planned place of earnings. Since prices for vacuum trucks vary significantly. From 150 thousand rubles for a light-duty truck in acceptable working condition to 1 million rubles for the same one, just off the assembly line. It is also worth taking into account future breakdowns, and in connection with this, the availability of services, as well as auto parts stores. Therefore, in Central Russia it is more profitable to use domestic cars, and in Primorye you can choose a good-quality foreign car. It all depends on the market.

Which car should I choose?

And yet which car to choose. Considering the huge prevalence of domestic trucks, the best choice for starting a business would be a medium-tonnage vehicle. You can again try your luck on a small sewer truck, but you need to understand that you won’t see large orders. And hiring a driver for such a car is simply an unreasonable waste of money, unless you have a driver's license.

Huge trucks are used in industrial plants where large amounts of wastewater must be removed and disposed of immediately. Therefore, the optimal start would be a truck with a 3 - 3.5 cubic meter barrel. The average price for such used cars is from 200 thousand rubles for fairly shabby cars to 500 - 600 thousand for quite decent examples. The main sewers are built from concrete rings with an average capacity of 1 cubic meter. It’s rare that anyone manages to find a 3-5 cubic meter iron barrel. That is why the most justified purchase is a 3.5 cc truck. As a last resort, you will come to the client again. Moreover, the cost is taken per volume, and not per car. I bought a car, what do I need for it? Check the hoses, or better yet buy new ones. Watching a person work with hoses that have decayed over time and spill puddles of sewage around is a very pathetic sight.

Vacuum truck 3.7 cubic meters based on GAZ

Do you need staff?

Next, you need to take care of the office for receiving orders. You can, of course, set up an office in the cabin of your sewer truck. But few people will take this seriously as a serious business. Also, if a legal entity is formed, it is necessary to have at least one accountant. And preferably - an operator for working with the client base.

Drain point for sewer trucks

Now about where to put all that “good” that you diligently downloaded? You need to enter into an agreement with the wastewater treatment plant in your city. Usually they are managed by the Gorvodokanal, or ZhEK. Of course, they can refuse you the contract, but you will not be draining fecal water for neutralization for free either. On average, such an agreement will cost 10–15 thousand rubles per year. Agree, it’s not such a huge amount, considering the price of pumping from the consumer is 500-700 rubles per cubic meter. You can, of course, pour sewage into the nearest ditch and wait for environmentalists to catch you. It happens that unscrupulous people use it to empty household waste dumps. But from a moral point of view, this is simply disgusting. Therefore, we conclude a disposal agreement and confidently get to work.

Features of customer search

Don't forget about advertising. Writing your phone number on your own vehicle is the minimum that needs to be done. Place an ad in the newspaper. You can spend a little more and run a ticker on television; many local channels do this. These are mandatory measures that need to be spent on at the initial stage of business. It is necessary to personally find large volumes of work. Considering that Bidding is currently open for large orders, you also need to have knowledge in this area. So as not to miss out on the most “delicious pies”. After all, you can sign a contract and discuss one or several enterprises for a whole year, and even earn extra money in the periphery.

How much money do you need to start?

So, let's summarize. How much start-up capital is required to start a sewage cleaning business:

  • registration actions and other fees - an average of 15 thousand rubles;
  • The main tool is a car vacuum cleaner. On average 500 thousand rubles;
  • The driver's salary is 30 thousand rubles per month. Here you can save money if you work yourself;
  • The accountant's salary is 20 thousand rubles per month. Of course, if you are an individual entrepreneur, then you can hire an accountant temporarily, at the end of the quarter, to submit reports to the tax office. This will also be a plus for savings;
  • Operator salary (call center) – 15 thousand rubles. If you have a small business, then you will be both the driver and the call operator. Another plus to savings;
  • For fuels and lubricants, as well as spare parts in case of breakdown, you need to budget about 50 thousand rubles.

So, for a reliable start, you need at least 630 - 650 thousand rubles of initial capital.

Business payback and how much you can earn

But how to make money? It was already stated above that on average pumping 1 cubic meter of fecal water costs 500-700 rubles. Considering the average area of ​​populated areas, you can load a owl car with a volume of 3.5 cubic meters in 1 hour. So, in an 8-hour day, if you have a good customer base and regular orders, you will make 8 flights. Having made some simple calculations, we get 16,800 rubles per day. Per month including weekends - already 504 thousand rubles. Minus the already mentioned expenses for wages and taxes, and we will get a pretty decent amount. Taking into account all of the above, it turns out that the average payback for a business in a large city will be no more than three months, in small cities - about six months.


As the classic said: “All works are good. Choose according to your taste." And if you dare to try yourself in the sewage disposal business, go for it. You just need to remember that any business has its pitfalls.

A sewer truck as a business is a profitable business that not many people think about. In skillful hands it brings good money. Moreover, to organize this type of business you will need a small initial capital, which is quite important for beginning entrepreneurs.

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Where to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Relations with the traffic police

Little competition and profitability make this business more attractive. Previously, the specifics of the work repelled businessmen, as it involved cleaning work and waste. But now it is gaining popularity due to the fact that it brings good income.

Advantages and disadvantages

A sewer machine is a special technique that is used to clean different rooms with different types of waste (feces). Many entrepreneurs refuse to organize this type of business due to their disgust. Others believe that this is not prestigious, so they do not pay attention to the opportunity to make decent money in this field.

The advantages of sewerage services include large income in the private sectors and. Various establishments, private homes, and sanatoriums need cleaning of sewer pipes and septic tanks. This is especially true in the summer.

Owners of sewage disposal machines claim that there is always work. And in one working day you can get decent revenue (from two thousand rubles).

Unpleasant odors during cleaning can be eliminated using hygiene products. Therefore, a novice businessman should not have a dislike for this type of activity.

All modern vacuum cleaners are equipped with special devices that help you easily clean a septic tank or sewer without getting dirty.

  • low level of competition;
  • profitability.
  • large initial costs for organizing and purchasing equipment;
  • not the cleanest job (unpleasant odors).

Where to start a business?

Private houses, sanatoriums - they all need sewerage services (according to statistics, at least 45 million premises).

Before you begin, you need to indicate in which places you will clean:

  • swimming pools;
  • basements;
  • dry closets;
  • wells (fecal);
  • settling tanks;
  • sewers;
  • pits (cesspools);
  • septic tanks.

The summer period is the most profitable for those who provide sewage disposal services. This is due to the fact that establishments that operate in the summer have dry closets that need to be cleaned.

How to choose equipment?

The sewage cleaning business involves the purchase of special equipment, in particular, a special machine. It is used to pump out sewage, transport it and dispose of it. The machine must contain:

  • tank (necessarily sealed);
  • pump (vacuum and high power);
  • hose for collecting waste water.

It is better to initially buy a vacuum cleaner machine rather than rent it. Naturally, if you don’t have the funds to buy good equipment, then it’s worth renting it rather than using a low-quality machine. Rent will cost approximately 1000-1500 thousand rubles. per day.

Multifunctional models are produced in Korea. Their cars cost about 2-3 million rubles.

Japanese models are also valued on the market. They are practical because they are diesel. During the pumping process, fuel is not wasted, which also allows you to save money. In addition, Japanese models are equipped with convenient hoses that fold up automatically. If necessary, you can install a hose 100 meters long. These machines are durable because the tank is galvanized inside.

Another convenience is that the worker can monitor how full the tank is using a measuring window built into the tank. The difference from Russian-made machines is the presence of a cooling and lubrication system for the pump. The cost of the Japanese model with an 11-cubic tank is approximately five million rubles.

If you don’t have that kind of money, then you can buy a cheaper domestically produced version or a used Japanese model. It will cost one to one and a half million rubles.

There is another option to get such equipment - you can try to win a lot with such equipment at a discount of up to 90%!

What to consider when choosing a car:

  1. Before purchasing a vehicle (scavenger), pay attention to fuel consumption. Diesel cars are initially more expensive than gasoline cars, but they are more economical.
  2. Give preference to those units that have a large capacity if you plan to clean septic tanks.

The GAZ 3307 is considered a good model. It is perfect for cleaning sewers in large Soviet-era buildings. But this vehicle cannot cope with a septic tank with a volume of four cubic meters, which needs to be pumped out in one go. A used version costs about 200 thousand rubles. But do not forget about the additional set of equipment, the price of which is approximately 150 thousand rubles.

If you plan to work in cottage villages, then purchase a KAMAZ 4308.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Before starting work, you need to complete all the documents necessary for legal activities. The most important thing is to obtain permission to drain sewage. After all, without this document you will not be able to carry out activities. If you dump waste in a place not intended for this, you can get a large fine.

To obtain a permit, you need to contact the housing and communal services department. Its cost depends on the regional location of the business. Typically the monthly fee is two to five thousand rubles.

Naturally, you cannot do without registering a business. A control form based on . It is better to choose UTII as a system for paying tax obligations.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To provide sewage disposal services, you need to purchase equipment, the cost of which depends on the country of origin and condition. New Japanese-made equipment - no less than four to five million rubles.

Korean model - about two million rubles. Domestic car - within one million rubles. A used Russian-made version – approximately five hundred thousand (depending on condition).

How much can you earn?

An entrepreneur can choose how to make money from sewerage services. The first way is to purchase specialized equipment (machine) and rent it out. You can also purchase several cars at once and rent them out for temporary use, but this requires large investments. The second method is to pump out wastewater using your own equipment, personally or with the help of a driver.

What affects the prices of services:

  • workload;
  • type and location of pumping;
  • regional location of business.

The approximate cost for pumping out a pit (four cubic meters) is within five hundred to thousand rubles. If the place where you need to pump out wastewater is located outside populated areas, then the price of services will increase depending on the mileage.

Calculating your approximate income is easy. To do this, you need to take into account the fact that residents of one private house order a vacuum cleaner approximately once every three months. If there are a large number of houses (more than 1000), revenue increases. Of course, not all people will use your services, but some will still resort to your help. Let's take an average of 300 clients (per month). It turns out that you can perform 3,600 cleanings annually. If the price for one trip is approximately 700 rubles, then you can receive about 2.5 million rubles. in year. This is an ideal option, but with a lot of competition, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve such results, since there will be significantly fewer potential clients.

What else can you make money on today? The real estate rental business has always brought good profits. If you have an empty house or apartment, you can start now, if not, find out how to make money from real estate investmentand put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Relations with the traffic police

Road inspectors rarely slow down sewage trucks. This is because they do not see the contents these vehicles transport as a threat. The psychological side also plays a role here. People in uniform do not want to check the car documents of the drivers of such cars.

Since competition in this area is not yet fully developed, this business is attractive and profitable. There is no doubt about opening your own enterprise for cleaning sewers and other wastewater.

Do you know how much you can earn by investing in cars? If not, then look about profitable investments in cars and find out how to make 1600% on renting a regular car.